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Creating a Cool Steam Profile
Por CountableAidan
This guide will show you some of the basics to creating an awesome Steam profile.
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For starters you MUST be level 10 for a showcase but if you can you should go up higher for the extra showcases and cool level.
A chart to show what all the levels look like.
You might really want to get a cool profile but are having problems finding a theme.
Fear no more my friend this is probably the easiest thing on this guide.
Just go online and search up "cool steam profiles".
Or go to the Artwork Profiles Steam Group

You've seen it everywhere. Profiles with awesome wallpapers you think too yourself "Wow I wish my profile had an awesome wallpaper like that, but where do I find it"? It's actually very easy too find good and cheap wallpapers. Method 1 (easier) is simply to ask a friend where they got theirs or if they know any cool ones. Method 2 go to THIS[] website and just browse or search for something your style.
Artwork Showcase
This section is for the people who will go the extra mile to make their wallpaper stand out you might of seen it before it looks like this.

Doing this is actually much more simple then you think, so lets get started.
First you must get the URL of your steam wallpaper, you can do this by going to the market page of you wallpaper and clicking "View Full Size"
once clicked copy the page url (it should begin with cdn)
when you copy it go ahead and go to THIS LINK[] and paste it right here

After you click "Change BG" it should display your wallpaper once it does click the "Download ZIP" button.
It will then download something named along the lines of "" once it does click on that.
When you click it you will be shown 5 files the only ones we need are the pictures.
For the first one "Avatar.png" go to steam profile and change your avatar to that.
Now the second two are a bit more confusing and you need Chrome to do them.

1. Go to your steam profile and click artwork.
2. Click upload artwork and choose "Not Game Specific"
3. Give it a title and for your file choose the one named "Artwork_Middle.png"
4. Once it's in and you see it press Ctrl+Shift+J this will bring up the console.
5. copy and paste the following code in the console

document.getElementsByName("image_width")[0].value = 999999;document.getElementsByName("image_height")[0].value = 1

Once you do that go back to artwork and you might see something like this:

Don't worry it's completely normal just click the button you see on the left.
Once you do that go through the steps again (including the code) but make sure this time to use the one titled "Artwork_Right_Top.png".

Now that you've done that go to Edit Profile.
Scroll to the bottom till you see the "Featured Showcase" area.
Click the drop down and choose "Artwork Showcase"
Next click the middle box and you should see a pop up with pictures like this:

Since you clicked the bigger box be sure to click the picture at the end
then do it again on the first box on the right and click the first picture.
Save it and go back to your profile.

Congratulations you have just made a long artwork showcase.
Artwork Showcase (With Gif)
Now that you have your artwork showcase set up lets add a gif to it.
Go to This Link[] and click:

Once you clicked it choose your "Artwork_Middle.png" file
You will now see a screen with your picture and a bar on the right
Click in the "Enter your caption" text box and put in your name.
Once you've done that you can change the style of the text or the animation.

You can also add stickers or filters to it if you want.
Once you have it how you like click the "Countinue to Upload" button, then "Upload to GIPHY".
Now you will see a page with your gif,
click the dowload button on the side then click the "Download" button in the "Social" column.

Once you have it downloaded go back to your profile and complete the steps for uplouding long artwork but this time with your gif file.

Congrats you know have an artwork showcase with a gif
Something that really drags attention to your profile is your badge.
Now I know it can be really hard to find badges that match your style but with a quick google search you might just find what you need.
If your looking for a blue badge search up blue badge.
Once you've found a badge you think is cool check its price HERE[]
Cheapest badges are around 20 cents tops and can easily be found HERE[]
Let's say you didn't do your artwork showcase and you want a cool profile picture, or you did do your showcase but still want a cool avatar. Fear no more for THIS[] site has a massive variety of 184x184 pictures.

If your still having trouble finding the right avatar for you just do a google search your almost garuanteed to find something cool.
Emoji Mosaic
Steam Emoji Mosaics are amazing and look really cool.
but who has the time to write out all those emoticons, as it turns out most people don't.

First go to THIS link and in the "input..." box put your steam profile url. then click "lookup".
Once you click it click the first column that says "steamID" go ahead and copy the the ID.
When its copied go here[] and click "Fetch Emoticons"
Now that all your emojis are there click the "Blank Canvas" button or the "choose file" one and choose a file you want.

When you see what you want click the "Export" button
Now you see a white page with a bunch of words, just go ahead and press Ctrl+A then Ctrl+C.
Now go to your Info Box in the Showcase area and paste it in (Ctrl+V)
Save the profile and go back to view it.

Congrats you know have a Emoji Mosaic
Pictures/Gifs in screenshot showcase
It may seem impossible but there actually is very simple to add a gif or picture to your screenshot showcase.

First go to your profile and click artwork (yes I know it's not a screenshot just listen)
Once there put in a title and the picture/gif you want to display
once everything is ready press Ctrl+Shift+J and enter this code:

document.getElementsByName("file_type")[0].value = 5;

After that upload it, what that did was saved it as a screenshot instead of artwork.
Now go to "Edit Profile" go to "Screenshot Showcase" and choose your picture/gif.

Congratulations you just put your own pictures in the Screenshot Showcase.
Words in Item showcase
You might have once stumbled upon something like this:

This is very easy
all you have to do is go to the market and search up the letter/number you want
they usually are stickers and emoji's.
Custom Games
You might have seen on someone profile that they were playing something like "AFK" or "<3" most of these aren't games.

It looks really cool and it can say what your status is, such as "AFK" or "Nothing". This is extremely easy to do so lets start.

First go to your steam library and go to games,
once there at the bottom press "ADD A GAME...",
then click "Add a Non-Steam game".
Now add something simple like iTunes or Photoshop or something you don't use.
Once added right click it, click properties and change the name to whatever status you want.

Now click play and check your profile,
It should say what game you're in.

Congrats you just got custom games.
Enhanced Steam
You might have noticed in the pictures above that parts of my profile are pink instead of gray.

This is because of a chrome extension called Enhanced Steam[] it's really easy to use and makes your profile look alot cooler.

Creating a Cool Profile Without Money/Levels
If you aren't leveled high enough or don't have enough money to get to a certain level be sure to check out my guide on how to make a cool profile without money.
If you are having problems or want something added onto this guide all you have to do is add me (comment you are adding me first) and message me what you need help with.
27 comentário(s)
satoru 28/ago./2021 às 12:04 
+rep dude... :letter_E:
TheGold 2/ago./2021 às 17:22 
Ammura 23/jul./2021 às 4:20 
+rep, helped me out a lot. also wanting some +rep if anyone could help a brotha out. :)
ᯓ★ 22/jul./2021 às 15:38 
+rep ill sign back
Average Latvian 14/jul./2021 às 5:34 
KM 30/jun./2021 às 23:39 
skadjksajkdsakw 15/mar./2021 às 18:34 
+rep nice
Ghaida 14/fev./2021 às 21:39 
Skull Crusher 2/fev./2021 às 21:54 
IKSKILL 27/dez./2020 às 4:54 
Veery good :steamthumbsup: