Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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Delorean Time Machine - Jimmy Gibbs Jr.
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Game Content: Models
75.369 MB
22.12.2017 klo 17.00
1 muutos ( näytä )

Tilaa ladataksesi
Delorean Time Machine - Jimmy Gibbs Jr.

1 kokoelmassa, tekijä мяFunreal
мяFunreal's Jimmy Gibbs Stock Car Mods
47 luomusta
This fashionable time machine built by Doc. Brown now replaces Jimmy Gibbs Stock car. It comes with custom animations and custom sounds.

The model is taken from the Telltale game.
The animations and sound modifications were done by myself. It took me about three days to finish the entire thing.

This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named мяFunreal; Steam id "funreal"
Modifications or Redistribution without explicit permission is prohibited.
I have my own Discord server[discord.gg] where i post WIP screenshots. We can also just chat.
495 kommenttia
ShadowsCN 2.5. klo 23.01 
cool car:steamhappy:
miro111 24.4. klo 7.44 
РУГ ДЕЙС МОМЕНТ :steamhappy:
SirCreeper 27.3. klo 13.37 
That might be the reason, but when i played it it had missing textures all over, so it was missing textures in a delorean shape. So far I only tried it in th Dead center Campaign
мяFunreal  [tekijä] 25.3. klo 7.26 
Where? Cause i released it in 2017, and i thing someone would have told me in these five years that i'm missing textures.
I think you might be playing on low settings and perhaps one of the textures doesn't show doe to that.
SirCreeper 25.3. klo 2.53 
It has missing textures :/
悬崖下的嫌疑人 19.11.2023 klo 4.58 
Hei!that's pretty good
mery 11.11.2023 klo 22.54 
I see.
I understand. Thank you.
мяFunreal  [tekijä] 11.11.2023 klo 3.00 
That's a but caused because the model has a bodygroup that switches.
Every single model with a bodygroup switch breaks once in a while.
mery 10.11.2023 klo 20.47 
•𒉭ℙort_.ℂobain𒉭• 15.10.2023 klo 9.01 
es perfecto, es un obra de arte 🍷🧐