78 평점
Ninja Class Mod
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2016년 2월 22일 오후 9시 50분
2016년 6월 20일 오전 6시 16분
변경 사항 11개 ( 보기 )

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Ninja Class Mod

1.5 updated:

Add 4 new perks, remove some old perks.

Made adjustment on order of ninja skilltree.

---------- General Path -----------------

"Ninja Phantom"--"When the squad is revealed, the Ninja remains concealed."

"Ninja Slash"--"+1 bonus dmg on normal slash"

---------- Shadow Clan Path -----------------

"Shadow Conceal"--"Immediately enter concealment like a shadow.(2 uses per mission)"

"ShadowDefence"--"Stay concealed after taken damage(not be flanked or uncovered)"

"Shadow Master"(Passive)--"You can not be spotted once shadow conceal was

activated."(even you standing next to the enemy)

"Shadow Move"(Passive)--"Gain +3 mobility +10 dodge."

"Shadow Slash"--"Make a double slash on one target, and adds acid effect on first

slash, the second slash will make target confused for 2 turn(3 CD)"

"lightning Slash"--"Gain 1 or 2 AP after a normal slash. (4 CD)"

---------- Ghost Clan Path -----------------

"Snake Bite"--"Adds posioned effect on the slash and disable target's primary weapon

for 1 turn."

"Ghost Shield"--"Build a shield after taken damage(+5 HP 3 turns duration)"

"Double Bite"(Passive)--"Snake Bite can attack twice on one target and adds burning

effect on the second slash."

"Ghost Blade"(Passive)--"Gain 3 BonusDamage on all slashes, 3 ArmorPiercing"

"Electrical Slash"--"Slash on one target to control it for 3 turns, even include the

robot.(4 CD)"

"Ghost Slash"--"make a triple slash on one target, and +1 dmg on second slash, +2 dmg

on third slash.(4 CD)"

---------- GTS Perk-----------------

"NinjaMaster"(Passive)--"Now you are the NinjaMaster, gain 5 Aim, 5 Defense, 2 Armor, 5

Will, 2 Mobility, and can regenerate 2 HP per round, max to 10 HP."

Thank you and have fun :)

Note: Some numbers for cooldowns, dmg, durations and chars were writen in the "XcomGameData_SoldierSkills.ini" file
so you can make any change as you want. :)
1.5 更新:



{링크가 삭제되었습니다}

---------- 新兵技能 -----------------



---------- 影族 -----------------




"影步"(被动)--"+3 移动 +10 闪避"

"影斩"--"对一个目标施展连斩,第一斩附带酸液效果,第二斩可是目标陷入混乱状态2回合(3 CD)"

"瞬斩"--"在普通斩击后恢复1AP或2AP(4 CD)"

---------- 鬼族-----------------


"鬼盾"--"受到攻击伤害后,释放护盾进行保护(+5 HP盾甲 持续3回合)"



"电斩"--"对一个目标进行斩击并控制此目标3回合,包括机械目标(4 CD)"

"鬼斩"--"对同一目标施展三连斩,第二斩+1伤害,第三斩+2伤害(4 CD)"

---------- 战术学校技能-----------------

"忍术皆传"(被动)--"+5准确度 +5防御 +2护甲 +5意志力 +2移动力,每回合可回复2HP,最多回复


谢谢支持,祝玩的开心 :)

注意:已将一些变量(冷却回合数,伤害值, 持续回合数等)等写入“XcomGameData_SoldierSkills.ini” 文件内,
大家可根据自己需要随意修改。 :)


请将下载好的”XComGame.chn“文件放入你下载好的mod文件夹内的Localization文件夹内,以忍者MOD为例,将”XComGame.chn“文件放至”newclassninja\Localization "文件夹下即可. :)
댓글 80
Danny 86 2019년 10월 29일 오전 6시 02분 
I have some questions are this mod are WOTC compatable. ?
GRW 2018년 7월 20일 오전 8시 59분 
兄弟你好,我从你刚开做这个mod就开始使用啦,曾经还和你在贴吧里讨论过忍者的能力之类的话题。隔了很长一段时间没玩这个游戏了,今天刚开始又捡起来玩了玩第一时间下载了你的这个mod。现在有几个疑问咨询你一下,在天选者之战里面如果我从教学开始玩的话有没有忍者这个职业?因为我在不玩教学的情况下,虽然可以从初级小兵升级成忍者,但是技能图标什么的都是显示underfinded 之类的也点不了。不知道是什么问题?另外你有给这个职业做武士刀之类的武器吗?是不是那三把2-4和1-3的刀?那么我下载的那个武士刀的mod名字叫什么katana的没起到作用,是不是冲突啊? 另外汉化文件怎么安装?我这个游戏目录里面没有mod这个文件夹。期待你的回答
春乌菈菈第一名 2017년 9월 6일 오전 7시 55분 
Chonsu 2017년 8월 30일 오전 4시 26분 
After asking for a LW2 version, may I ask for a WOTC version now? oO
AXC629 2017년 7월 26일 오전 4시 02분 
Please update this for LW2!
King McKenna 2017년 6월 17일 오전 11시 05분 
Please upgrade to LW2 !!!
Chonsu 2017년 6월 7일 오후 3시 29분 
Hi there. Any chance this mod will be upgraded to LW2? Thanks :)
NHZ 2017년 1월 25일 오전 2시 41분 
Jason254 2016년 6월 10일 오후 12시 07분 
不要替换Steam\steamapps\common\XCOM 2\XComGame\Localization\CHN文件夹里面的同名文件,而是用记事本打开汉化文件,把里面的内容拷贝到原来的文件的最后,如果直接替换,那么游戏会 变成英文
Sarezar 2016년 6월 3일 오후 2시 24분 

I like the class, it's really fun to play.

From a thematical point of view, I would make the sword the main weapon, the shuriken the secondary weapon so that it hits with Aim (probably with a bonus because it's all about making it explode very close to the enemy, unlike a bullet), and you can always equip smoke grenade as utility item. The Shurikens can also be more than 3 since they will be using Aim.

Just an idea. It's fun to play as it is anyway.