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4 people found this review helpful
2.3 hrs on record
Posted November 25, 2023.
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30.0 hrs on record

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Portal, one of the best puzzle games that exists, in portal we can solve puzzles and little by little discover things that will make you realize that not everything you know is true.


In Portal we are the protagonist Chell, we are forced to do tests, since we are forced by a robot called GLaDOS, to do the tests we have the "Portal Gun" (Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device2), with this weapon you can place portals to will of two colors, Blue and orange, these portals are placed depending on the button you press, if it is the left or right click. After doing several tests we will gradually realize that not everything we have been told is true and if you investigate well you will find out extra information that will help you understand everything that is happening.


The gameplay is very clean, there are no unnecessarily difficult levels (in the story mode), we will try different mechanics through the portals, carrying objects from one place to another, occupying the acceleration of the fall to reach a higher place and many other mechanics. As a player who completes it 100% having to do all the challenges, for all the time I invested in them I say that they are a real challenge, there are several modes, one where you have to spend the least amount of time, another in which which one you have to occupy the fewest number of portals and finally one where you have to occupy the fewest number of steps. In each challenge you have to think a lot about the strategy in order to have enough time to be able to get the best time, making you think a lot until you reach the strategy in which you can achieve your goal.

To Finish

This is a game that is truly 100% worth it, it is a game that will make you think, but without extreme difficulty, without a doubt a game that you need to play.
Posted July 15, 2023. Last edited July 18, 2023.
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2.6 hrs on record

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Reflex is a game that has 75 levels and in each level you have to hit all the white blocks with just one ball, making it bounce strategically, it also has black blocks, but these only serve to bounce your ball, they don't break.

Game Problems

The game has several problems, one of them is that when the ball hits the black blocks many times, they grow in size, which is a bug, in addition to this the game becomes very repetitive, and there comes a time when you will be many minutes in only one level as it is super difficult to find the pattern to hit all the blocks, the game offers us a clue for each level, but this is just the position where the ball should go, the direction is unknown. The game actually gets good reviews just for its achievements, I rank a few myself, but rating it as a game as such, it's a very bad game.
Posted July 14, 2023. Last edited July 18, 2023.
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2.1 hrs on record
Touch Some Grass

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Touch Some Grass is a game that I did not expect to exist, in this game your task is literally to touch grass, it has two game modes and a collection of "hands" that are nothing more than skins for the hand and there are some skins that have more than one colour.


This game has controls with functions that I never thought I would see: As with your hand you crush the grass with the R you reset the grass, with the S you can alternate between the right or left hand, to touch the grass you can keep clicking or keep the bar pressed space, to move the hand you can use the arrows or the mouse, but something strange is that you can't with WASD and finally something "weird" but fun is the Pro Mode, this is activated with the P and makes the touching the grass brings up “speed up” effects and also causes encouraging words like very good or the like to appear, (all these functions like moving and all the others also have a designated controller button as this game has controller support ).

Game Modes + Level

In TSG we have 2 game modes, the first is relaxation, which is basically just touching the grass at ease, we will also have a counter for how long we count the grass and the other game mode is Survive in which sectors will be marked in yellow which will then explode and the objective is to touch the grass for as long as possible avoiding these areas, because otherwise we will lose. The two game modes have a leaderboard and there is a global one and another with friends to compete for who has the best time.

To Finish

This game, although based on a very absurd idea (like many on Steam), has many mechanics and things that even though we are literally just touching grass, it makes for a very fun game, you can compete with your friends or challenge yourself to have every Maybe a better performance, this is a game that truly to pass the time is 10/10, I recommend it 100%.
Posted July 14, 2023. Last edited July 18, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
2.9 hrs on record
Snake Party

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Snake Party is a game to play with friends, as you literally have nothing to do if you're not playing with someone. In this game you have to avoid colliding with walls and other players because otherwise you will die, if you are the last player standing you will win a round/point and in the menu you can select how many rounds/points someone needs to win. Another thing about this game is that it has 4 different songs, but I don't know if they are my own or someone else's.

Players + Settings

Up to 6 people can play at the same time in this game and for this reason there are 6 different colors for each player, there are the colors: Light Blue, Blue, Purple, Green, Yellow and Red. One thing to highlight is that this game has personalized names for your snakes, in addition to this you can individually deactivate the sound and music separately, something that is appreciated and finally you can also configure the keys of each player (actually they only deal with two buttons, one to turn left and the other to turn right).


This game also has three powers: the "Speedpills" that make your snake go faster for a while, the "Wormholes" that will move you to a random place on the map and finally the "Paintbuckets" these will change the color of your snake. snake for a very short time.

Game problems

This is a game to play with friends, but even with them they will get bored very easily, since you don't really have much to do or many mechanics, besides this the "Wormholes" power becomes useless, because it may teleport you stuck to a wall and die instantly, also the rounds you want to play you have to select manually by raising the arrow and not writing a number, so if you want many rounds you will have to spam the click, in addition to this the power "Paintbuckets" literally does not It is useless and the worst thing is that it dyes your snake for almost 5 seconds, becoming the worst power of all together with the "Wormholes" power if you are unlucky, making the only power that really works if it is not very close to a wall is the "Speedpills" and finally there is a bug that from time to time the snake leaves no trace and this can affect you when trying to confine or ambush your friends.

I hope this review has helped you, I know it's a garbage game, but I want to take the time to write "professional" reviews of even this type of game.
Posted July 13, 2023. Last edited July 18, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.7 hrs on record
Toilet Paper Unleashed

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This one has two maps, Parking Lot and Warehouse. In each map we have to grab "8 toilet papers" which we will have to get by dodging shopping carts, but what happens is that in the Warehouse map there are actually 9 toilet papers, only one is not counted and is ignored by the system of 1/8.

Toilet Paper can be finished in 8 minutes or even less, since the only thing that makes it take longer is that there is no way to know the locations of the toilet papers, there is no indicator to know their location and we can only find them by looking for them . A big problem is that you can get lost looking for them as some are a bit hidden and this is mainly evidenced on the Parking Lot map.

In the game there are many texture errors, not visual, they are errors such as "ghost" textures, which are invisible walls in the middle of the map, which do not fulfill any function and are not placed to delimit the area, in addition to these there is also a wall that I was able to identify, which is the bathroom wall from the Parking Lot map, this wall can be crossed and it can also vote you off the map, finally there are several more walls that if you stand in the corner and jump you will be able to cross like this leaving the map.

The game only has 3 songs, one for the menu, another for the Warehouse and the last one for the Parking Lot, the problem is that in addition to the fact that they can be made repetitive as there is one per map, they do not repeat themselves and after playing one Sometimes everything is silent which becomes very uncomfortable and finally the jumping mechanic is not even necessary in the entire gameplay and in fact it can ruin the difficulty by allowing you to easily jump over obstacles.

This game does not have achievements or trading cards, but in the future I may make a guide for each toilet paper in the two maps, I hope you like this review, because I take the time to analyze every detail.
Posted July 13, 2023. Last edited July 18, 2023.
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13 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
Undertale Soundtrack

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There is not much to review about a Soundtrack of a game, basically you can only tell if its music is good or bad, what rhythm it has and if it is energetic or muted, but I will tell you something and I hope it is very clear, the Soundtrack of Undertale is one of the best ever.

The Undertale Soundtrack has all the songs of this, which in total are 101, among them we can find many known as Megalovania (As a curious fact, Megalovania was created before Undertale for a Toby Fox Fan Game for EarthBound), Power of “Neo”, Last Goodbye, His Theme, Save the World, Spider Dance and much more.

I hope you enjoy these masterpieces and enjoy them as much as an elephant jumping into a spider's web.
Posted July 3, 2023. Last edited July 18, 2023.
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4 people found this review helpful
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0.9 hrs on record
Achievement Clicker

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Achievement Clicker is a clicker game, like most out there, but this one differs by… Nothing, literally nothing. In A.C you have 6 options, which cost more and more, but once you buy them you can repurchase them for double the price, they increase your offline clicks (clicks that you do without doing anything) and your click multiplier (this will It is used to make more clicks for each click you make).

The game has 5 permanent improvements, which also go up in price (1 is cheaper, 2 is more expensive and so on), in addition to all this the game has... Nothing else, basically in this game you can only do that and nothing Plus, there's no other aspiration or anything and if you're wondering why it's getting good reviews, it's because basically the game has 5,000 achievements and people buy it because of this, they buy it to say: I have 5,000 achievements, but really these are all of this game.

This game is TIRING and the average game time of the people who buy it is 15 minutes, this happens because they only buy it for the achievements and in addition to all this it has only one (or more with the same rhythm, because they don't I could identify), so you end up getting fed up with the music and you end up removing it, this game is not passable even with autoclicker and do you know the worst? This is the first, but after this game the same company released 2 more games THE SAME, just changing the music, but they also have good reviews, since they have many achievements, I want to dedicate myself to making true reviews, not memes and that is why I review this game and I hope you appreciate it, if you don't want achievements, do not buy it.

(Probably if I end up buying the other games and their soundtracks because I collect them I will post this same review, but modified to the latest).
Posted July 2, 2023. Last edited July 18, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
24.1 hrs on record (20.8 hrs at review time)

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Reventure is a game that I enjoy every second of. Reventure is a parody of Zelda, but don't get carried away by this, because although the game pretends to be a parody, it doesn't have the remotest similarity. Reventure has 101 endings which are achieved by dying, yes, dying, what did you expect?

In Reventure your objective is mainly to die in all possible ways, you can die by drowning, by carrying a lot of things, by a rock, by starting a revolution, even by a DRAGON and etc. In the game there are many secrets and you can even run into the developers. To progress in the game you have to die in some ways to unlock new items and routes that will unlock more ways to end your life or get an ending without dying (something very rare). Every time you die you will unlock a related skin, if you die by a rock you will unlock the rock skin and like this there are many such as a princess skin, a cat, an old man, even a link with an anvil head and more.

I had 100% of this game, but they updated it and I forgot to get the last achievement, but I assure you that I will take it back because it is truly worth it, if you want to laugh for a while and die in a thousand different ways, this is your game.

Edit: Doing the review made me want to get the ending 101 and I already did, I have the ending 101 and all the extras done, I really recommend the game, you won't regret it.
Posted July 1, 2023. Last edited July 18, 2023.
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7 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
0.1 hrs on record

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Krunker is a game mainly to play with friends, in this game you will face them on various maps with characters of your choice. Each character has different weapons and thanks to this you can choose the character that best suits you and in addition to this Krunker also has maps created by the community and other modes, which could be parkour for example.

Krunker also has an online mode with people from many countries and not just a party mode, but the problem with this is that in most cases you will find many people with cheats, for this reason, from my own experience, I prefer to play it with friends, In addition to this, something that has not been mentioned much is that the bunny hop is very op, so if you play with experienced people you will see an overuse of it, because it is much more useful than in any other shoteer.

Krunker is a game that I recommend and if I don't have hours registered it's because out of habit I play it on your page hahaha, I would recommend you play mainly with friends and if you play with other people, play it in sandbox modes, although this is your choice.
Posted July 1, 2023. Last edited July 18, 2023.
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