

183 ratings
Enhanced Temperature
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172.782 KB
Aug 29, 2016 @ 4:50am
Apr 14, 2018 @ 4:28am
10 Change Notes ( view )

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Enhanced Temperature

Installing this mod is a one-way trip. Already generated planets won't be affected unless you import them. Characters and their shipworlds are compatible so they can be kept. However your character will get incompatible when removing this mod. Make sure you backup your storage folder before installing this mod!

* How to import worlds *
This is done automatically. You don't need to do anything :)

* What is EnhancedTemperature? *
EnhancedTemperature is a mod that brings back the old temperature system from the beta with some heavy changes. This mod currently features:
- 8 new status effects
- 18 new environmental effects for planet based temperatures
- Exposure system
- Hypothermia system
- Hyperthermia system
- Advanced heat/hybrid source detection

* What about multiplayer? *
If you use this mod in multiplayer it is no longer required to have the mod used by everyone (pre 1.2 users could encounter logspam about missing biome status effects though)

* How does it affect gameplay? *
This mod affect your exploration experience by making it harder. Exploring cold planets will force you to stay warm, exploring hot planets will force you to stay cool. Also some equipment parts will provide certain bonuses.
Missions are excluded from this system and will provide a fallback temperature of 25C. Liquid stats and status effect stats will still aplly.

* Is there an ingame manual? *
Yes. A detailed description can be found ingame as a codex. It will introduce you to the new temperature system and also give you information about planet temperatures. The codex can be found in your shiplocker or if you already have a character simply craft it for 1 pixel.

* How to start the mod? *
To start the mod take the EHT - Starter from your shiplocker or if you already have a character simply craft it for 1 pixel. You decide when to start it so it is possible to play a character without the system even if the mod is installed.

* What mods are supported? *
Every racemod is partially compatible with this mod. Added objects won't be detected as heat sources without patch.
Every mod that changes the shipworld is partially compatible. Added objects won't be detected as heat sources without patch.
Every mod that adds new biomes will be incompatible(1). You can request a compatibiliy patch if you want.
Every compatibiliy patch will also add their information to their own EHT Codex so you will always have an overview about the EHT changes for each supported mod.

(1)If you're using new biomes that aren't supported by this mod you will have a fallback temperature of 25C on this planet so the mod won't stop working.

* Found a bug? *
If you find a bug please provide a detailed description what you were doing and attach a copy of your starbound.log. Without this information i'm not able to help you.

* Have questions? *
Most things are explained in the ingame codex so make sure to read it first.
It is possible that i forgot something to add in the codex. If you find something please let me know.

Compatibility patches:
EHT/Better Barren - Elysium Worlds:

For a non-steam-version visit:
Redistribution permissions apply from above link!

~ Iris ~
Popular Discussions View All (2)
Sep 21, 2022 @ 1:25pm
PINNED: Current update plans
Mia Crysthira
Manuel Dec 29, 2023 @ 9:51am 
hello . you can make a compatibility patch for the legacy pack , please ?
and thanks , for make this mod . starbound needs more logic like this .
Dorito DeVito Dec 12, 2023 @ 2:16pm 
Is this mod visible on github? I revisit Starbound every year or two to see what's been done for the removed temperature feature and would love to take a look at this.
FortheHorde17 Nov 21, 2022 @ 1:19am 
could you update this mod to be compatible with mods like varied planets or atmosphere plus?
Mia Crysthira  [author] Nov 13, 2022 @ 5:37pm 
Yes they affect it underground. No it's intended that desert planets become quite cold during the night. Data for Earth which only has regional effects based on location:
Given that its not regional deserts in Starbound but the planet's overall type I went for a slightly colder temperature during the night.
xpali2 Nov 13, 2022 @ 4:52am 
Is it normal for desert planets to get to -10 in the nights? Or are some of my mods interfering with other mods?
xpali2 Nov 13, 2022 @ 4:50am 
Do fires, beds, tents, being inside or underground affect how quickly your temperature drops or rises?
horseyzero Aug 8, 2022 @ 2:51pm 
Alright, that's okay <3
Mia Crysthira  [author] Aug 7, 2022 @ 7:52pm 
Thing is I have no clue on how FU is working these days and the modding API of Starbound is still very limited when it comes to extracting actual information from the planet files themself e.g. what sub-biome you're currently in. With this access I could do so much more. Q_Q

As for FU I am actually hesitating. As far as I am aware it has it's own sort of temperature system. So a patch for FU would probably require extra adjustments to make it fit to the overall experience. So yea...can't promise anything on that one. I'm sorry :c
horseyzero Aug 7, 2022 @ 9:41am 
Do you think you could make a patch for frackin' universe planets/biomes? I know this'll work with them anyway but I think it would be cool (haha punny-) to have dark planets be naturally colder due to having less light
Tmerus Jul 13, 2022 @ 11:53am 
hm... well there is some way to show info in separate window... Minimap mod do that. But I don't fully understand lua lang so can't fully understand the code behind it... Also it seems that "no updates" is better for mod development because some fundamentaly (for starbound...) new things show up from time to time