Portal 2
35 人が評価


This is a multiple puzzle Chamber, created for fun pourposes and challenges are 3/5 skill level required. Enjoy!
29 件のコメント
BvsDark  [作成者] 2018年4月21日 20時24分 
Woa, after 5 years or being absent... I-m in the mood to continue creating chambers. Are any of you mates near around?
toncica 2013年2月18日 13時23分 
I really liked it. From the start you're forced to be cautious and watch your steps, so the little surprises are to be expected. It works as a medium map and could be a bit tighter, I think I always had a cube surplus. Here is my blind run: http://youtu.be/imRc-5J9LCg
BvsDark  [作成者] 2012年12月5日 17時09分 
Ok, Fellas Last update fixed cubes problem on large room, and added another turret!
airplanehelix109 2012年12月4日 11時04分 
awesome job, man. It is a test I need.And thanks for commenting on mine. also i just publised another. Anywasy this test is awesome, BvsDark!
BvsDark  [作成者] 2012年12月4日 3時59分 
Yea you rigth! Ill change it tomorrow i think it add more dificult, cause you have to use the cube that one single time, also ill do some improvements again! thank you!
madvtdm 2012年12月4日 3時30分 
Tried it again and it worked this time. i.e. the cubes kept coming in the large chamber once one disappeared. I had caught on that it was similar to the previous map but that previous time, it would not give me another cube once it had desintegrated so I was stuck. Maybe there was a little glitch there that time? Good map however.
BvsDark  [作成者] 2012年12月3日 19時40分 
Justt imagin youre int the midle of the jungle, and you put your feet over a mine, how can you manage to get out of that trap? Think on it, and youll be able to scape, basically is the same thing before!
madvtdm 2012年12月3日 18時00分 
Ah! I see the changes you've done. I wasn't able to finish the map however because I couldn't get another cube in the large chamber. The one I got burned when I tried to put it on the pedestal and no other cubes came out. Is that intended or is it a glitch. Anyhow, without the cube I could not finish that chamber. Nice modifications however.
BvsDark  [作成者] 2012年12月2日 17時34分 
Im very Glad you like it Madvtdm, Im also added a little more dificult today! PLEASE TRY AGAIN AND LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK. thank you for the advices and comments it really encourage to keep creating new chambers and designing more. Really apreciate when you people take the time to write and play chambers!
madvtdm 2012年12月2日 16時38分 
Nice test. A bit frustrating when I had gone a long way and my cube (which I brought with me in the large chamber) disappeared and I also stayed stuck in the room with the turrets but all in all it was a good game. There was an element I had not seen before involving the cube in the large room. Very satisfying to solve. Too bad we can't save somewhere in the game but I know it's not because of you. Keep it up.