Portal 2

Portal 2

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Alm's Logical Chambers
Here are my best chambers, in which difficulty lies in simplicity. I try my hand at making clean and neat puzzles, both in logic and design, with rewarding solutions, and fun during the process. Have a coffee.

Maps ordered by publication, chronologically from the bottom to the top.
Hope you'll enjoy, at least as much as I enjoy mapping. Feedback appreciated, thanks for playing !
Items (18)
Created by Almisuifre
Gig and I collaborated to create something about your collaboration with a cube. As always, no quick timing, tricks, skills etc etc etc. The right track is smooth....
Created by Almisuifre
My first test chamber...since last year. A plain challenging laser puzzle. 1 laser, 1 cube, 1 tester. Logical map, no tricks or fancy redirection angles. If you plan before you act, it will flows nicely :) This is my alternate take of Phosphorescence by Gi...
Created by Almisuifre
Dear front page, here's a map that could reach you. In a few days, it will be a map that could have reached you. Well, you have your logic that logic ignores. Unlike those who will reach the exit door, or could reach it, or could have reached it... Sincere...
Created by Almisuifre
A logical chamber in which first and last steps are the same, with a protagonists swap. This is a remake of kurye by TuRboz. Credits goes to him for the original map. I made variations, while keeping a few steps puzzle, simple in logic and design. - Almisu...
Four Rows
Created by Almisuifre
An uncluttered version of Furrows, to bring players stuck with the original one on track, and provide an easy logical puzzle. Furrows is a simple yet challenging logic chamber, made of one cube and one funnel, with no special skill needed. #easter eggs : d...
Created by Almisuifre
Elements are all switched off, areas are separated. Weave a path. Logical chamber, including a step involving a regular 'no elements' move (no air strafe or ninja trick). Plan before you act....
No Elements: SeeSaw
Created by Almisuifre
Logical momentum applications within 2 chambers. The first one introduces the main idea of the following (a savepoint is set between them). Fun is also part of the test Because it's a logic puzzle, it's quite crucial to plan your flights (quicksave F6 / qu...
Created by Almisuifre
How to make sure that GLaDOS will nod at your science. Here's a chamber inspired by two others : Visible by Goat & Paralysiert by Jotta. If you need hints to solve it, testing them should help (but it's not required though). Logical solution. No special sk...
Interchange: Deer's Feather
Created by Almisuifre
A quiet stroll, involving a funnel, a lightbridge, and you (logic puzzle, no special skills required). Quicksave F6 / Quickload F7 Submitted to the P2LC group's challenge Double Transport (winner!) Thanks for playing ! Solution by Daoud Baba linked in the ...
Tabula Rasa
Created by Almisuifre
Logic test, no fast move needed, only calm ingeniosity (quicksave F6 / quickload F7). Thanks for playing !...
Created by Almisuifre
At the end of the title, the letter "s", which starts the words "several", "simple" and "steps". A logic challenging room with few elements. No special skills required. (save F6 / load F7) Thanks for playing ! Made for the P2LC group monthly challenge Cubb...
Created by Almisuifre
Logical test. Be imaginative. My entry for the P2LC group's 22th mapping challenge "Lightbeam". Quicksave F6 / Quickload F7 Thanks @ p0rtalmaster, cyhborg, taplonaplo and Requiemsoul for testing and feedbacks....
Created by Almisuifre
Grab a cube (...) set it on the exit door button. Things may occur between these two steps. A logical funnel and lightbridge chamber (no ninja skills required). quicksave F6 / quickload F7 (an autosave is set at some point)...
Courte Echelle
Created by Almisuifre
A logical funnel and lightbridge test. Be imaginative. (quicksave F6 / quickload F7) Reading the P2LC group's bi-weekly competiton 17 "advancification" : advancify a map from your own workshop, I took an unpublished chamber of mine, and made an advanced ve...
No Elements: Recross
Created by Almisuifre
Logical momentum map (quicksave F6 / quickload F7) For players unused to this kind of map, it can be a puzzling one, so testing the No Elements collection should help to solve it (but it's not required)....
Created by Almisuifre
Logical test chamber : no risky jumps or air strafe intended. Each jump is in a straight line. Notes : The 1st room shows some involved things (a checkpoint is set after it). At the entrance, a puddle of repulsion gel under a low roof is set to show/remind...
Created by Almisuifre
To which point the cube and you can be friend on a light bridge or a funnel ..? (easy chamber) My workshop : Almperture Science ► A page including my chambers and collections. Thanks for testing !...
Created by Almisuifre
There's a fairy tale about a shepherdess and a chimney-sweeper. Here, the shepherdess is a lie. My workshop : Almperture Science ► A page including my chambers and collections. Thanks for testing !...
In 1 collection by Almisuifre
Almperture Science
40 items