Dying Light

Dying Light

507 ratings
Easter Egg | All Strange Rocks | Rewards: Collectible Weapon and Costume | Last update: 24/02/21 (DD/MM/YY FORMAT)
By Loki and 1 collaborators
-PLEASE, read all the post first before commenting.

-If you restart the game without putting the stone on the altar, it will return to the place where you took it.

-Remember: DO NOT modify* the lobby while collecting and placing the rocks. Also disable Zombie Invasions and set online options to single player or private while collecting and placing the rocks to prevent random people from joining and ruining the process.

-We DON'T use user mods* and we DON'T know if that can affect the Easter Egg.

**We understand user mods those that you download from Internet and mods or modify from changing the options of the game/lobby like single player mode or private**

-You must wait to the in-game 10 PM (22:00h) to active the easter egg. Tip: You can see the in-game time by pressing map key (M by default) at the top right corner.
General Maps
Thanks you MicaelJM for making this map!
-Thanks you John Douglas for making this little map to clarify the location of the rocks!
Near to the Altar of the DLC start (Thanks to Reddit and Steam community)

Rock 2
-On the field under the scarecrow close to the start (Thanks to MDMA and CRE4T1VE from the Steam community)

Rock 3
-Under the stairs in the cave of the Mother's temple

Rock 4
-At northwest of the map (Thanks to Pecotaa from the Reddit)

Rock 5
-At the end of the tunnel on the northeast of the map.

Rock 6
-On the northeast of the map (Thanks to the Reddit and Steam Community)

-Inside a well on the northwest of the city.

Rock 8
-On the chicken's eye (Thanks to Tomoharu and CRE4T1VE from the Steam community)

Rock 9
-On a rock in the ocean east from the city.

Rock 10
-In a boat, close to the train's safe zone. (Near the map center.)

Rock 11
-Behind Atila's mansion, in a cliff.

Rock 12
-Under a red train wagon. (Tip: Follow the tracks of the train.)

Rock 13
-Northeast of the racing circuit
Rock 14
-Around a tree (Thanks to pizdecept from Reddit)

Rock 15
-Racing area (Thanks to BurlyHermit the peanut monger from Steam)

Rock 16
-In the water, east of the dam. (We recommend to go for this rock at night)

You'll need to put them here
The end of the Easter Egg
Extra Easter Egg
-On the north of the dam, a hole of the left (Hit the hole or throw some grenades)

The weapon (Thanks MicaelJM for the screenshot)
Special Thanks
Cooperator of the guide
-MicaelJM (via Steam)

People that helped us in-game
-쥬라기 미호크
-Garbett (Youtube channel below)

People that helped us through forums

Reddit community

Steam Community

-John Douglas
PickleEater123 Mar 9, 2022 @ 5:20pm 
:steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steamhappy:
Bunny  [author] Sep 18, 2019 @ 7:38am 
Hola GRD5000! Muchas gracias a ti por tu apoyo! :lunar2019piginablanket:
GRD5000 Sep 17, 2019 @ 6:57pm 
Una guia muy completa. Gracias! :cozybethesda:
Bunny  [author] Jul 25, 2019 @ 3:55pm 
Yes. [i.kym-cdn.com]
Loki  [author] Jul 25, 2019 @ 3:52pm 
thats because im furry isnt it?
Bunny  [author] Jul 25, 2019 @ 3:50pm 
Hello everyone!

Added some communist propaganda on Rock 16 description. Changed I with We

Corrected the stylish grammar of my partner with actual correct grammar.

General changes has been made.
Loki  [author] Jul 25, 2019 @ 7:07am 
All guide has been modified. Making the english translation grammatically correct. We are two spanish fans that didn´t know better.

Any misspelling would be appreciated to be sended to me to help change it.
Bunny  [author] Jun 24, 2019 @ 7:49pm 
Hello everyone!

General changes has been made to the guide.
Bunny  [author] Jun 24, 2019 @ 7:43pm 
Hello varkoog! Thanks you for your support!
varkoog Jun 24, 2019 @ 1:34pm 
Wow, thanks for the guide. :CrowdControl: