X Rebirth

X Rebirth

30 hodnocení
Squad members Jump To Skunk
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Velikost souboru
1.064 KB
18. bře. 2015 v 14.19
24. led. 2018 v 12.22
Poznámky ke změnám (6) – zobrazit

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Squad members Jump To Skunk

Lets all your ships jump to you instantly instead of boosting, so your Squad members are able to keep up with you.
I recommend to use this mod with MoreJumps mod.

If you arrive at a new zone and you have capital ships in your squad that follow you, they will immediately jump to you after Yisha gave them the coordinates (she volunteered to act as a jump beacon). Works only for followers in the same cluster.
As a lot of jumping is involved that way, I recommend to use the "More Jumps" mod: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=410936896

*1.5 lets ships jump across clusters
*1.4 lets squad members of squad members etc. jump to you, too
*1.3 public release

Known issues:

Mod Incompatibilities:
*will not work properly with the current version of "carriers", I'm working on it
*ships will always use fuel for the squad jump, even with "no jump fuel for playerships" mod (i do not intend to change that atm)
*there is a small change of incompatibility with other mods that change move.generic.xml but nothing bad can happen

X:RB Version
*working for 4.3
*should work with all other versions of the game as well

Savegame compatible:


Future work:

Feedback and bugreports are welcome.
Populární diskuze Zobrazit vše (1)
24. led. 2018 v 13.57
Debug XR 4.30
Počet komentářů: 27
rubyismycat 22. srp. 2020 v 10.24 
thanks anyway your mod saved a thousand ships
janda  [autor] 22. srp. 2020 v 9.58 
@rubyismycat Sorry, I can't do that. Maybe you could ask one of the active moders to update it.
rubyismycat 16. srp. 2020 v 2.19 
please update your fabulous mod
janda  [autor] 15. led. 2018 v 14.48 
yes! only ships with a jump drive
bioscmos303 20. pro. 2017 v 16.35 
only cap shipr? no small fighters?
voice of enigma 30. čvc. 2017 v 6.34 
works with 4.1
SpееdBяедкея 3. bře. 2016 v 5.08 
works 4.0?
Walker Evans 28. led. 2016 v 11.17 
The Carrier mod redirects calls to move.generic for carriers to its own version (move.generic.carrier) because they have to wait for their fighters to dock first. That's why carriers don't jump to the player ship with this mod if the Carrier mod is also installed.
Kreiber 24. led. 2016 v 3.12 
Leads to conflict. Ships around stations, stops and does not continue movement further.
janda  [autor] 11. říj. 2015 v 7.10 
i do not plan to change anything as i do not play X:R currently.
i think carriers just don't use my script