Portal 2

Portal 2

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EX03:Eye Of Curiosity. (EOC)
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5.928 MB
3. sep. 2014 kl. 23:57
17. sep. 2014 kl. 2:52
2 ændringsbemærkninger ( vis )

Abonner for at downloade
EX03:Eye Of Curiosity. (EOC)

I 1 samling af TemzineManaStar
The hidden companions.
12 genstande
Is for a single
This is the work announced with 13th MMD cup.
The load cube is hidden.
If it can discover, a companion cube can be brought to an exit front.
2 kommentarer
TemzineManaStar  [ophavsmand] 4. sep. 2014 kl. 2:11 
Thank you.
I am glad if you also see an animation.
dmuk 4. sep. 2014 kl. 2:07 
Easy to medium; lots of time spent floating around... nicely laid out; logical!