Portal 2
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look behind you
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9 Thg10, 2013 @ 11:06pm
10 Thg10, 2013 @ 8:37am
2 ghi chú thay đổi ( xem )

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look behind you

Mô tả
always, always look behind you, and always know where you've been and what is nearby
2 bình luận
jalomas7  [tác giả] 10 Thg10, 2013 @ 8:40am 
thank you for the input, I have taken those thoughts into consideration and fixed some of the things you mentioned, I have also added a new aspect to getting the door open. as for the platform with the robot on it, that was intentional to take the users attention and keep it on the button and robot instead of what it really was doing. maybe i didnt do that right but oh well
nicklonium 10 Thg10, 2013 @ 6:58am 
Not bad for a first test chamber, a little basic but that's to be expected and it had quite a nice little concept behind it although there's a couple of items that aren't strictly necessary e.g. the angled panel in the first room and the horizontal lift in the lower corridors but I can see what they're both intended to be used for. The little nooks and crannies in the white area accessed via the hole in the ceiling with the pressure button at the bottom are also a bit pointless, players are likely to explore them only to find there's nothing in them.

I've got a little collection of chambers going and I'm always interested in feedback on each chamber or the collection as a whole. I'd be grateful if you'd have a look: