Steam Controller

Steam Controller

How To Add Windows 10 Xbox App To Steam Library
由 Balderick 發表
Step by step guide to add any windows store app to steam library as a non steam game and make steam show which game you are playing to friends.
[RECOMMENDED METHOD] How To Add Any Non-Steam Game To Steam Library
UPDATE 7th June 2021:
Valve have added Xbox Games Studio games to Steam Store which gives better support for Steam client features, so being able to buy Xbox Games from Steam Store for better support of Steam client features should be highlighted due to the caveats of adding UWP/Xbox Games Pass games to Steam Library as a non Steam game.

Not sure if simply linking Steam account to Xbox app on windows account for games that you already own (bought from MS store) is key to a better working solution for adding games you already own to Steam Library as a non Steam game so appreciate this guide needs updated. WIP


The simple editing of a non-steam game steam library shortcut with launch options and app id is all that is needed. This linustechtips How To[] is very good at describing in detail everything step by step. The comment found on reddit here gives additional info which lets your profile status show which game you are playing; as it should.

Credit to the authors.

  1. Find the windows app id. For this example i chose Forza 6: Apex. To do this we:
    • Navigate to
      C:\Users\<Account name>\AppData\Local\Packages
      For Forza the package name is "Microsoft.ApexPG_8wekyb3d8bbwe"
    • We also need the name of the .exe which task manager can be easily used to do with the app running. For Forza it is forzamotorsportapex.exe
  2. Create a new text file and paste
    echo off cls cmd /r start "" "shell:appsFolder\YourAppID!YourAppEXEname" pause
    Just be sure to add the necessary info to the necessary line above. i.e. Forza would need "shell:appsFolder\Microsoft.ApexPG_8wekyb3d8bbwe!forzamotorsportapex" The text file can be named whatever you wish but has to be saved as a .bat file. The location of the file could be in your documents folder or desktop. Just be sure to save it where you can easily find it.
  3. From steam select "Add a non-steam game" and choose ANY .exe shown in the list.
  4. Select the new shortcut from steam library and right click it to select "Properties"
  5. In the "name" section rename the shortcut to the windows app which is still to be added
  6. In the "icon" section add the icon of your choice, if you wish.
  7. In the "target" section change the pathname to the location of the .bat file created.
  8. In the "Start In" section use

The windows app of your choice can now be launched from the steam client.

[Alternative Method] How To Get Xbox App Launching From Steam
  1. Create new text file and paste;
    @Echo off Start xboxgames://
    and save it as "whateverulike.bat" to somewhere like documents or desktop.
  2. Convert .bat to .exe with f2ko app[]
  3. Add created .exe to steam library
  4. You can now launch the xbox app from steam but you will only ever be shown as online to your steam friends and the rest of the world so; Create another new text file and paste
    Dim objShell Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) objShell.Run("""INSERT THE FULL PATH NAME TO THE EXE HERE, FOR EXAMPLE C:\Program Files (x86)\Hearthstone\Hearthstone Beta Launcher.exe """) Set objShell = Nothing x=msgbox ("Don't close this prompt, OK? ", 0,"Overlay Steam, Run Launcher Games")
    and be sure to save it as a .vbs file named whatever next to your .exe that was just created.
  5. You can now make sure you have appropriate icons showing in steam library. This is a great guide
How To Get Steam Controller Configured For Windows Apps Launched From Steam
This is hit and miss with different games but with a bit of tweaking and trial and error you should be able to get things going. So you got your windows app store game launching from steam and now would like to use steam controller to play that game. First thing to check is what bindings your game supports and try mapping controller in games controller settings. For example sakes Forza would not let me configure controller so had to go kb + m only config (by right clicking library shortcut and select Controller Configuration) for steam controller to get it be usable in in game input settings. If the steam controllers buttons don't work there they will not in game. Once they are working make a custom keyboard layout in the games iinput settings. and then accept once set. It might be worth noting here some of the numpad keys being used here were named slightly different by steam controller configuration/big picture ui. i.e. numpad0 is named insert and numpad7 is named Home.

Whenever the game showed a cursor this would then cause either "lizard mode" or "desktop" configuration to be activated and would not be usable with Forza. So had to then copy/duplicate the game shortcut config made earlier (according to the in game settings we mapped) as a desktop configuration through big picture ui and made sure; and made sure from the game shortcut right click options, that desktop configuration does not get used if cursor is visible.

22 則留言
WitWolfy 3 月 10 日 上午 12:01 
I cant seem to figure this out... So much effort just to display to show what you're playing
Dusk 2023 年 11 月 3 日 下午 8:59 
what do i put in YourappID...
Balderick  [作者] 2022 年 12 月 1 日 下午 11:43 
Mary 2022 年 12 月 1 日 下午 10:58 
You can find the Xbox gamepass app here:
C:\Users\(Your name)\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\Microsoft.GamingApp_8wekyb3d8bbwe

It's called XboxPcApp.exe

Just add this to Steam and it will launch
BlacKy #SlavaIsraelini 2022 年 10 月 18 日 上午 8:50 
@.Ż. Dathus [BR] is there an update that solves the problem of no steam interface on MS apps?
Balderick  [作者] 2021 年 6 月 6 日 下午 1:47 
Yeah that is what i had in mind but doesnt help much with what we are trying to do. My bad.
BlacKy #SlavaIsraelini 2021 年 6 月 6 日 下午 1:27 
The mobile app like this ?
Balderick  [作者] 2021 年 6 月 6 日 上午 9:47 
Have you tried linking your Steam account to Xbox app?
BlacKy #SlavaIsraelini 2021 年 6 月 6 日 上午 9:37 
So TLDR it doesnt work :| Not sure why would anyone want to add games to steam library if the game headline disappears after 1 second and you cant take advantage off the overlay...

Thanks anyway!