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The Belt (v2.1 Niven) - NEW AUTHOR LINK
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The Belt (v2.1 Niven) - NEW AUTHOR LINK

User RevanSchatten has gone and picked up the Hot Potato. If you want to continue using The Belt, go check his update out!

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has subbed to this mod, and I'm sorry I couldn't update further for you. Here's to the future of the Belt.

Update for The Belt mod to Stellaris version 2.1 (Niven)


Ladies and Gents, I appreciate that you all enjoy the mod, but I'm throwing in the towel once 2.2 comes out. I said from the start that I updated this mod on a whim, and am not an actual Code Wizard. If someone wants to pick up the Hot Potato, feel free.

Thank you all for subscribing. I never thought I'd get as far as EIGHTEEN THOUSAND SUBSCRIBERS, let alone more than one.

I bid good luck to whoever picks up the Hot Potato. It's been fun.


Add a classical sci-fi idea, that also makes sense from a sci-fi economical point of view: the mining of asteroids and all its related themes.

Features Provided by Previous Authors
- Adds the possibility to colonize asteroids (but no way to raise their habitability, it stays at 0%).
- Adds a new life support system building restricted to the asteroids that add habitability (80%).
- Adds a new asteroid type: non-colonisable 'Small Asteroids' - this was the only way to reduce the spam of habitable asteroids in galaxy generation. (let me know if this works well or not)
- Adds a range for asteroid size (between 7 and 15).
- Increased Ceres size in the pre-scripted solar system to 7.
- Adds 'Eros' to Sol System
- Added a planet bonus specific to asteroids (+25% mine tile yield, -30% building cost, -5% spaceships building cost, -25% ship building time)
- Add three new Solar System initializers; one allows the player to start in a version of Sol where Earth has become a tomb world, while Mars has been terraformed into a continental world. Second allows for a start in which Mars and Luna will start as continental worlds, but the player still starts on Earth as normal. The third is an updated version of the Deneb system to bring it more in line with the changes made to the standard version of Sol.
- Adds a species trait which grants +45% asteroid habitability at game start (costs 1 point and 1 pick)
- Asteroids now fall under the habitats tab in the outliner, should lead to less overwhelming planet lists
- Adds a fully functioning environment portrait to asteroids.
- Adds Low-G labs for a 10% research buff, negating the planetary colonization malus to research rate.
- Any asteroid colony that does not have Life-Support Systems (or that has either habitability below 60% and/or Happiness below 50%) will be prone to the 'Effects of Low-G on inhabitants' events, which will create a new sub-species with the asteroid habitability preference along with new traits to reflect their evolution in a Low-G environment. To avoid biological divergance and the possible need to purge ensure all asteroids have good quality life-support!

New Events
- Growth of independent asteroid mining that can improve mining yield in asteroid colonies.
- Possibility to focus on searching for certain types of asteroids, carbonaceous ones can be useful for further colonization effort, while metallic ones are more attractive for the industry.
- Asteroid trajectory accident: accident can happen when you handle ten kilometers sized rocks, and it can have dire consequences.
- Possibility to create an orbit guard to monitor asteroids and prevent world ending scenarios.
- Possible death of the population if the life support building is damaged.


''The Real Space Belt v2.1 - For compatibility with Real Space 3.0''

Planetary Diversity Patch

Mod Translation


Hit-Monkey's note:

HOLY CRAP, updating this mod to 2.0 (Cherryh) was a hell of a learning exercise. As you can see, I'm not the original author, nor one of the others that updated it to Banks and Adams. I'm not even an actual code-Wizard either, more like a Code-Rogue with Use Magic Item skill.

I would LOVE to add new features, but that's way out of my skill level at this time, so I promise nothing of the sort, even if you suggest them. I SHALL, however, make at least some effort to maintain this as long as I can, and maybe balance them to some extent. If I happen to forget after an expansion or two, I half-expect this hot potato to be picked up by someone else.

Previous Mod version were written by their respective authors, who seem to have either forgotten or abandoned their projects. If one of those guys feels like contacting me if they feel like I'm stepping on toes, I'm happy to talk it out.

This Upload was posted without permission, largely just here to give ya'll Asteroid Junkies something to look foreward to.

Original mod for 1.2 (Atreides)

Belt Updated for 1.4 (Jotaro Kujo and von Stroheim)

The Belt Updated for 1.6.1 (xl Zema lx)

Change Log:

3-5-2018: Compatibility update. Removed the Starting System Initializers made in earlier mod due to conflicting code. Will return that once debugging of it is done.


Q: Is there a translation into X language?
A: NOPE. I only know English.

Q: Is there a compatibility patch for X mod?
A: Not likely, I just rebuilt this into a functioning mod, any patches for compatibility with other mods will need building from scratch, and I'm only going to do so many before my already LIMITED code-monkeying gets stretched to the limit. I'll see what I can do, but NO PROMISES.

Beliebte Diskussionen Alle anzeigen (4)
12. Juni 2018 um 5:41
Jalib AlMarah
11. Juli 2018 um 5:18
Jalib AlMarah
16. März 2018 um 9:46
Offer help in translation [RU]
317 Kommentare
スカイ 7. März 2018 um 16:04 
How many times has this mod been abandoned? It's like it's cursed or something. Nobody wants to continue work on it past a certain point and once they do abandon it there is always someone else to restart work on it.🤔
Kc40k 7. März 2018 um 10:01 
This mod keeps getting passed around like its in a game of hot potato
CornBrad 7. März 2018 um 8:14 
Jalib AlMarah  [Autor] 6. März 2018 um 23:10 
Happy to be of service! I'll happily look at suggestions and stuffs, but because I'm no expert, I've still got lots of learning to do. In the mean time, so long as Paradox doesn't do anything especially crazy, I should be able to at least keep up version updates.
Joker 6. März 2018 um 18:15 
Hey, very cool of you to do this!
dynosina 6. März 2018 um 3:41 
Wow, a Huge Thank you man. I really mean it.
Pode 5. März 2018 um 12:16 
Nice, you did it so I can scratch it off my to-do list. I was going to incorporate it into Colonizeable Home Systems Revived which is my adopting of Echo's abandoned mod. If we can find a way to make ours play nice together that'd be huge. I'm also masquerading as a modder, but if I'll try to help you out with anything I can.