Portal 2

Portal 2

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Handsome in the end..No hands till then

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Handsome in the end..No hands till then

Can you get the cubes where they belong without touching them? Don't worry. You'll get to touch them before you leave.
vallibus Nov 11, 2020 @ 2:56pm 
Very interesting design. The exit chamber had me scratchin' my head for a while until I understood I needed to re-purpose those cubes.
jandlml May 1, 2019 @ 6:59pm 
spent to much time trying to get to the door the hard way. then i realized oh easy. :steamhappy:
lfairban Dec 22, 2017 @ 9:24am 
Great map, added it to my Favorites.
stormsend  [author] Mar 9, 2014 @ 11:01am 
Thank you sir. Well done. Not how I envisioned it but you made it.
GraveNoX Mar 9, 2014 @ 7:46am 
This was hard, tried 2 times and finally got a solution, my gameplay (not blind run) http://youtu.be/gzUBN_R6Wqk
mood3rd Mar 8, 2014 @ 8:13am 
thankyou, I thought you ment a previous map.
not anywhere near as fast as you.
the latest map, I started a long time ago.
but moved on to others, before finishing it.
have a few like that.
I will get an idea, & start a new map, before finishing the map I was working on.
or open a new map, to experiment, a is this possible scenario.
but it might not be suitable for the map I was working on.
due to item limit or some other reason.
so a new map starts.
stormsend  [author] Mar 8, 2014 @ 6:39am 
actually i didn't know you had published another one. getting as fast as me. i'm now subscribed to two of your maps.
mood3rd Mar 7, 2014 @ 4:32pm 
I know now about point 2
having the funel, to get a close look at the connections helped a lot.
then the solution hit me, like a ton of bricks.
eurika :)
did not know you tried my last map.
as only recently published it.
if we are talking about the same map ?
any problems, I will be happy to help or hint.
stormsend  [author] Mar 7, 2014 @ 2:32pm 
The editor was good to me and the change was made. You should be able to reach the funnel if you lose it now. I have a walkthrough of this one if you'd like to see it. Also, I took down an older map and replaced it. It's called LaGrange Point. Try it at your liesure. Thank you sir.
stormsend  [author] Mar 7, 2014 @ 2:17pm 
Addressing point 1. You're absolutely right. How did you get in such a predicament? I'll try to fix that if the editor will cooperate.
Point 2. There is no third cube. You must finish the chamber with the available resources. I know it's a conundrum and it could be a little more obvious but ....

Thank you my friend. I am still working on your last map and not making much progress. Your puzzles have gotten progressively more difficult and complicated. You always seem to push the item limit. Didn't want you to think I'm ignoring you just don't have anything to report yet.