Portal 2
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portal 2 mini ama burdan cikis yok amaninnnn
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6.219 MB
2013년 2월 11일 오후 1시 23분
2013년 2월 11일 오후 1시 51분
변경 사항 2개 ( 보기 )

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portal 2 mini ama burdan cikis yok amaninnnn

super map kimse cozemez
댓글 1
Glukovich 2013년 2월 11일 오후 3시 40분 
idk, I just set portal near button of sphere, pressed it, set the sphere, went on exit...
I don't know how it's suppose to be, anyway this chamber needs to be upgraded. And first upgraade IMHO must be: remove white panels above the exit. Second: remove white panels on the wall near the button. What else - think yourself. Good luck