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How to use the Gameplay Config in Unturned!
由 GameMaster777 制作
Want to change experience multipliers, number of zombies, item spawn chances, and much more through the Gameplay Config? Then this guide is for you!
**This guide is always a work in progress, it may not always be currently updated to the latest version of the game, but it is good that Nelson Sexton makes more settings, it makes it a whole lot easier to make the game easier or harder, depending on who you are. Thanks Nelson Sexton!** (Also, some setting descriptions may be vague because I am assuming what they are supposed to do in the game.)

This guide is updated to version

Recently (some time ago), Nelson Sexton released an update ( that contained the following:

"Gameplay Config:"

"The values previously controlled by the gamemode [e.g. easy, hard] are now available for you to choose! Clicking the "Advanced" button on the singleplayer menu will take you to the configuration screen where you can adjust everything. This uses reflection which means it will be straightforward to add more options in the future, and is shared with the server. You can manually modify these values in "Config.json" found in your server folder, or set it up with the tool in the menu and copy it over from the singleplayer worlds folder."

What this means is that, now, you can change all sorts of variables and settings for your server, or singleplayer gameplay! These settings are the following:

  • Item Chance Drops, Item Durability, Ammo Spawn/Capacity, and Spawn/Despawn Times
  • Vehicle Spawn Rates
  • Zombie Spawn Chances, Rates, Damage and Experience Multiplier Settings
  • Animal Respawn Times, and Damage Multipliers
  • Barricade Armor Multipliers
  • Structure Armor Multipliers
  • Player Experience Multipliers
  • Health, Hunger, Thirst, Virus, Bleeding and Breaking Legs Settings
  • Lose Items/Clothes on Death Settings
  • Objects and Resources Respawn Settings
  • Weather and Air Drop Frequency Settings

But WOAH WOAH WOAH! What do these even mean? I will explain each of these settings in detail in the rest of the guide.
Where to find the settings:
First off, if you really are not sure where to go, just do the following:

1. Click on play.
2. Click on singleplayer.
3. Click on advanced.
4. Enjoy!

  • Spawn Chance
    Determines the spawn chance of items appearing in places where loot spawns. With decimals representing a percentage, it can be set from 0 to 1 with, 0 being hardly any items appearing, and with 1 items appearing a lot more. This also affects rare drops.

    Here is an example with it set to 1 with common and rare loot at the Confederation Bridge:

  • Despawn Dropped Time
    Time for dropped items to despawn or go away before they disappear or are replaced, in seconds.

  • Despawn Natural Time
    Time for unclaimed items to despawn or go away before they disappear or are replaced, in seconds.

  • Respawn Time
    How fast items respawn, in seconds, within the fact that there are not too many items in a certain area.

  • Quality Full Chance
    The chance of how often an item will be at full quality, with 0 being no chance, and 1 being a great chance.

  • Quality Multiplier
    The multiplier for the quality of items, this can greatly change the quality of an item.

  • Gun Bullets Full Chance
    The chance of how often a gun will have a full magazine with it, with 0 being no chance, and 1 being a great chance.

  • Gun Bullets Multiplier
    The multiplier for the amount of bullets in guns, this can greatly change the gun itself.

  • Magazine Bullets Full Chance
    The chance of how often a magazine will be filled completely with it, with 0 being no chance, and 1 being a great chance.

  • Magazine Bullets Multiplier
    The multiplier for the amount of bullets in magazines, this can greatly change the item itself.

  • Crate Bullets Full Chance
    The chance of how often a crate's magazines will have full bullets, with 0 being no chance, and 1 being a great chance.

  • Crate Bullets Multiplier
    The multiplier for the amount of bullets in crates, this can greatly change the drops themselves.

  • Has Durability
    Toggles whether items have durability, to determine whether they can degrade.

  • Has Battery Chance
    The chance that a car will have a battery in it, with 0 being no chance, and 1 being a definitive chance of having one.

  • Min Battery Charge
    Minimum percent charge of a battery already in the car when you find a car with a battery.

  • Max Battery Charge
    Maximum percent charge of a battery already in the car when you find a car with a battery.

  • Has Tire Chance
    The chance that a car will have tires on it, with 0 being no chance, and 1 being a definitive chance of having them.

  • Respawn Time
    How fast vehicles respawn, in seconds, within the fact that there are not too many vehicles in a certain area.

  • Armor Multiplier
    The multiplier for the strength of a car's armor, this can greatly change the car itself.
  • Spawn Chance
    The chance that zombies will spawn in an area, with 0 being little zombies, and 1 being many zombies, almost an impossible amount of zombies to fight without good protection.

    Here is an example of it set to 1, with tons of zombies in Charlottetown:

  • Loot Chance
    The chance that zombies will drop better loot, with 0 being hardly any loot, and 1 being more and better loot drops.

  • Crawler Chance
    Chance for crawler zombies to spawn, with 0 being little chance and 0.5 being a great chance.

  • Sprinter Chance
    Chance for sprinter zombies to spawn, with 0 being little chance and 0.5 being a great chance.

  • Flanker Chance
    Chance for flanker zombies to spawn, with 0 being little chance and 0.5 being a great chance.

  • Burner Chance
    Chance for burner zombies to spawn, with 0 being little chance and 0.5 being a great chance.

  • Acid Chance
    Chance for acid zombies to spawn, with 0 being little chance and 0.5 being a great chance.

  • Electric Boss Chance
    Chance for the Electric Boss to spawn, with 0 being little chance and 0.5 being a great chance.

  • Wind Boss Chance
    Chance for the Wind Boss to spawn, with 0 being little chance and 0.5 being a great chance.

  • Fire Boss Chance
    Chance for the Fire Boss to spawn, with 0 being little chance and 0.5 being a great chance.

  • Respawn Day Time
    How often zombies respawn at daytime, in seconds.

  • Respawn Night Time
    How often zombies respawn at nighttime, in seconds.

  • Respawn Beacon Time
    How often zombies respawn during a horde beacon, in seconds.

  • Damage Multiplier
    Damage of zombies multiplied by a number.

  • Armor Multiplier
    Armor protection of zombies multiplied by a number.

  • Beacon Experience Multiplier
    The multiplier that affects how much experience you get during a horde beacon.

  • Full Moon Experience Multiplier
    The multiplier that affects how much experience you get during a full moon event.

  • Min Drops
    Minimum number of items a normal zombie can drop.

  • Max Drops
    Maximum number of items a normal zombie can drop.

  • Min Mega Drops
    Minimum number of items a mega zombie can drop.

  • Max Mega Drops
    Maximum number of items a mega zombie can drop.

  • Min Boss Drops
    Minimum number of items a boss zombie can drop.

  • Max Boss Drops
    Maximum number of items a boss zombie can drop.

  • Slow Movement
    Toggles whether zombies will walk (slowly or fastly).

  • Can Stun
    Toggles whether you can stun zombies.
Animals (in red)
  • Respawn Time
    Time for animals to respawn in the wild, in seconds.

  • Damage Multiplier
    The damage that they do, multiplied by a number.

  • Armor Multiplier
    Armor protection they have, multiplied by a number.
Barricades (in yellow)
  • Decay Time
    Time it takes for barricades to disappear, if the owner has not been on the server.

  • Armor Multiplier
    Armor protection for barricades, multiplied by a number.
Structures (in blue)
  • Decay Time
    Time it takes for structures to disappear, if the owner has not been on the server.

  • Armor Multiplier
    Armor protection for structures, multiplied by a number.
  • Health Regeneration Min Food
    Minimum food percentage requirement for health regeneration to be possible.

  • Health Regeneration Min Water
    Minimum water percentage requirement for health regeneration to be possible.

  • Health Regeneration Ticks
    The length of time to pass in seconds before regenerating health.

  • Food Use Ticks
    The length of time to pass before lowering food percentage.

  • Food Damage Ticks
    The amount of damage done when food percentage is 0%.

  • Water Use Ticks
    The length of time to pass before lowering water percentage.

  • Water Damage Ticks
    The amount of damage done when water percentage is 0%.

  • Virus Infect Threshold
    The minimum virus percentage to be infected.

  • Virus Use Ticks
    The length of time to pass before lowering virus percentage due to being Infected.

  • Virus Damage Ticks
    The amount of damage done when virus percentage is 0%.

  • Broken Leg Regeneration Ticks
    The length of time to pass in seconds before healing a broken leg.

  • Bleeding Damage Ticks
    The length of time to pass in seconds before losing health due to bleeding.

  • Bleeding Regeneration Ticks
    The length of time to pass in seconds before bleeding is healed.

  • Armor Multiplier
    The multiplier affecting the amount of health/armor you have.

  • Experience Multiplier
    The multiplier applied to experience points rewarded by killing zombies and other stuff.

    Here is an example of XP overload at the bottom from killing a normal zombie:

  • NPC Detect Radius Multiplier
    The radius that other players on a server will be able to detect you on a map, multiplied by a number.

  • Bullet / Damage Ray Aggressor Distance
    This setting might have to do with bullet/ray distance, or deciding which player is the aggressor in a conflict, as it is now set to 8 instead of 4.

  • Lose Skills on Combat Death
    The variable affecting whether you keep your skills on a combat related death, from 0 being no chance, and 1 being 100% chance.

  • Lose Skills on Environment Death
    The variable affecting whether you keep your skills on an environment related death, from 0 being no chance, and 1 being 100% chance.

  • Lose Items on Combat Death
    The variable affecting whether you keep your items on a combat related death, from 0 being no chance, and 1 being 100% chance.

  • Lose Items on Environment Death
    The variable affecting whether you keep your items on an environment related death, from 0 being no chance, and 1 being 100% chance.

  • Lose Clothes on Combat Death
    Toggle whether you keep your clothes on a combat related death.

  • Lose Clothes on Environment Death
    Toggle whether you keep your clothes on an environment related death.

  • Can Hurt Legs
    Determines whether you can hurt your legs.

  • Can Break Legs
    Determines whether you can break your legs.

  • Can Fix Legs
    Determines whether you can fix your legs.

  • Can Start Bleeding
    Determines whether bleeding can start.

  • Can Stop Bleeding
    Determines whether you are able to stop bleeding.
Objects (in red)
  • Binary State Reset Time Multiplier
    The multiplier affecting the amount of time before the binary state resets.

  • Fuel Respawn Time Multiplier
    The multiplier affecting the amount of time before fuel respawns.

  • Water Respawn Time Multiplier
    The multiplier affecting the amount of time before water respawns.

  • Resource Respawn Time Multiplier
    The multiplier affecting the amount of time before resources respawn.

  • Rubble Respawn Time Multiplier
    The multiplier affecting the amount of time before rubble respawn.
Events (in green)
  • Min Rain Frequency
    Minimum amount of how often rain shows up.

  • Max Rain Frequency
    Maximum amount of how often rain shows up.

  • Min Rain Duration
    Minimum amount of time that rain lasts during a rain period.

  • Max Rain Duration
    Maximum amount of time that rain lasts during a rain period.

  • Min Airdrop Frequency
    Minimum amount of how often airdrops show up.

  • Max Airdrop Frequency
    Maximum amount of how often airdrops show up.

  • Max Repair Level
    The max weapon tier level, by a number, that you are able to repair up to.

  • Hitmarkers
    Toggles whether hitmarkers are enabled.

  • Crosshair
    Toggles whether the crosshair is enabled.

  • Ballistics
    Toggles whether gun ballistics are enabled.

  • Chart Available
    Toggles whether a player has a chart to begin with so they can see the map.

  • Show Group On Map
    Toggles whether the group is shown on the map.

  • Show Group On HUD
    Toggles whether the group is shown on the HUD.

  • Allow Dynamic Groups
    Toggles whether you want to join groups you have created in Unturned.

  • Allow Shoulder Camera
    Toggles whether the shoulder camera is allowed to be used.

  • Exit Timer
    Amount of time, in seconds, before player can exit the server through the pause menu

  • Respawn Timer
    Amount of time, in seconds, before player can respawn after being killed.

  • Home Timer
    Amount of time, in seconds, before player can leave after being killed.
BONUS: Thanks for reading my guide!
As a bonus, here is how to look like a zombie in Unturned to scare your friends with a cool skin!
1 Set your face to zombie face (gold upgrade is required).
2. Set your skin color to R:100 G:124 B:100
3. Grab some clothes to wear.

Thank you for reading this guide! I can't even believe you made it this far! This is my third guide I have wrote, and even though I just whipped it up, it is still very helpful to make your game the way you want it. I plan to work on this guide some more, and I would appreciate advice in the comments section to write this guide better.
77 条留言
sk8champ0 2 月 20 日 下午 9:15 
Pretty bad guide. For example "Can Fix Legs, Determines whether you can fix your legs." is already obvious by name "Can fix your legs". What it doesnt mention is what it does, which is, it heals your legs automatically over time. Even with it ticked off you can heal your legs with a splint etc.. Unturned dev needs to stop being lazy and add proper description to the settings options, most games have them.
Maskaralester 2021 年 8 月 31 日 下午 10:23 
The armor one is kinda misleading. If it increased, it will make damage received increase. It works in reverse.
BrainlessKiwi 2021 年 7 月 6 日 下午 7:38 
Missnezor 2021 年 6 月 18 日 上午 11:02 
Thanks man :)
BrainlessKiwi 2021 年 2 月 7 日 下午 7:49 
Witch one lets you up the attack you do?
Vaporeon 2020 年 2 月 17 日 下午 4:27 
The virus update was annoying as hell. Now I can finally get rid of it, thanks mate.:cozyspaceengineersc:
Nova 2018 年 10 月 3 日 下午 3:53 
So the object time multiplier, is that higher is shorter time to regen, or lower is shorter?
Neyzan Zayashi 2018 年 5 月 15 日 下午 1:28 
Dead Rising GG.
Neyzan Zayashi 2018 年 5 月 15 日 下午 1:28 
Multiplayer Sucks and Singleplayer is Awesone with this config well thanks for this tutorial.
nazik200 2017 年 11 月 17 日 上午 8:00 
No worries, Thanks any way, from your guide i were able to speed up my server's configuration prosses, so i should be thankimg you. If you would like id be glad to invite you over my serv in order to test it for balance. If you'd be intrested msg me.:steamhappy: