Portal 2

Portal 2

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NARAKU - Is it a small chamber?

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NARAKU - Is it a small chamber?

This test is very easy!
It is a very small chamber!
Anyone could clear the test immediately!
Especially I recommend this to beginners.

I'm not a liar.
Please trust me.

from liar

This test is the large and complicated chamber made in order to experiment in the function of BEE MOD which I introduced recently.
This test has an element of puzzle only a few, and has element of action a lot.
Since some autosave points were installed into the chamber, although you die, it is not necessary to redo the test from the beginning.
I do not stop that you turning your thumb down to this test. And if you regard this test as troublesome, you may give up clearing the test so soon, but I am glad if you can enjoy the test to the last.