d   Cuanza Sul, Angola
Kirjautunut ulos
1 VAC-kielto merkitty | Tietoa
2267 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
Counter-Strike 2
Imitator, intimidator, stimulator
Simulator of data eliminator
There's never been a greater since the burial of Jesus
♥♥♥♥ around and catch all the venereal diseases
My thesis'll smash a stereo to pieces
My acappella releases classic masterpieces
Through telekinesis, it eases you mentally
Gently, sentimentally, instrumentally
With entity, dementedly meant to be Infinite
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 245 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 20.2.2020
yhteensä 199 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 12.2.2020
yhteensä 2 197 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 19.10.2019
Loepert 15.11.2020 klo 15.15 
His aim is solid but he gets mad at enemy's that use the AWP
Eldros | Köper skins 17.1.2020 klo 11.31 
Hey. Tomorrow im opening 70-100x cases and would like to open the new operation shattered web cases. If you got any of the new ones to sell to me for a good price I would be grateful! Have a nice day.
Tadbee 19.4.2019 klo 14.00 
-rep (10iq)
𝙕𝙇𝙊𝙔 25.3.2019 klo 14.08 
typoe yebiwe nice hacks
Miller 8.2.2019 klo 10.36 
-rep low iq
Oslo 11.1.2019 klo 17.51 
Wanna trade my knife your knife ?