Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller

Cognition: An Erica Reed Thriller

277 ratings
Cognition: Achievement Guide!
By Gorger and 2 collaborators
This is my first achievement guide, so it might be a bit rough around the edges, but I have tried to list all the achievements as they come naturally to avoid frustration and repetition.

I hope this helps you out with the more obscure achievements, and makes your playing experience more fun without having to worry about backtracking and missables.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the guide!

*|Episode 1: The Hangman|*
This episode has a few repetitive achievements where you need to replay some parts of the game to make some different choices. I will point out when you should make a save to avoid unecessary backtracking. Other than that most of the achievements are very easy to obtain and shouldn't pose to much trouble.
Only Reed Blood
.jpg]Complete Act 1 of "The Hangman"
This achievement will come naturally as you progress in the story.
.jpg]Complete Act 2 of "The Hangman"
This achievement will come naturally as you progress in the story.
Boston Tea Party
.jpg]Complete Act 3 of "The Hangman"
This achievement will come naturally as you progress in the story.
Not A Witch
.jpg]Sucessfully complete "The Hangman"
This achievement will come naturally when finishing the episode.
Big Girl Now
.jpg]Complete "The Hangman" without texting Erica's dad
Your cellphone has an option to "Message Dad" for hints, so make sure you avoid that and complete the first episode on your own.
.jpg]Erica saves Scott from the trap
Use your cognition abilities to solve the wire puzzle after finding your brother.
.jpg]Erica fails to save Scott from the trap
Fail the wire puzzle after finding your brother.
A little birdie
.jpg]Find the hidden Phoenix Online Logo
Open up your cell phone, click on Web Search and choose Entertainment. After that click on Adventure and Games, then click on the magnifyinglass near the search bar. A Phoenix Studio logo will pop up rewarding you with the achievement.
A Parallel Universe
.jpg]Examine the Scarlet Furies poster
Before entering the door to your first crimescene examine the poster outside on the wall.
.jpg]All Q&A puzzles are correctly answered the first time
To make life easier on you save the game before speaking to Davies at the first crimescene!

During the first crimescene Agent Davies will quiz you on your findings by asking you three questions.

The correct answers are :
1. Suffocation
2. Can't identify. Victim fingertip have been skinned.
3. The killer was smaller than the victim. The killer struggled with the hanging of the victim.
Disgrace to the Bureau
.jpg]All Q&A puzzles are answered incorrectly
And here comes the reason why I asked you to save before speaking with Davies.

During the quiz at the crimescene make sure you answer all the questions wrong.
.jpg]Help Terence with his problem, and get his help in return
To make life easier for you save the game before talking to Terance for the first time in the morgue.

When speaking to Terance about antiques he will have a request for you to help him out with a small problem about storing his equipment. You are then given a choice to accept his offer or refuse.
Accept it, and you will have to solve his dilemma by sneaking into Davies office then write an e-mail to Dr. Gallagher from her computer.

In return he will help you out later in the game when you need to acquire an item from Dr Gallagher. Just ask for his help and the achievement will unlock.

FBI Itch
.jpg]Ignore Terence's problem and find your own solution
Here comes the reason why I asked you to save the game before talking to Terance the first time you entered the morgue.

For this achievement to unlock you will need to deny his request for help when asking about antiques. Later in the game when you need to acquire that item from Dr. Gallagher he will be to busy to help. So to solve the puzzle, click on Dr. Gallaghers phone at her office then snap her phone number by using your phone on it. After that call her from the morgue and take the item while she is leaves to pick up the phone.
Good Cop/Bad Cop
.jpg]Force Robert's interrogation, get Sully's help, let Robert go free.
To make your life easier save the game before convincing Robert to come to the police station.

This is a rather long achievement where you need to make a certain of specific choices for the achievement to unlock.

When first convincing Robert (the bum) to come with you to the police station:
- Force him to come with you.

When being asked which detective to come with you to the interrogation room:
- Bring Sully with you.

After the big regression puzzle in the interrogation room:
- Let Robert go free.

The achievement should now unlock.
McCoy, With a Donut, in the Jail
.jpg]Convince Robert to come to the station, get John's help, keep Robert in jail
Here comes the reason why I asked you to save the game before speaking with Robert.

For this achievement to unlock we need to change our choices from the Good Cop/Bad Cop achievement before asking Robert to come with us to the police station.

When first convincing Robert (the bum) to come with you to the police station:
- Be persuasive by showing him the picture of Sarah.

When being asked which detective to come with you to the interrogation room:
- Bring McCoy with you.

After the big regression puzzle in the interrogation room:
- Put Robert in jail.

The achievement should now unlock.

*|Episode 2: The Wise Monkey|*
This is probably the easiest episode to attain all the achievements; they are mostly straight forward and has little repetition unlike Episode 1.
Hear No Evil
.jpg]Complete the Tess Interrogation
This achievement will come naturally when progressing the story.
Speak No Evil
.jpg]Use a divination device to get Melissa's help
This achievement will come naturally when progressing the story.
See No Evil
.jpg]Open the puzzle box
This achievement will come naturally when progressing the story.
Bad Breakup
.jpg]See vision of Kelsey's death
This achievement will come naturally when progressing the story.
Do No Evil
.jpg]Successfully complete "The Wise Monkey"
This achievement will come naturally when finishing the episode.
Trying to Quit
.jpg]Refuse the coffee from Tess
At the very beginning of the game you are asked to have a cup off coffee; just refuse it.
Bad Attitude
.jpg]Establish a bad relationship with McAdams
In the very beginning you are called to McAdams office; just be snappy, rude and non-friendly and it should unlock easily.
Stand Your Ground
.jpg]Fire at the car in the parking lot
This achievement can only be attained if you refuse to drink the coffee in the very beginning of the episode.

Before exiting the station through the fire escape door to pursue your suspect save the game and continue through.

A cutscene will show giving you a few seconds to shoot the car with your gun. Do it and the achievement will unlock.
Do A Barrel Roll!
.jpg]Dive clear of the car in the parking lot
Use the save before refusing the coffee and exiting the FBI station, but this time instead of shooting at the car point a little to the left and a green arrow will highlight. Click on it and Erica will dodge the car thus unlocking the achievement.
Caffeine Addict
.jpg]Take the coffee from Tess
Start a new game and accept the coffee from Tess.
Privacy Violation
.jpg]Sneak a peek in someone else's inbox
Go to the FBI building and go to Sully's desk where you can read his e-mail.
.jpg]Find the Suffer
When sitting on Sully's desk click on the little stressball next to his computer.
Pay Your Respects
.jpg]Say goodbye to Davies
Go to the Morgue and speak with Dr.Gallagher who will throw you out. When you're back at the main desk press the fire alarm button and hide by the counter. After that go down the elevator and say your goodbyes to Davies.
Greedy Bastard
.jpg]Find all the evidence indicating the Dean's corruption
Just make sure you fully explore the Dean's office by clicking on the picture, diploma, instruments etc. This one should come naturally when you finally have all the evidence to expose him.
Nothing Gets Past You
.jpg]No wrong answers on the Wise Monkey quiz
During the last big puzzle of the episode you are tasked with a quiz, but to unlock the achievement you must complete it without doing any mistakes. You can save before attempting this and see if you can do it on your own, but the answers will be revealed under in spoiler tag:

Question 1:
A3, B5, C6, D2, E1, F4

Question 2:
La Boheme

Question 3:
He was smoking a cigarette

Question 4 :
HMS Pinafore

Question 5 :
Click on: angel, lover, starlet and darling

Question 6 :
Joey Goethals
*|Episode 3: The Oracle|*
This chapter has no backtracking or repetitive achievements, and can be unlocked in one go, but there are some obscured ones that might cause some frustration.
The Oracle Unveiled
.jpg]Complete Act 1 of "The Oracle"
This achievement will come naturally when progressing the story.
.jpg]Erica and Cordelia make a special connection
This achievement will come naturally when progressing the story.
Your Secrets Aren't Safe
.jpg]Complete Act 2 of "The Oracle"
This achievement will come naturally when progressing the story.
Going Down
.jpg]Complete Act 3 of "The Oracle"
This achievement will come naturally when progressing the story.
Filmed in Shakycam
.jpg]Use the camera to view all the numbers painted on the wall
This achievement should be unlocked naturally after the final puzzle.
I didn't See This Coming
.jpg]Successfully complete "The Oracle"
This achievement will come naturally when finishing the episode.
Dear Journal
.jpg]Use the journal to get a hint
When getting the option to switch between characters; click on the journal at the top left of the screen which should be at the same place Erica's phone used to be.
Trip Down Memory Lane
.jpg]Complete all memories in the apartment
This achievement will come naturally when progressing the story.

Edit : It's actually possible to miss a flashback by not phoning Rose when you get control of the other character. At the police station combine the note from Rose with your cell phone and give her a call.

All credits goes to Saarlouis Isreit for finding this one out and clarifying it to me.
Can't Stay Out of the Office
.jpg]Perform a character switch, starting somewhere outside
After getting the option to switch between characters, put Erica outside the penthouse balcony and the other character in the penthouse office. Then switch the characters.
The Right Tool for the Job
.jpg]Thoroughly use cognition to help Keith with his problem
At some point you will be given the option to help Keith with fixing his model. To unlock the achievement just examine his work desk and use your cognition ability on all the wrenches before fixing it.
Eye of the Beholder
.jpg]Two women see art very differently
Make sure you click on all the art in the penthouse with both switchable characters. Examine all the sculptures, paintings and objects lying around the apartment. If you have troubles with this one just press space and examine every hotspot.
Patron of the Arts
.jpg]Erica gets a close look at all notable art
Very similar to Eye of the Beholder, but Erica can move around in more rooms, so examine the lobby and all the floors for everything that resemblance art, and this one should unlock easily.
At one point you are given the task to hide some evidence in the penthouse. Go then to Keith's work desk on the top floor and pick up a pen, which you must use on various objects around the apartment. Make sure you use it on everything like...

Top floor: model, work desk, Keith
Bedroom: birdcage, closet, drawer,
Living room: papers on dining table
Office: desk, coatrack

...before solving the puzzle by using them with the the kitchen papers.

If you solved it and it didn't unlock then reload and use the hotspot indicator to make sure you use the pen on everything before solving it again.
Busy Work
.jpg]No one can get work done if you keep calling down to the office
Moments after the PenPointing achievement you are given the task to call Skorobeus about some financial records. Just keep calling him around three times and avoid the financial record dialogue until the end and the achievement should unlock.
*|Episode 4: The Cain Killer|*
The very last episode and the conclusion of our story. This Episode has a couple of repetitive achievements that require saving to avoid unnecessary backtracking, but overall it's a very simple episode to collect all the achievements.
The Past is Prologue
.jpg]Complete act 1 of "The Cain Killer"
This achievement will come naturally as you progress in the story.
The Fugitive
.jpg]Complete Act 2 of "The Cain Killer"
This achievement will come naturally as you progress in the story.
Back in 'Nam
.jpg]Successfully help a friend remember what Bao-Thanh said
This achievement will come naturally as you progress in the story.
There's No I in Team
.jpg]Complete Act 3 of "The Cain Killer"
This achievement will come naturally as you progress in the story.
.jpg]Sucessfully complete "The Cain Killer
This achievement will come naturally as you complete the game!
No Time For Games!
.jpg]Find the game within the game
At your first opportunity to use the cell phone as Erica, click on the Moebius app and the achievement should unlock!
Federal Protection
.jpg]Save Jetta during the undercover operation
Save the game during the undercover operation, then continue the story until your cover is blown which will give you three options to choose from.

Pick: Focus on Stelios - try to get his gun and you will save Jetta
Avoidable Casualities
.jpg]Let Jetta die during the undercover operation
Reload the save during the undercover operation, but this timefocus on yourself - run and hide when your cover is blown which will end in Jetta being killed.
The Good Sister
.jpg]Never lose any of Keith's trust in the Lakehouse
During the confrontation with Keith, smoothtalk him by checking the appropriate dialogue option.

Solution is listed below:

- I want to try to forgive you, Keith
- I understand the need to kill.
- People like us, we can still love
- I'm sure Max is grateful for what we did... together
- Keith, I always prefered you
Deadbeat Dad
.jpg]The interrogation subject is coerced into talking
Save the game in the interrogation room to avoid unnecessary backtracking

During the interrogation with Skorobeus, push him against the wall, but don't use excessive violence against him or he will pass out. Instead use your cognition ability on him and the achievement should unlock.
.jpg]You went a little too far and the interrogation subject passed out
Reload the game during the interrogation with Skorobeus, push him against the wall and use excessive violence until he passes out.
A Question of Trust
.jpg]McAdams trusts you after a tense exchange in a car
To avoid unnecessary backtracking save the game when you're in the car with McAdams.

During the last confrontation with McAdams get on his good side by being compliant and friendly towards him.

Solution below:

- I didn't want it to go down like this
- You're right
- Trust him
A Question of Dust
.jpg]McAdams doesn’t trust you after a tense exchange in a car
Reload your save before talking with McAdams in the car, but this time be hostile and unfriendly.
Take That, Jack!
.jpg]Protect a fellow agent
Before entering the cemetery make a save to avoid some unnecessary backtracking

During the final moments of the game an agent will be held at gunpoint; to save his life you have to use persuasion.


- No Cordelia, your brother killed Max
- He could have, and he didn't do his job, but he's a good agent
- Listen to your concience!
Moves Like Bauer
.jpg]Couldn't protect a fellow agent
Reload your save before entering the cemetery and pick the opposite more hostile answers when the agent is held at gunpoint.
§єǫuєᴋʜaɴ ⚶ Jul 21, 2018 @ 2:58am 
I feel like Episode 3 missable achieves are out of order - perhaps more details on these and putting them in the right order can avoid any need for saving and backtracking completely...?
Pigeon Pecking Keyboard Mar 31, 2018 @ 10:08am 
Couldnt have done it without this guide, thanks!
One mistake though: For Barrel Roll achievement, your save should be the one "Before exiting the station through the fire escape door", not "before refusing coffee". You can't save before you refuse/accept the coffee.
Roaringtigerss Mar 30, 2018 @ 12:29pm 
it sad to see that there is not really a happy ending in my misunderstanding i thought cordelia was gonna end up as a romance option but i was wrong this game was meant to throw the cliff hanger and twist the ending was tragic and truth
Pietruszek Sep 19, 2017 @ 5:15am 
To anyone having problems with "Federal Protection": this option will be available only if you allow Stelios to call "the guy who sent you", becouse only then he puts the gun down on the counter.
Chamelion Jun 22, 2017 @ 12:36pm 
Just a head's up, I almost missed the Shakycam achievement. If you're able to figure out the camera codes you can skip to focusing the camera in the right position. (I was able to figure out that entering 3-5-6 BEFORE entering 4-5-6 would focus the camera behind Max, and it wasnt' until I backtracked to see waht 4-5-6 would give me, that it unlocked the achivement. This CAN be missed.)
Gorger  [author] Apr 22, 2017 @ 8:07am 
Good to hear, grats with your 100% :)
russdeit Apr 20, 2017 @ 2:27am 
Thanks for this great guide.

I've just got 100% achievements because of it.
DCSparkes Apr 2, 2017 @ 6:08am 
Thanks for the guide.

It's worth noting that for Patron of the Arts it's not sufficient to look at every piece of art with the 'eye', you also have to use the magnifying glass on the paintings that support it, including, but not limited to, the torches in the lobby and the bird on the Garden Balcony floor.
Hamakei Nov 29, 2016 @ 8:01am 
Excellent guide, but might I suggest that you move all the "story" (ie unavoidable) achievements into their own category?
Spooky Nerd Jun 1, 2016 @ 10:41pm 
Okay, I just got Eye of the Beholder, but the Patron of the Arts achievement still won't come up :c