Arma 3
83 avaliações
Arma 3 fps tutorial
Por Ypulse
(Arma 3 ingame settings are mostly outdated by now (due to the engine overhaul BI did and fixes), but the guide still can provide useful info)
Increase Your fps in Arma 3.You will find here some unique tips as well.
I have explored/tested and collected many things from trusted web as well...I share now my experience with Arma 3 (performance tweak)
First of all, just to make clear for new PC users or someone who doesnt know, system requirements for PC games are not made 90% of the times for multiplayer or even for fully maxed settings playing Singleplayer.Arma 3 system requirements is outdated it shows only the Single player system requirements for Arma 3 ALPHA.(map Stratis and Altis have different performance, Altis is a lot bigger)
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Arma 3 ingame settings
Arma lacks from proper settings or We have settings which doesnt suit for this game engine.(distance based settings for textures and geometry,which is not separated, inbuilt autodetection +limiters etc...)

My PC Spec:
Mainboard socket 1155, P67 GD65 (B3)
Intel i5 2500T @3 x 3200Ghz (I will explain this later on)
Evga Gtx 560 ti fsb (oc edition) 1GB driver 331.93(only for 460/560 cards), 314.22whql
2*4Gb ram in dual channel on x.m.p. 1866 Mhz 9-10-9-27 timing
HDD:Seagate barracuda 7200.14 (1TB, os and games right now) and 2TB 5900rpm (Pagefile+storage)
Monior resoluiton:1280*1024

Audio setings:
16-128 sound sources which is done by CPU only(and some HDD work), lower number should have give You more fps, however this is not the case in arma 3 sadly, atleast not for Me :( , but You can try (even if I set 16 or 128 soundquality is the same and fps drop is the same) With onboard sound You will have 16 or 24 usually.
Also you can change your sample rate in windows (I use now 16 bit and 96000 Hz) if you have issues with sound (lag or anything)

Video settings:
Rendering resolution: less % more fps, You should use deafult 100% here
Texture:more lower more fps.Stress Your Gpu/ Hdd, this is the 2. most demanding setting ingame and the most important one (in graphical term).doesnt rly affect gameplay, however You need to put this atleast to high and the game will not look like Operation Flashpoint at alpha stage xD.Pls note, if You have a VGA with 1Gb or less ULTRA setting is not visible, You cant unclock it, and even on very high settings you will have problems.(the game will auto switch back to high or even to standard textures ingame while playing, this may will happen only in MP, sometimes game can change other options as well, but will start with this one)UPDATE After I enabled pagefile, the game no longer switch back to lower settings while using very high textures.(only when I max out everything with 12km view, but I can use very high textures now with 2km easily or even more)
Want better quality terrain textures? click here:

Objects:more lower more fps.stress your cpu/gpu
Terrain:more lower more fps.stress your cpu/gpu.the difference between low-standard is game changer in gameplay.+ You wont see ,buggy' rocks/buildings on terrains from far distance.(even on standard)
Shadow:LOW shadow use CPU, Standard and above shadows use GPU, and the game without shadows looks crap+shadow can give You the spot of an enemy.
Visibility distances: LOL WUT the most demanding setting, uses Your Cpu mainly, especially Object distance.
Over all:(landscape) more lower more fps
Object:(infantry,car etc) more lower more fps, Important update: using above 500m distance, texture quality/Level of Detail changes to worse, they rly need to fix this...
Shadow: more lower more fps

all the settings below stress only GPU
Particles:more lower more fps.Very demanding feature.(I think this is way to much performance loss, and it is buggy/unoptimized, since my vga lags even if I have 500mb free ram left), I can use only low particles, otherwise game can lag hard in some situation.
Clouds:I guess more lower setting give You more fps, but it is hard to notice.
PiP:this feature improved a lot in performance since alpha in My opinion and this feature is totally useless most of the time, but drops fps when You use vehicles (but not so much as before). Useful in some cars, submarine. For helicopters this is totally useless.(I am speaking in first person view here, when You play third person view this feature is just eyecandy doesnt affect gameplay)
If You dont have strong GPU or You not a pilot, You better set this off, but again some vehicles doesnt even need this feature when You are in first person view.
HDR:more lower more fps.Stress Your gpu.You cant set off hdr sadly, low hdr is more then awful, you will be forced to use standard hdr.It has impact on gameplay it is not just eyecandy atleast.
Dynamic lights:more lower more fps.This affect gameplay, and You should use atleast high if You can.The fps drops are not big.(high can be gamechanger at night)
Display mode:use Fullscreen, however windowed mode can give extra fps in some games.
Resolution: use native resolution (Your monitor highest resolution) or 1280*720.Lower resolution more fps.
Aspect ratio: leave this on deafult unless You have problems with the auto detection, this wont affect fps at all.
Vsync: always disable this for all games. (atleast for Me:P it does big input lag)
Interface size: leave on default otherwise You will notice You cant see some UI/HUD ingame.
Bloom: set this off (0) to have better graphics and better fps.
the 2 blur: in theory blur affects fps a lot so set this off to 0.however I never noticed fps drop even if I set this to 200.Unlike, I noticed in Crysis 1 or Bf3 dont remember xD.
Depth of Field: My experience is this give you more fps when 100 or 200 or has no impact on fps.If you set this to more then 30 You can have graphical glitches.I use 5 that acceptable for Me and looks good.Anyway game looks worse, more depth of field You use in my opinion.Set this 0 if You want clear image.
AO:(ambient occlusion), set off for more fps
Cauistics: in theory, set off for more fps.(You can see this feature under water only) this feature doesnt change performance for my card and, while you play around water or there is no ground in near, your fps will rise up anyway so you should easily enable this one without any problem.
FSAA:more lower more fps.It is recommended to use atleast 2x. When i spawn in editor I have the exact same fps(with My custom settins), when it is disabled or when it is on 8x with my custom settings.(over 80 fps)
Atoc:more lower more fps.
PPAA:more lower more fps.Never noticed any fps difference on(any setting) or off, it is highly recommended You use atleast standard-high otherwise game visual image looks way to blurry...I use FXAA here not SMAA, SMAA looks same bad as when set off almost.
Aniso filtering:more lower more fps.However recommended is standard-high atleast.very low performance hit.Otherwise game textures are very blurry (look floor texture).

Also just note that playing on higher resoluiton wont fix how the game looks bad without FSAA and PPAA disabled, even if You use higher rendering resolution+standard resolution, not to mention these are big fps eaters and You need big monitor....
Arma 3 file settings and launch parameters
parameters that may help You out or not. (these parameters were created for arma 2 originally)
Go to steam library, ArmA 3 right click > Properties > Set Launch Options and type the following.

-nobenchmark -nologs -nosplash -cpucount= -maxmem=2047 -maxvram=2047 -exthreads=

nosplash:allows You to bypass the splash screens on startup of Arma3
nopause: Allow the game running even when its window does not have focus, this feature doesnt work with arma 3 sadly, when You alt tab your gpu/cpu usage drops to 0-15%, so dont use it.
cpucount: number of cpu cores You have.If You have dual core cpu with hyperthread set to 4.The game has auto detection so dont wonder if You dont notice any differences.(or You just force 4 when you have more then 4 cores)
nologs: disable reporting.Be aware this means none errors saved to RPT file (report log). Yet in case of crash the fault address block info is saved.
maxmem: this is not RAM, this is something like arma 3 dedicated pagefile it is hardcoded to 2047 max and 256 minimum. If You want to imagine how this works.on some pc lower numbers gives more fps.(512-1024-1536 MB)UPDATE: On 64-bit os this number can be 4096 (auto-detect should do it anyway), in the future this can be higher.
on 32-bit systems (xp and vista) You can do maxmem-3072, but not with parameter(it will be automatic like the others)

In the future We may see maxmem above 2047, but not today (2014 march, asked a developer on forums about this what is the maximum maxmem and maxvram)

maxvram: put here Your VGA memory.128 is hard-coded minimum (anything lower falls backs to 128). 2047 is soft-coded maximum , any value over 2GB might result into unforseen consequences! UPDATE:This also can be set to 4096-8192, now on 64-bit os.(auto-detect should do it anyway).
exthreads:this is also auto detected. You can set this 0,1,3,5 or 7.(1 for single core lol, 3 for dualcore and 7 for quadcore or more by auto detection ingame).0 disables this extra thread feature.However in future or in theory even dual cores can have better performance using 7 (latest, strongest dualcore).For Dual/Tricore core try:0,1,3 for Quadcore try:0,3,5,7 (test what is better for You, watch out for visual glitches, and for slow rendered textures (white/blurry textures)
My advice is, let the game auto-detect it.
high:dont try this doesnt work, games already runs in priority usually
world=empty Starts up the game faster as it loads the ocean.
nobenchmark: removes the startup bench (maybe game loads faster) and when You disable this, game autodetection in video settings defaults to Low preset no matter what pc You have.
nosound: disables sound ingame, gives huge fps boost

File settings editing:
I experienced that these files can overrides nvidia control panel settings sometimes.
(I use notepad++ for editing)
Open <username>.ArmA3Profile go to C:(or D/E)\Users\<username>\Documents\ArmA 3\ folder
Go to the very bottom:
sceneComplexity=200000 is the low Object detail ingame 1 million is the Ultra.You can set 100k here or even 50k but it is not recommended You wont see enemy at distance.Once I played MP I was helicopter gunner and enemy shot Us from like 500 M or less. I didnt even see any enemy via thermal view.I switched my object settings ingame fast to standard (Once You set something in file You have to choose a higher value from ingame, choosing low doesnt help You here) and I saw the battlefield, there was mass infanttry everywhere, but was to late they shoot Us down.
however this setting give You fps boost:)
shadowZDistance=this is the slider from ingame You can set here shadows over 200 m I believe :)
viewDistance=this is the landscape view distance You can set this number lower then 500(max ingame setting) 100 is the lowest I tried.Welcome to oldschool doom game with insane dificulty:)
preferredObjectViewDistance=this is the object view distance You can set this number lower then 500(max ingame setting) 100 is the lowest I tried.

Field of View (FOV) Settings

Now open ArmA3.cfg (You find in the same folder)
GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; use 1 here when You use frames ahead 1(see below). If You use frame ahead 3-4 set this to 1000.(default is 1000 I guess You can set up more)
GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1;You can set this to 1,2,3,4( higher number can have more fps sometimes, but has more input lag always)
these settings are rendered by CPU
(0=application controlled, means 3)

if You want to set resolution for the game before launch (You can see my monitor parameter)
refresh=60; for my monitor atleast I use this instead of 75.( I saw some problems with 75 in some games already)
tripleBuffering=0; set this to 1 when vsync is enabled( enable in control panel as well)
Nvidia Control panel
This is My settings for control panel all the time
look for arma 3 profile or create one, but You can use global one as well for everything

ambient occlusion-off, cos I dont use this ingame either
All aniso and AA features-application controlled (some games has worse performance sometimes in that case force it to use AA from here)
Multidisplay/mixed gpu acceleration: set this to single display performance mode if You have 1 monitor and 1 VGA.
power managment mode: default is adaptive, or You can set maximum performance.I use usually adaptive cos I can have 100% gpu load in games I dont have any problems, but if You have, You can try max performance for lucky fps increase.In arma I tried both no differences at all most of the time.However arma 3 gpu usage can go very low when heavily bottlenecked so use max. performance mode, especially on very strong cards is ideal.(or when benchmarking)
vsync and tripple buffering-off all times for Me, if You want vsync on set tripple buffer on as well.
(vsync cause inputlag and stutter on screen)

Texture filtering- this is very important feature I use this on high quality always.You can lower this for more fps but the visual quality will be worse.
threaded optimaziation-this is opengl feature for old games/new games.If they didnt changed it.Doesnt affect arma 3 in theory. I highly suggest using this as "off" all the time still. What it does is, shifting gpu related tasks to be handled by the cpu, and thats never really a good thing. Also some older games are only working properly if this setting is disabled.
texture negative lod bias: set this from allow to clamp when You use aniso filter for games.
maximum prerendered frames ahead: set this to 1 or 4, You decide.Prerendering is done by CPU/driver. Not by GPU.Can give more fps , but more input lag.
Anti Antialiasing: set this application controlled or, when game is not supporting AA use override application.If game supports AA, but You want to improve it use Enhance the Application Setting.( for this You have to enable atleast 1-2x AA in game, then set in the control panel what You want to use).This feature doesnt work with Arma 3 so leave it on application controlled.

for even more playing with settings, only if You know what You are doing

or if You looking for something easy noobfriendly just go control panel when startup,
-adjust image settings with preview/ click use My preference
move the slider to best performance (left)
And since arma 3 use CPU based physx and not GPU: Go to physx settings and switch to CPU.(always select here what the game uses but for arma I dont noticed any changes, but I had a game before where I had problems when the setting was on auto or the opposite setting what the game use)

1 more thing, dont wait for new ,Arma 3 super drivers' it will not happen We already have it.Maybe they will add new profiles, and support for 3d and useless things like this, but fps will never increase by newer drivers.(except maybe for newest generation of VGA-s) I bet you can play this game on arma 2 drivers with the same fps...Not to mention this game is cpu limited mostly...and We dont have any problems with VGA drivers for arma, We have performance issues somewhere else in arma.
(I guess I could use my favorite 285.62 whql driver(BF3) but I dont want to install again I already lost a lot o time testing games) I used before 295.73 as well and my fps was exactly the same as 331.93 (latest for this card), but I had to change to 331.93 driver cos it is buggy in other way.
(usually for older cards You dont want to have the latest driver)
Updated: 1 of My friend (Drakedge) with 3 gtx 680 in sli got DOUBLE (30 to 60) fps increase in MP (he host the gameserver) by the new geforce driver in end of february.(GeForce 334.89 WHQL Driver)
Windows settings and BIOS etc...
These settings can have the most impact for gaming

close all useless programs like: skype,torrent downloaders,hamachi,firewall programs... everything.
disable windows7-8 aero and all fancy stuff (from win xp era)
disable steam overlay
Delete your windows cache files every month ( tpye in at windows run startup this: %temp% and delete all files You see, when a meassage pops up asking something click on skip this file)
update your monitor,motherboard drivers etc...

Install Your games on different HDD then windows os, and dont just make other partition on the same HDD drive, You need to do this with a real 2. HDD/SSD.
todays PC performance is bottlenecked by our old school HDD.
You need 2 HDD or 1 HDD 1 SSD and install games separated from Windows.(or 2 HDD)
EDIT Do not disable page file (this is true only for Win 7/8 maybe, I disabled it on xp and vista all the time, but not in win 7 after I saw improvements from having pagefile enabled, most times you dont rly see fps differences, but windows/games runs smoother): set Your pagefile on third HDD for ideal. (Pagefile size setting: read and set what the system recommends for You, if out of memory pops up, raise the max. number.(set minimum and max size as same amount)
interested more?
When You have only 2 HDD like me: 1.OS+Games 2.Storage+Pagefile or Games on the 2,Pagefile 1.
and You can try to use other custom memory allocator,

also turn Your windows system to high performance profile, You dont want energy saving,
this will help to load Your cpu and using core(s) effectively.
Amd user? install this 2 hotfix
or older AMD:

read this about core parking, cpu core parking occur mostly 4 cores above (virtual cores counts as well)
Do not unpark Your cores, if using CPU-s integrated graphics!
another program about parking which might u like better:

Changes in Bios

disable hpet in bios, it cause high latency.
disable hyperthreading if You have more then 2 cores (for better gaming performance) however dual cores with hyper are very good.-I dont have hyper threading so I didnt had to disable it :)
Edit: You can test hyperthreading after You succesfully disabled the core parking issues (see above), maybe HT will work better in games after that (I highly doubt), I read somewhere once there was a guy with I7 8 threads , but the 4 virtual cores (HT) didnt work until he used the core parking tool/tweaks.Note: Crysis 3 runs faster with HT enabled, pretty much the first game ever :)

turn off all kind of power savings in bios, (these helps overall performance like windows load up faster as well etc..) These changes helped a lot
I have msi, I turned off:
-EUP 2013
-Cpu Phase control
-I also disabled the Power management under cpu features
(also these settings above can fix Your soundcard problem if You had)

-in the cpu overclock settings I disabled EIST/turbo boost

I did set my cores from 4 to 3 and ,overclocked' my cpu by multipliers.(I can use more multipliers with 1-2-3 cores then 4.)
so choose 3 cores all cores on 3200Mhz now and it is faster then 4 cores on 2800Mhz(this was max Ghz on 4 cores), and not in just arma.
So I disabled EIST, and set everything manually.Now My idling speed is 3200Mhz but who cares, it is on 0%-1% workload.This change give Me nice fps increase.And this is how gaming pc should be set anyway.

-most games dont benefits from RAM speed, arma benefits a lot (more fps),1600+Mhz RAM speed is recommended
Arma 3 engine, tools, final words
It is not perfect engine, but not so bad as many ppl think, this engine is different from games You usually see and play, do not compare.You can compare only to other simulator/sandbox engines.But lets just comapre to pre arma series.Arma 3 performs the best, from all arma game before.(same fps better graphics,physics)+ still in development.I dont have any problems in SP,only in MP but thats netcode and bugs, and We are synchronized with the server, means server fps=our fps (or worse), no matter what pc you have and setting.Arma 3 nvida physx is only using cpu never gpu.(ragdoll, vehicle suspension etc...PhysX here is basicly not used like in Batman games for more visual pleasure, only for realistic physics)

32-bit vs 64-bit engine:
if the game is 32 bit you can use 4gb ram with (games with LAA support is 4GB , maxmem put on 32 gb pls xD) only for the game itself, + You are free to use any ram left for any other os and application.If you have 64-bit OS with enough ram.
some more info about 32 and 64 bit games.
most of the games (99%) are 32 bit for a good reason (runs faster,stable) I know far cry 1, crysis 1 had 64 bit not just 32, also Half-life 2 (they removed 64bit in 2009) and now the new battlefield 4 will have 64 bit as well, but thats it. I dont know any other game.Not to mention for what bf4 need 64 bit lol, when arma does it on 32-bit with even bigger scale .I think maybe mantle will benefit from 64-bit thats why.(and future support)
read what one of the BI developer says here

Arma 3 main performance problem comes from rendering, game can use only 1 thread task (not 1 core) for that (very cpu heavy task).Arma 2 source, but it is true for arma 3 as well sadly.Best advice I can give You is avoid Amd processors if You want to play Arma and games in general.They perform worse and cost more then Intel in a long run (high power consumption/bill).Amd processors are not for gaming.

Feedback tracker:
better textures/ texture settings

There is one thing that is rly annoying in arma 3 and I want to mention and can ruin benchmarking as well and gameplay experience.This is auto-detection and hardware-based limitations.

how to bench games realtime while playing:
make sure You set 100 milli seconds in the settings (both)
also You still can use the good old fraps since this dont have even 100 ms delay.

benchmark after You deleted file cache and a fresh windows restart (fresh windows install is the best lol)
Arma 3 benchmark if interested (outdated, but works) (run this test 2-3 times for accurate result)
(Or play on Tank Showcase)
or in this Official Mulltiplayer server for testing performance
Memory usage benchmark (for ram and pagefile, outdated, still works)

Arma 3 map size info: Stratis 20 km2, Altis 270 km2 (Arma 2 Chernarus 225 km2, the Dayz map)
So if You have weak Pc You probably wont able to play on Altis map.This is one of the biggest design problem with the game, huge map like altis was an unnecessary stupid thing to do and it will never have good performance on any pc even in the future.

useful program: Arma sync, for launching the game and managing mods

Custom missions in SP/MP:
When you run your mission as a multiplayer mission on your quad+ core, the server process will have its own thread on a different core to the one that normally has to do all the work on your client. And that server process will be doing all the AI computations. So suddenly the AI has a whole core all to itself, and your client doesn't chop and change its frame rate while mission scripts are running and AI is being spawned or processed. It's not perfect but it is a lot better than playing the same mission in the single player client. I run quite large missions like this where the AI are knocking hell out of each other with negligible effect on my client's frame rates.

You need set up a dedicated server on your PC, using the server.exe that ships with the game. Then start up your client on the same PC and join the server. Obviously you also need to save any missions you create as multiplayer ones. Once connected to the server, login as admin and manage the missions as necessary.

Hosting server:

Look out for patch notes in the future for getting information about performance changes.My guide is pretty much finished now, wont be updated.(2014 march)
Personal results
My results:
my win 7 os is 64 bit ultimate and I installed it like 18 months ago.
Core i5 2500T all 4 cores @2800Ghz
2*4GB DDR3 1333/1866
Evga Gtx 560 ti FPB 1GB, 384 cuda, driver 314.22 whql was used here
seagate 7200rpm

My Pagefile was disabled here, but I use it now.
Arma 3: 1.10/114700 stable (2014 february)
maxgpu render:1/ detect:1, visync: off,nvdia control panel:very high quality texture
some arma startup parameters+I disabled all powersavings in bios and windows+disabled core parking

Preset Low
StratisV0.51: 74fps (1866 ram), 68 fps (1333 ram), 84 fps (3 cores @3200Ghz,1866 ram)
Altis V0.6: 62 fps (1866 ram), 56 fps (1333 ram), 70 fps (3 cores @3200Ghz,1866 ram)

CPU usage on my custom made mission, specalized/created for cpu utilization measure
3 cores almost 100%,

4cores was like 85% overall

I spawned 11 blue speedboat vs 11 red speedboat far from Stratis and not looking to the terrain direction (I used low preset with 12km distances)
Keep in mind cpu/gpu usage has nothing to do with fps, i mean you wont get more fps if Your cpu usage is 70 or 100% it doesnt matter.Cpu usage is not = performance.

Cinebecnh scores 11.5, 64-bit single thread
Amd fx 9590: 1.28
Amd fx 8350: 1.11
Amd fx 6350: 1.11

My CPU result: 1.31
I5 2500k: 1.48
I7 4770k: 1.74
Core2 E8500: 0.98

I upgraded my CPU to I5 3570k (default bios and cpu settings), 1866mhz ram speed
Stratis: 95 fps Altis: 76 fps
38 comentários
Ypulse  [autor] 7 out. 2017 às 4:27 
Hi. Yes, the no sound commmand disables audio hence the fps gain (if BI didnt changed how the game works, with the patches)
if you just mute sounds in the ingame options the sound is still processed usually in games
JC Denton 6 out. 2017 às 19:27 
nosound: disables sound ingame, gives huge fps boost
But i don't really want to risk having no audio for more than 20fps, does this command completely remove audio?
☧ ✞ CPC | LaTauPe35 ✞ ☧ 2 nov. 2014 às 5:38 
Good job
Ypulse  [autor] 1 nov. 2014 às 8:16 
Sir.FartsALott 31 out. 2014 às 16:12 
From this point i neither have the patience nor the will to argue with you on this topic. Have a nice day.
Ypulse  [autor] 31 out. 2014 às 15:39 
man you can save up the cost difference in 1-2 year, if you are an avarage gamer
read some valid tests
Sir.FartsALott 28 out. 2014 às 14:51 
And yet i dont live in USA. Matter of fact i live in a place where everything is very expensive. Still your Power saving statement is completely wrong and please do some research on it.
Ypulse  [autor] 28 out. 2014 às 13:49 
not everyone livin in free power USA, and no its not 1 dolla per month
amd is a joke
Sir.FartsALott 28 out. 2014 às 13:06 
I Have read everything you wrote down but that Power consumption shit is too old. Delete that and i will take this seriously. <1$ Per Month is not a overal problem -.->
RollinYouUp 5 ago. 2014 às 18:00 
I did work!