Controller Companion

Controller Companion

34 ratings
Mass Effect 2
File Size
3.152 KB
Jul 26, 2015 @ 2:21pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Mass Effect 2

A: Use/Talk
A: Hold+move for sprint
A: tap to take cover
A: tap to Climb/Vault
Y: Class Power, Weapon Wheel
X: Reload
B: Melee attack
Right Trigger: Fire weapon also Paragon Decision
Left Trigger: Zoom also Renegade Decision
Home Button: Map
Start: Menu
LB: Exit Combat Stance
RB: Switch Weapon
Dpad up: Order Squad to Attack Enemy
Dpad down: Order Squad to Return to Your Position
Dpad left: Order Squadmate to a Point or Target
Dpad right: Order Squadmate to a Point or Target
Catcher Aug 13, 2018 @ 12:20am 
Didn't work.
lmcfuman Jan 24, 2017 @ 2:17pm 
Use the rigt stick for combat action its not good, i tri to put the left, but it also change the shepard s control.
Lucas Chaco Jan 20, 2017 @ 9:27pm 
Muchas gracias, funciona perfecto!!
Shadaloo Jan 1, 2017 @ 3:11am 
why it dont work in full screen? only in windows mode is working for me
God Jan 1, 2017 @ 3:04am 
Works pretty well, thanks
nibblez1976 Sep 15, 2016 @ 12:31pm 
i have this game on steam and i cant get it to do anything. no button works
K0bo Aug 18, 2016 @ 10:49am 
Is there a download i have to do? put files in common steam apps. and in normal document mass effect 2 folder?
Shadaloo Aug 9, 2016 @ 5:21am 
its not working for me. I open controller companion subscribed to this mod and then open me2 and i heard a sound like my gamepad is disconected, when its not. then i cant do anything even in the menus. im stucked. hope you can help me
Nioh8  [author] Oct 24, 2015 @ 11:47am 
great to hear and no worries its good to be able to play these games with a controller :)
Furnace Oct 24, 2015 @ 10:48am 
I figured it out! Ok, the origin version has two exe files that will boot the game. There is the MassEffect2 and ME2Game and they boot the same game in the binaries file of the game. controller companion settings right clicking your process binding and going to profile you can edit the process names and I re-named it ME2Game and booted the game and everything works. Even wtih the steam overlay everything works flawlessly - thank you again. I have added you, your cool in my book - thanks for creating these profiles.