381 ratings
[WOTC] Modify Continent Bonus
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264.578 KB
Sep 24, 2017 @ 9:55am
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[WOTC] Modify Continent Bonus

Allows you to modify continent bonus mid campaign.

Use Mod Options Menu or Mod Config Menu inside a strategy game (inside Avenger) to access the menu, or you can use console command
SetNewContinentBonus <ContinentName> <NewContinentBonus>
in strategy layer.

You may also remove continent bonuses from the random pool when starting a new game by choosing advanced options. (They will still show up as resistance orders later)

The continent bonus that is being switched away will behave the same way as if you lose the bonus by losing a region in said continent, so certain continent bonus that is being switched away while active might produce different results (AFAIK there's no active vanilla continent bonus that will do this).

WARNING: Despite this mod allows you to stack multiple of the same continent bonus or use orders you already acquired with the factions through the console command, I don't recommend you to do so as it can cause unexpected behaviour or completely break the game balance.

No overrides, and it should work with custom continent and continent bonuses.
Lux Manifestus Sep 19, 2024 @ 5:40pm 
Does it also remove the corresponding resistance orders? Is there a mod that does that, if this one does not?
Thorke Sep 9, 2023 @ 12:35am 
yes, LWOTC compatible
chantzofdeth May 26, 2023 @ 5:36pm 
Does this work for LWOTC?
Kanario97 Oct 13, 2022 @ 12:53am 
Spanish Translation:

m_strTitle="Bonus de continente"
m_strTabContinents="Bonus de continente"
m_strExitWithoutChangesBtn="Salir sin cambios"

m_strChangeContinents="Cambia los bonus de continente disponibles"

m_strNotEnoughBonusWarning="No hay suficientes bonus de continente en la lista, sigue poniendo antes de quitar esto."
m_strContinentPool="Bonus de continente activado"
m_strDisabledDesc="Bonus de continente desactivado"
AlVee Sep 5, 2022 @ 10:32am 
Dragon32 Aug 30, 2022 @ 4:31pm 
Yes. All mods are compatible with achievements
AlVee Aug 30, 2022 @ 1:07pm 
Is this mod compatible with achievements?
If yes, it would be awesome. :D
khumak Mar 13, 2022 @ 9:08pm 
Love this mod. Now I don't have to keep track of which specific bonuses I have set up to be allowed for the continents, I can just pick the 6 I want at the beginning. This mod also gives me a good way to tell me if I've installed something that removes too many of them so I have less than 6 continent bonuses. I have had a few games like that where the continent bonus was just nothing for most of them. Covert Infiltration for instance removes several of them.
aegis Jan 6, 2021 @ 5:26am 
weird its working for me
Loboramdk May 27, 2020 @ 8:16am 
Does not appear to work now...No options screen is available in the mod config menu, neither when using the console command.