Transport Fever

Transport Fever

Nedostatek hodnocení
Gold Mountains
Přidat do oblíbených
Odebrat z oblíbených
Značky: scenic
Velikost souboru
9.374 MB
5. dub. 2018 v 10.31
Poznámky ke změnám (1) – zobrazit

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Gold Mountains

Based on Utah terrain with additional gameplay elements. Towns and industries generated by the game. A no-industry version of the map is nearby
Počet komentářů: 1
Bresslaw  [autor] 5. dub. 2018 v 10.45 
For map-makers - I found out what caused this map to vanish from Steam when I added the no-industry version. I deleted the steamID textfile in this map's staging area folder - I found it had exactly the same ID as the later no-industry map... Steam looks to have generated another unique ID and it works fine now. Must have both versions :)