Torchlight II

Torchlight II

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rt gameplay cluster (v.43)
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Feb 26, 2014 @ 12:40pm
Mar 18, 2014 @ 2:40pm
36 Change Notes ( view )

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rt gameplay cluster (v.43)

a set of minor gameplay tweaks.

safely merges numerous mods, resolving conflicts through hand-merging at the code level.

includes: affix expansion, daylight robbery, elixirs of power,embergem upgrades, frugal consumables, gem bag, items and item changes from pet and fishing overhaul, new pets from More Fishes!, the lucky mimic from Enhanced fish mod, rejuv potion recipe, scroll of enigma, spells redux, swamp things: weapon pack, traps hurt redux, varied pets, wand homing projectiles and zoomy light

  • Imported only the new Fish (for default pet types) from More Fish, and set their prices back towards normal rates (even a bit lower since they are not particularly novel) - this mod plays very well with my varied pets mod
  • Imported the Lucky Mimic fish (and its spells, artwork, monster pet type, etc) from enhanced fish mod
  • Imported only the items and item changes from pet and fishing overhaul. Also lowered the value of gold fish since they are a good bit more common now.
  • major retuning of item affix expansion:
    [1] Made all skill proc effects (rampage, treasure hunt) require blue items or better unless on a necklace or ring.
    [2] Lowered all weights to 20% of their stock value. From there:
    [3] Further tuned weights for high-value stat drops, making them slightly more rare.
    [4] Halved weights on all reflects, making all of them more rare.
    This should keep them from tilting the balance of power while still letting them add flavor from time to time.
  • tweaked zoomy light to increase aggro radius (via attention bonus, which is still well below safe levels) because it was too easy for ranged classes (regular zoomy doesn't have that problem).
  • Removed from embergem upgrades the recipe for SKULLS AND RARE GEMS because it was clearly a higher-powered recipe, and I don't always want skulls.
  • Removed the floor numbers change for the ACT II cave that was in daylight robbery.
  • In daylight robbery: A whole set of changes.
    [1] Added a very rare chance of dropping respec potions and a less rare chance of regular resist potions (at appropriate levels) to CHAMPIONS, BOSSES, and NORMAL monsters.
    [2] Lowered rate of return on checking ROCK PILES and fish urns.
    [3] Lowered chances of splintered boards spawning more splintered boards.
    [4] Weakened the chances for uniques to drop from treasures closer to normal. Reverted small chests to original state.
    [5] Lowered chances for weapon and armor drop rates for normal and champion monsters.
    [6] Somewhat lowered the number of drops from armor and weapon racks (though they still generate much more loot than default).

you might take a look at my main compilation mod, rt mod pack
limeindustry Dec 13, 2014 @ 5:39am 
Is it possible to try your tweek on "zoomy light" stand alone? im interested in the tighter camera with greater aggro.
M99 Mar 14, 2014 @ 6:38pm 
muito bom
roberto tomás  [author] Mar 2, 2014 @ 4:41pm 
TheinedibleFulks - Don't do that, it won't work: both mods modify GLOBALS.DAT, one of a few files that there is really no way around hand-merging them. That's why I made the mod pack (link is in the desciption).
TheInedibleF Mar 2, 2014 @ 3:40pm 
I'd like to see your spin on the idea. I sugested it becasue it helps me, and I have no other alternatives. Thanks for the quick response. Looking forward to seeing how these mods fit together. Quick question: If I loaded both of your mods in order, instead of using your unbified pack, would it all work correctly? Shines a light on how mods work together.
roberto tomás  [author] Mar 2, 2014 @ 12:11pm 
TheInedibleFulks - I looked it over. I disagree with his choices, especially about toning down spells like they are trash, and pushing up heal pots like they are legendaries. But the general idea is interesting. I might do something like that on my own still.. but not at the moment.
roberto tomás  [author] Mar 2, 2014 @ 10:19am 
I'm looking at it, thanks. If I add it, it will go to the improvement cluster , not here.
TheInedibleF Mar 2, 2014 @ 8:20am 
My only addition would be Better Loot Colors. Helps me separate the wheat from the chaff. Really love your packs. Just the right mix.