Sea Dogs: To Each His Own

Sea Dogs: To Each His Own

Оцінок: 435
Full English Guide and Walkthrough for Sea Dogs: To Each His Own
Автор: DarkEternis
This is meant to be a full guide and walkthrough of the game Sea Dogs: To Each His Own. It includes the DLC Flying the Jolly Roger, Caleuche, and The Final Lesson.

This game is very difficult, and at times frustrating due to the fact it was created by a Russian developer and has limited information available in English. It is a very good game, though, and I think the English community deserves to have something to help with the learning curve. Hopefully this will make the game more accessible to a great number of players who are a fan of the genre.

Still slightly a work in progress. Everything is here, just haven't posted all of the screenshots.

If you find it helpful, please upvote! :)
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents

AA.1 – Introduction

BA.1 – Prologue
BA.2 – Character Creation
BA.2.i – Improving skills
BA.3 – Important tips for gameplay
BA.3.i – "Required" Mods
BA.3.ii – Personal Combat
BA.3.iii – Ship Combat
BA.3.iv – Things to hold onto from the start
BA.3.v – Finding your targets on the world map – Rank and how it keeps you from doing quests.
BA.3.vii – Protecting your interests.
BA.3.viii – Hiring Crew
BA.4 – Making Money
BA.4.i – Piracy
BA.4.ii – Trading
BA.4.iii - Questing
BA.4.iv – Treasure Hunting
BA.4.v – Exploring – Gambling
BA.4.vii – Smuggling
BA.4.viii – Investing
BA.5 – Fame and Reputation
BA.5.i – Reputation ranks
BA.5.ii – What effects Reputation and how
BA.5.iii – A note on Fame
BA.6 – The Perils of Freeplay
BA.7 – Important People and Places
BA.7.i – Lighthouses and Graveyards
BA.7.ii – Diplomats (Or how to lower your bounty)
BA.7.iii – Where to upgrade your fleet
BA.7.iv – Special Officers and Ships
BA.7.v – Abraham Norman
BA.8 – Items
BA.8.i – Weapons
BA.8.ii – Alchemy and Crafting
BA.8.iii – Amulets and Wards
BA.9 - Quirks and Bugs
BA.10 - Generator Quests

CA.1 – Landing in Martinique
CA.2 – Brief interlude (Now that the game is unlocked)
CA.2.i – Available side quests

DA.1 – The Caribbean in a Nutshell
DA.2 – Intermission

EA.1 – The Final Lesson DLC
EA.2 – Price of Discretion
EA.3 – Grandee Abalate
EA.4 – Resin Dogs
EA.5 – Just Like Home
EA.6 – Prison Break
EA.7 – The Final Lesson

FA.1 – Preparing for The Dutch Gambit (Freeplay after The Final Lesson)
FA.2 – Available Side Quests (Rank 8 – 14)
FA.2.i – Chief of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
FA.2.ii – Slave Trader
FA.2.iii – The Price of Consumption
FA.2.iv – The Regatta, an important note.
FA.2.v - Manga Rosa - Fadey's Swords
FA.2.vii - Dangerous Cargo

GA.1 – The Dutch Gambit
GA.2 – The Dutch Gambit, Dutch Stylez.
GA.2.i – The Dutch Gambit (For Holland, Part 1)
GA.2.ii – The Dutch Gambit (For Holland, Part 2)
GA.2.iii – The Dutch Gambit (For Holland, Part 3)
GA.2.iv – The Dutch Gambit (For Holland, Part 4)
GA.2.v – The Dutch Gambit (For Holland, Part 5) – The Dutch Gambit (For Holland, Part 6)
GA.3 – The Dutch Gambit, For Jolly Old England!
GA.3.i – The Dutch Gambit (For England, Part 1)
GA.3.ii – The Dutch Gambit (For England, Part 2)
GA.3.iii - The Dutch Gambit (For England, Part 3)
GA.3.iv - The Dutch Gambit (For England, Part 4)
GA.4 – The Dutch Gambit, Special Secrets!
GA.4.i – The Dutch Gambit (Secret Organization, Part 1)
GA.4.ii - The Dutch Gambit (Secret Organization, Part 2)
GA.4.iii - The Dutch Gambit (Secret Organization, Part 3)

HA.1 – Life After the Dutch Gambit
HA.2 – Side Quests (Rank 15+)
HA.2.i – Slave Trader
HA.2.ii – False Trace
HA.2.iii – Long road to Gallows
HA.3.iv – Racing the Regatta

IA.1 – Caleuche DLC
IA.2 – Caleuche (Part 1)
IA.3 – Caleuche (Part 2)
IA.4 – Caleuche (Part 3)
IA.5 – Caleuche (Part 4)
IA.6 – Caleuche (Part 5)

JA.1 – Flying the Jolly Roger DLC
JA.2 – Preparations for Flying the Jolly Roger, What you need to know
JA.3 - Flying the Jolly Roger, Part 1
JA.4 – The Amber Rush
JA.5 – The Silk Road
JA.6 – Hot Sun of Maracaibo
JA.7 – Pirate Trading for Dummys
JA.8 – Stones of Blood and Forest
JA.9 – Master of Trickery
JA.10 – The Jarl's Treasures
JA.11 – Corrida
JA.11.i – Pirate Trading for Dummys (Part 2)
JA.12 – City of Blood Harvest
JA.13 – Nemesis

KA.1 – The Pirate Saga
KA.2 – Preparing For the Pirate Saga
KA.3 – The Pirate Saga (Part 1)
KA.4 – Shark Hunt
KA.5 – Return of the Baron
KA.6 – Justice Island
KA.6.i – Option 1: Saving Red Mary (The “Secret” path)
KA.6.ii – Siding with the Narwhals
KA.6.iii – Siding with the Rivados
KA.6.iv – After Shark Hunt
KA.6.v – Justice Island, Part 2 – Treasures of Justice Island
KA.7 – Additional Quests related to Justice Island
KA.7.i – Ole's White Beads
KA.7.ii – Justice for Dios!
KA.7.iii – Excellent Atlas
KA.7.iv – Bullets for the Colt Revolver
KA.8 – Barbazon's Temptation
KA.8.i – Punishing the Bandits, Assaulting the Mines with Jan
KA.9 – Sharp's Testament, Part 1
KA.10 – Shadows of the Past
KA.11 – Sharp's Testament, Part 2

LA.1 – Quests and Extras after the Pirate Saga
LA.1.i – My Boss Wants a Ship

MA.1 – Turtle Soup
MA.2 – Cromwell's Dispatch

NA.1 – The Defense of Saint-Pierre (Burden of the Gaston Final)

OA.1 - Seeking for the Guardian of Truth
OA.2 – Returning the Holy Items
OA.3 – Finding the alchemist
OA.4 – In search of the Santa Quiteria
OA.5 - Isla de Vieques

PA.1 – The Mystic Ksocheatem Island

QA.1 – The Ancient Mayan City

RA.1 - Epilogue
AA.1 – Introduction
First of all I will make apologies for the formatting of this guide. I did the entire thing in a word processor, and then copied it over here. That is why it has the elements of an outline. Furthermore... This thing is big... like SUPER FREAKING BIG. These pages often do not allow for but a fraction of the amount of words I put into one section... and therefore I have been forced to split something that already had a ton of pieces... into more pieces. I made a PDF version available on the Pirates Ahoy forums.

So you want to be a pirate? Of course you do, and this little gem of a game will help you do just that. Due to the lack of an English specific guide for the game I have decided to pull together all the knowledge floating about the internet, smash it together with my own information from playing through the game a few times, and present it in a way that will hopefully help out my fellow English corsairs. The game is not easy, and you can outright fail the main quest lines, as well as miss out on a lot of content your first few playthroughs. I know this turns some people off and they like to have all that juicy knowledge at their fingertips, so that is what this is for. So without further adieu.

Oh by the way. Save often...
BA.1 Prologue
In Sea Dogs: TEHO, you play as Charles De Maure, a flagrant layabout from high society France that has been summoned by his brother Michel to the Caribbean to save the family name. Arriving to the Fench colony with little more in his pocket than a sword and a prayer, Charles goes to meet his brother in prison and see what he can do.
BA.2 Character Creation
As Charles you have 4 different options to flesh out his backstory, such as it is. These options give a little wiggle room as to how you plan on playing your version of Charles, and also change the base stats in the game, represented quaintly by the acronym PIRATES.

P is for POWER – This will govern the strength of your heavy hits, the amount of energy that striking will take depending on the weight of your weapon, and also effects your HP and carry cap. It also effects how fast you gain skill in the heavier weapons (sabers/cutlass, axes/broadswords) and cannons.

I is for IMPRESSION – Effects your accuracy of cannons stat as well as your stealth stat, and how quickly it gains.

R is for REACTION – Effects rapiers, cutlass, boarding, and firearms, and also determines how much energy you have. Energy is used whenever you make an attack.

A is for AUTHORITY – Not to be confused with the Authority meter under your character in the game, this stat is used primarily to tell you how many officers you will be able to hire under normal circumstances in the game. It will be 2*A, so for example if your A stat is 5, then you can have 10 officers on your staff. This will include quest officers, though they will join you even if you are already at maximum capacity. Other than that Authority will govern how quickly your charisma and trading skills gain.

T is for TALENT – This is the most important stat in regards to leveling in the game. This stat speeds up the gain of all skills, but more importantly determines how quickly you gain ranks and perks. The amount of skills it takes to gain a rank is 35 minus your talent, and perks are 40 minus your talent. This means if you choose a character start that has lower talent, you will end up being lower level and with less skills at the end of the game. While this sounds fairly horrifying, I do not find it to be of much importance really. You will gain all of the personal perks no matter(maybe missing 1 as a gunner, but I still do not think so) as there are only 19, and you will want to have officers manning all the different positions in your crew besides due to the wards(more on this later), so they will have the required ship perks. Beyond that it can actually be to your advantage to level up more slowly, depending on your play style. Many quests in the game have rank limits, and what that means is that once you hit rank 15, they will no longer be available to do, ever. These are MAIN STORY QUESTS. And MAJOR SIDE QUESTS. So if you like to take your time and learn the ropes, you may very well want to level a bit more slowly so you do not miss out on these quests.
Oh yeah... and this skill also effects trading, cannons, and navigation skill gains.

E is for ENDURANCE – This stat is for repairing and defense, both ship skills, but has a major impact on your carry weight (most important in the game imo lol), and your HP.

S is for SUCCESS! - This stat determines your luck. It also says it can effect the outcome of some quests and prizes... but I honestly am not certain what factor that plays in the overall scheme of the game. Probably minor roles such as how much money you have to pay the brothel lady in the beginning to use her ♥♥♥♥♥, but it doesn't effect any major quest rewards. It also effects stealth and firearms gains. OH yeah... it effects crit chance. duh.

So, now that we have that out of the way, pick your starting class. Most people go for the default choice, gymnastics and fencing, as this gives you the fastest leveling, the most perks, and the more balanced stats. That was what I chose for my first play through, but the 2nd option is also a very viable choice if you plan on doing a lot of trading. The fighting and musketeer options are more advanced, but offer you a large personal edge in both melee combat and firearms respectively. On tougher difficulties these bonuses could make a big difference. 40% reduction in reload time is nothing to sneer at, nor is 15% energy regeneration.

One last thing about stats you may want to consider. There are two places in the game where you have the opportunity to raise your PIRATES statistics. One is during the main story questline, where you get +1 to P, R, and E, and the next is during the Caleuche DLC quest, where you get a bonus to R, E, and then a stat of your choice. So just keep that in mind, as if you go for this early on, you might even choose talent to make up the difference in your perks, or if you choose the trader route, this could give you 9,9,9 on P,R, and E. Pretty sweet fighting stats all considered. Also note that if you have low power you will likely want to go for rapiers rather than the heavier sabers or broadswords. Otherwise you will be using up half your energy per hit, which just sucks.

A note on Perks
There are two perks in the game, Growing Life and Growing Energy, that are not retroactive. This means that the earlier you take them, the more you will receive from them. If you are planning on being a fighter (who isn't going to be fighting?), then you may want to consider taking these skills as early as possible. The fencing and acrobatics starting option gives you Growing Life as your starting perk.

Additionally the Shared Experience perk will give part of your exp to your officers. Very useful in developing your crew quickly.
BA.2.i – Increasing your skills.
Charisma – Trading, passing charisma checks during quests, some governor and generated quests.

Luck – Gambling (especially with governors), making critical hits

Stealth – Passing stealth checks at forts(failing generates some stealth too), tricking headhunters, passing stealth checks with guards, passenger generated quests, courier quests with harbormaster, tricking ships at sea with false flags, governor quests that send you into enemy towns, smuggling, merchant escort quests. Also getting robbed while drinking with people gives you some stealth for some reason.

Ship skills are mostly self explanatory. Accuracy and Cannons you fire cannons at ships. Boarding you Board. Defense you get hit. Repair you fix your ship. Trading you buy and sell.

Navigation seems this way as well, but it is the one skill you will probably find yourself wanting to get up quickly so you can use a better ship you managed to capture. So I will put the most efficient methods of getting that skill up here.

#1: Sailing in storms. It is fairly quick, but can also be expensive. For one you need to have at least the skill Sailing in storms, or your ship will break up so quickly it will be way too expensive or time consuming to be worth it. This method really shines when you finally get the ward "Jonas". This protects you even further from storm damage. I also would probably recommend using a higher class ship ( higher number, meaning smaller and less expensive =P) to keep your repair bills down and also your monthly crew payments reasonable. This will mitigate the fact that you are sailing in storms... repairing... sailing in storms... repairing. That crap gets super expensive when you are in the Flying Heart or something =P.

#2: Quests. This can also be really quick if you are efficient in the quests you get. Sea Marathons, Escorts, Passengers, and Cargo carrying quests are examples that give navigation as a reward. So if you manage to pick up a noble, a merchant, and some cargo all going to the same location it would be a lot of skill for little time. Also you have the benefit of actually making money while you do it instead of spending money =P.

#3: The self explanatory part.... sail around and around and around. Slow. Boring. And also expensive in monthly crew payments while you do nothing =P.
BA.3 Important Tips for Gameplay
This section is to try and help people understand some important facts about the game before they get going on their adventure. As I have stated before, this game is difficult. Without a guide, it is meant to be enjoyed through several playthroughs, each time learning more and more about the game, and possibly even restarting many times when you realize you have just utterly failed and there is no way to possibly go back and fix things. Sometimes the story will take your ship, or your officers, or your crew. They will be dead. They will KILL your girlfriend. You will end up beating the game just to realize you actually FAILED, and the world is doomed because you were too much of a dingus to see through some charade. They will STEAL YOUR PUPPY.... ok maybe not that last part, but the other stuff is true. So, for those of you who do not necessarily want to devote the next year of your life to trial and error... this is for you.
BA.3.i "Required Mods"
First off, I STRONGLY recommend that you add some mods to this game. The developers were going for a hardcore game, and while I appreciate this, there is only so much I can take from the game in terms of "Waste time for the sake of wasting time". Other members of the community agree, and so some of them have put together mods that tweak the game a bit to take away some of the more grinding aspects. You can get the following mods from PiratesAhoy! Forums.

TEHO Mod – This mod is required in order for other mods to work. You unzip the contents (like all mods) straight into your X:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Sea Dogs To Each His Own\ folder, where X of course is the drive it is on for your computer.

Hook's Mod – Hook is an active community member, and has been playing this game like its an MMO for the last ... who even knows how long. He created a mod for the game that makes the wind generally blow harder, makes a more "realistic" sailing change to non-square sail ships, and most importantly... slows down time passage on the global map. This may at first seem like a cheat, but it is not. I am really not sure what the developers were thinking with the global map, but time moves at an insane rate by default. So fast that most timed quests cannot be completed if you sail on the global map. This forces you to sail in the battle map across the ocean in real time (or at 8x real time... but STILL). So if you do not have this mod you will be finding yourself spending hours sailing across the world, admiring the endless expanse of blue while you listen to an audiobook or something. Just get the mod. Another neat thing it does is allow you to change wind direction a few times when you come out of dock. This will help so you are not stuck unable to move in a certain direction in an upcoming battle, or trip. You cannot change wind if you are in combat.

In the time since I originally made this walkthrough Hook has taken a break from Sea Dogs, and is no longer updating his mod. FEAR NOT (yet anyway) because another wonderful community member, kb31, has updated the mod for v1.6.1. You can find it here.

Still, Thank you Hook for having kept this mod alive all this time. And thank kb31 for updating it :).

ActiveMap Mod- This is actually included in Hook's mod, but is its own mod. This adds a map (press N) to the game, where you can see information about the colonies including where you have ships moored, and trading help. It also, and more importantly, adds region lines to the map. This is important when it comes to battle map sailing, because the regions represent loading areas for the game. If you pass into another region on the battle map the game will not load the new landmasses and/or forts and towns in that region. You can sail all the way from St. Martin to Antigua, only to realize when you get there that St. Paul is not where it is supposed to be. When you go back to the global map you will be transported back to the region line, forcing you to sail the rest of the distance again. Also the map is handy so you don't have to alt-tab out for a map.

Save/Load Mod – I find this one required as well. By default the game only has 1 quicksave slot.(Actually I think it now has 3, after I wrote this they had a patch that made this change.) Meaning if you use the quicksave function it will overwrite the old one. Not only are there a few glitches involving quick save, enough that the developers reccomend you do not use it at all, but due to the nature of the game if you overwrite saves you may... or will... find yourself suddenly screwed when you mess up on a quest and realize you need to go back an hour. This mod makes saves all go to a new file. Some people still swear off quick saving, but I have been using it with this mod for hundreds of hours of game time and have not had any problems with it other than the normal issues with quick saving (it can break scripts if done at the wrong time, leaving you stranded in a quest with no moving forward.) If you save every 5 seconds like I do, then doing the menu save is just too tedious to even contemplate. You can find your saves in the game folder under SAVE. Here you can copy saves somewhere in order to preserve them in case you need them later, and then clear out the whole save folder easily, instead of going through and doing it one by one in the game. This works even with the game open.
BA.3.ii Personal Combat (Part 1)
Ok, I'm not going to reinvent the wheel here. I'm going to copy paste something I found invaluable. This was posted originally by Merkit Apr 23, 2016 @ 2:58pm in the steam discussions. All credit goes to him for this information. I just want to have everything in one place for people.

Things that affect damage done in combat:
1. Weapon pure dmg - the more the merrier, really. Each weapon "type" has a different max. value.

2. Char weapon skill (ws).
This works for attacker and defender both - i.e guy with sabers 80 will take less dmg and do more dmg to the guy with sabers 30 if they both use sabers. But if the second guy has higher skill with say, axes, (and is using one) he'll be more successful.
Some items affect ws.
Penalties to ws may come from
health worse then excellent,
carrying more weight then allowed,
navigation skill not adequate for a ships class,

3. Type of the attack that is used. This is further affected by factors as:

3.1 Weapon type.
Rapiers get bonus to "lunge" and "feint", saber - to "strike" and "group attack", swords - to "strike" and axes - to "heavy strike". Note that sabers consume more energy per any strike then rapiers, but less then axes & swords.

3.2 Length of a blade.
Long one gets a bonus to "lunge", "strike" and "group attack", short one - to "feint" & "heavy strike".

From shortest to longest:
Rapiers: Dagger>Harpoon>Capodimonte, Naab'Te>Cazoleta, Small Sword>Cup-hilt Rapier, Prophet's Wrath> Flamberge, Stocco, Swept-hilt Rapier, Pappenheimer>Bilbo>Asoleda.

Sabers: Machete> Hanger>Hanged man, Short Sabre, Madonna>Naval Klewang>Messer, Katana, Cutlass, Naval Saber>War Club, Scimitar, Storta.

Axes & swords: Tomahawk>Macuahuitl, Goedendag>Patissa Khanda, Horseman's Axe>War Axe, Highland Backsword, Broadsword>Ritterschwert, Schiavona,Thanatos>Walloon Sword, Narwhal.

3.3 Curveness of a blade.
Curved one gets a bonus to "strike", "heavy strike" & "group attack", straight one - to "lunge" & "feint".

From straightest to most curved:
Rapiers: Asoleda, Cup-hilt Rapier, Dagger, Harpoon, Cazoleta, Swept-hilt Rapier,Small Sword Stocco>Naab'Te, Capodimonte, Pappenheimer>Bilbo, Prophet's Wrath, Flamberge.

Sabers: War Club>Hanger, Messer>Cutlass, Hanged man,Naval Saber>Katana, Short Sabre, Scimitar, Storta>Madonna, Naval Klewang>Machete.

Axes & swords:Walloon Sword, Highland Backsword, Schiavona, Ritterschwert>Narwhal, Broadsword>Macuahuitl, Thanatos, Tomahawk>War Axe, Goedendag, Patissa Khanda, Horseman's Axe.

3.4 Balance.
Closer to 0.0 gives bonus to "feint" and "lunge" and penalty to "strike", "heavy strike".
Closer to 2.0 gives bonus to "strike", "heavy strike" and penalty to "feint" and "lunge".
2.0 for rapiers is "weaker" then 2.0 for swords and axes, reverse is true for a 0.0.

Balance is both most and least important part. It doesn't affect dmg more then other factors from this group. Hovewer, you can't enlarge your machete in any legal way in this game I'm afraid. With balance, you can kinda choose the needed value since there is usually a 10-15 blades of each type with random balance, weight & dmg.

4. Abilites.
Some reduce dmg taken, some increase dmg for some attack type. Critical strike doubles dmg.

5. Items.
Armor has a dmg reduction. Heavy cuirass help vs grapeshots, "lunge" & "feint", light leather vest help vs "strike", "heavy strike" & "group attack". Enemies may carry armor too.
Dagger give +5 to rapier skill.
Magarosa potions give bonuses to different ws for a day or two.
Amulet "poleaxe" increases dmg for "heavy strike".
Bottle of rum gives bonus to axes and luck skills and penatly to rapier and firearm skills.
Wine gives bonus to rapier and luck and penalty to axes and firearms.

Ometochli Tincture is a potion that gives a huge dmg bonus for a short time at the price of worsened health.
Recipe (need the Alchemy ability):
Components for 1 item: 1 Bottle of rum, 1 Jamaican Pepper, 2 Angel's trumpets or Datura, 1 Emerald, 1 Empty Vial, 1 Candle.
Tools (need only 1 ever): Mortar and Pestle - need to buy or find, Alchemist's chest - given after a fully completed Dutch Gambit questline.

Overview of combat movements:

1. Block. (spacebar)

Doesn't require energy.
Animation look like char is twirling the sword around.
Prevents dmg from attacks other than heavy one. There is an ability that gives a chance to bypass the block with any attack, almost every competent fighter will have it.
Can be used to cancel animation for other attacks - you see the dmg done, you press spacebar and attack again. AI almost never do the animcancel.

2. Feint (Shift + mouse wheel).
Char deflects any single attack and does a riposte strike.

It drains energy but can be used even at 0 energy.
It has a 50% bonus to exp given for attack or kill.
It is a best but slow way to take out any singled out enemy on low and medium lvls once you learn how to time it rightly (or just slow down the game with numpad -).
Enemy rarely feints and it is possible to block the riposte. Enemy blocking riposte is a rare sight indeed.
The move takes a while to execute and hard to cancel, other foes may kill you or your men in meantime.
Animation is longer then the move itself, once the animation is almost done it is possible to get a strike that can't be avoided, cancel it by blocking or abuse enemy feints if you can.
A slow way to kill generally.

Best weapons for this move (balance close to 0.0): Dagger, Cazoleta, Small Sword. Machete, Hanger, Tomahawk & Highland Backsword are worse, but can be used to lvl ws.

3. Parry (Shift + right click)

May deflect multiple simultaneous attacks but has a short duration.
Doesn't require energy.
Can't dmg enemy health but will drain their energy. Enemy with low energy may be unpredictable - he is standing chill for few moments then he does a quick surprise attack that will be the last for you if he is a "boss".

4. Lunge (right click)

Single target attack with somewhat short range.
There are 2 subtypes- slow slash and very quick stab. Which one will be used is random.
Good for chars with low energy as it doesn't consume much of it. Generally is a quite slow way to kill unless block cancelling is used.
Char running around or past the attacker may dodge this move.
Female chars like Helen or Mary like to spam this attack.
Some good blades for this move are Asoleda, most other rapiers but a Messer, Wallon Sword or Schiavona all with balance of 0.0 to 0.5 will do as well.
Musket note - char stabs with the gun. Dmg is delayed and done only when animation for pulling back the gun is played. Naval carbine does the most dmg with this move.

5. Strike (left click)

Quick slash at a single target.
Consumes a decent amount of energy.
Nearly useless on low skill lvl with it's somewhat low dmg at that point. Gets better at >40 ws where it will become a fast way to kill weaker foes.
Use after you parry enemy strike.
Most swords and sabers work good with this move, the best are Scimitar or Katana, some like Prophet's Wrath, Flambege or even Bilbo.
Musket note - char strikes with a gun butt for little to no dmg. Avoid using this move with muskets.

6. Heavy attack (mouse wheel)

Single target attack with a quite long range.
Consumes a lot of energy. Bypasses the block.
Best used with axes at ws >50. Capable of most devastating attacks - 300 dmg is quite normal. 1200-1500 dmg is possible but rare.
Slow to execute thus vulnerable to parry or feint. Use after you parry enemy strike.
Can be used as a preemptive strike - as the foe is running to you start the move to hit him when he gets close.
Hercule like to spam this move. Other officers with axes or swords also like to spam it but less frequently.
Musket note - char does the same animation as the with the strike move but does way more dmg and spents way more energy. Matchlock musket is a beast with this move.

BA.3.ii Personal Combat (Part 2)
7. Group attack (Shift + right click)

2 AoE slashes that stagger and push back the targets, allies in range will get staggered too.
Neutrals like town guards will become hostile if hit. Targets may be pushed out of range with first slash.
Energy consumption is in between strike and heavy strike.
AI rarely uses this move to full effect.

8. Zig-zag movement (W/S+A/D)
Char moves faster this way but wasted energy in combat mode.

9. Leaving the combat mode (E)

Sheath the blade. Char is defenless but can easier move past allies, even more easier with sped-up game (R).
If the auto-reload is disabled, char will reload equipped pistol.
AI rarely leaves combat mode.
Musket note - leaving and entering combat mode is much faster with muskets and musketter who is out of combat mode will move faster.

10. Strafe ( double-click A,S or D while in combat mode)

Char jumps to the side or back at low enery cost.
Zigzag strafing and leaving combat at the same time will result in char sliding a bit to the side making it harder for AI to hit him.
Musket note - strafing become almost akin to short range teleport. Zigzag strafing, leaving/entering combat mode and shooting all done in quick succession is a very powerful combo.

11. Shooting (Q)
Fire from a pistol or musket. You can start shooting before the enemy gets in range but you will hit him if he get in range before the shot is done. Most foes won't fireat short distances or ever but bosses and elites can and will.
Ammo types:
Lead Ball - single target, needs gunpowder.
Grapeshot - needs gunpowder, AoE, goes through allies without damaging them (not the case with Shotgun Revolver), the one who was targeted may be staggered. Bad vs metal armor.
Paper Cartridge - faster to reload then lead balls, don't need gunpowder (has it already). Officers may switch from cartridges to lead balls on their own.
Petard - don't need gunpowder (has it already), good AoE, drains almost all energy, doesn't affect allies (not tested on Impossible).
Grenade - don't need gunpowder (has it already), short AoE, doesn't affect allies (not tested on Impossible).
Arrow Bolt - single target, needs gunpowder, very high dmg.
Nail-like Shrapnel - AoE, don't need gunpowder (has it already), goes through allies without damaging them, the one who was targeted may be staggered, very high dmg.
Percussion Cap - limited number available, 66 max.
Revolver Cartridge -limited number available, 66 max.

Back to Darketernis... I hope you found that informative, because I certainly did. I don't have much more to add to this in-depth look at weapons and fighting other than the weight of the weapon will effect how much energy it takes when you swing. This is mitigating by your power stat. That is why a high power stat is vital to someone spamming heavy strikes with a heavy weapon.
BA.3.iii Ship Combat
Just a few tips here, nothing major. Ship combat is fairly well explained in the game, and beyond that you will get the hang of it by playing. A few things to note about it. Boarding is the most lucrative way to take a ship. All its cargo will be intact, and you can also take the ship yourself to sell it in port. A lot of times you can use faster ships to harry an opponent with grape shot, while timing it so that you are far enough away that their return shots will mostly miss. If you stay close to a ship for long enough, it will change to grape shot itself, and deal a nasty blow to your crew. If you find that your opponent is not firing at you for a little while even when they've had the opportunity, chances are they are swapping ammo types. The more crew you have in relation to the enemy ship will make the individual sailors weaker and have less HP, and visa-versa.

The most important tip I have when it comes to naval combat is that cannons do have a durability. You cannot see this, but after a few fights they will begin to explode at an alarming rate. Later in the game you will get a talisman that will stop this from happening, but until then you can reset a cannon's durability by unequipping them in port, closing out the cannon menu, and then opening it back up reequipping. Make a habit of doing this often to save your cannons.

One other thing about cannons. Sometimes you will capture a ship that will have bigger guns than the ship says it can handle. This is fine, in fact it is usually pretty nice. Make certain you keep them from blowing up by removing and equipping them from time to time. You won't be able to see them when you remove them, but when you hit equip again they will still equip. If you ever equip a different kind of gun, however, you will never be able to equip the bigger guns again.

If a gun busts, don't worry. You can still just put another gun on the ship and equip it, even though it will still be 'invisible'.
BA.3.iv Things to hold on to from the start
There are hundreds of items in the game, and many do not have any apparent use, at first. This portion of the guide is meant to help you identify what you need to keep, and what can be thrown away or sold.

One thing you should get into a habit of doing at the beginning of the game is to check the vendors in town. This will not only help you get items you may need later, but also items that you can sell under special circumstances for a great profit. Some things you need to look out for at vendors:

Weapon vendors sell gunpowder and ammunition, but only in small quantities. At the beginning of the game you can find yourself quickly running out of ammo, especially if you've chosen the musketeer route. Check these vendors at every stop and buy out their stock of gunpowder and ammo, at least until you have a great store of it. There are certain points in the game where you may find yourself REQUIRED to use guns, and in a few cases you will need dozens, if not hundreds, of ammo for them to win a fight. You may also want to buy out soldier pistols from these vendors. There is a quest in the Raising the Jolly Roger quest line that will ask for 30 of these. They are not necessarily required for the quest, but it can help make it easier.

There are "produce vendors" that are always women, and they will sometimes have plants to sell or rum. You always want to buy plants when you see them. You will need them to produce elixirs, which in the beginning are very hard to come by and take quite a few plants to make. You also will need a mortar and pestle from one of these vendors, which they will have randomly. You will want all the rum you can buy, as you can sell bottles for 1000+ pesos at lighthouses, a decent boost of income early on.

The monk vendors in robes will have holy amulets. They also sell their holy amulets for cheap, and you will want to hold on to at least 1 of every amulet you find. This is because a main story quest will require you to have some amulets later on.

Voodoo ladies will also sell amulets, but the tribal variety. Again... buy out all you can of these amulets. Keep 1 of each type in your chest, ready to be used in the future quest.

Household Vendors are a man and a woman who often have stuff like nails, ewers, or other junk that can be used in recipes. They can also have household amulets, notably the g***y Fan(sorry they apparently censor the first word in the name of the fan these days...) which gives you an increased chance to stealth trick people on land.

There are "Warrior Indian Traders" in the jungle that will only trade with you if you have good relations with the indians. This is achieved by giving indian women gifts in the village. You can sell firearms to them for a good price, and buy gems and gold/silver nuggets.

Lighthouse keepers may also have amulets, though they will not part with them for very cheap, you may still want to buy them if you have the cash.

Wandering Tribals will often have things to sell. They will part with amulets and such for cheap prices, and they will sometimes offer you amazing deals on silver, gold, or pearls. Keep an eye on how many they tell you that they have, as they only give you one shot at buying them, and if you ask for too many they will just tell you that they do not have that many.

Graveyard vendors will also sell you plants, and sometimes other things like guns and ammo. They also will buy everything that the specific street vendors buy for good prices.

Other things, aside from plants, that you need to keep a stock of:
amulets – This is important. You need to keep hold of one of each type of amulet from the start. The Pirate Saga quest line will require 3 random amulets from you, and the quest has a strict time table. You will want to have most, if not all of these at the time you go to do this quest, so it is best to hunt down as many different amulets as possible as early as possible.

chronometers – you will need to have these things for quests. It is super annoying to suddenly need one and not have it. Weapon merchants in town will occasionally have them in stock, and the dutch headquarters in curacao will have them sometimes as well. Make sure you always ahve a couple on hand just in case.

Hourglasses – Needed to make the chronometer work. This is less vital because the dutch headquarters always has one of these in stock, still you might want to have one on hand so you don't have to make a special trip when you need it.

Harpoons – You may want to stockpile these, as they will be needed to make ammo for the blunderbuss quest pistol that you get later in the game. There are only a few places to find a giant quantity of harpoons. Otherwise you just get them here or there as loot or from weapon vendors.

Whetstones- Needed with the harpoons to make the arrow ammo.

Nails – Used to make nail-like shrapnel. Used for some different guns, and an option for ammo for the blunderbuss.

Copper Ewers – Used to make ammo for the mortar hand-cannon.

Candles – Used for anything that requires a heat source to make. Mortar ammo for one, exlixirs for another. It is used for quite a few recipes in the game, so if you are making things a lot you will need quite a few.

Cords – Also used with things that take fuses. Like Mortar ammo.

Most gems – A variety of gems are used in different recipes. It is a good idea to keep a personal stock of gems for usage in these recipes. Amber is a popular one, and blue amber as well. You won't be using huge quantities of these, but still.

Vials – Might be obvious, but vials are used to make potions.

Jewelry – There is a quest in Raising the Jolly Roger that requires you to have a few specific pieces of jewelry. Jade rings/beads, emerald beads, ruby ring. Also some mirrors in that quest. There is also a quest in the slave trader line that requires a gemmed pendant. They are common but I figured I would mention it. Other than that there might be a cross used somewhere I cannot remember, but most of the jewelry can be sold to a banker.

Potions – There is a quest that requires 90 health potions in the Jolly Roger line. So don't sell them all off. Antidotes may seem a little useless at first, but late in the game your officers will be drinking them down like water in certain quests. So keep plenty on hand. Also there are quests that require 12 or so just for the quest, and then more for your officers.
All other nonsense – If it looks like junk, it is likely used in some talisman or other. It is just a good habit to hold on to a little of everything. Belts and shoes and batwings and bones... these are a few of my fav-o-rite thingssss! No but you do use them in some alchemy. Oh and whetstones. Oh and pearls. Oh and... you get the picture.

A note on Alchemy – Anything that is a component is used up. Anything that is an instrument is not.

BA.3.v – Finding your targets on the global map
At different points of the game you will be asked to find people or ships. You can identify them as following.

Orange/red sails – Hunting quests such as the harbor master gives to find stolen ships, or assassination missions by nobles who want you to kill a certain captain. Some quest related interceptors have red sails as well.

Green Sails – Delivery quests, such as delivering word about someone to a captain, or taking a ship log back to them. Also for ransom quests, as sometimes you can talk the captains into giving you the quarry without a fight.

Purple Sails – These are ships involved in a major quest.

Gold Sails – This is the spanish golden fleet. Beware, you are in for quite a fight. – Rank and how it keeps you from doing quests.
This is an important tip. There are some main quests in the game that cannot be completed once you reach rank 15 (12 for The Final Lesson sub quests). Two of these are parts of the Dutch Gambit, and the Final Lesson DLC. This will be covered more in the walkthrough, but I just wanted to put it out there in case you decide to freeplay before going through the quests. The store quest must also be done before rank 5, so don't spend too much time out gaining levels before you do that quest. Once you finish the Final Lesson and the Dutch Gambit, you should be able to level without fear of missing out on quests.
BA.3.vii – Protecting your interests
If you leave ships moored in cities, or invest in their banks, or store goods in their storehouses, there is something you should know. These are not 100% safe. Every now and then the nations will fight against each other, one besieging another's town. If that town just happens to be one that you have ships and/or money in, well you'd better get over there. If the time runs out (about 10 days or so), then you will lose whatever you had stored there. Therefore it is a good idea to listen to gossip around town whenever you land in a port. They will tell you if a siege is going on, and how long you have to help. If you are not strong enough to help, then you might just land in town, take your stuff... and leave. Either way... protect what is yours :).

It should be noted that things kept in a warehouse are safe from a seige, you will never lose warehoused goods.

BA.3.viii – Hiring Crew
Sometimes you need to hire crew and do it fast. The things you need to know about getting crew are the following.

The higher your fame, the more crew available in ports.
Find a wandering monk in town to sanctify your ships. The next time you visit a port the amount of crew available will be much higher.
Talk to all the sailors wandering around town. Sometimes they will offer to join your crew.

If you are desperate you can sometimes get slaves to join your crew. They will not do so if you have too many crew (thousands), but generally they will. Warning though, these crew are all really low experience.
BA.4 Making Money
One of the most important aspects of this game is the ability to make money. We are pirates after all, are we not!? Well maybe some of us are simple traders.. but whatever. After you finish the beginning of the game you will be thrown into the ability to freeplay. Your job here will be to make money. Here are a few tips on doing so.

Note: You probably want to make a habit of converting doubloons to pesos often. I would just keep a few thousand Doubloons in the bank somewhere for a rainy day where you need to do something like... offer chests to a master shipwright to rework a ghost ship. Beyond that just keep a thousand or so on your ship so you can buy treasure maps and arsenic and whatever else requires doubloons.

I say this because doubloons are annoying to spend for the most part, and you get abysmal interest rates for them at bankers. Max interest on doubloons is 4% (and it is super hard to get more than 3%), whereas you can get 6% on Pesos, and 5% is easy to get. This alone makes Pesos worth far more than Doubloons, and you can always buy doubloons at a banker if you find yourself needing more.

If you are a gold hoarder like me, and come to this realization late in life on your 10th or so Play through... then it suddenly becomes a daunting task to convert 20000 doubloons into pesos hah.
BA.4.i Piracy
It is a pirates life for me! Yo-ho-ho! Right? Well this is one obvious way to make some cash. In the beginning of the game the pirate's life may be a difficult one. Not too many people are going to be afraid of your lugger, and besides... you can't hit the broad side of a barn with your cannons. Well... We will get the hang of it sooner or later. The important thing is that you WILL pirate some ships dammit. When you do finally board and take that sloop and its cargo of leather, what will you do with it?

Capturing ships, their captains, their crews, and their goods.

First off it is important to note that ill-gotten goods have the stink of theft about them. Yes it might be dumb, but merchants can smell a rat from a mile away. They will only pay half for your booty after it has come from the hold of a merchant vessel. You can alleviate this by shoving it into a warehouse, either in the capital cities of a nation, Isla Tesoro, or your personal Gord, if you have it. Once its been properly stored for a little while (a week or so) and brought back aboard your ship, it will be good to sell again. If you hold onto the stuff for a month (why would you?) it will also be good to sell.
What about the sloop? Well you can sell the sloop. If it wasn't part of a quest, generated or otherwise, then it will sell for its normal price. Repair it beforehand if you have the time, and then sell it for a pretty penny. If the ship you captured was generated by a quest of some sort... it will be worth half as much. Lame. It isn't worth repairing if this is the case, you will lose money on it.

I would just get yourself a warehouse at Port Royal, St. Christopher, or once you have your Gord, these are fairly centralized and therefore more convenient then say... Havana or Curacao or Isle Tesoro. Whenever you get plunder make a trip to one of your warehouses and unload. Yeah you won't get the money right away, but after a month or so you can go load your entire hold up with a product that is in demand where you go to sell it, and you will get full price for it. If you do this you will make millions more pesos in the course of a game over just dumping it for pennies as you get it.

Edit: Recently I found another way to get rid of your stolen goods. You still need to gather and store them, but if you do the crappy harbormaster missions to deliver cannonballs and such for pennies to other ports you will eventually endear yourself to the harbormasters across the Caribbean. They will begin to offer you special assignments to bring them a specific good their colony needs. They will offer you DOUBLE the going rate. You have a month to comply, so most of the time you won't be able to easily gather up things like.... 80000 medicine (yes for real they asked me for that lol) in 1 month. So the best way to do this is save up all your booty and just check these missions time to time to see if you get one that coincides with your stores. I don't even think they care if its stolen goods! If you did this to get rid of everything you pirate... you'd make a ridiculous amount beyond the normal storing and selling for market value.

Important note on selling ships:

Any ship generated from a quest (Easy Prey, businessman, bounty hunters, interceptors, main quests, ransom demands, punitive expeditions, etc) are sold for 15% - 40% of their normal selling value to shipyards. This is called by the game "Guaranteed battles". You will have to use common sense to determine all of these, but the general rule is that if the ship is guaranteed to be there because of some trigger in the game, it is going to not sell for much.

Ships that will sell for "full price" 70% + of their selling value are random encounters on the global. Trade caravans, random military ships, pirates, ships that are battling each other, patrols, etc.

Once you get more powerful, you will notice that people don't even want to fight you. Hell they may even want to join you once you board their vessel. This might be a good chance to replenish some of your losses if the crew is skilled enough, or they might not be worth it. Either way, if they surrender to your overwhelming force, then you have more options. You can take the enemy captain prisoner, or toss him over the side. Taking him captive gives you an option to either recruit him for yourself (if he is a pirate), or ransom him to a governor. You can also just let him go or kill him on the spot... but that will be covered more in the reputation portion. If you choose to ransom them, then know that pirates always get a paltry amount to anyone, as they just go to the gallows. Captains that belong to nations go for more, and if you ransom them to their own nation, they go for a great deal (Anywhere from 20 – 80k depending on rank). Their crew you can either toss overboard, let go, or enslave. We are pirates, so you can guess which one we are going to choose! If you do choose to enslave them, they go into your hold as a commodity. You can sell them to smugglers that you meet in taverns for like 350 – 450 per, to the mines at los Jeques for a paltry sum of 2 silver nuggets a head, or to other ships at sea for 230 - 450 per (but they may not be able to carry many). There are also generated quests in towns where noblemen will offer you like 4 doubloons a head for some amount of slaves (usually like 80 – 100), and also a slave trader quest line that will be covered in the walkthrough. I will go over smuggling in general shortly.
BA.4.ii Trading

Pretty straight-forward here. If you want the life of a trader then you can buy goods in one port where they export them, and then sell them in another where they are in high demand. An example of this is sugar from Martinique to Jamaica, or Vanilla from Portobello to Curacao. Even if it isn't in high demand going from an export to an import country can turn a profit. Later in the game you get the chance to trade in contraband goods, sometimes even outside of smuggling. The map mod helps with this, as you can easily see which ports deal in which goods at a glance.

Its also important to note that until you get a purser with decent trading skill and the related feats that you will find a really hard time making any profits trading. In fact it would likely be the least profitable thing you could do in the game ;).

I've decided to expand on this portion since in my 10th playthrough I discovered something new =P.

Apparently your purser can trade for you. If you talk to him while he is also your boarder, or in the officer cabin on the ship, you can set levels for every cargo item on each of the ships in your fleet. To do this you just tell him you want him to buy goods while you are in the colonies. A screen will come up that looks like this.

From here you can set levels for each individual ship good in the game. When you visit a store at a port and go to look at his wares you can instead tell him your purser will do all the trading for you. He will then ask for which ship, and you can choose. When you do this the purser will attempt to sell anything over the "buy" number you set for each good. If you leave a good as 0, your purser will sell ALL OF IT if he can. There is a check box for contraband goods, for the few places you can find such things I suppose, or perhaps the option shows up when speaking to smugglers too, I haven't tried that yet.

I'm not 100% sure I can find a fitting use for this feature myself, but if you have a trading fleet and some set routes you like to take then I can see how this might make the purchasing portion of the trade route more streamlined. Or just keeping a "default loadout" handy for restocking or getting rid of excess ammo/food/gunpowder/etc. Considering most goods I come across need to be warehoused for a while before selling (ARRRRR!) this usage is less attractive to me. I'd just end up accidentally selling cheaply when I wasn't paying close enough attention =P.

A further note on trading: After you do enough missions for harbormasters they will start to give you special tasks that ask for specific goods. They will pay DOUBLE the normal buy price for whatever good they want, and many times they want huge amounts. For instance This guy wants 8400 of tobacco and is willing to pay 160 pesos per. This is 1,344,000 pesos. You only get a month to bring him whatever he asks for, so the best way to do this would be to just plunder the seas a while, and fill up all your lovely warehouses with goods. Once you have 10000+ units of most goods you can go around asking harbormasters for jobs and getting these bulk high paying missions. This would be the absolute best way to get rid of your pirated goods for the best prices. I'm not sure if they ever ask for gold or silver because I just found this out and have only seen food, medicine, and tobacco so far... but if they did want a load of gold and paid 2000 per unit.... woah.

Good luck!
BA.4.iii Questing
There are many opportunities in the game to make money via generated quests. These are generated from a variety of places during the game like the store, the shipyard, random nobles on the street, the church, the harbor master, and the governor. The people around town that will have quests or interesting things to say will look different than your average "dude in a brown or black suit". You'll understand after a few trips to town. The other guys will just be looking for a ride somewhere, usually way too little to bother.

First off you probably want to grab a "stolen ship" quest from each port you land in. They will give you some vague info on a stolen ship, and tell you to retrieve it. I wouldn't spend much time hunting this ship down, but instead continue on your business and whenever you see a orange sail ship on your map, go grab it, as these are the targets of those quests. There are no time limits to these, and they will offer you chests of doubloons for the return of the ships. Somewhere from 30k worth up to 90k, depending on your rank and the type of ship they ask you to return.

Beyond that you can see the store owners and shipyard for some easy "run around town" quests like "Your store, your money, and your life" or the return a missing tool to the shipyard. In the first, follow the instructions of the quest, then see the smugglers, follow them until you meet with the smuggler leader. At this point threaten him, and he will have his men attack you. Once you beat them, he will give you all his goods to let him go. This is usually like 20k plus a load of diamonds and rubies and such. Then the store owner will pay you like 15k for the mission. Pretty easy early money.

In the other shipyard quests, you just need to ask people around town until someone has information on the tramp that stole the item. Then you look around town for hobos, and ask them. Sometimes they tossed the item outside town, sometimes they will just give it to you.

Beyond that some of the quests nobles give you will be to hunt down captains. These are also not timed, and if they ask you to kill someone those ships will have the orange sails like the harbormaster missions. If they just want you to deliver a message then the ship will be green sailed.

Some people around town will often offer you tips on a ransom target. These can be a decent source of money. Sometimes the people carrying your target will just hand them to you. You can then go to the drop point and ask for either the amount of doubloons the original quest giver specified, or even more and they will give them to you in pesos. You can save before talking to the person and see what their threshold is. Be warned: These quests do have an expiration in terms of being able to find the person you can ransom them to. If you waste much time that person will have died under a variety of circumstances and you will be forced to sell your passenger to le francois for half the price (or a crappy tip on some ship carrying wood).

The highest paying quests are probably the "Hot Raid" quests received from random captains in port. Also the "eliminate the competition" quests the store owners sometimes give you. These quests can give you huge amounts of cargo, and sometimes even silver and gold. I have gotten 500,000 - 1 million pesos from a single one of these. When the cargo hold you are sent to sink has like 4000 copra.... it can be very profitable =P.
BA.4.iv Treasure Hunting
Another method of getting some much needed cash is to do a bit of treasure hunting. Pirate.Love.Treasure. So get to it! You can get a treasure map by savescumming a tavern until you see an extra pirate sitting at the tables (one will always be the smuggling guy) and talking to him. As long as you don't already have a treasure map then he will offer you the chance to buy one. It will cost anywhere from 80 – 300 doubloons. Most of these are genuine, though rarely you will run into a fake and lose your money. I personally haven't even had that happen yet, so it is fairly rare. Follow the instructions and go find that treasure. You can find amulets, wards, loads of weapons, gems, chests of "treasure" that sell for 80 – 90k to a banker, and chests of doubloons. Most of the time way more than you paid that shady dude at the bar for.

Another way to get a treasure map is to go through the jungles randomly until you see a damsel in distress. Sometimes there are people chasing her, trying to get at her cookies and all that, and sometimes she's alone. She will make you an offer, and sometimes that offer is to help track down her inheritance treasure. Lead the way to a cave and find the treasure and split it with her, and there you have it.

Also a lot of treasures contain parts of a treasure map. If you get two parts you have another treasure map, so in this way you can treasure hunt even more! Yay!

Important note: After you find a treasure you will be hunted by Gentlemen of Fortune. Either in the first town you come to on the island, or at sea in the form of a ship that runs you down. This is a one time attack triggered by finding treasure. Some people just can't keep their big mouths shut eh?

Level 1 treasures are generated buy buying or getting maps directly from people in the game.

Level 2 treasures are generated by finding 2 halves of a treasure map and combining them.

Level 2 treasures can sometimes generate special items like Ward 'Scorpion' and Naval Carbines.
BA.4.v Exploring
Exploring the world may provide opportunities for money. One source are floating barrels on the global map. These are an excellent source of early money. You can save before you encounter them in order to weed out the exploding barrels (yeah... some of them do just explode instead of having loot), or to find the ones that have a ton of goods floating near them, often times expensive contraband goods. There is also some trick involving waiting 2 days after you reload in order to get a shot at finding an "excellent" map among the barrels treasures (later in the game). I think that is really more of a waste of time though =P.

You can also land at beaches, here there may be individual items, or sometimes rarely chests of loot. These usually spawn at either end of the beach.

Wandering Indians in the jungles may offer you amazing deals on gold, silver, or pearls. Buy all you can from them and sell them to a usurer for a profit.

Another thing I'll put in this section , because it isn't enough to warrant its own. Bottles of rum. Hold on to any you come across, or buy any you see in town. You can sell them for 1k pesos to any lighthouse keeper. Some extra cash to be made there. Gambling
Ok, I know that you are probably just thinking "uh, do we really need to have gambling spelled out to us? So much that it needs its own heading?" Well first off. Rude. I do what I want. Secondly I put this here to essentially point out that while gambling can give you cash, savescum gambling is, in many ways, counter-productive. The game has a sort of anti-cheat in the form of making your chances of winning at gambling really low if you load a save right before you do it. The gamblers also will quickly refuse to play with you, and often won't play for much money. You will spend gross amounts of time trying to load and win, only to get trounced time and time again. On top of that if all you do is win, you will end up getting called a cheat and no longer be able to play on that island. That being said, if you are really hard up, you can always do just that. Your luck skill plays a part here, and once you get good luck you can win a lot more than you lose just by playing the odds. My advice here would be to save upon entering and take note of your money, gamble for a while, and if you lost your ass just load and go on your way. If you are desperate then spend a few nights or go to sea and come back to try again.

Governors will not gamble with you until you are famous enough. They will do high stakes gambling, and it increases your luck skill far more than gambling in a tavern.
BA.4.vii Smuggling (super high profit section)
Ok, now we get to the real fun. Smuggling is getting rid of all those super expensive contraband goods that you have been hoarding up in the warehouse or on ships. I'm going to go a step further and give a few tips on being a successful smuggler even into the late game. First off, smugglers will only deal with class 3 ships or smaller. This is a bummer later on, as you will likely want to be running around on at least a fast frigate, if not a line ship. Also the easiest way to get slaves is to scare the crap out of them with a ship that has like 800+ crew, as they will give up and you'll get batches of 400 – 500 slaves per ship. Unfortunately every time you swap ships to a smaller one and leave your class 1 in storage... you lose your entire crew. Annoying to say the least. So what is to be done?

Well early in the game it is easy. You are probably running a class 3 ship at best and so you can take your goods to the smugglers whenever they start weighing you down. Dealing with smugglers often can get tiresome, however, and hurt your reputation with the nation you are selling the smuggled goods at. Not to mention most of the time you end up in a fight, and having to flee the harbor with a squadron of ships chasing you. So ideally you would like to do this as seldom as possible, with the most profit to be had.

Option 2 – THE BEST OPTION. In my humble opinion. What I have done is after I own my own island (through the quest line flying the jolly roger), though you can do this with any port really, it just costs more money and eats into your profits. After I have my island I hunt down a couple really nice Pinnance ships with extra deadweight. These ships are class 3 and can get up to around 5000 deadweight. I put them in storage at my island. I then go around on my ship of the line, or my manowar, or whatever hulking beast I collect slaves on, and scare the CRAP out of the high seas. I bring all contraband goods back to my gord, and shove all the slaves onto the Pinnances, they will not mutiny in storage. Be sure to dump the cannons off those ships, they just take up weight. Once they are full (with a little room for food, medicine, and maximum crew), you can then take them out of storage and lead them (quickly....) to the closest port of port-au-prince. Make sure to save before midnight rolls around, because that is when ships can mutiny. If you wait until just after midnight to leave Isla Mona, you can make it before midnight rolls around again (as long as you have hook's mod). Once you have made it to port you can dump any remaining crew into the tavern (make sure you have plenty of time left in the day), they will stay there as long as midnight doesn't pass again. Sometimes they will stay an extra day, but best to just not worry about it. Then shove your monster ship into storage, this will only cost you like 10k pesos. After that you go see the smugglers, and set up a meeting. Go meet them, and sell off your nearly 10000 slaves. This will give you close to 4 million pesos. WOAH. You can expand your enterprise by adding more ships in port-au-prince to carry more slaves. You can also use the opportunity to sell any extra ropes, resin, and silk that you might have, though you will want to hold onto all of these things until you've upgraded all the ships in the game you care to upgrade. Note I didn't mention ironwood, and I did not just leave it out by accident. Ironwood can be sold elsewhere... for an insane amount. More on that later. After you've fled the authorities successfully you can return to port to claim your big ship and hire your old crew back. Then you just take the cargo ships back to your gord, and start again if you want. It won't take you but a few hours to get millions of pesos.

Note: On Very Hard and Impossible difficulty, the largest ships that smugglers allow are class 4, not class 3. So you will have to settle for Fleuts or snow.

Another tip when you are smuggling. After you sell your goods you will often be accosted by local soldiers. This is generated at the time of the sale and depends on stealth. You can try to bribe them with a charisma check, but that means giving them at least 20% of your profits from the sale. Regardless you may yet further be attacked by ships once you leave the bay. You can avoid these ships by resting for a few days on the shore before you get back on your ship. Guess they get bored waiting for you ;).
BA.4.viii Investing (Main Money Maker late game)
The age old practice of having your money... make money. Banks across the Caribbean will let you invest funds and give you an interest rate that is directly proportionate to how much they know and like you. So once you've gained a little notoriety and relationship with a country you can go to their bank and dump your millions of pesos there alongside your thousands of doubloons. A good rate can give you 6% on pesos and 4% on doubloons, this is the best rate provided. Just keep an eye on your investments. Don't let the city where you have your money held in be plundered =P. It is a good idea to talk to people in every port you call, just to make sure a siege isn't underway that involves your money or your ships. (Also if you have the map mod you can see ongoing sieges on the map)

Keep in mind that each banker can only accept so much money. For example the Port Royal Usurer wouldn't allow me to deposit more than 9 million. He says he just can't afford the interest or guard that much money. Makes sense =P.

On top of your reputation and fame, you might also need a high Charisma to be able to get the 6% max rate. I could not get them to offer me 6% until after I had 75 Charisma, Admirable reputation, and Famous fame. So a parade cuirass/milan cuirass, and an amulet that gives charisma might be in order to get to that sweet cash as early as possible. On top of that this STILL wasn't good enough to get the 4% on Doubloons =P. In fact I was able to test this out on accident. I withdrew my doubloons and the encumbrance gave me -10 to my charisma. Suddenly the banker only offered me 5%... So yes Charisma matters.

"Sir, you suddenly look fat. I changed my mind and will now only offer you 5% interest. Eat a salad."

Investing is hands down the best way to make money late in the game. Having 20 million pesos making 6% interest every single month will pay for a huge squadron with interest alone.

Another form of investment can come in the form of a random noble asking you to help him out. He owes money to the bank and cannot yet make good on it. Worse, they are holding a priceless family heirloom and will sell it if he can't come up with at least the interest. He asks you to cover him and he will give you 100% return on investment. Score. Go to the bank and offer what you want (but best to offer the maximum amount) and take the heirloom to the noble. In three months return to the bank and get double your money back. I don't think this ever ends up cheating you out of money, at least it hasn't me yet. Its an amazing return on investment.
BA.5 Fame and Reputation
Fame and reputation in the game plays a somewhat minor role, but the most important factor is how it effects the loyalty of your crew. Any non-quest officers that have positive reputation will lose loyalty when you do something that gives you negative reputation. The opposite is true for the negative rep officers. Therefore depending on your play style you will want to keep an entire crew that are all of the same alignment. This part of the guide will help you to keep them happy.
BA.5.i Reputation ranks
From lowest to highest

Monster | Bloody Killer
Miscreant | Villain
Pirate | Scoundral
Rascal | Swindler
Adventurer | Ordinary Sailor
Captain | Jolly Good Fellow
Gentleman(Hidalgo)| Honest Captain
Hero | Man of Honor
Saint | Hero

To the left are hero titles, to the right NPC matching titles.
BA.5.ii What effects Reputation(nobility) and how
It is important to know what effects your reputation(nobility), as this will determine how it effects the loyalty of your officers. A higher authority (the bar under your hero's portrait not the stat) will mean a less drastic negative effect on officers, and a more pronounced positive one. This type of reputation is known as Nobility, and is separate from the reputation you have with different countries.

What lowers reputation (nobility):

Refusing to help people – This can be vagabonds in the jungle, or damsels in distress. If you tell them to bugger off, or let the men have their way with the poor girl, then you will get (understandably...) negative reputation. Also this applies to refusing to help the governor when he asks you to do something (save before you talk to him if you want the option of not doing what he asks), or giving up on quests you take from the harbormaster.
Enslaving crews
Throwing crews overboard – This is a large negative hit, and also a really good way to get loyalty among evil officers.
Throwing captains overboard – same as above.
Ransoming captives – Either captive captains, or through the ransom quests.
Dueling people in bar fights (depends on dialogue)
Having sex with anyone but your girlfriend, even if you don't have a girlfriend. This includes waitresses or damsels who are so impressed by you saving their cookies that they want to give you said cookies.
Many different actions during the flying the jolly roger quest lines... if you couldn't guess that burning towns, killing children, and raping women would give you negative reputation. (In fact as long as you are doing the FTJR DLC you will constantly lose nobility. This is supposed to end when you finish the FTJR quest Nemesis, but in the English version it does not. See below in the quirks section for how to fix this.)
Confessing sins to a priest and telling him you sink French boats.
Drinking until drunk in taverns.
Lying to Monks about getting their money back from robbers.

The easiest and fool proof way to raise your evil crew's loyalty is by taking a few ships and tossing the captains and enslaving or tossing the crew. Its actually just stupid easy. You will never have a problem with evil officers doing that, no matter how much good stuff you do on the side.

What raises reputation(nobility):
helping people – take on tramps into your crew from the jungle, don't let those guys rape that poor damsel, that kind of thing.
Generated quests – Quests for the church, the harbor master, the shipyard, the store, citizens on the street (except slaving and ransom missions), and the governor will all give you good rep. Even the assassination missions will be positive.
Giving money to the church or beggers – If you are desperate you can always just hand money to people on the street for a good rep....
Letting captive captains go and setting crews free on lifeboats
Consecrating your ship
Lots of different storyline quests outside of flying the jolly roger
blessing slaves and letting them go free
Dueling people for honor – Sometimes a woman will approach you and say some guy is trying to force her into stuff, or a dude will talk to you about himself or his son that have accidentally gotten into a fight they can't win. If you follow these quests through then you will get positive rep.
Letting ships go after you plunder them
Loaning money to nobles.
Refusing sex from waitresses and damsels(prudes....)
Some fights in a tavern (depends on dialogue)

Unfortunately some of the most profitible things in the game are negative rep based. Like many of you out there, however, I like the idea of having at least one good guy play through. I don't like the idea of having no money. You can give some money to the church, seek out damsels, or just do a lot of quests to try and balance the side business of slavery. I mean... they were pirates after all... right? Also letting pirate captains go isn't much of a loss. Governors don't pay crap for those guys anyway.
BA.5.iii – a note on fame
Fame doesn't play a huge role in the game. The more famous you are has an impact on how people greet you and governors gambling with you, but beyond that does little else besides increase the number of sailors you can hire at taverns at one time. One thing it does, and I mentioned this in my investment section, is offer you better rates at banks. Later in the game there are a couple quests where you will need at least a little fame to get them, but more on that later.

How to increase fame
do quests
do generated quests, and do them well
Throw the enemy crews overboard
Release ships after you plunder them

How to lose fame
Avoid combat at sea
Do nothing.
Fame decreases every 2 months on normal. Higher difficulties it will decrease faster.

The highest fame one can achieve under normal circumstances is "Famous". If you have the DLC "Hero of the Nation", then you may enjoy a fame level of "LEGENDARY" once you complete the Defense of St. Pierre.
BA.6 The Perils of Freeplay
I mentioned this before back in the tips section, but I wanted to give it its own section just to drill this home. Some quests have a rank limit. Main quests. Important quests. Once you reach rank 15 these quests will be unavailable to you. Keep this in mind. Once you finish the Final Lesson and The Dutch Gambit quests, you can breathe easier in this regard. Until then though, be careful doing to much Freeplay if you want to participate in these quests (fully).

The other part of the equation has to do with having a big ship with a bunch of crew. You may feel compelled to freeplay until you are the biggest, baddest mofo sailing the seven seas. Throughout the entire main quest, all the way up to practically the very end, you will be forced to dump your ship into storage in favor of quest ships or just small ships that fit certain restrictions. It isn't the end of the world, but it can get really annoying if you have to dump 700 – 1500 crew every other quest because you were tooling around with a fleet of first line ships. My advice would be to go through the story and THEN freeplay, rather than the other way around. Again this isn't 100% vital, you can give up crew and get crew again, but not only are most of the best ships in the game along with the best officers given to you through the story, but also all the best items and wards. So if you really want to be the baddest mofo in the Caribbean, you'll need to do the quests anyway. Otherwise you'll just be some scrub that doesn't have a magic sword and a hot girlfriend that can out fight a ninja (or that is a pirate queen... whatever your preference!).
BA.7 Important People and Places
There are many important people and places in the Caribbean. Places to buy amulets, to get your bounty paid off, or to upgade your ship. In this section I'm going to outline all the different places you can go and what you can do there.
BA.7.i Lighthouses and Graveyards
Lighthouses can be used to not only sell rum, but also to buy amulets. Some lighthouse keepers will allows you to put in an order for a specific amulet, which can be picked up two months later. Lighthouse keepers will also sometimes have very cheap goods, which are random, and will sell to you and you can make a huge profit.

Thanks to LaHire's post April 8, 2017 @ 9:08 PM in steam discussions for the list of amulets.

Cartagena – Careful, close to spanish port, need trading license or approach from shore. This is one of the lighthouses you can order amulets. (or ask about the amulet from Caleuche). Amulets available here are the following.
Amulet "Pilgrim"
Amulet "Seafarer's Earring"
Amulet "Ehekatl"
Amulet "Merchant's Beads"
Amulet "Fisherman"
Amulet "Monkey's Fist"
Amulet "Jade turtle"
Amulet "♥♥♥♥♥ Fan"
Amulet "Monkey"
Amulet "Xochipilli"
Amulet "Teredo"

Santiago – Careful, close to spanish port. This is one of the lighthouses you can order amulets. (or ask about the amulets from Caleuche). The Amulets you can order are as follows.
Amulet "Cimaruta"
Amulet "Wonderworker"
Amulet "Encolpion"
Amulet "Anchor"
Amulet "Holy water"
Amulet "Madonna"
Amulet "Sogbo"
Amulet "El trozo"
Amulet "Crucifix"
Amulet of "Euchologion"
Amulet "Shield of Ngombo"


San Jose – close to port, but you can still land if you move away from fort.
St. John
Basse-Terre – One of the lighthouses used to order amulets. Also you can ask the lighthouse keeper about the Caleuche amulet. The following amulets can be received here.
Amulet of "Cascavella"
Amulet "Baldo"
Amulet "Xiuhtecuhtli"
Amulet "Humpback"
Amulet "Coral Head"
Amulet "Tsantsa"
Amulet of the "Pole Axe"
Amulet "Ritual knife"
Amulet "Gunpowder Tester"
Amulet "Voodoo doll"

Port Royal – This lighthouse has no keeper. It is an English fortification instead.

Graveyards – There is not much notable about graveyards other than that you can find plants from the vendor here. It is the best place to buy plants. They can also sell random weapons, armor, gunpowder, and ammo and amulets. They also pay good prices for just about everything. For example, they pay the same for weapons that a weapon vendor pays.

Port Royal
BA.7.ii Diplomats (Or How to Lower your Bounty)
Having a bounty just plain blows, unless you want to get your stealth skill up and therefore like dealing with headhunters at every port of call. If that isn't the case, then you probably want to get rid of it ASAP. There are 2 ways to do this. You can either visit a governor and pass a bribe charisma check on him to pay him a crap ton of pesos to forget about your past transgressions, or you can visit one of the diplomats and give them a bribe to deal with the problem for you. Generally speaking the second option is the better one, especially if you've finished the Pirate Saga quest line. Until you've done that, however, then you need to see one of two individuals in the archipelago.

Fahey – This guy can help you with any matters dealing with the French or the English and even the smugglers if you have managed to piss them off. He will ask from you 600 – 700 doubloons to lower your bounty. He can do about 21000 bounty at a time and each time it takes 14 days to take effect. He is located in Basse-Terre on Guadaloupe.
Abbot Benoit – He can liason with the Dutch and the Spanish. He asks for 500 – 700 doubloons for his services, and will get rid of 21000 or so bounty at a time, taking 14 days to do his magic. He is located on Martinique, at the church of Saint-Pierre.

After you've successfully finished the Pirate Saga, you can see the lawyer in Port Royal about your problems. Albert Locksley will take care of any faction in the game for pesos. The dude knows his business.
BA.7.iii Where to upgrade your fleet
There are several shipyards in the game that will offer to upgrade your current ship for some doubloons and strategic resources. Keep in mind that they will upgrade one aspect of your ship, but it will decrease the other aspect that they offer. Except for speed and wind direction, I'll tell you more about that.

Port Royal – I'm telling you more about that right now! Here you can upgrade your ships speed and sailing angle to the wind. This is bugged, or at best grossly misinterpreted in the English version, much to our joy. If you get the speed upgrade at this shipyard, which will take silk and doubloons, then they will increase the speed and ALSO increase the angle your ship can sail into the wind. I really don't know if there is some hidden benefit to having a sharper angle to the wind... but I honestly can't say what it is. The wider the angle, the closer you can sail against the wind without moving at a snail's pace. Anywhere between the black arrow and the wind arrow isn't terrible... and this widens that. So what is the downside? Dunno, but never take the other option, it destroys your speed and narrows the angle to the wind... both.

Portobello – Here you can increase the max number of guns (doubloons + resin) or increase your deadweight (doubloons + ironwood)

Capsterville – Here you can increase your maneuverability (doubloons + ropes) or reduce the number of minimum crew it takes pilot a vessel (Doubloons + ropes). Personally I favor the maneuverability.

Willemstad – Increase the strength of the hull (Doubloons + Resin), or Increase your max number of OVERLOAD crew (doubloons + ironwood). Notice I specified overload in all caps over there. That is because this does not change the max number before overload. Once you have the Janissary ward this is great, but before that you probably don't want to go around with an overloaded crew.

Isle Tesoro – Alexus at the shipyard will restore a ships hull to its original strength. He requires Doubloons + silk + ropes + ironwood + resin. Over time your ship takes permanent hull damage, if you right click on the hull hp you can see the original number in parentheses. It is also important to note that if you fail the Pirate Saga and the English end up owning Isle Tesoro, this shipyard is no longer available. GG....
BA.7.iv – Special Officers and Ships

Tichingitu – Recruited in Basse-Terre the first time you meet Fadey.
Longway – Recruited during The Dutch Gambit for Holland
Charlie Knipple – Recruited during The Dutch Gambit for England
Hercule Tonzag – Recruited during The Dutch Gambit for The Secret Organization
Red Mary Caspar – Recruited on The Isle of Justice during The Pirate Saga
Helen McArthur - Recruited in Blueweld during The Pirate Saga
Raymond Backer (Doctor) – Recruited during The Pirate Saga
Hugo Avendell (Purser) – Recruited during Side Quest “Long way to the Gallows”.
Ghislain Buchon – Given to us by De Poincy for completing Turtle Soup.
Folke Deluc - First Navigator, received during the tutorial quest.

Ole Christiansen – Recruited on the Isle of Justice during The Pirate Saga. He will stop rats from destroying your goods for the entire fleet.
Chaplain (random names) – Recruited in a random city up to twice in the game for 50,000 pesos. Once before FTJR, and once after. Prevents crew from dying and reduces the morale drop. They will leave your ship forever if you raise the Jolly Roger.


Meifang – Class 4 Light Xebec, received during The Dutch Gambit for Holland
Mirage – Class 4 Privateer Ketch, received during The Dutch Gambit for England
Valkyrie – Class 4 Patrol Brig, received during The Dutch Gambit for The Secret Organization
Torero – Class 3 Heavy Polacre, stolen during the FTJR DLC quest line, Corrida
Marlin – Class 3 Polacre, stolen during The Pirate Saga, Barbazon's Temptation
The Flying Heart – Class 1 Warship, Received completing the Caleuche DLC
The Griffondor – Class 3 Light Frigate, Received for completing Turtle Soup
Fortune – Class 2 Fast Frigate, Stolen when completing Seeking for the Guardian of Truth
Victory – Class 1 Man-o-war, Stolen from Cromwell's Fleet (Cromwell's Dispatch)
San Felipe – Class 1 Man-o-war, Stolen from the fleet attacking St. Pierre during The Defense of Saint-Pierre.
Shadow - Class 5 Courier Lugger, Carries Diego from Cuba to Cape Catoche. It is possibly the fastest ship in the game, 18 knots without upgrade. Unfortunately it is a courier lugger, and therefore useless =P. It does have 12 lb guns though! It also has black sails.
BA.7.v – Abraham Norman
Abraham Norman used to sail under Nicholas Sharp. He now wanders Isla Tesoro half out of his gourd from 11:00 – 20:00 every day. Aside from being immortal, he also has a short fuse. If you say the wrong thing to him in answer to his questions or statements, or just bother him too much, he and the entire island will attack you. If you kill him... which isn't easy... he will just be back the next day to do it all over again!

Here is where he spawns.

Beyond that, he gives you things if you answer him correctly.

“Sh-sh... I am Davy Jones. Tell, me, are you afraid of death? “

Of course I am, Mr. Jones. Especially after a hangover. - He attacks.
One death is a tragedy, a thousand is just a statistic. - Gives you 1 tobacco.

“Stand at attention! Behold – Admiral Barbaringo! Don't you recognize my famous cavalry sword?”

My apologies admiral! From now on, I'll be more attentive. - 5 pesos, or 1 doubloon.
The cavalry sword is widely known. Too bad, it has reached a fool. - attacks.

“What happened to you Blaze? I've been looking for you for two days. You've completely forgotten your father Nicholas!”

I don't have time for you father! I'm swamped. - potion or mixture.
You've mistaken, sir. My name is Charles de Maure. - attacks you.

“As you can see, I am here in exile. I am awaiting further notification from General Monk. I ask that you not disseminate my concealed royal identity. Cromwell's intelligence has long ears.”

But of course, your majesty. No one will ever learn that Karl the II is hiding in West India. - attacks.
Well, and I am Pope Innocent X then. - Wax Candle.

“Freeze! I'm the governor of this island. What you don't believe me!?”

Of course I do! Who doesn't know the governor of Isla Tesoro... - Attacks.
Ha, call yourself an admiral while you are at it, I'll definitely buy that! - paper cartridge.
BA.8 – Items
Here I will outline most of the items in the game. There are a lot of them.
BA.8.i – Weapons and Armor
Here will be all the special weapons and where to find them. I don't feel the need to go into any more detail than in already available in the combat section about mundane weapons.

Rapiers and Foils

Wrath of the Prophet – Rapier that is needed for Fahey's persian sword quest. Found in the Arubus during the Pirate Saga Questline.
Swept-hilt Rapier – Prize for winning the Regatta (below rank 11), and also received if you side with Holland in the Dutch Gambit. John Murdoch drops it.
Flamberge – Received from Jessica one way or another during "Shadows of the Past" in the Pirate Saga.
Asoleeda – Special sword that is received if you win the Regatta at ranks above 25 .
Chief's Talon – Received from Fadey in the Burden's of Gascon.

Sabers and Cutlasses
Scimitar – Needed for Fahey's quest. Random loot from class 3 ships and above. Special note that if you see this sword and do not loot it, you cannot get it again.
Katana – sword received during the Caleuche DLC quest line.
Storta – Sword received from Abraham Norman on Isle Tesoro during the Ancient Mayan City questline. You must tell him who killed Blaze Sharpe.
Naval Klewang – Loot during the Dutch Gambit while siding with England. Loot in The Final Lesson off Gregoire.
Naval Saber – Honorable mention, you can get these during Turtle soup off quest officers and Levasseur, but they aren't special just kinda rare. You will see them a few times after this as well.

Broadswords and Axes
Tanat – Gift from Inquisitor Vincento if you visit him after the quest The insidious island of Keasochitim.
Narwhal – Mary's Sword ordered especially for her on the Isle of Justice.
Pastissa Khanda – Sword needed for Fadey's quest. Found in the chest of the governor of Tortuga, Levasser, after you kill him.
Vulture - Special Axe found in the chest of your house on Isla Mona during the FTJR DLC quest arc. Gives +5 to Broadswords and Axes.

Blunderbuss- Gift from Colonel Fox if you save his daughter in Turtle Soup.
Revolver Colt – Gift from Snake Eye during the Pirate Saga, if you return his tamborine.
Hand Mortar – Gift from Nathanial Hawk after returning him to his seat of power. Also can get from winning the Regatta rank 11 – 25.
Drum Shotgun – Received from Donald Greenspel after you finish the hunting for the shark quest for either the Narwhals or for Red Mary.
Rifled Target Musket – Found in a chest in the crows nest of the Fury on Justice Island. Can only get if you side with the Rivaldos or with Red Mary, and also if you give up the chance at getting Thor's Hammer ward.
Side-by-side Rifle – Looted off Archibald Calhoun In the Search for the Guardian of Truth.
Naval Carbine – Received from John Murdoch in The Dutch Gambit if you side with the secret organization. Also received from Lucas Rodenburg for bringing him the Archive if you side with Holland. Found later on a musketeer during Seeking the Guardian of Truth, and again on a guy sent to kill you in the hut later in that same quest. Otherwise you have to get them from Level 2 treasures.
Double-shot pistol – Received in the Caleuche DLC quest line.


Milano Cuirass – Received from the bartender on Justice Island if you trade him the mask of the rat god ward. Also received for placing first in the Regatta after rank 25. On Impossible and (maybe) Very Hard difficulties you receive this out of a chest during the In Defense of Saint-Pierre story quest.
Wicker Armor – Received from Fadey for giving him all three swords and 700 doubloons.
Lamports Costume- Armor gotten out of the bandit cache in a cave near Belize. DLC Caleuche.
BA.8.ii – Alchemy and Crafting (Ammo, Potions, Nav Devices)
Components are used up during crafting, Instruments are not.

Ammo crafting

Paper Cartridge
Components: 1 lead ball, 1 gunpowder
Replaces lead ball as ammo in guns. Reduces reload time by half. Received from Michel after you return from Fadey the first time.

Components: 1 Copper Ewer, 10 Gunpowder, 1 Candle, 1 Cord
Instruments: Bench and Tool Box
Ammo for Hand Mortar, damages and causes energy loss. Can damage allies. Purchased from street vendors randomly.

Components: 1 Copper Ewer, 10 Gunpowder, 15 lead ball, 1 Candle, 1 Cord Instruments: Bench and Tool Box
Ammo for Hand Mortar, damages enemies. Can damage allies. Purchased from street vendors randomly, given by Nathanial Hawk upon completion of The Return of the Baron.

Arrow Bolt
Components: 1 Harpoon, 1 Whetstone
Instruments: Bench and Tool Box
Ammo for the special weapon Blunderbuss. Recipe is received from Colonel Fox for rescuing his daughter during the Turtle Soup quest line.

Nail-like Shrapnel
Components: 1 Candle, 5 Nails, 2 Gunpowder
Instruments: Crucible, Icon Lamp, Bench and Tool Box
Ammo for the special weapon Blunderbuss and the Drum Shotgun. Recipe can be purchased from street vendors randomly, and it is given by Colonel Fox for rescuing his daughter during the Turtle Soup quest line.

Colt Revolver Ammunition – This ammunition is special in that it has limited availability in the game. The percussion caps require silver fulminate to make, and can only be made by using Nitric Acid and Ethyl Alcohol. There are only 3 of each in the game total. One set on Justice Island, once set provided by Gino, and one set in Merriman's lair in the Caleuche DLC. The instruments for making the bullets can be found on Justice Isle (look in the treasure section), and also during the Caleuche DLC quest line (look in the Caleuche DLC section).

Silver Fulminate

Components: 1 Silver Nugget, 1 Nitric Acid, 1 Ethyl Alcohol
Instruments: Alchemist's chest, Icon Lamp
Recipe Received from Gino 1 month after giving him the Chemistry Book, Colt Revolver, Percussion Cap, Revolver Cartridge. These items are received during The Pirate Saga from Snake Eye in return for his Tambourine and Pipe.

Percussion Caps (makes 20)
Components: 1 Copper Ingot, 3 Candle, 1 Silver Fulminate
Instruments: Crucible, Icon Lamp, Bench and Tool Box
Recipe Received from Gino 1 month after giving him the Chemistry Book, Colt Revolver, Percussion Cap, Revolver Cartridge. These items are received during The Pirate Saga from Snake Eye in return for his Tambourine and Pipe.

Lead Bullet
Components: 1 lead ball
Instruments: Crucible, Bullet Mold, Icon Lamp
Recipe Received from Gino 1 month after giving him the Chemistry Book, Colt Revolver, Percussion Cap, Revolver Cartridge. These items are received during The Pirate Saga from Snake Eye in return for his Tambourine and Pipe.

Revolver Cartridge
Components: 1 Gunpowder, 1 Lead Bullet, 1 Candle
Instruments: Sartorial Tools
Recipe Received from Gino 1 month after giving him the Chemistry Book, Colt Revolver, Percussion Cap, Revolver Cartridge. These items are received during The Pirate Saga from Snake Eye in return for his Tambourine and Pipe.


Manga Rosa potions – Please see the Manga Rosa section for this information.

Components: 1 Healing Potion, 1 Ginger Root, 3 Angel's Trumpets or Datura, 1 Sabadilla, 1 vial, 1 old mug, 1 candle, 1 amber
Instruments: Alchemist's chest, Silver Spoon, Mortar and Pestle
Recipe can be purchased from potion street vendors. It is also received during the Caleuche DLC quest line.

Components: 1 Verbena, 1 Ipecacuanha, 1 Guarana, 1 Jamaican Pepper, 1 Vial, 1 Large Pearl
Instruments: Alchemist's chest, Mortar and Pestle, Copper Ewer, Wooden Spoon, Icon Lamp
Recipe is received from Gino at the end of The Dutch Gambit quest line. It can also be purchased from street vendors randomly.

Ometochli Tincture
Components: 1 Jamaican Pepper, 2 Angel's Trumpets or Datura, 1 Emerald, 1 Bottle of Rum, 1 Candle, 1 Vial
Instruments: Alchemist's Chest, Mortar and Pestle
Recipe can be received from the commandant's house in San Jose during the side quest “A Price of Consumption”.

Navigation Devices

Working Chronometer
Components: 1 Chronometer, 1 Hourglass
Recipe received from Michel during The Dutch Gambit quest line.

Components: 1 Compass, 1 Astrolabe
Recipe received from Michel during The Dutch Gambit quest line.

Working Sextant
Components: 1 Sextant, 1 Alexus' Chronometer
Special 1 time use. Used to fix the Sextant after completing Justice for Dios!(not in journal, this is my own personal name for it) And My Boss wants a Ship quests.

BA.8.ii – Alchemy and Crafting (Talismans)

I will note here that Talismans can sell for a huge amount of pesos, and many are really cheap to make. If you need some extra cash you can often turn nearly worthless items into 10 – 20k by making talismans out of them.

Throat of Cast Iron
Description: This Talisman makes you immune to getting drunk. 30 day duration.
Components: 1 Bottle of Rum, 1 Old Mug, 1 Amethyst, 1 Silver Nugget
Instrument: Icon Lamp
Recipe can be purchased from the potion vendor randomly. It can also be received from the Galleon during the quest 'False Trace'.

Description: Decreases the chance of mutiny. (Mutiny happens at midnight if your crew or officer morale is too low, or you are carrying too many slaves per crew). 90 day Duration
Components: 3 Lash, 3 Gold Nugget, 1 Cord, 1 Jamaican Pepper, 1 Tobacco, 1 Ruby, 1 Arsenic, 1 Blue Amber
Instruments: Sartorial Tools, Mortar and Pestle
Recipe can be found in your room at the Drug Store after The Dutch Gambit.

Cupid's Balm
Description: Doubles the positive effects of sex (removing wounds). 30 day duration.
Components: 1 Vampire Wing, 5 Hercules Beetle, 1 Ginger Root, 1 Guarana, 1 Jacinth, 1 Copper Ingot, 1 Blue Amber
Instruments: Icon Lamp, Mortar and Pestle
Recipe can be found in the cabin of the Arbutus during The Pirate Saga

Description: Freezes the loyalty of your officers for the duration. 90 day duration.
Components: 7 Silver nuggets, 1 Slave Manacle, 1 Candle, 1 Copper Ingot, 1 Guarana, 1 Ginger Root, 1 Jacinth, 1 Blue Amber
Instruments: Bench and Tool Box
Received from the cabin of Robert Marten during the Quest Turtle Soup.

Description: Nullify the effect of encumbrance. You still cannot pick things up over weight cap. 120 day duration.
Components: 1 shoe, 1 hercules beetle, 1 chrysoprase, 1 copper ingot, 1 Blue amber, 1 vial
Instrument: Flintstone
Recipe received during Caribbean in a nutshell quest. In the cabin of the Barque.

Iron Navel
Description: Saves character from a contusion during a fight. What this means is that your hits cannot be interrupted. So if you are executing a heavy blow or an AoE swipe then the enemy hitting you will not stop you. 360 day duration
Components: 3 belts, 1 tortoiseshell comb, 1 iron ingot, 1 jade, 1 blue amber
Instruments: Bench and Tool Box, Mirror,
Recipe received from Diego de Montoya during the quest 'Seeking the Guardian of Truth'

Description: Makes crew cheaper to hire, also will allow you to hire crew even if you have debts. 45 day duration.
Components: 5 silver nugget, 1 azurite, 1 blue amber
Instruments: Bench and Tool Box, Icon Lamp
Recipe found in the cabin of the Marlin during the quest Barbazon's Temptation, part of the Pirate Saga.

Lord of Fire
Description: Doubles the training speed of Cannoneer's. This increases the experience gain of the “cannoneer” bar in your crew. It is used by your Cannoneer officer. 45 day duration.
Components:1 Porcelain Pipe, 1 Gold Nugget, 3 Angel's Trumpets or Datura, 1 Cord, 1 Fire Opal, 1 Arsenic, 1 blue amber
Instruments: Bench and Tool Box
Recipe found in the cabin of the Santa Lucia during the side quest Mystery of the Santa Lucia on the Island of Justice.

Description: Doubles the training speed of sailors. This increases the experience gain of the “Sailors” bar in your crew. It is used by your Boatswain. 45 day duration.
Components: 1 Bosun's Pipe, 1 Platinum Ingot, 1 Aquamarine, 1 Blue Amber
Instruments: Bench and Tool Box
Recipe found in the chest of Fazio during the side quest Bottom's Up on the Island of Justice.

Description: Doubles the training speed of your Boarding Party. This increases the experience gain of the “Soldiers” bar in your crew. It is used by one of your boarding officers. 45 day duration.
Components: 1 folding knife, 1 gold crucifix, 1 coral, 1 Blue Amber
Instruments: none.
Recipe found in one of the chests in the shop on the Island of Justice

Description: Drains energy from your opponent when you successfully land blows. Steal is misleading... as is the use of a Vampire Wing in the components =P. You do not gain the energy your enemy loses. 45 day duration
Components: 1 Vampire Wing, 1 Enchanted Bone, 1 Meteorite, 1 Blue Amber, 1 Opal
Instruments: Sartorial Tools
Recipe is found in the cabin of the San Felipe during In the Defense of Saint-Pierre.

Son of a Jaguar
Description: Doubles the accuracy of person firearms and ship cannons at night. 90 day duration
Components: 1 Jaguar Claw, 5 small pearls, 1 Verbena, 1 Jacinth, 1 Blue Amber
Instruments: Silver Ewer, Mortar and Pestle
Recipe is received from Dannie Hawk after The Return of the Baron during the Pirate Saga.

Description: Increases chances of winning at gambling. 45 day duration.
Components: 1 Deck of Cards, 1 Iron Ingot, 1 Large Pearl, 1 Chrysoberyl, 1 Blue Amber
Instruments: Writing Implements
Recipe is looted from Jacob Van Berg during The Dutch Gambit.
BA.8.iii – Amulets and Wards (Amulets)

Amulets are split into three different categories, and origins. The first and most important thing you need to know about amulets is that Offensive and Defensive amulets cannot mix. If you are using an amulet from the offensive category then you cannot equip one from the defensive category until you delete all offensive ones, and visa-versa. Support amulets are able to go with either offensive and defensive amulets. Amulets also will either effect your character, or your ship, or in rare cases both.

Offensive amulets are identified by having a “tooth pattern” around the gem in their icon at the top left corner. Defensive Amulets are identified as having a solid “rays” pattern. The support amulets, or auxiliary amulets, have a full circle around the gem. I apologize if this description is found lacking, but when you look at them the first time you should understand the difference.

Origins of amulets only matters when it comes to where you purchase them, or who offers them as quest rewards. The three different origins are Tribal, Holy, and Household. When it comes to what street vendors sell which amulets, however, this issue can sometimes get confused. I have tried to help outline which amulets are sold where down in The Pirate Saga, where you need to have amulets for the quest. This part of the guide will only deal with the Categories of amulets, not their origin or where they are sold, since I have gone over those in multiple other sections in the guide.

Personal Offensive Amulets

Gunpowder Tester – Increase Accuracy by 15%, increase incoming damage from firearms by 10%. 70 day duration.
Ritual Knife – 15% increase chance to bypass enemy block. 10% increased incoming damage from enemy blades. 70 day duration.
Pole Axe – 25% increased damage with heavy attacks. 10% increased chance to receive a critical strike. 70 day duration
Humpback – Increase Character energy. The less energy your character has the more it adds. 9 – 13 roughly. Decreases maximum weight by 10%. 70 day duration.
Cascavella – Blades and firearms can poison the enemy. 50 day duration.
Voodoo Doll – Increases damage from your firearms by 15 HP. Enemies shooting at you have 10% more accuracy. 70 day duration.

Ship Offensive Amulets
Tsantsa – Reduces the risk to get boarded by 10%. I can only assume that this means that the crew difference that the AI will attempt to board you at is increased by 10%, meaning that they have to have 10% more crew than previously to attempt a boarding. Increases the time it takes to repair using automatic repair by 10%. 70 day duration.
Coral Head – Enemies suffer 10% more damage from your musket salvos. Increases time it takes to repair using automatic repair by 10%. 70 day duration.
Xiuhtecuhtli – Ships cannons do 5% more damage. 50 day duration.
Baldo – Ship cannons are 10% more accurate. 50 day duration.
Ngombo Mask – Increase stealth by sea 15%. 50 day duration.

Personal Defensive Amulets
Ngombo Shield – Enemy shots do 15 HP less damage to you. Personal accuracy decreased by 10%.
70 day duration.
Euchologion – 15% reduced accuracy for enemies. Damage from your shots decreased by 10%. 70 day duration.
Crucifix - 15% less chance for enemy hits to bypass your block. Your critical hit chance decreased by 10%. 70 day duration.
El Trozo – 15% less damage from enemy heavy attacks. Personal damage decreased by 10%. 70 day duration.
Madonna - Speeds up healing process by 15%, Reduces health decrease. This pertains to your overall health, not HP. Stealth is halved. 70 day duration.
Holy Water – Increases health by 25. Halves luck. 70 day duration.

Ship Defensive Amulets
Wonderworker – Reduces damage to the crew by 5%. Doesn't effect Musket Salvo. 50 day duration.
Cimaruta – 5% less damage from Musket Salvos. 50 day duration.
Anchor – 5% less damage to Hull. 50 day duration
Encolpion – 5% less damage to sails. 50 day duration
Sogbo – 15% reduction in reloading time for ship cannons. Maneuverability of ship decreased by 10%

Unique Defensive Amulets

I want to point out something with these. The icon on both of these unique amulets indicate they are offensive. In reality they will only work with defensive or utility amulets, and they also will work together. I do not know why, that is just the way it is. So while they look offensive... they are actually defensive.

Taino people's poison – Special poison received from Luke the Leprechaun during the FTJR quest Nemesis. Does 15 damage a second and lasts until the enemy dies and it applies 100% every hit. They cannot cure it with antidotes. It is a death sentence. I will note that this does NOT work on the final boss, and I have not tested it on other bosses, but I would assume that it at least does not work on the guardian or Jessica since they are both undead. 2 day duration. (Works wonders on the hordes of Itza during the final boss battle though!)

Jaguar Pelt – Special Amulet that causes your firearms to deal 10x damage. It is super ridiculous. You receive it for answering the questions correctly from the Chavin Chieftain in the Chavin temple during the Caleuche DLC quest line. This is an Iwin button for any boss fight =P. I like using it on the final boss... think... drum shotgun + colt revolver. 2 day duration.

Support (Auxiliary) amulets

Monkey – 15% increase maximum weight. 45 day duration.
♥♥♥♥♥ Fan – Increase stealth on Land (it doesn't say, but I'm going to guess by 15% =P). 45 day duration.
Jade Turtle – 15% increase in luck. 45 day duration.
Monkey Fist – 15% increase in charisma. 30 day Duration
Merchant's Beads – 15% increase in trading skill. 30 day duration.
Ehecatl – Increase ship speed by 10%. 30 day Duration.
Arsenic – gets rid of rats on the ship it is used on. 60 Day duration.
Pilgrim – Increases angle to the wind by 15%. 30 day duration.
Fisherman – Increase Navigation skill by 10. 30 day duration.
Teredo – decrease consumption of planks used during automatic repair by 15%. 45 day duration.
Xochipilli – decrease consumption of sailcloth used during automatic repair by 15%. 45 day duration.
Seafarer's earring – Increases maneuverability of the ship by 15%. 45 day duration.

BA.8.iii – Amulets and Wards (Wards)

These are permanent effect items that go into the Talisman equipment slot. They can be removed without destroying them, and swapped out at will.

Rat God – Eliminates rats on the ship it is equipped on. Can be used by Charles or a Purser. Received from the locked chest under the sea on Justice Island. Also received from a chest in the Great Temple of Tayasal.

Jonas – Reduces damage from storms dramatically. Does not protect 100%, but close. Only for the ship it is equipped on. Can be used by a Navigator or companion. Received from Red Mary in return for giving her the Narwhal sword. Also received from Bart the Portuguese when you save him during the side Quest 'Long road to the Gallows'.

Scorpion – Makes the wearer immune to poison. Used by Charles or a boarder. Received from the cabin of a galleon during the Slave Trader side quest. Also received from a barrel under the sea on the Isle of Justice. You can also get more copies of this from random treasures rarely.

Hammer of Thor – Prevents cannons from exploding when fired. Used by a cannoneer. Found during the “Saving Red Mary” path on Justice Island, if you complete it a certain way. Also found on Ksocheatem.

Janissary – Eliminates Morale loss of crew for overloading. It also dramatically reduces the consumption of rum on a ship. Used by the boatswain or a companion. Given by Jan Svensson after The Pirate Saga is completed successfully, with Shark being elected and Helen receiving the island. Also found in a crate in the wrecked ship on Cursed Cove on Ksocheatem.

Goddess – Reduces the consumption of food on a ship dramatically. Used by doctor or companion. Found in the chest of Fazio during the side quest 'Bottom's up' on Justice Island. Also found in the cabin of Deigo de Montoya's flagship off the coast of Cape Catoche during the quest Seeking the Guardian of Truth.

Scarab Ring – Increases the speed of automatic repair by 50% per day. Used by the Ship Joiner or a companion. Received as a reward for returning Ole Christiansen to his mother, and also received by Fadey for returning the 2nd of his 3 swords.
BA.9 – Quirks and bugs
I wanted to just put here some things that I've experienced in the game that I have learned to work around, so hopefully if you encounter them you will be able to do the same.

I've pissed off an important npc and now they just cower in fear for all time from me - RIP. You need to be careful of this. Save often.... because as far as I know (testing to come) there is no way to unscrew the pooch. So people like Gino, marcus, jan, helen, mary, etc..... try not to upset them. They remain upset. FOREVER.

My officer will not equip a weapon I am giving him – This happens a lot. The way you get him/her to equip a weapon is to equip it yourself. Then remove it, and immediately trade it to them. They should auto-equip the item now, or you should be able to equip it on them. I don't know why this happens, it is a bug.

My officer will not unequip armor, or equip new armor – Officers (or even Charles) will not equip armor as long as they have a musket equipped. Remove the musket and now you should be able to equip armor.

Ships are sinking as soon as they touch each other – This happens and there is no way to stop it.

My companion ships keep boarding and trading their awesome ships for crappy ships – call the companion into the cabin and change their boarding options. Tell them not to trade their ship in.

I'm trying to play a good character, and I've done Flying The Jolly Roger, and now every few days my nobility drops – This is a bug in the game. After you do Flying The Jolly Roger your nobility will drop continuously forever! This is awesome if you are an evil character... but if you are trying to redeem yourself and be good it is crap. The only way to fix this is to have Hook's mod. There is a console txt file in the mod that allows you to execute lines of code.

To stop the madness, you need to put the following line somewhere in the body of that console txt file, save, and execute the console in-game. (default * ). After you execute it you can delete the line out of the console file and save and close.

DeleteAttribute(pchar, "questTemp.Mtraxx.CharleePrince");

Thats it. Yeah... they literally forgot to put this line of code at the end of the Nemesis quest in FTJR DLC for the English version. It is that simple. Unfortunately they haven't fixed it yet themselves, so we have to.
BA.10 – Generator Quests
Ok, so I'm not going to 100% go through the generator quests. I'm sorry. Most of them are very self-explanatory, and there are a ton of them. So instead I'm just going to say where you can get them, and what they do. I will go into some detail for some.

Sea Marathon ;Merchants in Taverns; Skills improved for completion: Luck, Navigation, Charisma

Hot Raid; sea captains in port- These missions can be ultra profitable. You can save before you board the captains ship to talk to him and load until you get a favorable loot/location. I usually just wait for a pirate that is carrying gold or silver, as it is a lone ship and you can go there immediately. The split is based on how many ships are in your squad at the time you speak to the captain the first time, so if you see a captain in port you can go buy a long boat and talk to him and increase your split by 25 or 33%. You have to take the long boat with you until you've finished the quest. Many times they will have 1000 or so gold, and with a 75% split coming your way you will end up making 750,000 pesos for a few minutes work.

Ransom; Pirate types in city; Turn in to comandant for honor and rep, or complete for money.

Rescue Smuggler; Smugglers in Selva

Prison; Prisoners; to get these quests you need to get past the commandant by bribes or fighting.

Brothels; Brothel Madame

Many quests; Random Nobles in City; If you take Nobles from one settlement to another you get Fame, Honor, Charisma, Navigation.

Many Quests; Church pastor and Wandering Monks; If there are bandits that stole money from the church, after you talk to a citizen in the tavern by drinking rum with them, you can find them somewhere in the selva on the island.

Shipyard; Search for specific ship or find a missing tool; for the missing tool talk to people in town until they tell you a hobo did it. You can find the hobo wandering around town now, or in the selva.

Delivery missions; Shop Merchants; Delivering goods gives Honor, Charisma, Navigation and Trade .

Escort merchants; Merchants in Taverns; Completing these quests give Charisma, Luck, Sneak and a little in all ship skills. You will be attacked by Gentlement of Fortune, the number of which depends on the number of ships in your squad.

Captive Captains will somtimes give quests. It is possible they are lying.

Easy Prey: Drunks in taverns, Barkeeps, Lighthouse Keepers; tips on ships carrying goods. Sometimes its a trap.

Captains of ships you are boarding; sometimes people you are killing will offer you quests

Girl in the jungle; offer a variety of rewards for helping her not get raped; If you offers you sex and you refuse her pimp will attack you, giving you positive honor.

Fugitives in the jungle; escort them somewhere or put them in your crew

Harbormaster; return stolen ship; find a ship of a certain quality; return log book to a captain that just left. The best way to gain reputation with a nation is to return stolen ships.

Governor Quests: Lots of quests. Most of them give you Charisma, Luck, and Stealth.

I want to make a special note of one of the quests. When they tell you to hunt down smugglers in the region. They will say in the next 5 days. Save, and go wait at a bay somewhere. Wait until halfway through th 4th day and save. Go to global. If you get a quest update saying you ran away, they have appeared. So load and sail around the island until you find them. They are generally at one of the landing locations on the island. You get to keep the slaves for these quests, so they can be very profitable.
CA.1 Landing in Martinique
And thus, let the walkthrough commence! Admittedly there is a wealth of information regarding this part of the game, even in English. In the interest of having everything in one place, like I said before, I will indeed reinvent the wheel here. If you like someone elses guide for this, well I won't invoke a vendetta against you for it.

Preparing to meet your brother

When you land at the docks of Martinique, a man will greet you. He is the tutorial monster, and will drag you around town at a walking pace, eager to show you the sights and give you some tidbits of info. Do this if you must on your first playthrough. It may very well be informative... I forget. Afterwards, however, you need to prepare to meet the governor and ask him about your brother, Michel.

If you didn't have me whispering in your ear then likely you would run over to him, like I did the first time, and ask him flat out whats up. This is, unfortunately, a mistake. He is the suspicious sort and is going to take all your stuff and throw you into a dungeon.... ♥♥♥♥. The time has already begun to tick on your first ship, you have a week, but I'm going to give you some info on how to keep a hold of your meager possessions.

Firstly if you want to keep your sword you need to find a replacement. Charles de Maure will NOT go without a weapon. He just won't. So you can either check the local weapon seller for a harpoon, or take a look inside local houses. Just wait till they turn away and then snatch stuff from their chests. You can savescum this bit if you really want, and keep going until they have something good in their chests, or until there isn't anyone in the house to give you trouble. Your call, but I honestly wouldn't waste to much time on this, there is money to be made in other ways.

Once you have your sacrificial weapon in hand... literally... then you can go to the tavern. Do a little gambling if you like, but recall what I said about savescum gambling. With your luck you will probably just lose more than you will win, but again... if you really want to... go for it! Just make sure you keep a few pesos to pay for a room...

Take a room until the next morning at the tavern and put your stuff into the nightstand there. Optionally you can make a run to the local fort (out of town and to the right) and around the front of the fort facing the sea there is another chest that you can dump your stuff into. This will waste less time, but you shouldn't really need the extra time if you are following this guide. As they say... To Each His Own.

Quest: The Burden of Gascon Part 1
Difficulty: Easy
enemies: none
Time Sensitive: 1 week from the start of the game
Required items: 17,000 pesos to start....
Reward: A lugger, and you get to start the game!

Once you have your gear safely stored, you can go see the governor and listen to his insane prattle. He will lock you up, and de Poincy, the governor-general of the French Colonies, will come let you out after telling you that your brother is a turd. He's keeping your stuff though, cause... he can. If you go back to the governor after this, the guy feels bad about it and actually gives you better stuff to get you going. Little did he know all you gave him was a stupid rusty shank you found in a cupboard somewhere.

Go to the Maltese order dungeon, around back behind the jail you came out of, and make your way to the bottom level to talk to your brother, Michel. He's going to tell you stuff, but most importantly that he has put a deposit down on a lugger with the local shipyardsman. All you need to do is get the rest of the money to pay the man and you have yourself a ship, which is all you need in order to rule the world insert maniacal laughter here.

Alternately you can say the bottom option when talking to Michel, and he will offer you a chance to skip the tutorial and just go get your money from the local abbot. Dude makes you pay him back though... and also that isn't what this walkthrough is about so... to hell with his money!

You can run to the shipyard and talk to the guy, and he will tell you how many days you have left to make good on the ship order. If you take any other quests before you do this then he won't talk to you about it, but no matter its still there. Now it is time to make some money!

Depending on whether or not you are worried about time, you can either spend another night at the tavern to get your stuff back, or just leave it there for later. It probably wasn't anything important anyway.

Quest: The ♥♥♥♥♥-Master
Difficulty : Trivial
Time sensitive: no
enemies: none
Required items: 2500 – 5000 pesos
Reward: 1000 – 3500 pesos and unlocking the "wait" feature.

First order of business, there is a nobleman, Gilbert Montagne, walking around town (starts in front of the church), who is interested in a very specific ♥♥♥♥♥ at the local brothel. Since he is an upstanding gentleman of means, it is beneath him to be seen at such an establishment. Therefore he will send someone without scruples (that's you by the way), to fetch his ♥♥♥♥♥. He will give you 6000 pesos, and you can negotiate the hooker's fee, and keep whats left over. (Note: If you save before you talk to him, that is when the madame sets her prices. So if she does something stupid like makes you pay 4500 pesos at best, then you can load and talk to him again and then go talk to her. The best price is the top option for 2500. 2nd best is bottom option for 3000.)

This guy.

You can save before you go inside the local brothel, and you will talk to the madame. The price she charges you is set as soon as you took the quest. The lowest price for the top option is 2500, and lowest price for bottom option is 3000. Otherwise the top will cost you 5000 and the bottom 4500. Regardless you get to keep a fat 1000 – 3500 peso profit. All that is left is for you to wait until 23:00 and come retrieve your merchandise. If you go past 00:00 you will need to wait for the next night. Don't beat yourself up over it.

Once you make it there at 23:00 – 00:00 , you tell the blonde girl Lutisse about her date, and lead her back to the house in the far corner near the Malta Order dungeon. She will say her goodbyes, for some reason telling her that the dude you met on the street for two seconds is a good man (not my problem!), and you are done.

CA.1 Landing in Martinique (Part 2)
Quest: Cannibalism does not exist
Difficulty : Normal
enemies: 3 little indians, 4 little indians. But you have Prosper!
Time Sensitive: Immediate
Required items: none
Reward: 3 healing potions, Amulet "Ritual Knife", 1 Antidote, Machete, 8000 pesos, 35 Doubloons, Amulet

The local harbor master has a friend who is in trouble. He is right outside near the gates, and is all ready to go on a rampage in the jungle. The guy will tell you a story about his missing daughter, who was going to the fort and never arrived. He believes local cannibal Indians are to blame. You might be skeptical, but offer to help him anyway.

Exit the town and head left, you will enter the selva. If this is your first time here, you will see two indians running away. Closer investigation will reveal a corpse. Loot it of all its contents, which include some earrings. These are for a different quest, so move along and follow those Indians. Seems like there is trouble in the jungle after all...
Next Selva you want to go right at the fork. When you approach the next zone the guy will give you a little battle strategy. I'd ignore that.... he's invincible so what does he know? When you enter the screen get out of his way so his first shot doesn't hit you in the back and instead kills one of the enemies, then you can stand next to him and wait for the other two. One will probably go for him, which is good, leaving you to have a duel with the 3rd. Slow down time if you need to with the – key... this is the only time I'm going to remind you of this, it is part of the combat section of tips =P.
After you dispatch your guy, you can help the other dude. After that talk to him and get ready for the next screen... the cave. It is a much more difficult fight so save before you go in. There will be 4 guys in the cave, and if you stay where you are the guy behind you can't shoot them. So you will want to rush past the 4 and situate yourself in the hallway that leads out to the grotto.This will force them to come 1 or 2 at a time, and give your buddy a clear shot. If you are lucky they will all go after him. Get to it, I'll still be here.

Once you are done, the daughter runs out and tells you that those savages were eating people! Well I'll be damned... this place is fricking scary. Make sure to loot the corpses, you'll find an amulet and an antidote and a machete on one of the corpses. Talk to the guy in the other room to hear more atrocities, and then you can loot the nearby chest and leave. The chest may or may not have anything in it... its random... oooh I got some rum! Score.

Outside the guy tells you what an awesomely swell dude you are, and that you will get rewards back in town. Well the girl looks like crap right now... but maybe with a wash, she has a nice rack, oh... he means money. Head back to town and they will meet you at the gate inside. Good ole Prosper will tell you how awesome you are again and hand you 5000 pesos, 15 doubloons, and an amulet (mine was pole axe, not sure if its random). The other guy will give you 3000 pesos, and 20 Doubloons, and a pat on the back as well. You are finished with this quest.

Quest: Stolen Jewelry
Difficulty: Trivial
enemies: none
Time sensitive: no
Required items: Earrings with Cameo
Reward: 4000 pesos or a Cheap Map

If you read through the last quest you know the earrings of which I speak. If you skipped it for some reason...

The first time you go to the selva directly left out of town you will see two Indians run away from a corpse. Loot the corpse and all its contents, including the Earrings with Cameo. If you take these earrings back to town you can either sell them to the shop owner for 4000 pesos (bad idea), or give them to the governor in exchange for a cheap map (good idea!). Even if you don't need the map, which you likely don't if you have the map mod or... the internet.... it will still sell to the monk guy at the market square for 6k or more. Quest is done.

Quest: The Missing Assistant
Difficulty: Trivial
enemies: none
Time sensitive: no
Required items: 1000 pesos, a Can-do attitude.
Reward: 7000 pesos, or 3500 pesos and 25 doubloons, or 5500 pesos and 10 amber and 1 blue amber

The local shopkeeper wants you to find his missing assistant, Gralam Lavoie. He isn't in town, so you'll have to look elsewhere. He is actually in the pirate nest on the other side of the island, so you might as well grab the other quests that will take you out there before you go. Don't worry, I'll wait.
Oh good you are done? Great. So you just need to run over to the pirate nest (left, right, left) and you can find the guy either in the local shop, or walking around town, or in the tavern, or possibly in one of the shacks. He has a tricorn hat on. He'll tell you he left because the shop owner was a scrooge, and he's found a better job. Go tell the shopkeeper that (left, right, left), and get your crappy reward (1000 pesos), and he will send you off to find him a new assistant.

For this you will need to go back to Le Francois, this time to the tavern. Ask the barkeep if he knows anyone, and he will tell you he does... for a fee. Oh.. 1000 pesos, easy come, easy go right? Pay the man and then wait an hour and some guys will show up. After interviewing them they all offer you a bribe, awesome. The worker that the guy will be most pleased with is the one who offers you the sack of amber along with 500 pesos. It will also net the most money overall. Return Lambert Payant(name is random) to the shopkeeper and you will get 5000 pesos for the job, as well as the amber and 500 pesos from Lambert.

CA.1 Landing in Martinique (Part 3)
Quest: Bottleneck Commodity
Difficulty: Trivial
enemies: none
Time Sensitive: 1 week
Required items: Excellent Wine (700 pesos), Lots of Excellent Wine (up to 30,000 pesos worth), 3,000 pesos, a patient and understanding demeanor.
Rewards: 1000 Pesos, up to 60000 pesos.

Go to the fort that is direclty right out of the gate of Saint-Pierre. Go ahead and go around the front of the fort if you haven't and check the chest for loot. The guy on the right who is guarding the entrance to the fort has a quest for you.

The one on the right.

He wants some wine, and not the crap they make on this island either, but European wine... otherwise just known as Excellent Wine. He will be waiting for you at the top of the fort any time tomorrow. One of the merchants in town will sell you a bottle, just ask them about it. Return the bottle to the guy any time after midnight, he will be waiting for you on the top of the fort from now on. After you sell him the bottle talk to him again about more.

He will tell you that he is interested in up to 60 bottles of win, but not less than 10, Ay Caramba! This is, by the way, the biggest money maker of the entire beginning quest. I suggest that you save up enough money from all the other quests on the island and buy the entire 60 bottles of wine for this. Anyway, to do this you go back to one of the merchants in the town, and he will promptly tell you that 60 bottles is out of his depth. After a little wheedling and 1000 pesos he will tell you (surprise surprise...) that his wholesaler is the store owner. Go talk to that guy, I'm already salivating over this deal.

Storekeep tells you... you are nuts. He doesn't sell that stuff. Go away. MERDE! Go back and talk to that jerk in the market, but um, be polite. I'm serious, be polite. Tell him there has been some misunderstanding and that you'd like to understand it. If you try to be a bully you will fail the quest. The guy will tell you that the store owner just is wary of dealing with people he doesn't know, and for a small fee of 2000 pesos he can give you a referral. UGH. Fine. Give him his cut, and go back to the store keeper. Make sure at this point you have 30,000 pesos left on you, if you don't, go finish other quests or find another way to get 30,000 pesos, like stealing and gambling. You will literally double your money here. See if this letter changes matters, store keeper guy. It does, and he offers to sell you as many bottles of wine as you want, but no less than 20. So if you don't have enough for all 60, you can get less, but whatever you do get, you will double your cash, so the more the merrier (but not more than 60!).

Assuming you can carry all this wine... run, or limp, back to the fort. Give the bottles to the soldier at the top and reap your 1000 pesos per bottle reward! Commerce is awesome!

Quest: Rum Matters
Difficulty: Trivial (if you can read)
Time Sensitive: Must be finished same day you receive.
Required items: Reading skills.
Rewards: Spyglass (unlocking Go-to at sea), 5000 pesos, 3 bottles of rum

Important: do not quicksave while on the "Ghost", your game may break.

Talk to the Tavern owner in Saint-Pierre. He will offer you a smuggling job. He wants you to meet some people who have rum for him off the coast of lamentin bay tonight. Some guys in a long boat will pick you up at the dock at 19:00. Do not miss the time or you will not get a chance to do the quest again. Oh, and by the way, the tavern keeper gives you the password to tell the smugglers so they will give you the rum. There are like four different possible passwords, so you need to read what he told you otherwise you are going to be looking them all up on the internet and guessing a few times. He hands you a spyglass to help you out (it allows you to Go-To at sea).

After you have read and memorized or written down the password, go ahead and advance the time to 19:00, or anytime between 19:00 and 20:00 will do. The boat will be waiting at the dock for you now. Board and head out to sea (changing the wind direction with Hook's mod until its blowing so you can go out and then right). Hang a right out of the bay and cruise along the coast. Open the "Go-To" menu and wait for Lamentin bay to pop up. After you go there, open the menu again and you should see the ship "Ghost". Go there. After that use the menu again to send a long boat to the ship. Once you arrive on the ship you will be greeted by the captain, and you will be required to type in the password. I hope you remember it or wrote it down, this isn't multiple choice. Spelling counts.

The 5 possible passwords
"the boards and the oakum will be here in the morning"

"the camels are going north"

"don't wait for the south wind"

"old Thomas has grown tired of waiting for the beer"

"the bay is ready for disembarkation"

Well since you just got it wrong and failed the quest I'll wait for you to reload, look up the passwords on the internet, and try again. Hum Hum Hum.... ok are you ready now? Now that you have your cargo head back to sea, Go-to Lamatin Bay again, and then start going south along the coast. Once the port of Saint-Pierre pops up on your go-to, you can go there, but remember we are going to the port of Le Francois, so immediately open the menu again and go there now. This just saves you a little sailing time.... Go to shore, and some guys will meet you to unload the cargo. At this point you can leave and go back to town. If you did this quickly enough you might even have time to go pick up your hooker if you haven't already! Multitasking like a pro! Return to the barkeep at your leisure, and he will give you payment and some rum, proving you have done a great deed for society at large! You are done!

CA.1 Landing in Martinique (Part 4)
Quest: The Burden of Gascon Part 1 (continued)
Difficulty: Normal
enemies: a tartan, optionally some pirates and a spaniard
Time Sensitive: no
Required items: 25,000 pesos, (possibly another 10,000 for Folke's debt), 100 of each ammunition for lugger, 200 gunpowder for lugger, 100 food for lugger, 100 medicine for lugger, 50 weapons for lugger, 10 rum for lugger.
Rewards: Lugger, 40 crew, Navigator Officer, Freedom from this stupid island, Unlocking the full game.

Yeah, we are still doing this quest. You have hopefully made your money by now, and are sitting on a tidy sum of over 60,000 pesos! If not, you didn't follow my guide! Go give 17,000 to the guy at the shipyard and he will give you a lugger... yay..., well at least it came with cannons and some ammo. Now you just need a crew. Head to the tavern where sailor types like to hang out when they aren't sailing. Talk to the tavern keep and ask him about a crew. Apparently no one is going to sail with a landlubber like you, except maybe the guy at the table behind you. He is just desperate enough to go to sea to die. I mean... he doesn't even know how to use a chair... oh boy. Here we go. The sailor wants 8000 pesos to hire on him and his 40 "experienced" crew. You just need to make certain you have medicine and food for them. Go buy some of that, at least 120 medicine and 200 food should do it, but I usually buy out the 500 food available.

Now you just need a navigator... since you couldn't pilot a raft around a swimming pool. Tavern keeper will tell you to ask around town. Start hitting up the sailors and the other men around town until one of them has something interesting to tell you. A Nav-guy by the name of Folke Deluc is spending time in the clink for debts, and that is your best bet. Go to the commandant and talk about Folke, and he will tell you that the banker (who else?) owns his debt. Go ask him about it. He'll tell you that the man's debt is valued at a little over 10,000 pesos. We are flush with cash so we could just pay that down... but what would be the fun in that? Time for a little espionage! Banker will give you the debt for a little favor. Go at 21:00 to Le Marin Cove and save some spaniard for some unknown reason. You are at war with the Spanish, so just know you will be sneaking back into town with this guy. The banker will be waiting for you in the bank...

Head out of town and go to Le Marin Cove (left, right, right, straight). Before you enter the cove wait until 21:00 – 22:00. You may want to save now as you have a fight ahead of you. On the beach you'll meet some pirates who are holding your new friend hostage.


After a very brief conversation with them they will attack you. You can run to the other side of the beach where there are rocks in order to block them from coming at you all at once. After you dispatch them the extremely grateful Castillian talks to you, and then attacks you. Seems he doesn't like his odds with the French any more than the pirates. Beat some sense into him, and he will come with you. Head back to the city, and then wait until midnight, when the guards will for some reason no longer be guarding the gates. Sneak past the guards (as long as they aren't facing you you can walk past them, but save all the same, it might take a few tries) and wing left into the bank. The banker will happily buy the Spaniard off you for Folkes debt. Woot your first slave sale! Now you can head back to the prison commandant, who will release the debtor into your custody. Sweet, now you have your own slave.

Time to head for the ole lugger! On your way out you get interrupted by a shady character who offers you a sweet deal. Pick up some more liquor in Le Francois and carry it somewhere for 10,000 pesos?! Seems like I can't even say no if I wanted to! Lets do it.

First we need to talk to our new Nav-guy in the cabin. He'll tell you that while your ship is sea-worthy, you are woefully unprepared to go to sea. Go grab some ammo and gunpowder for starters. 200 gunpowder and 100 of each ammo. Welp, time to go back to shore. By the way, I hope you are checking the vendors periodically for more ammo, amulets, and rum! Friendly reminder!

OK I could be a jerk and have you run back and forth from the store to the ship all day looking like the landlubber you are... which is apparently what Folke likes to make you do. While you are at the store, however, you might as well also get the at least 50 weapons and 10 barrels of rum you need. If not, Folke is going to just make you go back twice more to get those... one at a time...

I'm going to go ahead and point out that if you are inside one of the buildings in town you can use go-to in order to teleport straight to the dock. Save you some running around time. Same thing for going to any building in town. Get used to using the go-to menu to get around more quickly.

Allllllrighty then, time to set sail! Finally! Wow I feel like I've been here for a week taking in the sights. First of all lets go over to Port Le Francois and pick up our cargo. Oh yeah, make sure to put Folke in his job.

Go-to the tavern and talk to the guy about his shipment of wine... that... doesn't exist.... crap. Hurry back to your boat, something is fishy.


Your very first fight is with a tartan. This bad boy is equipped with 6 slingshots and 7.1 stereo surround sound baby. Your best bet, and so you aren't stuck in an endless game of who can miss the most shots because we have like 1 accuracy, is to load the grape shot and go in close for a volley. You can try for more than one, but the thing has half your crew to start with, so one good point blank shot should put the odds firmly in your favor. Thing doesn't even have a captain... so just defeat the crew on deck and you win. Take the remaining suckers (15 survived my assault... ouch) and get out of dodge. Time to head north to Guadeloupe.

CA.1 Landing in Martinique (Part 5) (Manga Rosa)
Once you land in Basse-Terre, you need to head to Fadey's place. Just go straight in from the dock and its the second house on the left. Can't miss it, smell of vodka is coming out of there.

Go away I'm drinking.

Ask him about collecting on the debt Michel was talking about... and he will over you some dagger instead of money. Typical. A magic dagger you say? No kidding... Throw in a magic bean and you got yourself a deal mister!

After he gives you his dagger ask about his theft. He will tell you about his persian sword collection, important! We will keep an eye out for those. In other news, an Indian tried to break in as well. He's being shown off as the main attraction at the jail if we have the time, and we do.

We go to see Tichingitu in the prison.

Greetings Red Skinned Brother.

What? Your wife died? You lost your tribe? You just wanted food?? Wow man... tough break. Maybe I can do something about that, after all I'm a man with connections. First lets talk to the commandant. He doesn't give a rat's flaming arse. Lets go talk to our connections then. Go ahead and stop by the bank, you need some doubloons... your connections are pretty crap so you probably will need gold.. hint hint. It would be awesome to have 100, and you likely have 35. So buy 65 doubloons at least.

Talk to Fadey now about the Indian. Sigh, he wants 100 doubloons. Woah I just happen to HAVE 100 doubloons. The world works in mysterious ways. Give him the 100 doubloons. Now go get your first real slave. Talk to the commandant and he will not understand, but he doesn't get paid to care. He will release the Indian into your custody. Talk to Tichingitu outside of town, and he will pledge his life in service to you. 100 doubloons for a life-long devoted bodyguard. I would call that a deal any day of the week. The guy is way better then you at fighting right now, and he can fire a gun like a pro. He doesn't really know anything about ships... but maybe some day!

Well now that we've bought an Indian and received a dagger as repayment of some astronomical debt, time to head back to Michel and give him the good news. Hell, we may have the 1 million pesos he needs already!

While you are here, go land at Cape Inaccessible and go into the selva (one screen in) to grab your first Manga Rosa.

So Michel, look what I have, and I only had to trade our only milking cow for it! Eat that with your E pluribus Unum mumbo jumbo. Huh? Worthless you say? Crap.

So now I need a million pesos. Well where to start? Maybe Fadey has a job for us? Hint... he does, and you only have 10 days to go get it or it expires. So go get it. As for this part of the Burden of Gascon, you are done. The game is now open for freeplay, but go get that quest.
CA.2 – Brief interlude (Now that the game is unlocked)
So the game is unlocked. Good for you. Now is when the real fun starts. Aside from only having 10 days to go get that quest from Fadey, the world is your oyster. Don't get too comfortable though, because there are some things you need to know. For one, and I've said this before but I'll say it again because its really important, some quests are blocked out if you level past rank 15. So if you spend too much time in freeplay at this point you may miss out on some key events in the story. It won't break your game, but you may want to experience them, so I am just warning you.

At this point in the game you can do things like... replenish the crew you threw away at that tartan battle because I told you to charge in. You can also start snatching up quests from local people, shipyards, and shop keepers. Some of the early quests can give you some really great loot. I would also advise you set your sights on a sloop, it has more deadweight, more crew, and more firepower than a lugger, at the cost of a little speed and maneuverability. Well worth the upgrade. You can either buy one at a shipyard, or take one from a pirate out on the high seas. I vote pirate. If you are worried about leveling too much, just save after you leave Saint-Pierre and then attack the first little pirate ship you see. If it isn't a sloop, load and try again, even if it is the same battle the ships are randomly generated when you enter the battle map. You don't want any class 4 ships, you don't have the nav skill to handle them and they are going to be tough for your lugger anyway. A single sloop is your best bet. You will probably want to hold on to that sloop until you manage to finish the Indian chief quest, as it requires a sloop to do, this is at rank 8.

You can also now HIRE OFFICERS. Score. Lord knows you need them. You can't captain your way out of a wet paper sack with a hole in it. Once you have a little cash in your pocket you can save-scum your way to a full officer contingent! Officers are now found in taverns randomly, and their disposition is also equally random. Some people like to think that more evil officers are found in pirate towns, while good ones are found in regular taverns. I do not find this to be true. I think it is completely random. The quickest way to tell if an officer is "evil" or "good" is how he replies to your question about being an officer. If they are ♥♥♥♥-sure of themselves they are evil, if they are humble, they are good. So if they say they are "the best damned BLANK in these waters!" then they are a scumbag. If they say "People say I'm not a bad BLANK", then they are polite to their mama and go to church on Sunday. As long as you have the cash, you might as well fill out your crew. It will give you an edge in the battles to come, and the sooner you get them on board, the sooner their skills will start going up as well. The perk Shared experience helps when leveling your officers. The trick to finding officers is to save right before you enter a tavern. If there are some unique looking people sitting at the tables, they could be officers. Talk to them and see. If not, you can reload your save and try again. Once you settle on hiring an officer then more won't show up for at least another day, sometimes more. Best to just go to the next port and try again.

If you are looking for companions, that is, people to captain other vessels in your squad, then they are really best pulled from pirate ships. Pirate captains can be held and captives, and recruited from your hold. Find one of a similar nature to yerself, and hire him. They often have very rounded out skills, and that is what you need from a companion because they have to do everything themselves with no officers.

A Tip about handling a squadron – DONT DO IT. Naw... but really they do suck. They are more frustrating than useful most of the time. I don't find it very useful to have more than 1 other ship in my fleet, or maybe 2 at most. For one you will want spots open to capture enemy vessels that are full of loot and/or capable of carrying loot, or to sell to shipyards. For two it is just too much trouble to keep track of them when they do stupid things like charge the enemy and get boarded... or ram into you and sink you both. Anyway you can call a companion from your cabin and change how they react when it comes to boarding. Chances are you won't want them giving up the ship you gave them, so go ahead and tell them that, but maybe you do. By default they will swap ships with whomever comes close to them. Sending all cargo they had on their former ship to the bottom with it. If you don't want them doing that... you have to tell them. You can also tell them not to board at all, which I feel is mostly preferable, since they don't do anything but sink the ship they board if they aren't taking it. I mostly just sit them behind me somewhere to draw fire from far away enemy ships. That way they waste shots on them instead of me, who is usually closing in to grape-shot and board.
CA.2.i – Available Side Quests
Quest: I want your Shop, Your Goods, and Your Life.
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: optionally some bodyguards
Time Sensitive: Immediately
Requirements: Rank 5 or lower
Required Items: The Animus (actually nothing).
Reward: 35500 pesos, assorted gemstones and gold nuggets.

The first shop keeper you visit, even if you just go there from Michel in Saint-Pierre, will want help with a special favor. (Ok maybe not the first. Sometimes you have to visit a few. I've found this quest in Barbados and also in Port Royal, Basse-Terre and Saint-Pierre) He wants you to go to the tavern and find a guy and send him to his shop. The person you are looking for will be fairly obvious... he's the only dude in the tavern that looks like he walked out of Assassin's Creed.

Send him on his way and report back. Ask the merchant if you can be of any assistance, as it seems like he requires the Brotherhood to guard his store. He will say that he's fine, but if you could just deliver a letter to the commandant of the prison, he'd pay you 300 pesos. Sure why not, after all, I can teleport there!

The Commandant is tired of hearing this store owners whinging about smugglers, and tells you to tell him so. You, being the good hearted samaritan that you are, will offer to get to the bottom of this notorious ring of cutthroats! Where best to find smugglers, but the tavern? To the tavern! Talk to the smuggler there, he's the only pirate looking guy in the place (now that Altair is gone). Ask him about some unusual business, and hint that you have some stuff to sell and are looking for a great deal. I wouldn't ask about the owner... I just thought that was a bit crass, so I've never tried, the bottom option seems to do the trick.
Smuggler tells you to meet him at night at the harbormaster. Wait until all the shops are closed (past 21:00), and then knock on the harbormaster's door. A pirate looking guy will come running and lead you to a nearby house. Here you meet the face of evil itself! Go ahead and tell him you are working for an interested party that wants to shut him down, he will sic his pirate bodyguards on you. If you need to run back to the staircase and use it to fight the guys one at a time. After they are dead, you can confront the "merchant". Tell him if he gives you all his stuff, he can leave with his life. He will hand you 20500 pesos and a random amount of gems and gold nuggest. If you save before you talk to him you can savescum the gem portion of the reward to maximize your profits. You wouldn't do that though... would you?
After this you will be ported outside, and you can wait until morning to talk to your benefactor. He will be very pleased to hear his competition is gone, to the tune of an additional 15000. Not bad for a night's work!

Quest: Slave Trader (Part 1)
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: your conscience.
Time Sensitive: No
Requirements: none
Required items: none
Quest giver: Random usurer. This quest is NOT given in the following cities. Havana, Santiago, Panama, Capsterville, Williamstad, Port Royal.
Reward: 250 pesos per slave he asks for

At some point when you visit a banker he will offer you a quest to bring him some slaves. He will pay you 250 pesos per slave. A low amount to be sure, but this is the start of a long... friendship.... well whatever just bring him the slaves. They have to be all in one batch. There is no time limit so don't worry about it until you are ready. The next quest requires you to take a galleon, and beyond that it just gets much... much worse. I only put this quest here at all because you may run into it and be wondering. My advice: leave it for now, we'll come back to it later.

The best way to get slaves for this quest is to receive the smugglers quest from a governor. Governors that offer this for certain are Guadeloupe, Curacao, Jamaica, and Port-Au-Prince. Probably a lot of others do, but I wasn't able to squeeze it out of the Saint-Pierre governor, so if you want to be certain go to one of these 4 ports. You can either hope to randomly stumble upon it, but my favorite method is to go up to the governor and save. See if he has the quest, and if he doesn't, load the save and rest for a day. See if he has the quest. If not, load the save and rest for a day. The quest he gives is generated randomly each day, so instead of wasting a lot of days resting, you can just waste the same day over and over until he has the quest you want.

Alternately, you can go out hunting slaves from trade vessels and roaming pirates, but at early stages of the game you might have a hard time finding large numbers that will surrender to you. Trade vessels sometimes will even if the odds are not hugely in your favor.

There may be more side quests you will have access to, if you are leveling your butt off, but for now I'm going to go back to the main quests, because you returned to Fadey before that 10 days was up, right? He has an assignment for you if so.

Fadey's Persian Swords
I put this here just to say that I put it in detail further down under Rank 8 – 15 side quests. If you start boarding rank 3 ships before you get down there, then you might take a look so you don't miss the scimitar (hint: its on random rank 3 ships...).
DA.1 The Caribbean in a Nutshell (Part 1)
Quest: Carribbean in a Nutshell, Part 1
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: probably an interceptor
Time Sensitive: 10 days (to deliver the goods, not to see Fadey)
Requirements: Go to Fadey within 10 days like I said.
Required Items: 2500 bombs and Gunpowder (provided)
Quest Giver: Fadey in Basse-Terre Guadaloupe
Rewards: 5000 pesos

Fadey does indeed have an assignment for you, so don't let him down. Meet with his contact the next day at the store, and he will give you further orders. When you talk to the guy who is standing in the store, he will tell you that he would like you to deliver a load of bombs and gunpowder to the fort of Port-Au-Prince. Easy enough as long as you have enough cargo space... If you are still sporting that same 700 deadweight lugger, its going to be a tight fit. Hopefully you didn't pick up say... 200 deadweight of contraband goods you can't get rid of easily <sigh>. Guess I'm going to be buying me a 1100 deadweight sloop here in Basse-Terre after all. So much for taking my own advice. Now that you are loaded down with enough explosives to shame Unabom, its time to head to Hispaniola.

Once you have arrived, oh by the way were you chased by pirates? Probably. You can out run them with the battle map if you want, or fight them. Likely you don't have room for any plunder though... so I pick outrun. If you chose fight, more power to you. Go out of Port-Au-Prince and hang a right to the fort, go to the bottom and through the armory door to talk to the commander there. He will be happy to take the load of bombs and gunpowder out of your hold and give you some cash. Nice.

Quest: Caribbean in a Nutshell, Part 2
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: Spanish Interceptor
Time Sensitive: 14 days
Requirements: Complete Part 1 successfully
Required Items: 15 24 lbs cannons (provided)
Quest Giver: Commander of the fort at Port-Au-Prince
Rewards: 200 doubloons

The commander will ask you to deliver some cannons to a ship preparing to battle on the spanish main. On your way down south to Portobello you will likely encounter a spanish interceptor. Take care of this, or out run it if you have to using the battle map. It is just a sloop after all. Well just know you need to keep yourself in fighting condition for when you finish delivering your cannons, so don't get too excited about engaging everyone. Once get to Portobello go to the battle map far out of reach of the fort, closer to Mosquito Bay. Use the Go-To menu to travel to the Warlike, and send a boat to mee the captain there. They will spend a few hours unloading the cannons and give you 200 doubloons for your efforts. Not bad.

Quest: Caribbean in a Nutshell, Part 3
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: none if you are sneaky
Time Sensitive: 2 days
Requirements: Complete Part 2 successfully
Required Items: 5000 pesos and to be one with the night.
Rewards: 250 Doubloons

After delivering the cannons the captain of Warlike will ask you if you'd like to earn an additional 250 gold. Seems as if one of his spies has gone missing, and he'd like you to sneak into Portobello at night and see what the problem is. Easy peasy... right? This is likely your first stealth mission into town if that is what you just said.

So travel through the selva, keep to the left to get to town. Wait until night-time and you can pass through the gates without the guards harrassing you. From here you can either make your way to the tavern (its facing the docks) at night, avoiding every guard's line of sight, or you can wait until morning. Enemy cities are much easier to walk around during the day. Guards will stop and engage in chat with citizens, and you can just walk right by them.

Once you are in the tavern, don't talk to the barkeep about your "friend" the merchant. This will just bring the guards. Instead have a friendly chat over some rum with one of the people at the tables. They will gossip freely about how a French spy has been caught trying to learn something about the spanish warship that is in dock. Bummer. So now we need to find out more about this ship, but asking directly is probably a terrible idea... considering recent events in town.

Hey, I have an idea, lets send a tramp. For one, no one notices or suspects a hobo of anything but being a hobo. Two, they will do anything for money. And last but not least, if he dies I don't care. Go out of the tavern and find someone who looks like they've been rolling around in crap and getting into fights with squirrels over nuts. (Bums don't appear in town until after noon.)

Hey, you'll do.

Ask the tramp to do something for you for money. You know he will. For 5000 pesos he says he has some friends at the docks and as a service to spain and the governor he will find out what they know and have been telling dirty frog eating spies. Meet him at the shipyard at 23:00 that night to see what he's learned. Just walk right up behind the guards at the dock and rest until 23:00 – 24:00, and then run forward. Talk to El Trampo, and he will tell you some news about the ship. It is waiting in port for gunpowder, because it doesn't have enough for a fight. Wierd though, the governor himself ordered this, and so why do you need to know about it? Um, it has all been a ruse! I just wanted to see who talks to French spies! Now take your money and get out of here.

After you pay the man for his information you can go back to Florian Shoke, the captain of the Warlike. This is the easy part..... RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN. Save before you do this in case your companion gets killed or something. Just put away your weapon before you try to open gate to get out. Go back to Mosquito bay (Left, Right, Right) and go-to the Warlike and send a boat to report to the captain. He will be very pleased (aside from the little snafu of his agent being caught, doh) to hear that the ship he has to fight has no gunpowder. He will give you the coins, and by now you are eager for your next task.

DA.1 The Caribbean in a Nutshell (Part 2)
Quest: The Caribbean in a Nutshell, Part 4
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Barque
Time Sensitive: 3 days
Requirements: Complete part 3 successfully
Required Items: none
Rewards: 5000 pesos, Matchlock musket, 20 doubloons, ordinary spyglass, 400 doubloons

The captain understandably does not want the shipment of gunpowder to reach the Alacantra. So your job is to intercept the Barque that is carrying said gunpowder and make certain that this comes to pass. It is on the way from Cartagena, so lets head down the coast and see what is to be seen.

If you go towards Cartagena you will see a ship with purple sails on the global map. This is the Puebla, your target. It is a trading vessel, but it is still overloaded with crew, so you'll need to whittle away at it with grapeshot before you board. Engage and sink or board that mofo, preferably board because it has special loot. In the captains chest you may find yourself 5000 pesos, a matchlock musket, 20 doubloons, and an ordinary spyglass. Yay! Don't forget to check the dresser over there either. It has a talisman "Stayer", along with the recipe to make it. At this point the Spanish are really started to get tired of your meddling. Your reputation is probably hostile with them now, unless for some crazy reason you've managed to buy a trade license already and have been doing business with the Castillians.

Now its time to head back to our merchant friend and collect the final reward from him.

Once you get back to Basse-Terre, head to the local shop. (If a guy runs up to you and asks you to take him somewhere for a couple chests of gold, say yes.) That blasted cheat Gerard is no where to be found! Lets give the shopkeeper a piece of our mind! Listen you dirtbag... oh... I see... ahem. Well thank you very much kind sir for the coins, I bid you a good day and a fine morrow <bow>.

Sweet, 400 doubloons! ARRRR! Time to go back to see Fadey.

You are still kinda salty about that dagger, so you are going to have a little bit of a talk with Santa Claus over here. He convinces you again (you county bumpkin you) that the dagger is awesome. He offers again to have a drink with you, he's gone some chilled Russian Vodka in the cellar. Have a drink with good ole Father Christmas, its important, seriously. Have a Drink. JUST DRINK IT.

So after a painfully long cutscene of sitting down and drinking with Fadey, he teaches you how to properly drink alcohol. Important business for a pirate. First off, make sure you drink a half pint of vodka before you start drinking vodka, this will prepare your body for the vodka. Oh really? I never thought of that! I'll have to try that later.... just let me notify the hospital first to let them get a bed ready for me. This is the end of this quest line.
DA.2 Intermission
At this point in the game you <may> have an opportunity to freeplay if you so choose. In all reality some fat bastard probably ran up to you as soon as you landed in Basse-Terre to ask you to take him and his buddies to Portobello. You need to say yes. If not, you may not be Rank 4 yet. Hopefully you aren't past rank 12.... because if so you cannot get this. Also you need the DLC content: The Final Lesson. That is what has just started for you.

Beyond that you may have landed in Saint-Pierre, in which case you might have been asked to start Resin Dogs first... God help you if you took both at once, just try to juggle the separate time tables accordingly. For the sake of this walkthrough however I'm going to start with The Price of Discretion, which starts in Basse-Terre.

If you don't have the DLC, are not Rank 4 yet, or leveled out past rank 12, then you will just need to skip down until we are finished with The Final Lesson, and there will be some more goodies for you. At this point in the story I am Rank 4, which is perfect. Still young, still have time for love and life, and the world is at my fingertips. Still 4 ranks away from ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ chiefs bothering me and giving me more time sensitive quests. OK, so let us continue.
EA.1 The Final Lesson DLC
This DLC consists of 5 seemingly unrelated quests, and then a 6th bonus quest upon successful completion of the other 5 quests. They are recieved after the hero has reached rank 4, and the hero cannot be more than rank 12 for the first 5 quests, and no more than rank 14 for the final quest. You also CAN NOT START THE DUTCH GAMBIT or these quests will no longer be available.

If you end up hitting Rank 8 during this, which is a good possibility, you may be confronted by an Indian Chief in port. He will give you 1 month to complete a mission for him, and if this is the case and you feel pressed for time, you can scroll down to the area below the final Lesson for tips on that quest.
EA.2 Price of Discretion (Part 1)
Quest: The Price of Discretion Part 1
Difficulty: Trivial
enemies: none
Time Sensitive: 10 days
Requirements: Rank 4, No higher than rank 12, Can't have started the Dutch Gambit.
Required Items: none
Quest giver: Landing in Basse-Terre
Reward: 300 doubloons

A man, Bertrand Pinette, appoaches you upon arriving in Basse-Terre. He wishes you to take himself and his friends to Panama, or rather Mosquito Bay near Portobello, for two chests of doubloons. You have 10 days to complete the task. Sweet. Why not? Well.... you and me know why not... because money is never that easy! But Charles is a bit naive still.... I guess thats why you can't be past rank 12! So we accept! Meet him and his friends that night at 22:00 – 23:00 on Capster Beach. He's hiding behind a rock... He will hand you the first chest of doubloons and you can start your journey immediately to Mosquito Bay.

If you have Hook's mod, this is a pretty straight-forward endeavor. Use the global map to sail to Mosquito Bay in the south-west Main. If you don't have Hook's mod... why don't you have Hook's mod? Well anyway, if you want to be super hard core like that then I won't stop you. You may need to do some battle map sailing to meet the 10 day deadline depending on your wind conditions. Just be sure to check the global map every now and then to make sure you haven't passed the invisible (since you don't have the map mod either probably...) region lines. You must sail over those on global.

Anyway, one way or another once you land the guy will hand you the other chest of gold. You are done! Or.... are you? Spoiler alert, you're not.

Quest: Price of Discretion Part 2
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: A war schooner, optionally a group of bodyguards, optionally a pair of assassins.
Time sensitive: 2 months
Requirements: Successful completion of Part 1, No higher than rank 12, Can't have started the Dutch Gambit.
Required items: Bertrand Pinette, or something of equal value.
Quest Giver: Landing in Basse-Terre
Reward: 150 doubloons and an amulet or 150 doubloons

OK at this point in the game as long as you don't go back to Basse-Terre you have a chance to freeplay. You may also want to avoid landing in Tortuga, Saint-Pierre, Capsterville, or Port-Au-Prince (yet), if you don't want to gather up more quests. At least not in Capsterville, and I will explain why.

The quest Prison Break, given in Capsterville, will end with severe negative relations with either the Dutch or the English, depending on which side you choose in the matter. If you want to avoid having a huge bounty on your head, you may want to visit the colonies of the offended party and do some quests to raise yourself to an excellent or admirable relationship with them beforehand. Finding lost ships is the best, but also donating 10000 to the wandering monk in Dutch or English towns will do it. I only ask of you two things. Don't raise yourself in rank any more than strictly required, because again if you pass the rank of 12 these quests will become unattainable for you, and don't go back to your brother to accept The Dutch Gambit. This will also block the quests for you. You may want to try not to get to rank 8 either, as this will trigger the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Chief to seek you out, and if you don't want to be sidetracked with another time sensitive quest you do not want this. Also you can take this time, if you haven't already, to get the Spanish flag as a perk under the ship tabs. I reccomend the Spanish flag only because you will need it specifically in the future. While the Dutch flag might seem more versatile and still get you in with Spain, just get the Spanish one. You'll thank me later.

You might want to get yourself a Class 4 ship for this next part while you are at it. You will be going up against a War Schooner. This <can> be done with a class 5 if you really want to though, just will be a tougher fight. Just know you will want to hold on to the sloop/lugger when you go to do ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, as it will require a class 5.

Ok so I'm going to assume that you went and did some work for the Dutch and got yourself to excellent relations with them. Damn that was quick, good job.

After you get back to Basse-Terre, you will be confronted with this dude.

He wants you to go see the local banker. Well that is never good.... Welp, since I can't seem to leave town without doing that, I guess I'll do that! The banker asks if you if you recently helped out a guy in a wig, and like a total baffoon, you say yes. Didn't someone tell you something about discretion? Well this guy shoves a bag of gold in your hand and says "please, go on.", and again... like a complete moron, you do just that. Turns out this guy has a business proposal for you. You go fetch dude in a wig and bring him back so that he can pay the banker his money.... or he has you arrested. Since you aided and abetted an escaped convict, you grumpily agree. Great.

EA.2 Price of Discretion (Part 2) (Manga Rosa)
Time to go back down to Mosquito bay and start asking questions. But first, if you so choose, you can make a little side trip up to Port-Au-Prince and pick up another passenger that needs to go to Portobella. This will kill two birds with one stone, and give you a free trading license so you don't have to sneak around in the Spanish Main. So why don't you scroll down a little bit to the next quest, and I'll wait. Don't worry, I'm patient.

Welcome back! I hope you have fun with Senor Domingo. If so you are sitting at a plantation right now, ready to head to Panama. If not... then head down to Portobello now and land at Mosquito Bay since you didn't go get that Trade License I was talking about!

Either way make your way outside Portobello and then find your way through the selva to Panama. (Left, Left, Left, Straight). From the Bay it is just Left, Right, Left, Straight.

As a little aside here, if you exit Panama and go Straight, Straight, Right, you will come to San Miguel Bay. Directly ahead of you against the rock wall and next to a palm tree you will find a Manga Rosa plant.

This is a rare and powerful reagent used in a couple side quests, and to make useful potions, including ones that increase your stats permanently. Best grab it. Another note about Manga Rosa is that if you visit a place that has one and miss it, and then visit another place that has one, the last one will despawn forever. YIKES. If you haven't already Go ahead and take a look at the Manga Rosa section to get a feel for where they are just in case.

Anyway visit the tavern in Panama. (Sneak if you don't have a license). The barkeep will tell you that you are mistaken, and that you might have better luck in Portobello. Well... balls. Back to Portobello you go. Left, Right, Right, Right. Talk to the tavern keeper here now. He will tell you to go ask the Don about it if you wanna know. That glint in his eye means he knows more than he is letting on. Lets grease the wheels here, we can play this game. So, here's 1000 gold, any "random" news you have for me?

Ah, Jean Deno is now Juan Deno, a spanish Don. Well then, he is captain of the Sario now, so maybe we should pay Don Juan a visit. Go back to the sea, and take a look at the Sario, which is loading in port. Looks like we might have a bit of a wait unless we want to try and take the thing in front of the fort... and we don't. So go back to the global map and hang out for a minute. The Sario, the War Schooner I promised you would face, will show up shortly, purple sailed and lookin' fine. Let it get a little ways away from Portobello, and STRIKE. Board that bitz.

A few knees to the groin later and Don Juan is softened up enough to talk. He'll be waiting for you in your hold once your done sinking or stealing his ship. It is a piece of crap though...

After you have a chat with the Don in your hold, he will agree to roll over on Pinette as long as you drop him off in Mosquito Bay. Whatever, I don't need you anyway. After you go back to Mosquito Bay he will spill the beans. Pinette is continuing his Modis Operandi in Barbados. On a plantation... geez I'm sick of those.

Time to head back over to Barbados and see if we can't pluck the spider from his web.

Once in Barbados go to the plantation, it is not through the selva but instead directly out of town, right facing away from the dock. In one of the shacks there you will find Pinette hanging out. He is wondering why you even bothered finding him, and you let him know. Here you have the choice to let him speak his piece, or tell him he's going with you to Basse-Terre and to stop whinging about it.

Option 1: Take him with you

If you decide justice is your bag, then you will demand he come with you to face his debts in Basse-Terre. He will disagree and tell you that you can't do anything here on Barbados. You respectfully disagree with his disagreement, but you don't want him to know that, so you tell him you give up. You can optionally just kill him, but that really doesn't make anyone happy, and when people aren't happy, you don't get paid.

So leave and go to the lighthouse to gaze at the sea for inspiration. Here you will come up with the amazingly deep plan of... waiting for him to go to town and mugging him. You evil genius you.

So park your ship at the lighthouse and head towards the plantation. Apparently this is the best place for an ambush. So wait for him.... and uh... wait... and wait... and... damn I should have brought snacks.

After thorough testing this is the way it was in my game. He will appear between 20:00 and 23:55 the day after you set up the ambush. Don't move from your mark or he won't appear. Just stand there, advance 1 day, and then advance until 20:05 – 21:00. He should immediately appear. There is no delay if it works, you will be practically standing on him and his party.

So once the group appears, attack the guards. Ignore Pinette. Once his crew is killed he will surrender, and at this point you are put back at the lighthouse, ready to deliver him to his fate. Back in Guadeloupe you go see the banker and sell your prisoner to him for a chest of doubloons and an amulet. That will teach you to open your big mouth.

Option 2: Take his offer
If instead you want to put it over on the banker for blackmailing you, you can ask Pinette what other choices you have. He will let you in on the banker's dirty dealings, and give you some evidence to take back to Goudeloupe that will get the usurer off your back. Additionally he will give you a tip on where he has hidden some loot that you can have for your understanding. Accept the deal and take the letter(s) back with you. See the banker in Basse-Terre and tell him you know what he did last summer. He will reluctantly agree to let the matter go. Now you can go collect your reward!

Travel to the cave in the selva. Inside you will find a chest stashed behind some rocks. There are 150 doubloons in purses inside the chest. Once you get out of the cave you will be confronted by 2 men who think you know too much. Well you know how to kill cutthroat bastards sent by usurers to silence you, you at least know that.

Once you have dealt with tweedle-dee and tweedle-dum, go back to the banker to let him know, in no uncertain terms, that you have additional proof of his misdeeds (should have led with that in the first place) and if anything unfortunate happens to you, it will come out.

That should be that.
EA.3 Grandee Albalate (MR)
Quest: Grandee Albalate
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: a pair of thugs, a butler and his henchmen, a spanish interceptor, optionally a bad uncle and his posse.
Time Sensitive: 20 days
Requirements: Rank 4, No higher than rank 12, Spanish or Dutch Flag, no bounty with spain, Can't have started The Dutch Gambit.
Required Items: Domingo Albalate, he's a Spanish grandee...fancy, trade license (given)
Quest giver: Tavern wench in Port-Au-Prince
Rewards: 20 day trade license, 20000 pesos : 200 coffee, Small sword, 3 amulets, good spyglass OR 20,000 pesos

Hi there, yes I'm down here as well. You may be reading this because I told you to up above, and that is good. Go ahead and read on friend!

Since you are landing in Port-Au-Prince, go ahead and stop by the lighthouse in order to pick up the Manga Rosa there.

We arrive in the tavern of Port-Au-Prince, only to be immediately informed by the resident scullion that there be MURDER afoot. Quick, you are apparently the only one in the establishment with a weapon. Except for you know... that pirate looking guy with the saber... or that officer looking fellow... or... well whatever upstairs we go. Inside there are 2 thugs trying to beat down some Spaniard. Help him. The guard will come in afterwards and take him away, but not before he invites you to visit him in Santo Domingo. Hmm, any relation to this Domingo? Guess we'll find out.

His house is right next to the gate, which is a good thing, since we're going to have to sneak in. I guess Spanish Grandee's can't officially invite you to their home? Well whatever, just land in Samana cove and take a few lefts to the city.

It is indeed right inside the gate, and you can go at night so even better. Ugo the butler says the naughty boy isn't home, so you tell him about the troubles you'd been having. Ugo thinks you should leave. You disagree. Ugo and his friends try to throw you out the hard way.

Wow, Spanish butlers are freaking touchy.

So after you've killed Ugo and pals... hard to find good help and all.... search the house for clues as to why the housekeeper had two thugs upstairs and attacks guests practically on sight. Uh oh, there is a dead body upstairs, and a half-finished note. I think it might be time to leave. On the way down you see your friend Santiago, thank God someone that isn't attacking you. Turns out sometimes family are the worst enemies. Spoken like prophecy Charles.

So you guys go to raise a glass to the real Ugo in the local tavern, and Domingo tells you all about the family intrigue. Apparently someone has been trying to kill him for a while, and he has just been managing to stumble around and avoid death by accident. He asks you to take him to his plantation in Portobello, which you might be going to already, which is convenient! You agree and he gives you a 20 day trade license to make your life easier. Thank you senor. Now it is time to go back to the ship. Since I have this license I should be able to just walk right out of here.... oh... oh my... nope. RUN!!!!

After you get back to your ship go ahead and head down south to Portobello. I assume you are already looking for someone down there anyway. You will be chased by a Spanish Intercepter. Make sure you hoist your Spanish (or Dutch) flag before you try and land in Portobello Port... or you are gonna have a bad time.

Exit through the gate, and then just go straight to the plantation. Dude doesn't know anything about his own land, so you are on your own to find the house. Going to take an educated guess that it is the one house that doesn't look like a slave lives in it.

The almanac is next to the fireplace. Looks like the Uncle has been... cooking the books... huh-huh.
So mighty Domingo is rightiously peeved, and we are going to go to Portobello to turn in the bastard uncle for illegal slave trade, theft, and douchebaggery.

Outside we meet, surprise, Luis Otiz himself. He also seems to think Domingo is a naughty boy. What is with these dudes.... Anyway he throws some accusations Domingo's way, saying he killed his parents to get at the family fortune. Hard to believe considering he seems to give no ♥♥♥♥♥ about keeping track of said fortune. Regardless the guy offers you 20k to leave well enough alone. You can take this and leave now if you wish. Personally... I'm curious to see whats at the bottom of this rabbit hole. En Guarde!

Ok so after you leave a pile of dead around, Domingo tells you he is ready to take up the mantle of ... um... oh yeah Marquis. Come back the next day and he will reward you, he has work to do.

When you visit him the next day (did you just sit in the same place and rest for 24 hours? I sure did) he thanks you for your noble service and rewards you with 200 coffee from his plantation, some amulets, a good spyglass, and his rapier (a small sword). Tada! Now you can go round up a guy in a wig if you haven't already. Back up you go!
EA.4 Resin Dogs
Quest: Resin Dogs
Difficulty: Normal (Or Very Difficult)
Enemies: Barque, Barkentine, Lugger, a group of smugglers, optionally a hardened team of marines.
Time Sensitive: Next Day until ship reaches San Juan
Requirements: Rank 4, No more than Rank 12
Required Items: At least 50 Resin (given), a ship that can take on a convoy of 3 (Barque, Barkentide, Lugger). Can't start The Dutch Gambit or this quest is unavailable.
Quest Giver: Land in Saint-Pierre between 8:00 and 20:00
Rewards: up to 100ish resin, Also possibly some Ropes, ironwood, silk.

Go ahead and land in Saint-Pierre between the hours of 8:00 and 20:00, there will be a guy there waiting for you asking you to visit the local shipyard. Seems someone has a proposition for you. Hey well all these other random encounters have been going so well, why not.

He's going to give you the run down of a ship leaving Trinidad and Tobego the next day. It will be sailing to San Juan in Peurto Rico. He wants you to relieve the convoy of 3 ships of their cargo, a hundred barrels of resin or so. He is saying he will pay you 15 doubloons per resin, very nice. I'm sure I can trust this guy I don't know and who just happens to want a brand new, inexperienced captain to pull off his important heist. Lets do it!

Head straight down towards Trinidad. You should see a purple sailed ship before long. Intercept it and lets get down to business.

There are 3 ships in this convoy, and if you are still using a sloop, or god forbid the starting lugger, it is going to be a tough fight. Not impossible, but you won't have much crew to go around capturing ships. Board the barque at least, its holding the resin. It also has a couple amulets and 4500 pesos in the captains chest.

If you have a class 4 ship by now the lugger might opt to just flee. Good riddance. The Barkentine, however, is carrying a pretty good load of goods. You might want it.

Now that you have a squadron filled with booty, head back to Martinique. You only need around 50 resin for this quest, so if you have a ship, say... a sloop you are keeping in storage for The ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Chief quest I keep mentioning, you can stuff the rest of the resin into the hold and store it for later.

But why would we do that Dark? This guy is giving us 15 gold doubloons per barrel! Really, imaginary guy? You actually believe that is what is going to happen? Well... this DLC may teach you a valuable life lesson after all.

Whether or not you store the extra barrels, return to the shipyard and talk to the guy. Start rubbing your hands together because here comes the gold! Crap its the po-po!

No, Monsieur, this great captain has nothing to do with those barrels of resin! Oh and uh, what barrels of resin!?

So the gallant shipwright falls on his sword for you, but now you are out the resin and with no gold to show for it. Boo.

Gregoire the tutorial master meets you outside of the shipyard, and you guys go to tie one off in the tavern and talk about your woes. He has a hard time believing that the officer would arrest his BEST FRIEND IN THE WORLD. You must be mistaken. Oh.... I see what's going on here. Powerful people playing games with you again. Lets see if this guy is right, and if two days go by and the shipyard is back up and running again.

Gee, two days went by and the shipyard is back up. Our noble shipwright had to spend two nights in that hell-hole, oh the fresh air of freedom! And what about my money? Fate is a ♥♥♥♥♥.

Gregoire, ever-watchful Gregoire, tells you outside that the lieutenant has taken a tartan to Guadaloupe (specifically Morne a l'Eau Cove). Lets go see if we can't beat the tar out of him. Go ahead and go to the north side of the island and into the bay and enter the battle map. Then go into your cabin and start waiting days until your quest updates. Then you can sit in the bay 2 more hours and you can land. Some smugglers are waiting for you, and they aren't interested in giving you back your money or your goods. A fight breaks out.

Once you have finished with them, your old officer friend shows up, having smelled trouble in the wind.

He gives you a choice, half the resin, or your life. If you choose the former, you get half the resin and go home. The latter, you get a tough fight with a lot of musketeers. Good luck with that....
If you do manage to win you get not only half the resin (or half of a half if you stored the rest away safely!) but also a load of other strategic resources! Boom shaka-laka! you get to battle the tartan after you debark... dunno what they were thinking but ok. Important note here... if you are using a class 4 ship this tartan will likely flee. This is super unfortunate for you, because you cannot go back to global until you kill it. So you need to slow it down or board it before it gets by you. I did this with half sail life on a brigantine... BAD IDEA. Took me an hour to maneuver my way into being able to to board it before it zips past me and out to sea.

Anyway once you kill it you are finished with this quest.
EA.5 Just Like Home
Quest: Just Like Home (Or what I like to call... The Honey Pot)
Difficulty: Easy, just like the governor's wife.
Enemies: optionally 2 guys in a bar, A mercenary
Time Sensitive: Any night after 6
Requirements: Rank 4, No higher than Rank 12, Thinking with our ♥♥♥♥♥. 26 Charisma and Luck (If you want to recruit Clod Durand) Unavailable if the Dutch Gambit has begun.
Required Items: A Penis, 50 doubloons if you want to buy the key.
Quest Giver: hot blonde in front of the bank in Tortuga between 10:00 and 16:00.
Rewards: 10000 pesos, Cupid's Balm talisman, 3 amulets, 5000 pesos, 100 diamonds, 1 Manga Rosa, Possibly 3 additional amulets, 3 wine, some jewelry, 50 doubloons, an optional villianous boarding officer, and a really good time with the governor's wife while he sits just downstairs.

You land in Tortuga during the day, and if you hang out in front of the bank for a few minutes a girl should come up to you.

She wants to (giggle) introduce herself (giggle) (bat eyelashes) (push up cleavage), etc. She'd really like it if you'd meet her at a dance party that the governor's wife throws during the evenings after 6. You would love to come, because when has following a beautiful woman ever led to anything bad? Oh Charles.

So of course you show up after 6 in the governor's residence. Go to the meeting room, and you can see the party in full swing. Hmm, seems you are all alone with the governor's wife instead. Well this is innocent enough. All she wants to do is tell you how great you are, how big your muscles are, how styled and cultured and full of grace and charm and... Do you think I look pretty?

What? Um, yes. Yes of course I do.

Well she could use your help with something. Oh by the way (giggle), I hate my dog of a husband who is always whoring around on me and doesn't pay me much attention. Oh boy.

So she wants you to steal her husbands money and... who knows? If you choose the 1st dialogue then you might very well know later. If you are a fat lipped lummox with no class and grasping paws, she will string you along like the meathead you are with no hope of cookies out of her box.

Sit down with the goober in the tavern, that upon meeting him expounds high philosophy.

Don't trust women. Sage advice indeed. After a little drinking you drop the bomb on him. You really just want his key. He spins you a yarn about some commandant's daughter and blah blah who cares. Give me the key.

You can either pay him for it, or duel him for it. If you duel him, he brings a friend. They aren't that tough, and on the guys corpse you get a Messer sword, some pesos, and a cupid's balm talisman... hmm this might just come in handy in a few hours (fist pump). Take the key too, and we can go see the governess.

If you choose to pay him instead he leaves you with words of advice. She will put a lot of valuable things in the chest next to her door in the bedroom after you leave. Nice to know. (this is the most profitable line.)

Wait until the next day, but not too late, and go see her in the bedroom of the residence.

She will tell you to give her the key and she'll get the goods and you can come back tomorrow and pick up your share. Uh-huh. Go ahead and choose that... and you'll get nothing =P. Big surprise. Tell her you feel better doing it yourself.Go into the other room and take the chest to the left, 10000 pesos, 200 diamonds, a manga rosa, and a few amulets. If your charisma and luck are both at least 26 and possibly also rank 10 then Clod will accept your offer to join your crew. If you choose to let him go, he'll just come back in a few minutes to try again.... douche. So one way or another you need to get rid of him.

Note: If you want help with The Final Lesson from Clod and Prosper, you will need to recruit him. He is only temporary anyway, but they will both show up in the final fight, or neither.

Ok this is pretty important... give all your money to one of your boarding officers waiting outside. All the pesos anyway. Then you can go see the "lady". If you chose the first option of dialogue in the beginning she will get weak in the knees at how different you are than all the men she meets. You get what you want. Do you want her? Apparently you do!

♥♥♥♥♥ robs you of some of your pesos. Lesson learned. OR WAS IT!? You're welcome.

There is also a chance that she doesn't rob you. It might be based on if you pay the pirate in the tavern vs. Killing him. When I killed the guy she robbed me, when I paid for the key, she was just really nice to me.

If you didn't kill the guy in the tavern you can now exit the room and come back in, then you can check the chest next to the door. (Don't open it before you leave and come back or it will be empty). Inside this chest is the cupid's balm you missed out on by not killing the guy, the 50 doubloons you spent on the key, 5000 pesos, 3 more amulets, some wine, and an assortment of jewels.

Ah, what a lass! Money and sex, I'm so glad I didn't learn anything from this lesson!

Alternately you can just take everything in the chest and run away, but this will give you a negative relation hit to France. Also I think this counts as failing so you won't get to do the final lesson.
EA.6 Prison Break (Part 1) (MR x2)
Quest: Prison Break
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: English or Dutch soldiers, possibly a Brigantine.
Time Sensitive: 5 days.
Requirements: Rank 4, no higher than Rank 12, Can't have started the Dutch Gambit.
Required Items: none, or 24 doubloons.
Quest Giver: English soldier in Capsterville upon landing.
Rewards: 25 doubloons, 10,000 pesos or 10,000 pesos and a 6-month trade license or 30,000 pesos, and arbeques, a broadsword, and a class 4 ship if you board it =P.

Ok we are finally to the quest I have been warning you about. In the Prison Break, you will be siding with either the English or the Dutch as it pertains to some captured English soldiers. First of all we are just asked to ferry some men from Capsterville to St. Martin. No big deal, the payout is 10000 pesos in doubloons. He gives you 2500 of it right off the bat. Lets get started.

Before you leave Capsterville, you may want to head over and grab the Manga Rosa on St. Christopher. It is one screen past the graveyard out from town.

We land at Grand Case Beach in Saint-Martin, only to find out things are already not going to plan. They were expecting to have a ride out of here, but it doesn't seem to be there. They ask if they could trouble you to wait a couple days to take them to Antigua after they are done .... sight seeing.

After the English leave you have the option to get the hell out of dodge. We are braver than that though, aren't we? Stay a while, and listen!

If we are going to stay, though, then we want to know what is going on. We are friendly with the Dutch, lets go talk to some people in Phillipsburg.

The Tavern is always a great place to start. Pay the barkeep his information fee, and he will let you know that the Dutch colony is on high alert. Apparently there are English soldiers prowling the jungles. You don't say? How peculiar. Well the Dutch captured some English spies or whatnot and they aren't about to let them get broken loose. So this is why you are here. Bollocks!

No sooner do you get out of the tavern but a soldier stops you in the street. The governor wants to see you. Uh-oh. He assures you there is no trouble, so you go along without slaughtering everyone in town. Good for you, you are learning something! The governor just wants to know if you've seen any English, no you haven't. He wants to know how long you will be here. A few days. He wants to know if you want to hunt English scum for the glory of Holland. Hell yeahs we do! Whoops, got a little caught up there. You might not want to do that, but you can tell them what you want, not like they can read your mind.

If you do tell them your interested instead of just playing dumb, you can go talk to the local commandant. He'll tell you one of his patrols are missing, and asks you to investigate. Sounds about right. Head off to the jungle to see if you can find your "friends". The most logical place to look is probably the local cave, read: they are in the local cave.

Take a left and then a right and you are there. In the cave you'll find the lieutenant and his crew, dressed like Dutch soldiers. You tell him that his cover is blown and that the Dutch are looking for him due to a traitor amongst the captured soldiers. He will ask you to go see a monk at the local church, a spy. He's there every morning from 8:00 to 10:00. You also learn the fate of the Dutch patrol, they are tied up in the bushes outside.

Now this can go one of three ways. Either you continue helping the brits, which rewards you 30,000 pesos, a decent sword, and an arquebus gun, increases your relationship with England, and decreases your relationship with the Dutch.

You can tell on the spies to the commandant and agree to help him flush them out. You get there and they realize you are a dirty rat. You kill them, and apparently no one hears about it so your English rep doesn't suffer (thought it would...). You get 10,000 pesos and a six month trade license, valued at around 1000 doubloons. Pretty nice honestly.

If you didn't go around improving relations like I told you to you might like option C, which I call the way of the yellow bellied coward! You refuse the commandant's offer and return the next day for your 10,000 pesos and complete anonymity in the entire matter. Since Option B doesn't seem to effect your relations with England negatively, you probably don't want this option since a 6 month license is on the table, or a nice Brigantine and 30,000 pesos and a gun.

Well first lets do it the English way. For some horrible reason wait is disabled during this quest, so you'll need to go to the tavern and sleep till tomorrow morning. Unless it happens to be between 8:00 and 10:00 right now. You'll wake up around 7:30, so you'll need to just sit and wait for 8:00 to come around. This is best done on the ship, since you can go 6x instead of just 3x. Go meet the monk that is standing at the back door like he's ready to bolt. He'll need 24 doubloons for his crack brained plan of drugging the guards in the jail. He tells you to return the following day, so repeat the process of spending the night at the tavern and then waiting on your ship. Another option to quickly pass time is to make some stuff in alchemy, like those little bullet packets you like to use in your guns. If you have any lead and gunpowder, or go buy some from the local vendor to help you out.

The abbot tells you that the plan is in motion, and you need to return tonight between 21:00 and 00:00 when the guards will be sleeping. Go ahead and move your ship back to Grand Case Beach, cause that will be the rendezvous when this is all over. Go back to the cave and inform Lieutenant Dan and his crew. He'll tell you to move your ship to Grand Case Beach (CHECK), and meet them in front of the city at 23:00. Luckily we have the wait function back. The team will run up to you after you are done waiting and you will be teleported into town. Make your way unmolested to the jail. When you get to the door you will do a little cutscene walk and the crew will go in, coming out with friends a few minutes later.

Make your way unseen out of town, and success! Just go to the beach and get on your ship.

Oh Shniekies! The Dutch are coming, The Dutch are coming! On the beach you find a welcoming party. A contingent of Dutch soldiers attack. You can play the hero and get all up in that battle, or just kinda hang back and put in a few kidney shots where it counts, your choice. Now you can board. Immediately you are in a battle with a Brigantine(or perhaps a war schooner), I'd tell you that the Dutch have suffered enough and you should just outrun it, alas, that is not an option. You have to sink it or capture it. It is super overloaded with troops, so boarding it can be a pain in the ass, but maybe that class 4 ship they threw at you rolled some good stats. If you managed to get your rep with the Dutch to good, then congratulations, you are just now Neutral. Not too bad. If not, you probably have a bounty. You should see Abbot Benoit about that in Saint-Pierre ASAP. He'll take care of it in a few weeks for some doubloons. Unless you feel like fighting the endless Dutch hordes.

Also as soon as you defeat the Amsterdam, you will get a notification that the Corvette Zeepard is after you. You probably don't want any part of that, so go to the global map and be on your way.

Take your friends to Antigua, and drop them off. The Lieutenant will tell you to go see Colonel Fox for your reward tomorrow. So go do that. He'll give you the 30,000 pesos, the Arbeques rifle, and a broadsword... hopefully better than the one he gave me with 0.3 balance. Also some rep with England.

While you are here on Antigua, you might also want to pick up the next Manga Rosa. One Right from gate.
EA.6 Prison Break (Part 2)
If you would like to be friends with the Dutch, well then tell the commandant all about those Brits in the jungle and get ready for a fight. You will lead the team to the cave. From there, your job is simple, go in, talk to the soldiers, and scream bloody murder until the Dutch team finds you. So you are the bait... awesome.

You go up and start talking to the lieutenant, who is understandably confused as to why you are there. You try to dissemble, but he just says you are acting like a ♥♥♥♥♥. At that moment I think a Dutch soldier falls down the well into a pile of pots and pans, cause the jig is up, and they aren't morons. The entire troop starts attacking you.

My advice is to run to the well, where the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ who are supposed to help you will eventually show up. Hold them off until then, and then turn the blade.

After the fight is done the Dutch captain tells you to visit the governor the next day. Do that by sleeping at the tavern, your wait function is still off. The next morning the governor expresses his thanks, giving you 10000 pesos and a half-year Dutch trading license... a weighty prize indeed valued at over 100,000 pesos.... Incidentally... my English reputation did not drop for this, so you may not get a bounty from England. If you plan on doing any freeplay once you are done with The Final Lesson, this trade license might be just what you need to make some headway in the Spanish community.

Beware the English interceptors after this. They will come for you.

One thing I want to note: If you do the Dutch Gambit soon and choose the Secret Organization then you will lose the trade license during the quest. It is unavoidable because you have to attack a dutch ship... actually a fake dutch ship, but it still takes it anyway =(.

You might lose it siding with England too, but I'm not sure because I didn't get the trade license in the game I sided with England. I can't remember if the Meifang was under a dutch flag or not. Basically... if you end up attacking a dutch flag ship you will lose it =P.

Either way you are done. Get ready for the Final Lesson!
EA.7 The Final Lesson (Part 1)
Quest: The Final Lesson
Difficulty: Ridonculous.
Enemies: Hordes of Indians, English and Dutch Navy officers, optionally Bazooka wielding Johnny, Gregoire the unclean and the Olsen Twins, his bodyguards.
Time Sensitive: 1 week
Requirements: Rank 4, no higher than rank 14, successful completion of all previous Final Lesson DLC missions. Can't have started The Dutch Gambit.
Required Items: An eagerness to learn our lesson.
Quest Giver: Our old friend Gregoire in Saint-Pierre
Rewards: Most likely an ass whooping/ a quarter of the value of the loot you brought from the Main. Possibly All the strategic resources, all the money for the loot, a Naval Klewang, 20 or so Grenades, A double barreled pistol, and a disjointed feeling of time moving way too fast because you've been at 0.5x speed for 6 hours.

Landing in Saint-Pierre it is like old times! Gregoire is here to greet us at the docks, and he has something to say. He's so proud of us. Thanks Dad. He has a proposition for you. Go hunt down some lost Dutch goods and wrestle them away from a horde of hostile Indians. Ooo, sounds fun, lets go. You only have a week to get down there so hop to it. Its at the very south-east part of the map at Boca De La Serpienta Coast. Woo... that is a mouthful.

First of all make sure you have plenty of crew. You will need them as fodder for the indians, and as grunt work to load your booty! When you get there, you may notice the dutch and english ships still out there fighting. Good for them.

Go ahead and land and you immediately need to fight off a horde of savages. So do that while I wait, I'm going to go get a drink. Plus my hand is starting to hurt from all this typing.

Well that was a short break, and now its on to the selva after two waves of those bastards. Try to keep as many of your crew alive as you can, you'll need them still. In the jungle you'll meet none other than good ole' Prosper! How's your daughter old man? Ah yes, dreaming of me ha-ha! Well I don't doubt it after that last little visit to her bedchamber <wink>. Oh... right... you didn't know about that ... heh... heh... well this just got a bit awkward. You may also find the Villain Clod there if you let him live by recruiting him.

Anyway the chief is coming with his musket wielding personal guard. I dunno if we should be worried about a bunch of guys who have never even seen guns in their life coming after us with single shot muskets they gotta reload manually... but I'm sure they are better than they should be =(. Lets go. Oh ♥♥♥♥... for real these guys are hard. Well after the epic battle ensues... make sure to loot the 5 amulets off the chief. Hopefully I have enough men left to carry the loot out =/. The more people survive the fight the more loot you get at the end.

After you start loading you are interrupted by the English and Dutch soldiers, who start battling it out on the beach. You leap into the fray. AY-AY-AY-AY-AY!

Afterwards you get to find out how much loot you got away with. Probably not that much =(. Load it up and head back to Basse-Terre.

Once you get to Martinique, Gregoire tells you he has a buyer for you. Come alone, at midnight, to Lamentin Bay. Sure buddy, I trust you 100% completely, because I haven't yet learned my lesson! Do get rid of your boarders and meet him at midnight on the shore. Um, bring lots of health potions. Just saying.

EA.7 The Final Lesson (Part 2)
Once we reach the shore we work out a deal with the smugglers for a pretty good price. Then.. Surprise bastards! Et Tu Gregoire?

Gregoire double crosses the smugglers and you, but since he has a soft spot for you, he's going to let you live, and even give you a quarter of the pesos that the goods would have brought it. I'm going to tell you right now, you probably should just take the money and go. If not, then I suggest you save it during the conversation with Gregoire so that you are as close to the fight as possible, because you are going to be loading the game for the next.... 5 hours or so. I dunno thats what I freaking did.

If you recruited Clod and finished Prosper's quest in the tutorial they will both show up to this fight. Whether or not you find that helpful.... is up for debate. They will not last very long against this crowd ;).

OK here is some advice if you are going to punish yourself by trying to do this fight. For one, make sure you brought just plenty of potions, just... bunches. Then make sure you have some decent either offensive or defensive amulets, your preference. I picked poison, because these guys just constantly regenerate health. Like... forever. Then I also picked the voodoo doll to do some extra pistol damage. My suggestion on how to approach this fight is actually exactly as Charles suggest s you do it. Gregoire first, then the indian with a bazooka, and then the two nerds. This is because Gregoire can, and will often, straight up one shot you with his regular attacks. Well I did this on hard, maybe he doesn't do that on normal. Regardless he hits like a truck, and he has a double barreled pistol, so he's periodically doing guaranteed damage to you. So when the fight starts run towards the jungle and the choke points, this will make Greg miss his shots because he'll hit the Olsen Twins, who are chasing after you. The "red-ape" (wooo, the racism these guys have!) won't be able to hit you with his grenades because they will be blocking him as well. So for the duration of your battle with Gregoire you won't have to worry about getting hit by the Indian's boomstick. Best you'll be able to manage here is to take on Gregoire + one of the other guys, but focus on Greg. One he's dead.... after like a 30 minute duel... the chances that you are going to get one-shot and throw your keyboard across the room diminishes considerably. Now only the heavy attacks from the guys and the grenades are the biggest threats, and you should be able to block the heavy attacks. That isn't to say the ladies can't do a bunch of damage with their regulars, cause they can, but generally they don't 1 shot you... which is a step in the right direction.

Now on to the Grenade launcher. He's next because you will need to use his buddies as human shields when he gets ready to fire a shot. Chase him down the beach and hit him a little after he fires and misses. Hopefully you'll poison him. After a few hits, and you'll just have to get used to the timing... rule of thumb is, if he hasn't shot a grenade recently, he's gonna soon =P. So anyway when you think he's going to fire you need to run back around the wonder twins and let them take the shot for you. Then you rinse and repeat, blocking hits from the two baddies while you smack the Indian who is probably spending most of his time running away from you. His melee attacks are pretty weak... but its still damage and is annoying. You might want to wait until you have full energy so you can all out blitz him after he fires. Once he is dead the other two are just a matter of time.... unfortunately a lot of time though. Their HP and regeneration is ridiculous. Still, if you have managed to accomplish the other two guys... dying to them is just going to be sad panda. You can't save during this fight either.... or it would be like a million times easier ...

If you do manage to kill them... you'll get whatever cash they were going to give you for the strategic resources, and they were paying fairly premium prices, on top of keeping the resources themselves. You'll get a double barreled pistol that the guy was shooting you with, a bunch of grenades (without the grenade launcher unfortunately), the special saber "Naval Klewang", and a giant feeling of accomplishment. A pretty amazing haul... but still not really compared to that god awful fight that just took me 6 hours. You could make more money doing... anything else =P. But hey, maybe you are a way better player than I am and are sitting there eating a sandwich with one hand and backhanding Gregoire around for the 4th time just for ♥♥♥♥♥ and giggles with the other. Who knows.
Either way, you just learned The Final Lesson: Gregoire is a ♥♥♥♥.

I hope you learned something from these encounters... cause they about sum up the people you will meet in the Caribbean from here on out. Valuable lessons indeed ;).
FA.1 – Preparing for The Dutch Gambit (Freeplay after The Final Lesson)
Now that we have that mess over with, you likely find yourself with a bit of free time. If you haven't done much freeplay yet than you may still be fairly low rank, though I'm sure that The Final Lesson did a great deal to help you along. For this portion of the game I'm going to assume you are Rank 8 by now at the very least, and that you are not getting close to Rank 15, If you are Rank 13+ you may want to forgo doing much freeplay and skip directly to The Dutch Gambit. Your decision probably hinges on a few important details.

I'm going to take a moment to give you a little precursor knowledge of The Dutch Gambit. It is the next main story quest that drives The Burdon of the Gascon. It will begin when you return to Michel in Saint-Pierre after having been gone for at least 3 months. There are several directions one can take when you go to do this quest, and your options will rely on a few different factors.

If you want to do the dutch gambit for Holland – There are no restrictions here. If you want to do the gambit for Holland you can freeplay all you like.

If you want to do the gambit for England – You must not be higher than Rank 15, you have to have a Navigation skill of at least 30, and you must be of a neutral or positive reputation.

If you want to do the gambit for the secret organization – You must not be higher than Rank 15, you must have all 3 weapon skills at 25 or higher, and you must be of a negative reputation.

I tell you this now because you may need to work on some of your skills or your reputation in order to go the route you desire, and this will cause you to Rank up. So you need to be careful what you are doing in order to get the required skills and still not outrank the quest. If you aren't sure which side you want to take, skip down to The Dutch Gambit and read through the different rewards. Basically you will get 1 of 3 different quest officers, and 1 of three different special class 4 ships.

Once you have decided what you are doing, you can work towards the requirements, and/or freeplay. Now we are going to take a look at what all we can do in the meantime! I wouldn't get too attached to any fleets at this point, the side quests and the Dutch Gambit itself will require that you be alone for some of the quests. So you will end up mooring extra ships, but you can do that no problem if you want when the time comes.

If you haven't already, start looking to fill our your officer team. It will be helpful with the different side missions and the missions in The Dutch Gambit. Take a look at the available officer for your chosen path, as you may be looking to use them in a specific spot in the future.
FA.2 – Available Side Quests (Rank 8 - 14) FA.2.i – Chief of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ (MR)
Quest: Chief of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Schooner and War Schooner. Land Soldiers
Time Sensitive: 1 month
Requirements: Rank 8
Required Items: Sloop or Lugger only in squadron
Quest Giver: Indian Chief at random port once you reach Rank 8.
Rewards: Boat loads of pearls(4000 small 2000 large... ish), the gratitude of an Indian nation.

After you've reached Rank 8 with your character, you will be approached by an Indian Chief when you land in port sometime. Which port will be random, and it will not change. So if are rank 8 and land somewhere (It might have to be during the day, so if you are checking specifically for this quest then land at noon just to be safe) and he doesn't show up then he will not show up there later, you will have to look at another port. He will tell you that his tribe has been enslaved down near Cumana and being forced to dive for pearls until they die. He needs a brave and non-racist captain to help him out. Perhaps you are that non-racist captain? Start by not calling him a red-ape, and accept his quest. He will tell you that the Indian longboats are being guarded by two schooners (one of these is a War Schooner). To get close to them without them blowing the hapless natives up you need to be in a small boat, like a lugger or a sloop. Typical... You have one month to complete the task, otherwise all the poor guys will have died from pearl diving.

When you are ready, having given up your class 4 or whatever ship you were tooling around in before at dock and taking back that sloop you've been saving just for this occasion because you've been reading and knew this was coming, make your way down to Cumana. You are actually going to Carupano Cove, which is east of Cumana. The best way to do this is to move yourself all the way into the cove on global map and touch land, then enter the sea. This should put you near the ships, and hopefully protecting the Indian long boats. The more long boats that survive this fight, the more pearls you get, so if you are thinking of using the natives as body shields... just know that each one is going to cost you like 2000 pearls =P. If you are having trouble keeping the brave, but ultimately suicidal, natives alive, you can try approaching from afar. The schooners should come after you, and while they might get a few shots off on the longboats, they shouldn't sink any. Once out of range of the little tubs you can take the two schooners down at leisure.

I hope you have some crew left after the fight, because you will be docking for a little land battle afterwards. The more crew you have the easier this fight will be. Try to loot the captain of the Spanish before the Indians come and fill your inventory with pearls. After you put down the Spanish dogs, the Indians will land. There will be one brave for every boat you saved, plus big Chief. Each will give you anywhere from 400 – 800 small and 300 – 500 large pearls per boat. Also the Spanish leader has more on him, about another boat's worth. RNG will play a factor but you should get pretty close to 4k small and 2k large pearls.

Before you leave you should pick up the Manga Rosa that is on this beach. It's over at the edge of the shore near the rocks.

Grats, you are done, go sell those pearls , but keep a few as they are used to make potions and also in some quests later.
FA.2.ii – Slave Trader (Early Ranks)
OK so you want to join the market of human flesh? Shame on you, but to each his own! You should have run into a usurer by now that is interested in buying some people off you, should you come across them in your travels. If not then you may need to look around the various island until you find a banker that has something special to say to you. In two games now I've gotten this quest from Tortuga, and once from Basse-Terre. For more information go up to the original start of this quest in section CA.2.i.

Quest: Slave Trader (Part 2)
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Galleon and Brig (random based on your rank I think.... my last one was a Line Ship =P)
Time Sensitive: 2 weeks
Requirements: Completion of Slave Trader Part 1
Required items: 1500 slaves! (provided)
Quest Giver: Same usurer who gave you the first quest 3 weeks minimum after you turned it in.
Reward: 300,000 pesos, Ward "Scorpion" or 100,000 pesos, 20,000 pesos.

Once you sell the first batch of slaves to the banker he will tell you to come back in 3 weeks for another assignment. This is a minimum deadline, and there is no maximum. So if you turn in the slaves you can come back whenever you are ready to start part 2.

The Banker will tell you about a slave galleon stuffed with 1500 slaves making a deal with smugglers at some location. The location is random to a degree so you can savescum yourself somewhere close if you want.

When you get to the location you'll find a galleon and the ship that they are working with, likely a brig unless you're doing this later in the game. The order you take care of them is up to you, but you want to board and take them both as they have already split the 1500 slaves. The captain of the galleon has a broadsword and some elixirs, as well as ammo. In his chest you'll get the Ward "Scorpion", a very nice permanent talisman that will come in damn handy later in the game. Also 20,000 pesos. The brig captain will just have a hanger and some more elixirs, nothing special in his cabin but the normal loot. Take both prizes, or transfer the slaves to your ship (more dangerous =P), and head back to base. If you take the slaves on your ship you risk a mutiny every day at 00:00. Just save right before that rolls around to savescum your way to victory.

Go see our friend the banker, and he'll take the .... "ebony gold" (ugh these guys...), off your hands.

He'll also ask if you found anything interesting amongst the captain's things. He'll pay you 100,000 pesos for the Scorpion if you want. You can find them in level 2 treasures rarely, but chances are you want to hold on to it. The story quests have a ton of poisoning things later in the game. Even if you tell him about it you can just tell him to buzz off its yours.

Come see him in no sooner than a month if you don't value your soul.

Quickest way to pass some time is to get into fights for booty and then repair your ship =P. Or go around doing other quests if you have a mind!

Quest: Slave Trader (Part 3)
Difficulty: Slightly above normal
Enemies: A lot of guys who just wanna be free.
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Successfully completed part 2, room in your ship for 1000+ slaves.
Required items: some runaway slaves (provided)
quest giver: same soulless bastard as before
Rewards: 300 pesos per slave, so 300k or so.

Come back to the banker no sooner than one month after you turned in the last quest and he will have another errand for you. Seems he has caught wind of an entire boatload of escaped slaves out of Curacao. Your mission, hunt them down and return them into bondage, just with a different master. Time to go to Willemstad. If you go to the tavern the barkeep will tell you a little about what happened, two lovers were slaves and some guy wanted to make the woman his personal plaything, dude wasn't going to have it... A ship was stolen the night of the revolt, and that is your only lead. Go talk to the harbormaster about it, and he will be about as helpful as a second ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Go back to the tavern and have a drink with someone to think about what to do next. A ship crewed by giant red-eyed macaques (facepalm) or some such nonsense seen off the coast of somewhere or another. It is different every time. For me this time it is Barbados! Off we go to wherever the drunk bigot sends you.

Go ahead and land at the lighthouse, do a quick check and make sure your cargo hold can take 1000 – 1100 slaves. A fight ensues. A pretty hard fight. The leader is a pretty bad mofo , hits hard and has a bit of hp. Kill him and you should do a little cutscene walk up to the lighthouse to tell his woman to get into the hold with the rest of her friends. Go back and loot him for some elixirs and antidotes and a schianova.

Now you are going to have 1000 or so slaves in your hold... so make sure you save before midnight every night, cause unless you are rocking a manowar at this point in the game these slaves are outnumbering your crew by a large amount. A slave revolt will likely spell your doom. Get back to the banker and hand them off ASAP. He will gush about how much he appreciates you, and you'll tell him how much you love him and his money. A match made in heaven right? Come back in a month for more work.

The Slave Trader quest line will be continued after The Dutch Gambit. The remaining quests are very difficult, and will require high class ships, and then tons of crew.
FA.2.iii – The price of consumption
Quest: The price of Consumption
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Juan Consumption in his Galleon (Rank 7 – 12) or Heavy Galleon (Rank 13+), some thugs
Time Sensitive: Next Day until Noon
Requirements: Rank 7
Required Items: 3000 pesos, 3000 pesos. Not necessarily required, but a trade license is going to make your life a lot easier.
Quest Giver: Waitress in San Jose.
Rewards: Possible 5000 pesos, Possible 500 doubloons, double barreled pistol, astrolabe, assorted jewels, 40 doubloons, silver, and a map of Trinidad and Tobego. Possible 1000 doubloons if you let Consumption go. A month or so later return to San Jose and Sergio will meet you and tell you to meet him at the lighthouse. There he will give you a deal that every 5th day of the month he will sell you a load of resins for 10 doubloons a barrel, 600 doubloons in all.

Land at Galera point and make your way to town. Do this even if you have a trade license, it will make finding the ship to fight easier later.

Talk to Alberta at the local tavern. Poor lass is in tears! Seems her brother is missing. She doesn't understand why you care so much... you can either tell her that you care about what is between her legs, or that you just think about what Jesus would do. Jesus pays money, her vagina doesn't.

For starters... consumption doesn't kill people in a few days. Any moron knows that, even the dumb blonde tending bar. Great cover-up guys. Why don't we go talk to the local prison commandant about it? He is painfully vague, and tells us eventually to mind our own business.

We don't take that kind of crap from a Spaniard. Go poke around his house. Its in front of the Harbormaster at the other side of the city. When you go in you will be confronted by the house steward, and you'll have to tell him a lie, so save before you go in. This is a stealth check, so remove any armor mucking up your stealth before you go in as well. If he buys your story you will get the chance to poke around the house for clues.

In the chests you will find a Ritter's Cuirass, about 500 doubloons, a bunch of rubies, a bunch of silver nuggets, a “pole axe” amulet, an astrolabe, a double barreled pistol, another 40 or so doubloons, a map of trinidad and tobego, a recipe for the ometochli tincture, an ometochli tincture, and a letter that is very suspicious, but otherwise doesn't give you much more information. Time to go back to the tavern.

For 3000 pesos the barkeep will tell you more about “Juan”, basically pointing you to the smugglers, who had a similar problem with consumption, but managed to get one of their people back... after a time. Talk to one of the local smugglers sitting at the table and for 3000 pesos he will tell you about it. He said that one of their own eventually mentioned a name, and then died. It was …. <whispering> JUAN!. WTF with your Juan, thats like the most common Spanish name there is! Not much to go on... but I guess we can ask... every single person in town about it. Start with all the important people, Store clerk, Usurer, Barkeep, Harbormaster, Shipwright, Pastor, and then move on to all the vendors on the street, and then random people. Eventually Sergio Saldo, the fort's medic, will run up to you and beg you to shut the hell up. He wants to meet you after midnight outside of town. Finally.

Go outside and wait till after midnight. He will show up and tell you about Juan Consumption, a slaver who buys people from the local commandant. He wants to put a stop to it, and he hopes you can help him. Juan will be at Galera Point on the north part of Trinidad until Noon tomorrow. You can give him the letter you found in the commandants house to help him prove the man's actions. Time to go meet Juan.

If you are rank 13+ by now and using some kind of class 4 ship, you are going to have a very tough fight ahead of you with a Heavy Galleon. So make sure you are ready. If you are lower rank then you will just be facing a Galleon, so not nearly as bad. I was in the Mirage, 160 crew, facing down the 50 guns and 560 crew of the Rising Sun Heavy Galleon, so you can imagine the time I had.

If you are a suicidal moron like me, my suggestion is to first take out the big guy's sails. You can try and lead him into the fort if you went with the trading license route, just remember you need to board him, not just get him killed.

After you slow him to a crawl you can start you strafing runs and work his crew down to a more manageable level...

Make certain you board him from a good distance away. As far as you can manage it and not against the wind, so you can flee the ship after you board.

After you board him and kill him, he'll tell you he is blowing up his ship, and he will attempt to bribe you with 1000 doubloons to let him go, a pretty decent penny. If you take this bribe and let him go then you'll take a huge hit to your rep. Likewise if you kill him, you'll get a huge boost. Killing him makes the tavern wench pay you 5,000 pesos, and saves her brother. Or she will thank you in “other ways”, if you asked her for that. Either way you save her brother if you don't take the bribe. And you got rid of a huge menace to society.

If you loot anything in the cabin or take anything from his hold his ship will explode immediately. So you will need to take the gunpowder and hope you are far enough away and that your ship has enough HP to survive the blast.
FA.2.iv – The Regatta, an important note
I am not yet going to go over the Regatta, as it is my recommendation that you wait until a higher rank to complete this quest, but I thought it was important to point out early on the requirements and rewards for the Regatta.

The Regatta is a race, and it is offered to you once you complete some of the Marathon generator quests and/or cargo quests for the harbormaster. Once it is offered to you, you must accept and attend, or you will never be allowed to participate in the quest. This means you need to be careful about completing too many of these tasks/quests. The marathon generator quests are very profitable, so my suggestion here would be to save before you go to the bartender to collect your reward. Once you pick up your reward head to an English settlement. If you are not approached by someone about the Regatta, you are safe.

The rewards for the Regatta very by rank. From Ranks 3 – 10 you get a swept-hilt rapier, 250,000 pesos, a boussole, and a Brigant armor.
From ranks 11 – 25 you get a Madonna, 250,000 pesos, the Hand Mortar, and a boussole.
From 25+ you will get the 250,000 pesos, a Milano cuirass, the best light armor in the game, the boussole, and the special weapon only available here , the rapier Asoleeda.

So depending on what type of character you are playing, you may want to finish the Regatta before rank 25, or after. Either way I think completing it below rank 11 is a waste =P. I will go over the Regatta in full after The Dutch Gambit.
FA.2.v – Manga Rosa
Quest: Manga Rosa
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: none
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Discover a Manga Rosa
Required Items: Manga Rosa
Quest Giver: Manga Rosa
Rewards: Manga Rosa Potions, Quest potions from Caleuche

Manga Rosa is a plant that can be found in specific places around the world. Some are in the environment, much like other plants, only in static positions. Others are found in chests pertaining to quests and specific boss entities. There is a set number of Manga Rosas available in the world.

One very important note regarding Manga Rosa is that if you enter a screen that has one and leave without getting it, it will vanish upon entering another screen that has a Manga Rosa. You will never be able to get it again.

I will briefly outline where to get the plant here, and I will include detailed information throughout the walk-through so that you can pick them up as you go along. (Noted with (MR) next to the outline headings). If you follow the walk-through for the whole game you will have all the Manga Rosa you need when you need it. Technically you only <need> it to get stats at the end of Caleuche.

World Map locations that have Manga Rosa (In the order that I suggest grabbing them)

Guadeloupe – In the Selva of the small island between Cape Inaccessible and Grand Bourg Cove.
St. Christopher – In the Selva, one screen past the cemetery
Antigua – In the Selva, one screen past the gate, to the right
Hispaniola – Port-Au-Prince Lighthouse nearish to the exit to the selva.
Hispaniola – In the cave, it is in the water under the stone bridge, opposite of the chest.
Carupano Cove (near Cumana) – On the beach
Cumana Selva – In the cave with the bridge over water. It is in the water near to the chest.
Cartagena – Covenas Cove, on the beach
Panama – On the beach of San Miguel Bay
Maracaibo (Guajira Bay) – One screen in from Guajira Bay, to the right.
Cuba (Cape Camarguey) – On the beach
Cuba (Cape Camarguey) – One screen in, one screen right. In the selva near the center trees.
Cayman – Desert Coast
San Juan Del Norte – On the first screen (through the cave)
San Juan Del Norte – At the entrance to the Grotto
San Juan Del Norte – In the cave (not grotto) with the bridge over water.
San Juan Del Norte – Screen after you exit the cave by way of the rope.
San Juan Del Norte – Coronando Bay
Isla De Coche (Dutch Gambit) – Buccaneer Bay
Isla de Coche – Next location after Buccaneer Bay, the crossroads
Isla de coche – At the cave entrance
Isla Tesoro – Benures Bay
Isla Tesoro – In the cave, directly left if entered from Benures Bay direction.
Khael Roa (Caleuche) – On the beach of Reef Cove
Khael Roa – On the screen with the temple.
Amatique Cove – On the beach
Amatique Cove – Two screens in at the crossroads that lead to Temple
Amatique Cove - On the screen with the statue
Amatique Cove – In the Grotto to the right of the Statue
Amatique Cove – Papagayo Bay
Amatique Cove – Gulf of Nicoya
Caratasca Lagoon – Once you Break the dam for FTJR quest “Nemesis”
Caratasca Lagoon – In the Ruins for the FTJR quest “Nemesis”
Skeleton Reef – Behind the broken house
Belize - One screen in from Cape Catoche
Belize – Bay of Peril, the beach.

You will also get them during the following quests.

Just Like Home (Final Lesson DLC) - In the chest you loot for Lavassuer's wife.
Mystery of Santa Lucia - In one of the chests on the "Santa Lucia"
Turtle Soup - In the chest of Henri Thibault while trying to rescue Catherine Fox
Caleuche (Caleuche DLC) – In the metal chest in Merriman's room when you kill him.
Nemesis (FTJR DLC) – Loot 3 pieces off Luke Leprechaun
The Defense of Saint-Pierre – In the cabin of the manowar "San Felipe"
Seeking the Guardian of Truth - In the cabin of the Fast Frigate "Fortune"
Seeking the Guardian of Truth – In the cabin with Diego de Montoya
Ancient Mayan City – There are 5 pieces in one of the stone chests of the Great Temple

After you find at least 1 you can take it around and ask different “drink vendors” about them. Eventually one will tell you that the wandering ypsies usually deal in them. Ask one of them and they will tell you of a woman who can give you additional information about the plant in exchange for the one that you show them. They will also buy them from you for 50 doubloons each... but you really don't want to do that.

The woman you are looking for is Amelia. She is on Chiriqui Lagoon. She will sell you recipes that use the plant for 300 doubloons and 1 Manga Rosa each.

Tidal Wave: +Strength and Endurance , better skills in Sabers/Cutlasses and Broadsword/axes, take less damage, carry more weight.
Ingredients:1 Manga Rosa, 1 Ipecacuanha, 1 amber, 1 bottle of rum, 1 ginger root, 3 small pearl, 1 vial.
Instruments: 1 Alchemist's chest, 1 Icon Lamp, 1 Copper Ewer,
Squall : +reaction and Impression, better skills in firearms and rapiers/foils, faster energy regen
Ingredients: 1 Manga Rosa, 2 Guarana, 1 Amber, 1 Excellent Wine, 1 Verbena, 2 Large Pearls, 1 Vial.
Instruments: 1 Alchemist's Chest, 1 Mortar and Pestle, 1 Silver Ewer, 1 Silver Spoon
Sea Hug : all the effects of previous potions, but at 50% strength, and also gives luck and charisma
ingredients: 1 Manga Rosa, 1 Elixir, 1 Blue Amber, 3 Small Pearls, 2 Large Pearls, 1 Vial
Instruments: 1 Icon Lamp, 1 Alchemist's chest, 1 Mortar and Pestle, 1 old mug, 1 wooden spoon,

All three potions will heal health as well. (Not HP, but health). The effects last for 2 passings of Midnight. So “Up to” 2 days if you drink them at 00:01.

You will also need 15 Manga Rosa for the Caleuche quest rewards. These are permanent stat increases so use your first 15 on this. – Fadey's Swords
Quest: Fadey's Persion Cavalry Swords
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: Class 3 ships, Arbutus Corvette, Levasseur
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Talk to Fadey.
Required items: the swords
Quest Giver: Fadey in Basse-Terre
Rewards: 300 doubloons and ability to buy ropes, 300 doubloons and war 'scarab ring, 400 doubloons and ability to buy wicker armor for 700 doubloons.

Fadey will mention this the first time you meet him, and from then on you will be on the lookout for the Persian swords he is missing.

Scimitar – This one can be randomly found in the main chest in the cabin of any class 3 or above ship. If you miss it by not looting the chest you are fine, but if you see it and do not loot it, you will never see it again.

The Prophet's Wrath- This is found in the cabin of the Arbutus during the main story quest “The Pirate Saga”. This is Arthur Donovan's corvette near Antigua.

Patissa Khandu- This is found in the chest of Francois Levasseur after you complete the main story quest “Turtle Soup”. It is in the governor's residence. You get the key off of Levasseur's corpse.

You get a reward every time you turn in one of the swords to Fadey.

First sword – 300 doubloons and the ability to buy 50 rope from Fadey on the 20th of every month for 10 doubloons each (500 total).

Second sword – 300 doubloons and the ward 'Scarab Ring', which speeds up your automatic repair by 50% per day.

Third sword – 400 doubloons and the ability to buy the armor “Wicker Armor” for 700 doubloons after 2 weeks. Unfortunately the armor kind of sucks. Its a poor-man's version of the Lamport's costume, so it is really only worth anything if you don't have Caleuche DLC. Same defense, but +15 stealth instead of +30 that the lamport gives, -15 Charisma instead of -25, and 8 weight instead of 6. The Patissa Khandu sword is in the running for best broadsword in the game (for a lower power character), and looks cool as hell, so the trade is pretty bad.

There is an achievement for this quest, however. So even if you don't want the armor you may want to save, turn it in, then load for the cheese.
FA.2.vii – Dangerous Cargo
Quest: Dangerous Cargo
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Transporting Gunpowder
Time Sensitive: No sooner than a week.
Requirements: Famous reputation, Gentleman or higher reputation (Hidalgo), Neutral or better reputation with Spain.
Required items: 50,000 Gunpowder
Quest Giver: Fort Commandant of Cumana
Rewards: Up to 450,000 pesos, based on Authority.

Talk to the Commandant in the arsenal of the fort. He will say he trusts you based on your reputation. He is embarrassed to tell you that he is out of gun powder. Quite the problem for a fort. He wants 50,000 barrels and is willing to pay you 300,000 pesos for bringing them to him. A tidy little sum. He warns you of the dangers of carrying that much gunpowder... don't get into a storm or get shot at.

He will have the money in a week, so don't come before then.

Time to unload some of that gunpowder you've been hoarding in Curacao!

If you do not pass a stealth check you may get attacked by a ship on your way back to Cumana.
You may also encounter a courier lugger in the harbor, but it can be avoided.

When you get back to the commandant he tries to cheat you, offering you 150,000 pesos.

If your Authority is high enough you don't have to take that.
Less than 50 Authority: You do indeed have to take that... and get 150000 for the quest.
50-75 Authority: you get what you originally asked for. 300000.
More than 75 Authority: Demand 450000 from him, its the jerk tax.

After further review this may actually be Charisma not just Authority. This latest playthrough I had full authority and 48 charisma and he would only give me 150000. I put on my parade chest for +5 charisma and he gave me 300000. So.... might need 75 charisma to get the 450000.

Show him you have big cojones! Tell him since he was going to be a jerk about it, you now want 450,000 pesos. When you make the point that you have a ship filled with 50000 gunpowder sitting in dock at his fort, he promptly agrees.

If you extorted extra money from the guy (or just you know.... the amount you agreed upon to begin with) then be ready to fight some "random" bandits who call you by name and ask for exactly the amount of money you just left the fort with when you reach the city gates. I had 3 guys to fight. Man that guy is a jerk.

GA.1 The Dutch Gambit
Think you are ready for the Dutch Gambit eh? Itching for some special ships and a new quest officer? Alrighty then. Lets do a quick run down. Looked down below and decided which path you are going to take? Browsed the ships, the officer, the requirements? Meet them? Good. Then we can begin the next leg of our epic journey.
GA.2 The Dutch Gambit, dutch stylez.
Requirements for helping the Dutch: None
Officer received: Longway, a decent boarder (45 weapons 250 hp), navigator (50), and doctor (50)
Ship recieved: Meifang, a nice class 4 special Xebec called a light Xebec.

GA.2.i The Dutch Gambit for Holland, Part 1
Quest: The Dutch Gambit (For Holland, part 1)
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: 2 brigantine
Time Sensitive: 2 weeks
Requirements: 3 months passed since you finished the tutorial
Required Items: none
Quest Giver: Michel on Saint-Pierre
Rewards: 5000 pesos

Alright so we go and visit Michel in prison again, and he's so happy to see us. He can tell you are growing into your own, and the conceited young boy, which LITERALLY drove him insane (wait... he's insane then?), is melting away from your demeanor. He tells you you need to make some powerful connections in the Caribbean, or your money will mean nothing. You have three options, The Dutch, The English, or the super spooky secret organization. We are going to go see the Dutch.
He also tells you how to make some navigation devices, which will come in handy later when we have to find specific places that aren't on the map.

Go to Caracao, and head into the HWIC headquarters. The doorman will ask you to state your business and you ask for work, he will send you up to Rodenburg. He will give you a crap job of guarding some overstuffed merchant who pissed off a powerful privateer. So go to the harbormaster and talk to the guy standing in there. Talk to him then go to the docks and set sail. Go up to St. Martin, when you get to the port there will be two brigantines waiting for you. The fort will help you kill them, easy peasy. Nothing special at all on the brigantines, but one of them was better than the Amsterdam for me, so I took it!

Meet the Merchant on the dock and get your measly 5k, then go back to Curacao.
GA.2.ii Dutch Gambit for Holland, Part 2
Quest: The Dutch Gambit (For holland, part 2)
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: An Australian and his buddy.
Time Sensitive: 15 days
Requirements: Completed Part 1
Required Items: 5 chests of doubloons(given) and a sealed letter (given)
Quest Giver: Rodenburg at the Dutch Headquarters.
Rewards: 20 day trading license, 25000 pesos, a headache

Upon returning to Rodenburg he will inform you he is going to send you to Santiago on Cuba to deliver some chests of gold to the banker there. He is giving you a 20 day license to help you out, and you have 15 days to get there. Oh and his woman's intuition is telling him you will have trouble... good luck!

Head up to Cuba, and don't forget to put on your Spanish flag before you land in Santiago. Head over to the banker, he's right from the docks down the street. He takes the money and tells you to visit the sights in the city and enjoy the local cuisine while he writes a proper letter back to Rodenburg. Guess we'll stay a night at the tavern.

I'll just exit the bank here and... GYAH!
You wake up to find an australian fondling you. He starts asking you a lot of questions about why you are here. I ain't saying nothing pig!

He leaves you alone with someone watching the door supposedly. I'm a bit of a snoop so I'm checking the boxes in the room. One of them has a harpoon and a health potion. Great... I'm a broadswords kinda guy. So Miguel barges in since you made a whole lot of noise picking up that harpoon apparently, and you are in the unenviable position of dueling him with your harpoon. If you are rapiers based you are better off than I was... just feint attack seems to work best.

This guy at least drops you a cutlass... going up in the world, better equip it. Downstairs you'll square off with Croc Dundee. Kill him, and don't forget to get all your equipment back from the chest in the room. Go ahead and go outside. Who knows where your faithful boarders are.... nowhere to be seen at the moment.

You can go ahead and go back to the banker, he gives you the eloquent message "this man must die". Quaint. Whatever just another day for me. Back to Curacao.

Get back to Rodenburg and tell him all about it. He has some ideas but tells you to come back in 7 days. Gives you 25000 pesos for your troubles.
GA.2.iii The Dutch Gambit for Holland, Part 3
Quest: The Dutch Gambit (Holland, part 3)
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Van Burg, Privateer Ketch "Mirage"
Time Sensitive: No
Requirements: Completion of part 2
Required Items: none
Quest Giver: Rodenburg at the Dutch Headquarters.
Rewards: Temporary use of the "Mirage", 50,000 pesos.

So you need to prepare for the next mission. Specifically in this case by prepare we mean... ditch your ship at a harbormaster other than Caracao if you give any craps about it, because it will be lost. Go over to Martinique or something and catch a sloop or something along the way. Put your ship in storage and just take the necessaries along with you for your crew to make the trip to curacao, cause everything you keep is gone. Make your way back to Caracao and wait the rest of the time until your meeting with Rodenburg. You'll be going after the Mirage.

Rodenburg tells you about Fleetwood, an English captain who preys on Dutch traders. He wants to get rid of him. Not just kill him, but destroy his soul! So he is going to use Fleetwoods hatred of a guy name Van Burg, a dutch pirate, to lure him into a trap. You need to go capture Van Burg's ship, the Mirage. To this end Rodenburg is going to let you use his Xebec Meifang, along with his Chinese, Longway.

Go to the harbor master and store your ship. Then go back to Rodenburg and he puts the Meifang under your control. Sweet ship. When you exit the building Longway should approach you. If he doesn't, wait until night or go to the docks and then come back. Sometimes the streets are too full of people and he can't spawn.

If you are super polite to him with option 3 you will get the chance to recruit him later... which you certainly want. He will tell you where to find the Mirage, it will be in one of the cities in the Spanish Main. Unfortunately your trade license probably expired while you were waiting the extra 7 days.... pffft, but we can sneak into a spanish city right? If it happens to be Cumana, you can use the spanish flag and get close to aruba beach and dock before you are found out, even if your stealth fails...

Go to the tavern in the city mentioned. Jacob Van Burg will be drunk upstairs. He will attack you, so kill him. On him are 12000 pesos, the talisman Joker plus its recipe, a ship log, a chronometer, and some weapons and ammo and potions. Big haul! Read your documents tab under the quest log to get the location of the Mirage, as well as a hint about a Fleut you might need later!
In my case it was in Boca de la Serpienta coast.

When you arrive in the bay the Mirage is there, and recognizes you as an ally. Cool. Get up alongside it and UNLEASH FURY! Try not to get too close though, cause you don't want them boarding you right away, they have more crew than you.

After a little battle where you get to watch your Dutch Marines in action you take control of the fake Flying Dutchman! A Privateer Ketch that is arguably better than the Meifang, unfortunately it is not for you =(.

Return to Willemstad with your prize. Transfer all your crew and supplies to the Mirage. Rodenburg will tell you about the next phase of the plan, and take the Meifang from you, for now. He'll also pay you 50,000 pesos for your efforts. That is better.
GA.2.iv The Dutch Gambit for Holland Part 4
Quest: The Dutch Gambit (Holland Part 4)
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Fleetwood, The Valkyrie
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Successfully complete Part 3
Required items: The "Mirage"
Quest Giver: Rodenburg at the Dutch Headquarters.
Rewards: The Meifang , 1000 doubloons, 100,000 pesos, possibly 50,000 pesos, a Boussole.

Alright, time to go spread the word about The Ghost Ship to Fleetwood to lure him to Dominica. Head to Antigua to see a man named John Murdock at the drug store. Land somewhere not in port, the English will recognize the ship right away and open fire. You can land at Cape Boon. While you are piloting the Mirage the English consider you an enemy, so you'll have to sneak into town. Damn omniscent guards.

The screen after Cape Boon has a Manga Rosa on it, so be sure to grab it on your way to town. Head straight in for the drug store, avoiding the guards. Talk to John and he will tell you that Charlie Knippel is who you want to give the information too, but he is not a complete moron so be circumspect. His house is near the docks... so weave your way through the redcoats again.

Chain shot to my back, chain shot to my neck, chain shot to my liver, this is just what I wanted to hear! I think he is a complete moron after all. Well hopefully he will pass on your information to Fleetwood. We're just lucky he doesn't wonder at all why you know who Fleetwoods spy is.

Time to go to Dominica and lie in wait. The "Ghost Ship" has one more victim to haunt. You get there, but there is no sign of Longway and the Meifang. Oh well, time to make waves.

Before long The Valkyrie appears on the horizon. Attack! Board the vessel, and try to do so from as far away as possible... the thing is going to explode after you board it.
Fight Fleetwood, twice... and loot him for 20,000 pesos, the log book, a good spyglass, an hourglass, and some weapons and ammo. Make sure you take the gunpowder from the hold so it doesn't aid in the blast.

Return to Curacao, where Meifang is still sitting at port. You talk to Rodenburg and he informs you that he will have to take the Mirage from you for... political reasons, and that your ship was destroyed in a battle against the English, who attacked while you were gone.

Do not despair though, you get 100,000 pesos, 50,000 pesos for the log book, and the Meifang as compensation! It even comes with a full crew of maximum experienced seamen. Go to the governor the next day and receive a state commendation, 1000 doubloons and a boussole nav tool. Rodenburg tells you to visit him in a week to continue your assignments.

GA.2.v The Dutch Gambit for Holland, Part 5 (MR x 3)
Quest: The Dutch Gambit (Holland, part 5)
Difficulty: Trivial
Enemies: none
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Successfully complete part 4, be a smooth operator.
Required Items: Silver Tongue, Boussole, Working Chronometer
Quest Giver: Rodenburg at the Dutch Headquarters.
Rewards: 50,000 pesos, Holy Water Amulet or Seafarer's Amulet, 100 gold nuggets, Talisman "Myrmidon" or 500,000 pesos and a random amulet.

Rodenburg has a different sort of assignment for you this time. He wants you to talk a beautiful woman into marrying him. Gee, for king and country. Anyway you need to go see Abigail and her father, some Jewish immigrants who were not long ago attacked by Jacob Van Berg and lost all their treasure on a deserted island. She's been reticent about marrying Rodenburg, and he wants you to find out why, you old sly devil you.

Head over to her house, its across from the Governor's residence. Upstairs you will find the beautiful lass. She is saddened by the news that Fleetwood was a pirate... lawl. She is just glad no one was hurt, except you know... for Fleetwood, and hundreds of sailors, and probably everyone but her and her father on her other ship... ahem, so anyway. You propose to her... for Rodenburg. Classy. She doesn't want to go to him a pauper, however, so she wants you to talk to daddy and see about getting his money back.

Unfortunately Soloman doesn't know the fooditude or goldinates of the island... he's not much help at all really. Other than to tell us he had an ancient skull amongst his possessions.

Hey, look, a guy interested in an ancient skull. A "scientist" wants to talk to you, so follow Merriman into the house next door. He tells you if you find the skull he will give you a half million pesos for it.


Time to investigate this further. Go to the cabin and do some research. You have a Boussole, so you just need to put together a working chronometer to aid you in your navigating. You should have everything you need through the quest lines, A chronometer and an hourglass. If for some reason you do not, you can check the Dutch Trading Company every week for one. Also weapon vendors sometimes carry them.

After equipping the instruments you can go to your cabin and use the think aloud menu to locate the island. 12 48' North, 64 41' West. Its really close by Curacao, if you have the map mod, it will be the empty square of sea to the right of the island. Land in Buccaneers Bay.

IMPORTANT: There are 3 Manga Rosa on this island. The first one is in Buccaneers Bay, and the next on the following screen, and then another at the entrance to the cave. If you leave any of these screens without picking up the Manga Rosa they will disappear forever. (except the last one, which would only disappear once you go to another screen that has a Manga Rosa.)

Two screens in (left), you will find the grotto. In the chest there is the 200,000 pesos, the jade skull, and 100 gold nuggets. Easiest.... 500k... ever.....

Head back to Willemstad and deliver the good news (in the form of 200k pesos) to Solomon. He will thank you, and didn't give a crap about the skull you kept. He gives you an amulet as thanks. Woo a 200k seafarer's earring. Sweet.

Alternately you can choose to give him the skull, and instead you get a holy water amulet... um... thanks? COMPLETE RIPOFF.

Go upstairs and tell Abigail the good news. Now that you've given her 200,000 pesos, will she marry your boss? It's pretty important cause otherwise I won't get paid. Thanks I appreciate it.

Go back to Rodenburg. He will give you 50,000 additional pesos for your good work and an amulet. If you gave Solomon the skull... I really don't know why you did that... he will give you the talisman "Myrmidon" instead, which locks officer loyalty at maximum for 90 days... wow thanks. He also knows just the buyer for this jade skull that he's going to get from Solomon.... yeah... I bet he does.

Just sell the skull to Merriman and get yours =P.

Rodenburg wants you to come back soon for more work. The Dutch Gambit for Holland, part 6
Quest: The Dutch Gambit (Holland, part 6)
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: John Murdock and Hercule
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Successfully complete part 5
Required items: The archive (given)
Quest Giver: Officer in the town of Willemstad upon landing
Rewards: 25000 pesos, 20,000 pesos, double barreled pistol, swept-hilt rapier, keys to the drug store (house), Gino the Alchemist, Alchemist kit, recipe for antidote, recipe for Spinebiter talisman, Longwey as an officer (assuming you followed the guide), Some Latin phrases, a Naval Carbine rifle, and a guilty conscience.

Return to Caracao in 10 days. An officer will meet you in the street and request that you see Mynheer Rodenburg immediately. Rodenburg will tell you he needs you to clean his dirty laundry, or wait... stop someone from killing you, but incidentally there is this notebook you need to get that is SUPER IMPORTANT because it will uh... incriminate "us". Sure dude...

So John Murdock is trying to kill you now, or something. Go to Antigua to take care of him. We get to St. Johns and across from the church there is a hatch on the ground that leads to the dungeons. Work your way through (left, right, left)

Once you reach the basement of the drugstore you will meet John Murdock, who will call for backup in the form of Hercule, a pretty nasty fighter. If you were nice to Longway when you first met him, he will appear out of thin air to help you fight. Just keep an eye on him cause Hercule might be too much for him.

After dispatching the two Longway will offer to join your crew. Make sure to loot Murdock for 20000 pesos, a swept-hilt rapier, a double barreled pistol, and the keys to the drug store.

Go upstairs and check the big chest in the room for an additional 25000 pesos and the archive that Rodenburg was looking for. It is apparently beyond your feeble mind to comprehend the contents.

Go upstairs and meet Gino, who is a scientist and alchemist and your new very own personal servant! Yay. He will give you an alchemist kit and the recipe for antidotes. Talk to him again and get a list of latin phrases so your brother can't insult you in a language you don't understand anymore.

Check next door in your room for the instructions on making the Spinebiter talisman. Keep that belligerent crew in line.

If you head back down into the dungeon and go left, straight, left, straight you can find the cipher for that book you got... for all the good it does you. (If it isn't there it may be at another dead end, but it has been there every time for me. Also you must leave the dungeon before it spawns after you kill Murdock.) Turns out that Rodenburg was behind the Ghost ship all along, and therefore the attack on his new wife. Nothing you can do with this tid-bit. Information to help you make decisions in your next play through ;).

Return to Rodenburg and give him an oily smile. Hand him the archive and he will give you a Naval Carbine, nice gun. Keep it for yourself... and you get nothing. No reason to do that.

Either way Rodenburg is off to Holland with his new wife, and bids you a fond farewell for taking care of all his business for him. The scheming jerk. Now he will live happily ever after with his hottie. Great job.... you are finished with the Dutch Gambit! With all the money you made you very likely have the 1 million pesos required to free your brother, if you didn't already.
GA.3 The Dutch Gambit, For Jolly Old England!
If you have a positive reputation, you might very well choose to side with England in the Dutch Gambit.

Requirements for helping England: less than rank 15, a positive reputation, 30 navigation skill (includes officers... so hardly a requirement at all =P)
Officer reward for helping England: Charlie Knippel, a decent cannoneer.... I guess. (65) accuracy and Cannons ,45 navigation.
Special ship for helping England: The Mirage, a truly unique privateer Ketch. In my opinion the best of the three ship choices by far.

GA.3.i The Dutch Gambit (England, part 1)
Quest: The Dutch Gambit (England, part 1)
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: East Indian, Xebec, War Schooner
Time Sensitive: Immediate
Requirements: Less than Rank 15, Navigation 30, positive reputation
Required items: none
Quest Giver: Charlie Knippel in St. John's Antigua
Rewards: 100,000 pesos

Go meet with Charlie Knippel in St. Johns, just go left from the docks to his shack. He will tell you that you are just in time and he wants you to ambush a Dutch trade caravan going from Curacao to Phillipsburg. If you head near St. Christopher you can see the purple sails come into sight before long. Be ready for a fight. If you are just using a class 4 ship at this point... a very difficult fight indeed. You'll be facing a squadron of 3 ships headed by an East-Indian. While it is a trade vessel, it is class 2 and boasts over 400 crew and 36 guns. This isn't to mention the class 3 Xebec, and laughably the class 4 war schooner, the runt of the litter.

If you are going in guns blazing with a brigantine, like me, then I suggest you make straight for the War Schooner, boarding and sinking it immediately, its small crew can't resist you. After that you can take out the Xebec, and probably switch vessels to pilot this one to attack the East Indian. If all else fails, you can always use the fort at Antigua to help you out.

Once you board the East Indian, the cabin chest has 2000 pesos, a chronometer, an arquebus, and 80 doubloons. In the hold you will find 2225 silver, geez. Unfortunately you cannot touch the silver, not any of it =(. Even damage by rats will cause you to fail the quest. Everything else is fair game though.

After turning over the ship and its silver cargo to Knippel, he tells you to return the next day. Actually its two days, and you may want to go ahead and put your ship into mooring and buy a longboat or use some other throwaway for the next part, just so you don't lose your ship.

Return to Charlie and he will then tell you about the attempt on Fleetwood's life by the one-eyed man, but the guy still wants to see you. Follow Charlie to Fleetwood's house, next to the governor's residence. Go upstairs and talk to Richard, and he will tell you about the next assignment, as well as pay you 100,000 pesos that are in the cabinet under the window. Also 10,000 extra for the fee related to storing you ship at the Harbormaster.
GA.3.ii The Dutch Gambit (England, part 2)
Quest: The Dutch Gambit (England, Part 2)
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: The Mirage
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: complete part 1
Required Items: The Valkyrie (given)
Quest Giver: Richard Fleetwood in his residence in St. John's.
Rewards: The Mirage, Boussele, Joker Talisman, 12000 pesos, Joker Talisman recipe, Hourglass

Richard will tell you about the "Ghost Ship" he believes is hired by Rodenburg of the West India trading company. He wants you to bust that ghost once and for all. You will take his Patrol Brig The Valkyrie and pretend to refit it as a merchant vessel. Go to the harbor master and give him your ship, and then return to Fleetwood, who will then grant you control of the Valkyrie, a sweet special Patrol Brig, along with a truly impressive crew. He warns you not to create a squadron, but to sail only the Valkyrie alone to Bridgetown on Barbados.

When you go downstairs Charlie offers you his services as a cannoneer. He is pretty decent and likely better than any other you've found so far, chain-shot to my back! Welcome aboard!

You might buy a few barrels of rum before you leave... that stingy bastard fleetwood didn't give you any.

Once you get to Barbados, go around town running your mouth about how awesome your cargo is and how you had to dump all your cannons in order to fit it all in and stuff like that. Hercule at the tavern is probalby especially interested in what you have to say. For good measure put in a word at the Harbor Master and ask the Usurer about a huge loan to buy lots of goodies. Go tell the store keeper you just got rid of all your guns and still need more space so you are probably going to buy a fleut. See the governor about gossiping to all his high brow friends about how much of a dumbass you are. Go tell the brothel madam how you are severely under manned for the amount of cargo you have, so you want to know how much it is to give your measly 50 soldiers a good time. Finally go see the shipwright about selling your big scary cannons for some pea shooting nerf guns.

I'm surprised you dont have to go by the church and tell them you need to pray for God to protect you since you sold all your crew's guns, ammo, and swords to buy tobacco.

After this you can leave town, pretty soon a purple sailed ship will come after you, this is the Mirage. Its a wonder you didn't get converged on from all sides by Gentlemen of Fortune as well....

with your crack crew and the fact that the guy is probably flat out amazed you even have guns on your ship, you can make pretty short work of the Mirage. They barely have more crew than you to begin with, so give them a few good volley of grape shot and board them. The English marines will destroy them. Leaving you free to kill Jacob Van Berg and take the prize. 12000 pesos, the Joker talisman, his log book, the recipe fot he talisman, an hourglass, and the usual weapons and potion pack.

Take control of the Mirage, a fantastic ship, and head back to Antigua. Unfortunately when you see Fleetwood he has them clean up the Mirage and give it white sails and all that... sigh... too bad there isn't an option to keep it looking like the ghost ship! He takes his Valkyrie back, so go ahead and unload all the cargo and its guns before you go to see him =P. A fire broke out in the harbor, and your docked long boat is now at the bottom of the sea, oh noes! As compensation he gives you The Mirage, and "fixes" it up to be presentable. It is still a beautiful vessel, just the old Mirage would be more suited if you are going pirate ;). He also gives you a boussele, which I'm sure will come in handy.

GA.3.iii The Dutch Gambit (England, Part 3) (MR x3)
Quest: The Dutch Gambit (England, Part 3)
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Chavinavi, minion of the God of Death (Not joking.)
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: successfully complete part 2
Required items: none
Rewards: A severed head.

For your next assignment, Fleetwood gives you a much more personal matter to attend to. During one of his hunts for the Mirage, Richard had heard a battle but could not reach it in time to stop the ghost ship from sinking a fleut. Upon investigation of the nearby island he found a Jewish goddess, and her cranky old da. He rescued them from their fate, and in the intervening days fell in love with Abigail. He returned them to their home on Curacao, where Rodenburg now seeks to ♥♥♥♥ block him hardcore.

So he changed his mind and wants Abigail to come live on Antigua, where he can keep close watch on her cookies, like any sane man when faced with keeping hold of a Jewish goddess, yes?

Off to Willemstad we go. We go to Abigails house across from the governor's residence and run into her father, who spouts some truly incomprehensible gibberish at us the moment we begin talking to him. Something about Rodenburg, and the guards, and shiny things. Then he talks about treasure... who knows what this guy is on about. He does let slip that Abigail is at church, so lets see if this woman is more lucid than her father.

We go to the church. Abigail isn't hard to spot, she's the only woman allowed to enter the church.... EVER. I may be a little cloudy on religion, but what is a Jewish girl doing in a christian church anyway? If they don't follow the Jewish faith are they still Jewish? Is it a race or a religion? Erm... whatever... talk to her.

News travels fast... she has heard that Richard is injured. People are well informed in the Caribbean I'll give them that. She wants to go to Richard, if only she had 200,000 pesos and a jade skull, she'd totally be right there by his side for the sake of love. Yeah ok. I'll go hunt down some treasure, be right back.

Go to your cabin and conteplate the meaning of life with the action menu, make sure you make a working chronometer if you haven't already, and equip it along with the boussele. After that you can go a little east of Curacao and find the island. If you have the map mod it is in the square of open ocean near by, pretty much anywhere in the square will get you there now. Be sure to bring some health potions and be ready for a fight.

Now you are on Isle de Coche. Land at Buccaneer's Bay.

IMPORTANT: There are 3 Manga Rosa on this island. The first one is in Buccaneers Bay, and the next on the following screen, and then another at the entrance to the cave. If you leave any of these screens without picking up the Manga Rosa they will disappear forever. (except the last one, which would only disappear once you go to another screen that has a Manga Rosa.)

Two screens in (left), you will find the grotto. Inside the chest you will find....
An explosion... following by a demon chieftan of some sort materializing out of thin air. Pretty tough guy, but no armor so not so bad. Kill and loot him for the double barrelled pistol and the club. Some people seem to have some trouble with this guy, but aside from having a good amount of hp I didn't see the issue, and I was playing on hard.

Once you take care of him you can look in the chest. Inside is.... Hercules, or as we know him Gaston the barkeep from Barbados, head with a bullet hole in it. Jesus Christ..... I think its time to leave.

Go back to Antigua and talk to Fleetwood. He will look at you like you are crazy when you tell him a demon skeleton indian chief attacked you, but is less inclined to argue when you throw a severed head on his desk. This is where he is secretly mashing his panic button to call in the guys with the straight jackets, yes?
GA.3.iv The Dutch Gambit (England, Part 4)
Quest: The Dutch Gambit (England, Part 4)
Difficulty: normal
Enemies: 3 polacre in one fight, The Meifang in another
Time Sensitive: 20 days
Requirements: complete part 3
Required items: none
Rewards: 200,000 pesos, 200,000 pesos, Charlie Knipple as an officer, 20,000 pesos, 20,000 pesos, four barreled pistol, 145 doubloons, Naval Klewang, Good spyglass, alchemist kit, antidote recipe, Recipe for talisman "Spinebiter", Drug store house on Antigua, Gino the alchemist.

Well, anyway he wants you to go check to see if the guy who lost his head here is really dead.... ok now who is the crazy one? No I'm sure he is fine, tending his bar in Barbados without his head. After that you can meet Charlie in Blanca Lagoon on Curacao to get the money for Abigail. Come back to him in 20 days to see if he's found out more on the subject.

Go ahead and get your new ship up to fighting condition, because you'll be using it soon. Or if you have something better sitting in storage go get that.

Go to Bridgetown and visit the tavern to look for Gaston. Alas, it would seem that bartending does in fact require a brain, or at least a head upon one's shoulders. He left a couple days after your theatrical merchant performance. He left a letter for you though, how thoughtful.

The letter, under the documents tab, will tell you that Gaston is really Hercule Tonzag, and in another life you could have been friends <tear>. He wants you to avenge his death, and he tells you that Fleetwood is a douche... just slightly less of one than Rodenburg, who is a black hearted bastard. He tells you to go see John Murdock in Antigua, he'll be hiding out in the dungeons across the street from the church in St. Johns.

First, however, we need to go pick up Charlie Knippel on Curacao and see what he has to say. When you arrive in Blanca Lagoon you meet Charlie, and he hands you a letter from Richard Fleetwood. Turns out he knocked up Abigail, took her from Curacao while you were visiting Barbados, and fled back to England. Say whuuuut? Now you are alone against Rodenburg, and he'd really sorry about that, but he has his wife and unborn child to think about. So he's leaving the 200,000 pesos for you to use yourself instead of giving to Solomon. Also he's leaving you his slave Charlie Knippel, who will hopefully serve you with more honor than Fleetwood himself.

P.S. That demon you fought was an undead incarnation of Hercule called a Chavinavi, a minion of the God of Death, bound to the chest by the severed head. A dark sorcerer is apparently around somewhere. Heavy stuff.

Well.. you got 200,000 pesos out of it anyway, so time to go see John Murdock and find out what you can do about Rodenburg, who has a hard on for killing you now. Welp... chain-shot to my butt, that sucks.

Get back on your ship and you are immediately met by 3 polacres from the Dutch Navy. You don't have to fight these if you do not want, and if you do you will take a hit to your relationship with the Dutch.

Get to Antigua and go into the dungeon to find John Murdock. He will be in the basement (straight until first left, right, left) and he isn't alone. He won't give a crap why you are there, so he and Longway attack you. They are no pushovers, but neither are they that difficult to kill. Take them on together or find a place to battle them one at a time, up to you.

On John's corpse you will find around 20,000 pesos, his archive, 2 sealed letters, and the weapons and potion common to most captains.

If you want to find the cipher for the archive you will have to exit the dungeon and come back in, it won't load until then. Alternately you can just save and load, that will work too. The cipher is left, straight, left, straight from the basement. (It is possible that it may spawn in other dead ends if you don't find it there, but it has been there every time I've played.)

After getting the cipher notes you realize that they are the ones who took Solomon's treasure. If you look back to Van Berg's Journal you will find that Rodenburg is on the Meifang in Esmeralda Bay, This is on the Cayman Isle. If you go there you find him, so prepare to battle the Meifang. You cannot be in a ship above class 4 if you want to board him.

When you get ready to board, try and be as far away as possible, because the Meifang is going to explode once you are done. Fight Rodenburg , he will warn you that he fired the powder in the hold, so the Meifang will soon explode. On Rodenburg you'll find 20000 pesos, a Naval Klewang, a good spyglass, and the usual captain stuff.

If you are the daring sort, you can loot the chests in the cabin for 20000 additional pesos, a four barreled pistol, 145 doubloons, a couple amulets, and a bottle of tears of Ixchel, 2 blue amber, 5 amber, and a meteorite. After that loot all the gunpowder out of the hold. After that the Meifang will go boom, and hopefully you had enough hull strength and were boarding from far enough away that you will survive.

Go ahead and land on the beach and head to the grotto. Here you will find Solomon's 200000 pesos ,along with keys to the drug store, grape shot to my nuts! You may want to go to the Desert Coast while you are here and grab the Manga Rosa there. Since you are conveniently close by.

Head back to Antigua and your new house, the Drug Store. You may ahve to enter through the dungeon the firs time... The house is conveniently occupied with your very own pet scientist. Talk to Gino upstairs for an alchemist kit and some latin phrases, as well as an antidote recipe. In your room next door you can find the recipe to the talisman Spinebiter. Don't mind the locked chest in the bottom room, it probably only contains the 500,000 pesos from the sale of the skull to Merriman anyway. Guess we'll never know!
GA.4 The Dutch Gambit, Special Secrets
The third option for doing the dutch gambit is to follow the secret organization, a shadowy group of two guys who wanna take down the Dutch trading company, and stick it to the English man.

Requirements for helping the secret organization: Lower than Rank 15, 25 of all weapon skills, a negative reputation.
Special Officer received: Hercule Tonzag, a great boarder and a good boatswain.
Special Ship received: The Valkyrie, a really nice special Brig called a Patrol Brig.

I'm going to go ahead an apologize if this walkthrough isn't as cheeky or misses some of the more intricate details that the others received. I did not meet the requirements on my latest playthrough, so a lot of this is by memory of my last playthrough. I promise you'll get the most important bits though.
GA.4.i The Dutch Gambit (Secret Organization, part 1)
Quest: The Dutch Gambit (Secret Organization, part 1)
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: A spanish Hidalgo!
Time Sensitive: 2 months
Requirements: No greater than level 15, 25 of all weapon skills (not firearms), and a negative reputation
Required items: The items the Spanish dude is carrying: Iron Navel talisman, his finger, and the blue amber.
Quest Giver: Bald Gaston in the Barbados Tavern.
Rewards: 30,000 pesos.

Gaston thinks you might have what it takes to get involved in his business, but to prove it he has a special mission for you. He wants you to find and assassinate a Spaniard, returning his items and his finger as proof of the deed. You have 2 months to accomplish the task. The target is hiding out somewhere in a Spanish city... gee thanks. So you will have to start going to each of the spanish cities and asking around for him in the taverns. Best bet is to buy a trade license to make your search easier. Eventually one of the taverns will yield you a result. He will either be sitting in the bay on his ship, or walking around town. If it is the former, you will need to go out and board and kill him. If it is the latter, you'll have to kill him in town. Best to wait until he isn't near a guard so you have time to finish him off before the authorities arrive. Once you do so, loot him and get out of town.

Return to Barbados and give Gaston all the stuff, he'll pay your assassin's fee, 30,000 pesos.
GA.4.ii The Dutch Gambit (Secret Organization, part 2)
Quest: The Dutch Gambit (Secret Organization, part 2)
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Guards, Guards, more guards, Brigantine, The Valkyrie, A group of soldiers with Richard Fleetwood.
Time Sensitive: 10 days, only between the hours of 1:00 and 3:00.
Requirements: Completion of part 1
Required items: Key to Fleetwoods house (given), a sense of time, 5,000 pesos
Quest Giver: Bald Gaston at the Tavern in Barbados
Rewards:200,000 pesos, 20,000 pesos, 175 doubloons, amulet “Fisherman”, Omelet Tincture (Ok Ometochli),The Valkyrie, Brigant armor, A beautiful Jewish Hostage.

Gaston will have another mission for you. He wants you to infiltrate the house of an Englishman, Richard Fleetwood, on Antigua and steal his ship log. Gaston has a copy of the key, and he will give this to you, and the information that Fleetwood will be busy exactly 10 days from now between the hours of 1 and 3 AM at a reception the governor is hosting that night.... late night partiers those English.

Head to Antigua and wait until the appointed night. You may want to switch to a ship you don't care about, because yours will get impounded. If you have multiple ships in your squad, as long as the flagship is a class 5, they won't impound the rest of them. So you can just buy a lugger and swap to it before you do the quest so you can save more of your crew.

Go to Richard Fleetwood's house next to the Governor's residence and go in. On the 2nd floor a guard will be standing looking out the window. En Guard! He is pretty damn tough, and when you beat him you aren't done. After you finish him off, go into the bedroom and find the log book. On your way out, another 4 guards will charge up the stairs at you. You should be able to take them 1 at a time on the stairs, but you are in for a pretty lengthy fight.

Once you've finished them all off you head outside... only to realize you have even MORE guards after you. Once you start battling them, you will suddenly be joined by a familiar looking fellow, but you won't have much time to get a good look at him, cause you will pass out from all the wounds you've been taking. Don't worry, this is supposed to happen =P.

When you wake up you will be in the Drug Store, and a man named John Murdock will tell you that he has tended your wounds and give you some details about what transpired last night. He will tell you that the man who helped you wants to meet with you, and you will need to exit out of the dungeon under his house at night. So wait until night-time, and then go through the dungeon to the street. Here you will be met by a familiar face in not-so-familiar clothes. Bald Gaston! Gaston introduces himself not as Gaston, but instead as Hercule Tonzag, TWIST! He will tell you about how he had tried to kill Fleetwood, but due to his wearing armor under his uniform (sly bastard) he survived. Now the guy is held up in his house and impossible to get to.

So now it is your task to help Hercule get to Fleetwood and finish what he started. He'll let you know that the Brits have taken your ship, so he will offer you his courier lugger as replacement for the next leg of the mission. He tells you to go to Murdock and ask about what weaknesses Fleetwood may have that we can exploit.

Unfortunately John knows pretty much nothing, so tells you to return to him in a week to see if he can figure something out. When you come back to him in one week he tells you that he still doesn't really know anything... well... nothing except that he sent his trusted spy to retrieve a beautiful Jewish girl from Curacao that Fleetwood is obviously in love with. Um... dude... that's the very definition of exploitable weakness, haven't you ever seen a movie? Oh... right.

So good ole Charlie is on his way to Curacao flying a dutch flag. If you go off the coast of Curacao and go into the battle map he will be there waiting for you. Just don't do it too close to the fort. He is sailing a Brigantine, so time to trade in that stupid courier lugger. Board the ship and capture Charlie Knipple.You find a letter on him to Abigail, and turns out she has no idea what Charlie looks like or anything about him. Oh to be young and naive. We're going to impersonate Charlie and just walk the lass out of Caracao. Tee freaking Hee. Throw that annoying bastard Knipple over the side of the ship. Shoot him with chain-shot just for irony sake.

Go see Abigail, who's house is across from the Governor's residence. She is super glad to see you, and thinks you are a great guy. She'll ask you to wait a day while she does her hair. Note: If you do not go back the next day to get her she will find her own way to Antigua without you, and you will fail the entire quest line. Go ahead and take her back to Antigua with you, and talk to John Murdock, who has some reservations about keeping a hostage, but is convinced with little effort. Go back to the ship and visit the cabin, talk to her and then take her back to the drug store.

After using your amazing ship captain writing skills, you draft a letter for Fleetwood detailing a place and time he can pay you to get back his true love. You monster, meanwhile the girl thinks you are looking out for her while Fleetwood is out of town on business. John suggests just the person to do the delivering of the letter, a local drunk. He is in the tavern only during the evenings, so wait until after 18:00 and go to the tavern.

Talk to the guy who looks like complete ♥♥♥♥ at the table. With a bribe of 5,000 pesos he will agree to deliver the letter to Fleetwood's estate, though he really isn't pleased with the idea of pissing the powerful man off. Follow him through the street just to make sure he doesn't stop to die in an alley or something. Wait... wait some more... wait even more... the dude will FINALLY come out of the house and go back to the tavern, where he tells you that the guy almost killed him, but he got a response for you. He will meet you as requested. Go tell Murdoch you are leaving, and then go to the meeting.

The meeting is on Turks, way up north. Land at the southern bay, then go through the jungles to the northern shore. Go behind the rocks then wait 1 or two days for Richard to arrive. He's gonna be pissed, and tell you he has laid a trap for you! DUH, and I've laid a trap for your trap... ass.

Kill everyone. Loot Richard for 20,000 pesos and some normal officer loot.

When you go back to sea you will need to face The Valkyrie. It is probably all the way on the other side of the island. It is a very good ship so you might be in for a tough battle. Board and take it, in the officer cabin you'll find 200,000 pesos, an amulet “Fisherman” , one of those Ometochtli Tinctures that make you whoop major ass, and 175 doubloons. Also now you'll have the Valkyrie... a really nice class 4 ship.

Return to Antigua and talk to John Murdock, He will tell you that Hercule is coming to see us and congratulate us on our resounding success. Go talk to Abigail and let her know Richard will not be coming to see her, men are so unreliable like that. At least she has good ole reliable Charles Knipple, a dashing young rogue of a man always out for her best interests.

Go back down into the dungeon and meet Hercule, who will bow to your greatness and give you a Brigant armor.
GA.4.iii The Dutch Gambit (Secret Organization, part 3) (MR x 3) (First Half...)
Quest: The Dutch Gambit (Secret Organization, part 3)
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Brigantine, The Meifang, a group of mercs from Van Berg, another group of mercs from Van Berg, The Mirage
Time Sensitive: immediately
Requirements: Successfully complete part 2, heartlessness.
Required items: boussele (given), Working Chronometer
Quest Giver: John Murdock in the Drug store of St. John's.
Rewards: 250,000 pesos, small sword, boussele, 500,000 pesos, 100 gold nuggets, 100,000 pesos, Naval Carbine, alchemist's kit, antidote recipe, “spinebiter” recipe, talisman “Joker”, Recipe for talisman “Joker”, 12,000 pesos, keys to the Drug Store your new house, Gino the alchemist, Hercule Tonzag as an officer, a kiss from a Jewish Princess, an offer of marriage OR optionally 200,000 pesos and a guilty conscience and NO kiss and NO offer of marriage (you're going to hell!).

Now that Richard Fleetwood is taken care of, its time to go after a man called Lucas Rodenburg. A real asshat of a guy. For starters you need to track down one of his ships and tell the captain a story that will really piss Rodenburg off. After this Hercule will offer to be your officer. Yes please, he kicks ass.

The ship is going from Curacao to Phillipsburg, so look along that path for a ship with purple sails. Attack and board it. Then laugh in the captain's face and tell him you are Fleetwood and no one will dare stop you! The guy should go back to Rodenburg and give him the good news.

Note: If you miss the ship, you fail the entire quest line. So save before you go looking for it.

Before you go to Curacao to capitalize on your plan, you really need to put any ships into storage that isn't your main ship. The quest won't be able to be completed correctly if you have more than 2 ships after you take the Meifang.

When you arrive in Curacao you will see the Meifang in the bay. When you get into town go to the tavern and ask the barkeep or a drunk about some local information. Turns out your message had a more dramatic effect then you even thought. Ole Rodenburg panicked something awful upon learning about Fleetwood having his almanac, he imprisoned the local governor and has lost his damn mind. WOW... good job bro.

He's setting up the meifang with a group of cutthroats and sending it out, so something is certainly up. Head to the global map and chase down the Meifang en route, board it and kick Longway's ass and throw him into your hold. (If you have trouble finding him, he is heading north. I basically just used the go-to menu to travel to the Cape Van Hoto or whatever and then sailed on the battle map as far north as I could before I went to the global. There I was able to find the ship with purple sails. He is ultimately heading towards St. Christopher.) He might be a Chinese badass, but you offer him a deal he can't refuse, instead of torturing him to death, you'll let him go for information. Longway doesn't much care for Lucas anymore anyway, the dude is an asshat after all, so if you let him go he will tell you want he knows. Go to cape inaccessible on Guadeloupe and then talk to Longway. He will tell you about his mission, to approach Peter Styvesant, the head of the Dutch Trading Co. , and then kill him. He won't suspect the Meifang, so Longway was going to surprise attack. Additionally he tells us that the ghost ship, captained by Jacob Van Berg, is on a mission to kill us... we'll just put a pin in that one for now.

Longway was going to meet Styvesant at St. Christopher. He will be there for a week. Switch your ship to the Meifang and go there. When you enter the battle map you will see him sitting near the harbor. As long as you don't have more than 2 ships in your squad and are captaining the Meifang, he shouldn't fire on you. Send a longboat to him and talk to Peter. He is pretty upset about everything that is happening, and will go to Curacao with you to see if Lucas has indeed lost his damn mind.

Go to Curacao, take everything off the Meifang that you want, and go to the governor's residence. Peter brings in the governor Matthias Beck, and the three of you destroy Lucas Rodenburg's life. The governor and Peter are both pretty pleased with you, so come back the next day for your rewards.

Go ahead and visit the prisoner in jail. We have to gloat over his misfortunes after all. So do your evil villain monologue to Rodenburg, and he'll reiterate that Van Berg is coming for you.

Exit the prison and you should be accosted by Merriman, a dealer in rare artifacts. He wants to talk to you, so follow him to his house and have a chat about Solomon's treasure and the special jade skull he's willing to pay a 500,000 peso fortune to obtain. Jenkies Shaggy!

The next day go talk to Peter and the governor. They will reward you for your work with 250,000 pesos, a rapier (small sword), and a boussele navigation instrument.

Go back to Antigua and talk to John Murdock again (His drug store entrance is closed, go through the dungeon behind the house to meet him), and he will tell you Abigail is in the church offering Jewish prayers to the Christian God. Tell her that Fleetwood will NEVER be coming to see her. Well at least she still has Rodenburg. Oh yeah, about that, he's been put into prison because he lost his damn mind. So... need a lift back to Curacao?

When you get her back to Curacao and take her back to her house, you can talk to her about the treasure. You just want what is best for her, so you really want to get her treasures back! Really!
You are so awesome Charles Knipple.

She will tell you about a captain that helped her, and should know the coordinates of the island they were on with the treasure. To learn where the captain is you will need to talk to the harbormaster. He will let you know that the man sailed to Trinidad. Go to Trinidad and find the ship, sail up to it and send a rowboat, talk to the captain and get the coordinates. Go back to your ship and determine where it is on the map. You will need to equip the Boussele and also a working chronometer. If you don't have such a thing...try the weapon vendors or the Dutch Trading Co on Curacao for a chronometer and an hourglass. Use the menu to unlock the island. It is just east of Curacao, and if you have the map mod, its the square of open sea just east of Curacao.

Enter there at the coordinates given, and you will be at Isla de Coche.
GA.4.iii The Dutch Gambit (Secret Organization, part 3) (MR x 3) (Second Half...)
Land in Buccaneer Bay.

IMPORTANT: There are 3 Manga Rosa on this island. The first one is in Buccaneers Bay, and the next on the following screen, and then another at the entrance to the cave. If you leave any of these screens without picking up the Manga Rosa they will disappear forever. (except the last one, which would only disappear once you go to another screen that has a Manga Rosa.)

Two screens in (left), you will find the grotto. In the chest there is the 200,000 pesos, the jade skull, and 100 gold nuggets.

After you leave the grotto you will be greeted by a group of thugs working for Van Buren. Seems the guy has found you at last. Dispatch these goons then go back to the Bay. There will be 5 more of them, and a few musketeers on top of it... take care of them too.

Note: If you bring a higher class ship you cannot board the Mirage, so you'll have to forgo the loot in the cabin. It may be that if you bring 2 ships you cannot board it, at this point I'm unsure. All I know is I couldn't board it with my Heavy Galleon class 2 and the Valkyrie in my squad. =P The only real loss here is the Joker talisman and instructions, as the spyglass you can get elsewhere or better. You can, however, find the instructions for the Joker from a vendor if you get very lucky. It only helps you gamble better, which... whatever!

Once you board your ship you will immediately be in a fight with The Mirage. The ghost ship herself. Great ship, but you should be a good match for it on the Valkyrie. Board it, but make sure you do so with as much space between you and it as possible. It's going to be exploding afterwards.

When you kill Van Berg, you can loot 12,000 pesos, the talisman “Joker”, instructions to make it, a good spyglass, and some normal officer loot. He will let you know he's fired the hold, so you better move it. Honestly I don't think the English version gives you any time to flee either way, so you might go ahead and loot the boxes, though there won't be anything special in them. Empty the gunpowder out of the hold at least, then watch the fireworks.

Go back to Curacao. You can give the jade skull to Merriman for 500,000 pesos, score. Go talk to your best girl Abigail, and you can either keep the money from her... you freaking PIG. Or you can give her the 200,000 pesos and get a kiss! Also you won't be a complete douche... seriously bro you just got 500,000 pesos for a crappy jade skull! If you do this she won't give you a kiss, and she won't think much of you anymore. Either will her father.

If you do give her the money , you are a true gentleman and a scholar, and I applaud you. The lady will sing your praises, and kiss you. Her father will beg you to marry her. Erm... I gotta go, but thanks! Guess we aren't into beautiful Jewish women with fantastic stats. Ah well.

Either way go back to Murdock for yet another reward (makin it RAAAAIN son!), 100,000 pesos, a naval carbine, and the keys to his Drug Store, your new house! Seems John is leaving, things have just gotten too weird for him here.

Go upstairs and talk to your tenant, Gino. He will give you the alchemist's kit, the recipe for antidotes, and some latin phrases to get back at your brother with. Next door you can find the recipe for the talisman “Spinebiter”.

Dutch Gambit... complete. <Mic Drop>.
HA.1 – Life after the Dutch Gambit
Well you have completed the Dutch Gambit, you have a great new ship, possibly a great new officer, and are just super freaking flush with cash now. What are you going to do!? Anything you want is the answer to that question, the Caribbean is your oyster, and you are ready to shuck it. You are no longer bound by the constraints of keeping your rank down for The Dutch Gambit, and hopefully have already completed the Final Lesson as well. If Freeplay is your bag, then freeplay to your heart's content. The only thing really stopping you is that a lot of really good ships, items, and officers await you in the upcoming story quests, and if you do much freeplay they won't be nearly as awesome as they are if you get them earlier in your life. Another thing to keep in mind is that there are many times in the story quests where you are forced to give up your ship and crew for special ships you need to complete the missions. This isn't much of an issue if you are swapping from a class 4 or 3 ship, because your crew will all fit into the quest ships, or mostly. If you start tooling around on a Ship of the Line or a Manowar, then you will find yourself dumping your fully experienced crew more than once =P.

Personally, I'd suggest doing some of the available side quests that will offer you great rewards themselves, and also you might consider doing some faction boosting for at least Spain and Dutch. The Raising The Jolly Roger quest DLC will just destroy your reputation with both of those nations. You may want to get them both to excellent before tackling that beast if you don't want to deal with a bunch of headhunters. But, as always, To Each Their Own!

Below I'm going to go over the side quests that are available to people from Rank 15+, and then I'll get right to the Raising the Jolly Roger DLC.
HA.2 – Side Quests (Rank 15+)
These are the remaining side quests available in the game. The Manga Rosa quest, which is more like learning recipes than a quest, is covered up before the walk-through.
HA.2.i – Slave Trader (Continued, the high ranks) (4 and 5)
From here on out the Slave Trader quests are quite difficult. I really only recommend doing them once you've finished the story line, but you can finish them whenever you get a hold of a fleet of first class ships. From the next quest on I'd at least recommend a good 2nd class ship that has a crew of 350+.

Quest: Slave Trader (Part 4)
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Pinnance (target), If your Usurer is in Tortuga.... The Fort of Tortuga, A Line ship and its friends a heavy frigate and a frigate.... Oh yeah, 2 more heavy frigates, and 2 corvettes.
A brigantine (separate from above), a horde of Indians.
Time Sensitive: Until Midnight same day
Requirements: Successful completion of part 3
Required items: Very likely a ship that can instantly board a ship that has 300+ crew.
Quest Giver: Same banker as before.
Rewards: a kick in the pants, 170 emeralds, diamonds, and rubies (ish).

Talk to the usurer, he will tell you of a new mission, an easy one. There is a Pinnance sitting in a nearby cove, and its crewed by traders. There are 2000 slaves on board, so go steal em and bring them back for a quick 200,000 pesos. No problem, right?

Well the first problem is that this Pinnance probably isn't at the said cove, it is sitting right in front of a fort, a ship of the line, and more... so uh... big freaking problem. Secondly, its a trap.... So as soon as you change your flag there will be a huge squadron of baddies that spawn in and head straight for you (If you are in Tortuga =P).

Pretty much the only way this goes down without you sinking, is you face into the best wind possible. Change flag, and immediately board the pinnance. Fight the crew and the captain, and then listen to him tell you how its a trap and you are completely screwed. Get off the ship and Fly you fool! Get far enough away to enter global, and then you can sneak back into town from a nearby beach and talk to the idiot who sent you into this mess.You may have to get a little away from the beach to get out of combat and make landfall.

When I did this quest in Blueweld I was able to just come back and land in port no problem. Not sure if Tortuga was the problem... or maybe my stealth was a factor.

Talk to the banker and he'll tell you he was betrayed by one of his people. Swear at him in Russian a little. You will then go hunt down the Brigantine Diligente, which is on its way to somewhere carrying dome damning evidence of your involvement. Lets go get it.

Uh oh.... your conversation is interrupted by some soldiers. Guess you'd better kill them first. Now we can go. To catch the ship you are looking for you will need to enter the battle map somewhere in the region of your destination. This isn't a normal “purple sail” ship on the global. Try not to go into battle near the fort ;).

I'd say they aren't too excited about The Flying Heart bearing down on them at 19 knots.... but who is. Make sure you have a foreign flag flying if you are trying to keep a priest on board. Otherwise you'll change to the Jolly Roger.

Board and take out the captain. 5500 peso and the evidence can be found in his chest.
Go back to the Usurer, land on nearby beach again, you are still a wanted man. Go see the banker. Give him the letter and he will tell you he has taken care of things with the local authorities. In order to compensate your costs he tells you to go find a trove of jewels he lost on the beach of Boca de la Serpienta Coast. Careful of the natives...

He tells you to return to him in a month for your next assignment.

Go back to the beach and get on your ship. Things are still grim with your relationship in the town, so go ahead and head down to la Serpienta. Its waaaaaay down south-east.

When you land you will immediately be ambushed by a large group of Indians led by a warrior. Kill them all and loot the warrior for the gems. Like 170 ish diamonds, rubies, and emeralds. He also has a 4 barreled pistol.

By the time you get back to the town, everything should be fine and you can land in the harbor.

Quest: Slave Trader (Part 5)
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Ship of the Line
Time Sensitive:Immediately
Requirements: Complete Part 4, return in 1 month.
Required items:
Quest Giver: Same Usurer as before.
Rewards: 600,000 pesos abouts.

You visit your old friend the Usurer, and he has a new tip for you. A heavy galleon is heading from Caracas to Santiago. He'll give you a time that it will take for them to get there, but it usually leaves immediately. He says there are 3000 slaves aboard and he will give you 200 a head, and also extra for any indian trinkets you may find. Go West from Tortuga and then immediately south towards Jamaica. The ship will likely pass south of the Isla Mona open sea square roughly 3 – 4 days after you take the quest. If you don't see it by day 6 you missed it. I had to reload 4 times to finally find it.

One issue. This isn't actually a galleon, it turns out to be a Ship of the Line. Whoops. Fight it, board it, take its cargo.

In the cabin you'll find amulet 'monkey's fist', tears of Ixchel, an enchanted bone, 1000 gold nuggets, a 'golden ritual knife' and possibly an excellent map if you are that far along!

The ship itself is a really nice ship of the line. It has 36 lb guns, so you probably want to take it for yourself. Especially considering that you may very soon find yourself in need of such a ship... or several such ships... hint hint.

Return to the banker and he will tell you that you will get your money in 5 days time. He'll pay you... this time, so don't worry. He gives you 10 chests of doubloons in advance on the money, and 5 chests as compensation for sending you after a warship.

Return in 5 days for the rest of the cash. At this point you can also sell him the enchanted bone and the ritual knife if you want, 20,000 or cimuruta amulet for the bone, 30,000 or Ehecatl amulet for the ritual knife.

HA.2.i – Slave Trader (Continued, the high ranks) (6 )
Quest: Slave Trader, Part 6
Difficulty: normal
Enemies: Corvette
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Finish part 5
Required items: Gemmed Pendant
Quest Giver: Same banker...
Rewards: 150,000 Pesos and an Excellent Spyglass

After you receive your payment for the last job the usurer will send you after the traitor that turned the both of you in a month or so ago. We do indeed want to hunt down that rat, and so we do. He was last seen in Panama, so we will head down to Mosquito Bay and find out what we can about him. Or if your stealth is good or you have a license land in portobello, whatever you want.

Make your way through the Selva to Panama and talk to the tavern keeper. He will tell you that Gontier left town already to go to Portobello.

Head back to Protobello. I'll tell you already that the tavern knows nothing. You'll need to talk to the shipwright about the guy buying a ship and heading out. Go to the harbormaster to see if you can find out where he went to. Harbormaster says Jamaica. Lets go.

The guy is trying to lay low, so we probably won't find him in Port Royal (we won't find him in port royal) so head over to Cape Negril and Maroon Town. Get your Gemmed Pendant ready.

Talk to the tavern keep, he will tell you that Gontier did indeed rent a room here, but doesn't know much else. Have a drink with one of the patrons and he will tell you that Francois is real friendly like with the barmaid.

She will give you more information for a bribe of one Gemmed Pendant. Gontier had promised one to her and never gave it. He went to Havana. Lets go. From cape San Antonio you go in twice then left, left.

Talk to the tavern keeper in Havana, he will tell you the man was in the city, but that he left to turn himself in. So he is in Tortuga.... wow....

So in the end... back to Tortuga!

If you ask the Harbormaster he will tell you he hasn't seen him or his ship. The barkeep at the tavern doesn't know him by name, but he has seen some strange fellows walking around. Lets go ahead and look around ourselves.

Just down the street at the corner is the house we are looking for. Pretty much across the street from the tavern, it is the first house on the left if you head right from the tavern. Inside you'll find a rude pirate, he'll call his friends and tell Francois to run. Kill him and the other three will charge down the stairs. You can meet them at the bottom to take them one at a time. Careful saving after the fight cause it can bug the next scene.

You'll automatically run up the stairs to confront the mistress, who will tell you he jumped out the window. She'll tell you he landed his ship on the lighthouse island.

When you go to the sea on the dock you may find yourself in combat. The location of the Soledad is random, but it will be hunting you out. You can immediately board it without firing on it, and this will not alert Tortuga to you, but if you fire on it you will raise the jolly roger and Tortuga will spawn its fleet to hunt you down. If you cannot board it immediately due to crew size, then I suggest leading it far away from Tortuga before engaging it. You can switch to a spanish flag to keep from raising the jolly roger.

Sink or otherwise kill the captain of the ship. Nothing special on his corvette. Return to the banker for your reward. 150,000 pesos and the excellent spyglass.

He tells you to come back in a month for a new task. He warns you to bring a “strong squadron”. This is an understatement. Before you wait the whole month and return please read about the next quest below.

HA.2.i – Slave Trader (Continued, the high ranks) (7)
Quest: Slave Trader (Part 7)
Difficulty: Very Hard
Enemies: Havana and her 2 ships of the line.
Time Sensitive: 1 month.
Requirements: Finish part 6, wait 1 month
Required items: Fleet capable of seiging Havana...
Quest Giver: That dirty rat banker.
Rewards: Nothing! Or.... 5000ish slaves.

OK, so there is some prep work to be done if you want to take on this quest. For starters just know that completing the quest and delivering the slaves to the Usurer will get you NOTHING. He will not pay you for them. Instead he runs away never to be seen again, taking all the money with him. That being said, you can still do this quest and keep the slaves for yourself, turning the game on that jerk. You can then make 2 – 3 million pesos selling the slaves yourself. Not a bad pay out.

Havana fort for this mission has about 1400 soldiers and 162 guns. It is also guarded by 2 ships of the line. Pretty big battle. You will need a fleet that can take care of this. My suggestion would be 3 first rate ships with at the BARE MINIMUM 1700 crew. Depending on how good at boarding they are and such, you can make your own assessments here. I would probably go with 2000 crew Just to leave yourself a margin for dying to the ships and the fort. If you get tired of running around hiring crew you could always capture some from ships you find and force the slaves to join your crew... they will seriously lack in the capability department, but it will fill the ranks quickly. I ended up going with about 2500 crew.

The fleet I took.

So... that being said you will need to spend a lot of the month just running around hiring crew.. unless of course you for some reason go around paying 2500 crew every month. I doubt it. I would further suggest that you wait until the 1st of the month to begin doing this. That way you pay as few wages on this massive endeavor as you can manage. If you play your cards right you can get rid of most of them before you ever pay them at all. There is no time limit on returning to him to start the quest, so plan all you want.

About selling the slaves: If you want to cheat him out of the slaves (and if you are even considering doing this quest at all.... you do) 5000+ slaves is a whole lot to get rid of. You won't be able to just head over to Port-Au-Prince and unload them off your Manowars and such. You will need to transfer them to class 3 ships or below. You can do this piecemeal of course with whatever you have at hand... the mirage and the torrero, whatever, but I would suggest hitting a few large sized (on the global map the large three masted ships) trade caravans and stealing some sweet green deadweight pinnance ships. A good one of these can hold pretty close to 6000 deadweight. Two of them will do the trick, or really even just 1 and then the Torrero or whatever you have that is class 3 or smaller. You can look up at my smuggling section for more detail. Essentially you just need to stash those slaves and then sell them all in one go.

Lastly, know that you are going to take a massive hit to the reputation of the banker's nation when you cheat him. If you aren't at least Excellent then expect to get a price on your head. Towards this end you may want to work your Banker's faction up a little. I went from Admiration to Neutral.

You will also take a hit to Spanish, but not quite as bad as the banker's faction. Good or better should be fine. I went from barely Excellent to Neutral.

When you are ready, head to the Havana region. When you enter the battle map anywhere in the region you will be confronted by 2 warships. They don't have anything special in the cabin, so you can sink them or take them for you own uses later, up to you. They have 32 lb guns.

After you deal with those its time to take the fort. It has 162 guns, so you need to get it down to about 78 or so. Once you've done that you will storm the fort. I had almost 2300 soldiers left and I would rate the fight as pretty easy. The spanish practically fell over.

You'll have 4 battle screens for this, 3 in the fort, and then 1 in the town. After that just confront the governor and he will eventually acquiesce to giving you the 5000 slaves. At this point you have 30 days to take the slaves back to the banker (which you are NOT going to do right? He will take them and you will get literally nothing.) before you get a hit to your banker faction. Whoopdie doo.

Time to find a buyer for that ridiculous amount of slaves..... congratulations!

Unfortunately now I have nothing to do with these 2400 nearly max exp sailors. Maybe I should sack some more forts.
HA.2.ii – False Trace (Possibly MR, but likely not unless you hate money)
Quest: False Trace
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Galleon, possibly Heavy Galleon, Frigate or corvette, possible mercenary troop
Time Sensitive: 3 weeks
Requirements: Rank 15
Required items: none
Quest Giver: Adam Rayner in random port
Rewards: 2060 gold nuggets, 890 silver nuggets, 25 platinum ingots; OR 1000 doubloons, 4 “treasure” chests (80 – 90k each), diamonds, rubies, emeralds, jewelry; OR 800 gold(ships goods) and about 200 - 300 strategic resource.
Also you will get 15000 pesos, Talisman 'Throat of Cast Iron' and the recipe for it. Regardless which path you choose.

Once you are rank 15 you will eventually run into Adam Rayner as soon as you land in a port. The port he approaches you in is random, so you may end up having to go to every city in the game to find him. He meets you at the dock and offers you a tip on finding a Galleon full of silver. He wants 10% as his cut for the information. Probably to help treat the cough he got in the damn mines. Take him on as a boarder and head out to intercept the Galleon on the route he suggests.

Best way is to go mid route and wait. About 5 or 6 days should suffice and you will see a purple sail ship. Intercept it and attack and board.

Important: If you want the Talisman “Throat of Cast Iron”, which protects you from getting drunk, along with making you automatically win a drinking game later in the story, you need to loot it from the chest next to the captain's desk during the fight with the captain, as once you are done you will automatically go to after battle screen. So just parry him until he's out of energy then sheathe your weapon and loot the chest for 15000 pesos, the talisman “Throat of cast iron”, and the recipe for the talisman.

After defeating the captain he will tell you there is no silver, and you have the option to kill him or let him live. Your choice will effect the rewards for the quest.

Allowing him to live gives gold and strategic commodities.

Killing him and siding with Adam gives 2060 gold nuggets, 890 silver nuggets, 25 platinum ingots

Killing him and siding with Katerine gives 1000 doubloons, 4 “treasure” chests (80 – 90k each), diamonds, rubies, emeralds, jewelry

One way or another Katerine will come in afterwards,send her to your ship. Go to the cabin and call for Adam to explain wtf. He will tell you that his real motive for capturing the Galleon was to retrieve his wayward wife, Katerine, who had run off with her lover, the captain of the vessel you just took. Oh … I get it now.

Adam will offer you a load of gold and silver to take him and his prisoner wife to Blueweld. You can choose to believe him a second time (he's telling the truth this time), but alternately you can listen to his wife, whom you call in after Adam leaves.

She tells you a story of her monster husband who uses her as if she's just a hole between legs, and you respond “That is marriage.” Regardless she wants you to talk to the captain Lambert about a different option. You can say naw, or go talk to him.

Option 1:

Talking to Lambert he will offer you a tip on a real convoy carrying gold if you let him and the woman go in Santo Domingo. If you decide this is the better option, you will need to duel an enraged Adam, lock him in chains, and then go drop them off at Santo Domingo lighthouse. Don't take your time, if you do Adam will escape.

Once you land at the lighthouse Lambert will give you the info. Time and departure of the convoy, one heavy galleon protected by either a frigate or a corvette. Repair your fleet and go lie in wait for the next purple sailed ship.

Defeating the convoy and boarding the heavy galleon will reward you with 800 gold and about 270 ironwood. A haul worth roughly 2 million pesos (assuming you sell all the ironwood to the dutch merchant for 40 doubloons per). WOAH. Hope you brought some cargo room. That freaking heavy galleon is like 1000 deadweight overloaded =P. Go drop your gold into a warehouse for a while and then sell it for about 800,000 pesos.

Unfortunately the resource is random. You might get ropes or resin instead of ironwood, or ship silk, but I wouldn't be sad about that =P. If you don't mind doing the fight a couple times you can savescum the cargo by saving just before the fleet spawns and then fighting it again ;). Might be worth it to get a hold of 300 ironwood or silk. You can also force the fleet into Martinique or Guadeloupe in order to let the fort help you.

Option 2: Kill the captain of the Galleon, this will give you a negative reputation to England. Call adam to your cabin with the think aloud menu. When you talk to Katerine after talking to Adam tell her they deserve each other, and then take them to Blueweld. Land in the port and talk to Adam there. He will tell you the treasure is in San Juan Del Norte Bay, and you have 5 day s to retrieve it before Ole Solly goes to get it. Head to San Guan Del Norte and land, you and your crew will go into the cave and meet Solly's thugs, who you will need to kill. After that you can go to the treasure chest in the cave and find the loot. Roughly 300,000 – 350,000 pesos worth of nuggets.

Important: There is a Manga Rosa on this screen, so if you choose this option then you'll want to grab it before you leave. It is through the cave. When you exit go right, and it will be against the wall. I will talk more about this area and Manga Rosa down at The Pirate Saga... because most people won't be choosing this option here =P.

After you board you'll need to fight Cockeye'd Solly for the loot. He's in a corvette Prophet. Beat his ass, then go back for the rest of the nuggets.

Option 3: Kill the captain of the Galleon, this will give you a negative reputation to England. Call adam to your cabin with the think aloud menu. When you talk to Katerine after talking to Adam let her know you'll help her kill Adam. Instead of landing at the port of Blueweld, land in the nearby bay of Cape Perlas.

Confront Adam, tell him he's a douche, and kill him. Katerine will be true to her word to tell you where the stash is, Port-au-Prince lighthouse. Time to go to Hispaniola. Climb up the lighthouse and then across the little board to the platform and drop down to the chest. In it you will find 1100 doubloons, 4 chests of “treasure”, about 50 – 60 diamonds, 30 rubies, 10 emeralds, and just a bunch of jewelry. Probably like... 700k pesos worth of stuff. Maybe a little less. You'll need to make a few trips for all that stuff...

head back down to your boat, and you will be ambushed by a group of men, with Katerine walking around in the background. You'll face a pretty hard fight vs. 4 opponents. You can either go to the lighthouse and try to take them one at a time, fight like a madman vs. 4 guys in the open, or drink a tincture and just …. whoop em all in 12 seconds =P. I chose the last option personally.

Afterwards you should automatically do a little cutscene walk up to Katerine, who was wanting to watch you die. She's really displeased you are still alive, and promises you a fight when you get out into the bay with a ship. You can either leave her to her fate and pain... or shoot her in the face. I was feeling merciful, so I shot her.

Board your vessel and then defeat the corvette, and go back ashore with your boarding party this time and take the rest of the loot.
HA.2.iii Long way to the Gallows (part 1)
Quest: Long way to the Gallows
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: 3 thugs, 5 mercs, a Frigate, 2 more thugs, a giant group of thugs, incompetence
Time Sensitive: 3 days to Antigua, 5 days to Curacao.
Requirements: Finished with The Dutch Gambit
Required Items: 10,000 pesos, 20,000 pesos, 5,000 pesos
Quest Giver: The Brothel Madame in Phillipsburg on St. Martin.
Rewards: Hugo Avendell, 550 diamonds and rubies, Ward 'Jonas'

Talk to the Madam of the Brothel in Phillisburg during the day, she will ask you to politely request the repayment of a debt from a local at the tavern, a Mr. Hugo Avendell.

Go to the tavern and talk to Hugo at one of the tables, he will panic and ask you to cover his debt, and if you do he will let you in on a score that will make you both rich. Reluctantly you want to see where this is going, so you agree. Return to the Madam and pay off the 10000 pesos he owes.

The Madam is shocked and upset at this turn of events, as she knows for a fact Hugo cannot pay this, and she assumes that you will probably stick him like a pig when whatever he told you that made you cover him doesn't pay out. They were old friends and she feels sorry for him. Figures. You promise <wink> that you won't hurt him, (I'd totally hurt him!), and return to Hugo.

He tells you about a bounty he had been chasing before he got a bit down on his luck and lost his ship. Bart the Portuguese, an infamous pirate, and Hugo suspects he's in town. The price on his head is 2000 doubloons, quite the haul if you can bring him in alive. He suggests you get your boyz and comb the town looking for him, some of his men were seen at the local pharmacist.

Do a search of the town, near the gate is a house and you find some shady looking characters inside. They attack you, and you have to kill the three of them. They aren't so tough. After they are dead you can go upstairs. You find Bart passed out on the floor, and a doctor hiding in the corner fearing for his life. Seems Bart was subjected to some crazy Carib poison and isn't long for this world. We'd better collect on the “bring him in alive” portion of this bounty quick.

On the way downstairs we meet Hugo, who informs us that the local governor is a cheat, and will likely just collect the reward himself. We need to take Bart to Curacao instead. Alive? Crap.

Hugo warns us that if we just carry him to the ship then we are likely in for a fight with the Man's Frigate along with his crew. He has a pretty good idea that we can dress him up like an officer and carry him out as if he's drunk. We just need to find some really great clothes. Where are we going to get that? Lets try the store I guess.

He does have some noble clothes, for 20,000 pesos. This is starting to add up... buy the clothes and get back to Hugo. Upstairs we talk to the doc, and he tells us that Bart isn't likely to make the trip to Curacao alive, even with him coming with us. Yeah I figured as much. The only hope we have is to get the Portuguese to Gino in Antigua. The doc gives him three days at best, so we'd better fly like the wind.

With Hook's mod the trip is easy. You can make it on the global map, without you might want to make most of it on the battle map. Once we get to Antigua we head to the house to talk to Gino. He tells you to bring the patient immediately. Go back to your cabin and tell the doctor there to bring Bart. Go to your room in the Drug Store and talk to Gino again. He will need 5000 pesos to get some herbs for the cure. I wonder if this will end up costing us more than 2000 gold doubloons? He informs you to come back later, so go ahead and rest up at the tavern until the next morning, and then another, and another just for good measure. Returning to Gino he says that Bart is alive, but still in critical condition. He won't be good to transport for at least 3 more days. Dammit. Go downstairs and talk to Hugo.

Then repeat the process of staying at the tavern for 3 more days....
Return to Gino and pick up Bart. He will suggest that you stop off in Martinique to let him rest on dry land, but you need to get to Curacao in no more than 5 days. Exit the Drug Store and you should be accosted by Leo Cord and his 4 men. They want to take your prize, and of course we are not having any of that. Kill them, just be careful of the guards around, you don't want to hit them.

Hugo will crawl out of his hidey hole and tell you you've done great, but we have to go. Right, so lets go. Stop over in Saint-Pierre, and take Bart to the tavern. He'll have to rest here a few days, so that will cost us another 50 pesos, just put it on the tab.

Talk to the doctor upstairs, then you decide you need to stretch your legs, all this babysitting is making you cranky. Outside we are greeted by a uniformed officer. Seems like the governor wants to see you, never good.

The governor has been made aware that an unknown frigate has been patrolling the waters, gee, wonder who that could be. He wants you to help him protect the town, cause he apparently can only afford sloops. He's offering you 10,000 dollars for 2 days, 10,000 extra if you have to fight, and an additional 10,000 if you kill the person you fight.

Heh, well whatever. Guess we're going to be fighting a frigate. Outside Hugo complains about our decision, but we are the captain dammit! We do what we please! Lets go kill a damn frigate already.

Sigh, we didn't see the damn frigate. Back to babysitting.... what... Hugo... you.... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. He lost Bart and the Doctor. He also knows nothing cause you can't see anything when you are running the opposite way. Useless. Go to the tavern and ask around for someone who might have eyes. The barkeep gives you some information, tip the man another 1000 for being useful. Seems like they must have took Bart to the other side of the island. Lets go check Le Francois.

The barkeep here gives you more info, they are here, and so is Bart, but some guys heard you being nosy, so time for killing. After that is taken care of lets go have a chat upstairs. Not much chatting to be done, so kill Frants and talk to Bart, who has finally come around. He will ask for a weapon, let him have one. You will probably appreciate the help.

Outside you will be mobbed by a … mob. Fight your way clear, a tincture is probably a good idea here. Once we've killed the enemies we go out the gate to find Hugo hiding in some bushes. We drop him like a bad habit... and head to the ship.

Finally, at long last, the Frigate that everyone has been telling you about. Albatross. Board. Kill. PLUNDER! Just fair warning, if you are using something like the Meifang, the Valkyrie, or the Mirage for this... try not to take a full broadside from this guy. It is not good. The crew is pretty tough as well, so you might want to outnumber them.

Nothing special in the cabin or about the frigate really other than it doesn't suck as a frigate. You may get a scimitar from the chests in there if you haven't seen one already. For Fahey's quest.

Go back to your hold on your ship and talk to Bart. In exchange for his life, and in gratitude for saving it, he offers you an alternative to the 1500 doubloons you will get for turning him in. He buried a fortune in diamonds and rubies on the island of Turks. You can agree to spare him in exchange for this greater prize, or go for the 150,000 pesos worth of doubloons that giving him up gives you.

If you chose to see him hanged, take him on to Curacao. Otherwise, listen on!

HA.2.iii Long way to the Gallows (part 2)
Head to Turks, look for the crooked tree that Bart described. You will find a large contingent of Dutch soldiers battling Indians, apparently looking for the very thing you are searching for. That will not do... so get in there and make yourself the only one standing. The leader of the Dutch may not be able to be hurt until everyone else is dead.

The leafless tree in the middle is the one you are looking for. Go over to it to dig up the treasure, about 550 diamonds and rubies. Roughly 600,000 pesos!

When you get back to your ship you are met by yet another frigate, this time it is under the Dutch flag. You can evade this one if you don't want to engage, it doesn't have anything special. We are kinda interested in knowing what the Dutch are up to, and why they are balls deep in our business. Head back to St. Martin to see if there is any news.

Head to the tavern, the hub of all news in the colonies, and lo and behold you will see a familiar face at a nearby table. Shall we gloat? Maybe a little. You can bribe him to give you information on Don Vasquez, who is in attendance with the governor, and has been for the past few days. You could also give him 20,000 pesos and he will join your crew. His trade skill is pretty damn nice, but you'll have to teach him professional trading... which would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic.

So Don Vasquez has been whispering about you to people, trying to get back at you for killing his crew, sinking his ship, and stealing his treasure. Gee, some people get bent out of shape about the tiniest things.

Lets go see if we can shake things up a bit with the governor. Time to kill this Don once and for all. Well after interrogating one of the servants in the residence you find out that Vasquez was indeed staying there, but apparently out lived his usefulness once his information regarding you didn't pan out, coupled with the fact that your old friend Bart the Portuguese managed to get himself pinched. Bother....

They are scheduled to be executed a month hence in Willemstad, and unless you want to see all your reputation work with the Dutch go down the drain... I guess you should make certain good ole Bart doesn't mention your name. Besides, he did just make you over half a million pesos a few days ago, so you still have the warm and fuzzies about the dude.

We aren't entirely sure what is going down in Willemstad, so why don't we land in Blanca Lagoon, just to be safe. If someone has been crowing your name around, there might already be problems.

Well , so far no one is trying to kill you in the streets, so that is the first good news. Now lets poke around and see where good old Bart is, though I have a really great guess.

If you talk to the barkeep in the tavern, you get the news you pretty much expected. Bart is in prison, alongside his old boatswain Vasquez. So far it seems like he's been keeping his trap shut, but we are sure Vasquez is singling like a canary, no doubt .

So we have two options now, we can either try to do something for poor old Bart, see about getting rid of Vasquez in the process, and ensuring no one peeps our name, or we can just leave them to hang and hope everything works out ok for priority number 1.

Ok so... Option 1... they SAY they are going to execute Bart in a month. They apparently lie. As far as I can tell there is no time limit on this quest. You could leave here and never look back, and that stupid thing would be hanging out in your journal from now to the rest of time. Perhaps they will some day get around to it, but I gave up sitting and “waiting” after 3 months. I went back and talked to the prison and they still said they had him, etc. So... Option 1 you do nothing and pretend you are fine with that quest never completing.

Option 2, balls out and giving no ♥♥♥♥♥, we go to break Bart loose the most blunt way possible. We kill the entire Dutch Garrison. Very Subtle. Prepare to take that big hit to Dutch relations that you came here to avoid....

After you kill all the guards in the prison, talk to Bart. He will be surprised to see that you would come … LOOK OUT BEHIND YOU!

Vasquez tries to shoot you in the back. Dodge his pistol shots and then kill him. After that you talk to Bart again and go outside. For your Heroism he gives you the permanent ward “Jonas”, that protects you from storms. Very nice! You can really get some nav skill using this.

Head back to your ship and get away. The Dutch are not going to be so friendly to you until you get to the global map. Good thing you didn't land in port, right?
HA.3.iv Racing the Regatta (Part 1)
Quest: Racing the Regatta
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Your fellow racers, Time.
Time Sensitive: yes.
Requirements: Complete multiple courier tasks for the harbormasters/Sea Marathon quests from Merchants in taverns, Rank 3+
Required items: Lugger (regular), 50,000 pesos
Quest Giver: English soldier in English port (any).
Ranks 3 – 10: 250,000 pesos, Brigant, boussole, swept-hilt rapier
Ranks 11 – 24: 250,000 pesos, Hand Mortar, boussole, Madonna sword
Ranks 25+: 250,000 pesos, Asoleeta rapier, Milano Cuirass, boussole

All ranks: Also you may bet 100,000 pesos on yourself, payout varies.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you don't have Hook's Mod, this quest is bugged and cannot be finished. Hook fixed the bug in his mod.

Once you have completed a number of courier quests for harbormasters (You need a ship faster than 15 speed to get these quests, and it is the option when you say "Perhaps you can offer me something?" and/or Sea Marathon quests from merchants in taverns you will be approached by an English courier the next time you land in an English port. (I believe it is a specific English port, so you may have to visit them all after you do enough quests) He will hand you an invitation to The Regatta, a race held in Port Royal by the governor. You have a month to go to Port Royal and sign up. To do so you will need a lugger, and 50,000 pesos. Before you can enter you must also put all ships other than the lugger into mooring.

I strongly suggest that you upgrade speed and maneuverability on the lugger in Port Royal and Capsterville respectfully.

When you arrive in Port Royal talk to the governor, he will send you to his aide in the meeting room across the room. The man there will give you more details on the race, including the route you will take, and the rules.

You musn't switch ships for the duration of The Regatta, and you cannot add any other ships to your squadron. You have to check in with the harbormaster at each port, and they should be open 24 hours during the duration of the race (they aren't, or at least one of them isn't).

He then offers to take a bet for you, you can bet up to 100,000 pesos on yourself. The payout, he says, varies.

Once you give him the money and tell him you are ready, he will tell you to meet him in 3 days at noon at the docks. Prepare your ship with the necessities, gunpowder, some resources for repairs, and grape shot, and chain shot. If you plan on fighting your way across the ocean you may also take bombs and cannonballs, but I didn't want the extra weight. You will want extra gunpowder though, for mines.

Three days later at noon everyone will gather at the docks to see off the contestants. Three, Two, One, GO!

Port Royal to Belize

The start of the race is pretty straight-forward. Head down the coast West towards Belize, hitting Cape Negril with your Go-To function if it is available. It never came up for me. Make sure you are popping into global whenever you reach a region line, or you will be essentially sailing in place for a while.

Depending on the wind direction you may want to go southwest and hit Caratasca Lagoon, or straight on to Belize. When you get there you will be greeted by a shipwright who wants to sell you pretty blue sails. He says they go faster, but I honestly couldn't find the difference. It might be similar to the speed boost you get from port Royal, only without the silk, and I already had it.
It did make them blue though! 15,000 pesos well spent.

This playthrough I didn't upgrade my sails until the guy offered them to me. They turned blue, but the stats didn't change on my ship, so I'm not certain they do anything but give you blue sails =P. Still though... BLUE SAILS!

Belize to Port-Au-Prince

You have two choices upon leaving Belize, you can either head north along the coast, tagging the different bays and coves as you go, eventually grabbing Cuba and heading East, or you can just head straight east by the Cayman island.

If you choose north, you will eventually come across Anna Maria Bay, where you will be greeted by a couple Spanish luggers that will attack you. You will need to take care of them either through violence or by slowing them down enough to escape them.

If you just go East, you will encounter some water and wind, and an Island. After that you can go north and hit Port-Au-Prince from the other side of the cape. Much easier.

After you check in with the harbormaster you will exit to find a smuggler type offering to shoot at your competitor's sails for 50,000 pesos. Sir! I am a gentleman sir! So of course I want that.

Actually he didn't offer this service to me in the last game I played... dunno why, but maybe it was my reputation.

Port-Au-Prince to St. John's

You again have some options. Option 1 is that you sail north, hitting Gonaive Bay and curling around to eventually tag La Vega and then Samana Cove. At this point you could head East past Puerto Rico and go south beyond that, but if you do you will be attacked by 2 luggers and a Corvette. EW. Alternately you could hit Santo-Domingo lighthouse and go south, skirting the Puerto Rico region altogether and heading East by way of Guadeloupe. If you do this you do not encounter any enemies.

You can also sail south around the horn of Port-Au-Prince and tag the Spanish beaches/port. Then you have the same option of heading past Puerto Rico or not.

Sail into St. John's harbor, and you will be greeted by a monk. He will ask for a donation, and if you are generous enough (10,000 pesos), he will warn you about a lugger in the harbor that is planning on trying to blow you up. I just told you for free though.

After you check in at the Harbormaster you will meet a girl who will offer to sell you a good telescope for 10,000 pesos. Ripoff....

Leaving the bay you will see that lugger, named “Welcome”, in the harbor. Give it a wide berth.

HA.3.iv Racing the Regatta (Part 2)
St. John's to Bridgetown

After you dodge the first attempt the lugger makes to get close to you, drop a few mines while you run away. 2 should be enough to sink it. If you let it get too close to you it will blow itself up and take you with it. That is some dedication to a race I'll tell you what. Something you don't see in Nascar.... yet.

After it is sunk, head South past Dominica, tagging Cape Scott Head and moving on. When you get close enough you can go to Harrison Cape on Bermuda, at this point you will notice something distinctly wrong... the Spanish Fleet in the harbor.

That isn't good, but we have to land at the harbor anyway. They should be far enough away for you to dock, but save before you try either way. I don't think you will be taking any of those ships of the line on with your lugger. Land at the port and go to the harbormaster. If it is night time, and of course it is... it will be closed. Wait until day and visit him. On your way out you will be stopped by an English soldier. He will tell you that the governor wants to see you. Do you think it has anything to do with the horde of women standing behind him? Probably.... I hope I don't know all of them.

The Governor asks for your help in evacuating the women and children from the island before the Spanish attack the city. Apparently every ship he had is now sunk, and so your lugger is all that stands between 100 women and a mass raping. At some point he mentions children too, but since there aren't any children in the Caribbean, I must have misheard.

If you agree, and how can you not, you will load all of them up on your lugger. Then you will take them down to Harrison Cape, where of course a Sloop is waiting for you. You will need to defeat it, so give it a few shots of grape shot and board it. Afterwards you can land at the cape, and then you will battle a small squad of Spanish soldiers.

Once that is done, the lieutenant asks for you to escort him and his harem to a nearby cave, just in case there are more Spaniards. Just go left to the cave, and inside he will thank you and tell you about an expert navigator at the church in Bridgetown. Give him the soldier's name and he will go with you the rest of the way to Port Royal. He has 100 navigation. You get a large boost to honor for this.

Go pick up your navigator and move on to Port Royal.

Alternately, you can leave them all to get raped and murdered. You monster.

Bridgetown to Port Royal

Here is where it gets real. If you enter the global map from this point on you will be chased down and attacked by Gentlemen of Fortune. In my game they consisted of 2 Heavy Galleons. Just a warning.

Leaving Bridgetown you have several options. You can go north, and hit Dominica and then Guadeloupe, but as soon as you go into the battle map of Guadeloupe you will encounter 3 ships.

You can go south, and past Curacao, but there you will meet some angry Dutchmen with a corvette and a lugger.

The third option, and my favorite, is to go past Martinique. Here you will encounter nobody, and sail smoothly the rest of the way to Port Royal. At Port Royal you will not be able to use Go-To, so you will have to RP sail the rest of the way to the port, and dock.

There you will be greeted by everyone, who will hopefully tell you that you have won! My time was 90 hours total, and I blew them away. Just to test it out I did the last leg of the journey on the global map, forcing the fort at Port Royal to take care of the heavy galleons when I got there. I ended up with 130 hours, and still first. My guess is that at 90 hours my competition was just docking at Port-Au-Prince....

Rest until the next day, and then go to the governor for your rewards. See Henry Stivenson about the winnings you made from betting on yourself.

Do not tarry, you only have a week to claim your prizes or the government gets them!

Congratulations, you've won the Regatta!
HA.3.v – The Spanish Golden Fleet
Quest: The Spanish Golden Fleet
Difficulty: Ridonculous
Enemies: (may vary) 4 Heavy Frigates, 4 Heavy Galleons, 1 Manowar
Time Sensitive: twice a year, random, Portobello to Havana
Requirements: none
Required items: The force is strong in you.
Rewards: 6500ish silver, 200ish gold (may vary), the chance at capturing a manowar

Twice a year at random times the Spanish will send a fleet of gold and silver from Portobello to Havana. When it leaves the port people will begin talking about it around towns and in taverns. Honestly if you hear about it... a lot of times you are too late to intercept it, unless you happen to be in Blueweld or Port Royal.

The fleet is represented by a large ship on the global map that has golden sails. If you are looking to tackle this bad boy... be ready for a REAL fight. The squadron is led by a massive manowar, and consists of 9 ships that are all packs to the rails with crew.

1 Manowar – carries nothing but pain. In the cabin you can find an ordinary map(always), and sometimes as many jewels and gold nuggets as you can carry.
4 Heavy Frigate – Holds Silver
4 Heavy Galleon – Holds Gold and/or silver

The composition of the fleet may vary, but this is a good example of what you are going to face. I just took the flying heart by itself and managed to come away with 100% of the silver/gold, along with the manowar, but it took a few hours and a lot of loading....

One strat: I like to herd the fleet into the bay of Blueweld. If you catch it early enough you can just nudge it along the coast until it enters the bay. Then you can sit your ship right at the tip where the fort is, and wait for it to try and get out close enough to engage. This will put the ships all stuffed into a pile at the end of the bay, being hammered by the fort.

This isn't to say the fort is much help... By the end of the fight the fort was at about half cannons and I was actually afraid they might somehow pillage the town =P. It does draw a lot of fire away from you though. I sit at the mouth of the bay and wait for one of the ships to come out while they are attacking the fort. I hammer it with grape shot and board and sink it, careful not to lose many men... since you can't afford much attrition in this fight. After you take out 4 or 5 of them, you can make a run at the Manowar, which is hopefully busy still annihilating the fort. Take that one (I had to swap ships cause my poor Flying heart at this point was at like 10% hp), and then let it help you take the rest of them. Capture the last 3 ships to help you hold all the loot, and tada.

I started with like 550 crew, ended with around 200. It was not pretty, but it worked. The fort helped bring down at least 2 ships, they were at 10% health and 10% crew and 20%/20% when I went after them. It also is a great distraction.


You can also just go balls to the walls with like 3 first rate ships and hope for the best. I've taken the fleet out with just a good ship of the line before, taking out the manowar first thing and then using it in concert with my line ship to mop up the rest of them. However you do it, expect to come away with like 6500 silver and 200 gold. They should call the thing the Silver Fleet.....

I have a hard time complaining though, that is about 3.5 million pesos!

If you find yourself just having a hellish time, you could always sink some of the ships. You lose the booty... but some booty is better than no booty. The Manowar will many times do that in one good volley.
IA.1 – Caleuche DLC
After you finish The Dutch Gambit you will have the option of diving into the DLC quest Caleuche. I would certainly recommend doing so before moving on with the Raising the Jolly Roger quest line and The Pirate Saga. Not only do you get access to a very fine ship, but also some weapons and armor that will help you in the coming quests. You may have to moor your Flying Heart for some upcoming content, but still.

If you aren't ready to take on the last battle with The Flying Heart, you can save that until later. You can't use the ship yet anyway most likely, so no worries. Once you have the Jade Skull the undead will leave you alone, so you can go turn it in and get your amulets at any time. There is no time limit. Once you get the amulets though, you only have a month before they run out. Not sure if this makes the quest impossible, but I assume you will have a super hard time killing the Jaguar warriors after that =P.

TIP: If you happen to be a rapier fighter this is an excellent quest line to get some great use from that "worthless" dagger Fadey gave you at the beginning of the game. Its specialty is killing undead, and has a huge damage bonus to any of the unholy creatures. It is especially proficient at feint attacks, doing like 100 damage if your skill is fairly high. It also costs almost no energy to swing, and the normal thrust attacks can do 20 - 30 damage.

It can also be a good time to practice your fencing if you don't have skill in it already. The bonus damage will at least make it seem like a normal weapon even with no skill. It will come in handy for when you need to use the dagger at the end of the game to fight more undead. Also it could give you some quick points for levels ;).
IA.2 – Caleuche (Part 1)
Quest: Caleuche (Part 1)
Difficulty: Trivial
Enemies: none
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Finished with Dutch Gambit
Required Items: Strange Amulet, Matchlock Musket
Quest Giver: Random Beggar, Random Indians, Cabins of ships you board

As you go around the world you will eventually fall upon one of the Strange Amulets that can be gathered from a variety of places. Once you do get it, you'll want to take it to one of the three lighthouses that deal in Amulets. These are Cartegena, Santiago, and Guadeloupe. The one that will know something about the item is random, so you may end up having to try all three.

One of them will have an interesting story to tell you about captive Indian shaman's, curses, and plague. He ultimately suggests that you go to Dominica and seek out an Indian shaman to ask about the item. Just be careful, he HATES white people. <sigh> who doesn't? If you bring a Matchlock Musket with you, he will talk to you.

Before you go to Dominica, you will want to switch out your ship for one you don't care to lose, but still has a good crew capacity (around 300 is preferable). Personally I just went and grabbed a ship from sea... and was rewarded with 500 silk, 400 resin, 200 ironwood, and 100 slaves. I just mention this cause... that is likely the best haul I have ever seen of contraband goods all from one ship lol.
ANYWAY enough about me. Get into your throwaway ship, and head to Dominica. Find the Indian Village. If you land in Cape Scott Head, go right and then left. Talk to the shaman in the middle house, and give him the musket for his cooperation.
IA.3 Caleuche (Part 2)
Quest: Caleuche (Part 2)
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Caleuche
Time Sensitive: Happens immediately
Requirements: Find the Indian Shaman and give him a musket
Required items: 500 doubloons, a ship that can outrun the Caleuche.
Quest Giver: Indian Shaman on Dominica
Rewards: Superimposed Two-shot pistol, Map of Barbados, Jewels, treasure map piece

The Indian Shaman sends you on a quest to find the 3 amulets that were stolen from his tribe. He will offer you power you can keep if you help him. We all would like some power we can keep forever, right? So leave this island and start your search.

Immediately upon boarding a storm sweeps in, and you are attacked by the Caleuche, The Flying Dutchman! I don't think this one is Van Berg... or the Mirage....

Don't bother fighting it, this thing is boarding you and you can't do anything about it. The fight will be easier if you have a decent number in your crew though, so God save you if you brought a long boat.

After a very tough fight with the undead sailors, you get to meet their captain. He's worse. He can't be damaged, so just hold out for a few seconds until he decides to taunt you. Then you will pass out.

When you wake up you find the last few survivors of your crew dragged you, and more importantly your valuables, to shore. You decide to go talk to the Indian Shaman again, since he apparently left out an important detail regarding these amulets.... did I mention he hates white men?

Charles finds out what we knew already, The Caleuche flies again! A crew cursed by the God of Death for stealing a jade skull with green gem eyes, never to die, and never to set foot on land again. Wait... didn't we have a skull just like that, or at least hear about it?

If you return the jade skull to the temple it was stolen from it will break the curse, and the undead on the ship will become vulnerable once again. Only one problem, well two... First the temple is guarded by undead jaguar warriors that can only be defeated if you possess one of the amulets of power, two... if you possess such an amulet, the Caleuche will know of it, and hunt you mercilessly.

So we need to get a ship faster than a ghost ship, and find some amulets to kill undead, so we can kill more undead....

If you upgrade the speed on the ship you get from The Dutch Gambit, you should be good, especially with the Mirage or the Meifang. Alternately you can just sail the battle map all the way across the archipelago... but what is the fun in that!?

Remember that the guy at the lighthouse you visited told you about people who have amulets like yours? Now we need to find those amulets, so maybe he has more information. Upon inquiring about them, he tells you that his friend who had one of the amulets is in Belize, and his name is Fergus Hooper.

The next one belongs to a man named Jack, or Jackson... on his pelvis? Um... what? The Russian word for Xebec must somehow translate to pelvis. It has some demonic name that means bird-woman. Regardless he tells us to look for him on Barbados.

We go to Barbados and ask the harbormaster about a Xebec owned by Jack or Jackson... he needs the specific name of the ship to help you. The only clue you get is that it is “Bird-Woman” and “born of sea gods. The “born of the sea gods” refers specifically to the version of harpies according to the greek poet Hesiod, who said they were the daughters of Thaumus and Electra, a Sea god and a Nereid.

Tell the harbormaster Harpy.

He will recognize that ship, and tell you to check Willemstad, because that is where Reginald Jackson works for the Dutch Trading Company. Inquire with the company, the same person you buy licenses from, about Jackson. He will tell you that the man makes regular trips from Port Royal to Phillisburg, and you can find him en route between those destinations. Get 500 doubloons ready from your treasury and head that way.

If you head straight there you should find his ship roughly half-way between the two destinations. It has green sails. Go ahead and encounter him and send a long boat, bring the doubloons with you. Meet with Jackson and explain you want his amulet. He will tell you that he left it in his chest at the lighthouse on Barbados. Explains why he is alive still then....

He will gladly sell you the amulet, but he cannot go to Barbados due to his trade obligations. If you want the key, you'll have to pay for everything in the chest including the amulet. Trust is a rare commodity you understand.

Agree and buy the key from him. Head back to Barbados and to the lighthouse, and get the amulet out of the chest. You will also find a special double-shot pistol called “Superimposed 2-load pistol”, a map of barbados, a treasure map piece, some assorted gems and metal, another amulet “Coral Head”, and a few pieces of other junk. Altogether a decent deal for the 500 doubloons.

When you leave the bay you will want to channel Ricky Bobby, cause you gotta go FAST, cause if you ain't first... you're last. If you need to make any last minute repairs, or unload anything that is weighing you down, do so in Bridgetown before you leave. You'll need every bit of speed you can muster. You may want to drop a fisherman amulet, a pilgrim, and an Ehecatl on your navigator as well.

Head straight to Dominica, dry land is your friend. If The Caleuche catches up to you, you'll need to outrun it on the battle map. In my souped up Mirage wearing amulets and such I was at 22.28 effective speed, easily out pacing The Caleuche before it could get going.

I will note that at the right heading the Caleuche can reach monster speeds of over 19 knots, so hopefully you aren't moving at its perfect wind heading ;). At 148 angle, it could barely move at 3.8 knots to my 15 =P. I dare say the Meifang could sail straight into the wind upgraded and with Pilgrim.... leaving the Caleuche sitting still lol.

Hand off the amulet to the shaman so you aren't dodging skeletons all the way to Belize, then start heading to Belize!
IA.4 Caleuche (Part 3)
Quest: Caleuche (Part 3)
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Caleuche, Bandits, merchant's guards.
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Find the Indian Shaman and give him a musket
Required items: a ship that can outrun the Caleuche.
Quest Giver: Indian Shaman on Dominica
Rewards: Lamport's Suit, 100 doubloons OR 30 Rum and 12 Wine, 170 doubloons, 2 amulets, 10 elixirs, 55 bottles of Rum, 30ish rubies, 15 diamonds, Tincture.

When you get to Belize, inquire at the local tavern about the hunter Fergus Hooper. He is currently in the selva, so you will need to wait three days. Come back in three days between the hours of 18:00 and 22:00. I had to wait 5, so it may take longer. Fergus will let you know that his house got robbed by bandits in the selva, and so he no longer has the amulet. The commandant knows about the bandits, so maybe we should ask him.

At the jail, unfortunately, the commandant tells us he knows very little. They have accomplices in town, and thats it.

If you search houses in town (I found him in one by the gate) you'll find a suspicious fellow. He'll get pissed and attack you. You kill him and find a note on him, as well as a broadsword and a 4 shot pistol.

The note mentions a messenger arriving at midnight in the selva outside of town. Go there at midnight and pose as the messenger (to the left). When you get to the Selva some guys will meet you.

At first they try to rob you, then you spin them a yarn about being the new messenger, but they want you to prove your worth. Here, hit this, cops can't.... wait... actually they want you to help rob a merchant who is trying to smuggle his goods in. Ok lets do that.

Head straight back to the gate and participate in the fight with the merchant's team. Afterwards the guy will reward you for your heroism with either cash (100 doubloons), or merchandise (30 Rum, 12 Wine... much more than 100 doubloons), he'll also pay you for delivering the message, a purse of 25 doubloons.

He asks if you want to help do more work, and of course we do. So he tells you to come to their hideout in three days after midnight. Its 2 lefts from the city. We aren't interested in meeting them, however, so we just go the next night and have some alone time with their stash. Make sure you have enough room, you'll need about 150 stones of space to carry it all . The stash is Left, Left, and then first right. Lamport's suit (a sweet special light armor that will boost your stealth by +30), the amulet, 70 doubloons in purses, 75 additional doubloons in heavy purses, a couple amulets, 10 elixirs, 55 bottles of rum, a tincture, and some diamonds and rubies. Altogether about a 100,000 peso haul. Noice.

You will of course be caught by 3 of the bandits, who were keeping an eye on the place. Kill all three of them, then you are free to go back to your ship with all their stuff. Suckers. Before you leave let the commandant know about the bandits demise. He will reward you after three days with an arquebus and a chest of doubloons. Double-noice.

Now that you have the last amulet you can go to the shaman on Dominica again. Remember to save and to repair/unload your ship, cause the Caleuche will be chasing you down again.

Once again, it will be no match for our souped up Mirage!

Now that you have given the amulet to the shaman, he will tell you about a white Warlock who was looking for the jade skull. He lived on a Dutch island as far as the Indian knows. We might just know who he is talking about, unless we helped the English then maybe we don't =P.
IA.5 Caleuche (Part 4)
Quest: Caleuche (Part 4)
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Tons of skeletons and Chavinavi, Jaochim Merryman
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Give both amulets to the Indian shaman on Dominica
Required items: none
Quest Giver: Tuttuathapak on Dominica
Rewards: lots of holy amulets, 30 day trading license, amulets of power to fight the Jaguar warriors, Alchemy stuff

When to go to Willemstad to check on this warlock you are greeted by a Monk of the holy church. He asks you to look into a problem involving Jaochim Merryman, who used to live in a house across the street from the governor's residence. The monk says the man is a warlock, and weird things have been happening involving the house. Well how convenient! I was just looking for a white warlock!

Wait until after 1 AM at night and then visit the house. Upstairs you are going to find a disturbing sight... kill it.... again.... and loot all the stuff off it. Turns out it was wearing a lot of ladies jewelry. Guess we found the lady of the house.

Go to the local church and talk to the pastor there. He will tell you about what he knows of Merryman. Apparently he was dabbling in necromancy for a while back in Europe, until people noticed him procuring corpses... he fled here to the new world to continue his blaspheming! The pastor wants you to track him down, and he has heard disturbing things about goings on in Havana jungles. He gives you a 30 day license to help you in your search.

Go ahead and head to Havana. If I haven't missed my guess I'd say good ole Jaochim is making trouble for the Inquisition there as retribution for hunting him. You need to make sure all of your guys have at least an antidote or two, the skeletons poison, and wear your scorpion ward if you have it. Then potions of course, lots of hard fighting up ahead. I can't stress this enough. 1 or 2 tinctures wouldn't be amiss either.

First we need to see the local pastor, he will tell you about his troubles. Go out into the jungles and to the cave there. (straight, left, left, left) You'll meet a brave musketeer who will not shy away from a fight with the undead. 10 points for nerves of steel brother.

Note: He will only offer to help you if you bring 3 boarders with you. Otherwise he will just assume you are going to die and say good luck. You can just fill the slot before you talk to him, and then dismiss the officer again if you want. I didn't bother having 3 boarders since I was going to get Mary soon =P.

A horde of undead await you at the entrance to the grotto. Be super aware of your boarders. These skeletons hit hard and poison, and will kill people in 2 hits a lot of times. Once you've taken care of that... its time for the really difficult part. Inside the cave you will immediately be faced with another 5 or 6 skeletons. To top it off you will likely be stuffed back into the entrance behind the musket man and one of your boarders... you may need to sheathe your weapon and push through before the fight starts, you really don't want them taking point.

After the last skeleton of this group dies then about 5 more will teleport into the main room all at once and surrounding you and your people. Again be careful with your boarders... they may get mobbed and killed instantly. You can save at any time during the fight by sheathing your weapon.

Weirdly I found this fight easier on Very Hard than on Hard. Possibly due to having Tonzag... with him 1 shotting skeletons one after another for 500 damage.

After these die, you will do a roleplay walk up to the water, where you will watch one of those nasty little chavinavi things spawn in. Take care of it, and the musketeer will congratulate you. Go back to the pastor. He will be glad, and horrified, to hear of your success. He will reward you with another fist full of holy amulets. All well and good, but you still need to find out where that necromancer is hiding.

If I were a man who raised dead bodies to fight in my army, where would I be? Hmm... probably a place with a lot of dead bodies. Lets go look in the cemetery.

Question the graveyard watch. He will start to look really nervous. Go ahead and apply some pressure, mention the inquisition a little and... ah there we go look at all the words spilling out! We'd better get a bucket.

Seems that Merryman is indeed living beneath the crypt, and as luck would have it, our compliant friend here has an extra key. Time to go purge the undead.

Down in the crypt on the right you will find a door, and behind that door... madness! In the entry hallway you will be greeted by a horde of skeletons, most of which are the black suited kind, meaning they can't be parried. If you do parry you won't take damage, but they also won't use energy, so you just will continue to do that for all time. Block them instead to wear down their energy.

After you take care of them, you can look right and find a sacrificial altar with more skeletons. Take them out, and don't worry about the dudes eating dinner.... you can take care of them here in a bit. Behind the throne you find Merryman. He does the usual villain monologue, and then reveals that he has been using experimental skin treatments on his face. Dude... I'm pretty sure you have a slam dunk law suit on your hands.

The resulting rage over his complexion makes for a very difficult fight. He will continue to spawn in Chavinavi guards, so you want to push out of that little room ASAP. Thin the skeletons out, and then you can let your boarders keep the Chavinavi busy while you take care of Senor Skullhead. After he dies the minions of death lose their will to go on. Loot his body for the jade skull and a horseman's axe.

Make sure you go back into his room and get the metal box off the floor. It is an alchemist's kit, and contains a Manga Rosa, a crucible, some nitric acid, and some ethyl alcohol, along with the recipe for elixir if you don't have it already. Now you can go around finishing off the dormant undead out of principle, unless you want skeletons endlessly chatting over dinner under the Havana cemetery. Maybe you do at that. Same thing applies to the skeletons in cages... I don't suffer the dead to... live... ?

Boom shaka-laka, time to leave. While you are around Cuba you might want to go to Cape Camaguey and grab the Manga Rosa there on the beach under the broken tree. There is another nearby, one screen in and one screen right, on the little hill there in the center.

Now you can return to Dominica and the shaman.

Important! Before you return to the shaman on Dominica be certain you are ready for the next part. You are going to have to face off against the Flying Heart, one of the nastiest ships in the game. 666 Crew, 56 guns that are 36 lbs, and fast. Once you turn in the amulets you will be on a 1 month timer to beat the temple and then immediately face this ship. I recommend at the very least a good class 2, but of course if you are crafty and skilled you might can do better. If you can get into a line ship with 700 - 800 crew then all you need do is close in, grape shot once and board. The Flying Heart is a class 1 ship that takes 95 navigation to properly handle, so you might be content to leave this last step until after you are done with The Pirate Saga.

Show him you have the jade skull, and he will give you a hint where the island with the temple is located. He will also tell you a story, and you should probably listen to him, you might need his wisdom later ;). He is going to empower your amulets, one is to be used for offense, the other for defense. I'm partial to the defensive one, cause it protects against poison... and honestly my offense skill was already at 100, so 25% to it did nothing =P. The enchantment will last for a month, so you have to finish before then or the jaguar guards will ream you... shouldn't be an issue.
IA.6 Caleuche (Part 5) (MR x 2) (First Half)
Quest: Caleuche (Part 5)
Difficulty: Very Hard
Enemies: Tons of skeletons and Chavinavi, the Caleuche
Time Sensitive: 1 month
Requirements: Return the jade skull to Tuttuathapak
Required items: jade skull, a ship that can defeat the Caleuche, magic amulets from Tuttuathapak
Quest Giver: Tuttuathapak on Dominica
Rewards: Jaguar Skin, The Flying Heart, Katana, 100,000 pesos, as many doubloons as you can carry, 1 endurance, 1 reaction, 1 stat of your choice (5 Manga Rosa Each)

Load yourself up with elixirs, you have quite a bit of fighting ahead of you. Also grab any talismans you are fond of. Its going to be Chavinavi and skeletons all day long.

Nathanial Hawk has been to the island, and he gives you its coordinates later in the story, so if you've finished Pirate Saga, then you know exactly where to look. If you haven't, that is ok, cause I'm going to tell you where it is ;). Just East of St. Christopher about 19 80' 61 40' . If you have the map mod, just center yourself in the square of open sea east of St. Christopher. It stands out like a sore thumb. Lastly its between St. Christopher, Antigua, and St. Martin if you were to make a triangle of them, though a bit closer to St. Christopher and Antigua than St. Martin. You don't have to be exact.

When you land on the island, dock in Reef Cove, There is a Manga Rosa here, so be sure to pick it up before you go to the next screen or it will disappear.

On the temple screen there is another Manga Rosa on the third tier against a wall behind a tree.

Wait until after Midnight, and then go into the temple. You'll have a fight at the end of the hallway after you go through the middle door (only one that is open). Just let them come to you and you only have to worry about one at a time, maybe 2.

Once you get up to the top, take the path that has the skull and sun symbol. The sun always points the right direction... super easy.

You will have a few more undead to deal with on the way, but nothing hard. Eventually you will come to a room with stone plates on the floor, and pillars. Puzzle time! You know how ancient Incans love their puzzles.

Stupid puzzle.. in fact, it isn't even a puzzle in truth. I spent a great deal of time trying to figure out if there was any rhyme or reason to this, and the answer is... there is not. The “answer” is randomly generated when you create your game profile, so the way you pass this part is through the magic of guess and check.

For the floor part, it might be the same for every profile (nope, random). Facing the closed door of the room step on the closest right tile, go left across the next two tiles, then go forward across the next two tiles, and then right two tiles. You should hear a loud click, like the sound of a mechanism turning. If it is a soft click, it is wrong and you start over. There is no penalty for messing up here other than starting over.

Once you are done, you will face the door and hear some sounds of things happening. Then you will look at one side of the columns. Go ahead and save here.

Go to the columns you looked at and proceed to narrow the options down one by one. Do not hit any column button twice, even though it lets you. Every time you get this wrong 3 chavinavi will spawn, and it will reset. Just load and try again. My combo was Man – snake – llama, yours will likely be different.

After you get it right you will hear the mechanisms again. Then you look to the other columns. Save again... repeat the process. Here my combo was Wheat – Water – Spotted...snake? Whatever. I spent a great deal of time going through the entire temple, looking in every room, studying every mural, trying to discern a pattern. Madness. Just spend 3 minutes guessing... you'll thank yourself for not bothering trying to be smart. You will fail anyway. I feel like someone started the process of making a puzzle and then abandoned it half way through.
Regardless.... once you are done you will be rewarded with a cutscene of the door opening. Proceed.

You will find yourself in a large hall that looks like there is a lot of room to explore. There isn't, the stairs are broken and you cannot go up them. Just go forward and kill the 3 Chavinavi, then head into the green glowing room. Stand on the platform and press “T” to teleport. If you try to go into the purple teleporter you will be taken back to the entrance, where 6 more Chavinavi will spawn and come after you.

Go around the top, killing the lone warriors that are blocking your path. Head through the next red teleporter, and then make your way to the wooden walkway and through that middle door guarded by another Chavinavi. The other way just leads to a blocked room, so no reason to go all the way over there.

When you go through the red teleporter you will be faced by the Chieftain of the Chavinavi and his chosen warriors. He speaks to you, since you have done what few others have succeeded in for thousands of years. You explain you wish to return the temple's treasures, but he is skeptical. He gives you a test, to prove you have spoken with an Indian shaman and received his wisdom. If you answer him correctly he will let you pass unharmed, and reward you for being a swell fella.

The answers to his questions are as follows.
Yum Cimil.
Son of the great Chieftain.
Orb of the rising sun.

After this you can go place the jade skull on the altar, and then you will return to the chief for your reward, a Jaguar Pelt that makes your firearms do 10x damage until midnight of the following day. Enough to lay waste to even the most difficult of bosses to be sure.

Teleport back at the glowing green sparkles, and head all the way out the way you came. Remember to follow the skulls now to make your way through the labyrinth. Head to the beach and get ready for the showdown with Caleuche now that its crew is mortal once more.

The Flying Heart is a tough ass ship, 56 – 36 lbs guns and 666 crew, and fast as hell for a class 1, so good luck. Board it and fight off the undead crew, make sure to loot up the amulets off the sailors. After 3 screens of skeletons face off with captain Balthazar de Cordes. You will have to kill him twice in a row.

After you do, loot the good spyglass, the amulet, the highland backsword, and the other crap he's carrying. In his cabin you'll find 100,000 pesos, a katana (sweet!), and 5000 doubloons... that won't be able to carry out =(, but hey, we will get as many as we can!

Now, if you have enough crew left, you can man The Flying Heart! An incredibly strong class 1 warship. Unfortunately I'm going to have to moor this baby until I can use it …

Note: If you want to make alterations to The Flying Heart, you can see Alexis on Isle Tesoro. He will freshen up the cabin and upgrade it to a proper class 1 warship cabin or keep it as a class 2 cabin, your choice, and he will also change the sails to white for you if you want... but... do you really want to!? The cabin is nice, but I like the black sails =P. It doesn't even look right with the white sails.

Changing the cabin will cost you 10 chests of doubloons.
Ruining your sails will cost you 100,000 pesos.

IA.6 Caleuche (Part 5) (Second Half)
Head back to Tutt on Dominica and give him the last amulet. He will offer to brew you some potions in exchange for some weed, err I mean... Manga Rosa. 5 plants per potion. The first will give +1 reaction, the next will give +1 endurance, and the last is one of your choice from the other stats. Strength is a good choice if you aren't already at 10 strength. The intelligence potion could be good as well, but you would need to do some math to see. It is possible that it will allow you to gain an extra rank or get an extra perk throughout the course of the game, but it is also possible that it is too late to have such a profound effect. You would just need to add up all the possible points you can get and divide by the new number and the old number of points per rank/perk. If it isn't going to let you get an extra rank than it probably is not worth getting. I ended up choosing luck cause my Strength was 10 already , and I was 1 rank too late for the talent to help me.

You can also choose Authority and it will let you hire 2 additional officers... but you can get an unlimited amount of officers using harbormasters. I'm not sure if Impression would really help you at all other than to make firearms go up more quickly.

Additionally the potions also increase related skills by 5. Like Str for axes, End for sabers, Reaction for Foils/rapiers. Impression likely does firearms, authority charisma, and success luck and stealth perhaps. They say on the potion when you get them.
JA.1 – Flying the Jolly Roger DLC
This DLC is a fun, but challenging, diversion that will come right before you start the Pirate Saga. When you return to your brother after having made over a million pesos you will find out that things weren't going to be as easy as you thought (easy!?). This quest line will test your mettle in some cases, and cause you to lose crews, etc. You will also need some items in order to complete the quests (or just to make them easier).

You will also lose reputation (nobility) while you are doing this DLC. In the English version this will never stop.... it is a bug. You can fix it with Hook's mod by using the console. Look in the quirks and glitches section.
JA.2 – Preparations for Flying the Jolly Roger, What you need to know
There are several things you will require for the FTJR quest lines, so before you embark you may want to go ahead and collect them so you don't find yourself running around the Caribbean later, and possibly when time is of the essence. Here is a quick heads up on a complete list of things you'll need, I will of course go into detail during the quest walkthrough.

Good relations with both Spain and Holland – While not 100% necessary, I would recommend getting your relations with both of these nations to excellent, possibly even Admiration in Spain's case. Most of the FTJR quest line will focus around antagonizing these nations, especially Spain. If you do not have great relations to start with you will be paying down bounty constantly, and sometimes you have to have no bounty to complete missions.

You need the ability to raise a Spanish Banner. Dutch will not do for at least 1 of the missions.

Around 500 doubloons
50 slaves
500 units of either coffee, copra, or vanilla
30 units of weapons (ship goods), 90 healing potions to give up for a quest, 30 soldier's pistols, 2 muskets, 70 lead balls and 70 gunpowder. (the guns are not 100% necessary, but will make the quest easier the more you have, making your troops more powerful during a quest fight, you can get muskets from treasure hunting)
2 extra spyglasses
10 units of leather
20 units of planks
a ship joiner that possesses the improved ship defense skill, also at least 30 repair.
A throwaway ship that can defeat a special class 3 ship, you will lose the ship afterwards.
A flintstone
4 mirrors
4 jade rings or beads
1 emerald beads
1 ruby ring
1 dueling pistol
1 trombone
60 gunpowder, 30 lead balls, 30 grape-shot
300 units of gunpowder (ship goods)
12 antidotes to give up for quest
additional antidotes for your boarders fighting poison enemies.

You can carry all the goods on your main ship, you won't have to switch out to your throwaway ship until nearly the last quest.

Finally, you will likely lose your priest during this if you are carrying him around, but after this quest line another one will spawn, so you don't have to skip the Jolly Roger quests for the sake of him. It is a journey of redemption, I would recommend taking it even as a “good” character :).
JA.3 – Flying the Jolly Roger, Part 1
Quest: Flying the Jolly Jolly Roger, Part 1 (The Burden of the Gascon transition)
Difficulty: Trivial
Enemies: none
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Completion of the Dutch Gambit
Required items: 1 million pesos....
Quest Giver: Michel De Monper in Saint-Pierre

Once you have amassed your wealth of 1 million pesos requried to free Michel, return to him in Saint-Pierre and give him the good news. He will tell you to visit De Poincy on St. Christopher. Well, lets do that then.

When you arrive at Capsterville you will first need to see the governor and tell him about wanting to meet De Poincy. At that point you can go in. Give De Poincy 1000000 pesos. Ouch. He will promptly explain that while he appreciates the money, you have become way too useful to just let you have what you want for mere money. Instead you must finish what Michel started that got him thrown in jail in the first place. Go ask Michel about it, good day.


Go back to Basse-Terre and talk to Michel. Turns out that his mission was to assassinate a heretic. None other than the governor of Tortuga himself... Francois Levasseur. Great, that shouldn't be hard, just crack open the hardest nut in the Caribbean.

Michel suggests you pay a visit to some powerful people to see if they can help you make nut butter . Before you go he decides you need to pay a visit to Marcus Tyrex, the Code Keeper for the Brotherhood of the Coast. Seems we are to get in close with the pirates. Lets go see him then! He is in La Vega on Hispaniola.
JA.4 – The Amber Rush
Quest: The Amber Rush
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: The War Schooner Cantavro
Time Sensitive: 3 days, then 3 days, then 5 days
Requirements: Completion of the Dutch Gambit, Paid Michel's debts, Spanish or Dutch Flag
Required items: 3700 pesos, 250 doubloons, (Trade license can help make your time in Spanish colonies easier, but not required)
Quest Giver: Marcus Tyrex in La Vega
Rewards: 70ish blue amber, 175ish amber, Talisman “Arguzin”,

You meet Marcus for the first time, and ask him for a job. He needs a bloodthirsty pirate, and you seem to be his man. He has a lead on some blue amber, expensive stuff and useful to boot. Some Spaniard has been throwing the stuff at ♥♥♥♥♥♥ in Santo Domingo, and one of them is willing to give you the info on it. Go talk to Gabriela at the whorehouse in Santo Domingo, but you had better do it quick, or the info will be useless.

Head to Santo Domingo, you can land in Samana Cove if you don't have a license and sneak in. Talk to Gabriela at the brothel. She will tell you to go pay for her so you can talk in private. Ask the madam for her specifically.
Go upstairs with her, and she will tell you about Esberdo Cabanas of the Cantavro schooner. He headed to Havana a couple days ago, and he said he was going to go get a lot of blue amber. Lets go see if we can part him from it. But first... you did pay for this ♥♥♥♥♥ after all....

Head towards Havana. When you get in the waters around it you will see that the Cantavro is not there. You need to get into Havana and talk to the harbormaster, and he will tell you that you need to see the commandant of the local fort if you need more information. Certainly not my idea of a good time.... lets try the tavern instead.

For a little coin to pay for local information the barkeep will tell you a story about a drunken soldier who had nearly raped a married woman and was chased back to his ship, only to be put off by the captain. The “honorable” captain of the Cantavro. Insteresting indeed, maybe we should talk to this guy. He's in prison right behind the tavern.

Seems that the honorable captain got the man put into jail because he was supposed to get a hefty cut of the blue amber. Makes sense. He's willing to tell us all the details about the haul if we help him out of prison. Sounds good to us! No one wants him in there anyway, so a little convincing to the governor might do some good. Lets go see him.

The governor is willing to help, and he tells you to talk to Rosario Gusman, who is also eager to free the soldier. He is making his rounds from 4 to 8 in the afternoon, so look for a guy in armor wandering around town during those hours.

When you find him, he is eager to help, and even contacted the victim regarding the price for absolution... 500 doubloons, for which Rosario is willing to pay half. Give him 250 doubloons and he will take care of matters. You must have been sent by the Lord! Yes... the lord of blue amber.
Go ahead and rest 24 hours and you can talk to Lope in the prison about the amber.

He will tell you that the Cantavro is off the Mosquito Coast, which is north of Blueweld. He has a bunch of Indians diving for it at the bottom of the bay. Alrighty, lets go kill us a Spaniard. We only have 5 days to get down there to do it. Easy Peasy with Hook's Mod. Without it you will need to sail most of the way on the battle map using go-to to different bays and beaches down the coast.

When you get to Mosquito Coast you will find the Cantavro, a War Schooner, off shore. Board the vessel and kill its captain. In the cabin you'll find the talisman “Arguzin”, a chronometer, around 50 amber, and some 10 doubloons. Unfortunately you don't get the recipe for this talisman.

After this you will need to go along side the long boats that are in the bay nearby. Get as close as you can to them without ramming and sinking them. They will hand you the amber they are carrying. It is possible to savescum your way to get closer to the maximum amount they give, but you should end up with pretty near 150 blue amber.

Return to Marcus Tyrex in La Vega and give him the haul. Do not try to cheat him or you will fail the quest. He will give you half the blue amber as your cut, and you can keep the regular amber, he doesn't give a crap about it.

He will immediately send you on another mission.
JA.5 – The Silk Road
Quest: The Silk Road
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: Brigantine
Time Sensitive: 2 months
Requirements: Successfully complete Amber Rush
Required Items: 1 silk (given), long boat, 50 doubloons
Quest Giver: Marcus Tyrex of La Vega
Rewards: 80 silk or 10000 pesos, 630 doubloons, opportunity to sell 20 – 100 silk for 24 doubloons a roll one time

Marcus wants you to meet up with an associate of his, Bald Geffrey, in the harbor of Capsterville, on St. Christopher. Apparently he has a load of shipsilk he needs to... unload, and he wants you to find a good buyer for it, because Geffrey is a moron and will sell it for pennies. He gives you 2 months to find a good buyer for it, he is looking for at least 20 gold doubloons per silk. Doubloons... not pesos!

Head over to St. Christopher and meet up with Bald Geffrey on the decks of his ship, the Snake.

Tell him you want to find a buyer, and he will hand you one of the silk to show potentials. Go ahead and land in port and go talk to the shipwright there. We all know its not going to be this easy... right?

The shipwright doesn't have the skill to work with the silk, and so you strike out. If you've been playing around in the world at all, then you will know where they DO use shipsilk. If you don't know... I'm going to tell you. Head over to Jamaica and land in Port Royal.

The Shipwright here will be interested in silk, just not YOUR silk. If we read between the lines, we'll know he already has a supplier. So all we need to do is, I don't know, kill him. Go ahead and buy yourself a long boat here, you are going to need it. Don't argue, just do it.

Lets head over to Maroon Town on Jamaica and get your doubloons handy. It isn't on the map, but you just need to go to Cape Negril on the west coast, that is essentially Port Maroon Town. Go to the tavern there and talk to the barkeep, and he will tell you (for a price of 50 doubloons) he has no idea who smuggles silk onto the island, but he knows someone who knows someone. The man you are looking for is Husky Billy, and he fishes off the coast of Jamaica in his long boat, the Fly Fish. There is no use looking for him, but he comes to Cape Negril once a week.

Head back to the ship. You'll need to wait for him in Cape Negril. The best way I've found to do this is to head to the global map and speed up time, checking back on the battle map every 3 or 4 hours. I do not know if it will be different for other profiles, but he always appeared for me on day 4. Head up to his boat and send a longboat.

Husky Billy knows about smugglers, and can give you the information you need, but he wants something in return. His boat, the Fly Fish, is a beat up old wreck, and he wants a new one. He also wants a piece of silk so he can “look at the quality”. (He wants it for his long boat sail... )

Well lucky for us we already have a long boat! Imagine that. Go ahead and land at the beach and hand it off to him. He will be happy, and tell you that the smugglers are Dutch, but fly an English flag, and come to the island between the 10th and the 15th of every month. We'll have to wait until then to catch them.

Hopefully you didn't arrive at this point in the quest on the 14th of the month... like I did. Guess I get to wait an entire month. You can pass the time by ramming your ship into the docks and then repairing it! Or... you can sell all the crap you have stored up in your ship's chest. Sell, wait a day, sell, wait a day... fun fun.

I made 700,000 pesos on cutlasses! Sweet.

When the 10th rolls around, head out far south of Jamaica near the edge of the region. If you are too close to the shore the smugglers there will see the battle and flee. Repeat the process of waiting on the global map and checking back. In my case the brigantine, Utrecht, appeared after 18:00 on the final day, results may vary.

As long as you are far enough away, the ship should appear even further out, and you can attack and board it. It has 80 silk in the hold, bonus!

In the captain's cabin you'll find about 8000 pesos, a trombone, 30 doubloons, and an amulet.

Finish sinking the ship and then head to the shores of Portland Bay. Unfortunately the go-to feature will be disabled here... so you get to have fun RP sailing to the coast.

Dock at the bay and speak to the smugglers. Save before you talk to them, if you say the wrong thing they will not deal with you. Choose the bottom option, worked for me. They will offer to pay you 25 doubloons per roll of silk, and they accept them on the 10th to 15th of every month, and will wait in Cape Negril. Mission accomplished!

Alternately, instead of lying in wait for the Utrecht yourself you can go to the governor of Port Royal and tell him about the smuggling operation. He will tell you to wait until the 16th and return to him. When you do he will have taken care of the smugglers and taken the silk for himself. He gives you 10000 pesos for the tip. 80 silk is a way better prize, however... even if you just turn around and sell it to Marcus you would get 1920 doubloons for it.

If you choose to do this anyway then afterwards you can go to the shipwright and negotiate the new deal for silk with him.

If you have some extra silk you want to get rid of, you can go ahead and load up 100 of it (you already have 80!) and take it with you, Marcus will offer to buy it from you later in a one time deal for 24 doubloons a roll. You won't ever find a better price than that. Considering you are going to need hundreds upon hundreds of silk later in the game if you want to upgrade your fleet, and doubloons are not very hard to come by, my personal choice is to not take the deal. If you find yourself in need of 2400 doubloons more than 100 silk though, go for it.

Head back to Bald Geffrey, he is still waiting for you in Capsterville Harbor. Go to his ship and give him the good news. He will be suitably impressed. After this you can return to Marcus Tyrex in La Vega. He will tell you to return to him in 3 weeks for your reward.

When you do return to him he will offer to buy between 20 and 100 silk for 24 doubloons per roll, as a bonus for your efforts, you have 2 months to take advantage. He also gives you a cut of his profits for the sale, 630 doubloons.

Now he has another task for you!
JA.6 – Hot Sun of Maracaibo (MR)
Quest: Hot Sun of Maracaibo
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Spanish guards at a slave plantation, 3 spanish ships
Time Sensitive: 2 weeks after you talk to Pelly, 1 month after you talk to Jan
Requirements: Successfully complete The Silk Road
Required Items: 500 coffee/vanilla/copra, 50 slaves, 90 health potions, 30 weapons (ship goods) Optionally: 30 soldier's pistols, 70 lead balls, 70 gunpowder, 2 matchlock muskets
Rewards: 40 day trade license, 10000 pesos, 200 sugar, 300 cocao

Marcus wants you to meet another of his knuckleheads, Pelly the Cutlass, in Barbados harbor. One of his associates, Jean Picard (luc?), has found himself captured by the Spanish and turned into a slave at one of their plantations. You are to travel to this final frontier and rescue him. He also wants to know the details of his capture. He gives you an advance of 10,000 pesos and a 40 day trade license to help you.

Before you go to Cutlass, make certain you have your goods that I detailed above in the required items list on board. You are going to be needing them once you reach the Spanish Main.

When you get to Pelly, who is on his corvette, the Moray, he will follow your lead and go to Guajira Bay in Maracaibo. You are heading straight to the source.

Hoist your Spanish flag and land in Maracaibo and go to the plantation, it is straight from the gate. Go have a meeting with the overseer, he's the guy in the only nice house there. Tell him you are a slave trader and offer him the 50 slaves you brought. He will decline, and tell you he already has a fresh batch of pirates and doesn't require any more, but he lets you look around his plantation anyway.

Find Jean walking around the plantation, and he will say that you need to talk at night. Wait until after midnight and go to his shack.

Going where every other man on the ship he captained has gone before.

He will work out a plan, and meanwhile you need to gather some supplies that the crew will need to break out of bondage. Go back to Guajira Bay and speak to Pelly, who sets you up a chest on the beach for you to put supplies in. It will take him a week to get there, so if he isn't there just wait on the beach until he shows up at a little campfire. Gather up the 90 health potions, 30 soldier's pistols, matchlock muskets, the lead balls, and the gunpowder, and put them all in the chest.

These things are not 100% necessary, but they will make the coming fight easier for you, essentially the same as having more crew during a boarding. If you are missing a portion of the items, you have a month to gather more. You can buy soldier's pistols at the weapon merchants at any port, but considering I mentioned them specifically at the beginning of the game, you should have enough!
The muskets are more difficult, as you can only get them from treasures. I wouldn't worry overly much if you come up a little short, just put everything else, including ammo for weapons you don't have, in the chest.

Use the thoughts aloud menu to complete the care package, it will automatically pull the ship weapons into the chest. Finalize your gift and personalize it! With Love, Charles.

Head back to Jean (make sure you park your ship back in the harbor or the guards will think its suspicious you have no ship), talk to him at night. He will tell you he has come up with a pretty ingenious plan to smuggle the goods in. You will offer 500 of a good that the plantation owner needs, like coffee, vanilla, or copra, and put the weapons into the crates. Don't you just happen to have 500 goods on your ship? Crazy. He will give you 300 cocoa and 200 sugar for them (or some combo that equals 500).

Go to the plantation guy during the day, and offer him the deal. Don't worry, he accepts. Go back outside and find Jean walking around. Talk to him and then after it will cut to night, where you have about 3 hours to get back to Pelly the Cutlass and his men. Take your ship out of the harbor and park it in Guajira Bay. You'll be heading inland from there. It is a straight shot through the cave to the city gates.

If you have not already gotten it, pick up the Manga Rosa at the first screen in from Guajira Bay. Its on the right side of the screen along the wall.
No, you aren't just missing it, I accidentally picked it up before I took this picture. Its along the right wall here past the tree, just use your imagination =P.

When you get to the plantation, go ahead and head up to the gate, but be careful not to get too close or your cover will be blown.

Wait until after 3:00, and then you can use the thoughts aloud menu to give the signal. CHARGE!

When the fight begins you will likely want to seek out Jean Picard immediately. If he dies, the quest fails. You have 300 seconds to dispatch the guards at the plantation. Some of them will just stand there and not draw their swords, you don't need to worry about them. After the aggressive ones are finished with, head out of the plantation and to the city gates. You are no longer on a time limit once you are there.

Head back through the cave to Guajira bay. When you get there Pelly will tell you about an incoming Spanish fleet. You will give them the order to hoist a spanish flag and flee while you take care of the flagship.

Entering the sea you'll find 3 ships waiting for you. This is what the Spanish call a fleet? Absurd. Kill the “flagship”, Brigantine, and then you can run. They don't have anything special on them.

Just to note, once you get to Very Hard this squadron starts looking a little more robust. Corvette(Flag), Galleon, War Schooner. Not sure what impossible is yet... but you might want to bring more than the quest ship from Dutch Gambit... that was pretty tough =P.

Before you return to Marcus go ahead and repair your ship on the way, sell the slaves you ended up not using, and get rid of the cocao and sugar the plantation owner gave you in trade at Curacao.

Once you return to Tyrex he will have an immediate assignment for you. The payment for rescuing Jean will come later, from Jean himself.

He also tells you to return to him in a month for more work.
JA.7 – Pirate Trading for Dummys (MR x 2)
Quest: Pirate Trading for Dummys (part 1)
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Corvette, Navio, Fleut
Time Sensitive: 1 week and then 5 days
Requirements: Successfully complete Hot Sun of Maracaibo
Required items: Navigation Equipment (optional)
Quest Giver: Marcus Tyrex in La Vega
Rewards: 150 pesos per ebony, Negative Rep with the dutch.

Immediately upon returning from Maracaibo Marcus has you embark on a new quest. You must visit a friend of his, Pascal Lavoisser in Sharpetown on Isla Tesoro. You have 1 week to meet with the merchant.

Head straight over to Sharpetown, and go into the store to talk to Pascal. He will give you a lead on a Dutch trading vessel carrying a cargo of “ironwood” (latest translation is now black wood, which is actually correct =P) destined for Europe. He wants you to hit the trader and its escort and bring the wood back to him. He will give you coordinates for the ships, 22 50' ,65 30' (mine this time was 22 30' 62 30') and tell you that they will arrive in 5 days.

Go to the coordinates and wait. The ships actually showed up for me on the 6th day just after midnight, but the quest started at 18:00, so it may be 5 days of time, not just days.

You will be facing a Navio, a fleut, and a Corvette. The Navio is your intended target, the other two are just fluff. Once you take the Navio and its cargo you can return to Pascal. He offers you 150 pesos per wood. We are indignant at the price he gives us, but in all honesty it is almost exactly what any trader in the Caribbean offers us for stolen goods. Now if it had really been Ironwood, then yes 150 pesos a piece would be outrageous. You will also take a hit to your Dutch rep, mine went from max to excellent, so not super bad.

Once you get your “cut”, you head back out to your ship. You are greeted by Bald Geffrey, who informs you of the nature of the relationship between Pascal and Tyrex. Seems that Marcus always gets a cut of the profits, and so there is nothing you can do about it. Instead we return to Marcus for our next task.

Before you leave Isla Tesoro, you might want to grave the 2 Manga Rosa here. One is on Benures Bay.

The other is a couple screens in, inside the cave. If you enter from the Benures Bay side, it is just to the left as you go in.

JA.8 – Stones of Blood and Forest
Quest: Stones of Blood and Forest
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Hordes of Indians, Hordes of Spanish Soldiers, your humanity.
Time Sensitive: 14 days once you talk to the Indian woman.
Requirements: Successfully complete Pirate Trading for Dummys
Required Items: oh boy.... 2 spyglasses, compass, 4 mirrors or jade rings/beads, emerald beads, ruby ring, dueling pistol, trombone, 30 lead shot, 30 grapeshot, 60 gunpowder, 10 leather, 20 planks, ship joiner of some skill (30+, advanced ship defense), 12 antidotes, more antidotes for your officers (optional). You need at least 1 spyglass for the guide, so if you only have 1 you will need to give the compass to the chief, not a spyglass. If you don't bring more than 1 pistol you will not want to gift your pistol to the chief either =P.
Quest Giver: Marcus Tyrex in La Vega
Rewards: 250 emeralds, 325 opals, and 84 Fire Opals. Also some amulets from the chief.

Marcus has another task for you, to explain it, he brings in Jean. Jean tells a tale about a town deep in the jungles of the Spanish Main. It is a gem mining town, and has been hoarding a trove of gems including opals and fire opals. Our task is to relieve them of said gems, and you will get part of Jean's cut in repayment for saving him.

This time you will be accompanied by Luke the Leprechaun and his buccaneers. For luck. Before you leave Luke will tell you to be certain to bring gifts to offer the local Indians, as we will need to gain them as guides through the Selva.

Depart down to Maracaibo again, this time heading to the Cape of Delusive Hope. Make sure you bring all the items mentioned in the Required Items list. Save before you enter the battle map, just in case there are Spanish ships close. You don't want to be pulled into a battle with the fort.

After you land on the beach and talk to your companions you will move into the selva, just keep straight until the indian village. Visit the chief in the left house during the day. You can gift him a pistol, a compass, or a spyglass and he will give you some random tribal amulets in return. If you didn't bring extra pistols go with a spyglass or compass, since you probably brought extra because I said you needed both =P. He will tell you that all his warriors are scared to go into the jungles, where an aggressive enemy tribe lies in wait. He will assemble his people anyway and see if anyone is willing to go with you. They aren't....

You learn that when you wait till the next day to talk to him. Come out and ask Luke for some advice. After all, what is he there for? He will suggest that you talk to some of the Indian women in town, offer them shiny gifts, and see if they can't convince their brave warrior husbands to do your bidding. Greed conquers all.

Speak to the women in town and offer them gifts, one of the mirrors you brought, or the jade rings/beads. One of them will know just the man for you, her man. He is to return from hunting the following night, and she will talk to him then.

Wait until after sundown the next night and go into the right hut. She will be standing over her unconscious husband. Turns out she didn't beat him into submission, he's just drunk. She tells you that he will agree to guide you to Merida, but in return he wants a dueling pistol, a trombone, and 30 ammo for each along with the gunpowder. She wants a ruby ring, and some emerald beads. Also he's not to be doing any fighting.

Wait until the next day and then go back into the hut and give her the items. She will leave and your brave Indian guide will come in. Follow (or wait forever while he strolls...) him out of the village and down to the river bank. There you will need to build the long boats for the journey. The materials you will require are 10 leather and 20 planks from your ship. Two days later, the boats are ready.

Talk to the Indian again and you will head down the river. Once you arrive, having bypassed much of the forest, you can head off down the trail towards the nearby town. Go through the cave, and continue until you find a gift the local tribes left for you. How sweet, a skull totem.

On the next screen you encounter what you might expect, a horde of savage Indians. You take them out in short order, and then move on to the next screen.

Here there are some more hardy foes, the town of Merida and its Spanish garrison. The soldier on watch doesn't like the cut of your jib. He calls for help. Be wary of the soldiers that emerge from the nearby houses, they have guns, and the one on the right has a grenade launcher! After a big battle you can move into the city, where you will face what remains of the Spanish musketeers and the unarmored men of the city who attempt to protect their women and children... to no avail.

Go into the governor's mansion and demand he give up the gems. He will try to dissemble, but eventually gives them up upon the promise that you won't burn, rape, and pillage the rest of the city. Sure.... I totally won't do that....

After gathering up the goods you go outside. Oops. The city is burned, the women are raped and murdered, and the rest of the place is pillaged. My bad. Oh well, nothing to do but leave now.

On your way back to the river you must go through that cave again. This time its filled with Caribs. Kill them before moving on.

A quick cutscene and we are back on familiar shores. Head to the Cape of Delusive Hope, and there Jean will split up the booty. Your cut, including a third of Jean's cut, is around 250 emeralds, 325 opals, and 84 Fire Opals.

When you exit to the sea you will probably face a couple small ships. They seem to always be there, but aren't quest ships, so I am not sure. Kill them to move on. Your honor and Spanish reputation take a huge hit for this quest... no surprise.

Return to Marcus Tyrex and learn that... everyone is happy. Except for the women and children of Merida. He also has another job for you. Escort the Kitty to Barbados. Its in the bay waiting for you.
JA.9 – Master of Trickery
Quest: Master of Trickery
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Navio, Pinnance, Fleut, The Spanish Armada.... (Heavy Galleon, Xebec,
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Complete Stones of Blood and Forest
Required items: none
Quest Giver: Marcus Tyrex in La Vega
Rewards: 10,000 pesos, 400 silver, 1000 or so Mahogany

After Marcus gives you your marching orders, head to the bay and take a boat over to the Kitty and talk to its captain. Then you are on your way to Barbados.

Don't expect any trouble, this part is pretty straight-forward. Get to Bridgetown and disembark. The Merchant will thank you, and then you are approached by Ignacio, an English Privateer. He has a proposition for you. Something about this seems awfully familiar...

In the tavern he gives you the run down of a Dutch trade caravan that has been damaged by a storm and is making repairs on a nearby island. It is full of silver! He offers to participate in a joint venture to claim the silver. You are a little wary, but you agree. He gives you the coordinates... ok now its just getting weird.

Make sure you have a fast ship ready, preferably 2 ships, one that is fast, one to fight.

The coordinates he gave you is to Isla De Coche. Tres Bizarre! So we head to the familiar location East of Curacao. 12 50' 64 50', or there abouts. If you don't want to use up another chronometer and have active map installed (again, if you don't... why not!?) you can tell exactly where this is because it is an empty square of ocean just to the east by north east of Curacao.

When you get to the battle map you will be greeted by the Dutch trade convoy. It consists of a Navio, a Pinnance, and a Fleut. All of them damaged and missing crew. Awesome.

Take them out, preferably by boarding so you can get all of the loot. Aside from the silver they also have great quantities of mahogany. Altogether an expensive haul. You also may find some arsenic, a working chronometer, some amulets, and doubloons in the chest of the flagship. Try to conserve your sails during this, you are going to have the need for speed once this is done. In fact I would recommend you leave your “getaway vehicle” out of the fight so that it doesn't get damaged. Once you have finished with these guys you can take the time to arrange the holds to your liking, give everyone the minimum crew, and make your fast ship as light and quick as possible. Switch to that ship before landing. Once you land you wont be able to trade between ships except as during a battle... because you will be in a battle.

Land and split up the loot. You will get 400 silver and about 1000 or so mahogany, maybe a bit more I had to dump some I couldn't carry. Your lookout, that you were smart enough to put in place because of what happened to Jean, spots an approaching Spanish fleet. And you thought that it would never happen to you!

If you happened to bring a ship of the line or two to this fight, then you might consider just sinking this fleet. There is really no reason to do this, however, as they do not have anything worth taking. They are also far beyond overloaded with troops, and working them down for boarding would take a long time.

Best we just get out of here, and I'm going to tell you the best way to do this so you can keep all that loot and the wallowing trade vessels that are carrying it.

First you want to drop all the sails on youe companion vessels. Leave them sitting on the shore of the bay. Head out at an angle to the approaching fleet, as close as you dare. When you pass them they will all follow you, leaving your vulnerable ships alone on shore. Outpace the fleet, and after 3000 meters you will be able to enter the global map, losing them for good. All of your ships will magically be with you now, along with their precious cargo. Also note that you actually only have to get away from the flagship heavy galleon. So if nothing else you can attempt to get a chain shot off on it before you flee. I didn't take my own advice this time and only brought the Flying Heart thinking it'd surely be fast enough.... Not true if it got it's sails damaged =P. So I had to take a few pray shots at the galleon and outrun it with the corvette tailing right behind me.

Now its time to report to Marcus regarding your successful escort mission (oh yeah... I forgot we did that), and also the news about Ignacio and the trap you sailed into. Dump the silver and mahogany into a storehouse on the way, so it can regain some value.

Marcus will give you 10000 pesos for the escort job... yay. He also promises to find out more about the English Privateer and his relationship with the Spanish. Later. For now he has another job for you.
JA.10 – The Jarl's Treasure
Quest: The Jarl's Treasure
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Wulfric's former crew
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Successfully complete Master of Trickery
Required items: ships log (given), magic reading chair in the cabin
Quest giver: Marcus Tyrex in La Vega
Rewards: Your own bloody island, The Vulture (special axe), 500,000 pesos, 600 doubloons

Marcus tells you a tale of a viking pirate that was recently brought down by the Spanish. He was much feared and for a while, at least, successful. No one has found his treasure. So Tyrex wants you to find it, and in return you keep 66% of it. Pretty good deal. He hands you the ship's log, so there is a start.

Go back to your ship and go to the cabin. This is the only place in the game you are allowed to read this ship log. Go to your inventory and equip it, once you are comfortably seated in your magic reading chair. The results go to your documents tab. Seems like Wulfric spent a great deal of time in Mosquito Bay. So we will spend some time in Mosquito Bay too. Head down there.

Are you already there? Good, that was fast. Land in the bay and head in. You will be checking out the local caves. The first one is directly right in the Selva. It is a grotto, and inside you will find some Indians worshiping fire or something. They aren't amused at your intervention. Kill them.

Check the chest, there is nothing there. Now we move on to the next cave. Keep right and you will find it a couple screens later. Its more of a mine than a cave, and can be kind of a maze. Facing away from the ladder go right, then take a left and curve around the bend, then take the next left, and finally there will be a short right leading to a cave in, and that is a treasure. A treasure, not THE treasure. Also you will probably encounter either bandits or Caribs randomly standing near the treasure. This is unrelated I promise.

In the stash you will find 5000 pesos, a heavy purse of 75 doubloons, 22 silver nugs, 5 platinum, 8 copper, 4 chrysoprase, and 6 azurite. Not the windfall you were hoping for.

Head back out, when you get to the entrance you will be confronted by a group of men who's hoard you just plundered. It is really amazing how everyone in the Caribbean has such perfect timing. They are always arriving just as I find treasure!

Take care of them, finders keepers, and head back to the ship. You can try to read the log here... but you can't. You need your reading glasses and they are in the cabin.

Upon further inspection of the log(equip it) you will find that he visited a man in Tortuga quite often. Perhaps this man knows more about Wulfric and his gold. Perhaps not... but we're obliged to go anyway.

When you are finally in Tortuga you go to the tavern and talk to the barkeep. He will tell you where to find Gaspard. Its around the corner from the Harbormaster, next to the entrance to the dungeon.

Go knock on his door during the day. Try again. Try AGAIN. You see the rat inside but he won't answer. Go stand by the dungeon entrance and it will have you wait a few hours. Charles is a patient man. Eventually you will see a familiar face, Pelly the Cutlass! Wait for him to come out and he will tell you about Gaspard. The man is a glorified fence, nothing more. Drat... time to go to the cabin and read more.

The only other lead you have is that the man used the word gord a lot in his diary. Now either this is his nickname for his member, or its a word we don't understand. Who do we know that speaks words good? Gino, that is who. He helped us with Latin after all, so lets go ask him about it.

Head to Antigua to your house that you probably haven't even visited since you got it... and talk to Gino. He will tell you, after a little viking context, that gord refers to a pirate stronghold. Wulfric had a base of operations, it would seem.

The log gives you a little information about this stronghold, and we are to figure out by this information where to find it. If you want to do this the hard way, go ahead and take a look and see if you can figure it out. I'll wait.

If you want a little more help, you can treat it like a police search. He gives you the ports of departure as well as the time it takes him to reach his stronghold. Draw a line from the port that is the distance you estimate he can travel in the time he gives, then draw a circle around that port using the line as a radius. Do this for every port, and where they intersect is the likely location of the gord.

Since you are reading a full walkthrough... you probably skipped all of that and are now reading this.... the coordinates of the gord are around 19 North, 72 West. It is straight south of Port-Au-Prince, and straight west of St. Johns. If you are using the map mod, it is the square of open sea south of hispaniola. It doesn't have to be exact, anywhere in that square will take you to the island now.

When you reach Isla Mona, land at one of the bays, I'm partial to Vieques Cove. Head to the next screen and face a horde of angry, hungry pirates. Once you finish them off you decide that it might be in your best interests to gather more men before you continue. It is. Go back to the ship, board, and debark again. You now have your own horde of angry pirates.

Go to the next screen and go right and circle back. You will then be at the pirate fort, facing a cannon. Not my favorite activity to do on a Sunday.

Now that you have the numbers, Rodgar will talk to you. You can talk him down and away from his artillery, and he will agree to join your team as a carpenter on the island. He also tells you he doesn't know much about the treasure, but that Wulfric's house is just to the left as you go in.

Go into the house, in the chest by the door you can find a good start to that treasure. The Vulture, a sweet axe that gives +5 to axes and broadswords, a ritter's cuirass, talisman “spinebiter”, some amulets, a chronometer, and a tincture. Also some potions.

Before you go into the trap door on the floor, make sure you can carry at least 90 weight. It will save you a trip....

Go down into the trap door and you will find... another trap door. Go into that trap door.... surprise! Another trap door. This one, however, does not lead you further down the rabbit hole. Instead you will find yourself playing the best mini-game ever...

Charles swimming. You have 60 seconds to find the treasure. Spoiler alert... Charles is crap at swimming.

So go towards the pillar in the middle of the room, behind it is a chest. The chest contains 750,000 pesos and 900 doubloons. I hope you have at least 90 weight available... you SHOULD.

Quickly (ha-ha) swim back out of the cave. You can now return to Rodgar and give him the good news.

You now have your own island! All said and done this place is pretty sweet. You have a free storehouse that is centrally located, mooring room for two ships (as long as they aren't first class), and a place to repair. I usually use the gord as a base for smuggling operations. You can put your class 3 smuggling ships here to store slaves on, and unload stolen cargo at the storehouse to gain its value back. It is well suited to sell at a variety of different places in the Caribbean, and also central to all the different ship upgrades. It is good.

Now it is time to return to Marcus. Unfortunately, if you recall, a third of the treasure you just went diving for belongs to him. Go give him his cut of 250,000 pesos and 300 doubloons. Everything else, including an entire island, is yours.
JA.11 – Corrida
Quest: Corrida
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Torrero, Navio, Heavy Galleon, Xebec
Time Sensitive: 3 weeks, immediate,
Requirements: Successfully complete The Jarl's Treasure
Required Items: Ship that can defeat the Torrero that you do not mind losing, Spanish Flag, nav equipment (optional)
Quest Giver: Marcus Tyrex on La Vega
Rewards: Torrero, almost 600 gold, 25000 pesos, ordinary map, part of a treasure map

Now that you have returned the treasure to Marcus he will tell you that he has a lead on Ignacio. The man is currently on Martinique, and you are to do some recon to see what he is up to. You are not to engage, but only witness.

On the way to the dock we are greeted by Jean. He was recently sent to Pascal on Isla Tesoro by Marcus, and has come to give the pirate lord a piece of his mind. You explain why that would be a bad idea, but Jean is not appeased. He asks you to meet him at Gonaive Bay in two weeks before you report back to Tyrex. You are interested, and so you agree. This begins the 2nd part of Pirate Trading for Dummys, which I will continue below this quest.

Head down to Martinique, when you enter the region it will tell you that the Torrero is currently raiding La Francois. We land in St. Pierre and go through the jungle to the pirate nest. Left Right Left, in case you didn't recall. Once you get into town head past the tavern towards the back shack, and there will be a cutscene of you witnessing Ignacio's arrival, and he has a few compatriots with him.

After a few hours they leave, and you rush back to St. Pierre to attempt to get to your ship and follow them. Alas, he is gone. We return to Marcus to report, but first we stop by and talk to Captain Picard. He will be in Gonaives Bay 2 weeks after you talked to him. He also will require you come alone, so leave your boarders behind. Skip down to part 2 of Trading for Dummies to finish this part before going back to Tyrex.

Before you go back to Marcus you need to have your “throwaway” ship ready for battle. Any ships you take to go after the Torrero must be sunk afterwards, and so you won't want to bring your best ship, or any of your special ships. I took a corvette along with a xebec just to draw fire. It worked out really well, as the Xebec took a grape shot and I was able to move in for a full broadside of my own and board.

Last time I brought a couple of Brigantines... and it did not go well.

When you tell Marcus about what you saw he will give you some background information about his fellow pirate rival, Barbason, and his lackeys. Apparently all of the assassination attempts on you were merely to piss in Tyrex' cheerios.

Marcus has a plan on how to get them back, maybe for good. There is a ship that is part of the Spanish Golden Fleet that has been recently damaged, and had to be repaired in dock. It is forced to catch up with the remaining fleet at a later time. A time that Barbason, and now you, wish it never to see. The Torrero is on its way back from Cuba right now with vital information regarding the planned route of that ship and its escort, and we are to intercept it and then use it and the information to lay a trap for the other pirate. After that we can go take the gold for ourselves, just as icing on the cake.

The only problem is we are left facing a heavy galleon and its friends with only a heavy polacre and our good looks. Marcus promises us that he will provide the necessary aid when the time comes, and towards that end he gives you Spyke, the carrier pigeon.


So hurry out of harbor and intercept Ignacio on his way to St. Martin. Best route is to go straight to Turks and wait just south of it. He will show up before long, purple sails and all. It actually comes out of the south bay of Turks.

Once you defeat the Torrero, and kill that bastard Ignacio, loot his two barreled pistol and the potions off him. You can search the cabin for the ship log, along with about 25000 pesos, 155 doubloons, an ordinary map, and part of a treasure map.

Once you are safely aboard the Torrero, you can go to the cabin and read through the log. It will tell you that the Golden Galleon will arrive between Turks and Isla Tesoro, and it will give you the date.

You go back to see and see Spyke fly away to La Vega with the information. Now you need to deliver the false info to Barbason and his boys.

We don't want them to go to Turks-Tesoro, so instead we raise the Spanish Flag, and enter the waters of St. Martin. Get within 1500 meters of the fort and then you can leave, don't get too close or they will see it isn't Ignacio.

Now we need to hunt the Golden Ship. It will be arriving a week after you discovered the log. You must be between the given coordinates. 23 – 23 30' North, 64 25' – 64 55' West. You don't have to have navigation equipment, but if you are having trouble even with the given screenshot, you may want to equip them.

If you enter the sea after like 18:00 on the given day the Spanish should appear. The idea here is to wait for Marcus. You don't want to be taking too many shots from the Navio, Heavy Galleon, and Xebec. The fastest way to get him to show up that I've found is to fire a couple volley of chain-shot at the lead Navio. Fleeing too much seems to delay the Red Dragon from showing up.

Regardless how you do it, you need to last long enough for Tyrex to appear on his monster ship of the line, The Red Dragon. After that you pretty much want him taking all shots from the fleet. Send him after the Xebec to start with, he will sink that toy boat in about 2 seconds. It doesn't have anything good on it anyway. After that you can change his ammo to grape shot and let him pepper the Navio and the Galleon down to boarding range. It seems like he has more like 80000 hp than the 8000 it says he has.

The Heavy Galleon is your main target, it has the gold. The Navio has some paprika....

Once you manage to board the galleon and rid the sea of the other ships one way or another, you can board The Red Dragon and talk to Marcus. He will split the gold with you 50/50, so you get almost 600. He doesn't care about the paprika, its all yours baby!

You'll want to stick all of it into a warehouse somewhere to let it gain its full value back before selling it. Otherwise you will only get like 400 pesos per gold, and we don't want that.

Marcus congratulates you, and tells you to come see him in 3 weeks time. He has something big planned. Bring 1 ship, and be prepared for battle.
JA.11.i – Pirate Trading for Dummys (Part 2)
Quest: Pirate Trading for Dummys (Part 2)
Difficulty: Trivial
Time Sensitive: 2 weeks
Enemies: none
Requirements: Completion of Pirate Trading for Dummys (Part 1), Completion of The Jarl's Treasure
Required items: none
Quest Giver: Jean Picard on La Vega
Rewards: 2 chests of treasure, chest of doubloons, talisman “cupid's balm”, 10 rum, 50 rubies,map of hispaniola, a sex slave.

On your way out of La Vega after talking to Marcus about Corrida, you will meet Jan Picard, who will have had a similar experience with Pascal on Isla Tesoro that you yourself had. He is less pleased about it than you are. He wants you to meet him in 2 weeks to discuss retribution against Lavoisser.

When you meet him at Gonaive Bay 2 weeks later (after dismissing your boarding officers) he tells you that he has witnessed Pascal on La Vega and entering a storage building. He is convinced that there are valuables stored away, and he has made a wax key of the building. He wants you to help him pilfer the place. We're in!

Cut to that night, and you make your way to La Vega by foot. Left, Left, Right, Left. Once you get there follow Jean to the building and go in.

Inside, he will have you check the chest by the door. There will be a chest of doubloons, 10 rum, 50 rubies, and a map of hispaniola inside. Go upstairs and check the night stand for some odd items, including a “cupid's balm” talisman, a candle, a mirror, some wine, some manacles, and a lash... what...

Look behind the bed. OHHHHHHHHHH. Now I get it.

Mirabelle is there, she is Marcus Tyrex's sex slave. If you stop Jean from killing her she will now be YOUR sex slave. Nifty. Either way Jean will give you part of the loot he found, which was a great deal better than the 50 rubies you found. 2 treasure chests.

Take ALL your booty to the ship. Jean will tell you that he is done with Tyrex and La Vega, and that he doesn't think that Marcus is fair. Essentially he feels like Tyrex sits on his ass while everyone else does all the work. Well... that is just called delegating. Considering that we've made millions and millions of pesos as well as our own private island... and now a sex slave... we disagree. Respectfully.

Speaking of private islands and sex slaves... take Mirabelle to Isla Mona when you get a chance. Rename it to Isla Moan-a? Ugh... I hate myself now.
JA.12 – City of Blood Harvest
Quest: City of Blood Harvest
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Fort of Cartegena, Soldiers of Cartegena, City Garrison of Cartegena, Fleet of Cartegena.... get it? Cartegena.
Time Sensitive: Immediately
Requirements: Successfully complete Corrida
Required items: A single ship, not 1st class, as many crew as you can bring
Quest Giver: Marcus Tyrex of La Vega
Rewards: 25,000 pesos, Additional reward based on the amount of men you bring.

Note: If you do not want to go through Nemesis, this is your last chance to back out of the FTJR story. You will miss out on nearly a million pesos worth of loot, but you will not have to participate in the final quest. From a story standpoint, Nemesis is very nicely done, and if you have not completed it at least once, I still recommend that you do so. You have been warned.

Also be aware that this will give you a nasty hit to your Spanish reputation. If you aren't at least Neutral you will be looking at a bounty.

You have 3 weeks with which to prepare to meet Marcus Tyrex back in La Vega and participate in his big raid. You need to get a ship ready to use to assault the Cartagena fort. How much money you make off this mission depends entirely on how much you contribute to the final assault. I used a Heavy Galleon with around 470 men. You cannot use a first class ship, I guess Marcus doesn't like being shown up...

Also be certain to equip your boarding officers with health potions and ammo. They are going to be in for a long fight as well.

When you arrive on La Vega Marcus and the entire breakfast club will join you in your fleet, but first, you will party!

It is a pirate's life for me, yo-ho! So if you survived that cutscene you are well prepared for the trials ahead.

Take everyone down south to Cartegena, before you go into the region you may want to test the wind on the battle map. You need an Easterly wind ideally, Westerly is horrible, any other direction is just ok. This is because of the direction you and Marcus will have to sail to assault the fort, and if it is blowing out to sea it will cause him to get out of range during his assault, and then he will just sit there looking stupid while you are forced to finish it off by yourself, which is bad.

As soon as you enter the region Tyrex will signal everyone to go to Covenas Cove. You will land and get your orders. First order of business is to sink the patrol fleet in the bay. Pelly the Cutlass will be assisting you on the Moray. Try not to get too close to the fort. The defending ships consist of a brigantine, a galleon, and a polacre. Nothing too terrible. On very hard you get a Xebec instead of a brigantine.

You aren't allowed to board them during this assault, so just sink them and get it over with. Be very mindful of losing crew, your reward for the quest as well as the difficulty of the final assault is at stake.

Once you have sunk the ships, meet up with Tyrex on The Red Dragon. He will order you to help him assault the fort. Try to let him do the heavy lifting, hopefully he won't spin his way out to sea and out of range of his own cannons....

Once the fort is down to about 45% of its guns (or 30% for VH), it will be breached and you will begin the invasion by land. This is the point that your crew is calculated into your reward, so hopefully you've conserved as many lives as possible. After this, however, they are all expendable!

I have to just note that once you get to Very Hard.... this fight is stupid difficult. I had 550 crew survive for the assault, and all the soldiers in the forts and towns were 500 - 600 hp.

You will have 5 brutal battles on land against the Castillians. 3 in the fort, and then 2 at the city. Once that epic melee is finished you can finally talk to Marcus, who will send you to get a ransom of 250,000 pesos out of the governor. Meanwhile he will go sort the gold that is under the fort.

We're Charlie Prince, we can do better than 250,000! Bring out the governor's women, that should motivate him.

After some hard negotiating we manage 350,000 pesos from the man. Guess we won't let Pelly the Cutlass have at his daughter after all. Head back to the fort and talk to Marcus again. He will give you the rundown of the take. 5000 gold. Your share of it, based on bringing X number of men... is Y!

I had 418 sailors survive to assault the fort, and received 825 gold and 49500 pesos, on top of the 25,000 bonus you get for being so suave at negotiating.

For 549 I had 925 gold and 55500 pesos.

Just for context, my reward when I brought the Torrero and its 260ish crew was about 225 gold and 25000 pesos. The more the merrier.

Now you can leave Cartegena, but with one last order from Marcus. Go to Tortuga and spend your entire bonus on ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and booze. 30000 pesos should buy a hell of a lot of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and booze.... one would think. Drop off your gold in Port Royal and let it start regaining its luster.

So we go to Tortuga and see the madam at the brothel. -30000 pesos and two days later.... we stagger out of the brothel. So much for rest.

Here we meet Camilla... and begin the last leg of our journey as a pirate. After we throw up on her shoes.
JA.13 – Nemesis (Part 1) (MR x 2)
Quest: Nemesis
Difficulty: WHAT THE HELL!?
Enemies: Pretty much everyone you've met in the FTJR story line, Zorro, Hell, God, The Earth, Mazes, nightmares, that ♥♥♥♥♥ Camilla
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Successfully complete City of Blood Harvest
Required items: Map sold to us by Camilla (given), 300 gunpowder (ship goods), flintstone (not Fred)
Quest Giver: Camilla outside the brothel on Tortuga
Rewards: Some Iron ore, some bat wings, some enchanted bones, some slave manacles, some rum, 5750 silver nuggets and 1750 gold nuggets you will not be able to carry, Redemption.

Also 5 Manga Rosa you wouldn't otherwise have access to. A shotgun revolver, Taino people's poison (a super poison that cannot be cured and lasts 2 days, very nasty), 75 doubloons, map of Belize

Upon exiting the brothel a sweet little girl Camilla greets us. She has a proposal for you, and since you have learned absolutely nothing from The Final Lesson and “The Honey Pot”, you agree.

Leading you to a tavern for a few drinks and a screw, she then asks for your assistance. She is trying to see Marcus Tyrex in La Vega, because she has a treasure map she wishes to sell him. Since you are marginally less scary than Marcus, she is hoping you will escort her there. Treasure you say? Please, go on.

She spins a yarn about her father and brothers who were working in a Spanish gold mine that collapsed during an earthquake and was subsequently abandoned. Long story short, there is a million pesos of gold sitting in a mine somewhere and she does not have the resources to get to it, so she wants to sell the map to a pirate for 200 doubloons. Chump change. You offer to buy it from her, and even throw in that you will double that investment if it ends up being right. She tells you to bring the money to the church between 10:00 and 13:00.

You bring the money to her, she gives you the map. You fool.

At this point you have all the time in the world with which to prepare, and prepare you must. Your crew doesn't matter, your ship doesn't matter. This will all be completed by one Charles De Maure, and none other.

I advise that you bring at least 20 elixirs, a few tinctures, possibly some manga rosa potions, and 50+ ammo for your pistol. I further advise that you make certain you have good armor and weapons, and that you pack your favorite defensive amulets. I like Madonna, Ngombo Shield, and Euchologion. You will be hurting a lot, and shot at a lot, so these help... a lot. Another one you might want to take with you is “Stayer”. You will likely become encumbered, so after the fighting is done you may like to not walk so slowly. Maybe even a Monkey talisman if you are ambitious enough to want to carry as many gold nuggets out as you can.

One might argue it is a good place to use the Jaguar pelt you acquired during The Caleuche, but I have other places in mind for that, or two.... or three. You can always carry it with you, and if you fail a few times, use it.

Also if you have one or two, bring a Tears of Ixchel, to heal your wounds. When you have all of these things ready, you may go to Caratasca Lagoon, and begin.

Get your Flintstone ready, you'll need it soon.

If you are saying to yourself right now, “Hmm, maybe I don't want to do this quest, is there a way out of it?” Nope, too late. You are to pay for your sins, so just suck it up and get on with it!

Head inland, keeping to the right until you come to a blocked passage. Walk up to it and then you will get a quest update. Head back to the ship. At the shore use the think aloud to order gunpowder to the blockage. Now you can, with the flintstone, light it. Its probably behind you, don't leave the screen it just put you on =P.


Now you may proceed. On this screen you will find a Manga Rosa. Make sure you get it before going on, or it will vanish once you reach the ruins.

The one at the ruins is hidden behind the wood structure at the back. You have to climb the broken wagon to get to it.

Once you are in the ruins head to the dungeon, it is in the busted up building with all the boxes in it. Climb over the boxes and around and there will be a way down. <shiver> I am getting a feeling like I'm being watched.

Now you are in the first level of the dungeon. I would probably be a bit picky about what you pick up. Inventory space is going for a premium here, and you will not be coming back once you leave this place (If you EVER leave muahahaha). It is all basically junk anyway, heh. I like the 50 nails here, as it can be annoying to find nails for shrapnel. Leave the shoes... shoes are easy to find and rarely used.

Head down to the bottom of level one, and you can find some bat wings! I like the bat wings, cause they are hard to find too, though also rarely used. They are actually super heavy... I'd hate to meet the bats that have 3 stone wings... seriously. You may just want to keep half of them, but you can always drop some later. Leave the beetles....

At the end of the long hallway turn around and there is a crate, it has some cords and a stack of enchanted bones. These are also fairly rare, and light too. In a chest over there down that little hall are some slave manacles... also light.

Are you noticing a trend for all these items? They all give stat debuffs for carrying them =P. Cute...

all that is left are some old mugs and a wooden spoon... not worth bothering with.

Continue down, and you find yourself in the first level of the abandoned mines. Pay attention to where you are going... you will need to navigate through this entire place a few times. Luckily this level is pretty straight forward. Just find the trap door and go down again.

Now we are starting to get to the fun part, and by fun I mean some demented programmers twisted nightmare.

If you go right while facing away from the ladder, and right again you'll find the one notable feature in this place... the little barrel that has some metal ingots and some machetes in it.

Go straight and you'll find a mixture hanging from the ceiling at a dead end. If you instead go right upon reaching that intersection and then keep going straight, you will eventually find a barrel and a wheelbarrow where you can get some harpoons, some iron ingots, and an elixir.... You can now leave this place and retire peacefully on a beach in Bali, you rich bastard you. (Don't leave...)

Alas... if you want to get back to the barrel with the intersection just keep going straight past the wheelbarrow and make a right and you will be back. You don't want to do that though, that is just for future reference. Instead make a right at that wheelbarrow and you find yourself at the next trap door down.

There are some more elixirs and mixtures down here in dead ends, etc... but unless you want to wander the halls of the damned for the rest of eternity, I suggest you stick with the prescribed routes.

Now we are on the 2nd horrible labyrinth of mines. This place is worse. The easiest to remember directions here... facing away from the ladder go right, then go left, left, left, left, left.

To get back from the next screen just go right, right, right, right, right. There are possibly quicker ways... but to me, this is just the easiest way to remember. Scattered around this zone are some rum, elixir, and mixtures. Do you really want to put yourself through that? I am already encumbered and my carry weight is 240.

JA.13 – Nemesis (Part 2)
On the next screen you find yourself in some kind of fortification. Underground castle? Possibly.
If you want to explore.... be my guest. Maybe you'll find something interesting. I never did. The quickest and easiest way to the “treasure” is to just go straight off the ramp into that opening. Make a right, then a left. Boom. You'll see your.... friends... standing there.

Before you say hi, equip all your amulets and such, because things are getting ugly. Before you start this conversation you can return to the ship and drop everything off if you want. After this, you can NEVER leave... bwahahahaha. At least not the way you came :). (Actually I was wrong. You can still go back to your ship after this fight. Once you are confronted by Bald Geffrey you can go back to the ship before taking him down to the treasure. After Geffrey you can't leave)

Go around the corner and you will find your old friend Pelly the Cutlass! Hey man, how's it... why so serious? Um... oh crap. BATTLE!

My suggestion for this fight is to immediately run away. Go back to the ramp you just came down and run up it. At the top they will only be able to come at you one at a time, and Pelly will use up all his ammo shooting into his crew's backs. After that its just a matter of time to beat down the whole group. Don't get up there too quickly, or he'll shoot you from down below instead.

After you take out Pelly and his men, you can loot him for some extra elixirs and his weapons and four barreled pistol if you want. He also is carrying a few amulets. Back near the treasure is a box with some arsenic in it, about the only worthwhile thing down here =P. You might want to get it while you still have the strength to carry anything.

After that its time to head upstairs to get some stuff from the ship. After you make it up to the first mines you will be greeted by Bald Geffrey. Can't say I'm happy to see him.... or his squad of musketeers. He seems reasonable enough at first, and wants to see the treasure... back down we go.

Again you need to be ready for the next part. As you approach the treasure there will be a cutscene where you will get shot in the back. Then you turn to Bald Geffrey and he is unhappy that you didn't die outright. Before this cutscene you can drink a potion, and then wait until your life is full before going on. This is pretty important, cause you are gonna get shot at 3 more times in the next 5 seconds.

OK so here are some tips. Try to position yourself to run forward into the alcove holding the treasure as soon as the dialogue goes away. This will cause the musketeer to miss his next shot. Geffrey will likely pull out his pistol and shoot you once, hard to avoid. Then you run past him and past the gentlemen charging you down the hall, it is best if you put away your sword for this, as they may get in your way. This will hopefully make him miss his 2nd shot. You can turn left and go to the broken grate, and this will give you a choke point to keep them from coming at you any harder than 2 at a time at most. Again you can make Geffrey waste all his ammo shooting into his people's backs if you want. He has like 20 shots.

Once you take care of all of them you can hunt down the musketeer. If you want to keep from getting shot then just corner him near a wall so you can duck behind it when he goes to fire. Also remember that whenever you sheathe your weapon, you can save the game. I mention this because I just got through the entire fight and then got 1 shot by a lucky bullet to the face from the last musketeer while I chased him through the hallways. I did not save after killing Geffrey and his goons. Feelsbadman.

Pretty much no matter what your health is going to get worse at this point. It is part of the quest. If you aren't wearing a Madonna amulet it might get worse twice by now, depending on how many potions you had to chug. If you aren't willing to give up any of your loot, you might want to go ahead and trade out one of your amulets for the Stayer... but if you are wearing all the anti-gun amulets I suggested... I'd wait. Being shot is going to be your life for a little while. He brought a bunch of musketeers with him... remember?

Head back up. The 2 musketeers are going to be at the ladder leading to the 2nd mines. So get ready to juke back around the corner to dodge the shot the first one takes, then you can run up and past him across the intersection, and you'll hear the 2nd one take his shot, which just missed you if you ran through. Now you can turn around and blitz the guy behind you down, hopefully before he can get off another shot. If your weapon or skill isn't such that this is possible, you can always hit a few times then run back down and wait for him to try and shoot you again. He will heal though, so this is the longer option.

Once he is dealt with you can repeat the process of running by to make the other shoot again, then take care of him in the same manner. After that we can go up to the next level.

Head right, and then after the next right the first musketeer will be around the bend, so be ready to dodge his shot. His friend is off to the right, so if you charge him, keep to the left and use this guy as a body shield against the other gunner. Quickly dispatch him before he reloads and you can then get out of the line of fire before you get shot again. Regenerate what you need to, then repeat the process with the last guy.

If you haven't noticed, they are better equipped as you go up... the next guys have naval carbines <sigh>. Head up the ladder.

You don't have far to go to find this next dude. The only benefit being that he doesn't have a friend within line of sight of him. Dodge his first shot then try to take him out quickly. His melee isn't fun either, but what can you do. If you can't kill him fast enough then you can try and run back to dodge his reload.

Go over to the path on the right, its the shortest distance to the next gunner. Run past it to get him to waste his shot, then get him! After he's down you are clear to go up to the upper dungeon.

When you get down the long hallway you'll meet yet another friendly face... Luke the Leprechaun. This guy doesn't even pretend he likes you. He doesn't like anyone who can sail a ship it seems, and you least of all. So.... time to die.

Luke the Leprechaun has arguably the only good loot found in this whole mess. A shotgun revolver, which might be the first one you've seen, Taino people's poison, which is super nice, 3 Manga Rosa, 5 mixtures, 75 doubloons, some elixir, and a map of Belize.

So now that you've defeated your former friends, its time to meet someone new. Head on out! Hmm, I don't remember locking this door and blocking it with tons of rocks. How odd.

Well... you didn't do that, ZORRO did!
Honestly I'm just glad Jean Luc Picard didn't show up to join the sea dog pile on me, it would have been heart breaking.

That's right! Zorro... or someone also named Zorro, considering the Zorro we know existed in California over a century later than when this game is set, but no matter, The Fox himself is back from the future to visit holy terror upon evil pirates who burn cities, rape women, and destroy lives. Camilla, that ♥♥♥♥♥, was one such woman, and you killed her fiancee, her father, and her brothers in Cartegena. She's now a broken husk because she had to sleep with you, her most hated enemy, in order to trick you to come here.

Dayam.... the Caribbean is freaking harsh.

JA.13 – Nemesis (Part 3)
So now you are locked down here, along with what you now know to be fake treasure, to die cold and alone. Well... not cold as it turns out.... but very... very hot.

The only hint to our salvation that Zorro gives us is that there is water below. Of course this is a taunt, since he wants us to have plenty of water so that we can starve to death over a month's time instead of in just a few days.

Anyway.... we are going back down into the depths. You can trade out one of your defense amulets (not madonna) for the Stayer now if you like, we're done getting shot.

Back down on the lower level you can freely explore to your heart's content. This is your home until you die after all! OK maybe not.

Some interesting things to be found.... the arsenic you might have picked up already (to kill yourself with?), a gun with 1 bullet (to kill yourself with?), a cutlass with a sharpening stone (to kill yourself with?), An Ometochli Tincture (sitting on a barrel, not in a container), 40 empty chests (to mock us?), 5 tobacco and a pipe (final smoke), An icon lamp and a flintstone (I can only assume so you can light your final smoke, Zorro is not an animal after all), and 15 peso earrings. I'm at a loss to why the peso earrings are here honestly. Everything else seems to be a message from Zorro, aside from the tincture which is likely something he didn't see. The peso earrings are kinda random, but perhaps it is another example of mocking wealth. Oh well.

Maybe you can find something else interesting down here, but I wandered for hours so you didn't have to. Don't let my sacrifice be in vain.

What you are actually looking for is the skeleton of a dead Scotsman that is sitting in front of the chest that has the cutlass and whetstone in it. Apparently Zorro has too much respect for the dead to search their bodies, unlike us. So if you aren't interested in looking at all that junk...

To get to the skeleton: Enter the maze at the arch that is to the right of the one with the chest and crates next to it. You then go right, left, left, left, through the broken grate and right (technically the only way you can go here), left.

Alternately you can get to it entering the arch with the chest and crates and go: Right, Right, Left, Right, Straight ahead to the chest and then the skeleton is around the bend.

To get to the door leading out after you have the key. Go into the arch with the crates and go : Right, Left, Right.

OR, if you are at the skeleton (and why wouldn't you be?), you can head back around past the chest, go straight and through the grate, Left, Right, Right, Right.

You find yourself in an old storehouse or something. You can find some loot down here that isn't completely useless. There is a mixture(actually random potion) at a collapsed wall to your immediate left. Ignore the locked gates there is nothing you can do. Pass the flooded passages for now. On the left there are 2 chests, one with 25 Azurite, one with 25 Jacinth. You might have to drop more of your machetes =(. Way on down in some crates you'll find another Elixir(random potion) too, in case you are running low by now.

Nothing else interesting up here, so head down into the flooded passage on your left (right if you are coming from the dungeon). The passage on your left has some crates which only have a mace in it (goedendang or whatever). The chest ahead has a bunch of vials.Head down the impossibly long hallway at a slow stroll... and at the end you will be rewarded with 14 Chrysoberyl in that chest. Turn around to find the door out to the right of where you came down.

You find yourself in.... a buried chapel... great. The chest at the top of the stairs that is so difficult to loot has a madonna amulet in it (too little... too late?), and some candles. Go up into the church, you will automatically try the doors, and then decide its time to lay down and die, since those doors are locked.

The End....

JA.13 – Nemesis (Part 4)
OK not really. After praying for a while you pass out from blood loss. You have a nightmare, where the ghosts of Christmas past come to haunt you... damning you to an eternity of hell. Except Mirabelle, if you saved her, who still thinks you are great.

Suddenly, out of the smoke and fire, your brother calls to you, telling you of a way out. WAKE UP!!!!!!!

Well... your health is getting worse now, but there is hope. Go check the stairs in the last room that your brother was talking about.

Where there is a silver key, there must be a silver door. Right?

Well now you are in the crypt. At least you can pick out your own coffin while you are here...

Laughably, there is a holy water amulet and some crosses in the chest. If you can pick them up, awesome for you. This is also the last chance you are going to have to get rid of anything in your inventory you do not want in preparation for picking up silver nuggets. So you can drink your Tears of Ixchel now, drop a bunch of those iron ingots (only used for Iron Naval and Joker Talismans) and bat wings (cupid's balm and ghoul talismans), or whatever else, and pick up a load of silver nuggets instead.

Go to the door around the corner and....

Welcome to my bloody nightmare. Now you are truly in hell.

I wouldn't spend any time looking around here if I were you, as if you could pick anything up anyway. Best you are going to find are some health potions, which sounds awesome, except that the detour to get them is going to cost you more in life than you get from the potion.

The little steam looking things on the water do damage to you, so don't walk through them. Also do not strafe while you walk, so no hitting A or D. If you do, you will get stunned and slide sideways periodically. This will often send you straight into a steam puff or a geyser.

The worst damage will come from the geysers. If you get hit by any part of this it is going to do like 50% of your health. You really don't want that. They sometimes come in 2 or 3's in a row, so if you have the health to stand around for a second you might want to watch it until it stops completely. Save often...

Don't hang around too much though... the whole place is hotter than hades so you are going to be taking damage constantly no matter what.

It is important to also note, you will continue to take damage even if you are in the F2 menu. So don't stand around looking in your inventory... it will cost you. Best that you would have done this in the last room, when you weren't taking damage over time.

The path out is to the right in the first room. Go right and navigate the steam and geysers until you get to a little passage on your left. Its narrow so you will have to be really careful about the geysers here. Head straight through, ignoring the path to the left, it leads to a single bottle of rum after a long walk... not worth it. When you come out of this hallway you will see a door ahead and to your left a little. Once you go through there the only way to go is left, and then when you get to the end of this hallway you immediately turn right and see a chest. There is a steam puff you can't avoid, and the chest has 5000 silver nuggets. Just a little final F-U from the developers =P. If you had a few tears of Ixchel you can say F-U right back, and fill your inventory with as many nuggets as you can carry!

If you are truly insane, you can go left instead, and down that hall and to the left you will find gold nuggets instead of silver! Again pretty much as many as you can carry. There are 750 silver and 750 gold nuggets here. Further down you can find another 1000 gold nuggets through the broken wall.. but... why? I don't think there is any way to carry even 750 gold out =P.

Through the door behind the chest it only gets worse....

Now you are in a room that is almost completely flooded, the tide ebbing and rising by turns. This makes you suddenly swim, and then walk again. I really do not think there is a pattern here, it goes up and down as it pleases, and whenever you swim... you move forward automatically, which just SUCKS when you are waiting at the edge of a geyser to try and hurry, as much as you can in chest deep water, past it.

I like using first person view for this... third person is just … bad.

So save as soon as you get in, and hope for the best. If you want to just chug down elixir like they are reaching their expiration date then maybe this isn't a problem for you. If you are running low... you still have a little ways to go so don't get too nuts about taking damage.

Sometimes these geysers will fire constantly 6 or 7 or maybe even 8 times in a row. You will need to wait for them to stop before you can go on.

Do the best you can to get through this. You are almost there. There is really only one way to go. Keep heading left. The end there is a trap door under the water, that is your exit... save before going in.

The last leg is an underwater cave. Our favorite. It is still boiling water, just FYI, you are still taking damage.

Go straight, all the way up and out. You will find yourself in a cave. Find your way out of there, and you'll be back in the Selva... looking like a boiled lobster and bleeding out about 30 different wounds, but alive!

Just head straight on to the sea... and you will find yourself back on Caratasca Lagoon.....


Vow, before the sea and God, that you will never do harm to another innocent soul again. You have learned your lesson Charles de Maure. Redemption is yours.

Or you can go back to plundering the seas.... to each his own.

Whatever your disposition, Charles the hero is a changed man. He has one more task before him... a certain sex slave that he captured in his wild youth of last month. Lets go to Isla Moana and see her... and change that vulgar sign back to Isla Mona while you are at it... heathen.

Before you go see her, you might want to put on a cupid's balm talisman <wink>

Go and visit poor Mirabelle, she is happy to see you. Despite everything she always had faith in you and your goodness. She doesn't want to go anywhere, after all she has a mansion on a private island, whereas before she was locked in a bedroom, chained to a bed and whipped and used for 3 hours a day. Have you even been back since you dropped her off here?

Ah well, you need a little TLC any way you slice it, and she is more than glad to give it to you!

The next time you visit Tyrex you will break your ties with him, but that isn't necessary to continue to the Pirate Saga. Congratulations.
KA.1 – The Pirate Saga
Woo, it has already been a long road my friends. Feels like it was forever ago that I did The Dutch Gambit. We've delved ancient Chavin temples, plundered cities, hunted ghost ships, met Zorro, risen high, and fallen low, and crawled back out of the muck to stand before the Sea and cry out “WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN!?”. If you don't have any downloadable content it may very well have been like 5 minutes ago for you... either way we are right on the cusp of starting the meat and potatoes of this epic story, The Pirate Saga. Before we get started there are a few things you need to be ready for, because the entire story arc has a strict time table, and if you fail... its just not pretty.

Get ready to love again. It is time for The Pirate Saga.
KA.2 – Preparing for The Pirate Saga
The first thing you need to know about The Pirate Saga is that once you meet with Jan Svensson in Blueweld you have roughly 11 months to finish the entire quest line. This is a ton less scary if you have Hook's mod, but still, you do not want to be running around freeplaying or hunting down things that you cannot for the life of you find once the clock has started to tick down to your ultimate doom.

Honestly there is 1 category of things that you really need to have a good stock of before you embark. That is amulets. During the course of the quest you will require 3 random amulets to give to an Indian shaman in order to continue. If you do not have these you will be forced to run around the Caribbean trying to find them, order them from lighthouse keepers, etc. Best case scenario for lighthouse keepers is 2 months, so you are already biting into your precious timetable. I'm going to give you a list of amulets, and you will want to have 1 of each before you head to Blueweld. Any you are missing, go ahead and order them now from the lighthouse keepers in the “important people and places” section at the beginning. You only will need 3, but if I know fate, and I at least know she's a ♥♥♥♥♥, then I know that the Indian will ask for the 1 amulet I do not have, even if I have every single other one...

Amulets and vendors, this refers specifically to which vendor will sell them on the streets. I have not seen 100% of these on vendors, so some of them may not be available in this way.

Tribal – have seen all but the last 2 on tribal vendors
Voodoo Doll
Ritual Knife
Ngombo Mask
Ngombo Shield
Gunpowder Tester
Coral Head
Pole Axe
Seafarer's Earring

Ehekatl – have seen for sale by lighthouse keepers for 5 – 6k. (not ordering, actually for sale)

Weapon – have seen both of these on weapons merchants

Household – have seen the first three on household merchants.

♥♥♥♥♥ Fan
Jade Turtle
Monkey's Fist

El Trozo – have seen for sale by lighthouse keepers for 5 – 6k.

Church – have seen all of these on monk merchants
Merchant's Beads
Holy Water

You can find them randomly on their respective vendors in any city if you want them cheap.

Arsenic being the exception, where you can sometimes buy them from wandering ♥♥♥♥♥ women in town for 20 doubloons. You must have the doubloons on you at the time you talk to them, or you will lose the chance to buy it. It also takes a charisma check for her to agree to sell it to you. I'm not 100% sure the Indian Shaman will ever ask for arsenic though.

He won't ask for any talismans.

Beyond this, there will come a time where you must navigate to Justice Island on only class 4 or lower ships. So you may want to go ahead and moor what you are using and bring out the Mirage/Meifang/Valkyrie until you are finished with Justice Island. The first part of the quest will require you to defeat and board a corvette and a frigate (the frigate only if you are rank 15 and higher), so if you are worried about your class 4 ship beating those, wait until after that to swap.

You will want some large pearls and doubloons to spend on Justice Island, and possibly some Platinum ore, depending on how lazy you are.

You will want the “throat of cast iron” talisman, available to get during the False Trace quest. Alternately you can find the instructions for the talisman on the “drink” vendors in town rarely. The same ones that sell potions and herbs.
KA.3 – The Pirate Saga (Part 1) (MR x 5) (First Half)
Quest: The Pirate Saga (Part 1)
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Corvette, Frigate (rank 15+)
Time Sensitive: none, 15 days from talking to Gladys, 45 days from rescuing Helen.
Requirements: Completed the Dutch Gambit, Given 1,000,000 pesos to de Poincy
Required Items: 1000 pesos, 1000 pesos
Quest Giver: Michel de Monper in St. Pierre dungeon
Rewards: Helen, 25,000 pesos, 250 doubloons, talisman “Cupid's Balm”, recipe for talisman, Quest item “Prophets Wrath”, Brigant, amulet “Humpback”, 90 day trade license. Possibly 150 doubloons, possibly dueling pistol, possibly 200 doubloons.

Once you have been given the go-ahead from Michel to visit Jan Svennson in Blueweld you can head over in that direction. Right now you have no time table, so do whatever you need to do to get ready for The Pirate Saga.

Upon arrival in Blueweld you go to the local tavern, inquiring about Jan. The barkeep will tell you he lives across the way from the governor, but that he is currently not receiving. His adoptive daughter Helen “Rumba” McArthur is missing, along with her schooner, “Rainbow”. For 1000 pesos he tells us where to find her mother, Gladys. She is up at the fort watching the sea, praying for her daughter's return.

Go straight out the gate to the fort, then to the top, where Gladys is waiting. You can't miss her, she's the only woman in the Caribbean to ever enter a fort.

She tells you a little about Helen, and that there is no practical reason she should be in trouble. Except... she had a pushy admirer lately. Hmm, that girl is fiery like her mother. You mean you? Err.... Pretty quick slip for an 18 year old secret!

You agree to search for her with the information that she had 2 rival suitors who got into a fight. An English Corvette captain, and a grizzly old pirate in a lugger. Lets see if we can find out more. We at least have the name and location of the pirate, Jimmy Higgins of Maroon town. It is a start.

Head to Maroon Town, land in Cape Negril on Jamaica. Remember, you are on a timer now! You only have 15 days to find the missing girl. Go to talk to the local pirate baron, Jacob Jackman... a real peach of a guy. He tells you that Higgins is right across from the tavern, his favorite place in the world.

Say something nice to him and he explodes in a shower of information. For starters the guy on the Corvette is Captain Arthur Donovan, and he patrols around Antigua on the Arbutus... man thats a lot of A's. Number two, Gladys McArthur is really Gladys Chandler, and it is quite obvious to everyone that Helen is not her real daughter. He also says that Jackman is looking for Helen as well, and someone named Henry the Hangman, an old boatswain for a pirate they call the Butcher.

We can get a little more info on that from Jackman himself though, lets go talk to him.

Oh yeah... if you say something not nice to Higgins he attacks and you kill him, and you never know what becomes of Helen or who the captain was. You might can still find him in the same place though, since you are reading this.

So Jackman repeats what Higgins pretty much said. Harry the Hangman is the Butcher's boatswain, and Helen isn't Gladys' daughter. Thanks. Lets go to Antigua and find us a right bastard shall we?

Go to the battle map anywhere in the region of Antigua and you will get an update that the Arbutus is around, and if you sail towards the island you should see it and its possible escort on the go-to menu. Get em! I wouldn't get too close to the fort. You can sink the frigate, but you need to board the corvette.

After you kill that slime Donovan make sure you loot him, he has The Prophet's Wrath, one of the swords Fadey is looking for. In the cabin you can find 25000 pesos, 250 doubloons, a Brigant, talisman “Cupid's Balm”, the recipe for the talisman, and an amulet “humpback”.

I'd burn that stupid corvette... the Torerro makes it look like a garbage barge....

After you have finished the fight, go to your cabin and talk to the lovely miss Helen. Who is eager to get a nap and some food. Welcome to the Caribbean Cruise Liner Torerro miss, the buffet is on the quarterdeck....

Time to take her back to her “mother”, she is impatiently awaiting her return. You have 45 days to do so or Helen dies on your ship because of disease.... the accommodations were less than adequate it would appear. I did warn her not to try the oysters.

Once you are back in Blueweld you can visit the old Forest Devil himself. Jan will receive you now, so go tell him the good news. His wife will send you up.
Jan will be pleased to see you, and willing to help put your plan into motion for Tortuga, but first we have to sort out the Brethren of the coast. Its a damn mess. Jackman is searching for Helen and the Hangman, and that is bad. We need to find him first to get out in front of this.

Luckily Jan knows more about Henry than Jackman does. His mother was a flaminco dancer in Cartegena, and died there of some disease. He thinks that Henry may have gone back to his old home after he retired from being Butcher's boatswain. Sound's like a movie “Being Butcher's Boatswain” . One last thing, Henry is a pious man.

Anyway it is a lead, let us go to Cartegena. We get a 90 day trade license to help us out.

IMPORTANT: Before you leave Blueweld you are going to visit the widow Gladys. If you want to have a relationship with Helen, or be able to choose between Helen and Mary, you need to refuse the money she offers you. If you do not, you will not have the option of keeping Helen after the Pirate Saga. If you do all three things, you will not be able to invite Mary on your ship, but can still choose her after you reject Helen at the end of The Pirate Saga.

Special Note: There is an opportunity to keep both Mary and Helen as officers on your ship indefinitely, but it involves actually failing the Pirate Saga. If you do not do the 3 things to be with Helen, you can fail the Saga by not returning to the lawyer at the end to finalize her ownership of the island. At that point Helen and Mary will both stay on the ship, with Mary being your girlfriend, and Helen just existing for all time. The only way to move on with the main quest at this point is to attack and destroy Tortuga by mundane means. Destroying the fort and storming it, a very difficult process.

Remember you are now working on a timeline of one year to complete the entire quest, so there can be no more pooting around. While you are hanging around Blueweld though, you might want to go ahead and take a stop by San Juan Del Norte. There are several Manga Rosa there, and there isn't anywhere in the story line you will end up there, so you'll have to make a special trip.

Land in San Juan Del Norte. Go through the cave on the right, when you come out, turn right and go to the wall. The first Manga Rosa is here.

Go through the next screen, and then take a right at the fork. This is the grotto, and there is a Manga Rosa directly to the left.

Go back and take the other path, which is now to your right. You will be at another cave. Go in. Immediately go to your left across that bridge and the Manga Rosa is at the other end of the bridge in the water to your left.

Find the rope exit to this cave and climb it. The next Manga Rosa is on this screen to your left.

Go to the next screen and take a left at the fork. You are now in Coronado Bay. The last Manga Rosa is up against the rock wall on the left.

Incidentally Chiriqui Cove is also nearby, if you need to see the Manga Rosa lady ;). She's happy to see you!

KA.3 – The Pirate Saga (Part 1) (Second Half)
Land in Cartegena, and you can do one of two things.You can go to the tavern and ask about Henry, but this will lead you astray, you'll be hunting down a random guy and killing him for no good reason because he gets scared and attacks you. After that you can hunt down a different Enrique, he'll be walking around town looking like a pirate. All one-eyed and dark skinned. Say the right thing to him (bottom option), and he'll sell you (inadvertently) information regarding Henry. There is a similar sword to his own in town, owned by one Alveres, the lighthouse keeper.

The better option, in my opinion, is to go to the church. Order a prayer service for a special lady that passed away. Chica Gonzalas, Henry's mother. The Padre is surprised that there is a 2nd person in Cartegena that would order a prayer service for that woman. Alveres, the lighthouse keeper, does that every month. Give him 1000 pesos for the prayers.

Guess that is who we are looking for. Coincidentally I need to pick up an amulet from ole Alveres!

Talk to him about Butcher, Jackman, and Helen. He will give you an interesting tale. Seems he doesn't believe Butcher is dead for some reason, and mentions the executioner in St. Johns. This is not relevant yet. He was supposed to deliver some gold from Butchter to his daughter Helen, and the pirate's ring, as proof of who it came from.

The conversation proves too much for Alveres... he croaks right there in front of you. Guess he won't be needing his Hanged Man sword anymore. Hope I didn't need that amulet either... rip.

Time to return to Blueweld then and see Gladys regarding a ring and some doubloons, but first we need to see Jan and give him an update. He will have some suspicions about Helen's mother, but we want to interrogate Gladys first. We have just the thing.

IMPORTANT: If you want to have a relationship with Helen, or be able to choose between Helen and Mary, you need to refuse the pistol she offers you, as well as give her the doubloons that Harry the Hangman gave to you. If you do not, you will not have the option of keeping Helen after the Pirate Saga. If you do all three things, you will not be able to invite Mary on your ship, but can still choose her after you reject Helen at the end of The Pirate Saga.

Gladys confirms your suspicions about Helen, she is her adoptive daughter, and her father was the Butcher himself. Her mother... was a bad mother. She did leave her a piece of paper though, and you can have it.

She offers you her husband's dueling pistol as recompense for the news. If you want Helen's sweet candy kisses, you will refuse. Instead offer her the chest of doubloons. I think you've won her mother over.

If you want Mary instead, and I really can't blame you, who doesn't want Red Mary, you can do what you want, but you still have the choice if you decline the gifts and give her the money.

She says to go tell Helen... but that is a lie, you need to talk to Svensson again and show him the scrap of paper. Turns out that Helen's mother is none other than Beatrice Sharp , sister of Blaze Sharp, the now dead pirate king. It is essentially half of the deed to Isla Tesoro... the other half was held by Blaze himself. Oh what a very pirate thing to do... ownership of the island is dependent on possessing a map.

A tricky British paper pusher added in that if no one produces the map within a year after the death of Blaze and Beatrice Sharp, the island will belong to the English. Doh.

So to sum it up, Jan will help you take Tortuga, but first you need to make sure Helen inherits Isla Tesoro, and Shark Dodson, who is missing, gets elected the new leader of the Brethren. Gee, is that all? You sure Isla Mona won't do? It would be easier.....

Ah well, so Helen is to be your loyal companion, and you need to get her an island. Well that should break the ice if saving her life didn't. Lets go tell her. Talk to Gladys again and give her the heads up that you are about to spill the figurative beans. She's thrilled that her daughter is going to be sailing on your ship... that hardly goes a day without getting into a huge battle. Damn the Caribbean is a rough place. Go give Helen the good news now.

IMPORTANT: If you want to have a relationship with Helen, or be able to choose between Helen and Mary, you need to call Helen “Helen Sharp” when you talk to her, not “Helen McArthur”. If you do not call her Sharp, you will not have the option to keep her after The Pirate Saga. If you do all three things, you will not be able to invite Mary on your ship, but can still choose her after you reject Helen at the end of The Pirate Saga.

When you greet her, call her Helen Sharp. Or if you don't give a damn about her, just call her McArthur, after all... Red Mary is coming up soon, and she's just delightful.

When you call her Sharp... well it turns out that you just fulfilled a prophecy! You were fated to meet Helen, refuse the rewards, give up the widow coin, and name the mother! Better start picking out a tuxedo, the chains of fate have arrived. One could do worse than a 20 year old strawberry blonde hot Pirate Queen though... could one do better? Save your judgments until you meet Red Mary.

If you are at this point directly after The Dutch Gambit, then Helen is probably a sweet navigator, and a very decent boarder. If you are rank 26 and have finished all the DLC.... she is probably the worst officer you have. The good news is she has 10 talent, so she can be molded to your will fairly easily. Also you can't argue that she is the best looking officer you have, so boarding and walking around town is just that much more fun! Toss her an Asoleeda, Milano Cuirass, and a superimposed 2-load pistol and she is ready for action!

Return to Jan in 3 days and he will have come up with a plan. He needs to get Shark Dodson elected as leader of the Brethren, and to do that we have to collect votes from all the pirate barons across the Caribbean. Jan is obviously in, but we need Zachary, Barbason, and Tyrex to cast their votes in favor as well. Lastly we'll have to straight up kill Jackson and replace him, cause he is a definite no.

Well, first thing is first. Lets go talk to Zachary, the Black Pastor. He resides on Cuba, in Puerto del Principe.
KA.4 – Shark Hunt
Quest: Shark Hunt
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: none
Time Sensitive: Within confines of the Pirate Saga
Requirements: Find and recruit Helen
Required Items: Shark Dodson!
Quest Giver: Jan Svensson in Blueweld
Rewards: more quests.

Jan sends us to talk to Zachary The Black Pastor in Puerto del Principe on Cuba. Lets go, we might not be aging but we aren't getting younger!

Land in the pirate nest and go talk to Pastor. Last time he saw Dodson was when he gave him his frigate “Fortune” and took off on his Brig. When he didn't come back Zachary sold the Fortune to William Patterson, an English Captain. A horrible trade on Shark's part.

He isn't sure where Shark went to, but he knows he headed northwest, and since there is nothing that direction but wild Indians and Spanish Inquisition.... he doesn't have much clue. He did hear about a place called Justice Island, but he isn't sure about it other than its believed to be a myth.

Either way he wants you to bring him a book to help him in the fight against all the witches and mages on Cuba... that is his price for his vote. We won't worry about that for now.

Without much to go on we are forced to go back to Jan for advice. <sigh> Tick tock... tick tock....

Jan doesn't know much, except that Shark used to talk about some kind of island made of shipwrecks that was supposedly out that way. He tells you to go talk to Dios, a cartographer that lives in Santo-Domingo. If anyone has a clue about it, he will. Hopefully you still have plenty of time on your trade license! If you don't then we need to have a serious talk about time management. Only... we don't have time.

When you get to Santo Domingo the cartographer's house is up to the left, two houses down from the store, red roof. He tells you all he knows about the island, which is of great interest to him. He has notes from a Captain Alvarado who claims to have been there. It is in your documents tab now. It doesn't provide any coordinates, however, so we will have to return to Jan....

He also gives us a side quest, to locate his missing 24 excellent maps. These will be found randomly in cabins on enemy ships, as well as other places.

For now we are stumped as far as Justice Island is concerned, so we turn to a different problem. Nathan Hawk. He disappeared in the Selva north of Blueweld. Now that he is gone, Jackman is in charge of Maroon town, which is bad. According to Jan, Hawk was ambushed and has not been seen since, but his wife Dannie has been looking for him. If I can somehow find Hawk... we might can return him to Maroon Town. Unfortunately I have no leads as where to find Dannie...
KA.5 – The Return of the Baron (MR x 6)
Quest: The Return of the Baron
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Crabs....
Time Sensitive: Within the confines of the Pirate Saga.
Requirements: Complete Part 1 of Shark Hunt
Required items: Nathan Hawk! 3 random amulets
Quest Giver: Jan Svensson in Blueweld
Rewards: Dannie Hawk (Temporary), more quests.

When you leave Svensson's house you will be greeted by none other than Dannie Hawk! She was hanging out in the bushes outside, previously convinced that Jan has led her husband into the trap. Having heard the conversation she now believes otherwise.

She wants to work with you to bring Nathan back. She knows where he disappeared, and even knows he was alive after he was captured by the bandits at the mine. A Moskito Indian Shaman, Snake Eye, helped him escape, but other than “Kukulcan eating him” she has no idea. Apparently the man thinks very little of white women.

Lets see if we can do better then.

This is the point where you want to swap to your class 4 ship if you have not already. When you go to return to Justice Island you will have to take a class 4 ship. You also want to ready the following items. 250 – 350 doubloons (you really only probably need 100, but it won't hurt), 11 large pearls, the talisman “throat of cast iron”. You can also bring however much platinum you have. I would probably recommend that you bring an amulet of “Monkey” if you have one. Carrying is pretty much going to take up the bulk of your time on Justice Island.

Oh, also if you for some reason do not have the scorpion ward... you may want to bring antidotes.

Head north to Amatique Cove and land there.

Important: There are 6 Manga Rosa in this area. If you leave this screen you will miss one, as it will vanish when you enter one the next screens. The first is at the far left of the beach facing away from it, against the rock wall.

Head inland, through the next area, then go left. Now you are on the screen with another Manga Rosa. It is straight ahead and to the left.

Keep left to the next area and then pass through it and the next screen, and then the next. Now you will be on a crossroads with the statue. Dannie will show up now and lead you to it. Off to your left is the next Manga Rosa.

You can go left now to the village, but if you want to go ahead and pick up the rest of the Manga Rosa, follow me! Go right. In the Grotto is another Manga Rosa, near the opening looking out to sea.

Now go back and then go left (now your right from the grotto), you'll be at another fork. Go ahead and head to the right. Go right again. Go down to the Papagayo beach and turn around, the Manga Rosa is up against the center rock formation.

Head back to the last screen and take the other direction instead (which is now to your right). The Manga Rosa on Nicoya beach is out on that little island to your right.

There you go, we're all set! Head back and just go Right → Right from Nicoya beach and you are in the village.

Go into the hut in the middle and you'll find the real hero of this story. Snake Eye!

Start talking to him, and you will soon come to think that perhaps he has gotten into the special Indian dream herbs one too many times. We have little choice but to continue listening, however. He says kukulcan bends space and time and sends you to other places, but you will die without Comanche potions. He is a Comanche indian, interesting.

If you get spit out into the city of ships, you are not to go into the hold where you get spit out at. The people there will get upset. This is an important fact that many people who play this game for the first time miss ;). Snake Eye just told you, if only you had listened! Hopefully you are listening to me though.

He will also tell you that “White Boy” will help you find the statue to return when you get there, you need to give him a large pearl. Snake Eye provides you one. He also wants you to return his Tamborine if you can find it. He left it there, and it was his grandfathers. He will reward you well if you can return it.

At this point he tells you the three amulets you need to bring him in exchange for the 3 comanche potions. Hopefully you have them, because if not you will need to go find them or order them as quickly as possible. Time is of the essence! He asked me for 3 that I had <fist pump>. We're on our way.

Dannie greets you on the way out of the village. Apparently she was eavesdropping again because “Women are like that”.... woa... not touching that one! She says its cause she “actually loves her husband” what manner of alien creature are you!? You explain that you are going to use a statue to teleport across the Caribbean to her husband. By the way... did people in 1600's have the word “teleport”? I'm dubious.

Dannie is going to watch the ship while you trans-locate your molecular structure through the space-time continuum and re-materialize back onto our physical dimension elsewhere. You know... pirate stuff. Go get your magic amulets. Keep right to get back.

Bring the amulets back to Snake Eye, he will give you some last words of advice.

Do not go into the cargo hold. That is twice he's told you that! Also “Try to find the Red Woman at night”. So much in that one little sentence.... If only he had added “first” in front of night... first night... you have to find her the FIRST NIGHT. Ah well, you have me, I'm like Snake Eye 2.0.

Now we go back to the statue and wait until midnight. Get your Comanche potions ready!

Dannie meets you outside again for a little chat. In the end, you tell her you don't think she's much of a ♥♥♥♥♥, aww.

“You don't know me very well.” Eeep.

Go back to the statue and wait until midnight. Last chance to check and make sure you have everything I mentioned above, and that is mentioned below in the “Required items” for Justice island! (same things).

Now that it is midnight (12:00 – 1:00), the statue is glowing and gold! Dannie will give you some last words, and tell you how to activate it … lol. Press T she says! ;) You know... my last game it was Shift for some reason... weird.

Let there be flashing lights and fire and stuff!

Now you find yourself …. AHHHHHHHHH! HOLY CRABS BATMAN!

KA.6 – Justice Island
Quest: Justice Island (ok more a place than a quest....)
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Narwhals or Rivados or Both, Crabs.
Time Sensitive: within the confines of The Pirate Saga
Requirements: Go through the statue of Kukulcan!
Required items: 11 large pearls, 250 doubloons (optional), Scorpion Ward (optional), up to 15 platinum ore (optional), antidotes (if no scorpion ward), 3 comanche potions (provided), talisman “throat of cast iron” (optional).
Quest Giver: Snake Eye the Moskito (Comanche) shaman.
Rewards: Red Mary (optional?), Shark Dodson, Nathanial Hawk, More treasure than you will ever want to carry out of here....

Alright, so we are sitting in the bottom of the San Augustine warship on Justice Island. You just teleported in, drank your Comanche potion, and fought off a crab that has no reason even existing. By the way, they poison as well.

I'm going to go ahead and remind you, do NOT touch the door in front of you. If you go inside, you lock yourself into a specific path through the story, and this path does not involve Red Mary. Maybe this is what you want to do... but I honestly doubt it!

Sitting where you are, there are now 3 paths to be taken. One is towards Red Mary, one is for the Rivados, and one is for the Narwhals. If you want the option of recruiting Red Mary the badass nymphomaniac, then you must take option 1. Option 2 and 3 means Red Mary dies. Super Sad Panda.

As I'm writing this, I cannot think of anything you get from Option 2 or 3 that you cannot get in option 1. Really those options, to me, amount to failure, but hey... to each his own! I will still give you the choice.

A few notes about Justice Island. There are several things that must be done the first time you visit Justice Island. These things are: Buying a map of Justice Island for Dios, Participating in the side quest “Bottoms up”, Participating in the side quest “Santa Lucia”, and ordering and finishing Mary's Narwhal sword. Also gathering the special talisman “Thor's Hammer” OR the Sniper Rifle, The Tower Musket, and the Milano Cuirass from the barkeep (if you want it more than you want the Rat God talisman). That last one may be available at any time, I will have to check. You can do it when you get back, I checked ;).

You can purchase church related talismans, elixirs, antidotes, mixtures, and health potions from the monk at the “Gloria” church.

Ok you've heard enough, the rest will be spelled out for you within the walkthrough.

The Side quests may be able to be done when you come back, but you must exhaust dialogue before you finish the Shark Hunt. Also I have never actually tested that they are available when you come back, that is just what I've heard ;). I always do them my first trip just in case. The first time I played I didn't do them and came back to the island and then I could never get them, so you have been warned.
KA.6.i – Option 1: Saving Red Mary (The “Secret” path) (First Half)
Quest: Saving Red Mary (more of a life calling than a quest)
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Narwhals, Cyclops, Chad Kapper, Crabs
Time Sensitive: The very first night you arrive on Justice Island
Requirements: Teleport to Justice Island, Listen to Snake Eye carefully, save Red Mary on the first night(immediately)
Required items: 11 large pearls, 200 doubloons (optional)
Quest Giver: Snake Eye in Moskito Indian Village
Rewards: Red Mary!! Ability to get Red Mary's Narwhal Sword, Ability to get Jurgen's mastercraft weapon, Talisman “Thor's Hammer” OR Rifled Target Musket, Tower Musket (Drum Shotgun), map of Justice Island (optional), 500 doubloons, directions to justice island, Ward “Jonas” (optional), Keep a hold of one of the Comanche potions you would otherwise use (optional)

Alright now that we've established that we really want to save Red Mary, lets hurry and do that before time runs out. She is being killed AS WE SPEAK. If you delay until morning she will have been forced to do Chad Kapper's evil bidding, in which case you will have to kill her later. Depending on which way you choose. BUT... we are choosing this way, so that is neither here, nor there.

Turn to your right and find a hole in the side of the ship, which is the correct way out.

Heading into the hold of the ship via the door you were facing will only result in you being arrested, having to kill Chad a group of angry pirates while practically naked and wielding only a machete, and Mary being dead. Don't do it.

Swim out into the sea... I know... fun. Go right and head around all the ships you see. Get nauseous while going 3x speed in the water in first person. Good. Up ahead you will see a lone and broken fleut and a little “platform” called the phoenix platform that has a wench on it. Not a woman, like... a rope and pulley system. Swim past them and around the BACK of the big ship you see ahead of you once you turn the corner (If you are facing the broken fleut with the phoenix platform behind you it is the ship directly right).

This ship is the Ceres Smithy, and where Red Mary lives. We are going to swim around it and to the bow of the ship, which is open to climb up from the water. You can see that the bow of the Ceres Smithy looks like a wooden frame, it says Ceres above the doors. If you get confused refer to the map that I post below, and hopefully it will make the path more clear.

The circle is where you start. follow the red line to Red Mary.

Go into the doors and be ready for a fight. Kill the two thugs trying to harm the lass. She introduces herself as Red Mary, because she is a redhead, yes.

OK, so I guess in the latest translation they changed every "yes" into "alright". I disapprove. She obviously says "yes" because it is in her audio dialogue. So replace every "alright" with "yes" in your mind when you read it. This is important! At least to me!

Mary gives you some much welcomed information about the current state of Justice Island. Shark Dodson is there, and had his ship burned, but now runs the place because he owns all the food. He also captured Mary's “close friend”, the former leader of the Narwhals, and a Rivados wizard named Chimiset. Then her friend died, and she demanded the Narwhals attack. Donald, the new leader, refused, and she told him “To **** himself.”

Well turns out that Chad killed Alan, and now Mary is in a spot. On the outs with her clan, marked for death by Chad, hunted by a sniper... what is a poor girl to do?

Ahem, Charles de Maure, at your service milady.

She gives you a letter with evidence in it, and you are going to do your best to keep her out of it. You need to talk to Shark and get him to let you kill Chad. Swear you won't betray the poor girl, and she will give you a key to her house. After all, if the guy who saves her life turns around and kills her... what point is there in life anyway? Now you can go find another way out of the water.

Swim back around the way you came, and you can get up either by a mast on the Gloria, or all the way back at the San Augustine. Not through the hold... but up the broken deck of the ship leaning against it. You won't be able to see Shark until it is daylight, but it might be close enough that you just go straight there. If not, then the only way to pass time here is to go to the tavern and pay for a bed. The wait function is disabled the entire first time you are on Justice Island... get used to it.

This is a way up onto the Gloria church.

Don't bother exploring yet. There is no reason. You will not be able to loot anything until later on in the quest line. You can go around talking to people. Every person on Justice Island (that isn't a guard) has a story to tell. They are all interesting to hear, and you will get some good information from them. There are two in particular you need to speak to. Richard Shambon, who hangs out on the deck of the Gloria during the day, and Leonard Maskelt, who wanders on the deck of the Fleron (tavern). Exhaust their dialogue, it is required to pick up their quests later.

Once it is daylight you can go back to the San Augustine and see Shark Dodson. Show the letter to his guard and he will let you in. Go ahead and tell him that you teleported here through a mystical statue... see how he takes it. Well at least he believes you found a giant crab.

He will leave with you, but he will only go by ship. He isn't letting you feed him to an ancient Mayan god. Can't say I blame him. He can tell you how to get here, but you need to find the magic statue so you can leave yourself. He suggests talking to the wizard of the Rivaldos, he has him locked up on the Tartarus with Chad Kapper.

Oh yeah, and about Chad....
Tell him the story about Mary Caspar and Chad. Show him the letter and he gets real mad. He wants you to help him get rid of Chad and repair relations with the Rivaldos at the same time. He gives you 50 doubloons and the key to the Tartarus. You are to buy a password from the local mediator Fazio with the doubloons, and use it to meet with Black Eddie, the leader of the Rivaldos. Give him the key and tell him that Shark has removed the guards from the Tartarus, and he is free to go get his man.

Fazio is on the Caroline, and Black Eddie is on the Protector. The whole place can be a bit confusing... you can buy a map from Dexter later, but for now you can use mine.

Unfortunately you have to buy the password before it works. You can't load the save and keep the doubloons. <sigh>

Just go across the bridge from the St. Augustine and the Caroline is on the left when you get off the bridge, easy as pie.

Getting to the Protector is a bit harder. Across the bridge from the St. Augustine is the Pluto, straight across the pluto is the Santa Florentina. On the bow of that ship you will see a black gentleman standing guard, behind him across the plank is the Fury. Give the password to the guard there and go to the stern. Go into the Fury, and then out the back. Now you are on the Protector. Go on in and see Black Eddie.

You tell him about the plan, and he agrees, but only if you stay here as a hostage. Three hours later, he returns, mission successful.... kind of. He didn't manage to kill Chad. AWESOME....

Whatever, you did get some important letters from the ordeal. Chad is up to something, and it involves Irish Whiskey... and the galleon “Eva”. Hmm.

Go ahead and talk to Chimiset. He will tell you about the statue. It sank to the bottom of the ocean years ago. Now its deep, and swarming with crabs. Ugh.

KA.6.i – Option 1: Saving Red Mary (The “Secret” path) (Second Half)
Well you had one more lead. Snake Eye told you to find White Boy. He hangs out in the shop on the Esmeralda after noon. As far as I know he is not actually anywhere else.... even though they say he is. It is probably a little after noon right now, so you can go see him. If you've been running around talking to people all day then maybe you missed him, but that isn't important, he will be there every day. Just head over the Caroline, and then across the Gloria, and that is the Esmeralda. Just go in where it says Store.

Talk to him, give him a “white bead”, which is a large pearl, and he will talk to you. Turns out he saved Nathan Hawk! He has been keeping him alive with rum.

He tells you that Henrik knows how to help people walk on the bottom of the ocean. Curiouser and Curiouser. Henrik is in the San Gabriel workshop, in Narwhal territory. We aren't welcome there anymore since we befriended the Rivaldos. We'll have to wait on that.

Nathan is on the Fernanda, the broken fleut you saw earlier out in the water. Nathan will open the door if you know the secret club knock. Knock-Knock pause Knock-Knock.

Talk to him again and ask about how he opens all the closed doors on the island. He says he has special keys that can open most locks. Ooooo.... If you promise to take him off the island when you come back with your ship and offer him 5 white beads he will give them to you. He has another special key he will sell you for an additional 5 large pearls. It is a special key, and will obviously open a special lock. You are silly. (It opens the chest at the bottom of the Tartarus)

NOTE: If you came without enough large pearls for Ole, you can buy some from Curanai, the Indian walking around town during the day. He will sell up to 3 at a time, and replenishes his stock about every 3 days. You can also sometimes get them from giant crabs.... but that is much more tedious. Axel will sometimes have them, along with platinum ingots. I just looked and he had 5 large pearls and 3 ingots.

You can now open most of the chests on Justice Island. There is a TON... actually.... more than a ton... of treasure in these chests scattered around the place. I will tell you exactly what you can find in the “Treasures of Justice Island” section. For now we will continue on with the quest.

OK Now you can go back to Shark. He has something horribly racist to say to you. He is also really unhappy about the deal with Chad. Talk to him again . He can offer you a viking's hoard of information about Justice Island, including its history, the tale of his arrival, and a little foreshadowing regarding the amazing sword he is carrying. Ask him about a map and you can now buy one off Dexter upstairs for 200 doubloons. It is used in a quest for Dios later, and the first trip to the island is the only time you will be able to get it. If you don't have the money on you, don't worry, there is PLENTY to be found here.

Now we can go see Mary and give her an update on what's going on, since she is locked in her cabin. The quickest way is probably to jump off the side of the Tartarus, which is straight through the Esmeralda and up its bowsprit. It is also about as far if you jump off the front of the Gloria. Or you can just take off in the water straight from the St. Augustine like you did before, whatever your poison....

Hand Mary the letters you found to get her advice. She knows for a fact that Chad doesn't drink “peasant moonshine”, which is what he calls whiskey. Also Marcello is the “Cyclops” a skilled sniper and the reason Mary won't leave her cabin. Time to digest the information while we take a swim.
While you are here, you might as well stop by the Fernanda and see Nathan. Remember, knock twice, pause, knock twice. He lets you in. "Are you Nathanial Hawk?" "I used to be, now I'm a bag of ♥♥♥♥." Yeah.. He's seen better days to be sure. You tell him about Snake Eyes and the statue. He tells you about his capture and flight from the bandits. Mostly what you've heard before, just more details.

If you let him, he will also tell you about your favorite Indian temple, Khael Roa, and his adventures against a ship and crew that might be very familiar to you, The Caleuche!

You get to see a little video of them taking the orb of the rising sun... and uh... the temple collapsing and exploding in volcanic fire. Interesting... it looked fine last time I was there. Those skeletons are hard workers I'll tell you what.

He finishes by telling you of the Flying Dutchman and him sinking it, but warns you that it can never really be defeated, it just rises from the depths again!

Oh yeah... about that... I can do you one better, when you get back to the Caribbean proper maybe we'll take a little ride on the Flying Heart!

Ding! +1 to oneupsmanship.

Tell him you won't forget about him, then forget about him, we have other things to do.

We need to go talk to Axel, but when you get to the Esmeralda store you will see he is not there, and the guy tells you to come back in the morning.

When you come back the next morning to talk to Axel he tells you that yes indeed he sold a barrel of whiskey to Kapper. The man was also asking about arsenic. Uh oh....

Make a save before the next part.

Go talk to Sancho, the barkeep at the Fleron Tavern, about arsenic. He will tell you that Cyclops bought some not an hour ago. Things are starting to come together.

Option 1: If you want the Talisman “Thor's Hammer” then you need to run as fast as you can directly to the galleon “Eva”. The note from Kapper mentioned it, and so if you read between the lines you know that is where he will be meeting with the whiskey, waiting for Marcello to come with his poison.

If Fazio is still there, then you made it quickly enough. Walk up and get to killin'. Afterwards loot Chad for the barrel of whiskey, arsenic, key to the Tartarus, and his 4-barrel pistol and potions etc.

Now talk to that fat oaf Fazio. He will tell you that Marcello has gone to kill Mary! ARGH! He also gives you the password to the Narwhal territory. You might want to save again in case you aren't super familiar with the Justice Island layout yet.

Exit the Eva and you have 100 seconds to save Mary... that means swimming there in time... gross. Run over to Narwhal territory on the Esmeralda , to to the stern and then across to the San Gabriel, where you will need to give the password.

Then you can cross over to the Ceres Smithy, and jump off the side, swim around to the bow, and into Mary's cabin. You will then have a little scene where you walk up to Cyclops, who just climbed down a rope at the side of the ship, and fight him to the death.

After you win, Mary wakes up and comes down to see what happened. She finds you, her savior, and melts into a puddle of desire for you. Kiss. Etc....

Now you belong to Mary for the duration of your stay here... there is really nothing you can do about it. You can still choose Helen later, if you are that much of a jackass ;). This playthrough is my Helen one... so I have to be that guy 0_o.

For now, though, you are no longer allowed to sleep at the tavern. You must pass time with Mary. She wants it. She NEEDS it. Don't argue.

Afterwards you can go to Shark and tell him about the attempt on his life. You give him the untainted whiskey as a gift, and he is so thrilled that he in turn gives you the talisman “Thor's Hammer”, which will keep your cannons from exploding from wear and tear. Doing this means that you also don't have to save his life by giving him one of your Comanche potions. Leaving you with 1 extra to use whenever you want!

KA.6.i – Option 1: Saving Red Mary (The “Secret” path) (The... Third... Half...)
Option 2: If you want the Rifled Target Musket instead, then you need to first go to the Santa Florentine. You will be greeted by a thug standing over the dead body of Adolf Barbier. Kill the thug and loot his normal stuff and the letter he has on him. On the body of Adolf you need to loot the brass key.

(you can visit Shark first and save him from the poisoning if you want, It is possible to not make it in time, but I've never had it happen doing it in the order below)

Head over to the Eva and find Chad and his cronies there. Finish them off and take the Tartarus key, the arsenic, and his potions and such.

Run over to the San Augustine to see Shark, we have finally been literally told he has been poisoned... you super sleuth you! When you get there it is too late, he has already drank the whiskey! Hand him one of your Comanche potions to save him. He will then tell you that Fazio delivered the whiskey to him. Go talk to him on the Carolina ( or Caroline? Who knows, it is different everywhere you look!). Squeeze the information out of him that the Cyclops is heading after Red Mary! Get the password from him and head over to the Ceres Smithy to save her. Save your game before exiting the Caroline.

Exit the Caroline and you have 100 seconds to save Mary... that means swimming there in time... gross. Run over to Narwhal territory on the Esmeralda , to to the stern and then across to the San Gabriel, where you will need to give the password.

Then you can cross over to the Ceres Smithy, and jump off the side, swim around to the bow, and into Mary's cabin. You will then have a little scene where you walk up to Cyclops, who just climbed down a rope at the side of the ship, and fight him to the death.

After you win, Mary wakes up and comes down to see what happened. She finds you, her savior, and melts into a puddle of desire for you. Kiss. Etc....

Now you belong to Mary for the duration of your stay here... there is really nothing you can do about it. You can still choose Helen later, if you are that much of a jackass ;). This playthrough is my Helen one... so I have to be that guy 0_o.

For now, though, you are no longer allowed to sleep at the tavern. You must pass time with Mary. She wants it. She NEEDS it. Don't argue.

When you get the opportunity you can go to the Fury and go inside and go through the door in there that leads to the quarterdeck and check up in the crow's nest for a chest. The Brass key fits it. Inside you'll find the Rifled Target Musket.

The next day you will be approached by a sailor who tells you that Shark wants to talk to you. (In case of option 1, you will need to sleep a day after talking to him about the whiskey, then just go talk to him, the sailor might not show up)

He is there with his first mate Dexter, and he wants to take the fight to the Narwhals for their part in trying to assassinate him. You disagree. It was a small faction of Narwhals, not all of them. You offer your services again as a diplomat. It takes some convincing but Dodson agrees to let you at least talk to Donald Greenspen before they muster the troops.

Head over to the Esmeralda and talk to him. A lot will be said, but honestly it boils down to this. Donald swears by the Bible he didn't have anything to do with it, he promises he'll be good. Alright, back to Shark.

He is fine with the outcome, and even offers you a position on his crew as a boatswain. Thanks, but naw. Instead he gives you 500 doubloons, and the directions to sail to the island. Also adding that you need to come in a class 4 ship or smaller.

Head back to Donald and give him the good news, he is so happy he gives you a gun. The Tower Musket, which is actuall the Drum Shotgun, a 5 shot arquebus essentially.

Some last words for Donald, Make up with Red Mary, she's a lovely girl. Tell Mary about the reconciliation whenever you see her.

Shark Hunt is now complete. You are on friendly terms with both the Rivaldos and the Narwhals, and can freely travel in both camps. In two days time the side quests from Shambon and Maskelt will become available, so you can do those after you please Mary enough. You are also free to see Jurgin Schmidt about special weapon orders, and Henrik regarding adventures under the sea. All of this and more will be handled in another section below.
KA.6.ii – Siding with the Narwhals (First Half)
Quest: Siding with the Narwhals (“Murdering Mary”)
Difficulty: normal
Enemies: Chad Kapper, Red Mary, some Narwhals
Time Sensitive: Within the confines of The Pirate Saga
Requirements: Arrive at Justice Island, don't enter the hold of San Augustine.
Required items: 11 large pearls, 250 doubloons (optional)
Quest Giver: Snake-Eye the Moskito Shaman
Rewards: A heavy heart, Tower musket (drum shotgun), ability to get Jurgen's mastercraft weapon, Map of Justice Island (Optional), 550 doubloons, directions to Justice Island, 20000 pesos

After you have dealt with the giant crab, turn to your right and swim out of the San Augustine. Swim around the ship and go up the side. You will need to find the tavern and sleep until morning, unable to shake the feeling that you are forgetting to do something important....
Don't bother exploring yet. There is no reason. You will not be able to loot anything until later on in the quest line. You can go around talking to people. Every person on Justice Island (that isn't a guard) has a story to tell. They are all interesting to hear, and you will get some good information from them. There are two in particular you need to speak to. Richard Shambon, who hangs out on the deck of the Gloria during the day, and Leonard Maskelt, who wanders on the deck of the Fleron (tavern). Exhaust their dialogue, it is required to pick up their quests later.

Once it is daylight you can go back to the San Augustine and see Shark Dodson. Show the letter to his guard and he will let you in. Go ahead and tell him that you teleported here through a mystical statue... see how he takes it. Well at least he believes you found a giant crab.

He will leave with you, but he will only go by ship. He isn't letting you feed him to an ancient Mayan god. Can't say I blame him. He can tell you how to get here, but you need to find the magic statue so you can leave yourself. He suggests talking to the wizard of the Rivaldos, he has him locked up on the Tartarus with Chad Kapper.

Talk to him again . He can offer you a viking's hoard of information about Justice Island, including its history, the tale of his arrival, and a little foreshadowing regarding the amazing sword he is carrying. (Unfortunately unavailable without Mary) Ask him about a map and you can now buy one off Dexter upstairs for 200 doubloons. It is used in a quest for Dios later, and the first trip to the island is the only time you will be able to get it. If you don't have the money on you, don't worry, there is PLENTY to be found here.

Now go to the Tartarus, it is across the bridge and then left across the Caroline. Cross the Gloria and you are on the Esmeralda. Go through the cabin of the store straight through and up the bowsprit and over to the Tartarus. Talk to Chad Kapper there, and then go talk to Chimiset.

He will tell you about the statue. It sank to the bottom of the ocean years ago. Now its deep, and swarming with crabs. Ugh.

He will also tell you about Chad killing Alan, and that he has designs to kill Shark as well. Better mention that to him when you go back. Shark will not be pleased, and will want to talk to Chimiset in person, but first he has to contact the Rivaldos and have them come pick him up so he feels safe. In the meantime, you have other business.

You had one more lead. Snake Eye told you to find White Boy. He hangs out in the shop on the Esmeralda after noon. As far as I know he is not actually anywhere else.... even though they say he is. If you've been running around talking to people all day then maybe you missed him, but that isn't important, he will be there every day after noon. If it isn't noon yet you will unfortunately just have to wait... Just head over the Caroline, and then across the Gloria, and that is the Esmeralda. Just go in where it says Store.

Talk to him, give him a “white bead”, which is a large pearl, and he will talk to you. Turns out he saved Nathan Hawk! He has been keeping him alive with rum.

He tells you that Henrik knows how to help people walk on the bottom of the ocean. Curiouser and Curiouser. Henrik is in the San Gabriel workshop, in Narwhal territory. We aren't welcome there anymore since we befriended the Rivaldos. We'll have to wait on that.

Nathan is on the Fernanda, the broken fleut you saw earlier out in the water. Nathan will open the door if you know the secret club knock. Knock-Knock pause Knock-Knock.

Talk to him again and ask about how he opens all the closed doors on the island. He says he has special keys that can open most locks. Ooooo.... If you promise to take him off the island when you come back with your ship and offer him 5 white beads he will give them to you. He has another special key he will sell you for an additional 5 large pearls. It is a special key, and will obviously open a special lock. You are silly. (It opens the chest at the bottom of the Tartarus)

NOTE: If you came without enough large pearls for Ole, you can buy some from Curanai, the Indian walking around town during the day. He will sell up to 3 at a time, and replenishes his stock about every 3 days. You can also sometimes get them from giant crabs.... but that is much more tedious. Axel will sometimes have them, along with platinum ingots. I just looked and he had 5 large pearls and 3 ingots.

You can now open most of the chests on Justice Island. There is a TON... actually.... more than a ton... of treasure in these chests scattered around the place. I will tell you exactly what you can find in the “Treasures of Justice Island” section. For now we will continue on with the quest.

You might as well stop by the Fernanda and see Nathan. It is the broken fleut in the water just past the “Phoenix” platform. Just jump off the front of the Gloria and swim to the right. Remember, knock twice, pause, knock twice. He lets you in. He's seen better days to be sure. You tell him about Snake Eyes and the statue. He tells you about his capture and flight from the bandits. Mostly what you've heard before, just more details.

If you let him, he will also tell you about your favorite Indian temple, Khael Roa, and his adventures against a ship and crew that might be very familiar to you, The Caleuche!

You get to see a little video of them taking the orb of the rising sun... and uh... the temple collapsing and exploding in volcanic fire. Interesting... it looked fine last time I was there. Those skeletons are hard workers I'll tell you what.

He finishes by telling you of the Flying Dutchman and him sinking it, but warns you that it can never really be defeated, it just rises from the depths again!

Oh yeah... about that... I can do you one better, when you get back to the Caribbean proper maybe we'll take a little ride on the Flying Heart!

Ding! +1 to oneupsmanship.

Tell him you won't forget about him, then forget about him, we have other things to do.

The Next day we will receive a messenger from Shark. (if he doesn't appear go in and out of a building a few times, or wait till after 8:00) He wants to see us right away.

Chimiset was murdered, and Chad has disappeared... not good. Now the Rivaldos hate us. So no going to their ships. Furthermore Fazio, the island mediator, has arranged a midnight meeting with Dodson on his ship the Caroline. Shark suspects a trap, as do we, and so we are to meet him on the deck of the San Augustine at midnight. Go sleep till night at the tavern and come back.

Meet him on the deck at midnight, and follow him over to the Caroline. We do not find Fazio there, but instead are greeted by Chad Kapper, Red Mary, and some friends. Big surprise....

Nooooo Mary......

On her body we find a cup-hilt rapier, a brigantine, some ammo and potions, and a four barreled pistol. You are a monster.

KA.6.ii – Siding with the Narwhals (Second Half)
Shark is ready for war, but you are feeling more reasonable. Offer to mediate, and then look on Fazio's desk for a brass key. Open the chest in the corner and find 50 doubloons, 20000 pesos, and a letter.

In the morning go talk to Donald Greenspen. He will swear he had nothing to do with the attack, and a little give and take later, you agree to support peace with Dodson between the Narwhals and the Admiral.

Shark agrees, and gives you 500 doubloons and the directions to the island. He adds that you need to come in a class 4 ship or smaller.

Go give the good news to Greenspen, he is very happy and gives you a Tower Musket (Drum Shotgun), as a reward.

Shark Hunt is now complete. You are on friendly terms with the Narwhals, and can freely travel in their camp. The Rivaldos are off limits to you, however. In two days time the side quests from Shambon and Maskelt will become available, so you can do those. You are also free to see Jurgen Schmidt about special weapon orders, and Henrik regarding adventures under the sea. All of this and more will be handled in another section below.
KA.6.iii – Siding with the Rivados (First Half)
Quest: Siding with the Rivados (“Complete Failure at Listening”)
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Chad Kapper and his boys, Mary Caspar and her boys, Adolf Barbier
Time Sensitive: Within the confines of The Pirate Saga
Requirements: Come to Justice Island, get caught snooping in the San Augustine
Required items: 200 doubloons (optional), 11 large pearls.
Quest Giver: Snake Eye the Moskito (Comanche) Shaman.
Rewards: Rifled target musket, 500 doubloons, map of justice island (optional), directions to justice island

Directly after killing the giant crab you will do what Snake Eye specifically said NOT to do. Go in the door in front of you.

Of course, as expected, you will be arrested and taken to the prison ship Tartarus. The prison keeper, Chad Kapper, will tell you to prove you are not a spy by killing the Rivados wizard down below. He gives you a machete.

Talk to Chimiset and he will convince you that Chad is going to kill you anyway. He gives you a tip about a crowbar that will open a chest in the corner for some stuff to help you fight...

If you instead kill him... Chad and his men attack and kill you afterwards. If you manage to kill them all while naked with only a machete.... not sure, haven't tried, but considering Chimiset is the only one to point you in the right direction you might just be screwed, congratulations on your win though.

Take the stuff out of the chest and fight the men... I honestly hope you are good with sabers, that is your only option. I suck at them so this is not going to be fun.

Once you have beaten down Chad and gang, talk to Chimiset. He will tell you he is grateful, etc. You will be able to go into Rivaldo territory now.

Loot Chad's corpse for his key. Open his chest to get the letter that talks about him wanting to assassinate Shark.

Go talk to Shark, talk to him at length about life, love, and the pursuit of being head of the brethren of the coast. Then ask for your stuff back...

Talk to him again . He can offer you a viking's hoard of information about Justice Island, including its history, the tale of his arrival, and a little foreshadowing regarding the amazing sword he is carrying. (Unfortunately unavailable without Mary) Ask him about a map and you can now buy one off Dexter upstairs for 200 doubloons. It is used in a quest for Dios later, and the first trip to the island is the only time you will be able to get it. If you don't have the money on you, don't worry, there is PLENTY to be found here.

Don't bother exploring yet. There is no reason. You will not be able to loot anything until later on in the quest line. You can go around talking to people. Every person on Justice Island (that isn't a guard) has a story to tell. They are all interesting to hear, and you will get some good information from them. There are two in particular you need to speak to. Richard Shambon, who hangs out on the deck of the Gloria during the day, and Leonard Maskelt, who wanders on the deck of the Fleron (tavern). Exhaust their dialogue, it is required to pick up their quests later.

You then can go talk to Black Eddie and Chimiset over in Rivados territory. You'll need to go to the Fury and through it, and there is the Protector, where Black Eddie resides. Talk to Chimiset.

He will tell you about the statue. It sank to the bottom of the ocean years ago. Now its deep, and swarming with crabs. Ugh. He also gives you 3 amulets as a special thanks for reaping the whirlwind on Chad.

He also says that Shark might still be in danger. A sniper could take him out, but he would need a special rifle to do so. If we look around town for the weapon, then we will find the would-be assassin.

Go talk to Axel in the store on the Esmeralda. He will give you a lead on Adolft Barbier, who has such a weapon. He also says that Marcello and Red Mary had inquired about it before. He suggests looking at the tavern for Barbier.

If it is after noon, you may notice White Boy standing here in the store, this is where he can be found every day after noon.

Talk to him, give him a “white bead”, which is a large pearl, and he will talk to you. Turns out he saved Nathan Hawk! He has been keeping him alive with rum.

He tells you that Henrik knows how to help people walk on the bottom of the ocean. Curiouser and Curiouser. Henrik is in the San Gabriel workshop, in Narwhal territory. We aren't welcome there anymore since we befriended the Rivados. We'll have to wait on that.

Nathan is on the Fernanda, the broken fleut you saw earlier out in the water. Nathan will open the door if you know the secret club knock. Knock-Knock pause Knock-Knock.

Talk to him again and ask about how he opens all the closed doors on the island. He says he has special keys that can open most locks. Ooooo.... If you promise to take him off the island when you come back with your ship and offer him 5 white beads he will give them to you. He has another special key he will sell you for an additional 5 large pearls. It is a special key, and will obviously open a special lock. You are silly. (It opens the chest at the bottom of the Tartarus)

NOTE: If you came without enough large pearls for Ole, you can buy some from Curanai, the Indian walking around town during the day. He will sell up to 3 at a time, and replenishes his stock about every 3 days. You can also sometimes get them from giant crabs.... but that is much more tedious. Axel will sometimes have them, along with platinum ingots. I just looked and he had 5 large pearls and 3 ingots.

You can now open most of the chests on Justice Island. There is a TON... actually.... more than a ton... of treasure in these chests scattered around the place. I will tell you exactly what you can find in the “Treasures of Justice Island” section. For now we will continue on with the quest.

You might as well stop by the Fernanda and see Nathan. It is the broken fleut in the water just past the “Phoenix” platform. Just jump off the front of the Gloria and swim to the right. Remember, knock twice, pause, knock twice. He lets you in. He's seen better days to be sure. You tell him about Snake Eyes and the statue. He tells you about his capture and flight from the bandits. Mostly what you've heard before, just more details.

If you let him, he will also tell you about your favorite Indian temple, Khael Roa, and his adventures against a ship and crew that might be very familiar to you, The Caleuche!

You get to see a little video of them taking the orb of the rising sun... and uh... the temple collapsing and exploding in volcanic fire. Interesting... it looked fine last time I was there. Those skeletons are hard workers I'll tell you what.

He finishes by telling you of the Flying Dutchman and him sinking it, but warns you that it can never really be defeated, it just rises from the depths again!

Oh yeah... about that... I can do you one better, when you get back to the Caribbean proper maybe we'll take a little ride on the Flying Heart!

Ding! +1 to oneupsmanship.

Tell him you won't forget about him, then forget about him, we have other things to do.

Go to the tavern, ask Sancho about Adolf. He will tell you that he was dealing with Fazio, the local mediator. We also find out that Red Mary bears a grudge against Shark because she believes he killed her boyfriend, and Marcello just plain hates pirates.

Go see Fazio at his place on the Caroline. He will tell you that Adolf had a windfall of gold, and now owns a cabin in the Santa florentine. You won't be able to find him until late at night, between 20:00 and 24:00. If you need to pass the time you can go to the tavern and drink wine until the evening, which will put you right in the 20:00 – 21:00 range.

KA.6.iii – Siding with the Rivados (Second Half)
Go see Adolf, and he is pretty testy... he will attack you. After you deal with him look on his corpse for a brass key and a note, among the other trifles. The note says he was meeting with the perpetrators that night at midnight, here in the Santa Florentine.

You can either hang out for a few hours, or you can go back to the tavern and rest until night, which will make it midnight or so. Then you go back and face the enemy.

<sigh> Red Mary and her accomplice Marcello. Kill them and loot Mary for her items and a letter from Chad.

Go sleep until morning and then visit Shark, who will be so happy with you he will give you 500 doubloons, as well as the directions to the island. He will also tell you that you need to bring a class 4 ship or smaller.

Make sure you go over to the Fury, pass through the cabin to the quarterdeck and then up to the crow's nest. There you will find a chest that contains the Rifled Target Musket.

It should also be noted that if you don't go meet Mary and Marcello in the Santa Florentine she will come find you, and bring you to the Eva, where you will face her and Marcello and a number of other Narwhal thugs.

Shark Hunt is now complete. You are on friendly terms with the Rivados, and can freely travel in their camp. The Narwhals are off limits to you without buying passwords from Fazio. In two days time the side quests from Shambon and Maskelt will become available, so you can do those. You are also free to see Henrik regarding adventures under the sea, but unfortunately you will not be able to get Jurgen's masterwork weapons. All of this and more will be handled in another section below.
KA.6.iv – After Shark Hunt (Part 1)
Jurgen's Masterwork Weapon

If you completed Shark Hunt by siding with the Narwhals or by saving Mary, then you have the opportunity to get Jurgen Schmidt to make you a really nice (hopefully...) weapon. All he asks from you is 1000 doubloons, which can be easily found in the chests around Justice Island. When you have the money go to him. When you give him the doubloons he will ask you what type of weapon you want. So just pick between the rapier, the saber, or the broadsword. Just FYI you will get rapiers that will likely be beyond compare later in the story, but if you want more, hey don't let me stop you. The saber is a really good choice. The broadsword can be too, but its a bit heavy. If you have 10 strength, it still might be nice.

Each weapon will give either +10 or +12 to your weapon skill. The quality of weapon he makes you is random and decided when you made your profile, so savescummers need not apply.

Rapiers: Either a short sword (+10), or a Pappenheimer (+12)
Sabers: Hanged Man (+10), or a Naval Saber (+12) 80 damage
Broadsword: Broadsword (+10), or a Highland Backsword (+12) 100 damage

The balance of the weapon is also random. The damage is static. Basically just pick what you like and cross your fingers. Due to the fact it gives +skill, you might consider taking a weapon you want to work on, so that you are a better fighter with it while you practice.

Mary's Narwhal Broadsword
If you Save Mary, and you should have dammit, then you have the option of having a special sword made from her by Jurgen Schmidt. You will have had to ask Shark Dodson about his sword if you want to be able to talk to him about it. He needs “bottom iron”, only available at the bottom of the ocean. The location is random every game, and is just a little round lump . It is a large 5 lbs piece of meteorite.

Once you have it go give it to Schmidt, and he will tell you to come back in a few days with Mary. Go back in said days, and Mary will automatically be with you, accept the blade, and thank you properly. She will also give you the Ward “Jonas”. Alternately you can talk to her on the day and tell her you have a present for her, and you will cutscene walk with her to Jurgen.

Aside from being just a super amazing weapon, it also changes her stats when you go to take her on, making her an expert in broadswords and axes on top of being an expert at the rapier. You must complete the sword the first trip to Justice Island, or it will no longer be available. She has to have time to practice with it after all ;).

Sancho's Rat Problem

Sancho, the tavern keeper, has a real problem with rats. If you do not have a problem with rats then you can offer to trade him the Ward “Rat God” for a Milano Cuirass if you wish. You will have the chance to find another one of these Wards later in the game.

Additionally, when you take Ole Christiansen on your crew he will take care of rats for your entire fleet as long as you keep him around.


Quest: The Mystery of the Santa Lucia
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Crabs.... Crabs... Crabs....
Time Sensitive: Must be finished on first trip to Justice Island, 2 days to empty the ship of loot.
Requirements: Must have exhausted all dialogue before the end of Shark Hunt, 2 days after Shark Hunt
Required items: none
Quest giver: Richard Shambon
Rewards: Check below.

Richard Shambon, a smuggler in his former life, likes to hunt in the outer ring for treasures. After you've finished Shark Hunt and wait a couple days he hears about your prowess in combat. Talk to him and he offers you a deal, he we show you an untouched shipwreck full of treasure in return for you killing all the crabs and splitting the loot with him.

Meet him on the side of the ship leaning against the outside of San Augustine at 8:00 the next morning and he tells you to swim straight out between the two wrecks there in front of him. When you do you will travel to the location.

Inside you will find... Crabs. Like 8 of them or so on the first level. (He told you 5... ok...) There is a heavy purse of doubloons lying on the ground here. Two more will come down the stairs when you get close. After this Brave Sir Richard will come in. Together you will check the hold, nothing interesting, so go up on top deck. More crabs... there is a tightly stuffed purse and a heavy purse up here, and up at the stern there is a purse.

After a little searching you will head into the cabin, nothing in here crab-wise. There is a ships log on the captain's desk. It tells a very sad tale of a captain and his Indian love. More importantly though, it tells of GOLD. A huge stash of it back down in the hold, hidden beneath the copra.

Richard found something interesting too, he gives you your half of his find, 20000 pesos, 25 emeralds, 1 chest of doubloons, and a chest of treasure.

All in all, you will find: (not doing all the junk... 1 or 2 pieces of junk scattered about)

Hold: 50 doubloons, 40 Rum, 20 wine, 1 lute, 3 aquamarine, 1 coral, 2 Amethyst, 1 arsenic, 2522 gold nuggets, Trench Cuirass, 10 candles

Boarding Deck: 8 Elixir, 135 Doubloons, 15 Angel's Trumpets or Datura, 8 Sabadilla, 13 Verbena, 7 Ipecacuanha, 21 Guarana, 18 Jamaican pepper, short sabre, Matchlock Musket, 25 paper cartridges, 17 grapeshot, 12 petards, 10 grenades, 25 gunpowder, 50 ginger root...,

Captains Cabin: 20000 pesos, 25 emeralds, 1 chest of doubloons, chest of treasure (all from Richard) Talisman “Lord of Fire”, Instructions for Talisman, 1 Manga Rosa, 1 elixir, 2 Tears of Ixchel, two-barreled pistol, Map of Caracas, Amulet “Tsantsa”, jade jewelry belonging to poor Vavaya. =(

You only have 2 days to empty as much as you can out of this ship. Shouldn't be much of a problem, just swimming is annoying.

The best place to unload is at a chest on the poop deck of the San Augustine (the very stern). No one cares if you touch it, and its right next to where you will be landing on your ship when you come back. Loot will remain in chests on Justice Island forever, so no worries.

KA.6.iv – After Shark Hunt (Part 2)
Quest: Bottoms Up
Difficulty: Easy, or impossible, depending on your preparation!
Enemies: Rum
Time Sensitive: First time you are on Justice Island, 2 days after Shark Hunt
Requirements: Complete Shark Hunt, exhaust Leonard's dialogue during Shark Hunt, complete Fadey's drinking game (If no Talisman)
Required items: Talisman “Throat of Cast Iron” (Optional), 100 doubloons
Quest Giver: Leonard Maskelt outside Tavern on Justice Island
Rewards: 100,000 pesos, 550 doubloons, Talisman “Arguzin”, instructions for Talisman, Ward “Goddess”, 50 diamons, 25 emeralds, map of trinidad and tobego.

Talk to Leonard Maskelt after the Shark Hunt ends and he will have a proposition for you. Fazio is a greedy ass, and also fat, and so he out drinks everyone on the island. He has chests in his room that he keeps a key for on him. If we can out drink him, then Leonard can steal the key and we can take all his loot.

Sounds fun. Lets do it.

Go to Fazio at his house aboard the Carolina, and arrange for you to meet him in the tavern at 21:00 for a drinking contest. You will require a 100 doubloon stake for the bet.

Go spend some time with Mary till evening, or if you killed her, you bastard, then you'll just have to wait around. If you have the Talisman “Throat of Cast Iron” you can equip it and then try to drink wine until evening. That should put you very close to 21:00, and it won't matter that you are drinking before a drinking contest....

If you don't, you probably won't want to do that, cause it will blow your chances of winning.

There are 2 options here.

Option 1: You equip Talisman “Throat of Cast Iron”. You win. Period.

Option 2: If you do not have the talisman, then you must have done Fadey's drinking game. Some people say drinking in taverns often helps, but I did not have to. An hour before the contest starts (around 20:00) have a glass of rum from Sancho. Just like old Fadey said to do!

I tested option 2 and won, even though I never drank in taverns, except rarely for quests (of course who knows how often I drank rum for health while fighting lol), so it is very possible as long as you follow the instructions. If you don't win you might need to savescum until you do.

Once Fazio is passed out follow Leonard out and to the Carolina, he will hand you the key at the door, go in. Loot the chest, you'll get 200000 pesos, Talisman “Arguzin”, Ward “Goddess”, 700 doubloons, recipe for talisman “Arguzin” (sweet!), 50 diamonds, 25 emeralds, Map of Trinidad and Tobego.

Despite the perception of danger, you can stand in that room all night and he never signals you to flee... I was hoping I could slip out the back with the whole hoard! Nope.

Head outside and give the key and half the money to Leonard =/.

Go back to the tavern and collect your 200 doubloon winnings!
KA.6.v – Justice Island, Part 2 (First Half)
Quest: Justice Island, Part 2
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: Crabs, Jackman's Bounty Hunters
Requirements: Complete Shark Hunt
Required Items: Possibly 1000 doubloons (optional),Possibly Large Meteorite (optional), 14 Platinum Ingots, Diving Suit, Patience.
Quest Giver: Lets go with.... Henrik on the San Gabriel.
Rewards: Entirely too much treasure, Possible Masterwork weapon from Jurgen, possible Narwhal for Mary, A way off this damn island, Ole Christiansen, Mechanic's toolbox (Bench and Toolbox)

Now that we have finished the Shark Hunt, we have several options ahead of us, but right now I will focus on the remainder of the quest.

Go see Henrik in the workshop of San Gabriel. Its up through the door in the middle of the aft saloon. His cabin is in the very stern of the ship.

Tell him you need to walk on the bottom of the ocean, and he explains how he makes this possible. He has a suit, but it is in bad condition. The metal he used rusted in the salt water, he needs to make new ones, and with material that won't rust. He needs Platinum. He asks for 10 pieces beyond the one he just gave you, but he may ask you for more afterwards. You can find it in chests around the Island, so now is a good time to go look at the “Treasures of Justice Island” section.

I hope it took you a lot less time to collect the Platinum Ingots than it did for me to write the whole Treasures of Justice Island Section... sheesh...

Now that you have them, go give them to Henrik. Remember you need 11, 10 plus the one he gave you. Keep a few on hand in case he asks you for more when you come back.

After you hand them off he will ask for 5 days to work on it... thats a lot of quality time with Mary o_0. This is a good chance for you to do the side quests if you haven't already, or finish gathering up any loot you want from around the island. Also don't forget to place your order with Jurgen for whichever weapon you want. If you've been gathering up all the treasure you probably have way more than enough doubloons... 1000 alone just from the Tartarus chest.

When you return, he will ask for more platinum, or not. Give it to him. He will then tell you to come back tomorrow at 10 AM and it will be ready to use... so go spend more time with Mary... or alone at the tavern, whatever choice you made. Then stand around till 10, or go make some paper cartridges... or get a few glasses of rum from the tavern (passes time by 30 min per). Go back to Henrik and get ready to dive!

Tips for diving: Unload everything you can into your chosen storage chest. You won't be needing anything. If you want to kill crabs I guess that is your business, there is an achievement for doing so if you kill a bunch of them, but otherwise they are pretty useless. While you are slow, you can still outrun them down there, so you can pretty much just walk straight to where you want to go, loot, and leave. If they are clumped up and blocking where you need to be, just lead them away a little and go back. I call this the crab walk.

Items you want to make sure to get: The Ward “Rat God” is certainly at the top of that list, but you probably want to get the Ward “Scorpion” for another boarder, the pesos, and probably all the gems, as they are light enough to carry in one trip. You should also make certain to get the “Bottom Iron” right away. If you forget and leave without getting it you will forfeit the Narwhal Broadsword and Mary's increase in stats along with it.

Make sure you have gotten the ornate key from Ole and then the old key out of the chest at the bottom of the Tartarus before you do this. Otherwise you can't open the chest that has the Rat God ward in it.

Beyond that you might also be a big fan of the treasure. It is the most annoying thing to lug out of there by far, 50 stone a pop, but there is an achievement for gathering up 100 of them, so you might want them for that.

The nuggets and the doubloons are almost just not worth the time. Especially if your running out of time for The Pirate Saga overall. You can only take one load per day, and between that and having to do a sex cut scene with Mary every time... it can be tedious.

You can wait until you come back as well to get whatever you leave down there. It is slightly better, as you can at least use the wait function at that point. So you won't have to run back to Mary every three seconds for some offscreen moaning. Besides.... every time it happens my wife gives me a funny look....

Ok, so we are ready to dive! For real this time! Talk to Henrik and then go downstairs and out the back. Go into the phoenix and walk up to the suit to grab it, and then put on the suit. Right off the bat we notice that the suit weighs an adjusted 90 lbs. 70 and -2 endurance. Wow..............

Walk up to the wench and it will send you down. Once you are on the sea floor start heading forward and to the right. You'll see 2 chests over there. The one on the right has a bunch of gems in it. Nice to pick up. The one on the left you open with the old key and it has 100000 pesos, The ward “Rat God”, and a bunch of gold nuggets, coins, and silver nuggets, and treasure.... You'll be picking at that chest for the next 3 hours of play time if you want all of that crap.

For now just grab whatever you want but don't fill up completely, leave at least 10 stone free to pick up the meteorite + wards you want. Head around this ship your next to. As you approach the opening at the other side, you should see the stone idol. It isn't glowing, but we still need to get closer to it to update our quest. So waddle past some crabs and do that. Inside the ship there is another chest with some gold and stuff in it. The Ward “Scorpion” is in the barrel inside the ship frame to the left of where you come in, you have to go around the front of the ship to one of the wider ribs on the far side to get in.

Take a look around for the meteorite chunk. It randomly spawns down there. I'm personally super confused on this play through because none of the crabs are aggressive to me. I wish I could tell you why that is. I am wearing the suit, the “Chief's claw” dagger, Ward “Scorpion”, excellent spyglass, boussole, and talisman “Throat of cast iron”. Rank 27. In case you want to try and replicate this little feat =P.

Once you get the update you can leave.

Give the suit back to Henrik and he will tell you to visit Antonio Betancourt for a history lesson regarding the statue and the island. You can find him in the “Pluto”. If he isn't there, try the tavern or the church. I found him in the tavern.

He tells you the idol activates in the morning. 8:00 – 9:00 to be exact.

Go over to Jurgen and hand him the bottom iron so he can get started on Mary's sword. If you don't have Mary, then you can just do whatever I don't care! Pass the days gathering more loot from the bottom of the sea, and then after you present the gift to her and get your reward <wink> you can leave whenever you wish.

Make certain you have whatever you want to take with you on your person when you go down into the ocean the last time. Don't forget you will need your comanche potions, your weapons and armor, your wards, etc. You will be coming back pretty much immediately, but still. At least bring the potions.. Also you may get into a ship battle on your way back.

Other than that you can just fill up on your first load of loot you want to carry to the ship. Get used to that...

To get back you will need to go down to the sea bed after 8:00 AM. If you go down before 8:00 the idol will not be active, even if it turns 8:00 while you are down there. If it is not working, you may need to wait until it is a sunny day. I haven't confirmed this, but I haven't ever had a problem with it working if I go down between 8:00 and 9:00.

When you are ready to go, approach the idol and hit your teleport button “T” default. Get your comanche potions ready.

KA.6.v – Justice Island, Part 2 (Second Half)
Incidentally... if you want to save a comanche potion, you can use 4 tears of ixchel instead and a mixture instead.... but honestly 4 tears of ixchel are probably more useful than 1 comanche potion
=P. It isn't often you have to go from Bad health to Excellent. Once you get back to civilization though you can just take an antidote and sleep it off!

So after using the statue you find yourself in an Indian village on Dominica.... errrr wha? Where am I? The natives crowd around you and the chief seems super eager to get rid of you. He drags you out of the village and points at the nearby statue. "Get the F out of here weirdo." Thanks... I got it. Lets try again. At this point you need to drink one of your comanche potions or you won't make the trip alive.

When you arrive back at the jungle you will scare the hell out of Dannie. After you reassure her you aren't the thing from the black lagoon you can set off and prepare to return to Justice Island the right way.

Stock up on as many provisions as you can find, cause they will pay you a crap ton for them once you get back to JI. Report to Jan your status before you go back.

Why didn't you bring Nathan back? Dammit man, you are talking gibberish!
Repeat your old, tired tale of teleportation once again. Jan is suitably impressed by you... and who wouldn't be?

If you didn't do it beforehand, you need to get into your class 4 ship and get ready to head back up to Justice Island. If you want, spend a few days stocking up on food until you cannot fit any more in the hold. You won't be disappointed. Dexter will tell you he pays 2x the price of food... but either someone messed up on some math or they forgot to move the decimal point. He pays 48 pesos per food, which would be twice the most expensive price you could buy it anywhere in the Caribbean, but you actually pay 24 pesos per 10 food, not 1, and thats if you found the worst price. Most of the time you buy it for 5 – 10 pesos per 10. Which means that if you put 10000 food into your hold to sell then you are going to get 480,000 pesos for it, and likely only pay about 10000 pesos for it.

Or maybe at this point you are sick of seeing money. It is entirely possible!

Head back to the very northwest corner of the map. If you enter the battle map for any reason along the Belize coast you will be attacked by a fleet of ships loyal to Jackman. Run away =P.

Once you get to the top left corner you can enter the map safely. You should see the city of abandoned ships in the distance. It may not look like it, but you can use the go-to menu to get to the landing spot on the island. You will see it says “Island of Dead Ships – North” at the top, even though all you see is an X. hit enter and then moor.

You will be greeted by Ole, who wants you to make good on letting him on your ship. Do it... he's super useful. As long as he is aboard you will not have any goods spoiled due to rats on ANY ship of your fleet. He is like every single ship having the Rat God talisman =P. In order to keep him on your ship you need to carry large pearls on you at all times. He will periodically ask you for one when you enter a tavern. If you do not have one on you when he asks he will leave your ship immediately.

Go ahead and go talk to Shark Dodson, make sure to talk to Dexter and sell any extra food you brought for insane prices.

Swim out to the Fernanda and visit Nathan Hawk. Him and Dannie will have a touching reuinion, and she will take his poor busted ass back to the ship.

If you are picking Mary up, then she asked to see you at the dock. Make your way to her cabin. She looks a little upset, so ask her what happened.

IT happened. Who. Is. That. ♥♥♥♥♥. On . Your. Ship? Oh yeah.... that is uh... Helen.

Well, if you did all the “proper” things to get the choice to keep Helen, you will not be able to convince Mary to come with you. If you reject even considering her as an officer she will take her key back and never speak to you again.

If you still want to end up with Mary, you can, but just not until you are done with The Pirate Saga and get rid of that tow-haired harlot. <sigh> I'm such a cad.

Don't forget to visit Henrik and give him back the diving suit. He will thank you by giving you a mechanic's toolbox(Bench and Toolbox). He will still let you use it every day... but now you have to give him 500,000 pesos and insurance against its potential loss. This really means nothing other than you need to have 500,000 pesos on you, because you get it 100% back when you come up from the dive and give him the suit back.

Now you can finish up whatever else you have to do... like carrying all that damn treasure to your ship. Also if you haven't picked up your weapon from Jurgen, do that as well. The wait function is available now that Mary is either on your ship or doesn't care where you spend your nights anymore, so any days you have left you can pass in quick order. Just look down below for the additional items before taking off.

So... 2 hours of loading the ship later and we are ready to cast off. I suddenly find myself seriously questioning the need for 500 candles, but there it is.

After you do that, you can leave and head back to Amatique bay. We have our old friend Snake Eye to visit. When you enter the battle map you still may be harassed by Jackman's goons. Best I can tell you for now is to avoid them or let them kill themselves at Belize fort.

Head inland and talk to Snake Eye and tell him about your adventures. You vow never to use an indian idol to teleport again! Liar.... ?

If you found his tambourine among the treasures of Justice Island, you can give it to him now. He will give you a weapon from the future! The laser gatling gun! Nah... just kidding... its a colt revolver. It only has 3 bullets though.

If you found an Indian pipe in the treasures, you can now give it to him and he gives you a book. The secret of making more bullets for this sweet pistol.

Talk to him again and he will take Nathan off your hands and tell you that he can heal him in a month. He doesn't want his woman watching him work though, so take Dannie with you for a little longer.

Time to go see Jan and find out what we can do about the rest of the barons. I only have 9 months left! I think I'm doing ok.

When you land in Blueweld you say goodbye to Shark Dodson. You can now go visit Svensson. He thinks Tyrex will fall in line easily, and his men are looking for that book for Zachariah, so for now we can focus on Barbason... our old friend.

You are worried that he might know you, but he hasn't ever seen you so... guess we will pay him a visit.

NOTE: If you let Shark Dodson die on the Island of Justice, you will be trying to elect Tyrex instead. We run into the same difficulties either way. – Treasures of Justice Island (Part 1)
This section will focus on simply telling you what you can get in all the different chests around Justice Island. I am going to start from San Augustine and work my way clockwise around the map. This information was already available on a Russian site and so I pulled it from there and modified it for translation purposes and with my own notes and experience. Credit goes to them for putting this list together.

I did independently go through all these chests myself as well.

Note: Save often. If someone sees you peeking in a chest you will get aggro, and that is bad ;).

I use the Poop Deck chest on the San Augustine to store all of my loot from Justice Island. It is the closest chest to the docking point when you return on your ship.

As an interim storage I use the chest in the nose of the Esmeralda to store loot from the sea floor. It is the closest to the San Gabriel that has no guards.

San Augustine (Shark Residence)

Poop Deck
machete - 3
Healing Potion - 8
emerald ring - 2
emerald beads - 5
gemmed pendant - 3
gold cross - 5
gold band - 28
silver band - 33
tobacco - 5
writing implements - 1

The lower deck (in the room and opposite of Shark)
peso - 55000
golden doubloons - 100
chest of doubloons - 2
gold nugget- 400
platinum ingot - 3

Dexter's Cabin – This chest is only used for when you are Siding with Rivaldos. It is where you get your items back after being caught “breaking into” the San Augustine.

Stern Balcony (Door behind Shark)
cutlass - 1
bilbo - 1
Hanger - 3
Short Saber - 1
War Axe - 4
goedendag - 3
tomahawk - 2
amulet "Pole Axe" - 1
excellent wine - 1
nail - 15
deck of cards - 2
empty vial - 20

peso - 2194
golden doubloons - 7
Map of Terks - 1
chronometer - 1
elixir - 4
ruby - 7
opal - 8
conquistador bracelet - 15

Hold (under the stairs) – this is difficult to get, but eventually all crew will leave the area for a few seconds.
peso - 3412
gold doubloons - 11
map of Trinidad and Tobago - 1
amber - 5
Fire Opal - 1
chrysoberyl - 11
jade beads - 5
candles - 15
Jaguar's Claw - 5
writing implements - 1
Bosun's pipe - 1

Powder cellar (1st chest)
soldier's pistol - 10
shotgun revolver- 1
trombone - 5
Dueling Pistol - 1
two-barrel pistol - 1
Amulet "Voodoo Doll" - 1
lead ball - 100
grapeshot - 100
paper cartridges - 20
gunpowder - 200

Powder cellar (2nd chest)
cazoleta - 1
hanged man - 1
hanger - 1
short saber - 1
broadsword - 1
Walloon Sword - 1
capodimonte - 1
small sword - 1
amulet of "Pole Axe" - 1
lead bullets - 2

Powder cellar (3rd chest) – I was never able to find this chest, so I am unable to verify it. The room only has 2 chests for me, I spent a lot of time attempting to access a 3rd to no avail. I leave it here just in case someone can figure it out.

harpoon - 1
amulet "Merchant's Beads" - 1
diamond - 99
ruby - 51
emerald - 24
platinum ingot - 3
opal - 6
Azurite - 4
chrysoberyl - 7
paper cartridges - 60
Warehouse knife - 1
silver spoon - 12

Caroline (Fazio Residence)

Chest available when questing for Narwhals
peso - 20 000
gold doubloons - 50
Fazio's letter

Chest available during quest “Bottoms Up”
peso - 200 000
Talisman "Arguzin" - 1
gold doubloons - 700
map of the island "Trinidad and Tobago" - 1
recipe for the mascot "Argusin" - 1
amulet "The Goddess"
diamond - 50
emerald - 25

Gloria (church)

Middle deck (at the mast)
peso - 35500
golden doubloons - 14
amulet "The Wonderworker" - 1
amulet "Cimaruta" - 1
gold crucifix - 25
candles - 228

The nose (under the bowsprit)

leather corset - 1
Amulet "Jade Turtle" - 1
Healing Potion - 5
Elixir - 5
grapeshot - 100
gunpowder - 48
candles - 40
Mirror - 3
belt - 1

Esmeralda (shop)
Chest to the right facing the counter
peso - 3520
Talisman "Widowmaker" - 1
golden doubloon - 2
recipe for “Widowmaker”- 1
turquoise - 55
cord - 10
nail - 14
belt - 6
lute - 1

Chest behind the counter (You can pick this up while he is standing in normal position if you back up enough)
Nail-like Shrapnel - 20
crucible - 1
candle - 8
icon lamp - 1
nail - 45

The nose (under the bowsprit) – I use this chest to unload loot pulled up from the ocean floor. It is the closest chest that no one will care that you touch. After I finish under the sea I transfer the loot to the San Augustine, since I won't be wearing the stupid 70 stone suit anymore.

Elixir - 20
silver nugget - 58
platinum ingot - 3
gunpowder - 100
Bosun's Whistle - 1
Slave Manacles - 10

San Gabriel (Workshop and home of Henrik)

golden doubloons - 3
smoking pipe (Quest Item) - 1
Amulet "Jade Turtle" - 1
conquistador bracelet - 50
jade beads - 24
candles - 8

(Hendrik Vedeker's workshop)
The chest is always locked.

Phoenix (Underwater chests)

Chest far right of the shipwreck with the idol.
peso - 38745
amethyst - 90
diamond - 65
ruby - 144
emerald - 48
amber - 72

Chest inside shipwreck with the idol.
golden doubloons - 154
gold nugget - 166
silver nugget - 211
platinum ingot - 3

Chest at the lowest point near the anchor
peso - 58931
emerald ring - 101
ruby ring - 88
emerald beads - 52
gemmed pendant - 67
gold band - 115
silver band - 195
jade ring - 21
large pearl - 954
small pearl - 2087

Chest furthest from the entrance
golden doubloon - 100
gold nugget - 10
silver nugget - 2000
platinum ingot - 33

Chest at the stern of the ship that is only ribs
peso - 60802
gold nugget - 220
silver nugget - 310

In the barrel inside the ship that is only ribs
chest of doubloons- 3
treasures - 2
Ward "Scorpion" - 1
amber - 57

The chest that opens with an old key:
peso - 100 000
golden doubloons - 500
treasures - 12
amulet "The Rat God"
gold nugget - 400
silver nugget - 1000
platinum ingot - 19

Ceres Smithy

All chests are permanently locked.

Fernanda (Where Nathan Hawk resides)

Stern Cabin
blue amber - 1
amber - 99
meteorite - 1
large pearl - 220
small pearl - 1344
candles - 20

The middle deck (in the left niche)

golden doubloon - 13
Map of Belize - 1
ordinary spyglass - 1
coral - 64
tortoiseshell comb - 4
old mug - 2
tobacco - 5
silver spoon - 12
deck of cards -5

Chest in the middle break (underwater a little)
peso - 2111
capodimonte -1
tears of Ixchel - 1
silver nugget - 105
platinum ingot - 3

Tartarus (Prison)
In the Brig
Messer - 1
Soldier's pistol - 1
trench Cuirass- 1
leather corset - 1
Healing Potion - 5
elixir - 3
a bottle of rum - 1
lead balls - 25
gunpowder - 25

Chad Kapper's cabin
peso - 15250
golden doubloons - 15
Healing Potion - 5
elixir - 3
antidote - 2
a bottle of rum - 10
(A Note if you are doing the quest for Rivaldos)

Chest in the hold (opens with an ornate key, 11 large perls to Ole)
peso -200,000
arquebus - 1
golden doubloon - 1000
old key (for chest on the sea bottom with Rat God ward) - 1
cheap map- 1
gold nugget - 300
silver nugget - 350
platinum ingot - 5


Middle deck (under the stairs)
golden doubloon - 7
Healing Potion - 10
elixir - 3
diamond - 32
Azurite - 5
jade - 20

Hold (behind barrels past where Chad and gang were standing)
short saber - 1
golden doubloon - 9
shaman's tambourine (quest item) - 1
amulet "Tsantsa" - 1
amulet "Xochipilli" - 1
tattoo dye - 10

Stern Cabin
peso 25250
golden doubloon - 20
emerald ring - 1
ruby ring - 2
emerald beads - 1
Gemmed pendant - 10
gold crucifix - 5
gold band - 7
nitric acid - 1 – Treasures of Justice Island (Part 2)
Santa Florentina

Upper deck (chest in the niche don't worry no one cares that you are touching it)
Ritterschwert - 1
antidote - 9
copper ewer - 4
old mug - 2
cord - 15
nail - 69
mortar and pestle - 1
tattoo dye - 10
lute - 1

Stern Saloon
peso - 12688
Soldier's pistol - 2
leather corset - 1
golden doubloons - 12
chest with doubloons - 1
ginger root - 17
meteorite - 1
iron ingot - 2
chrysoberyl - 4
gold crucifix - 3
cord - 5
nail - 8
bullet mold - 1

peso - 5432
golden doubloon - 5
ruby - 11
gold crucifix - 8
beetles - 3
icon lamp - 5
Mirror - 1
vampire wing - 9
ethyl alcohol - 1
lute - 1

Hold (at the mast)
harpoon - 10
machete - 16
amethyst - 10
gold nugget - 6
blue amber - 3
copper ingot - 3
copper ewer - 3
candles - 10
vial - 11
nail - 17


peso - 900
golden doubloon - 9
candles - 4
porcelain pipe - 2
nail - 19

peso - 24680
golden doubloon - 17
Healing Potion - 30
Elixir - 12
antidote - 7
potion - 5
excellent wine - 15
ginger root - 21
Comanche Potion - 1

Stern Cabin
peso - 5129
gold doubloon - 11

Fleuron (Tavern)

ship compass - 1
Healing Potion - 28
excellent wine - 25
copper ingot - 5
iron ingot - 4
azurite - 19
coral bracelet - 9

Chest in the hall
golden doubloon - 10
Cayman map - 1
cheap spyglass - 1
flintstone - 4
folding knife - 2
vial - 10

two-barrel pistol - 1
Brigantine - 1
golden doubloons - 5
aquamarine - 20
candles - 66

Velasco (Rivados Territory)

Chest behind crates (An absolute NIGHTMARE to get. Unless you really need this stuff I'd leave it, but if you really want it, you get a 1 – 2 second window every few minutes when both of them are walking the same direction... I usually don't have time to grab but one thing at a time here.)

diamond -20
gold nugget - 100
silver nugget - 150
platinum ingot - 5

Chest opposite the door (Same as above... ridiculous)
Healing Potion - 25
Elixir - 10
antidote - 5
potion - 3
ginger root - 20
percussion caps - 3
nail - 22

Middle deck
peso - 90000
golden doubloon - 100
chest of doubloons- 5
Ometochli tincture - 1

Fury (Rivados Territory)

Middle deck (under the stairs)
peso - 125
golden doubloon - 90
Ometochli tincture - 1
lead bullets- 2

Upper deck (chest in the niche)
soldier's pistol - 3
amulet "Ehecatl" - 1
good spyglass - 1
astrolabe - 1
excellent wine - 2
flintstone - 5
silver ewer - 3

peso - 7473
golden doubloon - 4
candle - 50
Hercules beetle - 5
porcelain pipe - 1
old mug - 2
flintstone - 3
vampire wing - 1
folding knife - 1
whetstone - 1
belt - 1

Crow's Nest (available with brass key from Saving Mary or Siding with Rivados)
Rifled Target Musket - 1
amulet "Gunpowder Tester" - 1
lead balls - 5
paper cartridge - 5
gunpowder - 5

Protector (Rivados Territory)

Cabin (residence of Black Eddie)
The chest is locked

Upper deck (nose)
soldier's pistol - 2
trench cuirass - 1
Healing Potion - 12
lead bballs - 90
lash - 1
wooden spoon - 6
nail - 11

Santa Lucia (Covered under Side Quest “Mystery of the Santa Lucia”)
KA.7 – Additional side Quests after Justice Island KA.7.i – Ole's White Beads
Quest: Ole's White Beads
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: rats
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: recruit Ole Christiansen on Justice Island
Required Items: Large Pearls, Large Pearls, and then some Large Pearls
Quest Giver: Ole Christiansen on Justice Island
Rewards: Ole Christiansen The Ratslayer, Ward “Scarab Ring”

Once you take on Ole Christiansen upon returning to Justice Island you will quickly find you have absolutely 0 rat problems anymore. Damage to goods by rats is completely disabled for your entire fleet as long as you keep him as a passenger. Amazingly good. The price you pay for this service is to give him Large Pearls periodically in town when you enter a tavern. If you do not have a large pearl on you at the time he asks, he will leave your company forever.

After a time, when he has collected 50 pearls in total (he already had some so it isn't that many times), he will ask you to look for his mummy. Turns out when he was a child he accidentally broke his mother's pearl necklace, and she had been upset about it. He set off on a decades long quest to find more pearls so his mummy would no longer be mad. Yeah... hard core tragic.

If you choose to find his mummy, which I am completely up in the air about because... no rats on the entire fleet, she will reward you with the Ward “Scarab”, which increases the amount your automatic repair heals damage on your ships per day by 50%. It can be noted that Fadey also gives you this Ward for his 2nd persian sword... which you should already have. So... rats?

Mrs. Christiansen's house is on St. Martin, directly next to the gate leading out to the selva. With the red roof. She is as horrified as you are that he ran away so many years ago just because she was upset about her pearl necklace.
KA.7.ii – Justice for Dios!
Quest: Justice for Dios!
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: none
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Be done with Justice Island
Required Items: Directions to Justice Island
Quest Giver: Dios the cartographer in Santo Domingo
Rewards: Non working Sextant

I just put this here in case you have taken all you want out of the Island of Justice, including Red Mary, and you have no desire to ever return. If you go to the Cartographer Jose Dios in Santo Domingo you can give him the directions to the island. In return he will give you a sextant, a device that can tell longitude and latitude and never expires. Unforunately it is not functioning. To repair it you will need to complete a separate quest on Isle Tesoro, but it will only become available after The Pirate Saga is concluded. Once you give him this you will not be able to return to Justice Island , EVER. So make certain you have picked up Mary or anything else you want from there.
KA.7.iii – Excellent Atlas
Quest: Excellent Atlas
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: yes
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Visit Jose Dios for the first time
Required items: all 24 excellent maps that Dios has lost
Quest Giver: Jose Dios the cartographer in Santo Domingo
Rewards: Ship Telescope (Best spyglass in the game)

When you first meet Jose Dios he asks you to keep an eye out for his excellent maps, which were stolen. He promises to reward you if you can bring him every map he lost. You can find these lost maps in a variety of places, the most common being the cabins of boarded ships (only class 2 and 1). Rarely they can be found in floating barrels as well.
KA.7.iv – Bullets for the Colt Revolver
Quest: Bullets for the Colt Revolver
Difficulty: Trivial
Enemies: no
Time Sensitive: no, takes a month after visiting Gino to get recipe
Requirements: Give Snake eye Tambourine and pipe from Justice Island
Required items: Chemistry book from Snake Eye, Colt Revolver from Snake Eye
Quest Giver: Gino in St. John's Drugstore
Rewards: Recipe to make ammo for the Colt Revolver (limited resources available)

After you have the revolver and the book you go to Gino on Antigua. Give him the book, and then show him the revolver along with the other pieces that Snake Eye gave you. A Cartridge, and a percussion cap. He will promise to try and find out how to make more bullets. Return to him in a month minimum and he will give you the recipe.
KA.8 – Barbazon's Temptation (First Half)
Quest: Barbazon's Temptation
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Jackman's hunters, David Jackman, Cuttlefish the Corvette, Merciless the Frigate, Centurion the Heavy Frigate, Jackob Jackman
Time Sensitive: 10 days from talking to barbason for first task, Within the confines of the Pirate Saga
Requirements: Return from Justice Island with Nathan Hawk and (possibly) Shark Dodson, 60 stealth (optional)
Required items:Marlin(given),
Quest Giver: Jan Svensson
Rewards: 10 silk, 12000 pesos, Talisman “Minstrel”, the instructions for talisman, 100 doubloons, a map of Terks, 10 Amethyst, 20 Jacinth, 15 chrysoprase, amulet “Ngombo Shield”, Marlin, 50000 pesos, 100 doubloons, the last half of Sharp's map, an ordinary map, Jackson's shard for his vote, an excellent map of New Grenada,West, the recipe for Talisman “Widowmaker”, 250 doubloons, the book for Zachariah “The Malleus Maleficarum”, a note with the password to the mines near Blueweld “Neptune”, a map of Jamaica and of Isla de tesoro, Amulets “Baldo” and “Merchant's Beads”, a Tears of Ixchel... and 3 Ometochli tinctures, 300 doubloons
Tyrex's Vote, Barbason's Vote, Zacariah's Vote

By now you've probably noticed you are being hunted by Jackman's men. That isn't going to get any better until you can finally kill the bastard. Whenever you sleep at a tavern or go to sea you may find yourself in a battle with some of these guys. You may have Mary with you in the tavern rooms now though, and she will make quick work of those pesky intruders! After all, she has her needs and they are interrupting!

You can switch ships to a better one now, but you are soon going to have to put your ship into mooring again in favor of a quest ship, so don't go crazy on hiring a bunch of crew. The Marlin, which is the ship you will take on, holds 173 men.

Just FYI, if your rapier skill sucks, you might find it useful to work it up at least some at this point. You may want to be dagger fighting here in a few quests.

So hop on your Flying Heart and terrorize the seas again! Just remember we are still on a timer ;).

Head to Martinique and see Barbason about some work. Pretend to be a dumb guy needing money, you are used to that.

While you are in the general area, don't forget to stop by Antigua and visit Gino. You can give him the book Snake Eye gave you and he will study it so that later you can learn how to make ammo for the colt revolver. Ask him about the revolver and making ammo for it. You need to have on you the revolver, 1 cartridge, and a percussion cap to ask him about it. He will tell you to return in a month for the recipe.

Talk to Barbason in Le Francois. In order to gain his trust, he sends you on a mission to St. Martin. One of his people had to ditch some silk when he got caught by authorities. He gives you the coordinates but that is really moot... its in the harbor or St. Martin. He said it was 6 bundles (60).

Head up to the harbor and use the Go-to to find a fishing boat (longboat) exactly where you were told to look for the silk. Go to it and send a row boat. Be harsh with them and they will give you the haul, 90 pieces of silk. 30 more than he said we were to find... score?

Well... we are looking to earn his trust, and I doubt we want to blow this over 30 pieces of silk, so go ahead and go back and tell him you found 90 pieces.

Turns out he knew that already, and was testing you. If you had told him 6 bales he likely would have thrown you out and you would have doomed your quest to failure! Phew. He gives you 10 silk as your reward for being honest.

He will now give us a real mission. Time to head to St. Christopher. We are to meet an agent in Capsterville by the code name “Knive” (Knife...?), he captains the polacre Marlin. Lets see how we can use this to our advantage. (The latest translation seems to make him "Knave". Too late I've already written my puns, I'm sticking to Knife!)

Head to Capsterville and visit the tavern. Ask about the Marlin. Looks like the captain is a David Fackman (Jackman), guess his real name isn't Knife after all. He is actually Jacob Jackman's brother.... just translation seems to have made him Fackman. He rents a place next to the shipyard, lets pay him a little visit.

Give him some lip. You aren't here to be his ♥♥♥♥♥, you're here to cause trouble. Kill him and loot the Pappenheimer foil along with the letter you were to deliver to Tyrex. Seems there was a great conspiracy going on, not surprising. Good to see you are a pain in the butt for Jackman.

Lets go turn the knife in their hand, shall we? We need his Polacre, then we can trick his men. First it looks like the Marlin is hanging out around Capsterville. Lets take it. The captain has another Pappenheimer, and in his chest you'll find the 12000 pesos, Talisman “Minstrel”, the instructions, 100 doubloons, a map of Terks, (also this time I got an excellent map, which is awesome since this isn't even a class 1 or 2 ship!)10 Amethyst, 20 Jacinth, 15 chrysoprase, and amulet “Ngombo Shield”. Go back to port and store the ship you had , and take the Marlin to Terks.

Go ahead and equip your stealth related stuff. You will need 50 stealth if you want to pull this off in style.

Land in the south bay. You will see the decoy ship floating aimlessly, ignore it for now and go to the beach. You will have a battle here with some men, it isn't that bad, but there are quite a few of them. You have a boarding party and your officers to help you. Head back and board the ship to see if you can find any survivors.

A friend of Tyrex is still alive on board, as well as 30 people below deck. Set them free and send them to deliver the news to Marcus about Jackman's plot to kill him. Now we can go take care of the Merciless and the Cuttlefish, which can now be seen around the island.

Mary, or Helen, will come on board and tell you their brilliant plan. We sneak up alongside the Frigate and toss them a huge gunpowder bomb. Poetic considering its their own gunpowder we will be using. Thanks lass, I think I will.

Head around the island until you see the ships. Again, you will need 50 stealth to make this work, otherwise you can just mine the frigate the old fashioned way... or take it out with your guns.
Ease up alongside the Merciless Frigate, and toss them a bomb. Try to go with the wind so you can get out quickly. This is a scripted event, not a normal mine. After you set us up the bomb head to the Cuttlefish and board them. You have 40 seconds to get into nominal positioning before it explodes and turns the Cuttlefish hostile. If you are close enough (not close enough to get boarded!) it won't even fire generally, and change to grape shot, so you can unload all your cannons on it and then board before it gets a shot off.

Boom. All your base are belong to us! Loot the cabin to find a letter and 15,000 pesos, along with 50 doubloons.

I love it when a plan comes together.

The letter says that Jackman is waiting for us on Isle Tesoro at Sabu Matila Cove. Lets pay him a visit.

KA.8 – Barbazon's Temptation (2nd Half)
When we get there, we see he is on the heavy frigate “Centurion”. Quite the battle for our little polacre and its weakened crew.... (unless of course you executed the plan so flawlessly that you only lost 3 crew total to musket fire *flex*).

Helen/Mary had a great idea before, why don't we see if they have any new advice? Go to the cabin and talk to her.

She suggests a new tact, we don't want to sink the frigate, but perhaps if we stuff a bunch of rum barrels with grapeshot, it will decimate their crew. Yeah, I am down with that.

You'll need 60 stealth to pull this one off, Jackman is not as easily fooled. Get close to him and you will toss the barrels on his deck. You have 10 seconds to make some distance, and then it goes boom. This will take out about a 3rd of the crew... leaving you with roughly 300 to work down to a reasonable number. Then we can board him. This is still no easy feat against such a strong vessel.

When you get to the cabin you will face off with Jacob Jackman. Be warned, once you beat him the first round one of his henchmen will come through the door behind you and take a 4-shot pistol to your back. I'd suggest placing Jackman between you and the door.

Once one of them is down Dannie will come help you finish off the last enemy. Afterwards she will take her ship back, and invite you to visit them in Maroon Town whenever you please. She is off to pick up Nathan.

You can loot Jacobs highland backsword and the excellent spyglass he has. Then look in the cabin for 50000 pesos, 100 doubloons, the last half of Sharp's map, an ordinary map, Jackson's shard for his vote, an excellent map of New Granada,West, and the recipe for Widowmaker that you probably already have. In the other chest there is another 250 doubloons, the book for Zachariah, a note with the password to the mines near Blueweld “Neptune”, a map of Jamaica and of Isla de tesoro, Amulets “Baldo” and “Merchant's Beads”, a Tears of Ixchel... and 3 Ometochli tinctures... wooooooo.

Now you can get rid of this stupid polacre and find a real ship. Hasn't the Flying Heart been docked the entire game!? I'm going to get mine dammit. If you still have to go back and get Mary later, you may want to consider that before you go hiring 700+ crew for a ship, up to you =P.

You need to visit all 3 of the pirate Barons, and you can do so in whatever order you please, but of course East to west is probably the most economical considering you will be going to Blueweld afterwards.

Head to Le Francois in Martinique, walk in to the pirate nest. You are taking a posse with you to make sure there is no funny business. No one stops you as you march into Barbason's office. Show him you are three times the man he is by suing for peace. He gives in and gives you his vote for Shark.

One last thing. I'm Charley Prince. ♥♥♥♥♥.

Swing by La Vega and talk to Marcus Tyrex. Tell him all about what you have found with Jackman. He will give you his vote for Shark and 300 doubloons.

Go to Puerto del Principe and give the book to Zachariah, he'll give you his vote.
KA.8.i – Punishing the Bandits, Assaulting the Mines with Jan
Quest: Assaulting the Mines with Jan Svensson
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: A whole lot of bandits
Time Sensitive: 3 days
Requirements: Complete Barbazon's Temptation
Required Items: A vengeful spirit
Quest Giver: Jan Svensson
Rewards:2000 + silver ingots
Rewards from Nathan and Dannie even if you don't assault mines: 2 chests of doubloons, Hand Mortar, Grenade Instructions, Talisman “Son of a Jaguar” and its recipe.

After you give Jan the good news about Jackman's death and the votes going our way, he tells you about Hawk's good health and to visit him in Maroon Town. He has decided to finally give the bandits who attacked him what they deserve. Because we are no stranger to a good fight, we want to go with him! If we do so we get to split the loot from the mines with Jan 50/50.
You can refuse this quest and just come back in 10 days, but I really don't recommend doing so. It is a fun battle, and some good loot as well. Taking over bandit's cannons and firing on them, storming the mines with Jan at your side, etc. Good times.

Jan tells you to meet him at Mosquito Coast in 3 days. So go ahead and wait 3 days and head there with the go-to menu from the harbor.

Alternately, if you are willing to do some battle map sailing, you can use those three days to go talk to Nathan and Dannie in Maroontown. He will give you the Hand Mortar... which you might find handy for this fight. You might not though, it is an acquired taste =P.

Talk to Jan, then head inland. Go in three screens then head right. Jan will give you the plan.

You will attack the back gate and crack it open. Jan will give you a small team to do this, and you can use the password you got from Jackman to get the drop on them. Head left, and then right, before you zone you will talk to Jan again. You are now ready to go.

Head in and talk to the guards. Give them the password 'Neptune'. Then you will open fire. After you kill them go back to Jan and he will leave some men to build a battering ram so we can attack from both sides. Now you are charged with taking out the guys at the front. For this we can bring our officers if we want, or the same guys we just had.

Note: There is a bit of a bug with taking your own officers. They are far more zealous than the people Jan gives you. What this means is they will charge in at the guys charging your cannon position, and the last shot from the cannoneer usually hits them. While it doesn't do any damage, it causes everyone to treat the gunner as an enemy... and they spend the remainder of the fight in a fruitless attempt to kill him. Not just your officers, but the ENTIRE attacking force... Leaving you to SOLO the whole garrison. Not pretty. You can avoid this by not taking your officers. I also found that if you tell them all to "stand here" and not follow you before you go to the cannon screen they will hang back far enough to not aggro the enemy, and that also works. It just means you have to talk to them after the fireworks and tell them to follow you to the battle. Annoying, but not breaking.

Go back towards the main entrance to the fort, talk to Jan again . The goal is to kill the cannoneers and then the cavalry will show up. You can do that, or you can just kill them all saving one of the musketeers (cannoneers) for last, showing off for everyone ;).

Now its your turn. Jan leaves you with your own Cannon master, and you go in the fort and get to work! So get to work!

After you lay waste to some guys with cannons you charge in for the melee. Big fight ensues. After you kill 3 waves of bandits Jan finally shows up. The back gate was a bit sturdier than they had anticipated. No matter, Jan wants to take the fight into the mines personally, just you and him. Brothers in arms!

Head through the tunnels and finish off the bandits. There are quite a few of them, but most are 1 at a time. At the end there are 2 assassin looking guys together. Jan might get separated from you, and you will just have to run back to him with anyone you want him to help you fight. It isn't that bad of a maze, nothing compared to the tunnels of Nemesis.

After the fight you will go back up top and search the houses for paperwork. Jan will interrogate the grateful slaves for information about gold or silver.

Go into the house on the right as you come out and you'll find some documents on the desk. When you exit Jan will come talk to you about loot. Looks like he found over 4000 silver ingots! Your cut is half! 2063 or so. That is roughly a million pesos!

We also found the owner of the mine is Lawrance Beltrope. It doesn't mean anything to us now....

The mine looks mostly used up, so no reason to change professions and become a mine owner. Lets go!

Jan talks to us on our way out, and we head to the ship to meet with him in 5 days time.

Nothing in those other houses, just normal houses with random crap chests.

If you have not already, go ahead and go to Maroon town and talk to Nathan and Dannie. They will be glad to see you, but who isn't!?

You have made 2 best friends for life, and Maroon Town will always be a home and safe haven for you for as long as Nathan and Dannie live. Feelsgoodman. He gives you a special weapon, the Hand Mortar, as well as instructions for making grenades for it. Don't forget to talk to Dannie too. She will give you Talisman 'Son of a Jaguar' and the instructions to make it. Really sweet talisman that doubles the accuracy of ship cannons and firearms at night. She also gives you 2 chests filled with doubloons, and echo's Nathan's sentiments about you being welcome any time.

While you are on Jamaica you might as well sell your silver. It usually has one of the best prices for silver in the Caribbean, and good news, this silver doesn't stink of stolen goods, so it can be sold right away!
KA.9 – Sharp's Testament Part 1
Quest: Sharp's Testament (Part 1)
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: Oyster the East-Indian class 2
Time Sensitive: Immediately
Requirements: Finish Barbazon's Temptation
Required items: Sharpe's map, all votes, 1250 doubloons
Quest Giver: Jan Svensson in Blueweld
Rewards: 4000 doubloons (1250 belong to Jan, 1500 to the lawyer), Contact to sell ironwood for 40 doubloons per, Jan will sell you 50 ironwood a month for 30 doubloons per, Usage of the Oyster East-Indian, 150 doubloons, Sartorial Tools, amulet, 5,000 pesos, an opal.

Now that we have the Brethren situated we ask Jan about Tortuga. We still have the unfinished business of sorting out Isle Tesoro and Sharp's will. Just handing over the map to the English isn't going to do it, they want that island. So we need something a bit stronger than our ships and cannons and soldiers.

We need a lawyer....

Time to head to Port Royal and hire the best lawyer in the Caribbean, Albert Loxley!

Meanwhile Jan is going to spend the next 10 days getting Shark Dodson elected as the head of the Brethren.

Albert's office is the first building on the left when you enter Port Royal. Talk to him about your case. He wants to get familiar with the background of Isle Tesoro, and so he asks you to come back in a week with his advance of 450 doubloons. He also warns you that the amount will triple during the trial...

Head back to Jan, you'll have to wait out the 10 days until he is done with the council. Once he is you can talk to him about the lawyer, and mention that you are not doing this out of pocket.

He said he had some money stashed away for just such an occasion, but recently he was robbed by an associate of his. One Paul Mulligan, captain of the East-Indian ship “Oyster”. He stole a load of ironwood from Jan, and would like you to see if you can track it down. Once you do you can take the ironwood and sell it to whomever Paul was going to contact. Take the 1500 for the lawyer, and split the rest of the profit with Jan. Sounds good.

You can ignore this and just pay the lawyer yourself... but not only will you be missing out on future opportunities to buy ironwood from Jan, you will miss the opportunity to have a contact that will buy ironwood from you forever for 40 doubloons PER. A freaking insane sum.

Paul left Blueweld yesterday and was heading to Bridgetown on Barbados. Lets catch up with him and show him what we do to rats. Ole, I have need of you!

If you head out right away you should catch up to him pretty quickly. Just make a straight line to Bridgetown. If you miss it, like I just did, just turn around and start back. You will probably hit him entering the sea region of Barbados. Purple sails on the Global map. In fact... he might actually come out of Martinique a few days after. When I spotted him this time it certainly looked like he was coming out of St. Pierre harbor =P.

Go to him and send a rowboat. He will dissemble like a mofo, and look guilty. Well, we really aren't super concerned about if we are wrong or not, so we're going to board you anyway to find out.

Perhaps he is famliar with our MO, because he attacks us as soon as we are back on the ship. (well... sometimes? This time he didn't =P) Kill him and search his cabin for Sartorial Tools, 5000 pesos, 150 doubloons, amulet “tsanka”, a bat wing, an enchanted bone, an incriminating note, and an opal. Also I got an excellent map this time.

Just remember that Jan wants this ship, so don't sink it.

Go to the location on the note. 12 1' North 60 11' West. You can take it to Jan if you want... but you don't want.

The location is just east of Trinidad and Tobego, right on the edge of the map. Meet the dutch ship “Zeehond” (name may vary, dutch ship.) Talk to the captain and he gives you the price. 40 doubloons per ironwood. Whhhhat....
The fact that Charles paused and didn't just jump up in the air and click his heels is amazing.

He mentions if we have any more to sell we should see “you know who” in St. Martin tavern. You know who is just the smuggler there. Once a month you can now go talk to him to get the current location of the Zeehond, and sell him up to 20 pieces more than the smuggler mentions you can. Its different every month. Ridiculous amounts of doubloons....

Head back to Blueweld. Strip down the Oyster and take everything off it. Waddle your way over to Jan's and give him his cut of the doubloons and hand the Oyster off to him. He says he will refit it and let you borrow it later if you want... whatever I don't need your crappy trade ship.

You can try to cheat him... but again you aren't going to get the deal to buy ironwood... plus this guy has been super cool to you so far, don't be a douche.

He gives you the opportunity to buy ironwood from him. 25 pieces on the 14th, 25 pieces on the 28th. So 50 a month in all. 30 doubloons per. A 500 doubloon profit a month if we care to spend the time... but more importantly a place to pick up some extra ironwood if we are desperate.
KA.10 – Shadows of the Past (First Half) (MR)
Quest: Shadows of the Past
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Skeletons, Jessica, The Butcher, The British Court of Law
Time Sensitive: Within the confines of The Pirate Saga
Requirements: Complete Sharp's Testament up to paying Loxley.
Required items: 1350 doubloons (450 now)
Quest Giver: Albert Loxley in Port Royal
Rewards: Raymond Baker, Flamberge rapier

Head back to Port Royal and hand over the 450 doubloons to Loxley. He will take up the case, telling you he needs more than just the map to get the claim to stick. England has big plans for Isle Tesoro after all, and aren't going to give it up without a legal battle.

We are tasked with finding some definitive proof of Helen's heritage. The only thing we have so far is that a hangman on St. John's knew something important about Butcher. Lets try there.

When you land at St. John's on Antigua you may want to visit Gino if you haven't already given him the chemistry book or returned to him to learn about making bullets for the colt. Just a friendly reminder that you are there =P.

Go to the tavern and ask about the executioner. Seems other people have been looking for old Raymond Baker lately. He took berth on a ship and it seems that he did not return to it. Lets go out and search for Bald Maggie in the harbor. It will have a green arrow over it, and you'll have to manual sail to it and send a rowboat.

Don't mind the Flying Dutchman... I just have some questions!

Looks like old Baker signed on as a surgeon to the crew, and when they were out to sea he told everyone he used to be an executioner... and that pirates were hunting him.... I guess executioners aren't known for their people skills. Well the captain had no choice but to put him over the side.

He's at 15 28' north 63 28' West. Lets go see if he's still alive. He is just off the western shore of Dominica. Go to battle map and look for the long boat with the go-to menu. You will have to manually sail to it. Just pull up along side it gently and you'll pick him up.

Go to the cabin to talk to him. Turns out that Butcher is indeed alive... the executioner facilitated his escape all those years ago under threat of death. Not only that, but his real name is Lawrence Beltrope... BIG REVEAL, he's a pickle!

Well no, but you do get some interesting stuff to help you. Some Poems by Jessica, Butcher's ex lover and a jealous thing, among them. You get part of the coordinates for the island where Beatrice is supposedly buried. 78 33' West. You also see that Shark Dodson had some special role to play in this drama, so that is another lead for sure.

You get to take on Raymon Baker as a physician in your crew. 95 defense... so pretty damn good.

Lets head over to Isle Tesoro now and see what Shark knows. He owes us after all.

If you already traded in the map of Justice Isle for the broken sextant then now might be a time to complete the Head of the Brethren of the Coast quest to restore it. Go check it out below. You'll need 100 ironwood, 150 resin, 110 silk, and 90 ropes. So if you have those go ahead and load them up for your trip.

On Tesoro talk to Shark Dodson. He tells you he did indeed kill Josh Leadbeater, but now regrets it. Jessica was to blame for Beatrice's death. Listen to his tale. Seems Jan Svensson had a thing for Jessica, and might have some information about her.

He also has the latitude for a certain island... which is super convenient since we had the longitude. 21 32' North 78 33' West.

If you want the option to spare Jessica after Skeleton Reef then you will need to go talk to Jan Svensson before you seek out the Reef. It gives you some perspective on her life, and compassion I guess.

Turns out that Jessica pretty much ran the ship Butcher was on. She was a master swordsman, and a luck talisman to boot, on top of being his girlfriend. She saved his life multiple times and his success was pretty much entirely due to her. In the end Butcher decided to take up with Beatrice Sharp, and locked Jessica up and ransomed her off to her father. Wow... ♥♥♥♥.
Seems like she got messed up in some voodoo hoodoo after that, which wouldn't worry me if I hadn't already been attacked by ships crewed by the undead and been teleported around the Caribbean by magic idols. Now I'm just plain terrified of magic....

Ah well, lets go visit the island. Maybe there is a tropical resort there now, and girls in skirts with no tops serve you mojitos while you sunbathe.... a man can dream.

Head to 21 32' North 78 33' West. You don't need nav instruments, but you can if you like. The location is just north of Cayman. Doesn't matter where you land, you'll end up in the same place. Make sure you bring plenty of potions with you, and equip your scorpion ward.

If the dead bodies everywhere wasn't creepy enough, the woman screaming every couple minutes is just plain disturbing.

Head in, and you'll cross a bridge and see a broken house along with a dug up grave. Go stand over the grave for a quest update. Behind the house you can find a Manga Rosa.

Nothing to see here during the day. If you arrived at night you might have a different experience. Since you have the feeling of being watched... go ahead and hang out until midnight. Come on, I dare ya!

KA.10 – Shadows of the Past (Second Half)
So go ahead and talk to the corpse lurking over the grave over there. Say hi to Jessica. She is somewhere between severely and insanely upset at Beatrice Sharp. Turns out she doesn't much like her daughter either. Since you brought her here... she doesn't like you either. Let the vengeance commence! She will attack you, so defeat her. Oh this isn't so bad!

Wrong. After you beat her once she teleports up on top of the house. Be careful of the little fire geysers. They hurt you.

If you want to practice your rapier skill, now is a good time. Equip the Chief's Claw dagger from Fadey. The undead do not like it. Nope, not at all. It doesn't do crazy damage to them like later, but you can easily do 30 – 50 for a normal feint, and 60 – 100 on a crit. If your skill is around 50. The skeletons are really fond of heavy attacks, so feints are pretty easy to time on them. Feint is the best attack using it by far. I was rocking mine and got about 5 points of rapier skill for the first skeletons.

Walk up to her and she will do some Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, Heart, and summon Captain Planet. Actually she will curse you with slowness. You will be unable to walk. You will probably lose your sound too, which is super annoying and a bug. She also summons a bunch of skeletons

Kill the undead she summons.... you will probably want to walk up the stairs of the house to funnel them in one at a time. Alternately you can, hilariously I might add, go behind the house and into the fire there. It doesn't hurt you and the skeletons can only get at you one at a time. The big fire, not the little geyser ones. Those do hurt you.

Jessica will come at you again, so beat her, then go walk up to her where she has teleported. She will curse you a 2nd time, taking away 30 weapon skill this time.... derp. She also lights up some of the choke points so you can't funnel the skeletons there. The one behind the house is still available though. Unfortunately if your rapier skill sucked before... it probably super sucks now. You might be forced to switch to a weapon you have maxed skill in. I am using my Jurgen Highland Backsword... cause +12 to my broadsword skill does well to offset that curse.

After you kill the skeletons she just summoned, she comes for round 3. Beat her up and she teleports away again. This time she is across the bridge..... which is booby trapped. You can get across it avoiding the water traps... you start at the left and move in a few planks, then immediately hug the right of the bridge almost the entire way. Near the end you'll see a part of the bridge that separates a little, move around this part on the left, but after you pass the separated planks move immediately back to the right.... I will post a screenshot but your best bet is to just save beforehand and then do a little trial and error. The important thing is to know you can get across without taking damage.

Once you approach her you will get one last curse. -20 energy, and she will put you on the bridge for your final duel. Also her attacks will now poison if you aren't wearing your scorpion. If you move forward to the left you hit water trap, back and to the right you hit water trap... so best just not to move. I like to drink a tincture here and just smack her like 3 times and be done, but you know... to each their own.

Once you do beat her, she attempts to talk to you.

Option 1: If you didn't visit Jan, or have a deep hatred of the unliving that means you cannot suffer one to remain even for an instant, you kill her. From her body you loot her Flamberge and the document proving Helen is a Sharp. You can now limp away back to your ship. When you return to Port Royal the evidence you bring will see Butcher tried and hanged.... again.

Option 2: If you visited Jan and heard her story, you can take pity on her. She struck down Beatrice, but could not do the same to her love. He had no such qualms, and slew her. She did some nasty Indian magic though, and without killing him, she can never rest in peace. She is forced to kill everyone she meets, but the one who defeats her can finally speak with her. She asks to come aboard your ship and take her to Jamaica, where her Lawrence Beltrope lives. She promises to be a good girl, and in return she will reward you and tell you how to lift the curses she put on you.

And awwway we go!

Go to Jamaica, land in portland bay and then wait till midnight. Jessica will meet you there and tell you to meet her the following night. Rest 24 hours and...

Jessica will meet you there, and tell you “it is over”. The last thing Butcher knew in his life was pure horror. <shudder> The magic fades and Jessica will die for real this time, and so she gives you a gift, her flamberge, a very nice rapier, and the proof that you need to give Loxley to win Helen's suit. She also tells you to visit the priest in Bridgetown with 20 candles (YES, a place to use those candles from JI!) and you can remove the curses. One last request.... bury her in this cove, by the sea, where she belongs, and please visit her some day.

Go to Bridgetown and talk to the priest of the church. Tell her Jessica sent you to see him, and he will remember her. He tells you that you will need to pray for her to life the curse from yourself. Give him 20 candles and wait until the next night after 22:00. Tell him you are ready to pray and then approach the altar. Eventually you will fall asleep praying, and dream.

Jessica is there, young and beautiful once more. She thanks you again for freeing her of the curse, and reminding you that you also have a ginger talisman. Mary, who is either crying herself to sleep every night thinking about you, or on your ship. She warns you not to let Helen get between you... that Mary's devotion is true, clear, and infinite.

No pressure...

Oh, and visit her grave, because apparently that is important. (It doesn't actually do anything, don't go looking for it =P)

You wake up on the altar... where apparently everyone was just watching you sleep while they did their thing in church. You are now cured of your curses, and can head back to Jamaica. Get your doubloons ready for the lawyer's fee.
KA.11 – Sharp's Testament, Part 2
Quest: Sharp's Testament, Part 2
Difficulty: Trivial
Enemies: The English Court
Time Sensitive: Within the Confines of The Pirate Saga
Requirements: Finish Shadows of the Past
Required items: 900 doubloons, Proof of Helen's heritage
Quest Giver: Albert Loxley in Port Royal
Rewards: Helen gets Isla Tesoro, You get Helen (optionally), Chest of Doubloons (optionally), Services of Albert Loxley in the future, Ward 'Janissary', Ornamental Shards (quest items), End of the Pirate Saga!

Talk to Loxley in Port Royal, hand him the proof he needs. He will tell you that Lawrence Beltrope was found dead not long ago, his face twisted in horror, covered in hoarfrost in his own bedroom...

He will begin filing the paperwork when you pay him the next 450 doubloons. Go ahead and do that and he will tell you to come back tomorrow, and bring Helen.

OK guys, I want you to think long and hard about what you want to do next. Soon you will be asked to make a decision between Mary and Helen.... Be ready to give one of them up for good! I don't want to say you are a total ass for not choosing Mary, but... the girl is crying herself to sleep every single night, and she thinks about you when she wakes in the morning. Just saying!

Sleep at the tavern until the next day and then go back to the lawyer. Cutscene! Here we get to see Helen saunter up to the magistrate's desk like the pirate queen she is! Making a terribly good argument at choosing her with those swaying hips I must say..... wait... no... Mary!

Helen owns her own island now, and you owe another 450 doubloons to Loxley. He gives you a week to pay it... no rush.

Outside you talk to Helen again. If you played your cards right you have one final choice, let Helen go on her way to live on Isle Tesoro without you and go back for Mary, or accept her on your crew as your lover.

Or you will watch as she curtly gives you a chest of doubloons and cuts a glare over at Mary, who has been with you the entire time.

Or if you played your cards horribly wrong... you may be left with neither. In which case I guess you will be going back to visit Mirabelle after this for some stress relief....

Don't forget to give Loxley his money before you leave. If you forget you will lose standing with England and he will never talk to you again. Once you pay him the money you can use his services from this point on to get rid of any bounty you may accrue, and for pesos instead of doubloons.

Whatever your choice/outcome, you are now free to see Jan Svensson about his plans for Tortuga. He gives you the Ward “Janissary”, so you can overload your crew to your hearts content! He also gives you the ornamental shards the pirate barons used to use to vote.

Congratulations! You just finished The Pirate Saga! If you just got with Helen, go give her some lovin'.

If you are with Mary instead... well then she has been demanding lovin' from you practically nightly so... continue.
LA.1 – Quests and Extras after The Pirate Saga
So you've got yourself a girlfriend eh? Feeling mighty proud of yourself I bet. The looming time table of The Pirate Saga is finally off your shoulders, and the world is at your fingertips.

So what now? Well, as I said you no longer have a time table, so you can pretty much do anything! Michel is content to rot in his cell for however long you care to leave him there. You can now build the skills of your officers and Charles, work on perfecting your fleet, or finish up any of those nasty quests you may not have done, regardless of where I put them in the guide. Caleuche and Slave Trader come to mind.

I probably would take some time to work on your rapier skills until you are comfortable with them, as you will want to be able to wield that dagger properly when the time comes. Other than that you might need to train Mary/Helen some in order to make them viable in the tougher battles ahead. You may also wish to start stockpiling rope/ironwood/resin/silk in order to make your fleet an unstoppable force in the Caribbean. It takes a ton to outfit a bunch of manowars/line ships/Flying Heart/Fortune.

There are a couple things that could not be completed before Justice Island/Pirate Saga you could also focus on as well. The latter I will go over in this section really quick, the former I mentioned directly after Justice Island. Once you are done cracking the world open like an egg and getting at its nutritious center, come back and we will continue making Turtle Soup! Hopefully you won't be too full by then.
LA.1.i – My Boss wants a Ship
Quest: My Boss Wants a Ship
Difficulty: Normal
Enemies: 5 thugs in the dungeon
Time Sensitive: 4 months
Requirements: Shark Dodson is head of the Brethren of the Coast, Give Justice Island directions to Dios.
Required Items: 110 silk, 90 rope, 150 resin, 100 ironwood, sextant
Rewards: Working Sextant, 1,031,000 pesos.

Best to have all the materials handy before going and talking to Alexis. So you aren't racing a clock to get a clock.

After you receive the sextant from Jose Dios in Santo Domingo, and after Shark Dodson is appointed head of the Brethren of the Coast, you can go to Isla Tesoro and talk to Alexis the shipwright. He will tell you that Shark has put in an order for a very special ship, and Alexis needs materials to build such a magnificent craft. He figures since you are good friends with Shark, maybe you can help out.

He asks you for 110 silk, 90 rope, 150 resin, and 100 ironwood. Fortunately he isn't asking you to give this to him for free. He's going to pay you 4000 pesos per wood (400000), 2600 per silk(286000), 1500 per rope(135000), and 1400 per resin(210000). Better or on par with the best prices you will see for these items in the entire game, so not a terrible deal. On top of this he has a “special gift” that he feels will be useful to you, and it is one of a kind in the entire world. You have 4 months to bring all the materials to him. You can do so all at once, or in any amount you choose.

I understand he said he will only pay 2500 per silk, but he actually ends up paying 2600, so... whatevs.

Once you bring everything to him, he will pay you, and he will want to give you his item, but apparently treasure hunters have made camp in his basement, and are guarding his stuff. Offer to go down and clear it out. His box has stuff he had from when he was pulled into “a funnel” 20 years ago. From the future apparently.

There are 5 guys in the basement, 2 musketeers and 3 swordsmen. You can use one of the tight corridors nearby to funnel them to keep them from shooting you. Careful, after you talk to the first musketeer the 2nd is behind you, he just appears there. You have time to get into a hallway before he comes.

After you kill them then you need to find the small box the quest loot is in. It is behind some barrels just to the right of where you came in, pretty much right in front of where all the guys were standing. Just before you get to them on the left.

Take the “Steel Box” back to Alexis. He will give you.. a pocket watch from the middle of the 20th century. Man... I wish I could get like... a laser pistol for doing odd jobs around my neighborhood.

Go into the K – crafting menu and use the Working Sextant recipe to make your working Sextant. Tada! You never have to worry about those stupid Chronometers ever again.
MA.1 – Turtle Soup (First Half)
Quest: Turtle Soup
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Levasseur and his guards, Henri Thibaut (optional), Robert Marten and his Galleon
Time Sensitive: no, 10 days to meet Thibault in option 2, 1 month to return with Catie Fox in option 1
Requirements: Install Shark Dodson at Sharptown, get Helen her Isle Tesoro.
Required Items: none
Quest Giver: Shark Dodson/Tyrex in Sharptown
Rewards: Option 1: 200,000 pesos, talisman 'myrmidon', recipe for talisman, Patissa Khandu, 50,000 pesos, 1 treasure, 2 chests of doubloons, blunderbuss, instructions for nail shrapnel, Naval uniform, light frigate Gryffondor, crappy french officer, 300ish super experienced crew, cromwell's dispatch, 150 doubloons, 1 Manga Rosa, Cupid's Balm Talisman, 1 Tears of Ixchel.

Option 2: 300,000 pesos, talisman 'myrmidon', recipe for talisman, Patissa Khandu, 50,000 pesos, 1 treasure, 2 chests of doubloons, naval uniform, light frigate Gryffondor, crappy french officer, 300ish super experienced crew, cromwell's dispatch.

Go have a chat with Shark Dodson when you are ready to take down Tortuga. He will tell you he has been spying there for a while and has found some juicy info that may help us kill the governor without ever battling his ultra hard and unboardable fleet out in front of the city.

(If you installed Tyrex instead, he will offer you the less elegant approach of taking the ships in the bay for you while you storm the fort by land. Much easier than taking the fort by sea for sure)

Looks like Levasseur has a taste for young girls, and they don't long survive the experience. His procurer, Robert Marten, apparently snagged a prize recently, one Molly Jones, but instead of taking her to Levasseur, he took her to his nephew Henri Thibaut. It is said that she died soon after, and was thrown overboard.

Turns out, however, that she has been secretly asking for some help, and so she is still alive. Lucas, the cowardly man who was supposed to help her, has been talking and drinking his worries away in the tavern of Basse-Terre.

Maybe we can use this to cause a rift between the two.

There are two ways that this quest can go. The first way, you save the girl and are rewarded by Colonel Fox with the special weapon Blunderbuss, an armor-piercing gun. The second way you get 300,000 pesos, girl dies.

Option 1: Save the girl, get the prize.

To have the option to save “Molly”, you need to first go to Antigua so we can find out what we can about the girl before we hunt down Lucas.

Ask the barkeep at the tavern about a “Mr. Jones”, and he will basically tell you that having the surname Jones is as good as having no surname at all in England.

Ask around town, you might get a hint that the only Molly Jones they know with a brother is only beautiful if compared to a gorilla. Finally someone will name drop the clerk that works for Colonel Fox, but say she'd do better as a man with her face....

Well maybe so, but I guess we should ask. Her brother Ben is super unconcerned. You are the first person in the universe to ever refer to his sister as “beautiful”. She has a passable rack though? She is the servant of one Catherine Fox, the Colonels daughter, and that lass... wow, she's a knockout.

Catherine and Molly are supposed to be arriving with Cromwells Squadron in a couple months. He will finish by literally telling you that having the surname Jones is a good as having no surname at all ;).

Armed with that bit of strange information we can now go to Guadeloupe. Check the tavern for Lucas. Seems like he's dead, and it also seems like Mr. Robert Marten is here, and likely had something to do with it.

Talk with Robert. It seems like your reputation finally precedes you. Your very presence pretty much makes him poop himself. He is glad to hear you have similar goals, however. He says he will lure Levasseur out of town for you if you collect the girl, whom now even Henri is hiding from him. He needs a hostage while he flees this mess.

He wants you to meet Thibaut and give him some threats to get him to turn her over to him on Fisheye beach. That is option 2. We, being the curious sort, are concerned that we may be missing opportunities here.

Lets go talk to Shark and see if he knows anything that we might want to know.

Tell shark all about The Batman. Err... I assume thats a translation error. Tell him about Molly being an ugly hag and about Catherine, who is due for her father's birthday soon. Shark suspects, as should you have by now, that Molly Jones is actually Catherine Fox.

If the Colonel hears about this then likely the English flag will fly over Tortuga soon, so we might should take care of it a bit more quiet like.

Armed with this new knowledge, lets see what we can find out in Tortuga. Bring health potions and maybe a tincture. You may also find some anti-being shot amulets handy. Henri Thibaut just happens to be renting a room at the tavern. How convenient! He will be back after 8 PM, so lets visit him then. Spin him a tale, tell him about Catherine Fox, and he too will poop his pants. He doesn't want to cooperate in the end, and bolts out a window.

In walks someone we've been eager to meet relatively alone in a small room. Francois Levasseur! Well.. when the universe hands you a turtle.... make turtle soup!

Oh sir.... I'm not locked in here with you... you are locked in here with me.

Kill Levasseur and his guards, loot him for his key and a naval saber and like 50k pesos. Head out the window after Thibaut.

Here you'll need to go rooftop to rooftop.. all the while being shot. Keep guzzling potions, it is really hard to dodge any of these hits. After you talk to the girl and she gets shot, you will have to fight a guy on the stairs, so pull your sword out when you go around the blind corner. Go across the scaffolding and jump down to your ship. Swim along the side of the wall there until you get to a grotto.

Fight Henri Thibaut, and talk to the lovely Catie. She will be sure to sing your praises to her father. Your own lady (Mary/Helen) will show up, having witnessed your dashing escape and the leap to safety. Can't say they are too happy to see you chatting up a “Foxy” lady... huh-huh.


Don't forget to loot the barrels nearby for a Cupid's Balm talisman, 5 Heavy purses (150 doubloons), a Manga Rosa, a Map of Tortuga, a tears of Ixchel, some elixirs, amulet 'ngombo mask', and all the makings of a great night in.

Go over to your girl and exit where she is standing.

You will find yourself in the harbor, and Robert Marten is there on his ship. Go ahead and fight him, no one will care as long as you don't hit them. If you are in a big ship he may make a run for it, so be ready to hit him with some chain shot.
Make sure to loot the cabin to find the Cromwell's dispatch. Just in case you want to take the English manowar for yourself. The coordinates that are not shown in the English version of the game is Isla Mona. You will also find 200,000 pesos, the talisman 'myrmidon', and the recipe for the talisman.

You now have 30 days to return the dear miss Fox to her father on Antigua. Maybe I just want to keep her though!?

Sigh, oh well. When you take her back she will tell you that she thinks you're pretty fly, for a French guy, and to visit her father later. Don't even bother right now, he won't show up till you finish the quest. When you can he will give you the Blunderbuss, an armor-piercing pistol that can also shoot grape shot or nail shrapnel. He gives you the instructions for nail shrapnel.

MA.1 – Turtle Soup (Second Half)
Go to Capsterville and visit De Poincy. He will be overjoyed, enough to make you an officer in the French Navy and give you a ship! An uninspired light frigate with an equally(wait no... way more) uninspiring officer to go with it. He also gives you a uniform! Swank. Don't worry about the whole duties to the French or anything... apparently captains in the Navy back then went around doing what they wanted 99.99% of the time. You may not want to do something silly like sell or discard that uniform though. You might need it in the future (If you have the DLC Hero of the Nation!).

At least the crew they give you is super sexy. 100% full exp.

Furthermore he tells you that Martinique is under siege by the Spanish. Your first mission is to go protect it. Not to mention you just spent the entire game rescuing your stupid brother, it would be a shame to just let the Spanish kill him in his cell.

Take your time though, no rush. As long as you don't go to Martinique region you have as long as you need to prepare for that battle. You'll be fighting a fleet with a Manowar and ship of the line, but you will have the aid of a fort.

Make certain to go back to Tortuga and loot the chest in the governor's residence. It will have the Patissa Khandu for Fadey, as well as some treasure and 2 chests of doubloons, and a tincture.

Option 2: Let the girl die, get less loot.

Did you forget their was an option 2? I almost did....

Here you go straight to Guadeloupe. You find out Lucas is dead, and talk to Robert Marten who is sitting nearby. He strikes a deal that you deliver the girl, and being blissfully ignorant of everything you go do this.

You head to Tortuga and park yourself on Fisheye beach. Go to the tavern and talk to the innkeeper, and then talk to Henri Thibaut at his house. He will agree to give the girl to Marten. Go to the tavern and wait like 6 hours and you'll be greeting by Marten's dude. He will tell you that Levasseur is waiting for you in the dungeon in town (around the corner from the harbormaster) in one hour. Go there with your potions and such and be ready for a fairly difficult fight. Look around for him, he's there with his 3 goons. There will be about 6 more that show up when the fight starts. Make sure to take the key from Levasseur after you kill him and the 50000 pesos and saber. You'll need to go out the fisheye beach way, the one in town is bugged and you just get stuck. But that is why we parked there! Well that and the fact that the city wants your blood right now. Just go to global and come back and everything is forgiven.

You can go get his chest right away in this version, looting the quest item Patissa Khandu, 2 chests of doubloons, 1 treasure, 10 elixir, and a tincture.

Go to Capsterville and visit De Poincy. He will be overjoyed, enough to make you an officer in the French Navy and give you a ship! An uninspired light frigate with an equally(wait no... way more) uninspiring officer to go with it. He also gives you a uniform! Swank. Don't worry about the whole duties to the French or anything... apparently captains in the Navy back then went around doing what they wanted 99.99% of the time.

At least the crew they give you is super sexy. 100% full exp.

Furthermore he tells you that Martinique is under siege by the Spanish. Your first mission is to go protect it. Not to mention you just spent the entire game rescuing your stupid brother, it would be a shame to just let the Spanish kill him in his cell.

Take your time though, no rush. As long as you don't go to Martinique region you have as long as you need to prepare for that battle. You'll be fighting a fleet with a Manowar and ship of the line, but you will have the aid of a fort.

10 days after you talk to De Poincy you will be approached by a courier from Henri Thibaut. He wants you to meet him on Tortuga. You have 10 days to meet him no matter where you get the message from, so you may want to be aware of that.

He will tell you that Molly Jones was really Catherine Fox, and she didn't fare well. Pretty neck all opened wide and such. He wants revenge. Find and Kill Robert Marten and he will pay you 300,000 pesos. Marten got an upgrade to a heavy galleon , and is hiding out with the Spanish. The convoy he will be on is going from Caracas to Santo Domingo, so go intercept that immediately. Looking for the purple sails. For this fight you'll face 2 heavy galleons and a corvette. You will need to board Martens ship, he's on the ship with the Russian name you can't read. Kill him and take his finger, and loot the Cromwell's dispatch out of the chest, as well as the myrmidon talisman and the recipe.
MA.2 – Cromwell's Dispatch
Quest: Cromwell's Fleet
Difficulty: Very Hard
Enemies: Victory Manowar, Line ship, polacre, heavy frigate, frigate
Time Sensitive: 2 months after finding Cromwell's Dispatch during Turtle Soup.
Requirements: Find the dispatch in the cabin with Robert Marten.
Required Items: The dispatch... I thought we went over this!
Quest Giver: grrrr... the Cromwell's Dispatch letter....
Rewards: Victory Manowar, working chronometer, Bussoule, 30,000 pesos.

After finding Cromwell's Dispatch it will tell you that the fleet will be arriving XX.XX.XXXX. Where X is 2 months and a day from when you pick up the letter. In the English version of the game the translator failed to fill in the blanks for the Latitude and Longitude of where the fleet will be at that date.

The coordinates you are looking for are around 18 50' North, 72 20' West. For those of you who have done Flying the Jolly Roger, this is Isla Mona. Easy to find.

So go there on the date and wait. The fleet can be up to 5 days late, just start checking in on the map every 5 – 6 hours. Once it arrives, attack. Good luck!

One other thing. The Victory is a famous ship for the English. If you are using it do not try to land in an English port. They will recognize it immediately and attack.

I almost regret this =P, but at least it comes with 106 full couleuvrines. What I am going to do with 5 man-o-wars moored I really do not know... 7 first class ships seems a little excessive.

NA.1 – The Defense of Saint-Pierre
Quest: Burden of the Gaston (The Defense of Saint-Pierre)
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Spanish forces in fort and town, Spanish Armada including Man-o-war
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Make Turtle Soup out of Levasseur
Required Items: none
Quest Giver: Enter Martinique region after Turtle Soup.
Rewards:100,000 pesos, Talisman 'Ghoul', Recipe for Talisman, Parade Cuirass (Milano Cuirass on Very Hard), Manga Rosa, 2 chests of doubloons, excellent map

When you are ready head over to Martinique. When you enter the battle map you will have a little video of the Spanish attacking the fort. You will then land at Lamentin Bay. Talk to your sergeant or whatever there and head towards town. You may want to equip a musket.

Head to the right and you'll come across the first Spanish squad. The leader calls for a scout to go give word to the city. You will see one of the dudes take off towards the next screen. If you kill him then there won't be anyone to greet you on the next screen, which is nice.

The next screen will be the city gates, more Spanish if you didn't kill the scout, but also no big deal. Go ahead and clear the town out, and then head towards the dungeon where your brother is being kept. Clear it out as well and talk to him.

Impress him with your grasp of a single Latin phrase, and then he will tell you to look for the key that is around the desk upstairs where you came in. When you let him out he'll go gather the troops for an assault on the fort. Meet him outside the city and then go take the fort. Make sure you throw in some more Latin, to make yourself sound extra smart now.

Retake the fort in a single battle. After that Michel will take control of it and tell you to engage the ships at sea. He will provide backup from the fort.

Head to the ship in Lamentin Bay and get ready to take on the warships. Be warned that you will want to have a good wind to do this fight, so before you get on your ship... save.

You will be facing a Man-o-war, The “San Felipe” and a Line ship. There is also a Heavy Galleon.

The fort isn't that much help here for drawing fire, so you will have to take the San Felipe quickly. You don't want to accept a broadside from that bad boy too many times. In the cabin you'll find a Manga Rosa, the talisman 'Ghoul' and its recipe, a working chronometer, 100,000 pesos, a map of martinique, 2 chests of doubloons, an arquebus, a parade cuirass, an excellent map, and a boussole. (On very hard you'll find a Milano Cuirass instead of parade.

Board or sink the remaining ships, they have only regular random loot. Afterwards you can land at the harbor and meet your brother. He will tell you how scared he is of you, and then say he'll meet you tomorrow at the church. Rest up and go there the next day.

Abbot Benoit will tell you that Michel is not there. He gives you a letter from him. Equip it in your inventory and read it in the documents tab. He says he has some great purpose and he wants you to leave.

Well... since you said so, now you know I can't do it.
OA.1 – Seeking for the Guardian of Truth
Quest: Seeking for the Guardian of Truth
Enemies: none
Time Sensitive:no
Requirements: Finish The Burden of the Gaston (Defense of Saint-Pierre)
Required items: Letter from Michel
Quest Giver: Abbot Benoit in St. Pierre
Rewards: a quest.

After you read the letter talk to Abbot Benoit again. He will give you an opinion on the matter. You can then go down into the Malta Dungeon and talk to the warden.

After some grilling he finally tells you some info about Michel. He failed at getting some Indian gold, was found beat up and barely alive on an island. You want to know why the Spanish were there, because something isn't right about that. They do have a Spanish soldier in lockup down in the dungeon, and he lets you go interrogate him. Go interrogate him.

After some work he finally gives you what you need. Don Diego de Montoya led the expedition to St. Pierre. He was working for Baron de Mendosa y Riba. They were looking for someone named Miguel Dichoso, who was part of a scheme to find Indian gold. The ancient city of Tayasal is mentioned. They were not very successful in the past, but Miguel was able to secure some, but he was the only survivor. The frigate carrying the load vanished with all hands on its way back to Spain.

The Inquisition has a dog in this race too. The reverend father Vincento. You decide that maybe he can help you, because no one suspects the Spanish Inquisition!Go talk to Mr. Malta at the entrance and tell him you are taking the prisoner with you. Go get your prisoner. Now you promised to take him to Santiago, so lets get going to Anna Maria Bay.

When you arrive there you will drop your Spanish captive off and give him a letter to give to the Inquisitor. Now you just need to go to the nearby lighthouse and wait for his reply. Remember that you will need to get a little away from shore at the lighthouse to land if you aren't stealth successfully.
OA.2 – Returning the holy items (First Half)
Quest: Seeking the guardian of truth (Returning the holy items)
Difficulty: Easy
Enemies: some bandits, some English soldiers, some sailors
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Visit the lighthouse and get Father Vincento's missive.
Required items: 2000 pesos, 280000 pesos roughly, 250 doubloons, chest of doubloons (possibly)
Quest Giver: Note from Father Vincento at Santiago Lighthouse.
Reward: around 1100 vanilla, an amulet, 3 chest of doubloons, 1 chest of treasure, 30,000 pesos, a load of jewelry, 100,000 pesos, amulet 'merchant's beads', talisman 'spinebiter', 100 doubloons

24 hours later the reply comes. To gain Vincento's trust you need to return some holy items to him that were stolen by a French privateer. It happened close to Hispaniola, so we will look at different settlements around there.

Unfortunately you won't find it in Port-Au-Prince, but you still have to ask. Go to the tavern there to get told to go elsewhere.

Now go to Tortuga, talk to the tavern keeper there. He will tell you about Gaius Marcus, who has been bragging about it for days. He has since left Tortuga it seems.

Don't go by the harbormaster yet, and you'll find out why. Go to the shipyard. The shipwright will tell you that he fixed up the galleon and changed the name. He says it is “admirable”, but … it really isn't... but it is... but not really. Translation error.... He also says that he was trading in the privateer life to be a merchant.

So now we should go to the store. The merchant there tells you he loaded up the 'admirable' and sent him to Phillipsburg.

Go to St. Martin, ask the store clerk and your trail will hit a dead end. Go to the harbormaster. He will tell you that he sent the ship down to Barbados.

In Barbados the harbormaster doesn't have any leads for you, but the shopkeeper says that the guy bought all the Vanilla he could carry and took it to Basse-Terre. Apparently he believes everything he hears.

When you reach Basse-Terre you will see the Galleon in the harbor! Wait... do you? Yeah.... it is called the “Delicious”! This whole time everyone you meet is talking about this ship as the “Admirable” … its like some kinda shared fantasy you all participated in. Mind.... BLOWN.

So go ahead and visit the 'Delicious'. Talk to the boatswain there and he'll tell you that the captain is drowning his sorrows in the tavern until his magical vanilla eating European merchant caravan shows up, which may be forever. We need to find a way to get him to move so we can take him on the open sea where no one will be watching us. We are, after all, super famous, and the guy is French.

We don't want our face all over this, so we need to find a way to get rid of that vanilla secretly. IN the harbor there is a Dutch merchant ship, lets go ask them. Tell them a fantastic story and get him to agree to buy the vanilla for you and freight it to the lighthouse over at Santiago. It will cost you 280000 pesos in all.

Wait like 5 hours then go back to the Dutch ship. He will tell you it is all set to happen the next day at noon. Go ahead and go to Cape Inaccessible to wait for the transaction to complete. When you land at Cape Inaccessible it will cut time for you, and it will be the next day with your cargo on its way. The captain isn't leaving yet though. We are on Capster beach now, so we need to walk to town and see whats up.

Turns out almost every sailor on the ship is ashore getting drunk. New plan... sneak attack! Head back to you ship, and you will automatically find yourself on his ship. You need to sneak around and hit people in the back of the head. The nice thing about this mission is it gives a huge boost to sneak. I suggest taking out everyone you can. Just be sure to take out everyone before you go after the boatswain.

After everyone is sleeping go into the cabin, look around and you can find a tightly stuffed purse, a spinebiter talisman, a map of hispaniola, 100000 pesos, some merchant's beads, a few gems, and a chest of doubloons.

Go talk to the sleeping captain. He isn't very cooperative so we need to take him back to our ship. Run back to where you came in, and jog around a bit until you finally zone back to Capster Beach.

Who do we know that is good at getting secrets out of people? You know, I have heard that the Spanish Inquisition might have some methods, maybe we can just give him over to them? Guess you should have talked buddy... lets go back to Santiago Lighthouse.

Hand the poor bastard off to the lighthouse keeper. He will deliver him to the Inquisition. Wait two days to hear the results. You'll get another letter, open it. The Inquisitor writes that 2 of the items were sold to the banker in Willemstad, and the third was given over to the parish in Basse Terre.

Now we can go get rid of the ridiculous amount of vanilla we purchased....Port Royal or Willemstad are both good places to do that, and no need to clean it. You probably won't get your money back, but pretty close.

Get 250 doubloons ready.

Landing in Basse-Terre we talk to the local monk at the church. He isn't willing to part with the holy item, regardless of what we try to say. Luckily we know someone with a little influence in town. Fadey thinks he can help, and he tells us to come back tomorrow for how much the priest sells him the item for... sigh. I think you can guess how much it costs. 250 doubloons. Give them, get the cross.

Now get a chest of doubloons ready. Noticing a pattern with this quest?

Now we can go down to Willemstad and talk to the banker. He will tell you where he sold the items, for a chest of doubloons. He will tell you for free if you're friends with the governor via The Dutch Gambit.

He tells you that our old friend colonel Fox has the censer, the ostensory is with a Lady in Cumana, Belinda de Ribero.

Land in Cumana. Do so in Corupano Cove if you must. Talk to the tavern keeper regarding the lady Ribero. He will tell you to look in the governor's residence in the afternoon. 12:00 – 6:00 works.

She tells you that she will certainly give you the item, but she wonders if you cannot help her first. Her 'friend' has been kidnapped, and the kidnappers are demanding 100,000 pesos in ransom. She only has half of it... oh great, more bills?

She asks you to meet the people at the nearby cave at 11:00 pm to midnight and hopefully convince them to take what she could give.

The cave is right – right from town. A bandit will approach you and tell you to go in. When you find the people the leader will get mouthy with you, so teach him a lesson. Your boarders come sliding down the rope like mission impossible and the fight is on! The leader will surrender, cowering until you kill his friends. You may have to hunt down the last guy, he's a musketeer and I usually find him standing on the bridge over water.

Well that son of a …. turns out “Bernie Knacker” is the guy you are looking for. He kidnapped himself because he was tired of the lady Ribero. Damn....

I don't know why we leave him alive, but we do. Take his ring back to Belinda and tell her what a horrible piece of crap he is. Give her the money back and she'll give you an amulet, and its the right thing to do!

OA.2 – Returning the holy items (Second Half)
Hop up to Antigua and talk to Colonel Fox. He will tell you he hung Rollie the Cap, and didn't find anything in his ship. He does suspect that the pirate has a stash on Dominica, but he doesn't care about that much as long as the pirate swings.

Head to dominica and land on Cape Scott Head. Head down the beach to the right and swim around to a little cave. Do yourself a favor and tell your officers to hold before you get to the cave, otherwise they will trap you in and you'll have to remove them to get them to wander away. Loot the items there and you will find the censer. There is also 30000 pesos, a chest of treasure, 100 doubloons, a chest of doubloons, and a load of jewelry. Good... my expenses for this mission were adding up. When you come back to the ship you will be confronted by some Sea Wolves who do indeed care about treasure. Well if they like treasure so much... bury them just like it!

Now that you have all the items you can go back up to Santiago lighthouse and give them to the Inquisitor.

Talk to the lighthouse keeper and demand to deliver the relics in person. Come back in a day and he will give you a pass from Vincento that works like a trade license specifically in Santiago. Head into town and visit the Inquisition. It is under the stairs in front of the church... all hidden and dungeon like. Work your way back through the tunnels to find the creepy looking dude at his desk. That would be his holiness Vincento.

He will start off by giving you a chest of doubloons... payment for running around the Caribbean for a month or two.

He tells you about a kukulcan mask and the end of life as we know it. Evil Indians, black magic, and cities of gold. Go on... I'm listening.
OA.3 – Finding the alchemist.
Quest: Seeking the Guardian of Truth (Finding the Alchemist)
Difficulty: Trivial
Enemies: none
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Return the holy items to Father Vincento
Required Items: Gino? Nawwwww just kidding. Gino's Book.
Quest Giver: Father Vincento in Santiago Inquisition.
Rewards: none.

He said an associate of his who listened in on an interrogation has fled, and he needs you to find him. His name is..... Gino Gvineli.... Wow that is so weird, I know a guy by that name. Oh uh, I mean, never heard of him.

Well... I am certainly not giving them my pet scientist, so I guess I'll need to talk to him and see what we can come up with.

Mention Vincento's name to Gino and he swallows his tongue immediately bwahaha. Reassure him and then ask him about the Itza.

He tells you a long story about them summoning a god to time travel and ruin the world by bringing technology to the ancient Mayans. Well I'm sold, who do I kill?

Apparently 7 portals were opened and stole people from the future as well to deliver their knowledge here. Whoops, that explains... so much.

Long story short, 3 magic items that we need. They can't leave the Caribbean so they are here somewhere. A dagger, a piece of skin that is like a map, and a compass. This will lead us to the mask. Wait, the dagger is called “Chief's Claw” well damn... I have that already! Score.

Now we need to find the compass and the “map”. Vincento has the map so that should be fairly easy. Calhoun the Scottish adventurer has the compass. Who knows where that dude is.

Head all the way back to Vincento on Santiago.... really racking up those frequent sailor miles. Tell him that Gino took cyanide. He buys it thankfully, and turns you towards another task.
OA.4 – In search of the Santa Quiteria (First Half)
Quest: Seeking the Guardian of Truth (In search of the Santa Quiteria)
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Spanish Squadron (4 heavy Galleons), French Squad? (2 Frigates), Diego's Fleet (Heavy Galleon), Diego's Fleet 2 (Line Ship, 2 Heavy Galleon, Xebec), 5 skirmishes with spanish soldiers, Diego and his bodyguards
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: return Gino's almanac to Father Vincento
Required items: none
Quest Giver: Father Vincento in Santiago Inquisition
Rewards: 10,000 pesos, chest of doubloons, map of cuba, excellent map (possible), 200 silver nuggets, 4 platinum,1 ometochli Tincture, Ward 'Goddess', a Manga Rosa, a working chronometer, a boussole, 100 diamonds, 100000 pesos, 2 chests of treasure, 3 chests of doubloons, a map of Belize, a Brigant, Naval Carbine, talisman 'Iron Navel' and the recipe for it, an excellent map of Belize, and the Map of Two Manifestations.

He sends you to San Jose on Trinidad to see if you can find anything about the frigate that disappeared with all the treasures. You ever so casually ask him about items the Indian captive had on him, and he tells you they were all given to the Baron. Rats and double rats! He adds San Jose to your special travel papers and you leave.

Arrive in San Jose and go to the tavern. He gives you a little story, but nothing to go by. Head to the lighthouse and talk to the keeper there. He tells you all about the Santa Quiteria and the unnatural storm that carried it west towards Martinique. Armed with this information we return to Father Vincento... all the way... back... in Santiago... UGH.

On your way out of the lighthouse you are confronted by some Spanish men. The guy hones straight in on your dagger... where it must be glowing like a beacon inside your pack. He offers to buy your magic item that will save the world. You refuse. Surely nothing will come of this, lets go.

On the global map you will be chased by a super fast red sailed interceptor. Prepare for a fight. For me it was 4 heavy galleons. Nothing special on these ships, so feel free to sink them all. I'll give you one guess as to what that was about....

Incidentally I was immediately attacked by French interceptors after that. Honestly I'm a bit confused on this bit, but it is possible it was unrelated, though I wasn't doing anything else at the time. So be prepared for that as well.

When you get back to the inquisitor he tells you to see him in a week. Upon leaving the building we are approached by our old acquaintance with a name that is almost too Spanish even for a Spaniard, Juan Alvarez. He invites you for a drink.

Through innocent conversation he tells you the Diego is on Cuba, looking to sail from Havana in a few days.

When you leave the tavern you will be attacked by some muggers, so try and run to some place you aren't going to be smacking citizens. Kill the people who accost you.

Head over to Havana region and enter the battle map, you won't see Diego's ship anywhere. You'll want to land at Batabano Bay, but your writ from the Inquisitor won't hold in Havana, so you need to approach from a little away from it to be able to land without a successful sneak check. Similar to Santiago lighthouse.

Go left and then right to get to Havana. Ask the tavern keep about Diego. Looks like he's making repairs down in San Antonio Cape.

We want to go land there, but we have learned a lot during our time in the Caribbean, and if we know anything, its to be prepared for people wanting to kill us. So lets go back to the ship and send some hard mofos through the selva just in case. The head of the boarding party tells you its going to be 6 hours to get there through the jungle. Slow ass bastards its like 2 screens away.

Wait 6 hours to give them time to arrive. Go moor in Cape San Antonio and you'll find... lots of Spanish ready to ambush you. Yeah... we pretty much knew that was going to happen didn't we? What we may not have expected is our 'friend' Juan Alverez betraying us! Damn Ladrone! No honor amongst those damn Castillians.

Diego tells you that resistance is futile, you will be assimilated. We are Spain. Something like that...
You tell him you aren't an idiot, and your men come in. Diego flees immediately like the coward he is.

Juan, you die first, just cause we are old friends.

Take to your ship and give chase. Immediately you are confronted by a Heavy Galleon in the bay. Board him if you want the 10,000 pesos, chest of doubloons, map of cuba, excellent map (possible), 200 silver nuggets, 4 platinum, and 1 ometochli Tincture that are in his cabin. Otherwise you can sink him. Follow the purple sails to Cape Catoche. When you enter the battle map you will be in a fight, so if you need to repair some just sit it out on the global map for a few days to auto repair ;).

If it won't let you leave global you may have to sail away and back, or search around for the sweet spot, or wait a few days. It may be that the time difference in Hook's mod make it so you get there 'too early'. Make sure you empty Charles' inventory before you go into this battle. Just sayin'.

When you do enter the Cape, you will find a fleet waiting for you, led by a Line Ship. Board the line ship to find Ward 'Goddess', a Manga Rosa, a working chronometer, a boussole, 100 diamonds, 100000 pesos, 2 chests of treasure, 3 chests of doubloons, a map of Belize, and a Brigant.

The other 3 ships just have similar random loot. If you are short on Gunpowder though the captains carry like 50 each =P.

As a little aside, the courier lugger that carried Diego here is in the bay at the start of the fight. It is super fast, and has black sails! It is otherwise useless except as a novelty =P.

After you deal with the fleet you realize that Diego was not among the ships you sank, so we need to land on the shore. Get ready for another fight on land.

After you clear the beach we move into the selva. On the screen just beyond the beach you will find a Manga Rosa on the left in the nook there. Grab it.

The next screen you will find a fort. There will be another group of soldiers here led by a commander. He has more gunpowder and a 4 shot pistol!

Go in the fort, and no surprise probably that it is full of soldiers. Otherwise the place looks like crap... must be dangerous out here. Take care of them, and then heal up and get ready for a solo fight. You will enter the barracks and take on Diego and his crew by yourself. He has a musketeer and 2 guards and will open fire on you with a pistol so you will probably want to use a tincture. You just got one so... convenient!

The musketeer here will have a naval carbine, and if you did for the English in the Dutch Gambit it might be the first one you've gotten. So that is nice.

Loot Diego to get the talisman 'Iron Navel' and the recipe for it, an excellent map of Belize, a madonna, 4 shot pistol, and the Map of Two Manifestations. Oh and more gunpowder! Pretty nice actually I was running really low.... letting Tichingitu use a drum shotgun gets expensive.

Head back to the beach. When you get there you will be met by a dashing young Scots-English soldier named William Patterson (where did I hear that name before?) and his buddy... well I'll be damned... Archibald Calhoun.

He is waaaay too upset about what you just did. Seems like he had been trying to crack this nut open and arrived just a smidge too late. Awwww.... poor baby. Now he's asking all kinds of questions... sigh... I suspect some day I'll have to kill you sir, you have an attitude I find distasteful.

Get back on your ship and you get your first look, although from afar, of the Fabulous Fast Frigate 'Fortune'.

OA.4 – In search of the Santa Quiteria (Second Half)
Go back to Santiago to talk to the Inquisitor. He gives you some odd news. The Santa Quiteria was seen at Isla de Tesoro, but under the English flag. That makes 0 sense considering what we've found out so far. Whatever it is, I'm almost positive it has nothing at all to do with the frigate I just saw 5 minutes ago flying an English flag... NONE. Lets go up and see if we can shed any light on that. Set sail for Isla Tesora!

You may be attacked by Spanish interceptors here.

Talk to Shark Dodson. He will tell you about his former Frigate the 'Fortune'. OH YEAH! William Patterson bought that thing from Zachariah! Turns out Miguel Dichoso sold the former San Martin to him and told the Spanish it had been sunk in a storm. It was brand new at the time, so it is most certainly not our Santa Quiteria. We'll have to go talk to Fadey... we really have no other leads.

When you get back on your ship you will find some assassins in your cabin. They are kind of annoying considering they both have 4 shot pistols. Kill em.

Head to Basse-Terre. If you weren't attacked by the interceptors last time, you will be here.
Talk to Fadey, and he will let you know that Patterson is a friend of the governor-general in Port Royal and visits often. We head there to ask questions.

As luck would have it, Patterson is actually at Port Royal when we get there. Archibald Calhoun greets us when we land... still looking like he was rescued off an island earlier that day. He invites you to have a drink, and how can we say no to a man in a dress?

He tells you all about how he got marooned on a deserted island. He built a house, etc, and was saved by ole Willie.

Now that we know where he lives, we'll just wait till they leave port and search his room at night. So... wait a few days until he leaves. Spend 4 nights at the tavern then check the bay, should do it. If not try another.

Once the fleet is gone go to the house next to the store and go upstairs. Take a look at the window and you'll talk to yourself about how you can go across at night. Go to the tavern again and wait till night and come back to the house.

Shimmy your way across the roof to Calhoun's. Have a drink, have a laugh, watch some sportscenter... wait... wrong Calhoun's. Rummage through his crap and find his diary. Read it from your inventory and it goes to your documents.
OA.5 – Isla de Vieques
Quest: Seeking the Guardian of Truth (Isla de Vieques)
Difficulty: Super Hard...
Enemies: Patterson and the 5 musketeers, Calhoun and his war party, Fortune the Fast Frigate, Heavy Frigate, Line Ship, Polacre, Corvette
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Read Calhoun's Diary
Required Items: Calhoun's Diary?
Quest Giver: Calhoun's freaking Diary.
Rewards: Naval Carbine, Side-by-side Rifle, 100000 pesos and a Map of Belize, Brigant, 5 chests of doubloons,Manga Rosa, a working chronometer, a boussole, 100 diamonds, tears of ixchel, The Fast Frigate 'Fortune'.
Recommended items: Amulets to deal with getting shot or shooting people, Potions, Tinctures, Good Rifle or Colt Revolver, plenty of ammo, possibly Jaguar Skin, Manga Rosa pots if needed.

There you can see the coordinates of 'Crab Beach', and that he left the compass there. 16' North 71' West. Exit through the store like you are just supposed to be there, and lets go to Crab Island! Hopefully these are the small kind, and not the giant poisonous ones....

Isla de Vieques is blessedly close to Jamaica.... OK...

IMPORTANT: Leave your boarders on your ship.... There is really no way you would know this without playing through this part once (or reading this...), but unless you want to hear about Helen/Mary getting shot in the head and thrown in some bushes you don't want to take them with you. Its horrible and I still have nightmares, yes! So no officers, you are doing this alone.

You probably want to take either your best rifle(you will get a naval carbine before you need it so if you don't have better you won't need to bring one), or the colt revolver for this mission. This part is a very good candidate for using your Jaguar skin. If not here then the last battle of the game is what I would save it for, but this part is just stupid hard and you 100% must use ranged weapons. You have to use ranged for one part in the final battle as well, and its pretty annoying too, but it isn't the focus of the fight like it is here. You can always try it without the skin, and if you fail go back in time and activate! OK so now that you have mentally and physically prepared yourself... here we go.

If you are using the Son of a Jaguar Talisman(hint hint!), wait until night and head off the beach inland.... ALONE. Again, any officer you take with you will die offscreen. Dead. Gone. Including your girlfriend, and they will graphically tell you about her death just to scar you for life about it.

Ok head to the right (to the left is just a grotto that serves like... no purpose in the game that I know of) and you will find the “hut” that Calhoun built. Let me tell you, this guy was BUSY. I mean, wow. I wonder if he forged the wrought iron for that fireplace while he was here too, and I guess he must have made those bricks by baking the clay, and do you suppose he carved the dresser and chair himself? Not only that, but the dude left a fire going, and its still burning! Hats off to you my friend.

So the compass is probably but not really in that chest over by the door. Hope you brought your blast proof undies for this mission.


It is a trap! NOOOOOOES. Some guy with an axe comes through the door, really sad that you aren't in multiple pieces. No one knows how to make a proper bomb these days. Kill him.
If you are on Hard difficulty or worse, another guy will come in at this point. Ass.

Loot the Naval Carbine and the ammo and the axe.

I know you are curious about what is outside right now... but heal up and get ready for a fight, and by fight I mean get ready to be shot at by like 5 guys at once.

Head outside and be confronted by Patterson. At this point, if you brought your friends and/or girlfriend with you he will gloat about how he killed them all, but a bullet into your girl's head and threw her in some bushes. That..... BASTARD. Lucky for you... I warned you about that. So instead he's confused that you came alone, but glad. Now his team will open fire.

The start of this fight is the worst. You are being potentially shot at like 4 or 5 times right in a row. Meanwhile Patternson is taking position off to the right, outside of the “arena” and shooting at you from a place you cannot reach him. He has like a side-by-side rifle, so he shoots twice.


In other words you need to use the bodies of the soldiers to block other soldier's shots, and then get to a place where you aren't in line of sight of Patterson. Down the road where the lone musketeer is standing is a good spot, you can run down past him and use him as a body shield against the rest.

The good news is you can save during this fight, just sheathe your sword. Another good thing is that Patterson cannot move, so you don't have to worry about him re positioning for a better angle on you.

Once you get rid of his cronies, you can go back to stand in front of him. The tree will block his shots, so what you need to do is to jump out of cover, and then back into cover , just a quick D – A. He will take a shot and miss. If you've given him ample time to reload he will take 2 shots in a row. Once you have him reloading you can take your shots, then repeat. Easy as pie.

When you take his health down he will make a run for it. No use shooting him while he runs. Follow him to the next screen. He will once again take position out of reach of your sword arm. Here what you want to do is take out your weapon and edge forward slowly until he prepares his shot. At that moment jump backwards. You will then be out of range of the bullet and it will miss. After you exhaust his 2 shots, unload on him.

4 shots from the colt revolver should be enough, and you can do all 4 before he reloads(possibly he gets 1 shot on you). Super easy.

After you work him down again he will break for the beach. When you get there you will find Calhoun and his men storming the beach. Hold them off until your own boarding party arrives. I like to run down the beach screaming personally.

However you choose to do it... do not forget to loot Calhoun for his key and the beautiful Side-by-side rifle he is carrying. It is just too bad Mary couldn't be here to bathe in the blood of my enemies.

22 colt revolver shots later, this island is empty of said enemies. Not too bad, and I didn't even use the jaguar pelt.

Now its time for the 2nd phase of this farce. Board your ship and get ready to take on Patterson and his fleet. Save before boarding for favorable winds! Empty your inventory once you get on board.

You will need to be careful cause sometimes the polacre will try to run away here... its stupid but I had it happen once. All the ships have to die or you will be wandering the ocean for all eternity.

As nice as the Fortune is, you almost gotta feel sorry for the guy when you bear down on him in the Flying Heart. Almost. Eat my grapes biotch. Board him. Kill him. Take his ship.

In the cabin you'll find 100000 pesos and a Map of Belize, along with a Brigant and 5 chests of doubloons. In the other chests you'll find a Manga Rosa, a working chronometer, a boussole, 100 diamonds, and tears of ixchel.

Finish off the rest of his fleet which includes a heavy frigate and a line ship. Nothing special on any of them so feel free to sink em.

After you are done, you will have to go to Jamaica and look for the compass. This would be a long and grueling process of checking everywhere on the island... if not for the fact that you are reading this. Go to the graveyard (Right at the gate). The compass is in the first chest at the top of the stairs of the rightmost crypt. You will unlock it with the key you got off Calhoun.

After you get it you can go see Gino in Antigua. He will tell you to come back in 2 days to see the results of his experimentation with the items.
PA.1 – The Mystic Ksocheatem Island (First Half)
Quest: The Mystic Ksocheatem Island
Difficulty: Very Hard
Enemies: omg so many skeletons, Huge ass Skeleton, water, Line Ship, Line Ship, Heavy Galleon, Xebec, a bunch of Spanish
Time Sensitive: no
Requirements: Bring back the Guardian of Truth to Gino in Antigua, return in 2 days.
Required items: The Guardian of Truth (Map, dagger, compass), Ordinary Map
Quest Giver: Gino in St. John's
Rewards: 200 diamonds, 200 rubies, 150 emeralds, 100 amber, 10 Morion, 10 platinum ingots, 500 large pearls, 1500 small pearls, 5 chests of doubloons, 72 treasures, fake mask of kukulcan, real mask of kukulcan, 2 potion of Ixchel, 15000 pesos, 300 doubloons, and 2 ometochli tinctures, Ward 'Janissary', 250 gold Nuggets

Go back in two days and Gino will hand you the map to look at, look at it. Talk to him again. He will give it back. Look at it again. AHHHH! Skulls!
Gino wants you to compare a map with the Map of two appearances. Give him the ordinary map. He will tell you that the places point to the western Main and Dominica. If we apply a little brain power we can imagine what these two places are pointing to. I'll give a quick hint... Teleport stones.

Gino will join the crew as a passenger and you can leave to go visit the locations. Dominca is the obvious choice to go first since its really close.

Head to one of the beaches and go inland to the stone. Walk up to it. You will mark it on the map, and you can move on.

Head to Amatique Cove and land. Go inland to your old friend Kukulcan the stone statue. You will mark the second location on the map, and Gino will give you a marked map when you get back to the bay.

18' north 79 50' West is the location of Ksocheatem, just northwest of Jamaica and East of Belize. Head there. If you hang out too long on global a Spanish Interceptor will likely come get you.

When you enter the battle map you will need to head around the island and find a landing point. You won't be able to go-to here. If you enter the map at around 18 3' 79 50' you will come in already there =P.

Land at the Rocky Cove. I suggest having quite a few potions ready, some tinctures, etc. Equip your chief's claw dagger. If you haven't worked on your rapier skill at all and its super low, then you might want to drink a squall potion (Manga Rosa). Make sure that any of your boarders that do not have a scorpion ward have some antidotes, everything here poisons.

When I say quite a few potions, I mean that you might want to have each character with 40 or so elixirs if you want to clear this place. Even with the Chief claw these skeletons can take a while to take down, and your boarders are going to be guzzling those things down like pineapple yogurt smoothies. Until you get the hang of the combat flow you likely will be too. Especially on Hard difficulty. I won't doubt some of you will feel I'm being excessive here, but I'd argue better safe than sorry. It is a pain in the ass to go back to the ship and get more, and some screens you cannot leave until you kill everything.

Land on the Rocky Cove, talk to Gino and then head up. This first screen you will have to do on your own. A quick note: Skeletons respawn at midnight every day, so start as close to midnight as you can. Also, you don't really have to kill all the skeletons, you can run past if you want... but... do you really wanna have to tell your girlfriend you pissed yourself and ran all the way through the island!? You will need to clear shark beach if you want treasure. One argument I would make for killing everything is if you want to train your boarders in a weapon they are weak in. They won't be doing much damage anyway so its a good opportunity for them to sit and hit while they just tank damage for you and wait for you to come kill things with the claw.

Head up and kill skeletons. The best attack with the Chieftain's Talon is feint (Shift+ middle mouse) or Heavy attack (middle mouse). It depends on your stats. Both can do a staggering amount of damage to things on this island. Crits can sometimes 1 shot. Other than that if you hit with your RMB attack you can stagger a skeleton and continue to hit it by interrupting the animation with Space and attacking again. It will usually just sit there and flinch until it dies. Also you might as well unequip any ranged weapons on your boarders. It just gets in the way they do almost no damage.

Head to the left. Continue killing skellies. If you go right here you will find Cursed Cove, which is pretty much just an extra screen you can find some additional loot in, including the Janissary ward, Gems and doubloons, but it is entirely optional. In the shipwreck is a chest with 5 chests of doubloons and another crate that hold the Ward 'Janissary', as well as 250 gold nuggets. The trifoil hat skeleton can sometimes drop amulets, and he is guarding a sunken chest. It contains 200 diamonds, 200 rubies, 150 emeralds, 100 amber, 10 Morion, 10 platinum ingots, 500 large pearls, 1500 small pearls. If you do want all of this you can take it back to the ship if you cleared the way, no problems.

Go left again to the cave. In here there is a natural choke point at the entrance so use it to 1v1 the skellies to re-death. Head to the left and you'll find a drowned cave.... exciting. Swim through.

If you think you might get lost in this underwater cave just remember this simple trick. Go left. =P.

After you are through to the Grotto kill the skeletons here. Go through and you are on Shark Beach, and you won't be able to leave until you kill everything. Clear it out. At this point you are probably pretty close to max rapier skill hah.

Congratulations, you just found the Santa Quiteria! As you can see... it was carrying a buttload of treasure. None of which you should bother yourself with now. Later you can land on the beach and have help lugging it all back to your cabin. For now we have a locked chest we are anxious to look inside, so lets go up into the ship over the fallen mast.

When you get inside you will be attacked by the former captain and his officers. When you beat him he will tell you about a huge skeleton that kills people with a big sword and turns them into undead to guard the island. He feels like he's doing you a huge favor by killing you himself. We respectfully disagree.


Finish him off and take his key. In here you will find 2 potion of Ixchel, 15000 pesos, 300 doubloons, the ship's log, and 2 ometochli tinctures. The ship's log tells of some freaky stuff and Miguel Dichoso, who seemed to have orchestrated it. It clears up the bit about the Fortune a little more, saying that the San Martin was a twin ship to the Santa Quiteria. It also says something else that is really interesting.... Miguel Dichoso is the one who killed Blaze Sharpe, in a plan to pit the Brethren of the Coast against each other. Say whuuuut?

Head out the bow and swim back to shore. Open the little chest on the barrels and loot the mask from it. Omgz! I have the mask of Kukulcan! I win!

You have two options now.

Option 1: Leave the island and go through the entire rest of the game all the way to the end. Then find out once you get done that you really lose and the whole world as you know it ends and GAME OVER. I'm not just being cheeky, this is honestly a real option. If you were just playing the game normally and left here, you would think you beat the game and it would be like PSYCHE, you lose.
Dayum the Caribbean is a rough place!
PA.1 – The Mystic Ksocheatem Island (Second Half)
Option 2: Notice the small inscription on the inside of the mask that says “Made in China”, slap yourself in the forehead, and continue reading the guide to find the real mask.

I'm going to assume you are choosing option 2, let us continue. Head back through the flooded cave and all the way to the middle of the island where the path originally split. Now go right instead of left. Clear the way through the next zone and to the cave. Clear the entrance there and go in. Clear the cave. Just inside and straight (right) there is a hammer glowing in some light. This is the Ward 'Hammer of Thor'.

OK, there are two drowned caves in this place. If you go past the Hammer of Thor you will see some water and that leads to one of them..... and a watery DOOM. There is no exit in that cave, and if you look for one you will drown.

The real drowned cave you are looking for is under the stone bridge in the water where the chest usually is in most of these caves, the little nook.

Word of warning, once you defeat the guardian you will no longer have the dagger. If there are any more skeletons you need to kill on the island you may want to do that before you go through here.

In this cave if you want to get out you have to go.... left. Swim down that corridor and you will see a little treasure chest. Its kind of a distraction, it doesn't open or anything, but if you face it and turn left a little and swim up against the wall/pillar you will find the exit. Immediately you will be greeted by 3 skeletons.

The water here rises and falls , turn to your right and run into that crevice and up against the wall. The water rarely goes that high, but sometimes it will rise high enough to cause the skeletons to have to swim and not attack while you hit them, which is funny.

Straight ahead you can go into a grotto with 5 skeletons. If you want. I won't stop you. Nothing else in there.

To the right is a ladder going to the Guardian's Grotto. It sounds special so I'm going there. Follow me if you want.

There is a nice little beach in here that makes me feel like I could have just landed here and saved myself a couple hours of killing skeletons... but whatever , our target is the glowing room obviously. Go up and touch the magical ancient artifacts in the crazy mayan temple and see what happens.

SURPRISE.... bad things. Badass skeleton comes up and decides you look like you'd make a good minion.

This fight can be pretty hard if you let it, but honestly it can also be pretty easy. As soon as it starts run out into the cave and go to where the crater is. Go to the right of it and back yourself into that space, the wall collision is much bigger than it looks, so using the area between the crater and the stalagmites as a doorway you can take the guardian 1v1. Use feint. Use feint. Then Use Feint. After that, use feint. Once he heals to full, use feint. Use Feint some more, and then he'll heal again. Then you need to use feint. Once he gets lower, and this is super important, you need to use feint.

Here is where you stand.

Thats really it. The skeletons he summons can't get to you, and they will spawn forever if you were to kill them anyway. If you wanna spice things up a bit... drink a tincture, otherwise.

Use feint.

Sometimes 1 skeleton can get close enough to start attacking, but he still won't hit you, so don't worry about it. UNLESS he heavy attacks. That has a longer range on it and you will need to parry it and then the guardian and then resume using feint. On hard I had this happen twice in the entire fight.

After you beat him the 4th time he will stop the fight, saying that you have bested him in combat, but you cannot kill him. He will offer the mask to you and allow you to leave the island if you give him the dagger. This is what he needs to rest, as it was the dagger that cut the flesh from his back to create the map of two appearances. We agree, as much as we'd like to stay and battle for all eternity.

As a parting gift he bestows you with strength, raising your Power, Endurance, and Reaction by 1.

Go take the mask and then head back out the way you came. You will need to open your inventory to update the quest and be able to leave the room.

Head out and back to the rocky cove. You will be greeted by Spaniards... of course. You do all the hard work and they wait at the exit for you.

Their leader has a vendetta against you for killing his friend Diego. Blah Blah... and then we have to kill him. Him and all his friends....

When you board the ship again, you will be greeted by some Spanish ships that you will need to sink since the storm prevents boarding. There are 2 line ships, a heavy Galleon, and then a Xebec just for flavor.

After you have taken care of them go into the cabin and talk to Gino. He will be in the wardroom. He seems to think having the mask will be enough to stop the end of the world, we aren't sure.

You can now sail around the island to land at shark beach and pick up all the treasure you left there. Keep an eye on your ship's health. You are, after all, in a storm. The island will remain until you take Gino back to Antigua.

NOTE: Once you take Gino back to Antigua, the island of Ksocheatum will vanish forever. Taking all its treasures along with it! Take anything you want to keep before then.

After you've lugged all that heavy treasure back to your ship, you are free to leave! There are 73 treasure in all. This very well may be the point in the game where you suddenly realize that cabin chests do, in fact, have a weight limit!

WARNING: Taking Gino back to Antigua will make Ksocheatum disappear. It will also begin the count down to the end of the world! Technically I think the counter starts when you meet Father Vincento, but still. This is your warning.
Take Gino back to Antigua. When you get there you will say your goodbyes, and then a monk will approach you.
QA.1 – The Ancient Mayan City (Part 1)
Quest: The Ancient City of Maya
Difficulty: Hard
Enemies: Michel Monpere (Kukulcan), Hordes of Itza Indians, Line Ship, Frigate, War Schooner, Xebec
Time Sensitive: 4 months
Requirements: Retrieve the mask of Kukulcan, take Gino back to Antigua
Required items: the REAL mask of kukulcan (optional?)
Quest giver: Father Vincento on St. Christopher
Rewards: Tanath, too much to list =P.

After receiving the letter from the monk you will need to read it from your inventory, go and meet father Vincento in the graveyard of Curacao. It is straight from the gate.

He will convince you he isn't a conniving little ♥♥♥♥. The awesome sword he gives you helps. He tells you to find Miguel Dichoso, he was last seen in Sharptown. Looking for you.

He also says to come back in 5 days to get some stuff from the priest here. For now, head up to Isla de Tesoro. Make sure your ships are ship-shape for a sea battle.

Oh by the way. You now have 4 months until the world ends.

Get to Tesoro and talk to Shark, he will give you a description of the man. 25 ish, scar on his eye.... sounds familiar.

The barkeep at the tavern says that he was there asking about you, and that he is probably in Blueweld by now. Lame.

We are going to talk to one more person before we go, though. Look for Abraham Norman, he's the guy who walks around town from 11:00 – 20:00 and looks like he got into a fight with a blender and lost.

When you talk to him he will ask why you want to find Miguel Dichoso. If you want to get an awesome weapon you need to say:

Miguel Dichoso has killed a man. That's why I'm searching for him.

When he asks you who. Tell him “Blaze Sharp”

He tells you that he knew that already. He also says that Miguel is no way a Spaniard. He speaks really fluent French... and also Latin... and... and...


Yeah... Miguel is your brother. Did you not see that coming?

He tells you that there is a fleet waiting to capture you, and gives you Storta, a badass saber.

Let us not disappoint them, head to sea and to battle! Victoria Aut Morte!

The Line ship, Frigate, Xebec, and War Schooner (really?) have nothing interesting on them. Feel free to send them to Davey Jones.
Pro Tip: If you just took 50000 barrels of gunpowder from Port Royal to Sharptown to sell... don't forget to sell it before you go out and fight. Pretty sure I just blew up the entire island of Tesoro.
I didn't even realize this was a thing... but carrying that much gunpowder means you can randomly explode when you get shot... and I took out all my enemies and my entire fleet that were like 500 meters away from me =P. KABOOM! Talk about surprise.

After that is done you can go down to Blueweld. You are met on the dock by a guy who tells you that Michel is waiting for you at Capsterville Cemetery. I guess he didn't get the message that you know he's already tried to kill you once.

Lets head that way, and maybe swing by Curacao for our goodies while we are at it. He gives you a giant sack full of holy amulets, mixtures, elixirs, 3 tears of ixchel, and an Ometochli tincture.

Head to St. Christopher. We aren't stupid, right? This isn't Charles' first rodeo. He knows that when this goes down, there will be swordplay, and so we land at Sandy Bay and organize a giant army to ambush the ambush.

Head through the selva to the Cemetery. Keep heading right. Your boarding party will run into town, so when that happens you are heading left . The crypt you are looking for is on the right. Go in and talk to the dude in the back, who will be all “Surprise! This is a trap!” and you will be something like “Surprise! I know.” Kill him and his buddies while your boarding officers rip a hole in the musketeers who climb out of the coffins. Read the letter from your inventory that is on the stranger.

After you just dump them back in the coffins in what must be the easiest funeral ever, go outside to help your men kill the rest of the idiots.

Go back to your cabin to your thinking chair. Charles tells Charles that you have two options, either go to Snake Eye near Blueweld, or try to find a path through north Main.

Firstly, I'm going to say it makes a whole lot of sense to go to Snake Eye and teleport straight to Tayasal. You don't have to fight your way through angry indians to get there.

Secondly, if you try to go by land, it will make it really hard to get any loot out of Tayasal. You won't have any boarders with you in the city itself, so you'll be carrying it by your lonesome.

Head to Amatique Cove. Keeping in mind that you are getting ready for a pretty hard fight. Probably the hardest fight in the game unless you did the Guardian fight the hard way. At least probalby the longest one lol.

If you will be teleporting there, your officers don't really need anything. They will be in a short fight, but that's it. A few antidotes and health potions will be fine. You will be doing this all yourself.

If you are not teleporting there you will fight hordes of Indians, but you still want to go to Amatique Cove... if nothing but to get rid of all these stupid shards taking up space in your inventory.

If you are fully ready to go, take your 3 special officers (only quest officers will do) with you. Even if you don't use them for boarding generally it will be ok. You want them there anyway. So grab your girl, your Indian pal, and your Knipple/Hercule/Longway

Talk to Snake Eye, and he will think on it and ask the spirits for help. Give him until morning the next day.

Turns out after talking to Snake Eye that you have exactly what you need to make the idol work as intended. The ornamental shards that Jan gave you is a missing piece that was broken off the statue by lightning.

Snake Eye says to give him 3 more days and he can repair the thing for you to use. If you aren't actually teleporting there, then maybe you don't need to return for this =P. If you do though, you'll get 4 more comanche potions, which is even nicer if you aren't using the idol.

Wait 3 days and talk to him again. Receive the mended calendar and 4 comanche potions. Now you need to talk to 3 of your quest companions and ask them to brave the horrors of space-time translocation with you.

Your girlfriend, Tichingitu, and The officer you received from the Dutch Gambit are the only three that will accompany you through the idol. Go talk to them and they will swear loyalty to you and that they would follow you to the depths of hell itself, so a little teleportation is certainly not a problem.

Items you might consider bringing to Tayasal:
This is the last boss battle of the game. So don't be afraid to pull out all the stops. You will be facing a lot of musketeers and a boss that has like 2000 HP and you have to kill 4 times. There will also be a phase of this fight that you have to kill him with ranged weapon only. So if you haven't used the jaguar pelt yet.... do so now. The colt revolver is great for this, so if you still have some bullets left, here is the time. Also if you haven't used up the Taino poison, it is nice here. It doesn't work on Michel, unfortunately, but there are a ton of other enemies here as well. Also there won't be a better opportunity to use it from now on.

Make certain that each of your officers have a comanche potion or they will die when they go through.

Once you are ready, return with your 3 brave soldiers at midnight to the idol, and then... to infinity, AND BEYOND!

QA.1 – The Ancient Mayan City ( Part 2)
Going to Tayasal by foot

The biggest difference here, aside from carrying loot, is that for the first fight in Tayasal you will not have your boarders. So get ready for a much harder battle when you enter. I'm going to be honest though.... if you are using jaguar pelt and blunderbuss with nail shrapnel... they could send 100 Indians at a time and it wouldn't matter =P.

This is my worried face.

If you are going by foot land in the Bay of Peril, the northwest most landing on the main, where the shipwreck is.

Grab the Manga Rosa that is here. It is inside the shipwreck. Now you can head inland... be ready for ambush.

This is really not very hard. There are 3 – 4 Indians per screen generally, and you have to go through about 4 screens to get to Tayasal. I had the jaguar skin active and the blunderbuss with nail shrapnel.... it really just makes you laugh out loud to hit all 4 rushing at you with 2000 damage.

Just head right. Every screen you go right and you get there. Super easy. Once you are in the city you are exactly where you would be if you teleported here.

You arrive in Tayasal. Drink your comanche potion, and your officers will do the same. Move forward and a few waves of Indians attack. Take them out and then approach Urakan, the Chief. He acts like he didn't send people to stop this from happening, but that is probably to be expected when a god visits you.

Go to the great temple (the big one) and head into the bottom right doors. They can be kinda hard to see, they don't look like doors.

Now you will walk up to the dias where Michel is waiting for you with Kanak the priest. Still walking.... still walking.... ahem lets speed this up a bit.

Take a look around while you have a few hours of sauntering to do. All these guys you see... yeah... you will have to kill them. So be ready.

I'm not going to sit here and spell out the huge conversation that you and your half-brother have. Highlights... he's your half-brother, he wants to destroy all white people, he doesn't love you as much as you thought. He planned to get swept to Ksocheatem to get his mask but screwed up by falling overboard. Whoops.

Ok so here is one way to do this, cause as soon as you get done talking you will get shot like... 100 times. When you are talking to him there are 2 times where you will swap who you are speaking to. If you are pressing forward when that happens, you will run forward before going back into dialogue. This should leave you somewhere near the giant altar thing when you start talking to Michel again. Once you are done you can dodge into the pillar forest, making most, if not all, of the musket shots miss you. The musketeers won't move, so then you can just wait behind all those pillars for the melee troops to come at you... bro.

Take care of them, and then you can take a run through the forest to make them all shoot at you one last time before you go kill them one at a time. Use each one as cover from the others, easy peasy.

After you finish the last one off, Michel himself will come after you. He has a pistol so it can hurt, hopefully you have enough health.

If you are using the jaguar pelt... things are about to get real stupid. Shoot him once or twice with the colt and laugh as he runs away. He curses you with slowness so you can't follow him, but it wears off soon.

You can save during this fight if you don't have a weapon out.

You can also swap weapons. So you may want to get your grape-shot/nails going for upstairs. You will get ambushed by another horde of angry Itza. Alternately you can do a huge AOE swipe and poison them all if you are using the taino poison. Then run around as they fall over dead. Choose your Cheese.

Ok, next bit is ranged only. You can use the niche to your right to dodge the musket shot and then kill him. Michel is waiting over on the right, and he is behind an invisible barrier of death. If you get close to him you die. You can use the stone carving in front of him to dodge his musket shots and then ping him. Again if you are using jaguar skin... lol. Its like fighting a baby. I only had to shoot him once this time. 2750 damage... rip.

Now you will be back to 2 waves of Itza along with the musketeer ahead of you. The 2nd wave comes from behind. Wait for it.... wait for it.... eventually... there it is.

When you go up the stairs you will fight Michel and Itza together at the top, so you can choose whether to go back to your colt or to mow them all down and then finish Michel off with your sword. A 2nd wave of Itza will come at you from the bottom of the stairs (maybe just on hard, I don't remember them coming on Normal) once he gets to half health. Don't try to retreat down the stairs, there is a death field there that will instantly kill you. You are probably better off going upstairs and making the musketeer shoot into someones back and then taking position in the corner.

If you do have the jaguar skin and the colt, just shoot Michel twice.... all the Itza give up once he is down.

Once you beat him and his warriors he will talk trash again, and then order Urakan to overwhelm you with Itza.

Urakan pretty much says “Screw you, this guy is way better”. He is right.

So now it is time to finish off the god and his priest, who joins him in the final fight. One bullet for you, two for you. Thanks.

He lookes surprised

Urakan believes you to be the embodiment of his favored god Cavil. We aren't going to disabuse him of the notion. Instead he will help us to destroy the mask and close the portal to the past. Take the key off Kanak. Urakan gave you a riddle that pretty much amounts to... find the tiles, put them where they belong.... open doors and stuff. So lets do that.
QA.1 – The Ancient Mayan City (Part 3)
The key will open the different chests here in the great temple. There are two that you can get to from this room. Head back down the stairs and around to where the niche was that you dodged the one musketeer on your way up to the top before the ranged-only battle. There is a chest there. Loot the tablet. Now go to the bottom level and allllll the way around the big raised platform, don't go up the stairs. The next chest is up against the wall in the alcove behind the raised altar area.

In this chest you will find 20 Ipecacuanha, 5 Manga Rosa, Amulet 'Son of Jaguar', Amulet 'Cascavella', Amulet 'Ritual Knife', Amulet 'Xochipilli', 10 tears of Ixchel, Ward 'Rat God', 100 Jade, and 20 angel's trumpets or Datura. Head out into Tayasal. Go right to one of the outside buildings, the pavilions of stone pillars. There is a way down into water there, so go forth, and swim! Save first.

You will find yourself in an underwater maze. I'll try to explain the way to you...

Go left, swim around and then at the split go right (double back), follow that path all the way around, skip the opening on the left, The rest is a long path with no deviations. Near the end take the 2nd right. That leads out with no more diverging paths. So left, straight, right, 2nd right.

Use the key on that chest and loot another tablet. Now you can swim out the same way. Left, Straight and then all the way around, don't go right, take the first Left you come to.

Across the street from the pavilion there is a temple of Itzamna. Go in. In the back right corner there is another tablet laying on the floor. Hard to see. (I have discovered in subsequent play throughs that this tile is actually randomly spawned in one of the lesser temples. You will have to look for it. As you can see from the below screenshot where I found it in Tohil in a different game, it is hard to see.)

Now go out and around the temple of Kukulcan, which is just next to this temple. Go to the side where you came into the city and there is a raised platform with a slot for a tablet. Put the tablet there. This will open the temple.

Go inside and grab the tablet sitting behind the idol.

On the other side of the street, to the right side when you are facing the great temple there is an identical pavilion to the first you went inside, with an identical underwater labyrinth. Seriously, it is identical. Same directions as above. Loot the tablet from the open chest. Head back.

Ok now you can go into the temple that is next to this pavilion. The one that isn't the Great Temple. It is the Temple of Kauil. Insert one of the tablets into the impression in the center of the raised floor.

Go to the temple of Ek Chuah. This temple is on the same side of the street that the temple of Kukulcan is on(opposite the Great Temple), but far to the left if you are facing towards the great temple. Coming out of Kauil it is the farthest right temple. Go inside and put a tablet in the impression. The Treasury is now open!

Go to the very top of the Great Temple to the doors on the right. Go inside the treasury. Drool over all that freaking loot. Unlock them all with the key.

Over on the left side as you are coming in there is a sarcophagus with a skull on it. Go over and loot between the calendar and the sarcophagus for another tablet. Leave the treasure for now... we'll be back, but note with amusement the single gun they have in a chest in here... no ammo or gunpowder... just a gun... Stockpiling for WW1.

Go back into the Great Temple and set tablets in the two impressions near the lower doors. Now go up to the altar and place the last tablet. Then step forward and place the mask.

Boom! Mask destroyed, portals closed, World Saved. All in a day's work ladies and gentlemen.

The Itza people are grateful, and come over to give you some much deserved praise.

QA.1 – The Ancient Mayan City (Part 4) (MR)
Now... did anyone else see the giant mounds of loot in that temple!? However will we get all of that back to the ship!?

Well... we really won't. Not all of it anyway. =(. Thats kinda ok though... it'd take us years to sell all those treasures to a banker one day at a time anyway 0_o.

Fill up your peeps with as much loot as you can. Unfortunately they won't go inside the treasury, so you just have to walk out and give them the loot. I'm going to give you an inventory of the items so you can decide what to take with you.

From Left to Right as you come in:
1 Arquebus
200 treasures
5000 gold nuggets
10000 silver nuggets
4000 silver nuggets
2000 gold nuggets
100 Treasures
1000 elixir
1000 antidote
1000 mixture
10 tears of ixchel
20 ometochli Tincture
10 Treasure
1000 Amber
10 Treasure
500 Morion
300 Coral
10 Treasure
2000 Jade
100 Treasure
100 Treasure
100 Treasure
10 Treasure
250 Azurite
250 Chrysoberyl
10 Treasure
1000 Amethyst
100 Blue Amber
10 Treasure
500 Fire Opal
10 Treasure
1000 Emerald
10 Treasure
1000 Ruby
10 Treasure
450 Crysoprase
700 tourquise
10 Treasure
300 Opal
600 Jacinth
10 Treasure
1000 Diamond
100 Platinum Ingot
10 Treasure
500 Fire Opal
400 Aquamarine

That's it? I thought this was a treasure room geez, where is the treasure?

OK well my suggestion is this. Most of the gems are first priority. The diamonds, for instance, are worth almost 4x as much as a treasure box for the same weight.

Some are not worth as much as a box of treasure though, These are Azurite (worth the least by far), Chrysoberyl, Coral, Chrysoprase.

The most worthless loot in the treasury by weight from worst, to best. I'm ignoring the Arquebus...
This is monetary value only... if you need them it is a different story =P.

Silver Nuggets < Gold Nuggets < Elixir < Antidote < Azurite < Chrysoberyl = Chrysoprase = Coral < Treasure < Morion < Platinum Ingot < Mixtures < Aquamarine < Jade < Jacinth < Opal < Turquoise < Amber = Fire Opal < Emerald < Tinctures < Rubies < Diamonds < Blue Amber < Tears

So take everything in bold first, and then take as much treasure as you can stomach making trips to carry.

Ok, so how are we keeping this treasure?

First off, you cannot go back to the Bay of Peril. As soon as you enter the zone there will be a cut scene, a choice to stay in the Caribbean or to end the game to credits, and even if you stay for freeplay Tayasal will be closed forever. This counts if you teleported here or walked here, either one.

Tayasal will also close its doors to you once you return to the bay.

So the only way to keep the loot is to stash it somewhere that we can then haul it back to the ship once we have a ship to haul it back to. The answer to our plight is the nearby Grotto.

(One person told me the contents of the chest disappeared when they went to retrieve their loot. I've done this 3 games so far and its worked each time, but there must be cases where the chest respawns and replaces your loot, so just be careful and make your first trip haul as much of the most important/expensive stuff you can manage. With further testing it looks like the chest will respawn after about 1 week (it took 9 days of straight waiting, 7 days when I went back to ship and then waited. I did finally have this happen to me, and all I can say is that the chest must be on some random timer based on profile, and sometimes it is too short to pull this off successfully. Test it out before you spend a bunch of time hauling loot. If it does happen, you can still fill up every single officer you have in your fleet with loot, so haul important stuff back to the grotto, then cycle all your people as boarders to fill all their inventories with swag. Doing this I was able to get all loot above treasures, plus hundreds of elixirs and all the mixtures... so everything I cared to bring anyway. ))

You can get to the cave by going Right, Left, Right or Left, Right, Left from Tayasal. Take your load of loot and stuff it into the chest there. While you are at it stuff everything you are carrying period on any of your officers.... Now your next trip you can carry a little more!

I've heard the chest can hold 5000 weight worth of loot, but I didn't verify cause I always got tired of making trips... I already make like 5 million pesos a month just on interest, I can literally do nothing and make more money than I can in the time it'd take me to sell this loot =P. So you may not get everything, but you can take the old college try at it, gathering up all the expensive jewels and potions, and then solid chunk of treasure.

A quick tip as well. It might be tempting to take all the lighter stuff first, but this will leave you with nothing to fill the “weight gap” that is leftover when you start hauling just treasures. You might try something like giving your boarders as much treasure as they can carry, then grab half charles' weight in treasure and the other half in jewels. Then fill your party up and refill with jewels or treasure and then make a trip. This will be more efficient over several trips. If you aren't going to want to bother with getting “as much as you can possibly get”, then you could take all the stuff in bold, then take treasure + the Azurite/Chryso/coral as filler. They aren't worth THAT much less than treasure, like a few thousand.

The silver and gold is truly pathetic though. Like 22,000 pesos per 50 weight. Whereas the Treasure is like 90k.

Tears are almost 2 mil per 50 weight , too bad there wasn't a giant treasure chest stuffed with like 10000 of those! =P.

Ok my last words of advice on this.... I know the instinct is super strong to pull as much as you possibly can out of this city of gold, but the truth is that hauling treasure chests across the Yucatan is not the most efficient way to make money in this game =P. You could go out on the seas and hit a single trade caravan and probably rack up as much money as you will get filling the entire chest in the grotto. Not to mention that you will only be able to sell a maximum of 1 treasure chest per day to a banker. So if you grab 100 chests you will be spending 100 days just selling them. So again I'd probably advise the bold stuff, possibly just a huge load of potions so you never have to worry about them for as long as you want to freeplay, and a few load of treasure chests... just to say we went, we saw, we conquered, we brought home the lewts.

Once you are done you can go right, right and then keep left from the Grotto and get back to the beach. Or just left from Tayasal.

Once you arrive at the beach your fleet will arrive, or be there... depending. Either way you do a victory walk up to the beach, and standing on the shore, thinking about all you've accomplished, you make your decision to either go back to Europe or stay here in the Caribbean.

If you choose to go to Europe you get to see a little video of you sailing off over the horizon on the Fortune, French flag flying high. Roll Credits. Game Over.

If you choose to stay, you get to see Charles stay... and what I can only describe as take over the entire Caribbean one island at a time. VICTORY IS MINE! You then find yourself back on shore, in the longboat, ready to depart. Since they stuck you in that stupid boat you have no choice but to board your ship =P.

Now you can make the 30 runs back to the Grotto and load your ship. (you can also cycle boarders with every officer to help make less trips.)

Oh, and if you teleported here, then you probably want to grab the Manga Rosa, if you haven't already.

Congratulations! You just beat the game!
RA.1 – Epilogue
You are now free to finish all those lingering things that have been hanging out there!

Well, it has certainly been a long road for this little pet project of mine, and I honestly hope someone gets some good use out of it.

You are all grown up now. There is nothing more I can teach you. You will have to go out into that nasty Caribbean on your own and make something of yourself without me! I'm going to miss you guys! Maybe we'll meet again someday, like if I can get around to finishing the two DLC's =).

A super special thanks to Blackmark Studios and Akella for making such a great game.

Au Revoir.
Коментарів: 265
Eastman 17 верес. о 17:51 
This is the best walk-through l read yet
ßσиεCяusнЯツ 16 верес. о 13:23 
So basically people are forced to renew the cabin if they wan't 10000 weight more storage space. Btw u missed 1 thing out about the cabin remake... if u want to get the class 1 cabin then yes... that is 10 chests, but if u stick with the class 2 one that will only be 7 chests. My personal choice will be the class 2 cabin and not because that measly 3 chest difference but becuz the class 1 cabin's brighter rosewood like finish doesn't fit with the grimy aestethics of the Flying Heart. The darker ebony like class 2 fits it much more if anyone asks me.
ßσиεCяusнЯツ 16 верес. о 13:10 
All ships have 3 chests/cabinet to store things in, the only thing I can't understand is that with the Flying Heart is why can't the big 2 door cabinet be used to store items with it's original cabin... only the 2 chests... but if we renew it at Isla Tesoro with Alexis to either variant... then all 3 will be usable...
Count Adelhardt 31 серп. о 7:01 
Most of the guide still fits for the new version.One thing is,you can keep visiting Justice Island after you give the instructions to Dios,he will simply make a copy.Truly this is the best pirate game there is,becouse it is unending.Thank you for the guide!
StormRangerX 19 лип. о 12:37 
The Return of the King.
DarkEternis  [автор] 19 лип. о 5:00 
Yeah sorry I haven't yet bought the new version of the game. This guide is specifically for teho, which was strictly charles
Tarreth 3 лип. о 15:50 
Gosh darnit. No luck doing quests, then... Pure exploration? Eh...
StormRangerX 3 лип. о 15:48 
This guide is for To Each His Own and is very outdated compared to Caribbean Legend, and all story content is restricted to Charles.
Tarreth 3 лип. о 15:42 
Question: Are some quests restricted to the French hero? I can't seem to launch "Just Like Home" - and that's just an example. Didn't have the first quest... Also, should I do it in Classic or Exploration mode?
StormRangerX 26 квіт. о 0:14 
You have to rent the room again to get your things back. I'd suggest using the chest near the fort instead.