Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

The Home Remedy - V.2
Clase: Medic
Espacio de objeto: Arma
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1.467 MB
21 OCT 2012 a las 10:03 p. m.
27 OCT 2012 a las 1:00 a. m.
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En 1 colección creada por Will T.TVR
The D.I.Y. Doctor
4 artículos
The medigun is a coveted instrument of incredible power. Consequently, the methods for assembling one are closely-guaded secrets. But thanks to the Internet, "closely-guarded secret" means "you have to go to the second results page on Google to find it." (Little-known fact: the Internet and Google were thriving by the mid-1960s, but only for the most elite of scientists and handymen with too much spare time.) By modifying your existing leaf blower with a few odds and ends from around the garage, you too can deliver miracle cures to anyone you fire your weapon at. The secret to the design is the Handyman's Secret Weapon - duct tape! (And the Handyman's Also-Secret-But-Not-As-Often-Used Weapon, electrical tape.)


Originally paired with a backpack, now re-released with an overhauled design as a standalone weapon. See the Vac-Pack here:

Part of the D.I.Y. Doctor item set. Features team colors, self-illumination on the flashlight and the bulbs near the handle, and 1 additional LOD.
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