Portal 2

Portal 2

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Introductory Collection #3: Funnel Cake

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Introductory Collection #3: Funnel Cake

Woah, long time since my last one. Gonna get back into the habit of making these. Anyways, Number 3 is ready for testing! Hope it's challenging enough! ;D

Remember, any problems with the chamber, let me know! Thanks!
Yil Nov 12, 2012 @ 11:24pm 
Alright, literally took me two days and a few play sessions to get through this. LOVED the puzzles. What took me so freaking long was (and this was mostly my own damn fault--spoiler)

I missed the room that dropped the reflection cube for the longest time.

My only suggestion would be to make that area little more obvious, if people are getting stumped the way I was there it could be too trying for their patience to go through the rest of the puzzle which was way fun and satisfying. Of course, I may have just been being oblivious.
Yil Nov 11, 2012 @ 7:04am 
Argh this one's got me stumped at the moment! Gotta get some sleep and then I'll crack this nut! So far a cool puzzle!