Arma 3
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Arma 3 editor goodies.
Data Type: Mod, Server
4.946 MB
2018年2月16日 17時52分
2020年3月12日 19時11分
24 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
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Arma 3 editor goodies.

A small mod I created that enables some hidden stuff in Arma 3. This is intended for making missions.


3 Post-processing modules, one gives a night-time look. One adds a sepia tone, and one adds a daylight sort of look to the game.

3 new characters I found in the game files that were not accessible.

Added the Ben Kerry face to the arsenal.

Added a few hidden items to the EDEN editor. The hospital can be placed in 3 parts. And a cool heat pump to decorate your base. All Altis and Tanoa trees have been added as editor and zeus spawnable items. And they can be knocked down by a APC as well. Malden plants have been added.

I have just added the Hellfire missile. As well as the Titan AT and AP missiles. The tube from the Titan AA launcher and the Hellcat Rocket pods. The Hellfire missile pylon may be placed as well, this would be a great addition to decorating a base. Make sure to set it as a simple object to save on frames. Your mission will lag if you spawn too many items and do not set it as a simple object or at least disable simulation.


I changed the mod BIKEY, so it is separate from my other mods that can spawn vehicles. You will have to put the new ker.bikey key in place of the other one, but it should be fine. Since this is a serious editor addon mod, I thought this would be a good idea.

Added the Stratis Airbase sign, added Stratis camp signs and the Tanoa La Rochelle sign. As well as the garden pavement and basalt curb objects.
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2018年12月28日 19時11分
26 件のコメント
NF_F16 2020年9月18日 17時29分 
Is it possible to add the highways from altis?
опытный стрелок  [作成者] 2020年3月4日 17時50分 
This creates new objects, so you need to run this serverside.
Ulfgaar 2020年3月4日 10時29分 
Can this be used clientside? Or do you need to have it on the server too?

Just wondering, as with this mod you enable editors to place em in the editor, but for the sake of players playing them - the objects should already be part of their game by default, no?
Jay 🗲 2020年2月18日 6時42分 
very nice my guy
Jobo 2020年2月3日 13時11分 
Hi there, I'm a member of the Casual Arma Players Group. I was wondering if it is permissible to include your mod into our own @CAP mod server pack as we already have a 10 mile long mod list and we're thinking of grouping certain things into a single community folder. Or does this count as a breach of your EULA?
опытный стрелок  [作成者] 2019年3月10日 19時33分 
@Tin Can, yes.
Tin Can™ 2019年3月10日 14時02分 
Nice little mod for mission makers who want to take that extra step and have a little more detail.
Only question I have is if this will create a dependancy in the mission or not?
aviatorEngineer 2019年2月18日 0時12分 
I've had this for a while but didn't realize it had updated recently (last I knew about was the one with the Jets SAM assets) and I am so hyped to see the Arma 3 roads coming to the editor - nowhere else have I found the roads used in Arma 3 for use in Eden so I am hella looking forward to this.
PoisonedMush 2019年1月20日 11時19分 
how do i use it?
Fish 2019年1月8日 21時05分 
i have been lookin for this for soo long THANK YOU