Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

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GTA 5 Ultimate Guide (Stock Market Money Trick - How to - Tips - Cheats - Molotov) "UPDATED"
Tekijältä Mr. Nice Guy
I'm a GTA 5 veteran, i played it alot on ps3 and finished it 100% twice..
i know few secrets, tips and how to make good money
More content coming after 100% Completion
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Make 300 Million+ money using stocks (Screenshot in the bottom)
STEP I - Starting

Begin the story. Keep going through all of the missions, don't worry when you do the LifeInvader assassination as you can't affect stocks at that point.

Step II - The Hotel Assassination

Before you can move past the story at a certain point, you'll have to do The Hotel Assassination. In this you are damaging the shares of Bilkington in order to raise the shares of Betta Pharmaceuticals. Betta Pharmaceuticals peaks at around 80%, and I am unsure about Bilkington (please comment if you find out!)

SELL AFTER MISSION: [BET] BettaPharmaceuticals (BAWSAQ)

The last two steps aren't very important and and to be honest this assassination will hardly change the outcome at all as you have very little to invest, but you may as well if you want the extra cash.

Step III - Complete the story

Finish off the main storyline. If you did the last heist right, you should have around $40M to spend on each character. Now it is time to make some real money.

Step IV - The Multi Target Assassination

In this assassination you are damaging the shares of Redwood in order to raise the shares of Debonaire. The Debonaire stocks will peak at around 80% return, with Redwoods peaking at around 300%.


You may have to wait a few days for Redwood to rebound, so just keep sleeping until it peaks.

STEP V - The Vice Assassination

In this assassination you are damaging the shares of Facade in order to raise the shares of Fruit. The guides that I have seen have often missed a crucial step in this assassination: invest in Facade as it rebounds. The Fruit shares will peak at around 50%, with Facades peaking at around 30%.


This step is the difference between making around $1.5B and $2.1B, so make sure you don't forget it. Once again Facade may take some time to rebound so just keep sleeping until it hits the peak.

STEP VI - The Bus Assassination

This assassination is slightly different as it focuses entirely on the Vapid stock rebounding after you damage it. The Vapid stock rebound will peak at exactly 100%.

You'll have to wait a few days for the stock to rebound, so keep advancing time and checking the stocks at any time after 8am.

STEP VII - The Construction Assassination

This assassination has no rebound and focuses on getting GoldCoasts business back from another construction firm (not on any of the stock exchanges). The GoldCoast stocks will peak at around 80%.


Alternatively, if you are, for some reason, less inclined towards taking cues from Uncle Lester, here's an equally profitable trick. Ever wanted to make 1.5 billion dollars really quick? Go design the next Facebook - oh, wait. You meant in GTA 5. This tip comes straight from Jaz, courtesy of a dude named Dahpie from Gamefaqs, who adapted the words of toddfa from the GTA forums. (Yes, there's a bit of a family tree there.) But, without further ado:

This requires.

1. Finished the game

2. Maximum amount of money (35 Million) from the big one. (Requires you to take the Obvious approach for less team members used, also use all of the lowest costing heist members. Will need to level them up wisely to do)

3. All of Lester's Assassination missions left untouched (Aside from the first one which is mandatory)

Step 1: Invest in Debonaire before the mission. After the mission, sell all of Debonaire when it reaches maximum profit and then INVEST in Redwood!!!! My Return= 300% (Editor's note: You know a man's serious when he uses that many exclamations marks.) 2

Step 2: Invest in Fruit shares before the mission and cashout afterwards! My Return= 50%

Step 3: Invest in Vapid AFTER you complete the mission. Cash out when you made your cut! My Return= 100%

Step 4: Invest in Gold Coast Development before the mission and pullout afterwards! My Return= 80%

Step 5: Trigger the Hitch Lift 1 random event (Location: Ineseno Road, Banham Canyon) and complete the event. He will then give you a stock tip about the company "Tinkle", invest for Return = 30%

Perform a rag-doll flip
While walking or running, jump then press R (reload button) to do a rag-doll flip

If you're using a controller (Xbox), jump using X button then press B button
Spaceship parts - All letters scrap - Submarine Parts - Nuclear Watse(from
Free & Fast Vehicle repair (Story Mode)
if you damaged your car but it's still running, switch to any character (while remaining in car) Then after character is switched; switch back to the character in the car "suppose you was Trevor, switch to Michael/Franklin then switch back to Trevor and you're vehicle will be repaired"
Stunt Jumps - Under The Bridge - Epsilon Tracks - Knife Flights
Cheat Codes (Cellphone Cheats)
PC Cellphone Cheats
Cheat Code
Flaming Bullets
Explosive Melee Attack
Give Parachute
1-999-759-3483 (SKY-DIVE)
Moon Gravity
1-999-356-2837 (FLOATER)
Drunk Mode
1-999-547-861 (LIQUOR)
Recharge Ability
1-999-769-3787 (POWER-UP)
Slow Motion
Enter 3 times for full effect
1-999-756-966 (SLOW-MO)
Skyfall Launches you into the sky
1-999-759-3255 (SKY-FALL)
Spawn BMX
1-999-226-348 (BANDIT)
Spawn Comet
1-999-266-38 (COMET)
Spawn PCJ-600 Motorcycle
1-999-762-538 (ROCKET)
Spawn Sanchez Dirt Bike
1-999-633-7623 (OFF-ROAD)

Spawn Rapid GT
1-999-727-4348 (RAPID-GT)
Spawn Limo
1-999-846-39663 (VINEWOOD)
Spawn Trashmaster
1-999-872-433 (TRASHED)
Spawn Buzzard Attack Helicopter
1-999-289-9633 (BUZZ-OFF)
Spawn Stunt Plane
1-999-2276-78676 (BARN STORM)
Slow Motion Aiming Enter 3 times for full effect
1-999-332-3393 (DEAD-EYE)
1-999-724-4654-5537 (PAIN-KILLER)

Slow Down Gameplay
1-999-7569-66 (SLOW-MO)

Max Health & Armor
1-999-887-853 (TURTLE)

Fast Run
1-999-228-8463 (CATCH ME)

Raise Wanted Level
1-999-3844-8483 (FUGITIVE)

Change Weather
1-999-625-348-7246 (MAKE IT RAIN)
Slippery Cars Drifting
1-999-766-9329 (SNOWDAY)

Cheat Codes (Keyboard)
While in game press the ` button to open console and apply cheats

Cheat Code
Flaming Bullets
Explosive Melee Attack
Give Parachute
Moon Gravity
Drunk Mode
Recharge Ability
Slow Motion
Enter 3 times for full effect
Skyfall Launches you into the sky
Spawn BMX
Spawn Comet
Spawn PCJ-600 Motorcycle
Spawn Sanchez Dirt Bike

Spawn Rapid GT
Spawn Limo
Spawn Trashmaster
Spawn Buzzard Attack Helicopter
Spawn Stunt Plane
Slow Motion Aiming Enter 3 times for full effect

Slow Down Gameplay

Max Health & Armor

Fast Run

Raise Wanted Level

Change Weather
Slippery Cars Drifting

Miscellaneous Tasks
One of the requirements of the 100% game completion is to do Miscellaneous Tasks.
So Complete 16 out of 30, you don't need to complete them all for the 100% just 16 would do it

Purchase any 5 Properties

Purchase a Vehicle from a Website

Collect 50 Spaceship Parts

Collect 50 Letter Scraps

Walk and play fetch with Chop

Complete a Booty Call (Go to a strip club and make a stripper dance for you and let the Like meter to fill up to max, so the stripper would like you now and would call you later "sometimes not all strippers call you so you got to try at least 2 different strippers")

Receive a Prost!tute service

Hold Up a Store (Walk in a 24/7 store and hold a gun at the owner and keep holding the gun at him until he starts emptying the register and throws a money bag on the floor "you will receive wanted level after that")

Complete 25 x Under The Bridge

Complete 8 x Knife Flights

Complete 25 x Stunt Jumps

Visit the Cinema

Friend Activity: Visit a Bar (call Michael/Trevor/Franklin/Jimmy and go pick them up to start friend activity)

Friend Activity: Visit the Cinema

Friend Activity: Visit the Strip Club

Friend Activity: Play Darts
Easy ways to escape cops
As you know cops are a little anoying in GTA, they show up out of nowhere, but they are also dumb so escaping them ain't that hard.

1. When you get a wanted level and cops aren't near you, you can see that the arrow on the map is White cause you are exposed to them; So before cops get closer to you, steal a car that you weren't in already when you got the wanted level and the "White" arrow (which represents you on the map) will turn GREY, now you are no longer exposed to the cops which means you can drive away form them, or even sometimes past by them quickly and they won't notice you, and they never follow you unless you stick close to them for a while and then the GREY arrow will turn back WHITE.
So if you keep driving while you are a GREY arrow you will lose wanted level faster.

2. If you have 3+ stars on wanted level that means a Helicopter is on your tail, so the best way of avoiding that is to go to underground level where it can't follow. So best advice go to the underground tunnels of Los Santos or to the underground subway which will lead you away from cop cars and helicopter. The big rain sewers are best way to access the underground tunnels as shown in the Images.

GTA Online "Stick Up Kid" achievement
GTA Online: Hold up all 20 Stores.

My best advice to finish this achievement fast and easy is to fly a helicopter (if you own one or just steal a helicopter) to every single location of the 20 stores and "Hold them", then fly away and wait until the wanted level is off then repeat until you get all 20 stores.

Holding a store is robbing him, point a gun to the store owner and keep pointing it until he put money in a bag and throws it on the ground.
Duel (Black Dukes of hazard pimped car) - Sea Plane - Monkey Mosaic
Black Dukes of hazard

Sea Plane

Monkey Mosaic

Race car, i drove past the same location twice and each time i found this awesome car (the pink one):

Molotov Location
The location on the map is a bridge and underneath it is the Molotov.

Took these screenshots now on PC:
Strangers and Freaks
Fanklin: Tanya's towing missions: after 2 or 3 towing missions with tonya, the icon on the map stops showing T sign for the mission but that does not mean the mission is done. Wait few days and then call tonya from Franklin's phone and she would give you another towing mission which will lead to another (last) towing mission and by that you would have finished Tonya's missions and completed 1 strangers and freaks task.
Epsilon tractor (rusty freaky tractor)
Found this tractor near the lighthouse, i found this before right after finishing all the Epsilon missions
i guess it spawns here too now
69 kommenttia
Nico Radioactive 3.2.2020 klo 8.57 
Actually the Epsilon Tractor has a license plate and doesn't have the rear fender.
Mr. Nice Guy  [tekijä] 11.12.2019 klo 23.29 
to buy all the remaining buildings and just to spend it randomly, it's up to you
You can also use mods to get money
fludgers 4.12.2019 klo 12.06 
why would you want to make a billion dollars after the game is over?
xent 7.6.2019 klo 11.28 
Quick update for you autor, The hotel assasination stock market, steps still work but it take around 24hours for the Bettapharma stock to give max profit and 3 days for the Blinkington stock to go for an alltime low and a week for the Blinkington to get back up. i think it's best for all stock to give it a day or 36 hours to max out before selling and switching after 3 days to the stock that toke a dive
Mr. Nice Guy  [tekijä] 20.7.2018 klo 10.33 
try to verify integrity of game
do you have any mods installed ?
FOV mod or ScriptHook ? try removing all mods too 14.7.2018 klo 23.48 
play time 164hrs. now when i start the game it showing loading game screen. when it does successfuly it stuck with the blackscreen. earlier it was working fine. recently i installed programming software. i tried uninstalled it. i cleared steam downloading cache too.. still not ressolved my other games are working fine. please help.thanx..
Mr. Nice Guy  [tekijä] 15.4.2018 klo 6.16 
Neon Socks, i got the info from an online source.

It's doable but you have to be lucky to have it, you need to time it very accuratly
Acromatic 22.3.2018 klo 19.29 
Sorry I meant to say it might also help to steal a voltic inorder to make hijack rise... but gruppensachs was a sure deal, dunno if it's repeatable or not. untested
Acromatic 22.3.2018 klo 19.25 
Very early in the game when micheal first goes to lesters house, I noticed two stocks on LCS (or whatever) namely HIJACK and GRUPPENSACHS.. they start low, buy low like 115 the other is a bit more, whatever you invest you can expect a 13% on both... was enough to buy the clothing for the first lester missions with mikey. If you need a little more cash or AS you do this because the earlier the better normally, do taxi missions. Read this guide to escape cops quickly after stealing a taxi, press e in taxi for client.
Mr. Nice Guy  [tekijä] 10.12.2017 klo 2.50 
thx i really appreciate your opinion :D :D