Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

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Grand Theft Auto V 100% Achievement Guide
By Dana
This is your complete achievement guide for Grand Theft Auto V. A stand alone version and originally was the translated version of Raduga's Russian version. I'll keep this updated if and/or when new achievements came.
Story Related Achievements
Welcome to Los Santos
You repo'd a car and raced it through the heart of a sun-soaked metropolis.
  • Story related, cannot be missed.

    You will obtain this achievement once you finish Franklin’s first mission “Franklin and Lamar.”

A Friendship Ressurected
With friends like this who needs enemies?
  • Story related, cannot be missed.

    You will obtain this achievement once you finish the mission “Fame or Shame.”

A Fair Day's Pay
It's time for a little getaway.
  • Story related, cannot be missed.

    You will obtain this achievement once you finish the mission “Caida Libre.”

The Moment of Truth
You knew the truth about Brad.
  • Story related, cannot be missed.

    You will obtain this achievement once you finish the mission “Bury the Hatchet.”

To Live or Die in Los Santos
You have completed the last main story quest
  • Story related, cannot be missed.

    You will obtain this achievement once you finish the final story mission in the game.

Diamond Hard
You cleaned out Vangelico to pay back Martin Madrazo
  • Story related, cannot be missed.

    You will unlock this achievement once you finish the mission "Jewel Store Job."

You stole the Merryweather experimental super weapon and then returned
  • Story related, cannot be missed.

    You will obtain this achievement once you finish the mission “The Merryweather Heist."

You performed a classic blitz play.
  • Story related, cannot be missed.

    You will obtain this achievement once you finish the mission “Blitz Play."

Small Town, Big Job
You made a big impression at the Paleto Bay Chicken Festival
  • Story related, cannot be missed.

    You will obtain this achievement once you finish the mission “The Paleto Score."

The Government Gimps
You have extracted valuable information and entering into a well guarded federal building
  • Story related, cannot be missed.

    You will obtain this achievement once you finish the mission “The Bureau Raid."

The Big One!
That's a dream come true
  • Story related, cannot be missed.

    You will obtain this achievement once you finish the mission “The Big Score."
Other Achievements
Solid Gold, Baby!
Earn 70 gold medals on Missions and Strangers and Freaks
  • All of the story and side missions (Strangers and Freaks) in GTA V have specific requirements that will net you a Gold Medal if you complete them all. These requirements range from completing a mission under a certain amount of time, getting a specific number of headshots, completing the mission with average accuracy, etc.

    Fear not, for the requirements do not all have to be completed in one run of the mission and there a total of about 117 missions to work with. Once you complete a mission, you can replay them by pausing your game and going to the “Game” tab in the paused menu. Here, you pick and choose which missions you would like to replay as well as see which requirements you have left to work on. To learn more about the individual tasks, check out this guide.

Career Criminal
Attain 100% Game Completion
  • In order to obtain full 100% completion in GTA V and unlock this achievement, you will need to complete the following requirements:

    1. Story Missions
    • Complete all 69 Story missions

    2. Strangers and Freaks
    • Complete the following 20 Stranger and Freaks side missions
      • Pulling Favors
      • Pulling Another Favor
      • Pulling Favors Again
      • Still Pulling Favors
      • Pulling One Last Favor
      • Shift Work
      • Paparazzo
      • Paparazzo - The Sex Tape
      • Paparazzo - The Partnership
      • Paparazzo - Reality Check
      • A Starlet in Vinewood
      • Grass Roots - Franklin
      • Grass Roots - The Smoke-In
      • Exercising Demons - Franklin
      • Far Out
      • The Final Frontier
      • Risk Assessment
      • Liquidity Risk
      • Targeted Risk
      • Uncalculated Risk

    3. Random Events
    • Complete at least 14 out of the 57 random events

    4. Hobbies & Pastimes
    • Complete the following 42 Hobbies/Pastimes
      • Shooting Range - Handguns (Win 3 Medals)
      • Shooting Range - Sub-Machine Guns (Win 3 Medals)
      • Shooting Range - Assault Rifles (Win 3 Medals)
      • Shooting Range - Shotguns (Win 3 Medals)
      • Shooting Range - Light Machine Guns (Win 3 Medals)
      • Shooting Range - Heavy (Win 3 Medals)
      • Street Race - South Los Santos (Win a Medal)
      • Street Race - Circuit City (Win a Medal)
      • Street Race - Airport (Win a Medal)
      • Street Race - Freeway (Win a Medal)
      • Street Race - Vespucci Canals (Win a Medal)
      • Win at Tennis
      • Play 9 holes of Golf and finish even or below par
      • Win at Darts
      • Get a private dance at the Strip Club
      • Triathlon - Vespucci Canals (Win a Medal)
      • Triathlon - Alamo Sea (Win a Medal)
      • Triathlon - Coyote Cross Country (Win a Medal)
      • Off Road Race 1 - Canyon Cliffs (Win a Medal)
      • Off Road Race 2 - Ridge Run (Win a Medal)
      • Off Road Race 3 - Minward Spiral (Win a Medal)
      • Off Road Race 4 - Valley Trail (Win a Medal)
      • Off Road Race 5 - Lakeside Splash (Win a Medal)
      • Off Road Race 6 - Eco Friendly (Win a Medal)
      • Flight School - Training Take Off (Win a Medal)
      • Flight School - Runway Landing (Win a Medal)
      • Flight School - Inverted Flight (Win a Medal)
      • Flight School - Knife Flight (Win a Medal)
      • Flight School - Flat Hatting (Win a Medal)
      • Flight School - Touchdown (Win a Medal)
      • Flight School - Loop the Loop (Win a Medal)
      • Flight School - Helicopter Course (Win a Medal)
      • Flight School - Helicopter Speed Run (Win a Medal)
      • Flight School - Skydiving (Win a Medal)
      • Flight School - Drop Zone (Win a Medal)
      • Flight School - Earn Your Wings (Win a Medal)
      • Sea Race - East Coast (Win a Medal)
      • Sea Race - North East Coast (Win a Medal)
      • Sea Race - Raton Canyon (Win a Medal)
      • Sea Race - Los Santos (Win a Medal)
      • Parachuting - Complete all Base Jumps
      • Parachuting - Complete all Heli Jumps

    5. Miscellaneous
    • Complete the following 16 Miscellaneous activities around San Andreas
      • Purchase any 5 Properties
      • Purchase a vehicle from a website
      • Collect 50 Space Ship parts
      • Collect 50 Letter Scraps
      • Walk and play fetch with Chop
      • Collect a Booty Call
      • Receive a Prostitute Service
      • Hold Up a Store
      • Complete 25 Under the Bridge Challenges
      • Complete 8 Knife Flight Challenges
      • Complete 25 Stunt Jumps
      • Visit the Cinema
      • Friend Activity - Visit a Bar
      • Friend Activity - Visit the Cinema
      • Friend Activity - Visit the Strip Club
      • Friend Activity - Play Darts
      • Be sure to link your gamertag to Rockstar's Social Club website in order to keep track of your progress towards this achievement!

    San Andreas Sightseer
    Explore of all of Los Santos and Blaine County
    • The entire island of San Andreas is open from the start; however, the world will be hidden on your map by dark clouds of fog until you have explored that area. Once you have explored a certain section of the map, the fog will clear up and you can see the map as normal.

      Even though most of the map will be uncovered through natural story progression, the best way to uncover the map quickly would be to use a plane or helicopter. Unlike cars, aircraft will uncover the world much faster as opposed to maneuvering through every street, mountain pass or body of water. Once you have cleared up about 98% of the island and the surrounding waters, the achievement will unlock.

    All's Fare in Love and War
    Purchase Downtown Cab Co. and complete a private fare
    • You will eventually come to a point in the main storyline where you can begin to purchase property around the city of Los Santos. Owning a piece of property not only allows you to use their services for free, but you will also net a substantial weekly income as well.

      For this achievement, you will want to purchase the Downtown Cab Company which is located on Tangerine Street in East Vinewood. This will set you back $200,000 and can only be bought as Franklin. Now, wait until the manager, Raul, calls you. When he does, he will have a private fare ready for you. Accept this job offer and the letter "P" will appear on the world map. Pick up the customer at the "P" icon and drive them to their destination. When you get there, they might need help with a small mission or they will simply get out of the car and pay you right away. Once you are paid, the achievement will unlock.
Other Achievements #0.5
TP Industries Arms Race
Purchase McKenzie Field Hangar and win the arms race
  • While playing as Trevor, you will need to complete the two story missions "Mr. Philips" and "Nervous Ron" before you can buy properties around San Andreas. Upon completing the latter mission, the game will inform you about property buying.

    You can actually purchase the McKenzie Field Hanger for $150,000 as soon as you finish the "Nervous Ron" mission, as you will have just enough cash and the mission ends right outside the hanger.

    Once purchased, you can begin undertaking trafficking missions for Oscar, who you meet after making the purchase. Arms Trafficking missions are performed in the Cuban 800 airplane parked in the hanger and in the BF Dune Buggy parked outside the hanger. Enter either vehicle in order to receive instructions from Oscar. After completing a mission, you will either need to travel some distance and return in order for the next mission to be available, or quick save and reload your saved file. All in all, there are five of each trafficking missions (air and ground) and the achievement will unlock once all ten are completed.
Other Achievements #2
Attain a gold medal in all applicable hobbies and pastimes.
  • In GTA V, there are over 60 hobbies and pastimes available around San Andreas. Some of these include Taxi Missions, Races, Parachuting, Triathlons, Sports and more.

    For this achievement, you only have to worry about obtaining ONE Gold Medal in the following activities:
    • Flight School
    • Off-Road Race
    • Sea Race
    • Street Race
    • Shooting Range
    • Triathlon

    Franklin's very first Strangers & Freaks Mission, "Shift Work," will count as a Street Race for this achievement even if you did not get a Gold Medal on it. For the Triathlons, Sea Races and Off-Road Races, you only need to get 1st place to obtain a Gold Medal. For the Flight School and Shooting Range, you only have to worry about getting a Gold Medal in one of the many challenges available. This achievement can be done with any character, so don't worry about keeping track of who does what!

From Beyond the Stars
Collect and return all spaceship parts.
  • While playing as Franklin, you will eventually encounter a mission called, “Far Out One”, which will be designated on your map by a green question mark icon. This mission will direct you to a man named Omega in east Sandy Shore. He will recount a ridiculous tale about an alien ship that crashed in San Andreas and it is up to you to recover all 50 space ship parts for him.

    Although this is a Franklin-only mission, you can still recover the ship parts while playing as Michael and Trevor. Each collectible will have a bright gold aura and emit a small humming sound when you are near them. Keep in mind that some parts can only be reached with a helicopter, but you can easily get one from the Los Santos Hospital helipad. If you don't know where that is, jump to 10:39 in the video below and you will see its location. Once you have collected all 50 parts, return them to Omega and the achievement, plus a very unique vehicle, will be yours.

    Refer to "A Mystery, Solved" for a great tip on how to collect the space ship parts quicker, using the taxis in the game, if you do not always have a helicopter.

A Mystery, Solved
Solve the mystery of Leonora Johnson.
  • There are 50 hidden Letter Scraps scattered all over San Andreas and they can be picked up with any character at any time during the game. These letters are small, glowing pieces of paper that were left behind by a serial killer in San Andreas. Like the space ship parts, some of these scraps can only be reached with a helicopter.

    After finding all 50 scraps, proceed to the newly discovered green question mark icon in Rockford Hills while playing as Franklin. There, you will meet Leonora Johnson's killer, Peter Dreyfuss. After a short cutscene, it is up to you in deciding Dreyfuss's fate. Regardless of what you do to the man, the achievement will unlock after your decision is made.

    It is recommended to work on both set of collectibles after you have purchased the Downtown Cab Company as Franklin. Once you own the company, taxi rides will be free. If you are following the videos, you can just set a waypoint to the next collectible and fast travel to your destination through the taxi cab. Make sure to whistle when you get out of the cab so it stays there while you grab the collectible. Credit goes to WalterWhite for this brilliant idea.

Waste Management
Purchase the old dock and collect all nuclear waste.
  • Before you can begin collecting the 30 nuclear waste collectibles, you will need to buy the Sonar Collections Dock - located in Blaine County - for $250,000. This property can be purchased by any of the three characters and will only be available after completing the "The Merryweather Heist" story mission.

    In order to pick up the nuclear waste, which is scattered around the ocean floor, you need to use the yellow submarine that always spawns at the docks of this property. Buying the docks will also give you a new app called "Trackify," which will automatically turn on when entering the submarine as it provides a sonar radar that points to the nearest collectible. The order of collectibles in the video below matches with the order of the Trackify app. The app will not mark any of the waste on your in-game world map and sometimes, a piece of waste is extremely far away on a different part of the coast; so be sure to follow the video to a tee. The submarine is also VERY slow, so if you're trying to collect all the nuclear waste in one run, it will take around two hours.

    Fortunately, collecting all the nuclear waste will help uncover the ocean on your map if it is not already cleared up. In addition to this, you will earn $23,000 per piece of nuclear waste you find if you collect them with the character who purchased the Docks, and an additional $250,000 bonus after finding the last piece of waste.

Red Mist
Complete all Rampages.
  • Rampages are a form of Strangers and Freaks missions that are only available when playing as Trevor. Like all Strangers and Freaks missions, the first Rampage will appear as an orange question mark on your map. After that, their icon is an Orange Skull but they will not appear on the map until the mission "Friends Reunited" is completed. The goal of these missions is to defeat the required number of enemies in the time allotted. You do not incur a Wanted Level during the challenges which is the fun part.

    Overall, there are five different Rampages to complete. The first Rampage will be available after completing the “Trevor Philips Industries” story mission. Below, you can check out where each Rampage is located.
    • Rampage 1 – Sandy Shores on Marina Drive.
    • Rampage 2 – Corner of Macdonald Street and Jamestown Street in Rancho, Los Santos.
    • Rampage 3 – In an alley on Forum Drive in Chamberlin Hills, Los Santos.
    • Rampage 4 – Fort Zancudo Approach in Great Chaperral.
    • Rampage 5 – Mirror Park, Los Santos.

    Upon completing all five rampages, the achievement will unlock.
Other Achievements #2.5
Show Off
Complete all Stunt Jumps.
  • Within the world of San Andreas, you will come across a total of 50 stunt jumps that you will need to complete for this achievement. Having the right vehicle for each jump is extremely significant. Usually, a fast sports car or motorbike is key for nailing the jumps at top speed; however, certain jumps are more restrictive with their “landing zone” so you may need a slower vehicle. With this said, knowing where to land each Stunt Jump is half the battle. You can land the jump as much as you’d like, but if you do not land in the desired location, it will not count.

    The Stunt Jumps are scattered throughout the city Los Santos and valleys of Blaine County. Keep in mind that Franklin is the character of choice for these Stunt Jumps, as his special ability can help make a last second adjustment in mid air or as you are going to launch off the ramp of a jump.

    It is recommended to use your in-game cellphone to quick save before every Stunt Jump. Using this method is great for ensuring that you will never lose any progress if you die or destroy your vehicle. If you fail a jump, just reload your saved file and you will be sitting in your vehicle right in front of the Stunt Jump you just saved your progress at. This is great for saving time instead of having to find a new vehicle or line up the jump again.

Out of Your Depth
You're gonna need a bigger boat...
  • At any time during your playthrough, make your way to the beach in Western Los Santos and hop into a jet ski near the pier. Drive out into the ocean until the water is dark blue, as this is where you can generally find sharks if you wait long enough (you will know if a shark is nearby when there is a red dot on your mini-map). Once a shark appears, hop off your jet ski and dive underwater. The shark will ignore you at first, but once it gets close it will finally eat you and the achievement will unlock.

Other Achievements #3
Pimp My Sidearm
Fully mod a weapon.
  • This achievement can be easily done after completing the fourth story mission when you gain control of Michael outside the car dealership. At this point in the story, he will have around $7,500.
    Make you way to the nearest Ammu-Nation gun store and select the “Standard Handgun” Pistol. Purchase all five upgrades and the achievement will unlock. This will only set you back approximately $3,381 in total:
    • Extended Clip - $387
    • Flashlight – $472
    • Suppressor - $1,822
    • Army Tint - $100
    • LSPD Tint – $600
    Alternatively, if you have a Rockstar Social Club account and your gamertag is linked to it, you will be given a free weapon (Assault SMG) when you start the game. All of the mods for this weapon are also free, so head to an Ammu-Nation store and equip both the SMG and all the attachments in order to unlock the achievement. The SMG can be found on the right side of the wall when browsing through the weapon selection.

You completed the Epsilon program and achieved inner peace.
  • This achievement can only be obtained while playing as Michael and involves a very long process of tedious missions and monetary donations. To begin, pull up your in-game cellphone and access the internet. Type in "Epsilon" in the search bar, click on the first website that comes up, and complete the Epsilon Program Identity Evaluation on the homepage. As soon as you quit out of the internet, there will be a new Strangers and Freaks mission on your map in Raton Canyon. Approach the red truck there and watch the cutscene that ensues. Following this cutscene, Michael will receive an email informing him to donate $500 to the Epsilon website in order to unlock the next mission.
    After making the donation and a few in-game days have passed, head to the next Epsilon icon on your map near the corner of Clinton Avenue and Alta Street in Downtown Vinewood. Complete this mission and you will need to donate another $5,000 through their website. During the next mission, you be required to deliver five vehicles to the Epsilon Garage in Vinewood Hills. You will be sent a photo of each vehicle to your cellphone in order to help track them down. If you have a lot of spare cash, access the internet on your cellphone and open the "Travel and Transport" menu. Go to the Southern San Andreas Super Autos website and buy the following vehicles:
    • Enus Super Diamond - $250,000
    • Pegassi Vacca - $240,000
    • Benefactor Surano - $99,000
    These purchased cars will be sent directly to Michael's garage. If you do not have the cash for these three vehicles, all five can be found throughout the city of Los Santos (if you need further guidance, the video below shows these vehicle locations starting at 2:31):
    • The Pegassi Vacca can be found parked on Wild Oats Drive in front of a house in Vinewood Hills
    • The Benefactor Surano is sitting in a parking lot in the cul-de-sac of the Lake Vinewood Estates
    • The Declasse Tornado can be found in a parking lot at the "Domestic - Japanese - European" Garage in Hawick (2 blocks East of Ammu-Nation gun shop 2/9 on map legend)
    • The Enus Super Diamond is parked behind Leopold's on Dorset Drive in Rockford Hills (2 blocks South of Ponsonbys clothing store 1/3 on the map legend)
    • The Double-T Motorcycle is parked in one of the spaces next to the Lifeinvader offices on Boulevard Del Perro.

    After delivering all five vehicles to the Epsilon Garage, you will need to complete another short mission. After this, you will need to make TWO $5,000 donations to the website for the next mission to appear, which tasks you with buying the Epsilon Robes from their website for $25,000. You must now wear the robes for 10 straight days, so return to Michael's house and simply sleep for 10 days straight in order to speed this up. Once this task has been completed, you will receive a text from Jimmy Boston asking you to go Fort Zancudo; complete the next mission there. Following this, proceed to the next Epsilon icon when it appears on your map and make sure you are still wearing the Robes. Talk to the crew there and they will inform you that you need to wander 5 miles in the desert. Distance covered is tracked onscreen above your radar after every 0.1 mile.
    Tip: Wrapping a rubber band around the controller's thumbsticks will continuously move Michael in a circle so that you do not have to sit there during the mission. Just be careful not to wonder outside the desert of the tracker will reset.
    After completing this dreadful task, make sure you have $50,000 on hand and head over to the Epsilon Center in West Vinewood when the mission appears. Complete this final mission in any way you'd like (to obtain the Gold Medal for this mission; drive to the drop off point, kill the helicopter crew, security guards and back up security, and then drive off with the money) and the achievement is finally yours!

Three Man Army
Survive 3 minutes on at least a 3 star Wanted Level with all three characters together off mission.
  • The earliest you can attempt this achievement is after the "Friends Reunited" story mission, as this is when all three characters will be available to use within the game. Open up your cellphone, go to "Contacts" and call either one of your partners requesting to hangout. Sometimes your partners may not always be available to hangout because they are sleeping, have an immediate story mission that needs to be completed, or you just did a mission with them. Just keep making calls during your time off-mission until they both are available to hangout.
    Once you've requested to hangout with either one, a new stickman icon will appear on your map. This is the location of the person you have just called. Call them both first before heading to their locations and then pick them up. Make sure you have a four-door car when picking them up!
    Now in order to obtain a three star wanted level, you will need to either kill a police officer or trespass an airport. Both of these methods will get you three stars right away, however it is recommended to trespass the airport as you can simply drive laps around the immediate area until three minutes have passed. It is also highly recommended to use a car in which you have bought bulletproof tires. Once three minutes have elapsed during the chase, the achievement will unlock.
Other Achievements #3.5
Altruist Acolyte
Deliver an unsuspecting victim to the Altruist Cult.
  • During your playthrough, you will sometimes notice your mini-map quickly flash white followed by a flashing red/blue blip. This notifies you that there is a Random Event at that blip. These events range from catching a thief; to gang shootouts and giving a stranger a lift back home. For this achievement, you will need to be playing as Trevor and wait until you encounter a hitchhiker or drunk pedestrian who needs a ride home.

    After the story mission, "Friends Reunited," you will arrive in Los Santos and already be playing as Trevor. Around the block from Floyd's safehouse, you will encounter a drunk couple who needs a ride home. You should use this time to get the achievement.

    When you pick up the stranger, you will receive a popup notification on your the top left corner of your screen informing you that Trevor can bring them to the Altruist Camp in Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness (Northern Blaine County). A white “A” icon will appear on your map immediately. If you set a waypoint to the Altruist Camp, you can follow the new purple route instead of the yellow route that directs you to their house. Once you arrive at the camp, Trevor escorts them to the front gate where the cannibals take them off your hands. At this point, you will unlock the achievement.

Trading Pure Alpha
Make a profit over your total investments in the stock market.
  • At any time during your playthrough, open your cell phone and access the Internet. From here, select the “Money & Services” tab and choose any of the stock markets listed. Now select “Markets” and buy any stock that is rising; you can tell which market is gaining profit by the green arrow next to their name. You can buy any amount of stock you’d like, but one is enough for this achievement.

    You will now need wait at least 12 in-game hours and before returning to the stocks page. When enough time has passed, click on “My Portfolio” under the "Money & Services" tab, sell your purchased stock for a profit and the achievement will unlock.

Los Santos Customs
Fully mod a vehicle.
  • After the story mission, "Father/Son," you can begin customizing your vehicles at the Los Santos Customs shops. These shops will be marked as a spray paint can on your map. Since each car varies from mods and price tags, there is no set vehicle to use for this achievement. Just make sure you purchase one of every upgrade from each section in the customize menu when inside the shop. Depending on your vehicle and which mod suits your taste, you will need to save upwards to at least $40,000 to fully mod your car.

    Take note that the achievement only unlocks once you exit Los Santos Customs. Many people are also overlooking the fact that you need to buy one of each wheel accessory: Custom Tires, Bulletproof Tires & Smoke Tires; and the Chrome finish in addition to any other regular respray (Classic, Matte, Metallic).
Other Achievements #4
Wanted: Alive Or Alive
Deliver a bail bond target alive.
  • Bail Bond missions are only available for Trevor. After finishing his first mission, "Mr. Philips," make your way to the orange question mark icon on the map in Grapeseed. This will lead you to Maude, who will regularly send you emails of Bail Bond targets with their last know location.

    The first Bail Bond mission you receive will task you with capturing Ralph Ostrowski, who will be located in the middle of the Davis Quartz Quarry. This area is located just South-East of Trevor’s safehouse. Once you arrive at the quarry, head on through the entrance and continue straight on. A set of train tracks should be on your left and you'll then come to a fork in the road; go right. Make another right at the next fork in the road and proceed up the hill.

    You will now be positioned at the top of the quarry where the road will spiral down into the center. This is where the Bail Bond target is located. Make your way down there and Ralph will jump into his vehicle and begin drive away. Shoot out his tires to immobilize his vehicle and pull him out of the car. Now get back into your own vehicle with him and return to Maude for your achievement.

    If you have missed your chance in obtaining this achievement on the first bail bond target, do not worry, there are a few more targets Maude sends you throughout the game. If you need help locating a Bail Bond target, be sure to check out THIS THREAD for a good map of each target's location.

Close Shave
Complete all Under the Bridge and Knife Flight challenges.
  • There are two types of aerial challenges in GTA V; Under the Bridges and Knife Flights. Under the Bridge challenges task you with simply flying under 50 bridges across the world, while Knife Flights require you to “knife” your plane through two buildings. There are 15 Knife Flights located around San Andreas.

    If you have tested the flight school challenges in the Los Santos International Airport, you will already be familiar with what a knife is and how to perform one. If not, a knife is when you roll the plane on its side using the left thumbstick so the wings are vertical with the horizon. It is recommended to perform the Knife Flight challenges in a slow plane such as the stunt plane or a biplane like a crop duster. You can steal a crop duster around Trevor’s McKenzie Field airstrip as they often land there.

    Unlike the Knife Flights, Under the Bridge challenges can be completed in any aircraft. You will find out, however, that some aircraft types are much easier than others, depending on the bridge you’re trying to fly under. The Buzzard helicopter is strongly recommended for these challenges. Also, Trevor is the logical character when going for this achievement because he starts off with the highest piloting skill.

    You can find helicopters in Vespucci, and planes at any airport or McKenzie Field (Trevor’s airstrip). You can also purchase planes and helicopters online (, as well as military helicopters on Remember, if either your helicopter, jet, or plane gets significantly damaged, use the quick save and immediately reload the game. Your aircraft will automatically be repaired when you are loaded back into the game. Also be sure to use of quick save before attempting the harder Under the Bridge and Knife Flight Stunts.

Under the Bridge:

Flight on the Knife:

A New Perspective
Play GTA V for 15 hours in first person mode.
  • In GTA V the opportunity to play with a first-person. Actually, nothing complicated in obtaining this achievement is not. However, not every player would like to spend this amount of time in an unusual GTA camera mode. For such people, there are many ways to "cheat" the game clock. The simplest are the following: Pre include first-person view. We leave the game on overnight, or at any other time. We are engaged in their affairs (sleep / work / study, etc.). In this case, better to leave your character's house, sit down to watch TV. You can also call a taxi and send the hero on the trip (for example, a trip from the airport Sandy Shores takes about 15-20 minutes). During the trip, no one can call you. After 15 hours of such manipulations/gameplay your trophy.

Vinewood Visionary
Create and upload a video using the Rockstar Editor.
  • Using the capabilities of the in-game editor to create any video and upload it in youtube.

A Lot of Cheddar
Spend a total of $200 million across all three characters.
  • This achievement is extremely straight forward; keep purchasing weapons, vehicle mods, properties, and stocks in order to gain progress towards the $200 million mark. Purchasing properties will be extremely costly; however, the advantage to owning multiple properties at once is that your weekly income will net you a substantial amount of cash which can then be used to buy other things. As for stocks, you will want to invest your money in profitable companies, then sell your share(s) a few days later if they have made profit.

    Quickest Method: After you have collected your share of money from the "Big Score" mission, you should have around $20+ million per each character. Pick any character and invest ALL your money in any stock market. Now IMMEDIATELY SELL ALL your stocks right away to get all your money back. If you do this ten times, the achievement will unlock in a short amount of time because investing money in the stock market counts as spending money for the achievement.

Online Achievements
Off the Plane
GTA Online: Complete the Introduction.
  • When you launch GTA V Online for the first time, you will be required to create your own character using the heritage, attributes and appearance modifications. After you finish customizing your character, click "Save and Continue" in order to begin your online experience. There will be a short cutscene as Lamar drives you through the city of Los Santos and fills you in on the activities and people you will encounter around San Andreas. After he drops you off at the tutorial race, the achievement will unlock.

Three-Bit Gangster
GTA Online: Reach Rank 25.
  • Please refer to "Above the Law" for more information.

Making Moves
GTA Online: Reach Rank 50.
  • Please refer to "Above the Law" for more information.

Above the Law
GTA Online: Reach Rank 100.
  • Every mission, activity and challenge you complete in GTA Online will net you Reputation Points (RP) which are essentially experience points that increase your overall Rank. In order to reach Rank 100, you will need to gain exactly 1,584,350 RP. It is recommended to complete as many Jobs and activities available whenever you are playing online in order to net a good amount of RP during your session. Also, do take note that playing with crew members and full lobbies will net your more RP at the end of an activity.

    One of the best, fool-proof methods in ranking up quickly would be to a boosting partner and complete the "Criminal Records" Race. In order to load that up quickly, follow these steps: Pause > Online > Jobs > Host Job > Races > Criminal Records.

    Now, just set the "Vehicle Type" to Super and "Laps" to TWO. On average, each lap will take about 35 seconds and you will gain around 500-2000RP at the end of the race, depending on when place you finish in. In addition to this, you will also net an additional 700-6000RP+ (dependent on your Rank) for various bonuses upon completing the very first lap of this race. The reason this race works so well when ranking up is because the race track is literally a full circle, so there is no worry for tight turns, collisions or traffic.

    Overall, this achievement will require some dedicated hours of playtime, but with all the thrilling activities and unique missions around San Andreas, the road to Rank 100 shouldn't be too terrible. Of course, do take advantage of the Criminal Records method, as it will lessen the time it takes to reach Rank 100.

Numero Uno
GTA Online: Obtain first place in all competitive game types.
  • There are several game types that you will encounter during your time on GTA Online. Some are available from the start of the game, while others are only unlocked when you have reached a certain Rank. Do not worry about obtaining each of these wins in a public match against other players, however. You can work on all of these in a closed friends session so long as you have the required amount of players for each game type. Most game types only require two players, while others will require four. Below, you can find a list of all the game types you must win in order to get this achievement.
    • Land Race
    • Air Race
    • Sea Race
    • GTA Race
    • Rally Race (FOUR players required)
    • Deathmatch
    • Team Deathmatch
    • 10 Waves of Survival (FOUR players recommended)
    • Gang Attack (Can be done Solo)
    • Golf (Can be set to 1 Hole)
    • Tennis (Can be set to 1 Set)
    • Darts
    • Arm Wrestling
    • Parachuting
    • Any challenge at the Shooting Range

    If for whatever reason you lose track of your progress for this achievement, you can check where you have already gained victories by following these steps: PAUSE > STATS > AWARDS > VICTORIES.

The Midnight Club
GTA Online: Use custom vehicles to win 5 races.
  • After completing the first few Jobs during your Online experience, Simeon will call you and tell you to bring a vehicle to the nearest Los Santos Customs shop in order to insure it. Steal any vehicle you'd like - although a fast sports car or muscle car is suggested - and head to the shop. There, you can insure the vehicle and add a select few mods which will all be free thanks to Simeon.

    Upon exiting the shop, you will now be informed about the various jobs and races available around San Andreas. Open up the world map and scroll down the map legend until you get to land races. Set a waypoint on the nearest one and head over there. When you arrive you will notice a small blue circle at the race start. Get out of your vehicle and walk inside the circle to start the race.

    In the race settings menu, change the "Laps" to ONE, "Vehicle Type" to whichever model your insured vehicle is (Sports, Muscle, Motorbike, SUV) and make sure "Custom Vehicles" is ON. Now invite a friend to the race and when selecting your vehicle, make sure it's your new custom ride you just customized at the shop. Once the race begins, communicate with your partner so they allow you to win the race. Once it is over, you can vote to replay the same race. Obtain four more victories and the achievement is yours.
Online Achievements #2
Unnatural Selection
GTA Online: Complete all 10 waves of a Survival.
  • You must be at least a Rank 15 to unlock the Survival missions. These missions are essentially a "horde" mode where you will need to fend off against ten waves of enemies. After each wave, you are given a short amount of time to restock on ammo, health, and body armor that is scattered throughout the map. Each wave also becomes progressively harder; enemies will have stronger weapons, attack in larger numbers, spawn in SUV's, or even helicopters.

    Once you have reached the required rank mentioned above, Ron will give you a call and fill you in on these missions. After the phone call, open up your world map and find the closest Survival Job which is marked by a shield and cross emblem. At first, there are only three Survival maps you can play on. These are Boneyard, Sandy Survival and Industrial Plant. Railyard Survival will unlock once you have reached Rank 20, and Processed at Rank 25.

    Out of the three starting maps, Boneyard would be the best choice. In the middle of this map ,there are two large hangers that have a small fenced off area in between. The fenced area provides excellent cover as enemies will not be able to shoot through the fence, even though you are. If you choose this method, make sure to have at least two other players with you; one will need to cover the doorway into the fenced area, and the other two should cover either side of the hanger by shooting the enemies through the fence.

    Make sure to follow these four simple tips and you should be able to clear all 10 waves with less trouble:

    Make sure you are playing with in full 4 player lobby
    Always use cover!
    Stock up on ammo, health, and body armor between each wave
    Communication is KEY - make sure all your teammates have mics
    Once you have successfully completed all ten waves on any map, the achievement will unlock! Take note that completing all ten waves is also a necessary requirement for the Numero Uno achievement. You will also unlock a Platinum Award upon completing all ten waves.

Backseat Driver
GTA Online: Direct a driver to 1st place as co-driver in Rally Mode.
  • Rally Mode Races can be launched through the regular Land Races that are found around Los Santos. When you enter the blue circle of the Race start, a Settings Menu will immediately drop down. Change the "Race Type" to Rally Mode and now invite your partner(s). Take note that the Rally Mode Race can only begin if there is an even amount of players in the lobby.

    In the "Settings Menu", assign your partner to the "Preferred Driver" and select which role you would like to be, whether it is Driver or Co-Driver. The Driver - obviously - will maneuver the vehicle throughout the race but will not be able to see the checkpoints. It is up to the Co-Driver to direct the Driver throughout the course as only they are able to see the checkpoints.

    Communication is KEY while going for this achievement. If your Co-Driver is not giving you precise directions, the Driver will have no idea where to go. Once your Driver has crossed the finished line in first place, whoever is taking the role of the Co-Driver will unlock the achievement.
Online Achievements #3
Run Like The Wind
GTA Online: Survive for a day with a Bounty on your head.
  • Before you can attempt this achievement, you must be a Rank 10. Now Lester will give you a call, so head over to his house for a short cutscene where he informs you about Bounties. Load up a Private Lobby with a friend who is also a Rank 10 and have each player call Lester. There will be an option to "Place a Bounty" on a player in the lobby for a minimum of $2,000. Place a bounty on each other and simply wait for 24 in-game hours (45 minutes real-time) to pass.

    Be sure NOT to kill each other, or it will void the achievement; however, if an NPC kills you, it does not void the time. Furthermore, if you decide to perform any activity within the world, the timer will pause; so make sure both of you just stand still until time has elapsed.

    Take note that you can get kicked for inactivity if you are standing idled for too long! To avoid getting kicked out of the lobby and ruining your progress towards the achievement, it is recommended to either cruise around the city in a car or hang out in your apartment - if you have one - until the achievement unlocks.

    Alternatively, you can try to get this achievement solo if you do not have anyone to place a bounty on you. Often times, when you hijack enough vehicles during your online session, the NPC you hijacked will text you with a threatening message informing you that they are going to get back at you. Shortly after, Lester will call you and let you know that the NPC has placed a bounty on you. If this happens, follow the method above in order to pass 24 in-game hours.

Clean Sweep
GTA Online: Finish a Gang Attack without dying and kill at least 10 enemies.
  • Gang Attacks will only unlock once you have reached Rank 18. After hitting this Rank, you will receive a phone call from Martin informing you of local gangs hanging around San Andreas. Your goal is to terminate these gangs from their hideouts.

    Gang Attacks are indicated by large, yet faint, red circles on your mini-map. Take note that these red circles DO NOT appear on the world, so keep your eyes peeled when cruising around Los Santos and Blaine County. Once you enter the circle, the Gang Attack will begin as AI gang members will start attacking you. You will need to eliminate the entire group of gang members - ranging anywhere from 15 to 30 enemies - until the area is clear. Simply survive the entire assault without dying and get at least ten kills.

    While this can be done on your own, it would be beneficial to work on this with at least one other player. This way, your partner can take all the damage and clear out the rest of the gang hideout once you have obtained your ten kills. The achievement will unlock once the Gang Attack is complete.

Stick Up Kid
GTA Online: Hold up all 20 Stores.
  • Shortly after finishing your first official job for Lamar, he will give you a call and fill you in on your next Job in which you will have to hold up a store for some cash. After the phone call, pull up your cellphone and click "Jobs List." Activate the sole Job available and follow the waypoint to the nearby gas station. Once you are there, head inside and hold up the store by pointing your gun at the cashier. As he is filling up a bag with money, you can shoot at him to make him move faster. After he hands over the bag, exit the store and lose your Wanted Level.

    Now open up your world map and scroll down the map legend with the D-pad until you get to the store icon. Here, you can filter through each of the 20 stores around San Andreas and set waypoints to their location. Take note that you can rob multiple stores in one go.

Enjoy Your Stay
GTA Online: Participate in everything Los Santos has to offer.
  • The world of San Andreas has a plethora of activities to indulge yourself in during your time Online. Such activities may range from races to parachuting, all the way to playing sports and grooming your character at the local barbershop. Below, you will find a checklist outlining the activities required or this achievement. As with the platinum awards, you can check your progress towards these activities by following these steps: PAUSE > STATS > UNLOCKS > PROGRESS.

    You will notice there are far more activities listed in the progress menu than there are in the checklist below; however, the only activities that count towards the achievement are listed here. Furthermore, next to each activity, there will be a "No" or "Yes" indicating whether or not you have completed or participated in that specific activity. You will want to make sure all your activities say "YES" next to them. If you quit out of any of these, the activity will be marked "YES", but it will not count towards the achievement. Please be aware that Arm Wrestling, Darts, Golf, Tennis and the Strip Club activities will only be available past Rank 7.
    • Get a haircut
    • Get a tattoo
    • Buy clothes
    • Play golf
    • Play tennis
    • Play darts
    • Play shooting range (complete one challenge here)
    • Have an arm wrestle
    • Hold up a store
    • Buy a private dance at the Strip Club

Crew Cut
GTA Online: Complete a Job as a member of a Crew.
  • Before you can attempt this, make sure you are part of any Crew on Rockstar's Social Club website. You can join a crew through the pause menu of the game, or CLICK HERE[] to request an invite to a specific crew of your choosing. Once you're all set, you will want to complete any available Job around Los Santos - whether it is a race or an actual mission - with another member of the same crew. Upon successfully completing the job, the achievement will unlock.

Full Refund
GTA Online: Kill the thief that mugged you.
  • To get this achievement, you will need to be playing with someone who has already reached Rank 50. Once a player reaches this Rank, they will have the ability to hire a Mugger for $1,000 through their in-game cellphone by calling Lamar. Take note that the player you are calling the hit on must have at least $5,000 on hand to get this done.

    Set up a Closed-Friends Lobby and meet up in an enclosed section of the city with very few cars. The top floor of a parking garage or the desert of Sandy Shores works perfectly for this. After the Rank 50 player calls the hit on you, an enemy NPC will come and knock you down, stealing all your money. There will be a short delay before you are able to stand up, so pan the camera around to see where the Mugger runs off to. Once you get up, chase him down and kill him to obtain the achievement.
Online Achievements #4
Dialling Digits
GTA Online: Call for a Backup Helicopter for the first time.
  • You must be at least a Rank 20 in order to receive Helicopter backup. Upon reaching this rank, Merryweather will contact you and inform you that they can provide backup in the form of air-support units to your location. Once you have received this information, open your in-game cellphone and select "Merryweather" in your Contacts. Once the call goes through, you will see a tab with their services pop up on the screen. If you have enough money, select "Helicopter Backup", which costs $5,000, and the achievement will unlock immediately.

American Dream
GTA Online: Own an Apartment, Garage and an Insured Vehicle.
  • During your time on GTA Online, you will need complete various jobs and activities in order to save enough money to buy an apartment, garage and an insured vehicle. Near the beginning of your Online experience, Simeon will tell you to grab a vehicle and bring it to the nearest Los Santos Customs shop. Here, you can respray and insure the vehicle for free, because he is covering the cost.

    As for the apartment and garage, you must be at least a Rank 5 before you can purchase property. Once you are of rank and have enough money, pull up your in-game cellphone and check the real estate advert, "Dynasty 8" on home page of the Internet. Find an apartment with an attached garage that is both affordable and suits your needs, then purchase it through the website. The achievement will unlock immediately after purchasing the apartment and garage if you still own your insured vehicle.

    Many people have reported that if you try to buy an apartment or garage through the real estate signs on the actual property, the achievement will not unlock. So make sure you do it through the Internet.
Online Achievements with Awards
GTA Online: Earn 30 Platinum Awards.
  • There are a total of 85 Awards available Grand Theft Auto Online. These awards are essentially a set of small challenges that range from getting a certain number of kills with a weapon to changing your outfit a number of times and winning a few rounds of the different sports and around San Andreas.

    While most awards have different tiers of medals - Bronze, Silver, Gold & Platinum - there are exactly 22 challenges that will net you a platinum award upon immediate completion. Once you have earned at least 30 Platinums, you will unlock the achievement. Remember, you can always check your progress for these Awards by following these steps: PAUSE > STATS > AWARDS.

    Once you have earned 30 platinum awards, you will unlock the Decorated achievement.

    I have marked the ones that only have the platinum level. There are 22 medals that start at platinum.

    The platinum requirements for each award are listed in the brackets [].

    • The Slayer - win deathmatches [25]
    • Death Brigade - win team deathmatches [50]
    • Team Carrier - earn MVP during team deathmatches [25]
    • The Champion - win races [50]
    • The Aviator - win air races [25]
    • Making Waves - win sea races [25]
    • Cruisin' For A Bruisin' - win GTA races [50]
    • Road Rage - kill at least 3 other racers then win the race [1]
    • Follow To A Tee - win rally races as the driver [20]
    • The Dictator - win rally races as the co-driver [20]
    • Impromptu Champion - win impromptu races [25]
    • In A Class Of Your Own - win a race in a custom vehicle [1]
    • Penetrate From Behind - move from last to race winner in any race mode [25]
    • The Record Holder - hold a world record in a Rockstar race [1]
    • Dust Maker - achieve the fastest lap in a race [25]
    • Every Race - win every type of race mode at least once [1]
    • Survivor - finish waves in survival [10]
    • Over The Top - win arm wrestling [25]
    • Throwback King - challenge someone to darts and win [25]
    • The Swing King - win golf [25]
    • Stroke Master - win tennis [25]
    • Out Of Five - win a 5 set tennis match [1]
    • Straight Sets - win a tennis match in straight sets [1]
    • Crack Shot - win target grid matches [25]
    • Duck And Cover - win cover target matches [25]
    • Granny - color all the targets in a target grid match [1]
    • The Marksman - win random target matches [25]
    • All Rounder - win every game mode at least once [1]

    • War Pig - participate in 25 different deathmatches [25]
    • Veteran Racer - participate in 25 different races [25]
    • Nick Of Time - deploy your parachute below 130 feet and land safely [25]
    • Point Break - stay in the air for over 3 minutes while parachuting [25]
    • Stayed On Target - use the brakes for accurate and safe landing (parachuting) [25]
    • Clear Out - clear out 5 gang attacks in one game day in a single session [1]
    • Checking Out - win a game of darts in the quickest way possible (6 dart checkout) [1]
    • Birdies - sink birdies in golf [25]
    • Hole-In-One - get a hole in one in golf [1]
    • Ace - serve aces in tennis [25]
    • The Hustler - win bets [$50,000]
    • Lapping It Up - private dances at the strip club [25]
    • Crate Chaser - get to crate drops first [25]
    • Salvaged - pick up a special crate first [1]
    • Snapper Dresser - wear 25 different outfits [25]
    • Hairy Encounters - change hairstyle [25]
    • Proud Gun Owner - buy every gun from Ammu-Nation [1]
    • The Human Canvas - tattoo every body part [1]
    • The Matchmaker - Create custom Deathmatches [25]
    • Track Builder - Create custom Races [25]
    • Well Received - Gain thumbs up for your creations [100]
    • Reeling Them In - Have players play your creations [100]

    • The Fugitive - spend time with a 5-star wanted level [120 minutes]
    • The Police Mocker - evade 5 star wanted levels [50]
    • When Pigs Can Fly - shoot police choppers down [25]
    • Death By Drive-By - get enemy drive-by kills from a friend's passenger seat [100]
    • Vehicle Thief - steal vehicles [500]
    • Full Metal Jacket - rob armored trucks [25]
    • Armed Robber - hold up every store [20]

    • Sky High - blow up vehicles [500]
    • The Exporter - sell vehicles to the import/export garage [25]
    • No Claims Bonus - drive for 30 consecutive minutes without damage to your car [30]
    • The Passenger - spend time in a friend's car as a passenger [5 hours]
    • Mile High Club - spend time in a helicopter [4 hours]
    • Suped Up - apply each type of mod to one vehicle [1]
    • Airborne - land jumps over 300 feet in a road vehicle [25]
    • Flippin' Hell - perform vehicle flips [10]
    • Spinderella - spin your vehicle [5]
    • Unirider - wheelie for over 2000 feet [1]

    • Head Banger - achieve headshots [500]
    • The Widow Maker - kill players in any GTA online mode [1000]
    • The Bounty Hunter - kill and collect bounties [25]
    • 3 For 1 - kill someone 3 times before they get you [50]
    • Streaker - achieve killstreaks in deathmatch [100]
    • Stolen Kills - kill players that have already been wounded by another [50]
    • Death Toll - total deathmatch kills [500]
    • Killstreaker - earn a 10+ killstreak in deathmatch [1]
    • Smoke 'Em Out - get the most kills during a gang attack [1]
    • Bloodiest Of The Bunch - get the most kills in a 4 player survival [1]
    • The Equalizer - kill a player that has killed you 3 times in deathmatch [50]

    • Pistol Whipped - pistol kills [500]
    • SMG Head - SMG kills [500]
    • Shotgun Blues - shotgun kills [500]
    • Looking Down The Barrel - assault rifle kills [500]
    • Scoping Out - sniper rifle kills [100]
    • Rapid Fire - machine gun kills [500]
    • Ended In A Sticky Situation - sticky bomb kills [50]
    • Grenade Fiend - grenade kills [100]
    • The Rocket Man - RPG kills [50]
    • The Melee Murderer - melee kills [50]
    • The Car Bomber - vehicle bomb kills [25]
Online Achievement with Awards #2
Awards that can be Completed in Solo
  • The Record Holder - hold a world record in a Rockstar race
  • Survivor - finish waves in survival
  • Nick Of Time - deploy your parachute below 130 feet and land safely
  • Point Break - stay in the air for over 3 minutes while parachuting
  • Stayed On Target - use the brakes for accurate and safe landing (parachuting)
  • Clear Out - clear out 5 gang attacks in one game day in a single session
  • Checking Out - win a game of darts in the quickest way possible (6 dart checkout)
  • Birdies - sink birdies in golf
  • Hole-In-One - get a hole in one in golf
  • Lapping It Up - private dances at the strip club
  • Crate Chaser - get to crate drops first
  • Salvaged - pick up a special crate first
  • Snapper Dresser - wear 25 different outfits
  • Hairy Encounters - change hairstyle
  • Proud Gun Owner - buy every gun from Ammu-Nation
  • The Human Canvas - tattoo every body part
  • The Fugitive - spend time with a 5-star wanted level
  • The Police Mocker - evade 5-star wanted levels
  • When Pigs Can Fly - shoot police choppers down
  • Vehicle Thief - steal vehicles
  • Full Metal Jacket - rob armored trucks
  • Armed Robber - hold up every store
  • Sky High - blow up vehicles
  • The Exporter - sell vehicles to the import/export garage
  • No Claims Bonus - drive for 30 consecutive minutes without damage to your car
  • Mile High Club - spend time in a helicopter
  • Suped Up - apply each type of mod to one vehicle
  • Airborne - land jumps over 300 feet in a road vehicle
  • Flippin' Hell - perform vehicle flips
  • Spinderella - spin your vehicle
  • Unirider - wheelie for over 2000 feet
Online Achievements: Heists
Be Prepared
GTA Online: You have completed a preparatory mission before the robbery
  • Each of the five heists available in the Heist Update include multiple “Heist Setup” missions that need to be completed prior to playing the “Heist Finale” mission. After being called by Lester, a green “H” icon inside your apartment on the world map will represent each of these Setup missions. The first Setup mission available is for the tutorial heist entitled, “The Fleeca Job.”

    The first of two Heist Setup missions available here involve the crew traveling to Fleeca Bank on the western highway, scoping out the security system, and then collecting a contact and some supplies from Lester’s warehouse before returning to the apartment. Once this Setup mission has been successfully completed, the achievement will unlock without issue.
Online Achievements: Heists #2
In the Name of Science
GTA Online: You have completed the "Raid on Humane Labs" and "the first. financing" as leader or member of a crew.
  • Set as a four-player heist, The Humane Labs Raid will become available at Rank 12 and is the third heist available to play. There are five Setup Missions and one Finale Mission involved here, as seen below:

    • Key Codes
      • All four players will need to head towards the parking lot on Elgin Avenue in Downtown Los Santos and get into their designated positions before meeting the contact. Once she arrives, FIB members ambush the scene and completely lock off the area. Once the lot has been secured to some extent, one player must collect the left-behind key codes and return to the heist leader's apartment.

    • Insurgents
      • All four players must travel to the Davis Quartz Quarry and ambush the Merryweather Guards stationed near the two Insurgent vehicles. Once gathered, the trucks must be taken out of the quarry and stored in the boatyard hut north of Alamo Sea. Once the Merryweather units have been lost (or eliminated), simply take the trucks to the boat yard.

    • EMP
      • All four players must drive to the coast near the Elysian Fields Freeway where a Dinghy will be waiting on the beach coast. The crew will be required to get into the boat, travel southeast towards the Aircraft Carrier, and fight their way through the ship's interior in order to reach the upper deck. On the upper deck, one player will collect the Hydra whilst the other three players will have to collect one of the five P-996 Lazers on board. Escort the Hydra to the Sandy Shore Airfield by destroying all the hostile jets in the air zone. Once the Hyrda is stored in the hangar, the mission will be complete.

    • Valkyrie
      • All four players must travel to the Los Santos Naval Port at the Port of LS, where a heavily armed helicopter is being stored for military use. The crew must drive to the entrance and fight their way to the rear of the port where the helipad is located. Once the helicopter is collected, six enemy helicopters will begin to intercept and shoot down the Valkyrie, so take them out quickly. Once the threat is eliminated, the pilot should land on the the small road outside the designated boatyard.

    • Deliver EMP
      • All four players will be required to collect the Insurgent that is stored north of the Alamo Sea and drive the vehicle to the Humane Labs and Research entrance, being careful not to destroy the EMP or Insurgent. When the crew has arrived, begin to stealthily take out the guards and scientist within the facility, then drive the Insurgent to its designated location. Here, a player must hack a keypad to gain entry to the designated garage. Once stored, flee the facility and the mission will be complete.

    • Heist Finale
      • In this finale, the crew will be split into two teams: Ground Team (2) and Air Team (2). Here, the Ground Team will parachute into the Humane Labs facility and retrieve the objective while Air Team holds off security outside the facility before picking up Ground Team at the evac location.

    Also, set as a four-player heist, Series A Funding will become available at Rank 12, but is the fourth heist available to play. There are five Setup Missions and one Finale Mission involved here, as seen below:

    • Series A - Coke
      • The crew will be split into two groups of two. Group A will be tasked with driving to the beach and using the designated boat there to reach a larger vessel out at sea. Group B on the other hand will be tasked with driving to the Vespucci Heliport and using the designated helicopter to reach the same vessel out at sea. Once both teams reach the ship, proceed to collect all nine bags of cocaine, then escape the police patrols via the jet skis before returning to Trevor's warehouse.

    • Series A - Trash Truck
      • The crew will initially be split into two groups of two, but all four players will need to travel to the designated Trashmaster together. Once the garbage truck has been collected, "The Operators" will need to drive the vehicle to the four drug stashes while "The Collectors" get off and collect the various trash bags. Once all the trash bags have been collected, return to Tevor's warehouse with the Trashmaster.

    • Series A - Bikers
      • All four players will need to travel to Trevor's trailer and take the nearby Dingy offshore across the Alamo Sea to the Lost's encampment. Once you arrive at the camp, stealthily take out all the bikers, locate the two black vans, and then deliver them to Trevor's warehouse.

    • Series A - Weed
      • The crew will be split into three teams: Ground Team (2), West Lookout (1), and East Lookout (1). All four players will need to travel to the abandoned saw mill in Blaine County and get into their designated positions. Once everyone is ready, ambush the gang at the saw mill, steal the two Bensons and the Technical, and deliver all three vehicles to Trevor's warehouse.

    • Series A - Steal Meth
      • All four players will need to travel to the O'Neil Brother's farm in Blaine County and take out the meth dealers around the house and farm. Once the enemies have been eliminated, take one of the nearby trucks and attach the tanker, then deliver the tanker to Chef's location in Sandy Shores.

    • Heist Finale
      • In this finale, the crew will be split into two teams: South Lookout (2), North Lookout (2). Here, the crew is tasked with defending Trevor's drugs inside the warehouse from several waves of enemies and then escorting two vans to the designated area just outside San Andreas County.

    The achievement related to completing these two heists will unlock upon successfully completing the two heist finales as the either heist leader or a player that is affiliated with a Rockstar Social Club Crew. Take note that you do not actually need a fellow crew member in the heist with you. So long as you are affiliated with a legitimate crew, you’ll be fine.
Online Achievements: Heists #3
Dead Presidents
GTA Online: You have completed "The raid on Fleeca" and "Robbery Pacific Standard" as leader or member of a crew.
  • Set as a two-player heist, The Fleeca Job will become available at Rank 12 and acts as the tutorial heist. There are two Setup Missions and one Finale Mission involved here, as seen below:

    • Scope Out
      • The crew will travel to Fleeca Bank on the Western Highway and observe the security of the building. You will then have to collect Paige and some extra equipment from Lester’s factory before returning to the apartment and planning the heist.

    • Kuruma
      • The entire crew will travel together to a parking garage in Del Perro and hijack an armored Kuruma on the top floor. Once the vehicle is seized, return it to Lester’s warehouse.

    • Heist Finale
      • In this finale, the crew will be traveling to Fleeca Bank and taking it down from the inside. Here, one player will act as crowd control and keep the hostages at bay while the second player drills into the safety deposit box and steals the cash. Once the money has been stolen, both players will flee via the Kuruma.

    Furthermore, set as a four-player heist, The Pacific Standard Job is also available at Rank 12 but is the fifth heist that players will receive from Lester. There are five Setup Missions and one Finale Mission involved here, as seen below:

    • Vans
      • The crew will be split into two groups of two, however all four players should get inside one four-door vehicle. Both navigators should be using the Trackify app on the in-game phone to hunt down the four vans (represented by red blips on the app) and communicate their locations to the driver. When you pull up near a van, make sure to snap a photo of its license plate without alerting the van's driver. Once all four vans have been photographed, drive to the newly marked vehicle on the map, hijack it (all four players need to be inside the new van) and deliver it to Lester's factory.

    • Signal
      • The entire crew will travel together to the meeting point near the shoreline in North Chumash. Once there, take the jet skis out to the designated island and clear out the area of hostiles before grabbing Avi Schwartzman inside the shack. Once Avi is in your possession and you transfer over to the police boat, drive forward towards Cassidy Creek and continue down the entire body of water through Raton Canyon. At some point, near the Alamo Sea, you'll need to land ashore and transfer Avi over to a land-based vehicle. Proceed to lose your wanted and then head towards the drop-off point in Grapeseed to complete the mission.

    • Hack
      • The crew will be split into two teams, though all four player will need to travel together to Lester's warehouse in order to collect the van. Once everyone is inside the van, travel to the rival gang's location in Downtown Vinewood. Take out all the enemies in the alley there, then transfer the hacking equipment from the rival gang's van into Lester's van. Once that is done, the decoy team will hop inside the rival gang's van, drive to the designated alley on Aguja Street in Vespucci, and blow up the van. All while this is happening, the transporter will be delivering the white van to Paige's location at Lester's factory.

    • Convoy
      • The entire crew will travel together to the ambush point on Calafia Bridge near Raton Canyon. Set up positioning on the bridge, ambush the convoy, then hijack the truck. The entire team will now need to slowly make their way up North Calafia Way, eliminating all the Merryweather backup before delivering the truck to the drop-off location in Grapeseed.

    • Bikes
      • The entire crew will travel together to the Lost MC Clubhouse in East Los Santos and ambush the enemies within the area. Once the clubhouse grounds have been cleared out, each player will need to take one of the tricked out Lectros and deliver them to designated alleyway in West Vinewood.

    • Heist Finale
      • In this finale, the crew will be split into three teams: Crowd Control (2), Demolition (1), and Hacker (1). The entire team will need to head to the Pacific Standard Bank and take out the guards in the lobby. Here, the crew is tasked with holding up The Pacific Standard Bank and then using the nearby stored Lectors to escape the five star wanted level.

    The achievement related to completing these two heists will unlock upon successfully completing the two heist finales as the either heist leader or a player that is affiliated with a Rockstar Social Club Crew. Take note that you do not actually need a fellow crew member in the heist with you. So long as you are affiliated with a legitimate crew, you’ll be fine.
Online Achievements: Heists #4
Parole Day
GTA Online: You have completed the "Prison Break" in the role of leader or member of a crew.
  • Set as a four-player heist, The Prison Break will become available at Rank 12 and is the second heist available to play. There are four Setup Missions and one Finale Mission involved here, as seen below:

    • Plane
      • All four players will need to reach McKenzie Field and clear the area of Vagos. Once the field is secured, the pilot will need to take the Velum and bring it to Los Santos International. The mission will end once the plane is secured at the airport.

    • Prison Bus
      • All four players will need to track down and hijack the prison bus, which is moving from Bolingbroke Penitentiary to Paleto Bay. Once the bus has been hijacked, all four players must lose their wanted level and then deliver the bus to the scrapyard outside Sandy Shores.

    • Prison Break – Station
      • The crew will be split into two groups of two. Group A will be tasked with finding a police cruiser, which is best done by killing innocent bystanders and then stealing a cruiser once it arrives at the scene. Once this occurs, make sure to lost your wanted level and then head to the Mission Row Police Station. After retrieving the schedule there, bring the police cruiser to the underpass behind Lester’s warehouse and torch the vehicle with the provided jerry cans. Now drop the schedule off at the designated location and wait for Group B to finish their objective. All while Group A is working on their objective, Group B will be driving to the port of Los Santos and stealing Rashkovy’s Casco from a container ship and delivering it to the designated drop-off point in Blaine County.

      • Prison Break – Wet Work
        • The crew will be split into two groups of two. Group A will head to Richman Glen and assassinate Dima Popov. During this time, Group B will be heading to city hall and assassinating two lawyers, Gavin van der Loop and Josh Sherman, and stealing their dropped documents. These two lawyers will show up in a black Schafter, so keep your eyes peeled. Once both groups have assassinated their targets and lost their wanted level, the mission is complete.

      • Heist Finale
        • In this finale, the crew will be split into three teams: Ground Team (2), Demolition (1), and Pilot (1). Here, the crew is tasked with breaking Maxim Rashkovsky out of Bolingbroke Penitentiary.

      The achievement related to completing this heist will unlock upon successfully completing the heist finale as the either heist leader or a player that is affiliated with a Rockstar Social Club Crew. Take note that you do not actually need a fellow crew member in the heist with you. So long as you are affiliated with a legitimate crew, you’ll be fine.

    Shot Caller
    GTA Online: You invested your hard earned cash and set up a Heist.
    • In order to obtain this achievement, you must be the heist leader (host) during a Heist Setup mission.

      Once you complete the initial tutorial heist, “The Fleeca Job,” you will receive a call from Lester at some point, which leads you to the next heist: “The Prison Break.” When you are ready to start the first Setup mission of “The Prison Break,” go ahead and enter your apartment’s planning room, paying $40,000 to initialize the mission (the mission is indicated by a green “H” icon). The achievement will unlock immediately once the cost has been covered and the following cutscene starts to play.

    Four Way
    GTA Online: As Heist Leader set the Finale cut as 25% across all players.
    • In order to obtain this achievement, you must be the heist leader (host) during a Heist Finale mission.

      The earliest this can be achieved is during the second heist, “The Prison Break.” After your team of four has completed all four of the Setup missions, host a lobby for the Finale and invite your party. Once the party is ready, the leader will be required to assign roles for all four players and distribute the cut for the final payout. At this point, set the cut to an equal 25% across all four players and the achievement will unlock after the Finale has been completed.

    Can't Touch This
    GTA Online: Complete a Heist Finale without taking any damage.
    • This achievement can be obtained without much effort during the finale of the tutorial heist, “The Fleeca Job.”

      During the aforementioned heist finale, both the driller and the driver can earn the achievement by quickly getting into the getaway vehicle (an armored Kuruma) after the drilling segment has concluded. While driving towards the objective, both players should duck their heads inside the vehicle by holding (though this is not totally necessary) in order to ensure extra caution from any incoming fire.

      Once the driver has reached the open highway and positions the vehicle underneath the Cargobob, the aircraft will grab the Kuruma and the heist will conclude. At this time, both players should unlock the achievement right away provided they did not take health damage during the duration of the finale.
Online Achievements: Heists #5
Live a Little
GTA Online: Spend a total of $8,000,000 purchasing vehicles included as part of The Heists Update.
  • Through the Heist Update, several vehicles have been added to the game, including armored sedans, fighter jets, and even prison buses. Take note that for this achievement, players must spend a minimum of $8 million on the vehicles included in this update, not their upgrades/modifications.

    Generally, most of the new vehicles are rather expensive, so players with a small pool of money will need to complete various jobs and heists in order to amass $8 million. Also, please take note that the vehicles are not all available right away. Instead, you will need to complete the heists in order to unlock them one by one. Below, there is a complete checklist of all the new vehicles included in the update with the website you can find them on through your in-game phone. Pick and choose whichever vehicles you’d like to own and the achievement should be yours in no time.

    Elitas Travel
    • Velum 5-Seater - $995,000

    Legendary Motorsport
    • Casco - $680,000
    • Lectro - $750,000

    Warstock Cache and Carry
    • Insurgent Pick-Up - $1,350,000
    • Insurgent - $675,000
    • Hydra - $3,000,000
    • Valkyrie - $2,850,000
    • Technical - $950,000
    • Mule - $32,000
    • Savage - $1,950,000
    • Mesa - $87,000
    • Prison Bus - $550,000

    Dock Tease
    • Dingy -$125,000

    Southern San Andreas Super Autos
    • Vapid Guardian - $375,000
    • Dinka Enduro - $48,000
    • Declasse Gang Burrito - $65,000
    • Karin Kuruma - $95,000
    • Karin Kuruma (Armored) - $525,000
    • Canis Seminole - $30,000
    • Bravado Rumpo - $13,000
    • Ocelot Jackal - $60,000
    • Ubermacht Oracle XS - $82,000
    • Benefactor Schafter - $65,000
    • Cheval Surge - $38,000
    • Bravado Gresley - $29,000
    • Dundreary Landstalker - $58,000
    • Principe Nemesis - $12,000

    If amassing $8 million seems a little daunting, there is a workaround for this achievement that only requires players to have at a bare minimum, $3.4 million.

    To begin, complete the tutorial heist entitled, “The Fleeca Job,” as it will unlock the Karin Kuruma (Armored) for purchase. Now buy the car off the auto website for $525,000 and wait for the in-game text message that indicates the vehicle has been delivered to your garage. Go to your apartment, get inside the Kuruma, and exit the garage. Now head to the nearest Los Santos Customs and you will be able to sell the vehicle for $315,000 provided you did not damage the car on your way to the mod shop. This essentially translates to a minimal net loss of only $210,000.

    From here, you will automatically exit Los Santos Customs. Open up your in-game phone and purchase another Kuruma, wait for it to be delivered to your garage, then repeat the process detailed above. You will want to continue cycling through this method exactly 16 times in order to obtain the achievement. For the math involved, 16 purchases of the Kuruma, which costs $525,000, equals $8,400,000. As to why this method only requires a minimum of $3.4 million; 16 purchases multiplied by the net loss of $210,000 equals $3,360,000.

    Despite your preferred method in working towards this, once you have successfully purchased a total of $8 million worth of Heist Update vehicles, this achievement will finally unlock.

GTA Online: Earn 25 platinum medals across Heist Setups and Finales.
  • In the Heist Update, platinum medals are rewarded to players who perform the best during a Heist Setup mission or Heist Finale. What constitutes performing above and beyond your crewmates are the number of kills and headshots one achieves, as well as accuracy and general contributions towards completing the main objective of the mission. After completing a Heist Setup mission or Heist Finale, you will be presented with the post-mission screen, which shows the players in the party and which tier medal they obtained: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.

    Generally, the easiest way to obtain this achievement is to partner up with a single other player and continuously replay Lester’s first heist, “The Fleeca Job,” which is the only two-player heist available. In order to replay this heist, pull up your in-game phone and give Lester a call. A drop down menu on the upper left side of your screen will appear, so go ahead and select the option "Replay Heist > The Fleeca Job." Now wait a few seconds and Lester will call you back, informing you that the heist is now available to start (indicated by a green "H" icon in your apartment's planning room).

    During the first Setup mission here, the player going for the platinum medal should be the driver during the duration of the mission. As for the second Setup mission, the player going for the platinum medal should clear out most, if not all of the enemies around the Kuruma on the top level of the Del Perro parking garage, then proceed to drive the Kuruma to Lester’s warehouse. Lastly, during the Heist Finale, the player going for the platinum medal should be assigned the “Driver” role.

    Following the method described above, one player can net three platinum medals in a matter of 20-25 minutes over the course of the three aforementioned missions. As mentioned, you can continue to replay this heist multiple times, so grinding out the achievement on “The Fleeca Job” is by far the quickest way to obtain 25 platinum medals. Just take note that there is a 90-120 IRL cool down to replay this heist, which can prove to be a burden.

    If for whatever reason you lose track of your progress for this achievement, you can check how many platinum medals you currently have by following these steps: PAUSE > STATS > AWARDS > HEISTS > DECORATED AWARD. This award tracks how many platinum medals you have achieved.
This was supposed to be an English version of Raduga's Russian version. I have spoken to Raduga, and shared his source to me.

Please don't give me the credit. Give the credits from our source. We just translated and/or put their guides in here on steam to make your life a lot more easier.

Disclaimer: I got these from various resources and I'm not claiming them as mine.
This is the source[].

Check out my other guide for Grand Theft Auto V!
➢SK Gaming | FACE May 4 @ 6:35am 
hello, I have gta 5 on steam but I lost my email address and I installed it again but it won't let me use any other address than the email that I no longer have, how can I play gta or change my email address
Billythe_-kid Apr 16 @ 7:37am 
So there's isn't an achievement for doing the 27 peyotes and then the 7 golden peyotes and beast hunt/fight? So is there really a point to doing it legit like not using chest codes?
Xigbar, the Freeshooter Oct 15, 2023 @ 6:49pm 
@yessir Im probably way late but you can do it whenever you want. Its not in a row. I go in between fpm and tpm. Just go to your player stats in the menu and you will see how long you've played in first person.
ecfcae Aug 25, 2023 @ 4:13pm 
diekson51 Jul 21, 2023 @ 1:07pm 
Meu Jogo Abre e depos fecha do nada ja fiz de tudo ate executar como Admin fiz mas não adianta Instalei o sistema novamente troquei do Windows 10 pro 11 e nada to puto hoo sacanagem
пиццу зафаршмачили Jun 15, 2023 @ 3:39pm 
first of all, thank you a lot!!:happystar2022:

and, if i may ask, do i have to play the first-person mode 15h in a row or does it count if i play fpm for example for an hour, then tpm, then fpm again and so on?
Arkable Apr 6, 2023 @ 1:44pm 
𝑂𝑐𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑠 Mar 14, 2023 @ 8:23am 
IJ Nov 27, 2022 @ 10:41am 
Add me if you're going for the online achievements and we can help each other.
alfred granlund Sep 25, 2022 @ 5:03am 
When i try to start GTA 5 it just keep krashing