Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Burning Sun Set
Přidat do oblíbených
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Game (maps & mods): Medieval Warfare
Item Type (items): Weapon
Item Tags (items): Polycount Contest
Značky: Winner
Velikost souboru
44.728 MB
5. říj. 2014 v 21.34
5. říj. 2014 v 21.37
Poznámky ke změnám (2) – zobrazit

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Hello Chivalry and Polycount! I bring you the Fist of the Burning Sun, and the Great Helm to go with it. This is a Brandistock Skin that I hope I can use in game eventually! I hope you hardcores appreciate that I stuck with the great helm custruction method, but I definitely had fun with the weapon. Hope the set balances itself out and can find a place in Chiv.

The Order of the Burning Sun. This is their weapon of choice.

You can check out the progress thread here @

Follow Polycounters work @
Check out this crazy Knight helm @

Polycount Contest. Thanks! C&C Welcome!