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How to Stump 2 Robots
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How to Stump 2 Robots

You are not even trying. Robots were not programmed to try.
78 comentarii
DogeTheDerg x3 10 nov. 2023 la 19:58 
At first it feels like youre schizophrenic but once you understand it only feels like mania
Poogieboo96 9 mai 2023 la 12:41 
yup i was definitely stumped. 1 Hour later
eyw.SnowRonark 17 aug. 2020 la 12:32 
hey brom, some peoples has talents on music someones has art and you have this
Quasar Duke 5 aug. 2020 la 20:17 
This was HARD. Nice job!
YakaryBovine 3 ian. 2020 la 21:04 
Challenging and innovative without being frustrating at any point. Great level.
STICC 2 mart. 2019 la 1:59 
you hurt me
Huhu_Die_Inge 7 dec. 2018 la 11:11 
Keep up the good work, we really liked this one!
strawbeary 2 oct. 2018 la 20:12 
fuck bro, best level i've played. Super hard
Вася Гипсокартон 20 mart. 2018 la 5:37 
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