

64 ratings
Ship crops from anywhere
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2.567 KB
Jul 26, 2016 @ 5:11am
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Ship crops from anywhere

Allows you to ship goods (using Terramart Shipments) from anywhere.
bt0003 Feb 6, 2021 @ 1:14pm 
can you ship from a space station?
keylocke Jul 26, 2017 @ 10:47pm 
will this conflict with ship anything mod? (that mod lets you sell anything as long as it has a sell price)
Hope Sep 22, 2016 @ 4:06am 

You're worried about "logic" and "realism" when things are shot into space to arrive an indeterminate distance away near instantaneously, when there's FTL travel using mysterious pink crystals that the harvesting of makes pink floaty ghost grubs angry, and when there's infinite ammo for every weapon and /magic/ staff?

Realism and logic are not things you really should concern yourself about in this particular game.
AcidaliaPlanitia Sep 18, 2016 @ 5:09pm 
ok, ignore this if it's come up before, but maybe involving a crafting recipe requireing phasematter or a teleporter core? I loooove it and don't care about lore or what not, but it might make others happy?
G  [author] Sep 10, 2016 @ 5:31am 
@vinchenzojackal&shoon Thanks. The goal of this mod isn't to be lore friendly, but to be useful.

I just checked. I'm running 1.1.0 and the vanilla Terramart Shipments is already working as you suggest (only needs the width of the box to launch it). However, it may be possible to add your other "requirement:" having only three times the height of the Terramart Shipments available above it.
VinchenzoTheJackal & Shoon Sep 9, 2016 @ 2:32pm 
Okay Jee. Mind you, I'll rate up and favorite this mod, because its a good mod, but I'll wait and see if a more realistic, lore, immersion friendly version pops up before subscribing, but I will subscribe if one doesn't happen. Just... with this mod you can shoot a crate into space from deep inside a planet or inside a dungeon that is underground, which is quite bizarre and abnormal if you think.
G  [author] Sep 9, 2016 @ 12:20pm 
@vinchenzojackal&shoon From memory, I believe this is possible (and actually quite easy, even if compared to this mod, it's much more complicated). However, I'm unfortunately extremely busy ATM, and won't be exploring the details of this any time soon.
VinchenzoTheJackal & Shoon Sep 9, 2016 @ 10:34am 
I would think though that you would just need less space to have open above the TerraMartShipments... after all the crate it launches is small and vanishes into space after traveling a certain distance. Right now for some odd reason you need the same width as the TerraMartShipments and a full state of open space above it, when it is only logical you'd need half the width and three times the height of the TerraMartShipments.
If you could make a seperate mod that does this I'd be very happy. It would be more realistic and logical. Though I understand if that is difficult or time consuming for you... maybe they could change things in a future patch to decrease the needed width of free space above these things.
uwu Aug 28, 2016 @ 5:30pm 
I'm not sure how this works. How do I get one of these Terramart Shipments?
GrandTomcat Aug 3, 2016 @ 8:51pm 
does this work in ships too?