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Chapter 3 - The Reacquaintance: Testchamber 10 (Fun with speed)

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Chapter 3 - The Reacquaintance: Testchamber 10 (Fun with speed)

1 Spamfan Gaming készítette gyűjteményben
Portal 2: The Aftermath
19 elem
The player has finally made it back into the main testing area. GLaDOS nearly convinced you were not alive, quickly desings this new chamber for you, using spead gel, lasers, panels, momentum, and fun (science). There are still some broken panels, or missing pieces of floor or ceiling, due to the bomb incindent, which GLaDOS now has taken control of.

LIGHTING: 50% to 100%
EASTER EGG(S): Still there. : )
NO need to ignore the elevators now--AT ALL.

IN and/or after elevator at beggining:

GLaDOS: Well, your alive. Honestly, I did not think you would survive that....But, I guess it is good that you did...for now. Otherwise I would have to go get ANOTEHR test-subject. Anyways, the important thing is that your back, which meens we can continue testing, then we'll se about your survival. But for now, you're doing great, just keep testing, and I'll quickly prepare this test for you. Actually, these testS for you. Soon, you'll be finished witht e main testing course, THEN we can have some fun.

Once you walk through the exit door.
Well done, but you could be a bit faster on solving these tests. Do not forget that there will be LOTS of more...
6 megjegyzés
LPChip 2012. okt. 27., 15:00 
Nice map. The laser redirection cube was more a burdon to me than a help. I already was at the end when I finally understood its meaning.
You paint the ramp, and if you just take the jump with an angle, you easily get to the exit door.
Spamfan Gaming  [készítő] 2012. okt. 27., 9:25 
Yeah, haha, I had almost killed my pc's ability to make maps though with all of the chain reactions, so the companion cube was like impossible to not find haha :P Whichi is why I was so shocked when mausilibaer said that he did not find it :)
Innocentive 2012. okt. 27., 4:37 
Yeah, that's more my style than the labyrinths of chapter 2. The puzzle could have been a bit more challenging though ... and I agree that the CC was hidden rather badly. You practically had to find it...
Spamfan Gaming  [készítő] 2012. okt. 24., 7:38 
Wow, sorry about that. :(
But, hey, on the bright side, I thought this was actually the worst job of hiding the companino cube, so that actually makes me happ! :D Thanks! Good luck on finding it! :D
mausilibaer 2012. okt. 24., 3:39 
The test is pretty easy but I didn't get only one egg :(
I tried a few times to look what happens if I take the cube from the button and back / or not, had a look in every pit or behind every panel which opens and closes but I didn't find anything...
Spamfan Gaming  [készítő] 2012. okt. 19., 6:28 
Enjoy and do not forget about the hidden companion cube, and the contest!