Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

96 평점
Ideological Overhaul: Unity, Equality, Prosperity
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2016년 8월 5일 오전 9시 53분
2016년 8월 6일 오후 1시 24분
변경 사항 16개 ( 보기 )

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Ideological Overhaul: Unity, Equality, Prosperity

This mod makes both thematic and gameplay-related changes to every ideology, significantly improving both gameplay and immersion. In addition to some simple balancing, many policies are partly or completely unique, enabling novel strategies and synergies that can spice up the modern era.

The name of Freedom has been changed to "Prosperity."
The name of Autocracy has been changed to "Unity."
The name of Order has been changed to "Equality," and the ideology represents libertarian socialism instead of Stalinism.

Civilopedia contains historical info on the new policies.

* Common Property (level 1): Buildings are 33% cheaper.
* Communal Stores (level 2): +1 Happiness from Granaries, Shrines, Libraries, and Banks. -15% Gold from Banks.
* Communes (level 1): +1 Production, Food, Gold, Science, Culture, and Faith per City. +1 Happiness from City Connections.
* Ferrer Schools (level 1): +25% generation of Great People.
* Insurrectionary Army (level 3): If a City is immediately Annexed when you capture it, it receives a free Courthouse. +25% Combat if Equality is the preferred but not adopted Ideology of the tile-owner's Civilization. Gain 4 Influence per turn over City-States that you could demand tribute from.
* Internatonalism (level 2): +34% Tourism to other Civs that follow Equality.
* International Mutual Aid (level 3): Outgoing international Trade Routes produce -8 Gold, +2 Food, +5 Production, +5 Science, +5 Culture, +2 Tourism, and +1 Happiness. +2 Trade Route slots. +50% Science from Research Agreements.
* Labor Vouchers (level 1): +1 Production, Food, Gold, Science, Culture, and Faith per City. +1 Happiness from City Connections.
* Nonpartisanism (level 1): The number of Cities in your empire increases the cost of Policies by 67% less than normal. A Golden Age begins.
* One Big Union (level 3): +50% Tourism to Civs with less Happiness.
* Participatory Planning (level 2): +2 Production per City, +10% Production when constructing Buildings. -15% Gold and +10% Science from Markets.
* Proletkult (level 2): Earn Great Writers/Artists/Musicians 25% faster. If a City lacks the corresponding cultural guild, it gains Great Writer/Artist/Musician points equal to 3.33% of total Food and Production.
* Social Ecology (level 2): -4 Production and -4 Gold from Factories. -2 Production from Oil Wells and Offshore Platforms. +3 Science, +3 Culture, and +2 Happiness in Cities without Factories. +10% Production from Recycling Centers. Build Recycling Centers and Hydro/Nuclear/Solar Plants in half the usual time. (Note: Mod removes requirement of Factories to build Solar/Nuclear Plants.)
* United Front (level 2): City-States at war with a common enemy gift Units twice as often. Gain 2 International Brigades if at war with at least 1 Civ that doesn't follow Equality. Gain 2 International Brigades whenever you enter war against a Civ that doesn't follow Equality.
* Universal Healthcare (level 1): +1 Happiness for every 9 Citizens in the same City.
* Workers' Councils (level 1): +1 Happiness from Workshops, Factories, and Hydro/Nuclear/Solar Plants. -20% Gold and +5% Production from Stock Exchanges.

* Banana Republics (level 2): Spies are twice as likely to successfully rig elections. +1 Influence per turn over City States to which you've established a Trade Route. +2 Gold from Trade Routes to City-States.
* Consumerism (level 2): +2 Golden Age points per turn per unique Luxury Resource. +1 Gold from Specialists.
* Culture Industry (level 2): +1 Gold from each Great Work. +1 Culture from each Specialist.
* Economic Union (level 1): +3 Gold (actual number probably higher due to modifiers) from Trade Routes to other Civs that follow Prosperity.
* Enclosure (level 1): Build Factories twice as fast. +1 Population in each City. +10% Growth in each City.
* Gospel of Wealth (level 1): Specialists consume half as much food.
* ♥♥♥♥ Economicus (level 1): +1 Happiness from Mints, Banks, and Stock Exchanges.
* Laissez-Faire (level 1): Total Maintenance cost of Buildings is reduced by 15%
* Media Culture (level 3): +34% Tourism from Broadcast Towers.
* Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex (level 3): +25% Production, Science, and Gold in Cities that are building military Units. Mlitary Units cost 15% less Gold. +10 Influence from gifts of military Units to City-States.
* New Deal (level 2): Great Person Improvements and Landmarks produce +4 of their corresponding yields.
* Space Procurements (level 3): You can purchase Spaceship parts with Gold.
* Universal Healthcare (level 1): +1 Happiness per 9 Citizens in the same City.
* Universal Suffrage (level 2): Golden Ages last 50% longer. Specialists produce half as much Unhappiness.
* Veterans' Benefits (level 2): Immediately receive 6 Foreign Legions.
* Work Ethic (level 1): +25% generation of Great People.

* Autarky (level 2): The yield modifier of each of your domestic Trade Routes is increased by 50%. -8 Gold in your Capital per outgoing international Trade Routes. +2 Gold in your Capital. per City Connection and Allied City-State.
* Blood and Soil (level 1): +1 Food from Cities, Great Person Improvements, and Landmarks. Immediately receive 5 Culture per Farm or Plantation that you own.
* Co-Prosperity Sphere (level 3): +50% Tourism to Civs who are at war with a common enemy.
* Corporatism (level 2): The Maintenance cost of military Units is reduced by 33%. (BTW, "corporatism" in the context of fascism does not refer to strong corporate influence in government. It means something else entirely.)
* Cult of Personality (level 2): +1 Happiness from National Wonders. +2 Culture from Great Person Improvements.
* Futurism (level 1): +250 Tourism to all other Civs whenever a Great Writer/Artist/Musician/Engineer/Scientist is born.
* Labor Camps (level 2): +15% Production in Annexed Cities without Courthouses. +1 Production in each City per 20 global Unhappiness.
* Militarism (level 2): Your military is 50% more efficient at intimidating City-States. +1 Happiness from Barracks, Armories, and Military Academies.
* National Youth Organization (level 1): Military Units cost 20% less Gold. All new Units start with 15 EXP.
* New Man (level 1): +10% Production when building military Units. The penalty applied to wounded Units is reduced by ~75%. (Normally, Strength is reduced by (0.33 * current damage)%, e.g. 60 damage = -20%. With this Policy 60 damage = -4.8%.)
* National Palingenesis(level 1): The quantity of Strategic Resources is doubled. +5 Food and +5 Science in the Capital.
* People's Storm (level 3): All units are 25% stronger for the next 50 turns.
* Racism Against Literal Aliens (level 3): A Great Scientist and Great Engineer appear in your Capital. Great Engineers can rush Spaceship parts.
* Secret Police (level 1) Your spies are twice as likely to capture enemy spies that are trying to steal technologies. You steal technologies 50% more quickly. +1 Happiness per 20 global Unhappiness.
* Vital Space (level 2): Whenever you obtain territory by means other than conquest, receive 30 Culture and 15 Golden Age points per new tile. Whenever you conquer a City, gain 12 Culture and 6 Golden Age points per new tile. Whenever you conquer a City, a Settler appears in it. New Cities start with +2 Population and some Buildings. Raze Cities twice as quickly.
* Universal Healthcare (level 1): +1 Happiness for every 9 Citizens in the same City.
인기 토론 모두 보기(1)
2016년 8월 13일 오전 5시 51분
Polish Translation
댓글 91
Economic Terrorist 2022년 10월 23일 오후 7시 24분 
Sounds like three different flavors of Marxist gibberish.
Kane 2021년 1월 26일 오전 9시 55분 
Does not work properly. Some of the Policies effect's simply do not make changes and some of the +Happiness policies actually REDUCE happiness by the amount it is supposed to raise it.
Fnord 2020년 9월 21일 오전 5시 17분 
No third alternative? Ouch.
TheLostArchangel 2020년 7월 27일 오전 4시 38분 
A las barricadas!
Finnish Pol Pot 2020년 7월 26일 오후 6시 21분 
stalinism isn't a thing you ultra
💖 Officer Hotpants 💖 2020년 2월 6일 오전 8시 58분 
Okay, so I'm clearly going to have to use this mod & take the Racism Against Literal Aliens tenet the next time I play. And then (spiritually) carry my civ over into Beyond Earth and play appropriately.
Tetra Yon 2019년 12월 20일 오후 3시 07분 
I like the changes you made with Equality, the effects make more sense (especially with the tradeoff of profit for productivity and the like)
Vunu 2019년 11월 3일 오전 1시 47분 
any idea on how to make the ideologies discovered sooner, like in the renaissance instead of the modern era?
Tibby 2019년 10월 29일 오전 10시 24분 
I wish there was more ability for groupings of 'sub-ideologies' within larger ideologies, in the base game. Oh well. I'll just mod this to include a few policies around coops into the equality one so I can have my good old market socialism.
Economic Terrorist 2019년 7월 6일 오후 11시 12분 
For accuracy, equality should include -500% penalty to food, causing all cities to starve to death.