Portal 2

Portal 2

314 ratings
Wheatley's Reprisal The Collection
A collection of 6 Wheatley themed maps. These maps include test chambers, moving test chambers and BTS themes. Some include factory and underground. Bottomless pits and water for you to fall into. But try not too because that's what Wheatley would want. Medium difficulty. And of course Wheatley can't do anything without creating a ton of destruction.

One thing we don't have is a lot of monitors. We know you like breaking them, but you might consider unbolting them from the wall and give them to someone who needs them. [Not all monitors are breakable due to the layout of some maps]

Is there a part where he tries to kill you? Only one way to find out

You'll find part 1 to be longer than the rest. That's because originally it was only going to be one map. The ideas kept coming and the first map was getting bigger. I decided I might as well split them up into smaller maps (and there was only going to be 5 at first). This way, depending on how long you prefer to play, you can go through at your own pace. Or, if you're a die-hard player, keep that pile of sandwiches beside you and listen to Wheatley's banter as you play them all. Nevertheless, I enjoyed making them.
Items (6)
Wheatley's Reprisal [Part 1]
Created by Skyferret
You start with of course Wheatley in control of the facility. It doesn't take long for that notion to get to his head. Or that little metal ball he calls a brain. He might try to kill you. You can also see the Collection here....
Wheatley's Reprisal [Part 2]
Created by Skyferret
Continue on. Why does Wheatley think little metal boxes with legs have any intelligence what so ever. They don't. Just don't fall as you work your way through. there's some deep pits. Quite bottomless. Please play Part 1 first. Or go to the Collection for ...
Wheatley's Reprisal [Part 3]
Created by Skyferret
The factory. Not too sure what's being manufactured, but there's that blue stuff that was meant to be a food supplement. There's also mashy spiky plates. Please play Part 1 first. Or go to the Collection for all 6 maps. ...
Wheatley's Reprisal [Part 4]
Created by Skyferret
Control rooms control things. Unless they're on rails. Then there's not much control over them. Especially when they bash into walls. More of that blue stuff. And an escape lift. Please play Part 1 first. Or go to the Collection for all 6 maps. ...
Wheatley's Reprisal [Part 5]
Created by Skyferret
If moving that last test chamber closer wasn't enough to almost bring the whole place down, I'm sure Wheatley will find a way to do more damage. Will he try to kill you, or maybe he would prefer of you just jump into that pit. Who knows, maybe there's some...
Wheatley's Reprisal [Part 6]
Created by Skyferret
Wheatley made some more tests. Funnels, a moat area, and very deadly. Well not quite but still a work in progress. Actually, just finish the test. Because once you're done, this IS the part where he tries to kill you. Just remember, there's a control room....