Team Fortress 2
Saltpeter Sack Pack
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Класс: Солдат
Слот предмета: Аксессуар
Размер файла
561.715 KB
27 окт. 2012 г. в 10:40
Обновлений: 1 (просмотреть)

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В 1 коллекции, созданной Cheeseburger Larry -ßЯҢ-
The Revolutionary Warrior
Предметов: 5
<Serious Note>
This item is supposed to replace one of the Soldiers packs. I cannot get a HLMV of him with this item.
<Serious Note Over>

Never be away from your ammo cache again with this assortment of bullet making thingys! Hold your coffee grounds, keep your fly paper close to you, never lose your marbles! Having these things close together will make you feel like you can fire your gun and reload it for a few months forever!