Portal 2

Portal 2

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In 1 collection by Jethro Q.Walrustitty
The saga of Jethro Q. Walrustitty
25 items
Jethro Q.Walrustitty here, I've been asked by Cave Johnson to inform you that during these tests you're under constant surveillance. We've got hidden cameras everywhere, not for any scientific reason, just to humilitate you in the staff room. We've got all angles covered, in fact the only place you can be absolutely certain there isn't a camera is up your...... what's that Greg? .......... no........You didn't .. Oh dear God! Greg you are a truly sick, twisted individual.

Singh Mar 6, 2014 @ 9:14pm 
I stopped after trying to get the ball in the tube. Tried various methods using the gels for about 15mins - lost interest after that. Maybe your angled panel is off or maybe there's just too many options for what should be a simple step.