Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Troublemakers | Mixes Guide
Autorzy: glomp i 1 innych współtwórców
The guide for mixes / dmixes.
we host them on the Troublemakers™ discord server.

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what are...

A Mix is when a group of players get together to play in a competitive
format. Although there are lots, we focus on the main two:

> 6 players on each team
12 players in total
> 2 scouts, 2 soldiers, 1 demoman, 1 medic
this is the usual class composition
> usually played on 5cp and koth maps
5cp = capture points / koth = king of the hill

> 9 players on each team
18 players in total
> 1 of every class on each team
gotta catch 'em all
> usually played on pl and koth maps
pl = payload / koth = king of the hill

Tip: If you're interested in signing up for leagues or for a team, our mixes can be the perfect place to find your future team mates! to find out more about competitive, check out:

People play mixes for lots of different reasons, they're a great way to practice, have fun, or try out a class, gamemode, or map you might not have experience with. Because of this, nobody's expecting people to play perfectly. Everyone playing is looking to improve, have a good time, and get some frags!

soon, you could be...

This section will cover everything you need to know
about joining and playing in a mix

🔔 ding ding
If a mix is being hosted, you will see a notification like this in the #mixes_announcements chat:

🎧 voice chat
When a mix is announced, people will start connecting to the Mixes Lobby voice channel. It has a max users limit, so if you want to play in the mix, make sure to get in as quick as you can. Once a few people are in the voice chat, its a good idea to say you're new, introduce yourself, or ask any questions you might have, people are usually really friendly, especially if you're willing to learn.
You can find all the mix related voice chats in the MIXES channel category.

📡 join the game server
If you look in the #connects text channel, someone will have posted a "connect" for the server you will be playing on. To get into the server, copy and paste the whole connect into your console in game, and press enter.
The connect should look something like this: connect; password 1197253
If you're having any problems connecting to the server, tell whoever's hosting the lobby whats happening. Again, people are usually pretty friendly.

📣 "last to specccc!"
When 12 people are in the server, someone in the voice chat (usually the mix host) will shout "last to spec!". At this point, everyone joins the spectator team very quickly. The last two people to join spectator have to play medic for this game.

This can seem really confusing at first, because everything happens so fast, but if its your first mix and you're really concerned about it, dont be afraid to speak up and ask if you can not play medic, people are usually quite forgiving. People also sometimes will volunteer to play medic for you, if you ask nicely, and make it known that you're new.
If you do end up being last to join spectators, dont worry, you wont be forced to play medic 2 games in a row, so next game, you get a free pass!

Tip: Pressing " . " and then " 2 " very quickly will make you join spectators as soon as you press the
" 2 ". This is one of the faster ways to get onto spectator

🙋 picking teams
When the medics are picked, they both have a short melee fight on the middle point of the map.
The winner of this quick fight gets to pick a player for their team first, out of the people in spectator. The medics then take it in turns to pick people from spectator to join their teams, until there is 6 people on each. When you know if you're on blue or red, join either the blue or red base voice channels.
Don't be upset if you're picked last, especially if you're new, people naturally just tend to go with "safer" picks, i.e people they know they play well with.

🙇 picking classes
This is where communication with your team starts to be key. Talk to them, ask what classes are needed, tell them what classes you'd like to play, tell them if you dont have much experience, just be willing to compromise, not everyone gets to play their absolute favourite class every time.

🏃🏻 "how do i control my guy!?"
You're in the game, you're on a team, the classes are picked... the only thing left to do now is have some fun, and get some frags! This is where if you've done your research, you can really shine, but dont be afraid to keep asking; "where should i hold", "where do i go", "what should i be doing".
A lot of people hate to hear it, but chances are you wont do too well in your first mix, you will probably die a lot, and feel like you're not getting a lot done. You have to remember this is absolutely fine, everyone's been through it at least once! keep chilled out, and just remember to have fun, at the end of the day, that's what its all about!

dont break the...

The most important rule is just to use your common sense, we dont mind
people "bending" our rules to make a joke, or making genuinely funny
comments. However, if it gets out of hand, we will give people
fair warning before taking any action. we only ever want to
ban or kick people as a last resort.

In mixes, we generally prefer to stick to the 2 scout, 2 soldier, 1 demo, 1 medic format.
Off-classing will not get you banned unless you've been told by admins to stop multiple times, however, it should be done appropriately. Its very subjective, but one example of where an off class can be used reasonably is pushing out of last, having a heavy wait on point instead of a roamer.

discord rules
When playing mixes, all the rules of the troublemakers discord still apply.
Make sure to read the #rules chat before playing any mixes

Komentarzy: 4
villainindisguise 16 maja 2018 o 15:01 
Don’t remove comments
The King of Rats 16 maja 2018 o 13:40 
GZimmer 19 listopada 2017 o 8:30 
Or mine.
villainindisguise 19 listopada 2017 o 4:46 
dont remove my comment