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2 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
I only bought this for MP. Worse DLC yet and it's not even close; I don't even have to tell you why because you already know.
Posted March 16.
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714.3 hrs on record (32.6 hrs at review time)
It's okay
Posted June 7, 2023.
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0.9 hrs on record (0.6 hrs at review time)
First of all, I appreciate this game's style and music design. It doesn't feel like the average mobile game-esque vibe that many current year tower defense takes up; It more so feels like a classic flash game which is always an appreciated style in my opinion. It's a simple game, you buy peasants and you give them weapons both bought and crafted. It's an original idea, and I can appreciate some intuitive design in what is otherwise a genre full of copycats of whatever's popular.

However, I do have some criticisms here.
1. It'd be preferable to be able to see the remaining amount of rounds, I may have missed it, but if it's there then it's not visible enough.
2. The balancing is pretty great, but I think to be able to actually tell what tower is doing and firing what some visual indicators of things like slow down and burning would be ideal.
3. Generally the particles should be more distinctly visible for the sake of clarity. This could be achieved by brightening the colors or even making the sprites more complex: For example making fire have a range of red, orange, and yellow bits inside the particle's sprite instead of one orangish pixel.

Overall, I like this game's beginning and I hope it goes farther! Great job.
Posted April 17, 2022.
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4 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
You (Hopoo) hyped this DLC a lot with your dev streams, and it looked like a lot of love and care was being put into this expansion; Which is what I had come to expect considering Risk of Rain 2 is without a doubt one of my favorite game of all time and Hopoo seemed like they really cared for it.

This DLC, simply, ruined my trust in the dev team and was both underwhelming and disappointing. The positives are of course there; Which is to say the inclusion of Railgunner, and most new items are both quite balanced, but this is not why I am writing this review. I am writing this review because, first of all, Void Fiend, of whom which was the star of the teasers, is underwhelming as hell; He’s basically a watered down Artificer as far as his move set goes, and on top of that he has no alts; Generally as well he just feels like no thoughy was put into him; Why not at least make him immune to void debuffs?

There’s a lot to dislike about the void field changes and bugs, but those have been dicussed to death already. The main thing I’d like to bring up about the new void dimension nonsense is why would you allow these weird bubble things spawn as early stage 2? You already ♥♥♥♥♥♥ scaling, why kill it too? The lack of aparent care in this update is apalling, and anyone with two eyes can see that between the performance tanking, the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ new enemies that can stun and one shot in the same move, and the distinct lack of communication from the devs on what changes have been made is just lazy and does not bode well for the future of this game.
Posted March 2, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
1,515.4 hrs on record (751.3 hrs at review time)
When I was a kid, I loved goofing off during computer classes and playing 1-5 of the bloons series. When my at the time friend told me that 6 existed and was on steam, I was skeptical. I was skeptical because it looked nothing like the other games and made me think it might be a low tier game made to juice money out of kids. To say the least, I was wrong.

First of all, this is for sure the best entry in the series. It's much more complex than any previous entry for all the best reasons. Tier 5s are powerful but reasonably so; they add a lot of power and strategic thinking to your defensive plans, because now you are usually planning around 1-3 tier 5 towers and as well your hero of choice. Which is another new interesting quirk they've added to this game that separates it from the others: Heroes. Not to be confused with Bloons TD 5's special agents; these quirky individuals are a special monkey type that upgrades itself over time and perform different roles which include: DPS, Support, Income surplus, and as well can give special buffs to other towers. I won't go into detail about them however, because I don't want to be here all night. (as an aside: My favorite hero is Quincy). The powers in this game like all of them are forgettable if you're like me and never use them, but I would highly recommend having a surplus of farmers and instant monkeys because of their usefulness in any given game.

Another point that deserves to be made is the pleasant art style this game has; it's not anything spectacular or revolutionary, but it's an art style that doesn't ever become annoying nor boring to look at it; and as well the sound track only complements this. It's standard music as far as the Bloons series goes (which is to say relaxing and fitting for the genre) but the remixes they add ingame are funky, quirky, and generally a very welcome addition to the already lovely sound track. The designs of the monkeys themselves are charming, cute, and comically absurd in many cases. My favorite examples are the Mortar's various suits and the casualness of the fact that he's literally launching nuclear bombs, Benjamin and both of his skins (Benjammin is the best skin ingame, in my opinion), Obyn's final level look, and all stages of the Wizard monkey.

Now, what would a good game be without some difficulty? This game introduces the B.A.D. blimp and as well brings back many others from days gone by. The game is reasonably hard, the first hard round in the game is 4, then 15, 40, 42, 51, 55, 63, 76, 78, 89, 95, 98, and 99. (In my opinion at least). I won't spoil why they're hard, but lets say that speed and dense rounds are both major threats. It's for sure the hardest game in the series, but that's not saying a lot because Bloons is admittedly not a difficult series. Most rounds are samey from 5 but there's some curve balls here and there.

In conclusion, Bloons TD 6 is for sure a sight to behold. A series that touched the childhood of many including myself has sprung from its flash game origins into a modern game of epic proportions. I didn't even touch on minigames like races, bloon bosses, and the odyssey. It's a staple in the tower defense genre and if you even scarcely enjoy the genre I think you'd like this. It's admittedly a little samey at times with your defenses and game plans, but that didn't stop me from clocking in 700+ hours. It is of course not a master piece that will persevere for the ages, don't get me wrong. But it's a fun game for people of all ages and I highly encourage anyone who liked the previous games or anyone who likes tower defense in general to try it out.
Posted September 6, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
10.4 hrs on record (9.2 hrs at review time)
It's okay I guess. I just like to speed run.
Posted February 11, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
3,129.9 hrs on record (1,381.1 hrs at review time)
I hate this game and the devs suck but yet Tf2 endures. What a shame.
Posted January 12, 2018. Last edited February 19.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries