Portal 2

Portal 2

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Tribute to Solitude

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Tribute to Solitude

This is based on one of the best maps I have played, "Azorae's Solitude." I have flipped the map, and added a second lock to the exit door. I hope to have kept the same simplicity. This is NOT an easy map. Like Azorae's Solitude, there are no hidden elements, no glitching involved, no surprises.
canticle Apr 25, 2019 @ 12:52pm 
Been playing through the Solitude variants and I have to say that the extra door locks and location make it like a whole new puzzle at the end. Thanks!
amieres Apr 30, 2016 @ 4:03pm 
Pretty good, you managed to make it interesting even after solving the original.
lfairban Aug 17, 2015 @ 12:30pm 
The high wall near the funnel is tall enough to shoot two portals behind the fizzler screen. That provided a little early help. Overall, a great map.
Azorae ♡ Jun 18, 2015 @ 8:41am 
I found a pretty easy unintended solution:

drop from one of the super high portal walls onto the bridge above the exit door to grab the reflector cube

place the cube on the button facing the exit unlocking laser receiver

drop down to the bridge again, and inch off the side until you can see the portal surface the laser is hitting

shoot two portals to connect the laser to the cube

When I'm designing maps, I like my rooms to be as tight as possible (within reason) and the hugeness of this map doesn't seem necessary. Look at the original solitude, in the PeTI editor it would be four cubes tall and it works just fine. This is a great way to reduce possible unintended solutions.