Niedersachsen, Germany
May the Force be with you.

Faceit []
Kirjautunut ulos
CTYRE 2.6. klo 13.52 
siema, dodaj do znaj prosze, mam pytanie
LAD.winters_ ♕ 22.4. klo 16.08 
Retarded BOT. Not only is he completely garbage, he can't even kick blatant WH cheaters. Really hope that's you in the pic you ugly fatso
Fenrikora 20.3. klo 11.00 
KLAUS 25.2. klo 9.11 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ wh cheating in faceit
Ross-Pierre Dolevas 24.2. klo 6.31 
+rep, siema, dodaj do znaj prosze
mam pytanie
S1MAJK1 22.2. klo 15.17 
-rep cheater faceit