Portal 2
159 人が評価
Secret Doors

Secret Doors

find all the secrets to open your path to the exit
5 件のコメント
76561198050811374 2015年3月11日 19時30分 
Your map has too many portalable surfaces. I completely bypassed some of your "challenges" in the final room. Needs a real revision.
dmuk 2015年3月11日 2時12分 
Omitting the symbols and antlines does not only a secret make... I just wandered around until I found what was needed! Expected more turrets to pop out from behind flip panels etc. but the ones in the "tower" were easily dealt with. As a second chamber, it's a good one.
i am not really here 2015年3月8日 12時28分 
This was really fun! thats all
Pagemaster  [作成者] 2015年3月6日 15時43分 
@andre.miles this is only my Second chamber so im still figuring out how things work and such but thanks for playing.
Andre Miles 2015年3月4日 18時14分 
Good chamber man, I really liked! The secret doors really make a chamber more difficult! But I find so much bugs. If you want I list them to you.
Why don't you play some of my chambers too? Here's one of my bests: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=401642524