Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

147 Bewertungen
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Spielmodus: Mann vs. Machine
10.521 MB
19. Aug. 2017 um 16:59
1 Änderungshinweis (anzeigen)

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Карта роботов где две ямы, роботы идут стрёх сторон и светло

Это миссии перемешены на карту хеллоуинскую
11 Kommentare
Magenta Allidile 30. Jan. 2019 um 14:49 
RIp map:steambored:
Magenta Allidile 30. Jan. 2019 um 14:48 
why tho?
Magenta Allidile 30. Jan. 2019 um 14:48 
You got everything wrong
Yaru 14. Jan. 2019 um 13:02 
damm you ass dick
Ramfam.png 28. Feb. 2018 um 5:15 
cyka blyat
stallorama 29. Dez. 2017 um 9:29 
And that is the reason I have made the TF2AC!
death1nsurance 29. Dez. 2017 um 9:28 
You fucktard,This is ghost town,Not coal town,AND THIS MAP IS NOT MADE FROM YOU.
stallorama 28. Aug. 2017 um 8:53 
For the guys, gals, and martians looking at this and thinkin' "I wanna fight back against this shit." Well, it's your lucky day! Thanks to us at the Anti-Copies group of Team Fortress 2! It is the first and only ANTI copied map creation group! So join the US Army today!
Cough... Cough...
I mean, the Anti-TF2 copied Valve official maps...
Nat-Tea 23. Aug. 2017 um 8:29 
Вы эгоистичный идиот. Вы думаете, что люди настолько тупые, что не переделывают карту, сделанную клапаном? Тебе должно быть стыдно...

olivia 21. Aug. 2017 um 11:20 
lol what even is this supposed to be. you must be an idiot thinking you made this or you can get any sorts of credit by posting it