Atlantic Fleet

Atlantic Fleet

25 个评价
Submarine hunting!
由 Mufen-z 制作
This giude is made for those who cant quite seem to kill those little tin cans. I am going ot teach you how to get the can opener and tear that can apart!
Protect what matters
You are protecting a fleet. Say a battleship, carrier, and a cruiser. You have 2 destroyers. You are being attacked by 1 Submarine. The submarine goes first. He is almsot always going to fire at your BB, CV, or CA / CL. He is always going to fire 4 torpedoes in a spread. Turn all of your ships away from the sub. As the target of the torpedoes you should try and dodge by turning away. If you have to turn into the attack (twords the U boat) you should keep heading twords the U boat. Dont head strait for him. Go at him at a slight angle. like this : submarine ---> l

You are the diangle line. This sentance should be ingnored....... /

this way when he fires his next torp at you, he will have to aim ahead of you. Then you just turn your rudder a slight bit and it will miss. In the picture above you would turn to port. Keep doing this until you are about to ram the submarine. While doing this move everything else away from the sub (- DD's)

If you can turn away to dodge the torps the previous does not apply.

If there is 2 subs or more just focus on dodging all the topredoes first then hunt them.

Dodging correctly:
Dodging incorrectly:
Hunting the Submarine
As a Destroyer you should head twords the Submarine. As mentioned in the last section do not head strait twords it. Head in at a slight angle. When you dodge a topedo using this method, turn enough so you are in a slant in the other direction. You are switching from / to \. This way you are in postion to dodge the second torpedo. After you dodge the second torpedo you should go strait at him for one turn. In the next turn turn as hard as you can to port or starboard. You should be broadsiding the submarine at this point. *note, you are close to the sub at this point* You have to options from here. You can fire a torpedo at the sub. Aim just at the nose, this is almsot a guranteed kill. On the other hand if you are trying to conserve torpedoes... Don't do anything. The german submarine will have reloaded by now. He will fire way ahead of your bow because you are broadside. Now you will turn strait twords him (full rudder turn). His torpedo will miss and you will be super close to him. he will stay at periscope depth and do nothing. In your turn should should head strait towrds him. If you are lucky you might ram him, but usually you dont go far enough and land 1 or 2 feet short. The submarine is going to dive. You might be wondering why he wouldnt fire a torpedo. You are right on top of him so it would not have time to arm. Back to topic. He willn ow be a green circle on the surface. If done corrcectly he should be right infront of you.

If you have a carrier equip the planes with depth charges and they can sink the submarine very quickly

You should always check if you get airstrikes in the beginning too.
Killing the submarine
This part of the battle starts off where the last one ended. The submarine has dived and is right infront of you. Before you move, put your throttle on back. I will tell you why later. You will move forward and the green circle will be right behind you. Select your depth charges. They should kill him. However if they don't, the submarine will dive even further down. But you have your throttle on back. You will still go forward a little bit. He will still be in depth charge range. Depth charge him again. This has a small chance of killing him. If it doesn't die he will dive even deeper. In your turn you will still go further ahead. He will be too far behind you to depth charge him. He will msot likely just move, but from here on out he has a small chance of leaving combat. In your turn you will start reversing. He is in Depth charge range again. Keep backing up and Depth charging him. He will die sooner or later!

optimal depth charging position

A job well done!

Oh dear
I have found that this method of killing submariens works very well. It works about 18/20 times. Sometimes when you broadside him near the end you are jsut a little but to clsoe and he can hit you with his torpedo in the same turn as he fires it. If this happens your are screwed and will most certainly die. You can usaully tell when you are to close. And if you think so jsut torpedo him. because if he can hit you with his topr, you can do the same to him.

I hope this guide helps. If there are 2 submarines just dodge all the torpedoes in the start and go after 1 using the same method.

This method works against type 7 and type 9 submarines. It probably works against the british subs too. However agaisnt type 21 subs... They reload a topredo every turn so when you go to broadside them you have to torpedo them, if you turn in they will have reloaded.
13 条留言
Skybaxx 2023 年 8 月 5 日 上午 1:52 
Turning away from the torps never works, for capital ships. All you're doing is presenting the stern of the ship to a torpedo hit (the engine room), which is the worst area to get hit. If you are hit, you have no power, which means no movement or flood/damage control.

Turn towards the torps, but also hit full reverse. It takes time for capital ships, but you are presenting a much narrower 'target'... plus, by using full reverse, it makes for a much tighter turn. Battleships can afford to take a hit or two on the belt (and they probably will), but it's damage that can be repaired.
U-666 2022 年 4 月 21 日 上午 11:04 
i just torp them. works 9/10 times
lbliston 2021 年 10 月 21 日 下午 12:14 
Hedge Hog with another escort spotting with ASDIC
Panzershark 2021 年 2 月 28 日 上午 2:27 
The best way to kill subs in this game is to get close enough with a DD and fire a single torp right at it, as if you are at the right range, that torp will hit it during the firing animation and kill it with no chance at retaliation. If you approach from the sides, the sub often poses no threat. The inverse is also true if you are trying to kill that last pesky DD as the Germans.
GrenadeBait 2020 年 1 月 19 日 下午 7:32 
:rank2: I stopped using DCs against subs and switched to a similar approach pattern which keeps me at a distance so the subs will stay at periscope depth. I then do a sharp turn to port/starboard to expose my torpedo arc and fire two torpedoes to bracket the sub. It kills it with at least one torp about 95% of the time.

:rank3: Seriously...the DCs are useless with the exception that they make for great underwater screenshots of the sub under attack :lol: Also, the corvettes are also useless as their speed is too slow in-game to take on the sub effectively. I fact I stick to destroyers with 8 or more torpedoes for sub hunting.

:rank5: NOTE - using this tactic could spoil the game a bit... as it creates such a high success rate. I set a rule for myself to use the tactic only when under attack by two or more subs, and when there is only one left I switch from torpedo attack to DC to give the last sub a fighting chance. :USCap02:
the evil one 2020 年 1 月 9 日 下午 2:19 
torps are the sub killers
ajsdecepida 2019 年 10 月 9 日 下午 5:14 
Go to the tactical "M" map and scale to 16x. Be sure you drag your BB to the centre of a 16x block. Then count the distance between the sub & your BB in 16x blocks. Multiply that count by 0.6335 and you'll have a decent fix for the gun angle. If you note the relative position of the sub within its 16x box. This will give you an approximate plus-minus adjustment to the calculated angle. Think of each segment of a 16x box as a 10th of a degree. When you get good at it, you'll be able to kill subs at first shot. Bet the sub cmdr goes down baffled big time.
Mufen-z  [作者] 2016 年 12 月 19 日 下午 2:30 
Yes I know, but I was kind of using an anology, assuming you where reffering to the opening paragraph.
Curious142 2016 年 12 月 6 日 上午 12:26 
Submarines aren't tin cans. Destroyers are tin cans.
Mufen-z  [作者] 2016 年 9 月 12 日 下午 6:34 
Yeah it doesnt hurt anything to do them when your really close. But when you are far away, you shound't if your trying to sink it. If you do get a lucky hit it will 9/10 dive and disengage.