Travis Charest   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Pepsiman, or Pepsi Man, is a superhero mascot for PepsiCo that had the power to deliver the beverage to those in need. He appeared in a total of 13 Pepsi commercials and several video games.
No origin is provided for Pepsiman. However, he is well-known for his brave escapades involving risking life and limb to provide people with Pepsi.

Pepsiman is an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Pepsi mascot from Pepsi's Japanese corporate branch, created sometime around the mid-1990s. Pepsiman took on three different outfits, each one representing the current style of the Pepsi can in distribution. Twelve commercials were created featuring the character. His role in the advertisements is to appear with Pepsi to thirsty people or people craving soda. Pepsiman happens to appear at just the right time with the product.

Pepsiman is shown as being somewhat clumsy (usually after any given adventure) but extremely dedicated to providing people with delicious Pepsi. He seems to be well-known and popular with the people he saves, who view him as a hero for bringing them refreshment.

Time Stop : Pepsiman is shown to be able to pause time though only for 10 Seconds.
Superhuman Strength: Pepsiman has been shown to carry infinite Pepsi, and that is a very impressive feat, as at no point did he slow down.
Pepsi Summoning : Pepsiman has the ability to create filled Pepsi cans at will, he uses this ability to supply thirsty Pepsi drinkers with their favourite drink at any time.
Super Jump : In the Pepsiman video game, Pepsiman is shown leaping over buildings with ease to maneuver around neighborhoods and deliver Pepsi at high altitudes.
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Progres Pencapaian   278 dari 520
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