ARK: Survival Evolved
Plant species-Z dossier!
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"Wanted to create my own Abberation creature dossier. Honestly I thought it came out pretty good!"
Коментарів: 29
musical magic (SketsWon) 10 лип. 2018 о 4:29 
jdinan203 8 листоп. 2017 о 14:56 
woah, cool as hell. Hope this becomes a mod
Thalassophobia Enjoyer! 5 листоп. 2017 о 1:39 
All you need to know is this: "Prepare to face your worst fears" and a friendly word of advice for the future: "Avoid looking into its eyes"
Thalassophobia Enjoyer! 5 листоп. 2017 о 1:32 
well the finishing touches on the Creature designs that is, it has a long way to go before it is complete. but when it is done it will change the face of ARK. AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!, AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!, MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! (Evil Villain laugh, Check)
Thalassophobia Enjoyer! 5 листоп. 2017 о 1:27 
actually I've already begun the finishing touches to Project Nightmare. Oh for the record Project Z was going to be a boss not another crappy turret that nobody would use, take X & Y for example once you reach tek teir those things are as useless as a dodo bird. Weak.
Sir Novaraptor  [автор] 1 листоп. 2017 о 11:53 
@Uomovero Honestly i'm very tempted to now.... Lmao :steammocking:
Uomovero 1 листоп. 2017 о 1:57 
i woud die laughing if you just made another one and call it nightmare fuel to anoy him :3
Sir Novaraptor  [автор] 31 жовт. 2017 о 18:08 
I truly cannot get over the fact someone could act so childish. :steamfacepalm: Lmao
Sir Novaraptor  [автор] 31 жовт. 2017 о 17:59 
Oh my god, don't flatter yourself Neolord. The very fact that you believe I stole your idea is laughable. Besides, I created this, it is my original work. The "idea" you posted only had a stock image of Plant species Z.......I however drew out and wrote an entire dossier which was my idea from the start. Don't think you're special just because you called something "project Z " It's not that creative, due to the fact it would be the most logical name....considering, Plant species-X, and Plant most definetly Plant species-Z would be the most logical next step. I find it rather sad that you would act in such a childish manner.
Thalassophobia Enjoyer! 30 жовт. 2017 о 23:19 
Well he can have it. I've got a new project I'm working on, Project Nightmare