Dracoco OwO
Currently Online
manual detonation Jun 1 @ 7:33am 
Dracoco OwO May 25 @ 7:19am 
Nice day to you too i guess.
DOOMGIRL69 May 25 @ 6:39am 
Dragons are peak sexy, Thats all have i have to say. oh and have a nice day Dracoco OwO :bluerune::luv:
Jackie Daytona Apr 20 @ 6:16am 
OT has been exceptionally bad, lately. Last 2 weeks have been mostly nonsense spam posts/threads. The most insipid and worthless stuff.

Good discussions are often locked after a few days. Alternately, they are buried under pages of crap. It's usually not worth looking for them.
Dracoco OwO Apr 18 @ 4:37pm 
Forgot to mention they were also threatening to report 2 or 3 users which fortunately didn't get banned over this but i got targeted instead which is quite unfortunate.
Dracoco OwO Apr 18 @ 4:36pm 
I got banned for "harassment" cause i said someone was pathetic for baiting they get harassed, which they weren't, honestly off topic was dumb before now it's dumber. Honestly i think i may be targeted as some other peoples claim they were and it increasingly happens.