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32 hrs on record
last played on Nov 18, 2023
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307 hrs on record
last played on Jun 5, 2023
mox Oct 6, 2022 @ 8:33am 
jackie chan Oct 5, 2022 @ 1:03pm 
this person loves to suck pink dildo. adore
glimpus37 Sep 13, 2022 @ 1:15pm 
Zǎoshang hǎo zhōngguó xiànzài wǒ yǒu BING CHILLING 🥶🍦 wǒ hěn xǐhuān BING CHILLING 🥶🍦 dànshì sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 bǐ BING CHILLING 🥶🍦 sùdù yǔ jīqíng sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 wǒ zuì xǐhuān suǒyǐ…xiànzài shì yīnyuè shíjiān zhǔnbèi 1 2 3 liǎng gè lǐbài yǐhòu sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 ×3 bùyào wàngjì bùyào cu òguò jìdé qù diànyǐngyuàn kàn sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 yīn wéi fēicháng hǎo diànyǐng dòngzuò fēicháng hǎo chàbùduō yīyàng BING CHILLING 🥶🍦zàijiàn 🥶🍦
KYOKA SUIGETSU Sep 12, 2022 @ 2:55pm 
Sorry boys, but IRL females only. Please don't be or play as a trap, futa, or Furry. I only wish to play with feminine, female characters.
Hey there. I'm a rough, dominant, and sadistic male in RP, looking for submissive girls to rape, beat, collar and turn into little ♥♥♥♥♥♥ begging for more.
My blacklist is: necrophilia, vore, scat, pregnancy fetish (I'm fine with impregnation or the chance of it, but I don't wanna go for breeding or actually going through a pregnancy.)
I'm mostly looking for a LoL themed ERP, focusing mainly on smut,but I am open to other scenarios too and will probably be playing as Darius, or Graves. I've got the following scenarios in mind (I really, really am into non-con into mind break, where your character would turn into an obedient slut eventually):
londan skamerr Sep 12, 2022 @ 2:54pm 

10 minutes = $20 30 minutes = $40
1-3 hour = $70
4-6 hours = $100
10+ hours $300

good morning/night text = $5 per day
"i love you" = $5 per message "i love you" with a chosen pet name after = $10
per message pet names pack (regular texting with additional
pet name of your choice) = $70

putting you in my status = $35
putting you in my status with a pet name in front of your name = $50

10 minutes of matching pfp = $10 30 minutes of matching pfp = $25
1-7 hours of matching nfn= $50
londan skamerr Sep 12, 2022 @ 2:53pm 
em kat cqlo 10/10 dete bih ebal i sushto predlagam da se samoubie :steambored: