Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

140 ratings
Special Team Combinations
By Rei Loire
The so far by me found Teams of Heroes that get a name once combined for Embarking
The Greater Good

The Team of Crusader, Leper, Plague Doctor and Vestal from front to back row
The Lost Band

The Team of Crusader, Leper, Jester and Vestal from front to back row
The Fallen

The Team of Hellion, Bounty Hunter, Highwayman and Ocultist from front to back row
Jack of all Trades

The Team of Crusader, Bounty Hunter, Highwayman and Vestal from front to back row
Blood Money

The Team of Hellion, Bounty Hunter, Grave Robber and Ocultist from front to back row
Witch Hunters

The Team of Hellion, Highwayman, Witch Doctor and Vestal from front to back row.
Good, Bad and Ugly

The Team of Leper, Crusader, Highwayman and Vestal from front to back row
The Femme Fatales

The Team of Hellion, Graver Robber, Plague Doctor and Vestal from front to back row
The Faces of Stress

The Team of Hellion, Bounty Hunter, Jester and Plague Doctor from front to back row
The Plague Bearers

The Team of Leper, Grave Robber, Plague Doctor and Ocultist from front to back row
The Crimson Hand

The Team of Hellion, Cursader, Highway Man and Vestal from front to back row
The Exorcists

The Team of Leper, Bounty Hunter, Plague Doctor and Grave Robber from front to back row
The Unusual Suspects

The Team of Crusader, Highway Man, Plague Doctor and Vestal from front to back row

The Team of Leper, Highwayman, Plague Doctor and Vestal from front to back row
Dysfunctional Family

The team of Leper, Jester, Grave Robber and Ocultist from front to back row

The team of Hellion, Highwayman, Plague Doctor and Ocultist from front to back row
Good Cop Bad Cop

The team of Highwayman, Crusader, Plague Doctor and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Hollow Devil
Tricky Glory

The Team of Crusader, Vestal, Highwayman and Plague Doctor from front to back row

Submitted to me by Hollow Devil
Red Hook

The Team of Crusader, Highwayman, Vestal and Plague Doctor from front to back row

Submitted to me by Hollow Devil
Darkness Within

The Team of Leper, Bounty Hunter, Hoghwayman and Ocultist from front to bacvk row
Vengeance Dire

The Team of Hellion, Crusader, Grave Robber and Vestal from front to back row
The Masquerade

The Team of Leper, Jester, Plague Doctor and Vestal from fron to back row
Scallion's Hunters

The Team of Hellion, Bounty Hunter, Grave Robber and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Drkungfu
Stunrise Stunset

The Team of Crusader, Hellion, Plague Doctor and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by NecAsphyxation
Delvers in the Dark

The Team of Crusader, Hellion, Jester and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by NecAsphyxation
Single Ray of Humor

The Team of Crusader, Bounty Hunter, Jester and Vestal from front to back row
The Wardens

The Team of Crusader, Bounty Hunter, Plague Doctor and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by NecAsphyxation

The Team of Crusader, Bounty Hunter, Plague Doctor and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by Zachtastic
Heroes and Heretic

The Team of Crusader, Hellion, Occultist and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Planty the Great
The Holy Flame

The Team of Crusader, Crusader, Vestal and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by eryk.gabriel
The Inquisition

The Team of Crusader, Crusader, Vestal and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by eryk.gabriel

The Team of Hellion, Grave Digger, Occultist and Jester from front to back row

Submitted to me by eryk.gabriel
Charging Madness

The Team of Hellion, Hellion, Jester and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Planty the Great
Faith and Fury

The Team of Hellion, Hellion, Occultist and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Planty the Great
Crit Happens

The Team of Hellion, Hellion, Bounty Hunter and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by Planty the Great
Crusaders on March

The Team of Crusader, Crusader, Plague Doctor and Bounty Hunter from front to back row

Submitted to me by Zachtastic
The Dark Brigade

The Team of Hellion, Leper, PLague Doctor and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by Zachtastic
Gattling Gun

The Team of Highwayman, Highwayman, Grave Robber and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Mister Four
Highway Robbery

The Team of Highwayman, Bounty Hunter, Highwayman, and Grave Robber from front to back row

Submitted to me by Saf
Brothers in Arms

The Team of Crusader, Leper, Highwayman and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by Seer
Lords of Position

The Team of Leper, Bounty Hunter, Occultist and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Mech_Warrior
Old Faithful

The Team of Cusader, Crusader, Highwayman and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Forerunner
Eldritch Angels

The Team of Hellion, Hellion, Vestal and Plague Doctor from front to back row

Submitted to me by Forerunner
Bloody Stunners

The Team of Hellion, Hellion, Occultist and Plague Doctor from front to back row

Submitted to me by Forerunner
The Bloodletters

The Team of Hellion, Bounty Hunter, Highwayman and Vestal from front to back row
Heaven and Hell

The Team of Hellion, Crusader, Occultist and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Pockets
The Killers

The Team of Hellion, Highwayman, Bounty Hunter and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by LeXu
Tip of the Spear

The Team of Hellion, Bounty Hunter, Plague Doctor and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by LeXu
Gun and Roses

The Team of Hellion, Grave Robber, Highwayman and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Noctis Vulpes
Wine, Women, Song

The Team of Highwayman, Grave Robber, Jester and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Noctis Vulpes
Glorious Gold

The Team of Crusader, Bounty Hunter, Grave Robber and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Seraph of Greed
Circle of Light

The Team of Crusader, Bounty Hunter, Bounty Hunter and Vestal from front to back row
Hook Line and YAMP!

The Team of Hellion, Bounty Hunter, Bounty Hunter and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Faptech
Hunting Party

The Team of Crusader, Highwayman, Bounty Huntrer and Vestal from front to back row
Holy Quaternity

The Team of Crusader, Highwayman, Vestal and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by [bsx] valvedestroyer santaclonus
The Mad Gamble

The Team of Hellion, Bounty Hunter, Jester and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by Shiftn'
Judge and Execution

The Team of Leper, Bounty Hunter, Jester and Grave Robber from front to back row

Submitted to me by Shiftn'
Dangerous Lonesome

The Team of Crusader, Leper, Highwayman and Plague Doctzor from front to back row

Submitted to me by Okay
Holy Shooter

The Team of Crusader, Highwayman, Vestal and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by ShadowHumper

The Team of Crusader, Bounty Hunter, Occultist and Plague Doctor from front to back row

Submitted to me by Hugs.ur.a.zombie
Ghost Busters

The Team of Leper, Helion, Jester and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Zyklon Ben Garrison
The Bait and Switch

The Team of Highwayman, Crusader, Bounty Hunter, Grave Robber from front to back row

Submitted to me by Captain Communism
King's Court

The Team of Crusader, Jester, Plague Doctor and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Bubbles [TEAM MEGATRON]
Chain Gang

The Team of BountyHunter, Highwayman, Highwayman and Highwayman from front to back row

Submitted to me by [RLM] Total Annihilation
Stun Smash Parade

The Team of Leper, Hellion, Grave Robber and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by FluffyCuddlyBunny
The Black Shield

The Team of Leper, Hellion, Grave Robber and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me byProphet
Saints and Sinners

The Team of Crusader, Grave Robber, Occultist and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Dark Lord Kradmar the Invincible

The Team of Leper, Grave Robber, Occultist and Plague Doctor from front to back row
Blight's Out

Ther Team of Leper, Bounty Hunter, Occultist and Plague Doctor from front to backl row

Submitted to me by Marginal Mayhem

The Team of Crusader, Vestal, Jester and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by xvii-Dietrich
Leper Colony

The Team of Leper, Leper, Vestal and Vestal from front to back row

Suibmitted to me by Jonny_Walker
Masquerade Ball

The Team of Leper, Highwayman, Plague Doctor and Jester from front to back row

Submitted to me by Shiftn'
Mission Impossible
The Team of Crusader, Crusader, Crusader and Crusader from front to back row

Submitted to me by Piero Se Volta
The Team of Bounty Hunter, Bounty Hunter, Bounty Hunter and Bounty Hunter from front to back row

Submitted to me by [RLM] TotalAnnihilation
The Shunned

The Team of Leper, Hellion, Grave Robber and Plague Doctor from front to back row

Submitted to me by Bubbles [TEAM MEGATRON]
Sacret and Profane

The Team of Crusader, Bounty Hunter, Occultist and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Bubbles [TEAM MEGATRON]

The Team of Hellion, Vestal, Grave Robber, Plague Doctor from front to back row

Submitted to me by Arechnus
Critical Condition
The Team of Leper, Plague Doctor, Plague Doctor and Plague Doctor from front to back row

Submitted to me by Black and Lightweight
The Black Death
The Team of Leper, Leper, Plague Doctor and PlagueDoctor from front to back row

Submitted to me by d2r
Status Mayhem

The Team of Leper, Bounty Hunter, Plague Doctor and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by Bobicus
Holy Rolers

The Team of Leper, Crusader, Vestal and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by sketchesof pain
Undying Light
The Team of Vestal, Vestal, Vestal and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by [RLM] TotalAnnihilation
Safe Shot

The Team of Highwayman, Highwayman, Vestal and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Zachtastic
Inferno Paradise

The Team of Hellion, Crusader, Vestal and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by QualitiyJeverage
Dented Steel

The Team of Leper, Crusader, Bounty Hunter and Vestal from front to backl row

Submitted to me by Altheniar
Dark Soul's Night

The Team of Hellion, Crusader, Grave Robber and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by Sanities
Holier Than Thou
The Team ofCrusader, Crusader, Crusader and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Sanities
Pit and Pendulum

The Team of Crusader, Bounty HUnter, Grave Robber and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by DVD and P in V?
The Hellhounds

The Team of Hellion, Crusader, Highwayman and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Fakey Fakerson
Medieval Spirits

The Team of Crusader, Leper, Jester, and Plague Doctor from front to back row

Submitted to me by matthett
The Inverted Bunch

The Team of Plague Doctor, Vestal, Highwayman and Crusader from front to back row

Submitted to me by Altheniar
The Damned Company

The Team of Leper, Highwayman, Bounty Hunter and Plague Doctor from front to back row

Submitted to me by [StokSquad] Fred Shuttlesworth
Criminal Intent

The Team of Bounty Hunter, Highwayman, Grave Robber and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by Shiftn'
The Copper Faithful

The Team of Bounty Hunter, Hellion, Plague Doctor and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Arechnus
Hell's Angels

The Team of Crusader, Hellion, Vestal and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by HaVOC
The Fierce

The Team of Leper, Highwayman, Bounty Hunter and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by A Slippery ♥♥♥♥♥
The Outcasts

The Team of Leper, Hellion, Grave Robber and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to be by piddyx
Doctor and Patient

The Team of Leper, Vestal, Occultist and Plague Doctor from front to back row

Submitted to me by Furion
The Scorned

[The Team of Hellion, Leper, Occultist and Plague Doctor from front to back row[/b]

Submitted to me by Hermit_Hdelium
The Cleaning Crew

The Team of Leper, Vestal, Plague Doctor and Occultist from front to back row
Tained Devotion

The Team of Leper, Vestal, Plague Doctor and Jester from front to back row

Submitted to me by Furion
Merry Go Round

The Team of Bounty Hunter, Grave Robber, Highwayman and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Ryvalor
Fools Rush In
The Team of Jester, Jester , Jester and Jester from front to back row

Submitted to me by Kerensky
The Vanguard

The Team of Crusader, Hellion, Bounty Hunter and Vestal from front to back row

Submitted to me by Kerensky[/url
The Veterans

The Team of Hellion, Crusader, Bounty Hunter and Plague Doctor from front to back row

Submitted to me by Kerensky[/url
The OddBall

The Team of Hellion, Highwayman, Jester and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by pepinoman
Of Blight and Blood

The Team of Hellion, Grave Robber, Plague Doctor and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by Hermit_Helium
Tank N' Spank

The Team of Leper, Crusader, Vestal and Occultist from dfront to back row

Submittedc to me by Yuudachi
Men at Work
The Team of Man at Arms, Man at Arms, Man at Arms and Man at Arms from front to back row

Submitted to me by Arechnus
Geysers of Blood
The Team of Leper, Crusader, Plague Doctor and Occultist from front to back row

Submitted to me by Petbazooka
The Last Crusade
The Team of Crusader, Crusader, Crusader and Crusader from front to back row

Submitted to me by Best rpg guy
The Blockade
The Team of Highwayman, Crusader, Bounty Hunter and Occultist from front to back row[7b]

Submitted to me by majlo
Quest for more [closed]
If any of you should find others that I didn't so far. Please send me the name and the order so they can be added here.

Thanks in advance

And as a lot of comments are made what these do bring I give you the answer now. To tell you the truth, I never got it confirmed, as they aren't even mentioned on the official Wiki of Red Hook Studios[darkestdungeon.gamepedia.com] and as the games RNG is an evil thing it his hard to confirm it, but there should be a boon in functioning of the team as long as the order is kept. But as said never confirmed

As i was informed recently. There is a complete list of all combos on the official Darkest Dungeon Wiki: http://darkestdungeon.gamepedia.com/Party_Combos So as that exixts I'm closing mine now. Also As informed there they combos have NO benefits for the missions.
realGuybrush May 25, 2021 @ 3:49am 
Marked for death:
1st - Bounty Hunter
2nd - Houndmaster
3rd - Occultist
4th - Arbalest
Jedil Oct 25, 2017 @ 6:27pm 
Correction to my last comment:
It's just "Hounds of War"
Jedil Oct 25, 2017 @ 6:26pm 
The Hounds of War
1st - Hellion
2nd - Houndmaster
3rd - Occultist
4th - Arbalist
i4nEye Jun 4, 2017 @ 2:52pm 
the howlers
1st hellion
2nd abomination
3rd jester
4th houndmaster
Locke May 25, 2017 @ 8:17pm 
Hunting Hounds of Hell

1st - Helion
2nd - Man at Arms
3rd - Houndmaster
4th - Vestal
Redless Feb 3, 2016 @ 12:29am 
Vestal, Occultist, Jester, Leper: The Black Shield
majlo Jan 24, 2016 @ 11:25am 
The Blockade

1. Highwayman
2. Crusader
3. Bounty Hunter
4. Occultist
Jack Writer Jan 24, 2016 @ 10:50am 
Actually, 4 crusaders - The Last Crusade.
Petbazooka Jan 24, 2016 @ 6:15am 
"Geysers of Blood"
From front to back:
Plague Doctor